Saturday, February 8, 2025

War On Eggs

 I saw an interesting article on my newsfeed today about eggs, and why the prices are so high now. So this is why that Brent guy was so obsessed with eggs! He wants me to say the prices of eggs are high because of Donald Trump. A lot of leftists are saying that now. Well, this article I got today talks about the rising egg prices and why it's happening, and why it's likely not to end anytime soon. I guess I'd better get used to eating an egg substitute. Or else buy my own chickens. If you want to read the article yourself, here's the link: Eggs hatch more bad news: They're expensive, hard to find — and their shells are going to start chipping more, too.

This person spoke to an eggspert (their joke, not mine) about the current egg prices. Apparently, the article says the bird flu is only part of it. On the funny side, this chick on TikTok says she will be tracking egg prices for the next 4 years of Trump's presidency. Have a look...

Video courtesy of Magdacious (TikTok).

The whole thing actually began in 2022, with another bird flu epidemic that occurred. During that epidemic, a lot of young hens had to be destroyed and all that were kept were older hens. Older hens tend to lay eggs with thinner shells. People nowadays are beginning to notice how the shells of eggs are getting thinner and thinner each year. That's what happens when a chicken is older than 4 years old and is still laying eggs. That also explains why now eggs seem softer than they used to, and we're getting more and more bits of shell dust in them when we crack them. At first, I was thinking "Did they lift the ban on DDT??" DDT was an insecticide used before the 1970s and was banned because it was causing a lot of birds of prey to lay eggs with very thin shells. But no, that was not the case. Chicken eggs start to deteriorate the older they get, just like in humans.

So, if this whole thing really started in 2022, then why are the prices of eggs so high now? It kinda makes me suspicious of those bills Joe Biden so hurriedly signed before he left office. The same group of bills he signed to pardon Hunter Biden and all his other demoncrap cronies. My sis is more on the ball with politics than I am, and she said Biden did that to make the economy worse before he left. So people will blame Trump for the high cost of goods and gas. And the leftists and media have the nerve to say Trump is a liar! So far, I haven't heard of any lies Trump has told. Like I said before, he may have misunderstood some things, and mentioning them in his speeches was probably not the best of ideas (like the Haitian immigrants eating pets). But there's a difference between having a misunderstanding and flat-out lying. I think Trump just misunderstood. Or someone in his cabinet did! The most important thing is I haven't heard Trump mention anything lately about Haitian immigrants eating pets. So maybe it was just a simple misunderstanding.

If you want to discuss politicians who lie, Biden lied about a lot of things. Among others, he lied about not pardoning Hunter Biden if he was convicted. He lied about not taking any vacations during his time in office. He lied about bringing the USA together again. None of which ever happened, and I knew he would never be able to live up to those promises. Demoncraps never keep any promises! That's why you cannot rely on the leftist media. They won't tell you anything from both sides. They'll only tell you what they want you to know, and it usually leaves out all the negativity demoncraps propagate! That's why leftists only believe Trump is all bad. I hear it all the time from them! "Nothing Trump ever does is good". When we know better. Trump is doing a lot of good now! I'm glad too. I am proud of him. I am proud to say I voted for him. I am proud to say I am an American. I don't see this country as a joke like I did when Biden and Obama were president.

The leftist media lies about a lot of things too. They try hard to anyways! They lie about Trump showing the early warning signs of dementia. Think about it now, if you're not stupid. If Trump were really slurring his words, don't you think a video of that would have been posted already? You know the demoncraps and leftist media would not hesitate to put up any video where Donald Trump is slurring or making nonsensical sounds. I've only known Biden to slur and make nonsensical sounds and call those "speeches". I've never heard Trump doing that. The only reason the leftist media says Trump does that is because they knew for the past 4 years Biden was deteriorating, but they didn't want to mention that because then even the leftists would know the dark truth about Biden. So, they pin it all on Trump. As if blaming Trump for Biden having dementia just wouldn't be enough.

If I were a democrat, I'd be ashamed of my own party, lying about practically everything. And trying to blame everything on Trump! And it looks like more and more people are beginning to wake up! I'm glad to see it. I always feel good seeing a leftist switch over. Believe me, they aren't doing anyone any favors when they virtue-signal everything.

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