Are Trump voters in a cult? I hear that a lot from leftists. Personally, I think it's silly deflection. It doesn't look to me like Trump supporters are in a cult. I may like a lot of things about Trump, but not everything. Nobody is perfect. I guess that's why the democraps don't like him. Because they think he's too perfect.
To be precise, these are some characteristics of a cult as explained by Google:
Charismatic leader:A central figure with absolute authority who is seen as infallible and worshipped by members.
Isolation from outside world:
Discourages contact with family and friends outside the group, promoting suspicion of non-members.
Strict control and manipulation:
Enforcement of rigid rules and behaviors, often using guilt, fear, or other tactics to maintain obedience.
Unquestioning loyalty:
Expectation of complete devotion to the leader and group ideology without critical thought.
Indoctrination and thought reform:
Systematic process of changing members' beliefs and perspectives to align with the group's agenda.
Coercive recruitment:
High-pressure tactics to recruit new members.
Punishment for dissent:
Severe consequences for questioning the leader or attempting to leave the group.
Important points to remember:
- Not all groups with unusual beliefs are cults, but a high level of control and manipulation is a key indicator.
- The term "cult" is often used negatively, so it's important to use it with caution and consider the specific characteristics of a group before labeling it as such.
Charismatic Leader -- Actually, I've never heard Trump voters say Trump is perfect. He's just perfect as our president. But there are a LOT of things I disagree with Trump on. For one thing, birthright citizenship. I don't agree with that. But I do say if a child of illegals is born here, send it back to the family's country of origin until that child is 18 years old. Then allow it automatic citizenship. But ONLY after it turns 18 years old.
Leftists are not like that. They don't criticize Biden or Harris at all. Because the mainstream media set out to make Biden look better than he was. But those of us who know, know exactly what Biden [didn't] do to help the people of East Palestine, Maui or LA when disaster hit them.
Isolation from outside world -- Case in point. How many Trump supporters have ever said "If you voted democrat, I hate you! Even if we've been friends for years, I hate you"?
None. Because we don't listen to MSNBC, CNN, The View, ABC, or any biased mainstream media, nor Biden or Clinton, and we don't get all our news from social media either.
Leftists do it all the time. The problem is the leftist media cuts pieces of what Trump says out of videos to make it seem like he's saying a lot of BS. And leftist viewers buy into it easily.
Strict control and manipulation -- Leftists always listen to corrupt politicians who bad-mouth Trump. They never hear the politicians who bash Trump often are corrupt because the leftist media will not mention it. The media uses key words like "racist", "homophobe", "transphobe", "rapist" and that "Trump is a threat to democracy" to incite fear in their audience. Leftists literally live in an echo chamber. And I didn't really know what that meant until now, when I've seen leftists going along with everything the leftist media says.
Trump supporters are not like that. Like I said, there's a lot of things I don't agree with Trump on. And I know there really is nothing to fear with Trump. He was president before. And when the Coronavirus hit the USA, most Trump supporters did not even listen. And that's a good thing. We didn't even get the new vaccine the democraps were pushing.
Unquestioning loyalty -- I am not "loyal" to Trump. I just have not seen him do all the harm the leftists claim he does. The only people I am completely loyal to is my family and my GOD. Trump may be pompous, arrogant, and sometimes even downright abrasive, but I don't believe he's a bad person at all. Certainly not Hitler.
Leftists are far from that. You ever hear a leftist say "vote blue, no matter who"? That's because they are loyal to the democrat party. Even though now it's dying.
Indoctrination and thought reform -- Leftists will tell you teachers are not indoctrinating students. But these videos say different...
Coercive recruitment -- How leftists get followers: "You're voting against your own best interest". Then they throw punches at the person.
How Trump supporters get followers: "Welcome! We will take you in and help you"
Punishment for dissent -- Leftists often call dissenters names like "nazi", "homophobe", "racist", "transphobe", "a threat to democracy". Or if they cannot come up with an intelligent or convincing argument, they start resorting to babyish ad hominem tactics like this...
No good use of punctuation in this comment. Just one long, run-off sentence. LOL!!! I thought it looked funny so I gave him a "violent" laughing emoji. hehehe!
Notice leftists also have bad language skills too. This comment was barely legible, and is very outdated. I haven't heard the phrase "Your face could stop a clock" since the 1980s!! LOL! 😆😆😆
And when those tactics don't work, leftists get violent. Like this, just to name a few:
Right-wingers don't do that at all. Although I think we should. But when a Trump supporter ever does anything to leftists the way leftists do to everybody else who opposes them, the leftist news media would never stop talking about it. Notice how they still, to this day, talk about January 6, 2021? And those protesters were not even half as violent as these soyboy dorks! This here is bullying at it's most primitive.
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