Well, now Kamala Harris has her own version of Clinton's Russian collusion hoax. She's still butthurt because she lost to Trump. She, and all her followers, think she lost because--well, I've heard everything! From voters being "selfish" to voters "being afraid of having a black woman president". Oh puh-leeeeeze!!!!!!!! Give me a break! Kamala Harris did not lose the election because of complicated reasons like that. She lost for one simple reason; NO ONE LIKES HER!!!!!!!!! She has absolutely NO charisma. She has no character. Her personality SUCKS!!!! She had no plans, and the plans she did have were going to be no different than Biden's, she said so herself! Who wants to put up with another 4 years like Biden's 4 years?! I sure don't! The idiot didn't do anything for the American people!! Only for himself. He spent more money on his many tax-payer funded vacations than he did helping the people in the Maui fires.
Even to this day, leftists still bash Trump. For STUPID reasons too! And now they've started on Elon Musk. Every little thing he does gets nothing but gripes from leftists. Because now that he has begun working on DOGE, he's exposing the democrats for who they really are. Wasting tax payer dollars on stupid shit like transgender surgeries for people in Guatemala! Or Sesame Street shows in Meso-potatoes or whatever the fuck the name is!! I don't care! Giving our money to countries that have nothing to do with us just pisses me off! Makes me MAD! So, I am glad that Elon Musk is bringing all this to light! But the leftists hate it. They hate it because they believed the democrats were doing good things. That they were all in their offices singing Kumbaya!
Already I am hearing from leftists "No one elected Musk!" Well, that doesn't matter to me. The president often employs outsiders to help them. That is nothing unique to Trump. Already I am also hearing leftists bellyache about Trump going golfing. They believe he is using tax-payer dollars to play golf. I tell them to shut up! I didn't hear this much griping from them when Biden took over 300 vacations on tax payer dollars! And I'll wager anything that Trump used his own money, or he played on his own golf course. He's not using tax payer money on that. He doesn't need to, he has his own money. DUR!!!!!!
Well, this morning, rather early, I opened up my Facebook and I saw this picture...
This was posted up at a school. It depicts patriots with bayonets poked in their faces. Possibly signifying leftists holding guns to them. It made me think of this video I saw last night while watching YouTube...
This chick is loony! To think she has kids is a scary thought! Someone needs to call the FBI and CPS on this chick! And that was what that poster made me think of. And then this morning, I saw this video posted up by Ben Shapiro of Kamala Harris basically saying the same words. My guess is with the same kind of attitude...
That poster above says the exact same thing. Ben Shapiro thinks Kamala Harris is making a call to arms. Imagine if Trump had done this! The leftists would be griping and complaining about it for all time to come. Well, it isn't Trump saying these things, it's Kamala Harris! But you will never hear leftists gripe about her saying this, because they pretty much agree with her. This series of videos and pictures proves it. And then as I scrolled downward on my Facebook page, I saw this...
The problem with leftists is that they are controlled strictly by emotions. Now, I am not saying having feelings for others is a completely bad thing. But it is people who are too emotional that leads to trouble. There are times when emotions are more of a hinderance. It causes people to become irrational. I saw a video this morning of a black girl in a CVS store who was angry that a clerk called the police on a couple of black men who stole some merchandise. She was more concerned about the black men losing their lives to the police than about the store that lost it's goods. Goods that other people, who were willing to pay for them, could have used! She got too emotional and started asking the clerk stupid questions like "Why did you call the police on those two black men?" I'd have told her "It's none of your damn business you fool! And if you don't like it then get the hell out of my store!"
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