Friday, September 27, 2024

Crazy Cenky

 I recently watched a debate with Piers Morgan and a panel of political individuals, Candace Owens, Cenk Uygar, and Erik Prince. Putting aside my personal feelings about Piers Morgan for a moment, I wanted to show off this interview that I saw on YouTube. As you probably can tell, Piers is a moderate, according to himself, Candace and Erik are Trump supporters. Erik also has served this country fighting in the war in Iraq. And of course, Cenk is a radical leftist. The debate is about the war in Palestine, and some discussions about Trump come up as well. When the interview goes on, Cenk loses his mind completely! Just like he always does. Keep in mind when you are watching this video, this is the same man who says all right-wingers are "crazy" and "unhinged", and what they do is far worse than what any leftists have ever done.

Piers brings this up during the interview, but I notice Cenk blows his top a lot. He's worse than Mount St. Helens! Piers tries to get Cenk to note the irony in his calling right-wingers "crazy". That's funny when you see this, because the only one losing his mind and acting crazy in this entire show is Cenk Uygar! The one and only leftist in the panel, and he simply cannot keep it together for 3 seconds! LMAO!!! But to be truthful, he's no different than any other leftist. All leftists are violent, unhinged people who, at the same time, just don't seem to know how crazy they actually are. What is even sadder is that leftists listen to people like Cenk Uygar, and his behavior becomes so normal to them, because that's all they are exposed to, that they don't realize they're unhinged. They're either always angry, yelling, or crying. There is no in between with them. Which is also ironic, considering how leftists think everything is on some kind of spectrum. Even things that aren't.

Cenk is no teenager either! He's a grown man. He makes my father look as peaceful as a dove! The last time I saw someone lose their mind the way Cenk does over and over again in this video, was when I saw CopperCab participate in an interview with Bearing on YouTube. He got so angry, he literally foamed at the mouth. I'm surprised Cenk didn't do the same. Not that I saw. But if you look carefully, you can probably see the veins in his forehead throbbing!

Well, I like how Candace responds to Cenk's tantrums. She describes his attitude perfectly here. She describes him as being like a toddler who starts throwing his toys because he can't get what he wants. LOL! It's so TRUE!!!! He does act like that. I kinda wonder if that is how he was raised. Candace said he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd never been spanked by his parents or challenged in any way. And anyone who ever tried to challenge him, it didn't go well for them. He gets as crazy as he thinks right-wingers are. Every one of his reactions to what is being said is completely off the rails, and childish. I think he may be a little bit flatulent too.

The leftists just cannot stop talking about Trump. I hope Trump is feeling flattered. He is living rent-free in their minds. The leftists even know how to turn a random act of kindness Trump does into something horrible and evil. There is a video going around of Trump visiting a grocery store and getting a bag of popcorn. He finds a random stranger and gives her $100 towards her groceries. The left is saying this is an illegal act. They liken it to buying votes. But no one really knows the whole scenario that wasn't caught on camera. Trump may not have been on a campaign trip. I've seen him just randomly hand out money to people. He always does that. I don't think his campaign had anything to do with this random act. The leftists just want to be angry about everything. It seems that they have forgotten that Obama and Hillary did a lot of illegal acts during their campaigns. Obama took a lot of illegal donations for his campaigns, and Hillary hid the donations and spendings she made during her campaigning in 2015 in the emails she deleted. These have been proven true. Not conspiracy theories.

Now, someone like Cenk would say the Hillary and Obama reports are nothing more than "conspiracy theories". But then he'll go with the leftist crowd and say Trump paying for someone else's groceries was illegal. Even though we don't have the full story, and Trump didn't hide anything. This is another big reason I hate the leftists. When someone says what Kamala and Obama did was illegal, it's always "oh that's just a conspiracy theory!" from them. Even if we have all the facts against them. If you ask me, I don't think it's proper for anyone running for president, or any role in the American government offices, to be calling for assassination of their opponents. Kamala has done that repeatedly! Trump has never done the same to her! But if someone so much as mentions Trump in any imaginary scenario, like if someone were to say he did call for the assassination of Kamala, the leftists would automatically believe it, instead of understanding that it was meant to be just a fictional scenario. They'd be going up and down the country shouting "Trump is trying to get Kamala killed! He's a monster!" Cenk calls Trump a "monster" a lot in this video, as you may have seen. Personally, I think Kamala Harris is an even bigger monster.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Assassination "Teams"?

 OK this Trump assassination thing is getting way out of hand! Now, I hear on a podcast that leftists have created assassination "teams" to go across country hunting for Trump. This is one thing I don't like about leftists. They're crazy asf! They just won't let Trump go. And I'm telling you all right now, if anything happens to Donald Trump, I'm holding the mainstream media personally responsible! If Trump is killed, I will do everything possible to cancel the mainstream media. Even if I have to show up at their personal homes with a group of other protesters and put a sign on each of their front gates calling them murderers! Or make a personal trip, ring their doorbells and run. I could do more, but I am not a violent person, and have no desire to harm anyone. I don't want to stoop to the leftists' level.

I will totally blame the leftist media if Trump is killed. They are now trying to say Trump is being targeted and it's all his own fault. Umm, no it isn't you stupid fools! Trump is just doing what he does, he's trying to campaign. He's living his best life and wants to help America. If anything happens to him, it will be the fault of the democrats. No one else! They are the ones who keep talking shit after each assassination attempt, saying it's a conspiracy and other BS like that. Typical leftists don't want to take responsibility for their own shortcomings. Just blame Trump or whatever else they are into blaming these days. They also keep saying things like "Don't miss next time" and "they keep missing him". I know it's impossible for leftists to look outside the box but think for a moment how that kind of talk sounds to someone who is a leftist narcissist and would love the attention. I don't want to speak any further on that because I don't want to put out ideas. I think I've even said too much already.

So far though, all assassination attempts on Trump have been carried out by leftists, and all have happily failed. But this idea of assassination "teams"? Now, that's going WAY too far! Makes me mad these people just won't leave Trump alone! But me, and a lot of other conservatives are actively praying Trump remains safe and sound. I want him back in office! I don't want that stinky old Kamala Harris. I hate her! She didn't even get the nomination fair and square. The only reason she got put up for a presidential candidate is because she was Biden's VP and she's a colored woman. Biden only selected her to be his VP because she's colored and a woman. She has no merit whatsoever, and nobody likes her.

Of course, when has a leftist ever valued merit over skin-color? They don't. That's why they're dumb. I personally don't care about skin color. That only matters to colored leftists. I'll talk to black people. A lot of them have a good sense of humor. Some are beautiful people inside and out. But I will not talk to them if they display a bad attitude. Call that racist all you want to, I will never accept the leftist ideology that skin color is more important than character. In that sense, I agree with MLK Jr. When I am out with someone I am friends with, I don't give any mentions about skin color or whether they are thinner or fatter than me. I just don't care. If I comment on them in any way, it's going to be on their quality of character. To me, that is the most important thing.

I can tell you now, there's a lot of white people I wouldn't give the time of day to because they have such a nasty disposition. That's why I don't like that wacky woman in building B here. Besides the fact she makes all fat people look as bad as her. Fat people already have a bad stigma surrounding them, and have for a long time. We don't need someone like that wacky woman to come along and prove the attackers correct. That's why she makes me so angry. She is the exact characterization of what fat haters think of fat people.

I ran into her quite by accident the other day at the fairgrounds. She was parked in the grass and she was lying behind her car like some kind of gigantic speed bump. I wanted to go for a walk down that little path I am always walking. I had both my dogs with me. For some reason I did not see her parked there. I think it was because there was too much sun glare that day. I didn't see her there until we got closer and then her old dog came rushing out barking. Scared my dogs, and Ele started to go for the dog. I didn't want her damn dog to attack my Ele or Mya, so I had to cut that walk short. I was angry! I wanted to key her car all to hell that's how angry I was. I don't want her dog and mine to make any contact. If her dog were to attack my dogs, no doubt she'd stiff me. She'd be blaming my dogs or me for her dog attacking. I don't know that for sure, I just have the feeling she is the type that would do that.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Second Attempt

 Remember at the beginning of the year, I predicted that Trump would run for office and there would be assassination attempts. I wrote about that in my timmyfan blog. I knew it was going to happen. Not because I can predict the future. But because I know about human psychology. I'm no doctor. I don't have a Ph.D in the subject. But I know what makes people tick. I knew the leftists were just sick enough to try something like this. Throughout history, assassination attempts have always happened to republicans, and it was always leftists that perpetrated them! And I knew that was the one and only thing the leftists haven't tried yet to stop Trump from winning the election. I also knew the democrats were getting scared and worried that Trump will win. It's not hard to figure out this would be their next plan.

Well, this past weekend, another attempt was made on Trump's life. The last time this happened the perpetrator, named Matthew Thomas Crooks, just barely grazed Trump's head. But he did kill another spectator at the rally. A real American hero named Corey Comperatore. He was a hero because he worked as a volunteer fire fighter. But that day he was a hero because he gave his life to save his children from Crook's gunfire. Trump was bleeding when he lifted his head back up, but he was OK. He pumped his fist in the air and chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Well, it's now been tried for the second time. This time, some chowder-brain, named Ryan Wesley Routh, went directly to Trump's golf course in Florida. He shot at Trump. Both criminals used the same style rifle, an AR-15-style rifle, but unlike Crook, who was killed by Trump's security team, Routh got away for a while but was later caught.

It is claimed that both shooters were registered republicans, which is a bunch of leftist media bullshit! I realize there are republicans who do not like Trump. But I highly doubt either one of these shooters were republican in any way, shape or form! One reason I don't believe it is because Crook gave donations to the Biden Administration. And Routh was a radical environmentalist who cheered for the Ukraine. There is some kind of stigma among leftists that Trump and Putin are friends, because Trump was seen laughing and chatting with him in a news video. But what leftist media won't tell them is Trump actually whispered to Putin that he'd better not invade the Ukraine. But the leftists will never know that because they only watch leftist media, which does not tell the whole story, and listen to the same echo chamber.

One thing I constantly hear from leftists, and Kamala Harris focused a bit too much on it during the debate she had with Trump, was Charlottesville. The leftists have it stuck in their craw about how Trump stated there were "good people on both sides". But what they don't get, probably because the leftist media never mentions it, is that in the very next sentence, Trump said "I'm not talking about the racists and neonazis. They're all evil". The debate between Kamala and Trump was unfair to begin with! ABC asked Trump a lot of very hard questions, yet they handled Kamala Harris with kid gloves. I know Trump is getting sick and tired of these damn leftists treating him so unfairly. They would never debate on his terms. They only allow them to debate on the leftists' terms! And as leftists, they are downright cruel to Trump! I'm sick and tired of it too. Trump asked for an unbiased network to host the debate twice! But his opponents refused. First it was they wouldn't do the debate unless CNN was the host, and this time, Kamala wouldn't do the debate except on ABC. Both networks are prejudiced against Trump and they knew it! I cannot blame Trump for looking so uncomfortable there. But even with totally biased hosts, Trump still got both Harris and Biden in those debates. Maybe he didn't win in the eyes of the leftists. But he did conjure up the very best comebacks!

I remember seeing in the debate with Harris, Trump kept his cool and said how Harris keeps saying Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy. He isn't! The real threat is Kamala Harris and Joe Biden! The dumb leftists! Trump at least, won the 2016 election fair and square! Nobody had to cheat. Despite the bullshit that Hillary Clinton spewed about some collusion with Russia! Even after Trump won, Clinton was still saying Trump is an illegitimate president. That he won using help from Russia. Just saying all kinds of horrible things to make Trump look bad. The worst part of it was, I actually believed her. I am so glad I am no longer a leftist! I guess I can thank the INXS fans for that. LOL! But I should have known better than to follow the ideas from someone who is an admirer of Margaret Sanger! Then she turns around and says Trump is racist. Again, more bullshit! With as much verbal diarrhea as Clinton shits from her mouth, I'd hate to be standing near her talking.

Well anyway, thank GOD Trump is still OK. The last shooter missed just like the first one. But if you ask me, I think Trump needs to vamp up his security! The leftists always claim to be the ones who are compassionate. But they are making jokes about Trump's second assassination attempt. They keep saying "Don't miss next time!" It's the same thing they said when the other shooter tried to kill Trump at a rally a month ago. But I thank GOD that both shooters were very bad at shooting Trump. I hope they never succeed in killing Trump. We need him. The majority of the country needs him and wants him back. I had hopes I was wrong about the assassination attempts on Trump this year. Or any time! But I just thank GOD he's OK, and pray HE continues to protect Trump.

Friday, September 13, 2024

You Really Wanna Help?

 There is so much conflicting opinions about people who are fat. Or obese. Personally, I think the word obese sounds classier. Saying just "fat" sounds very low-class. Like calling black people the "n" word. No matter whether the person chose to be fat or not, saying the word "fat" just sounds very crude. I've gotten all kinds of people giving me all kinds of excuses they use to call fat people names. Some of the most common excuses I hear are:

"Fat people are a strain on our health care system"

"I hate fat people"

"I call fat people names to get them to lose weight"

"Fat people choose to be fat"

Frankly, I don't believe any one of them! I think they're all bullshit. I think those excuses were propagated by people who think they're funny, but really aren't, and probably just popped out of their mommy's ass that morning. I want to use this post to translate what I believe people who use these excuses are really saying. If you ask me, calling anyone names, whether it be because they are too fat, or too thin, or the color of their skin, or have a disability, is nothing short of a bully. I also want to debunk the excuses that I can.

Fat people are a strain on our health care system. →→ Now, you cannot get me to believe you are cruel to fat people because you're worried about the health care system! Especially if you are a child anywhere under 20 years old! I don't mind the name-calling. But don't lie and say you're calling me names because you are worried about the health care system! I'd have a little more respect for you.

I hate fat people. →→ OK. So what? I hate a lot of things. That does not mean I'm going to be cruel to that thing. I hate lions. That does not mean I'm gonna go out and kill every lion I see. I believe in live and let-live.

I call fat people names to get them to lose weight. →→ Believe me, fat shaming does not work! It may work in the moment, but it won't last. Some fat people eat to help themselves feel good. So, when the anger from being called names wears off, an average fat person will turn to food for comfort. Fat-shaming only works about maybe 1% of the time, if not less.

Fat people choose to be fat. →→ Well, not always. There are some factors that cause people to gain weight that are beyond their control. Besides the usual thyroid problems, there is also Crohn's disease, medications, and even complications from a surgery (such was the case for me) that can cause someone to put on weight. And sometimes being fat is genetic. You don't know what that person's situation is. So, it's best not to judge.

I've actually seen a person who said he rides on his bicycle every day, and always makes it a point to ride-by insult any fat people he sees. I told him he's a coward. A wussy! Anyone who would call someone names passing by them in their car or on a bicycle is obviously a person who has some deep-rooted, severe problems of their own, and too cowardly to face anyone. And I would also venture to say those people who do that feel some amount of shame for being so cruel and having no class.

If you really want to help fat people lose weight, you know what really works? Encouragement! If you see a fat person walking down the street, then either leave them alone or very nicely state "Good job walking! Keep up the good work!" Trust me, that works a hell of a lot better than calling them childish names. Someone like me, I'm more likely to listen to someone who is kind and friendly than someone who is mean and hateful.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cenk Yugar Is Anti-Semantic

 That man needs to have a swastika tattooed on his head! BTW, I'm not serious. I don't know for sure if Cenk Yugar is truly anti-semantic. But I was watching a video yesterday that Resist The Mainstream (YouTube) did of The Young Turks. Ana Kasparian really laid into Cenk Yugar on this subject! She said things I've been saying for a long time! Cenk Yugar thinks he can read Trump's mind. But he can't. A simple person cannot read the mind of another person. So, I think Cenk needs to STOP acting like he knows what Trump is thinking when he says or does something. I must say, I am totally impressed by Ana Kasparian! She is still not a Trump supporter, but it looks like from this clip, at least she is getting cured of TDS. I'm proud of her! I really am! Watch this clip...

I always say, there is already too much division in this country. I don't say a person has to like Trump. There are things he does even I don't like. But he's not Princess Diana. I'm not voting for Mr. Congeniality here! I'm voting for a strong man who can clean up the mess that has been made of this country! The only one who can do that is Trump! I don't care what people have accused him of. I don't give a shit about Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carrol! I think they're both phonies! I never believed their Trump rape stories from the beginning! And now, they've both been proven to be liars, and the DAs who prosecuted Trump for those cases are also proven to be corrupt!!! So to the TDS-media victims I say SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP! Leave Trump alone and let him run this country as he sees fit.

However, I just know Kamala Harris is going to win. If she does, then this whole country is screwed! But nobody likes her. How can she win? You might be asking. Well, the democrats cheated before in the 2020 election. No doubt they are dumb enough to try that again! If you mention anything about cheating on the last election, in a lot of websites and social media, it'll get you kicked off. But if you say something like "Trump raped his wife and is holding her captive" no one will so much as blink an eyeball! And the media might even run it, and all the media-obsessed leftards will be repeating it the same day! Leftists blindly believe anything that is the popular opinion. But there was grand-scale cheating in the 2020 election! My sis and I watched the whole thing. I remember watching the numbers very closely. For a while, it looked like Trump was winning. But then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Biden votes started piling up, and then there were NO MORE Trump votes! Now, you can say what you want about Trump, but I don't believe for one second, the man who could barely draw in 100 people for a rally got that far ahead of Trump in the polls!!!!!!!! If you look at Trump rallies, his supporters lined up for miles in some cases, just to get in! If you look closely at Kamala rallies, there's usually barely 100 people there. The DNC has all the attendees gather closely in seats behind Kamala Harris to make it look like there's more people at her rallies than there really are. And I heard from somewhere those people are actually paid to sit there and look cheerful. Though I don't know for sure if that's true.

Hey! At least I can admit it if I am not sure about something. Although I wouldn't doubt it if I were the one in power. Nobody likes Kamala Harris. It would be like if I got up and gave a speech at some kind of INXS convention. None of them like me either. So, it's likely no one would come to hear my speech unless they were paid to do so. Not that there is any such thing as an INXS convention. LOL!! But I can honestly say it's been tried among fans twice before. But who is going to go to those? I sure as Hell wouldn't now. I only like a few of the fans and I don't really care to meet anymore. Especially now that I know what they are really like deep inside. In Michael's own words; I've seen inside their heart. Most of them don't have one though.

But I used to be just like them! It's no secret that in the beginning, I hated Trump. I believed all the lies the media said about him. It's also no coincidence that back then, I used to watch The Young Turks. My own wake-up call, ironically, was the last turmoil I had with the INXS fans. One person told lies about me, then another person believed it, then another, then another, then another, then so-on and so-on. My sister told me that's how leftists are. They believe only the popular opinion. They don't ever bother to look at both sides of an argument. And especially if the person spreading the lies happens to be a leftist, then the person being lied about is definitely screwed! Well, it took a bit to realize what the INXS fans were doing to me was no different than what I was doing to Trump. That is when I got off Facebook and started doing my own research. I stopped listening to the media, and started studying Trump for myself. I listened to a lot of conservative podcasts and watching videos by conservatives about Trump. I slowly began to realize this man is not as bad as the media has been saying he is! The more I learned about him, the more I liked him. Now, I consider myself a full supporter of Trump. I think the big clincher was when Trump signed a bill making animal abuse a felony. That was the final straw when Trump really captured my heart. I love animals. I'd never want to see one hurt. I can honestly say now, I like animals more than people. In fact, people make me downright sick!

I've got to tell you, even INXS fans I never thought would turn against me, actually did turn against me! But I've been hearing a lot that a lot of other people who support Trump have been getting the same thing from leftists they've considered friends. I hear it all the time. People they have been friends with for YEARS even. People they've even helped out of rough situations, let their own politics get in the way of their friendship. And I noticed this only happens with leftists. I've never heard of conservatives saying "if you support Biden, then I'm not your friend!" I whole-heartedly blame Obama for this! Because I noticed leftists were not like this before Obama became president! It's only after Obama knew he could not run for a third term that leftists went loony. And I do believe Obama was the first one to say Trump is racist. I also believe he stated if you support Trump, then you support racism. And all because he could not run for president a third time, and Hillary Clinton did not win! So, when I see a leftist unfriend someone just because they support Trump, I automatically blame Obama because he was the one who got that ball rolling! That is why I HATE Obama with so much passion!

Friday, August 30, 2024

My Experiences With People

 People are no damn good! They aren't much fun. With most people if you say one thing they disagree with, they'll fall apart and hate you forever. I've been bullied most of my young life. No matter how nice I have tried to be towards people. I always get bullied, usually for no real reason. I try to be honest, as I like it better when people are honest to me. Even if it's criticism. I'm honest without being cruel. Or I used to be. Not so much anymore. The last turmoil I had with INXS fans that I thought were "friends" turned me hateful. It's funny that anonymous chick said the INXS fans are now disgusted at what I have become, considering they were the ones who caused me to become that disgusting person they hate so much now. When I was always nice to them, sharing pictures, videos and other things of INXS, they hated me. They never acted so much like they did, but I knew how to read between the lines. I tried to maintain a sense of civility with them. But it turned out my original instincts were right. They really did hate me. One person let it slip when she visited my blog once. I was not shocked, nor surprised, to hear that. Because deep inside, I was already aware of that. I just didn't want to be the first one to make the move and say or do anything that would cause them to show their hatred towards me. So, I kept up a cheerful and sweet disposition as long as I could. I knew the truth would come out eventually. And it did! It ALWAYS does! LOL! People can only pretend for so long.

Throughout my life, there have always been people who dislike me. I understand that. As long as they kept their distance from me, and didn't say anything, I was OK with them not liking me. I don't call that bullying. What is bullying is when they say they don't like me, but they won't leave me alone, or they do everything in their power to get my attention, even after they said they don't like me. And I cannot say I can't be accused of that myself, to a small degree, I don't harass them EVERY day!! And I would never physically harm anyone or anything. One example of bullying was this girl I knew when we were staying in Fircrest for a while. Her name was Deanna. We cliqued at first because we have the same first name. But when I visited her for the first time, it got sour quickly. The reason she didn't like me was understandable. She liked to play with dolls and I didn't. When a friend I had got curious why she didn't like me, she told her that I came to her house and was asking her mom for "this n that n this n that". The only thing I truly remember asking her mom for was a glass of water, and if she had any drawing paper. And I was thirsty! But then I thought "Oh well! Whatever!" and went on my merry way.

Deanna would not let things go though. She would constantly approach me every day and remind me that she hated me. I didn't mind her hating me so much. I got used to it. But she got a bit obsessive-compulsive about telling me! She even got physical toward the end of my stay in Fircrest. Well, somewhat. She had escalated from just telling me she hated me to actually destroying anything I was working on. She only got to do that once though. For some reason, I was playing in the sand, and I had made a little sand pile. As I was concentrating on that, I heard a mean, evil voice say from above my head "Oh you're making one of those things, are you?" I looked up and it was Deanna, standing there with a cast on her arm, and one of her friends standing beside her. She had this angry look on her face, and I'd swear she was foaming at the mouth! Then, with a mighty kick of one foot, she knocked down my sand pile saying "Now you've got nothing!" I was angry. I did the only thing I knew how to do then, I started crying from frustration and asking "Is she ever going to leave me alone?" My crying caught the attention of some much older kids nearby, and they caught Deanna. They threatened to kick her butt if she did not apologize to me. At first, Deanna refused. Then the kids all gathered around her and began kicking her butt until soon, Deanna was on the ground, crying. They even asked me if I wanted to kick her butt too. But I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to hurt Deanna--I think I kinda felt sorry for her being she had a broken arm--I just wanted her to leave me alone. From that day on, she did leave me alone.

She still hated me, but at least she left me alone after that. By the time my father had moved us to Lakewood later that year, I was so disillusioned with the whole making friends and losing them thing that I didn't even try to make friends in this new school. In fact, for the first 2 weeks I was at this new school, I stayed hidden in this big cluster of bushes that were up against one of the buildings. I just figured what was the point in trying to make friends here? We'll just have to move away again and I'll have to leave all of them behind. I had a LOT of friends when we lived in Fircrest. I had Brownie troups, Girl Scouts, after school activities where I could meet up with all my friends. The only contender I had to deal with in Fircrest was Deanna. I had to leave that all behind when my dad moved us to Lakewood. From the first moment we moved there, I was completely uncomfortable. I felt out of place. I was miserable. And that feeling persisted all the way until we moved out 22 years later. I said I am NEVER moving back to this town again! No matter how hard things would get in my life. The people there in Lakewood were just plain crazy!!! My ma once told me it was because most of them moved there from California. I'm not saying everyone there was crazy. But the best of the best ones died within 5 years of us moving there.

I remember my 3rd grade class there in Lakewood. The kids in that area were nowhere near as compassionate as the kids in Fircrest were. Remember when I was harassed by Deanna and started crying, and those older kids came to my rescue? When I went to that school in Lakewood, the kids there would push me to the ground, and then I'd start crying and they'd point and laugh at me. Often, they would tell the adults in charge that they didn't do anything and that I just saw them and started crying. When one girl named Sandy said to me "Nobody likes you in this class!" I was again not shocked, nor surprised. I was really not even trying to make friends at this school. My shyness was often mistaken for slowness. I always got from the other kids "Is your sister retarded?" When I first moved there, I didn't even know what "retarded" means. I'd never heard that word before. Not even from older kids back in my other schools. I asked my ma what it meant and she told me nothing good. The only thing those kids had to go by to give them some kind of idea my sis is retarded was that she wanted to meet some of the neighborhood kids there by inviting them to a slumber party. I'm not sure how a simple invitation to get to know people would translate to those loonies as being "retarded". But I guess that is what goes on in the minds of Californians.

One big thing I've noticed over the years; people who look evil generally are evil. I remember when I was in Middle school there in Lakewood, there was a boy named Simon. I don't remember his last name, but I do remember he was a fat boy (fatter than I was back then) with medium-length blond hair. He was only there at that school for my first year. After that year ended, I never saw him again. I only had him in one class, and that was my PE class. It was more than enough. I tried being nice to him at first, because it was just my thing to be nice to everyone. But he was just mean-spirited. I don't think he had many friends. I never saw him crack a smile, and when he tried, his smile still looked like an evil grin. The one thing I most remember about him was his cold, dead, steel-blue eyes. I remember one time he caught me glancing at him as I was reading, and he looked up at me and asked very rudely, "What are you looking at?" I was reading a book, and he just happened to come into my field of vision. I looked for a bit yes, but only to see if what was crawling around me was a person or a pig. But then my eyes went back to my book once I was sure what I was seeing. Then Simon walks away and says "You'd better stop looking at me!" And I had to look at him again to hear what he's saying! LOL! Believe me, he was not a pleasant sight! I'd even go so far as to say he was downright HOMELY! I could not get over how evil his face looked! He'd make Godfrey Baguma look like Regé-Jean Page. If Simon were in school today, I'd definitely peg him as the type to perform a school shooting. In fact, if he's not already, I'm sure he spent a great deal of time in prison.

He didn't like me looking at him, for whatever crazy reason went through his mind. But I would very often catch him looking right at me when I walked anywhere near where he was. So, I don't understand what his point was telling me I'd better stop looking at him. I never did so voluntarily. Like I said, he was no porcelain doll!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cringe DNC

Well, I heard the Democratic National Convention is meeting now and I've got to tell you, it's unbearable! Well, the first time I heard about them and saw one of their annual meetings, it was hilarious! One of the funniest things I've ever seen was this trans "woman" stand up after the announcer said "you guys", and he gets up and he's out of breath and he says with a great deal of desperation in his voice "Stop using gendered language!" The announcer wasn't even talking to him! But he quickly got up and spewed that anyway. Another thing I remember about that meeting, besides the fact it looked like a damn freak-show at the circus, the participants were not allowed to clap their hands. Because apparently, the loud sound of clapping scares some of those people. What a bunch of wussies!

Well anyway, you're not going to believe what they have now at this year's event. Of course they all met to try and tear down Donald Trump. That's nothing unusual. They still were doing that even when Trump was not in office. But they were also trying to build up Kamala Harris. One of my buds on Facebook said it's beginning to look like we are going to have Kamala Harris as our next president. I told him I hope he's wrong! The democrats don't like it when we say this, but I'm gonna say it anyways. If Kamala Harris wins, then I am going to KNOW for sure there was a conspiracy! Because NOBODY likes her! Surely not enough people like her for her to win the election. Not without the democrats doing something underhanded to help her win.

Then apparently Joe Blow shows up and everyone in there was crying at that moment as if he was the second coming of Jesus Christ. Well, in their eyes, he is Jesus Christ. UGH! They don't believe in GOD, so instead they praise and worship Joe Biden. I'm glad I am not one of them! And they think we conservatives worship Trump? HAHAHA!! That kills me! In a humorous way. I don't worship Trump. I like him, but I don't worship him. I like his policies and his love for this country. I like how he puts America first in spite of what democrats think of him. But the only one I worship is GOD. But I think that was one of the most cringe-ass moments I've ever seen in my life! Crying over a stupid old fart who was totally washed-up from the beginning anyway. It's their own fault for putting him in the White House anyway!

But it gets much worse. In the parking lot of this convention, there was a big motorhome from Planned Parenthood. Were they giving out t-shirts? Mugs? Brochures? Not really. The biggest things they were giving out was free abortions and vasectomies! Now, how many women are going to this convention pregnant? And how many of the men really want to have someone cut their tubes onsite? I wonder how many customers they got at that meeting? Someone filmed the motorhome Planned Parenthood set up, and the majority of people who went in there were colored people. And the democrats want to stop white people from reproducing. Did you ever notice the only time nowadays you see white people in any commercials is when it's an advertisement for birth control? I noticed that the other day. At first I was like "Finally! An old-fashioned type commercial" and then I realized it was for birth control. Yet the only people going into the Planned Parenthood booth at the DNC were colored folks.

And another thing, what about the people there who don't like to be reminded of their proper gender? Are they performing tube ties on biological women who think they're men and calling them "vasectomies"? Are they performing vasectomies on biological men and telling them they're tying their tubes? The whole transgender thing is dumb and needs to be completely eradicated! In order to really do that, we need to stop affirming them, and get rid of this "protected" status they seem to have. Another thing that happened at this DNC, a real woman got up to speak about women's rights. Now, I'm no feminist and I don't like modern feminism either. But I am also not in favor of men taking women's rights away. Like the right to have women-only spaces and sports. Women have been fighting for those rights for years, and now it looks like some men have figured out a way to infiltrate themselves into womens' privacy. By becoming trans. Anyways, you know what happened to those women who spoke at the DNC? They were called "TERFs" and beaten up by men who think they're women. Thank GOD they weren't hurt badly. But this is what giving a "protected" status does to these people. They think they can get away with physically harming real women without any provocation.

I believe equal rights is a good thing. Usually if a woman hits a man first, he has every right to put her in her place. But to cause violence because women think men should not be allowed in their spaces? That's not provoking anyone. If anything, it's the trans-"women" who were provoking the real women. This is why we need to start standing up to these bullies! Men have no business harming women who did nothing to them. My ma always told me not to be the first one to put my hands on anyone. People can say whatever they want to. That does not bother me. But once you put your hands on someone else, it's game over! And it's only fair that they hit me back. And vice-versa. I don't like being touched by strangers anyway!

Another thing about the DNC this year, they asked Jeffrey Marsh to speak at their convention. YUK! I hate that guy! More than anything! He's even worse than Dylan Mulvaney, I think. Both of them suck, but I think between the two of them, Jeffrey Marsh is the worst. I cannot even stand hearing his voice. His voice is like a needle jutting up my spine! Like nails on a chalkboard. He has no redeeming qualities either. He's just completely CRINGE!!!!!! I enjoy watching Jeffrey Marsh about as much as I enjoy watching a lion hunting a hyena. Completely disgusting! I don't like it at all.

Well, in my life's book, I always call out when Corina comes to visit. Corina was the woman whose little girl I watched a couple times when no one else would. I don't even know why I am always calling out when she comes, I was never her friend. She's a nice and sweet person, and I adore her children. But, being real here, I was never Corina's friend. Yet every time I see her here, I always announce "Corina's here". Not necessarily in an excited manner, but for some reason, I always announce it. LOL! Well, she still has friends here. But when I said goodbye to her, when she moved out of this complex, I knew that was the last time we were going to speak to each other. That's just the way it is with me. I've gotten used to every time I like someone, whether a little or a lot, then I go months without seeing them again. Then the next time I do see them, I am completely snubbed by them. I'm used to that. It doesn't bother me, but at the same time, I still feel like in a way, we're still in each others' lives. I notice it when Corina comes here. But I don't, and have no intention, of speaking to her in any way. And I expect the same thing from her. Not because I have any issues with her. But that's just how I am.

That may sound like an awful way to treat people. But it is what it is. Life is just too short and I'm too old now to let what some stranger thinks of me ruin my days. And yes, people who I don't consider friends are strangers to me. I'd have to know someone really well in order to consider them a friend. And I just don't know Corina that well.

Speaking of strangers, I have a feeling I know who that anonymous chick was who got my last blog deleted. It's not Corina! LOL! Not that I ever actually thought that. But I have a feeling I know who it was. The person has been reading my blog for a while, knows all my former hang-out spots, etc. I won't say for sure whom I believe it is, but I have a hunch I'm not wrong. One thing I remember him saying is the speculative evolution fans used to admire my work. No they didn't. A few did, maybe. But the majority did nothing but complain about me and my Metazoic project. Then he brought up the INXS fans. That also made me laugh. For one reason, the INXS fans are the biggest group of leftists I ever had the displeasure of dealing with. I told this dude that I have the best of the bunch among my Facebook buds now. I don't give a shit about the rest! Besides, they were the ones that created the new me. They hated the sweet, kind and giving me. So, that me doesn't exist anymore. Not where they are concerned. To me, the other INXS fans these days are more like gum on my shoes, a mere annoyance that I step on and scrape off.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Shoulda Warned Her

I thought about it when all that happened. Remember that chick that came in here and got my timmyfan blog deleted? She said she was going to "take me down a peg". LOL! She came in here hoping to change my mind about trans people. Well, I am always willing to hear another person's opinion. I cannot always say they can change my mind. That's not always guaranteed. But I will listen while they give me their point of view. If I don't like something, it's usually for a darn good reason. Once I got my mind set on something, it takes a lot to change it. I can be as stubborn as the leftists. Or maybe more so. I've had a lot of practice at it.

But there is one thing I should have warned our pal about. That is be careful how you present your opinion. If you do it wrong, you could make the person despise what you are fighting for even more. She may not have known it, but by having my blog deleted, she made me despise trans people even more. And I don't buy her idea that there are no fakers among trans people! There are PLENTY of fakers. And I have zero respect for them. That's why I don't bother to change anyone's mind. I just give my opinions and that is that. If people don't like my opinions, that is their prerogative. If I change someone's mind in any way, that is on them. Besides, I tend to get a little too passionate about my opinions. But for me to change my point of view completely, it takes a lot. I am the kind of person who needs to hear a good reason to change my mind.

I'm not saying ALL trans people are bad. I've never said that. There are some out there who truly have gender dysphoria, like Blaire White. But there are also a lot of them that are hiding behind the blanket of transgenderism to spy on girls' private areas, gain access to children when they shouldn't, beat out women in their own sports, and to simply have the ability to control other peoples' speech. And what's worse is there are still dumbasses out there that are either unaware of these fake trans people doing this, or they simply don't care, or deny it's happening. There are also people out there that may know all this is going on among trans people, but are too afraid to say anything. That's why I am here to speak out against them. It is the fakers that make all trans people look bad. People really have to be careful what they do and how they approach people. Just like in all conducts, a few bad individuals can ruin everything for an entire community.

That's why I don't like that wacky woman in building B here. She makes decent fat women look bad by acting like a shithead. Mya doesn't like her either. Every time she's around and Mya sees her, Mya comes running to me like her life depends on it. Ele actually chased her car once when she came into the fairgrounds. I didn't plan that, I swear! But I guess Ele wanted her to get lost too. You know what they say, dogs are good judges of character! Gotta love dogs!

Why Are Black People Unaware They Have Black Privilege?

We all have to endure the constant dronings on by black people about "white privilege". I'm not a white person and even I don't believe in "white privilege"! There is just no such thing. However, over the past years, I've noticed a great deal of black privilege being prominent in this world. I just wanted to point that out here. A similar question was asked on Quora in a group I am in. Only it was a black person asking why white people are unaware they have "white privilege". Well, I've never heard of white privilege until Obama brought it up first. But I have seen many cases of black privilege, and that is what I am here to discuss.

For one thing, black people have their own scholarship programs. There are also black-only dorms and even black-only colleges and universities. Where are the white-only scholarship programs? And white-only dorms and universities? Oh yeah! They don't exist because people would be griping that that is "racist". So there is one way white privilege does not exist, but black privilege does. For white privilege to exist, there would have to be white only scholarships and schools.

And speaking of schools, black people have a higher chance of getting accepted into universities like Yale and Harvard even with the lowest SAT scores. White people and Asians are often rejected altogether from universities only because of their skin tone. So there's another example of white privilege that does not exist. But black privilege does.

I saw yesterday where someone wrote that if his home is broken into by a black person, and he calls 911, the dispatcher is likely to ask what race the intruder is before they even contact the police. If the intruder is black, you can forget about the police coming anytime soon, because arresting a black perpetrator is considered "racist", thanks to Obama and blm. So there is another way black privilege exists, but white privilege doesn't.

And speaking of blm, they got to raise over $90M in donations by burning down cities, looting and killing people, and all that money went to their own personal use. So, they got to fraud the public and nobody is allowed to say anything. No one even refers to their riots as being riots because it's considered "racist" to do so. But a group of non-colored people walk through the capitol building and take selfies on January 6, 2021 and the entire leftist party is up in arms and shitting their pants saying "white people are violent thugs!" So there is another demonstration of black privilege that exists.

Joe blow gave the blacks their own holiday (juneteenth) simply on their say-so. Now we all have to stay home on that day, cannot go anywhere because everything is closed. But LORD bewhoseit should white people ask for their own holiday! That would be considered "racist". And all the black thugs have ever done since they got the damn holiday is loot, kill each other and burn down more cities. And they do that every day anyway! So there is another example of black privilege that exists and white privilege that doesn't.

If a white person is pulled over by the police, they are more likely to get shot and killed than a black person. George Floyd killed himself by overdosing on Fentanyl. The police did not kill him. And in fact, if black people would just not try to run off, or try to fight or be smart with the police, we would never hear of them being "brutalized" by the police when they get pulled over! So, there is another incident that commonly happens that demonstrates black privilege, and where white privilege does not exist. The mainstream news also tends to talk less (if at all) about white people experiencing police brutality than black people.

So there are just a few examples of black privilege I have seen happen in the world today. No one ever thinks of it that way because all the black people have to do is slap a "racist" label on these things and the entire left-wing media will bitterly defend the black perpetrators. Or cry like a bunch of babies over it. Leftists make me sick! Black leftists make me sick too. Thank GOD I am totally immune from their stupid "racist" talk. I see their problems for what they really are; problems black people brought about on themselves. I don't mind black conservatives. But I do not like black leftists.

Speaking of which, what happened to Candace Owens??? I was watching a video someone did about her last night, and someone said as far as the Palestinian-Israel war goes, she's on the side of Palestine. That's not like her at all. At least, not like the Candace Owens I've come to know and admire. Apparently now, she hates Jews. I never did understand all the hatred that has been aimed at the Jewish people since the Biblical days. Why does everybody hate Jewish people?! Throughout history, I've noticed that the Jews have been some of the best actors, business people, the funniest and in some cases, the most handsome people I've ever seen! Yet, they keep going and are a very successful race! As for Candace Owens, I cannot believe she would actually show any hate towards any group of people. I kinda wonder if her resentment toward Jewish people now may have something to do with the bit of acrimony she could be feeling because she got fired by Ben Shapiro?

I kinda hope that's all it is, so she can get over it and move on. I don't like this side of Candace at all.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

I Think Blaire White Is Right!

 Look at this short video by Blaire White...

This is exactly why I have no respect for the average fake trans person. I think Blaire White is correct. I think a lot of recent "trans people" do use the system, and the stupidity of trans allies, to commit acts of pedophilia and get away with it. I find that totally disgusting!

One of the most popular questions trans allies ask people like me is all the same "How does them being trans affect you?" Well, as a real woman, it does affect me. I'd be totally uncomfortable if I saw a man in the bathroom with me. Even before Jonathan Yaniv I felt that way. There was simply no other way for this trend to go. And it's even worse with mindless zombies who viciously defend them. That's why so many trans people today demand respect and become pedophiles. Remember how angrily the mob full of trans idiots attacked Riley Gaines when she appeared on a college campus to give a speech. The only brave person in that school that day was Riley Gaines. The leftists will tell you she's a coward and that the trans people attacking her were "brave". No. They weren't. Most of them attacked her from behind. The only one who confronted her to her face was some black trans person, and he's got double protection from society, being a trans person who is colored.

People like Blaire White, who genuinely have gender dysphoria, don't bother me. It's the trans people who turn trans so they can gain something and have the protection of society. And the worst are the ones who do that shit and lie that they're doing it! They say "I didn't transition to gain anything!" Bullshit! If that was true, then you would accept your losses and leave other people alone. Like Lia Thomas. Or Will Thomas. It's perfectly obvious he transitioned to get a swimming championship. He denies it, but I don't believe him. He would have just quit swimming at a professional level if he didn't transition to win. Or he would have continued competing in swimming with other men.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What I Consider "Hate Speech"

This post is to discuss what I consider to be hate speech. Because it looks like my idea of "hate speech" differs from Silicon Valley's idea. Keep in mind, this is not going to be a long post, as I don't really believe in "hate speech". I believe in free speech.

I bet you look at my blogs and say "to her, anything spoken against her is hate speech". But no, it's not. Not to me. You can hate me, you can call me every name in the books, you can even print out a picture of me and throw darts at it if you want. I don't consider that hate speech. What I do consider hate speech is:

  1. Knowingly telling lies about someone. Its one thing to say something you believe is the truth. It's a totally different thing when you flat-out lie about someone.
  2. Calling for violence against someone. I hate bullies! You can say whatever you want to, as long as it's true. But I do not, and never will, agree with acts of violence or calling for violence!
  3. Making threatening posts. I don't abide making threats to anyone either. That's the same as bullying. And it is not protected under free speech laws.

Now, my ideas of what defines these things is totally different than Google/Blogger's ideas. For example, on #1, when the INXS fans went around telling everyone that I thought this chick being ill was a curse I put on her. They actually believed that I believed I put a curse on her. But the person they thought I was talking about was not the person I really was talking about. And the person I was talking about did not even have cancer. And this was after my father had just died of cancer. Common sense should have told them I would not be making fun of someone else having cancer. But then again, when do democrats/leftists ever have common sense? Another example is calling a trans "woman" a real woman. That is the biggest lie! And look where it's led this country! So, I do not consider calling a trans "woman" a man being a lie.

For #2, I know that the leftists consider calling a "non-binary woman or man" a she or a he instead of a they as being an act of violence. But it isn't. And that is silly! If you look/act/talk like a girl, I'm gonna call you a she. If you look/act/talk like a man, I'm gonna call you a he. And it isn't violent to do so. What I consider a call for violence was like when Nancy Pelosi and Jon Tester told everyone to punch Donald Trump in the face. I wouldn't even allow anyone to call for violence against Joe Biden like that! Its one thing to say you feel like punching Donald Trump in the face, but don't go around telling people to actually do it! That kind of thing would not be welcome on my site!

For #3, its like when my sister threatened the neighborhood Karen saying she's going to punch her in the face. I didn't like it when she did it, and I don't like hearing people make threats of bodily harm to anyone else. I know my sis and when she makes threats like that, I know they're just words. However, you never know when such a person is going to actually take that from being just words to actually physically harming someone. And that is why I do not allow anyone to make threats against anyone else. I never do it! If I'm going to take action, I just do it. But I never do. LOL! I couldn't harm anyone to save my life! I just really don't like hurting anyone. Though there have been times I've defended my dogs and my pics and stuff. But I usually hesitate to harm anyone. It takes a great lot to set me off. I'm generally a peaceful person.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kamala Knows Trump's Type?

I heard this on one of her speeches yesterday. Kamala Harris bragging that she "knows Trump's type". I've been accused of saying that myself. There are some people who, I may not know personally, but I know their type very well. Like that wacky woman who lives here in building B. I don't know her at all. But I know her type very well. But there is a difference between when I say it, and when someone like Kamala Harris says it. I've been studying people for quite some time. I learn their habits. It comes from being bullied all my life. I've developed a sort of sixth sense about people. It's not always easy to predict people online, because all you have to go by is words on a computer screen. No facial expressions, no vocal tones, no cues. Just words on a screen and a gut instinct. Usually, a person's first reactions are a good indicator to what someone's character is like. But if I meet someone in life, and they turn out to be just like I felt from their words on a screen, I can guess pretty good what kind of person they will be. Sometimes the experience is better than I had with them online, sometimes it's not so good.

Kamala Harris does not know Trump's type. She knows the Trump the other democrats and the mainstream media wants her to know. And she passes that on like she knows everything about him. Yes she has met him before, but I have a feeling like Kamala Harris looks beyond Trump's good points and just focuses on the fact that he hurts peoples' feelings that he doesn't agree with. But Trump's family all know him as being a kind, loving man. I even saw a video where Trump is on the golf course and gives money to a random stranger who comes up to talk to him! Now that is kindness! How often do you see Joe Biden or Kamala Harris giving money to random strangers they meet? I've never even seen Joe Biden give anyone so much as an ice cream cone! Let alone money! Yeah he gave us all a stimulus check during the last year of covid, but only because the democrats in charge would not let Trump give us another one. The stimulus checks were really not Biden's ideas.

I don't know how Trump feels about Kamala Harris, but I do know that Kamala Harris does not know Trump's type at all! Otherwise, she would have formed her own opinions about him, and got them mostly right, instead of listening to what the losers in the mainstream media now think of him. I'm now hearing about how Trump once again has made fun of a handicapped individual. I've heard that one before back in 2016, and the people who accused him of that last time got it wrong then. So, I have yet to see any video of where Trump has recently made fun of anyone who is handicapped!

In other news, I am still looking for a developer who can create me my own blog site. I gave them my requirements and found a few who said they can create such a site. I am still looking them over. I'd like them all to do a mock-up of the site so I can see if what they have in mind is the same thing I have in mind. Then we will see. I know one thing for sure, I want my blog to be completely independent. I don't want it associated with Blogger or Wordpress, or any other existing blogging website. I lost my Timmyfan blog. I don't want to lose this next one. No one can set the rules for my site except me! And in my world, there is no such thing as "hate speech". This is going to be a site where I can freely speak my mind, and no one can turn my blogs in and have them deleted again!

I thought I had found one guy already, but I want to post pay-per-view type videos on my UMG Productions site. And he said he didn't know that kind of advanced coding. So, I had to look for someone else. I found a couple I think might work out. I told them I want to be able to move all my blogs and websites to this one site. That includes UMG Productions and Metazoica. I don't want to be associated with Blogger any longer. Apparently, Blogger's idea of "hate speech" and my idea of "hate speech" are two totally different things! I cannot even get in touch with someone here to ask how I can get the .xml file for my Timmyfan blog! And I don't like that! Taking it down is one thing. I can live with that. I'll just start a new one! But not even allowing me to contact anyone about it really SUCKS! So, I finally said fuck this crap! I'll create my own blog site not associated with any other! So that is what I'll be doing. It will be my future project.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Trans "Women" Aren't Women!

 Hello and welcome! That's the name of this new blog. Well, that's the name of this temporary blog. My last blog,, was taken down by Blogger. I know exactly who did it too. It was that anonymous chick who came in and foolishly stood for trans rights. Well, I've got news for her. I am currently working with a developer and he is going to create me a blog that is not associated with any existing hosts. So, I won't have to follow anyone else's rules! So there! 😝😝😝

So, I am going to start posting on that blog, and I'm gonna do just like I did before! I'll never stop standing up against trans "women" who want to take women's spaces away! Like I said, I can never be broken. I'll just have someone create a website for me that is not associated with any other hosts. So, fuck that anonymous chick who turned in my blog, and fuck all her stupid trans friends!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Delusional Kathy

I hesitated to write this for a week. I heard the news when my mom arrived here from Reno and it made me laugh so hard I split my side! It hurt but it was still pretty cool! Though it pissed off my mom and sister, I think it's hilarious! But I hesitated to write this because, in the off-chance that Kathy were to see this post, I don't want her to think I really give a damn what she thinks. But anyway here it goes.

Apparently Kathy wrote another obituary for my father, who died of cancer back in 2016. She wrote it on She made it out like her whole family was related to my father. She put down that her daughters were my father's biological daughters, and that my sister was their real sister. But Kathy left one most important person out. Me! 😁😁😁 She didn't put my name down at all on my father's ancestry line. I thought it was so funny! I laughed when I heard it. Believe me when I say my feelings are not hurt at all. Like Kathy herself would say, I'm not gonna flinch an inch. LOL!

Kathy is just butthurt that I called her daughter Stephanie a fat-ass idiot! Stephanie was the one who wanted the truth! So I gave it to her. Jennifer is no better either! Jennifer is crazier than a loon! Both of them are just as ugly as Kathy is. Inside and outside! All of them have those big, round, bulging eyes, and sags under their eyes that look like George Soro's. My dad didn't have that. My dad is more proportionate. So is me and my sis. So Kathy is jealous and bitter.

Before Kathy got butthurt, there was an obituary written by them that was made in honor of my father back in 2016. That one did mention me. But after Kathy got butthurt, she decided to leave me out. That's OK though. It just proves correctly what I've been saying about Kathy all along. That she is a grown woman who never grew up. She never speaks for herself. She always gets her daughters to do it for her. And her daughters are nutty asf! Kathy is petty, a coward, an overgrown baby, and very obviously a hardcore leftist. She doesn't think her daughters can ever do anything wrong. I told Kathy that Stephanie started the whole thing. She not only disrespected my mom, but she also disrespected my sister and me. And that was uncalled for! All my mom wanted was dad's Jesus on the cross necklace, the one that his mom gave to him. Dad had been promising that necklace to me and my sis for as long as I can remember. Now it's gone. But that too is OK. Kathy and her family will be the ones who will have to answer for it when they try to get into Heaven. I don't think St. Peter is going to let them through the pearly gates with stealing, loathing and lying on their record. I'm sure my father will have some questions for them as well for how Kathy and her family treated me and my family after he died.

Well, Kathy's kids can do wrong, and have done wrong for as long as I've known them. Stephanie has 2 kids out of wedlock, which is evil in GOD's eyes. That's sure not going to get her into Heaven! And Jennifer sucks as a mother. Last time I saw her daughter Madison, she wasn't even 18 yet, and already had tattoos all over her arms. Plus, she has run away from home before and stayed gone for a week or two. Jennifer did not even go out looking for her! It was like she didn't even care about the fact that Madison was gone. And Kathy was going out, getting drunk and partying with her pathetic friends no more than a week after my father was dead. No doubt using his money to do it with. I would not be surprised if that was the real reason why my sis and I never got any money from our father after he died. I didn't say anything about it because I figured the money he left Kathy would be used to pay off my father's medical bills. But now, I am getting the feeling that Kathy drank all his money away. I'm as positive as the day is long that Stephanie and Jennifer got a share of my father's money too, and drank it away themselves.

Oh well! It's Kathy and her kids who will have to answer for that. My mom was worried how I'd feel knowing Kathy left me out of my father's ancestry. I told her I really do not care. I know the truth. My mom and sis knows the truth. GOD knows the truth, and so does dad. And whether she wants to face it or not, Kathy and her kids also know the truth. Unless Kathy is delusional on top of all those other things I said about her.

So these things are clear; Stephanie and Jennifer ARE NOT my father's biological kids. My sister Anna and I ARE HIS KIDS. Kathy is NOT my mother (thank GOD). Fran Clark IS my mother. Stephanie and Jennifer have a father of their own.

Geez! I don't know what I'd have done if Kathy was my real mom! I can't even imagine. She's such a big baby herself. I'd have probably had to raise myself.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

OK So the Catfags Won

Y'all happy now?!

These are the two newest members of the family. Yes, they are kittens. I know that! But having Venom here kinda made me fall in love with cats. I wanted one just like her. So, her sister had kittens back at the beginning of April, and the owner allowed us to bring them home. I got one for me and one for my sis. Dahlia is the black one, and she belongs to me. Yes, she is a licker too, just like Venom. Though not as much as Venom was. She's more of a rebel. Like me. Petunia is the white kitten with gray spots, and she belongs to my sis. She's the more even-tempered and social one. She is also a licker.

Don't worry. I am still more of a dog person. But we cannot have anymore dogs until we get our own place. Bummer! Though there are people upstairs from us (incidentally the same people who gave us these kittens) who have 4 dogs in their unit. But I cannot take that chance.

I believe another thing that changed my mind was when I had all those pets here. I learned to love animals of all kinds. Even kitty cats. Well, they're a damnsite better than humans, that's for damn sure! I didn't want to get rid of my animals, but I had to when my sis moved in. I love my sis with all my heart and soul, and I could not let her go back to an uncertain future. And family comes before pets in cages. So, what else could I do. But these kittens don't require cages. When they do something wrong I have a squirt bottle to get at them with. They don't take up very much room either. So, they're OK here.

In other events, I heard Russia is going to create a city for American conservatives to live in. Those of us who want to escape the rapid fall of the country we once knew and loved, Russia is setting aside a small area outside of Moscow for us to move to, where there will be no blm/trans/gay/pride bullshit allowed. There's only one problem. It sounds too good to be true. If I were to move there, I'd like to think I would not be disturbed by any government procedures at any time. I'd just want to go there, live, have my animals, and not be bothered. I don't want to be woken up one night and have a guard with a gun in my back telling me I'm going to be executed for whatever reason. Or bombed in my bedroom. Besides, I don't trust that Putin.

I saw this in an article last week, but today when I did a search for it again, I couldn't find anything recent. I did find that Russia is giving land to people who want to move to the Arctic. But it's very remote land. No amenities. So no. But since the USA is falling apart, I'd like to find somewhere in this world to move to. Somewhere where there are no naked, gay men dancing in the streets, waving their genitals in children's faces. Somewhere where inflation does not exist. Somewhere where there is no Biden or Harris lousing things up. My ma was recently visiting, and she tells me in Canada and the Netherlands, a parent can choose to have a child aborted at up to 12 years old. I thought she was kidding, or misheard something. But no. It's true. But so far, it's only true for parents whose kids are terminally sick or injured. And that's just in the Netherlands. Canada is so messed up though, they allow anyone to kill someone who is simply depressed, instead of giving them meds.

I'll tell you right now, I hate that Justin Trudeau!! His brain is warped! I suffer depression, and I don't want to die! Even in my earlier days, I would never have killed myself. I ain't that depressed! Especially with family around me now, and my pets. And looking forward to more pets!

Friday, May 12, 2023

A Goal I Never Hoped For

I've been very popular on Facebook lately! As of this afternoon, I am up by almost 900 friends. That's a margin I've never reached before. And it grows daily. That's a margin I've never even reached with the INXS fans! Well, let's face it, not many of the INXS fans really liked me that much. I think I always kinda knew that. It was not because of something anybody said. I'm just always a bit antsy about people. I think of everyone as an enemy until they prove differently. I know I am an abrasive person. Not a lot of people like that. They would rather be lied to and treated with kindness (or what they perceive as kindness) than to hear the truth. Especially when it comes to other people they consider friends. The INXS fans didn't like me because I didn't like people they considered friends. Even though the people they considered friends were real jerks. Like that dumb ol' Matt Burney goon! What they didn't know was that ol' Matt started shit with me. I did not start anything with him. He could not accept the fact that I just don't like Paula Yates. But again, that's what liberals do. They think everyone has to agree with them. I'm not that kind of a person. I call them as I see them. I've been hated throughout my life for that. So, it doesn't bother me that the INXS fans felt the same way.

I still have a few INXS fan buddies on Facebook, but they are the rare good ones. You can tell how rare people like them are by seeing how few friends I have that are INXS fans. Even though I am a fan of the band. A MEGA-fan! I have maybe a dozen INXS buddies out of almost 900 friends. I'm happiest this way. I love my buds, and I am gaining literally hundreds more. I don't feel as on edge anymore like I did before. I always felt a wee bit nervous before when I had like over 400 INXS buds. Mostly because one thing I've noticed over the years is that INXS fans gossip! And since most of them are leftists, they won't ask for your side of the story. They'll just shun you and turn their back on you. Leaving you to wonder what it was you did wrong. In the cancer incident, it wasn't until one of my friends spoke up to me that I learned the reason why that day I was losing friends left and right. All of them were INXS fans. None of them knew me very well. And all of them were being led by a nitwit. But the friends I've been making there now, I feel good about. These are people I actually have a lot in common with. People I can learn from. People I wouldn't mind going out with for coffee or a soda or something.

Now, I can say anything I want to. I can curse Paula Yates and no one will give a care. Though I don't want to curse her too much. She was a dog-lover, and she bred that into her children. So that's like one good thing about her. But that's it. I can talk about dogs and my favorite cat breeds and have people answer me back. I can even still talk about Michael and Timmy and how cute I think they are. I can even talk about how I think Kit Harington is the best pick for playing Michael. How he looks more like him than anyone else. More than Luke Arnold, and especially more than Aiden Turner. I've never been one for numbers. I never really cared how many friends I've had on Facebook. But I've just never had this many before!! It's a bit exciting, scary, refreshing, all at the same time. I never felt this before!

Anyway, remember Tux? Or Venom? I need to start referring to her by her real name. It's just I have such a huge block against the word venom. Especially for a sweet cat like her. Well, her sister had kittens, and the owner has offered to let me and my sis have one. I loved Venom so much! I actually agreed to take one of the kittens. I especially fell in love with a little solid black kitten that crawled up on my shoulder while I visited them. My sis fell in love with a little white kitten with gray spots. Not tabby. Just gray. I wouldn't accept a gray tabby. I still don't like them. So my sis and I decided to take both of them. We're just now waiting for them to be weaned. Katrina, who still hates cats, said to me when I told her "Boy! You've changed!" I said yes. Tux (Venom) and Mya changed my mind. Mya has always loved cats. She always runs up to them wanting to play. And remember I said Venom was about the sweetest cat I ever met. So, I am hoping these kittens will be just like her. And I have always loved black cats. I've always found them to be the friendliest. I never believed in the superstition that they are bad luck. And also, I miss my bunnies. So, having a kitten will be sort of like having my bunnies back. I had to let them go when my sis moved here because there was no longer any room for them and their cages. Plus all my sis's things. But we have room for a couple kittens here. It's not like we'll be keeping them in cages.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Cuck The Tuck

As you may already know, FOX News has fired Tucker Carlson. I am so angry at FOX for doing this. Tucker was their greatest asset. Already they are losing money because of this decision. I say it serves them right! They should lose money! Getting rid of Tucker Carlson is perhaps the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas! Of course the leftists are happy about this. On The View, they were singing that same song the leftists always sing now. I've heard it come from them so often, I'm even sick of the song...

Good bye!"♪♪

I used to like that song, until now, that I am hearing the leftists overuse and weaponize it. But Tucker is a very intelligent person. He'll figure out a way to get himself back in the media. He's well loved enough to create his own channel! But FOX wants to make sure they keep tabs on him. They now have some kind of opposition folder created to blacken Tucker Carlson's name if he ever speaks out against FOX News. Kinda weird if you ask me. Even though I've been known to do pretty much the same thing to my own foes, even with that, I admit it is a dickwad move. And if the accusations are from someone named Abby Grossberg, then I don't care to hear it!

Let me tell you why. For one thing, I've already heard her accusations that Tucker Carlson, along with several other men in the station, were spreading anti-semantic and misogynistic rumors. And frankly, I don't believe a word she says. Tucker has a wife. Why would he say anything against women? And the anti-semantic claims. People have been trying to accuse Tucker Carlson of being racist against non-whites forever! But it is simply not true! I think the real reason they got rid of Tucker Carlson is just for exactly the same reason YouTube is deplatforming Matt Walsh. Because he refuses to give into the big lie about how men can become women and women can become men, and that there is some kind of "in-between" entity that they call "non-binary". I don't blame him for that. I wouldn't go along with it either. The whole gender thing is a LIE!!!

Another reason I won't listen to Grossberg, she never actually met Tucker Carlson! Apparently they both live in totally different states. And she's never worked with him personally. So no. I'm not going to believe a word she says unless there is undeniable proof.

That is why FOX may be able to remove Tucker Carlson from their studio (even if it kills them), but they will never get him completely off the media! And they cannot change all the minds of those who love him.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Desperate Trannies

Remember, we just had a mass shooting where a trans "woman" killed 6 people at a Christian school. You know why that happened? Because trannies are getting desperate. They are now afraid of being outlawed out of this country. Several states have happily taken the initiative to make it illegal to transform kids to the opposite sex. So today's trannies are getting desperate. Desperate enough to try anything. Including threatening you and your children. Meet Tara (Thomas) Jay. He has a message for all the women out there.

"I dare you to stop me from going into a woman's bathroom". "I dare you to try and stop another trans "woman" from using a woman's bathroom in my presence". He's saying he is prepared to kill anyone who stops him from using the bathroom he has no business using. He kept saying "Its the last mistake you'll ever make". I totally hate this guy! If anyone out there ever had a shred of doubt that trannies are unstable people, who should not be allowed near guns, this should open your eyes. Mentally deranged people should not own guns. That goes for Thomas Jay. He doesn't need a gun. Its the normal people around him who need the guns. He seems proud of his threats too.

Thomas denies what he posted is a threat. Of course he does! Obama spoiled these trannies and now Biden is spoiling them. He tells them they can never do no wrong. He lets them get away with anything. Modern leftists give them all the ratification to do whatever they want. The entire leftist ideologies have now gone too far. Conservatives need to start fighting back. The problem is, judging by this video, it may already be too late. Thomas is still on Twitter (under the moniker Tranny Vs. The World) and unaware he is making threats. I would not be surprised if everyone, who has been trans-allies before, stop supporting trans people because of the threats made by this man. This man makes me want to gouge out his eyeballs in the slowest, most painful way I can.

What surprises me is that he has not been banned from TikTok or Twitter for his threats. Apparently on TikTok, some people have found out who he is and where he lives. He lives in Kansas. They have called the police on him for the threats he made on the videos. People like him seem to forget that, trans or not, a call to violence is NOT protected under free speech rights. I looked on his Twitter and all I see are all kinds of complaints and "whataboutisms" that leftists always use in their arguments. And they say conservatives do that. Well, maybe we do. But we have good reason to. Because it's seemed the leftists can get away with things others cannot. Yet there is not one single thing the right-wingers can do that leftists cannot. It makes no sense. And that is why conservatives are always throwing in the "whatabouts" in their arguments. But leftists have no reason to use that argument. They just think they don't have rights that we do. But I think the videos this tranny puts out is proof enough that they do indeed have special rights. The videos are still up. Whereas if a Christian man had said anything similar to this, that video would have been removed right away, and a SWAT team would have stormed the house of the poster.

Well, I've let bullies like this guy get the better of me for too long. I put up with all this bullying shit when I was a kid! I'm not going to allow myself to be bullied as an adult. I said to this guy if he threatens my family, it'll not only be the last mistake he ever makes, it'll be the last time he ever sees daylight! He's not afraid to die? Neither am I. And I will protect my family at all costs. If he can protect his dumb little tranny "friends", then I can for sure protect my family! And conservatives all carry guns! And have for all our lives. We can draw faster than this jerk can turn his head! He'll be down before he even has a chance to reach for his gun belt. You don't mess with conservatives. You never know what skills they could have.

Like I said though. It may be too late. We should have stopped this a long time ago! But other people were afraid of being called fascists. Or nazis. Or bigots. Or transphobes! Which is the silliest name of them all. That's why names never bothered me. Besides, the leftists have overused those names to a point where they mean nothing anymore. Someone calls me a bigot, I just laugh at them. Someone calls me a "transphobe", I first laugh at the word, then I laugh at them! It's just like washing socks to me now. I'm not afraid to fight back. I'm not afraid of the words. Actually, I never was afraid of the words. They are just words, after all. Sticks and stones, etc.

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Legendary Courage of Riley Gaines

I have a distinctive feeling this young girl will go down in history! Riley Gaines is the female swimmer who lost her #1 position to a man!

Well, recently she has taken to going around the country to save women's sports. I must say her courage is very inspiring! I know her parents must be proud of her. She's even gone to San Fransisco State University which is the most leftist city you can visit. The students there did not like Riley speaking out against Lia Thomas taking her first place spot away. Like the leftists always do, they attacked her, to a point she needed police escorts. But even they did very little good. She was banged on the head by a man wearing a dress. I cannot blame her for being scared. Those nutters are crazy! I only hope it doesn't discourage her from keeping up the fight. I'm with her in spirit. So are a lot of other conservatives who believe men taking over women's sports is wrong!

As I have stated before, I am not even into women's sports. I would not advocate for them at all, except now they have allowed men to compete against women, and I just think that's totally wrong! Especially in the case of Lia Thomas, who transitioned just so he could beat real women out of their own game. It made me angry to hear he did that. So now, I am joining in this battle against trans-"women" in women's sports. Pretty soon, if this is kept up, women will have nothing that is just ours, and ours alone. We'll have to share stuff that was traditionally only for us, with biological men. And it seems there is nothing women can do about it. Or there wasn't. But look what allowing trans-"women" in real womens' spaces has allowed; 3 women were raped in a woman's prison by a man who claimed he was a woman. Women have lost their first place positions in women's sports. Biological men are ogling young girls in women's locker rooms. Men are invading women's restrooms, and several times I've heard of women getting raped by them. It's an awful time to be an active woman now. It makes me angry at this world. And it's all Biden's fault!

Men are claiming to be women now because they get pats on the back for it on Twitter and TikTok. Those imbeciles call them "brave". Well, they're NOT brave. They're actually the most cowardly people of all. There is nothing brave about claiming to be the opposite sex. Any child can do that. They do it in play though. They don't do it to change their lives, no matter what the leftists say. The real brave people are the people like Riley Gaines, who go against the violent leftist mobs and say what they really feel. Believe me that takes a lot of courage! Courage that no tranny anywhere can ever even dream to match! As a person who speaks her mind a lot, I know the kind of bravery it takes. A regular tranny would fall apart under that kind of pressure. You have to be prepared that it could get you beaten, and not many people are willing to have your back. You have to be prepared that a lot of people will hate you for it. Even those who you might think are your friends. That's why I say I do not have friends at all. And proud of it! The more human friends you have, the bigger an ass-kisser you are. So, I don't want human friends. I'm perfectly happy just having my family and pets around.

I am no doubt in Club Gaines! Lia Thomas can go suck dick for all I care. Katrina and I are doing our part to fight the leftist mob. Right now, we are blowing up in the face of Jeffrey Marsh. Dylan Mulveney is next. Dylan has ruined Budweiser's career! I don't even drink beer. I think it all tastes like piss water. But if I did, I wouldn't put any more money in Budweiser's pockets!!! Most people who do drink beer are conservatives. So, it was a dooming idea for Budweiser to spit in the face of their biggest supporters by getting Dylan Mulveney to sponsor their products. Nike is a lost cause. But Budweiser surprised everyone. Now, no one is supporting them.

If you want to join us conservatives in the fight against allowing men in women's spaces, Riley Gaines has begun a page where you can show your support. Go to Riley Gaines | Save Women’s Sports | Official Website | Riley Gaines and show some love and support.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mass "Genocide" That Isn't

I swear leftists are so DUMB!!! They make me want to scream! Or slap some sense into them. Now, they are calling us being against transgendering children some kind of mass "genocide". WTF?! That's an offense to people who have really suffered genocide. There's nothing genocidal about not allowing little kids to transition to the opposite gender. Being trans is not genetic! It's learned behavior that, when left alone, will fix it's self with age. It is much more genocidal to actually transition children than the other way around. Transitioning kids takes away their ability to reproduce properly, which is what genocide is. It's the forceful depletion of an entire gene pool. There is no gene pool that I know of, outside the imagination of leftists, where everyone is trans!

Let me tell you, Hitler killing Jewish people was a mass genocide. Killing of Indian tribes was a mass genocide. Killing of endangered animals is a mass genocide. Even killing of slaves would be considered genocide. Stopping kids from mutilating their own bodies is not genocide! It's protection from genocide. There are people out there who should not even be parents. Those are the ones who don't really give a shit about their kids. Or they see their kids as social media pawns. You can always tell those parents apart from others because they get on TikTok and show off their "trans" kids. Those kind of people make me sick! I don't like them. That's why I am getting so sick of trans people!

It was fine when all they wanted was to live their lives, love whom they love and be happy. I was fine with that. But now, they are demanding special treatment. Remember Sam Brinton?! That ugly SOB who has a fetish for having sex with dogs? Remember how he knowingly stole the luggage of 3 other women? He has now managed to strike a plea bargain so he would not be thrown in prison. Now, if he was a normal human being, he would have been put away for several years. But because he's a trans idiot with a fetish for dogs, he was able to plea bargain with the judge. And the judge (no doubt a leftist) fell for it. So the judge is going to let another criminal back on the streets to do his crimes over again.

I saw an article this morning that a friend shared with me, that was about four Walmart stores in Chicago closing down. No one will say it out loud, but it's because of the constant thefts and shoplifting going on in those stores. No one will say it except FOX News. Which is why the leftists need to start watching FOX News. But they refuse to. Without it, they don't get the full story. Only the leftwing media's side of the story. And as we all know (from watching Tess Obrien) the leftists are LIARS!!! But that's why leftists are so dumb. Because they only hear the left side. The leftist media is not going to tell you Walmarts are closing down all over the country because of thieves and shoplifters. They will more likely blame Donald Trump or white people. They won't admit it's because the District Attorney is so soft on criminals.

Speaking of blaming Donald Trump. Alvin Braggs, the current manager of NYC who was chosen just because he was black, has found a way to have Trump arrested. Trump went peacefully with no resistance whatsoever. The crime? Giving hush money to a prostitute. Now, since when is giving someone hush money illegal? The DA thinks she was given money to not talk about Trump colluding with the Russians. So, the leftists have finally done it. But you know what? I'm not worried. Not at all. Like I said, giving someone hush money is not a crime. And it's already been proven that Trump did not collude with Russia. But Clinton did. So why don't they go after her? For the same reason they won't arrest Sam Brinton. Because she's a leftist with a fetish. I knew there was something about that Alvin Braggs that I didn't like. And despite what Susan Burklund thinks, it wasn't just because he was black. It's because he's a jerk who only sees corruption in Trump, just like Susan. But is too scared to arrest the real criminals that invade the streets of NYC.

Trump handled his arrest gracefully, even though he did nothing wrong. I must say I am proud of him for that! He did a lot better than that goon, George Floyd! Now I have even more respect for Trump! I don't care what the NY courts think. Next election, I am going to vote for Trump. No questions asked. If he's running, I'm voting!

It's Over!

 Trump is now our president! I'm so grateful. I got through the last 4 years OK. Barely though! But now that Trump is back in office, I ...