Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cringe DNC

Well, I heard the Democratic National Convention is meeting now and I've got to tell you, it's unbearable! Well, the first time I heard about them and saw one of their annual meetings, it was hilarious! One of the funniest things I've ever seen was this trans "woman" stand up after the announcer said "you guys", and he gets up and he's out of breath and he says with a great deal of desperation in his voice "Stop using gendered language!" The announcer wasn't even talking to him! But he quickly got up and spewed that anyway. Another thing I remember about that meeting, besides the fact it looked like a damn freak-show at the circus, the participants were not allowed to clap their hands. Because apparently, the loud sound of clapping scares some of those people. What a bunch of wussies!

Well anyway, you're not going to believe what they have now at this year's event. Of course they all met to try and tear down Donald Trump. That's nothing unusual. They still were doing that even when Trump was not in office. But they were also trying to build up Kamala Harris. One of my buds on Facebook said it's beginning to look like we are going to have Kamala Harris as our next president. I told him I hope he's wrong! The democrats don't like it when we say this, but I'm gonna say it anyways. If Kamala Harris wins, then I am going to KNOW for sure there was a conspiracy! Because NOBODY likes her! Surely not enough people like her for her to win the election. Not without the democrats doing something underhanded to help her win.

Then apparently Joe Blow shows up and everyone in there was crying at that moment as if he was the second coming of Jesus Christ. Well, in their eyes, he is Jesus Christ. UGH! They don't believe in GOD, so instead they praise and worship Joe Biden. I'm glad I am not one of them! And they think we conservatives worship Trump? HAHAHA!! That kills me! In a humorous way. I don't worship Trump. I like him, but I don't worship him. I like his policies and his love for this country. I like how he puts America first in spite of what democrats think of him. But the only one I worship is GOD. But I think that was one of the most cringe-ass moments I've ever seen in my life! Crying over a stupid old fart who was totally washed-up from the beginning anyway. It's their own fault for putting him in the White House anyway!

But it gets much worse. In the parking lot of this convention, there was a big motorhome from Planned Parenthood. Were they giving out t-shirts? Mugs? Brochures? Not really. The biggest things they were giving out was free abortions and vasectomies! Now, how many women are going to this convention pregnant? And how many of the men really want to have someone cut their tubes onsite? I wonder how many customers they got at that meeting? Someone filmed the motorhome Planned Parenthood set up, and the majority of people who went in there were colored people. And the democrats want to stop white people from reproducing. Did you ever notice the only time nowadays you see white people in any commercials is when it's an advertisement for birth control? I noticed that the other day. At first I was like "Finally! An old-fashioned type commercial" and then I realized it was for birth control. Yet the only people going into the Planned Parenthood booth at the DNC were colored folks.

And another thing, what about the people there who don't like to be reminded of their proper gender? Are they performing tube ties on biological women who think they're men and calling them "vasectomies"? Are they performing vasectomies on biological men and telling them they're tying their tubes? The whole transgender thing is dumb and needs to be completely eradicated! In order to really do that, we need to stop affirming them, and get rid of this "protected" status they seem to have. Another thing that happened at this DNC, a real woman got up to speak about women's rights. Now, I'm no feminist and I don't like modern feminism either. But I am also not in favor of men taking women's rights away. Like the right to have women-only spaces and sports. Women have been fighting for those rights for years, and now it looks like some men have figured out a way to infiltrate themselves into womens' privacy. By becoming trans. Anyways, you know what happened to those women who spoke at the DNC? They were called "TERFs" and beaten up by men who think they're women. Thank GOD they weren't hurt badly. But this is what giving a "protected" status does to these people. They think they can get away with physically harming real women without any provocation.

I believe equal rights is a good thing. Usually if a woman hits a man first, he has every right to put her in her place. But to cause violence because women think men should not be allowed in their spaces? That's not provoking anyone. If anything, it's the trans-"women" who were provoking the real women. This is why we need to start standing up to these bullies! Men have no business harming women who did nothing to them. My ma always told me not to be the first one to put my hands on anyone. People can say whatever they want to. That does not bother me. But once you put your hands on someone else, it's game over! And it's only fair that they hit me back. And vice-versa. I don't like being touched by strangers anyway!

Another thing about the DNC this year, they asked Jeffrey Marsh to speak at their convention. YUK! I hate that guy! More than anything! He's even worse than Dylan Mulvaney, I think. Both of them suck, but I think between the two of them, Jeffrey Marsh is the worst. I cannot even stand hearing his voice. His voice is like a needle jutting up my spine! Like nails on a chalkboard. He has no redeeming qualities either. He's just completely CRINGE!!!!!! I enjoy watching Jeffrey Marsh about as much as I enjoy watching a lion hunting a hyena. Completely disgusting! I don't like it at all.

Well, in my life's book, I always call out when Corina comes to visit. Corina was the woman whose little girl I watched a couple times when no one else would. I don't even know why I am always calling out when she comes, I was never her friend. She's a nice and sweet person, and I adore her children. But, being real here, I was never Corina's friend. Yet every time I see her here, I always announce "Corina's here". Not necessarily in an excited manner, but for some reason, I always announce it. LOL! Well, she still has friends here. But when I said goodbye to her, when she moved out of this complex, I knew that was the last time we were going to speak to each other. That's just the way it is with me. I've gotten used to every time I like someone, whether a little or a lot, then I go months without seeing them again. Then the next time I do see them, I am completely snubbed by them. I'm used to that. It doesn't bother me, but at the same time, I still feel like in a way, we're still in each others' lives. I notice it when Corina comes here. But I don't, and have no intention, of speaking to her in any way. And I expect the same thing from her. Not because I have any issues with her. But that's just how I am.

That may sound like an awful way to treat people. But it is what it is. Life is just too short and I'm too old now to let what some stranger thinks of me ruin my days. And yes, people who I don't consider friends are strangers to me. I'd have to know someone really well in order to consider them a friend. And I just don't know Corina that well.

Speaking of strangers, I have a feeling I know who that anonymous chick was who got my last blog deleted. It's not Corina! LOL! Not that I ever actually thought that. But I have a feeling I know who it was. The person has been reading my blog for a while, knows all my former hang-out spots, etc. I won't say for sure whom I believe it is, but I have a hunch I'm not wrong. One thing I remember him saying is the speculative evolution fans used to admire my work. No they didn't. A few did, maybe. But the majority did nothing but complain about me and my Metazoic project. Then he brought up the INXS fans. That also made me laugh. For one reason, the INXS fans are the biggest group of leftists I ever had the displeasure of dealing with. I told this dude that I have the best of the bunch among my Facebook buds now. I don't give a shit about the rest! Besides, they were the ones that created the new me. They hated the sweet, kind and giving me. So, that me doesn't exist anymore. Not where they are concerned. To me, the other INXS fans these days are more like gum on my shoes, a mere annoyance that I step on and scrape off.

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