Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kamala Knows Trump's Type?

I heard this on one of her speeches yesterday. Kamala Harris bragging that she "knows Trump's type". I've been accused of saying that myself. There are some people who, I may not know personally, but I know their type very well. Like that wacky woman who lives here in building B. I don't know her at all. But I know her type very well. But there is a difference between when I say it, and when someone like Kamala Harris says it. I've been studying people for quite some time. I learn their habits. It comes from being bullied all my life. I've developed a sort of sixth sense about people. It's not always easy to predict people online, because all you have to go by is words on a computer screen. No facial expressions, no vocal tones, no cues. Just words on a screen and a gut instinct. Usually, a person's first reactions are a good indicator to what someone's character is like. But if I meet someone in life, and they turn out to be just like I felt from their words on a screen, I can guess pretty good what kind of person they will be. Sometimes the experience is better than I had with them online, sometimes it's not so good.

Kamala Harris does not know Trump's type. She knows the Trump the other democrats and the mainstream media wants her to know. And she passes that on like she knows everything about him. Yes she has met him before, but I have a feeling like Kamala Harris looks beyond Trump's good points and just focuses on the fact that he hurts peoples' feelings that he doesn't agree with. But Trump's family all know him as being a kind, loving man. I even saw a video where Trump is on the golf course and gives money to a random stranger who comes up to talk to him! Now that is kindness! How often do you see Joe Biden or Kamala Harris giving money to random strangers they meet? I've never even seen Joe Biden give anyone so much as an ice cream cone! Let alone money! Yeah he gave us all a stimulus check during the last year of covid, but only because the democrats in charge would not let Trump give us another one. The stimulus checks were really not Biden's ideas.

I don't know how Trump feels about Kamala Harris, but I do know that Kamala Harris does not know Trump's type at all! Otherwise, she would have formed her own opinions about him, and got them mostly right, instead of listening to what the losers in the mainstream media now think of him. I'm now hearing about how Trump once again has made fun of a handicapped individual. I've heard that one before back in 2016, and the people who accused him of that last time got it wrong then. So, I have yet to see any video of where Trump has recently made fun of anyone who is handicapped!

In other news, I am still looking for a developer who can create me my own blog site. I gave them my requirements and found a few who said they can create such a site. I am still looking them over. I'd like them all to do a mock-up of the site so I can see if what they have in mind is the same thing I have in mind. Then we will see. I know one thing for sure, I want my blog to be completely independent. I don't want it associated with Blogger or Wordpress, or any other existing blogging website. I lost my Timmyfan blog. I don't want to lose this next one. No one can set the rules for my site except me! And in my world, there is no such thing as "hate speech". This is going to be a site where I can freely speak my mind, and no one can turn my blogs in and have them deleted again!

I thought I had found one guy already, but I want to post pay-per-view type videos on my UMG Productions site. And he said he didn't know that kind of advanced coding. So, I had to look for someone else. I found a couple I think might work out. I told them I want to be able to move all my blogs and websites to this one site. That includes UMG Productions and Metazoica. I don't want to be associated with Blogger any longer. Apparently, Blogger's idea of "hate speech" and my idea of "hate speech" are two totally different things! I cannot even get in touch with someone here to ask how I can get the .xml file for my Timmyfan blog! And I don't like that! Taking it down is one thing. I can live with that. I'll just start a new one! But not even allowing me to contact anyone about it really SUCKS! So, I finally said fuck this crap! I'll create my own blog site not associated with any other! So that is what I'll be doing. It will be my future project.

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