Monday, August 19, 2024

Why Are Black People Unaware They Have Black Privilege?

We all have to endure the constant dronings on by black people about "white privilege". I'm not a white person and even I don't believe in "white privilege"! There is just no such thing. However, over the past years, I've noticed a great deal of black privilege being prominent in this world. I just wanted to point that out here. A similar question was asked on Quora in a group I am in. Only it was a black person asking why white people are unaware they have "white privilege". Well, I've never heard of white privilege until Obama brought it up first. But I have seen many cases of black privilege, and that is what I am here to discuss.

For one thing, black people have their own scholarship programs. There are also black-only dorms and even black-only colleges and universities. Where are the white-only scholarship programs? And white-only dorms and universities? Oh yeah! They don't exist because people would be griping that that is "racist". So there is one way white privilege does not exist, but black privilege does. For white privilege to exist, there would have to be white only scholarships and schools.

And speaking of schools, black people have a higher chance of getting accepted into universities like Yale and Harvard even with the lowest SAT scores. White people and Asians are often rejected altogether from universities only because of their skin tone. So there's another example of white privilege that does not exist. But black privilege does.

I saw yesterday where someone wrote that if his home is broken into by a black person, and he calls 911, the dispatcher is likely to ask what race the intruder is before they even contact the police. If the intruder is black, you can forget about the police coming anytime soon, because arresting a black perpetrator is considered "racist", thanks to Obama and blm. So there is another way black privilege exists, but white privilege doesn't.

And speaking of blm, they got to raise over $90M in donations by burning down cities, looting and killing people, and all that money went to their own personal use. So, they got to fraud the public and nobody is allowed to say anything. No one even refers to their riots as being riots because it's considered "racist" to do so. But a group of non-colored people walk through the capitol building and take selfies on January 6, 2021 and the entire leftist party is up in arms and shitting their pants saying "white people are violent thugs!" So there is another demonstration of black privilege that exists.

Joe blow gave the blacks their own holiday (juneteenth) simply on their say-so. Now we all have to stay home on that day, cannot go anywhere because everything is closed. But LORD bewhoseit should white people ask for their own holiday! That would be considered "racist". And all the black thugs have ever done since they got the damn holiday is loot, kill each other and burn down more cities. And they do that every day anyway! So there is another example of black privilege that exists and white privilege that doesn't.

If a white person is pulled over by the police, they are more likely to get shot and killed than a black person. George Floyd killed himself by overdosing on Fentanyl. The police did not kill him. And in fact, if black people would just not try to run off, or try to fight or be smart with the police, we would never hear of them being "brutalized" by the police when they get pulled over! So, there is another incident that commonly happens that demonstrates black privilege, and where white privilege does not exist. The mainstream news also tends to talk less (if at all) about white people experiencing police brutality than black people.

So there are just a few examples of black privilege I have seen happen in the world today. No one ever thinks of it that way because all the black people have to do is slap a "racist" label on these things and the entire left-wing media will bitterly defend the black perpetrators. Or cry like a bunch of babies over it. Leftists make me sick! Black leftists make me sick too. Thank GOD I am totally immune from their stupid "racist" talk. I see their problems for what they really are; problems black people brought about on themselves. I don't mind black conservatives. But I do not like black leftists.

Speaking of which, what happened to Candace Owens??? I was watching a video someone did about her last night, and someone said as far as the Palestinian-Israel war goes, she's on the side of Palestine. That's not like her at all. At least, not like the Candace Owens I've come to know and admire. Apparently now, she hates Jews. I never did understand all the hatred that has been aimed at the Jewish people since the Biblical days. Why does everybody hate Jewish people?! Throughout history, I've noticed that the Jews have been some of the best actors, business people, the funniest and in some cases, the most handsome people I've ever seen! Yet, they keep going and are a very successful race! As for Candace Owens, I cannot believe she would actually show any hate towards any group of people. I kinda wonder if her resentment toward Jewish people now may have something to do with the bit of acrimony she could be feeling because she got fired by Ben Shapiro?

I kinda hope that's all it is, so she can get over it and move on. I don't like this side of Candace at all.

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