Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Are Leftists Adults or Children?

I was in this group on Facebook that I am now a regular in. One post I saw today talked about how Maxine Waters and this Jasmine Crockett both plan to attend Trump's Congress Address tonight. While they are there, they plan to disrupt his speech. They somehow think this is "getting even" with Marjorie Taylor Greene when, at Biden's State of the Union speech, she urged him to say Laken Riley's name. If that really is the case, and that's why these bitches intend to invade Trump's Congressional Address, I don't see what it's going to accomplish except shameless personal satisfaction. But it makes me wonder, are these people actually adults? Or are they really children somehow made up to look like adults? Because this sounds like a very childish act on the part of these dumb democrats.

Besides being democrats, one thing both Maxine Waters and Jasmine Crockett have in common is they are both liberal black women. My guess is their parents never taught them any manners. And liberal black women are bred not to be able to let things go. I think it's in their genes. I don't know if it's completely upbringing. I've known very fine and decent black women whose kids grew up to become monsters. But those fine, decent black women are today very rare. Thanks to Obama. Nowadays, you mostly see black women who are more interested in going out and party-hop rather than stay home and tend to their kids. And it's ALWAYS leftist black women.

I tried to look for something in the news to see if this is really going to happen. But then again, the news doesn't cover everything. I think the news does not cover this because they don't want Trump to know when these vipers are going to attack. I don't even know this Crockett idiot, and already I don't like her. Not just because she is a liberal. But also because she's so dumb, she actually literally stated that Kamala Harris would have led America to the promised land. Reading that, I almost wanted to laugh, and also almost wanted to take a sigh of relief. Thanking GOD Kamala Harris was not elected. Because Jasmine Crockett, being the kind of person she seems to be, I wonder what her idea of "the promised land" is. I hate to think! To her, the "promised land" is full of criminals and thugs, ugly people, dishonesty, and if you aren't a colored person, you will be put in jail just for looking cross-eyed at a black person. Or put in jail just for "misgendering" a trans-person. Even if they don't look like the gender they claim to be.

No thanks! I don't want to live in Crockett's idea of "the promised land". Nor Harris's idea of one either! And I HATE Maxine Waters! I can't even stand looking at her, her face is so ugly, it looks like an old, shriveled up prune to me! Or like a horse's butthole! I'd truly expect her to be the type that would disrupt Trump's speech with mocking, ridicule and harassment. I hope Trump and his bouncers heard about their plans and plan to evict Waters and Crockett from his moments. It's for dumb reasons anyways. Biden's administration did kill several people. Trump's administration hasn't killed anyone. In fact, Trump is trying to stop World War 3 from happening. Though Crockett says Trump will lead us into WW3. I don't see how she comes up with that calculation. My guess is she's been listening to too much MSNBC, or The View.

From what I heard, Crockett joined The View one day and shut down Alyssa Griffin talking about Trump saying his approval rating is larger than it's ever been. But then Crockett buts in and says a bunch of bullshit in her place. Something like "My takeaway is just like the election,” Crockett said. “We’ve got to do better at education. People don’t understand, but you will understand when those hospitals in rural America start closing down even more. You will understand when you don’t have your Social Security. You will understand when your Medicare goes away. You will understand as planes continue to fall out of the sky.”

She went on, “Soon, you will understand why it’s important to maybe have somebody that isn’t loud and ridiculous, and maybe “Sleepy Joe” is what we wanted because we could at least sleep at night.” As told by The Daily Beast. Though I do not usually trust The Daily Beast, several other news outlets have also reported Crockett saying this. Oh yes, I trusted Joe Biden. Like I trust a big, dark hole in the ground! Crockett thinks Biden was better? Well think again! If Biden was soooooooooo great, why didn't he do anything about East Palestine when that horrible railroad accident poisoned the water supply and killed the fish? Why didn't he help the people of Maui immediately after the wildfires that caused many families to become homeless? Why didn't Joe Biden do anything to help during the LA wildfires this past year? Why did 2 wars start under Biden's watch? How do you account for the money wasted on stupid stuff Biden proposed? Including his many vacations he took during his administration. Seems to pale the times Trump played golf during his administration.

And what is all this bullshit about hospitals closing in rural areas? I'm in a rural area and our hospital is expanding. Not closing. Social Security? When has Trump ever said he's going to shut down social security??? He NEVER said that! And Medicare. My sis is on Medicare. Medicare is USELESS!!!!! She's been trying to use it to get some medical help for the past 2 years. Years Biden was in office and controlling things. But she keeps getting denied because she's not over 62, and she resides in a smaller town. What did Biden do about that? NOTHING! I hope Trump is going to fix that. And "planes continuing to fall out of the sky" she says. ONE time that happened. Just about a month ago. Trump was barely sworn in. But his administration was on the scene within hours after the accident. And the reason that plane crash happened was because the pilot of the helicopter was an inexperienced DIE hire. She only had 500 hours of airtime training. According to military rules, that's not even half the time needed for a pilot to have the ability to fly on their own. Sounds to me, like she was just put up there by Biden because she was a leftist woman who hated Trump. So, that incident doesn't count as being associated with Trump.

It's typical for the current presidential administration to blame the one before it for blunders that happen. When Obama took office, everyone blamed his problems on George W. Bush. When Bush took office, people were blaming his failures on Clinton. When Clinton took office, everyone blamed his failures on the previous Bush. When Biden took office, everyone blamed his failures on Trump. And now that Biden is out, and Trump is back in office, they still want to blame Trump. Why can't the current administrations take charge of their own actions? Well, Trump is always blamed no matter what. I'm starting to get used to that. It's come to the fact that when a democrat is elected into office, and doesn't do anything, I look at them and say "Well, here it comes! They're going to spend the first 2 years of their administration blaming the administration before them!" Well, having lived through 4 years of Biden, I can tell you, I sure as Hell don't want it repeated again. Those were indeed the longest 4 years of my life! And every failure he had was blamed on Trump. I kept saying you can't blame this on Trump! He's not even in office anymore. But the democrats continued to blame him every time Biden failed at something. And I saw the mess he made of this country. That surely was not Trump's fault! Sleepy Joe may have been what Jasmine Crockett wanted. But not me! And not anyone with any sense either.

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