Thursday, March 6, 2025

Another Crazy Leftist On Facebook

Well, ever since what happened in 2016 after my father died and people I thought were, at best, my "friends" abandoned me, my attitude towards Facebook friends now is they can come and go as they wish. But there is a time I may misjudge someone. Most of the people I invite to become my friends now are show dog people. Yes, I know I used to not like show people. But things have changed since I started becoming friends with some. This one friend I've had since around 2015, by the name of Lisa Joelle Nave, gave me faith in show breeders again. She is very kind. I've ordered a few jewelry pieces from her online business, Joelle's Jewels. Check them out on Facebook! A lot of the jewelry can be personalized too.

Anyway, I am trying to get into the show ring myself. I'd like to start showing dogs. I've noticed breeders today are a lot different from the ones I knew in the older crowd. They don't seem as stuck-up as the older crowd is. I keep up with them because I hope to learn as much as I can about how to show dogs. One of the main reasons I never showed dogs before was because it had become too political. It may be harder to win these days because EVERYTHING has become political!! Not only that, but some people take politics too personally. Well, last night, I found out there was a snake lurking in the house! A chick named Bentley Tova. She raises pomeranians. I don't know if she shows, but she does have cute poms. Pomeranians are one of my favorite small breeds. I nicknamed them "clown dogs", because almost everything they do makes me laugh. When they walk, they actually look like pom-poms with legs. I kindof wonder if that's where pom-poms got their name? LOL!

Admittedly, I haven't had any interaction with this chick until last night. So, I don't know much about her. But I found out she is a hardcore leftist from California. Small wonder, ey? I'm still trying to learn how to talk to leftists and not get nasty with them the way they do with me. It's taking a great deal of training on my part. I always try not to be mean. Sometimes though, they post things that I believe is meant to trigger Trump supporters. Though those simple little tricks stopped working with me quite some time ago. What I'm trying to learn not to do is give them their attitude back. If someone is going to lose their temper, I'd rather it be them. I'd say I did pretty good with Bentley. She's great practice! She's not harsh at all. She hasn't said anything I haven't heard before from other leftists. The same echo chamber remarks that you hear from leftists stopped bothering me years ago! In fact by now, most of it has gotten old and dull. It started with this post I found on Quora yesterday...

It got a lot of likes from many people. I made it public, so everyone can see. Only a couple people found it funny. Only one person I am sure found it funny for different reasons. But again, I don't care about that. It's not my problem. So far, only one person commented on this post, and that is Bentley. I posted this pic, because it is true. I have nothing at all against the Ukraine. I have several buddies on Facebook from the Ukraine. And I've had friends in real life from the Ukraine. But Zelensky wants to keep the war going. Trump is trying to get him to stop it. I also want that war to stop. This post proves how backward leftists are. They praise Zelesky for putting the Ukraine first, and they hate Trump because he puts America first. Doesn't make sense. But that is the morality of the leftists. I think at this point, they just like to confuse people. Maybe that gives them a sense of power.

Anyways, this was the comment that Bentley Tova left on that post...

Notice how she says nothing new. It's all the same exact bullshit every other leftist spews. But I just chalk this up to another crazy leftist from LA blowing steam by using TDS. This was my response to her...

I could have asked her what made her say what she said about Trump, but let's face it, I already know. LOL! These people think we're in a cult, remember? LOL! I've heard of kennel blindness among dog breeders. I think leftists have another version of that known as "cult blindness". They are in a cult, and just don't know it. Refer to my post "The Trump Cult" to hear more about that. Notice in my comment, I am being very nice and sweet. I always welcome opposing opinions. Even from leftists. I'm still waiting to hear any reason they can give me to not support Trump. So far though, no one has come up with anything. Like Bentley, it's all just parroting talking points that I already know are false. This was her response to me...

She thinks what she is saying is facts. But again, I've heard them all before and know they are wrong. I'm surprised she hasn't brought up that he's a criminal! I thought now, since a fake judge has announced he committed some bogus crime I don't even remember what it was, that ALL leftists would use that title to their advantage. Maybe Bentley didn't get the message? All she has to do is watch more of The View and she'll hear it. It's not like they don't bring it up every chance they get! Anyway, it looks like she's beginning to lose her temper here. So, I respond with this...

I'm sticking to my guns. It's still just her opinion. So she responds with this after I guess sleeping on it all night...

Hmm, cultural appropriation? I thought the moniker "felicia" was only for black people. Oh well! Last night, I noticed she had deleted herself from my Facebook friends, which I am OK with. Really, I am. I cannot believe she took all night to write this post. I suppose she needed to cool down so she doesn't look like a jerk to the world. I'm fine with people deleting me from their Facebook. I have no qualms about it whatsoever. Those days are GONE for good! LOL! I already said bye (in spirit) to her last night. Once someone is off my friends list, they are no longer my concern. What they say or do no longer matters to me. So, this was my response to Bentley's post...

She didn't have anything to say after that. So, this was her response...

This whole thing has been funny, so I laughed along with her. This was my response...

Yes she is! She is a typical leftist, but at least she isn't mean like the others. Notice no name calling. I guess that was why she needed last night to cool off after she couldn't piss me off and I just kept saying her opinions are just her opinions. But hey! At least I said she has a right to them. LOL!

I post this because I noticed this post in another group. Unfortunately, he didn't post the link to this article, but it does say a lot about the leftists of today...

He didn't post the link to this article, but I know it to be true. Every leftist today all claim to have some kind of mental health issue. This was my response to this post...

That is what I think. I don't think the problem is in mental health, I think the problem today is just bad parenting. Almost makes me feel sorry for the leftists. Especially Bentley. She does act a lot like the old fashioned show breeders. The people who made me hate show breeders in the beginning. Thank GOD she is just one person. But I will hand her props for not losing her temper. It actually helped me keep my cool. At least so far she hasn't lost her temper. I'll keep you all posted as the day goes on.

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Another Crazy Leftist On Facebook

Well, ever since what happened in 2016 after my father died and people I thought were, at best, my "friends" abandoned me, my atti...