Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cenk Yugar Is Anti-Semantic

 That man needs to have a swastika tattooed on his head! BTW, I'm not serious. I don't know for sure if Cenk Yugar is truly anti-semantic. But I was watching a video yesterday that Resist The Mainstream (YouTube) did of The Young Turks. Ana Kasparian really laid into Cenk Yugar on this subject! She said things I've been saying for a long time! Cenk Yugar thinks he can read Trump's mind. But he can't. A simple person cannot read the mind of another person. So, I think Cenk needs to STOP acting like he knows what Trump is thinking when he says or does something. I must say, I am totally impressed by Ana Kasparian! She is still not a Trump supporter, but it looks like from this clip, at least she is getting cured of TDS. I'm proud of her! I really am! Watch this clip...

I always say, there is already too much division in this country. I don't say a person has to like Trump. There are things he does even I don't like. But he's not Princess Diana. I'm not voting for Mr. Congeniality here! I'm voting for a strong man who can clean up the mess that has been made of this country! The only one who can do that is Trump! I don't care what people have accused him of. I don't give a shit about Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carrol! I think they're both phonies! I never believed their Trump rape stories from the beginning! And now, they've both been proven to be liars, and the DAs who prosecuted Trump for those cases are also proven to be corrupt!!! So to the TDS-media victims I say SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP! Leave Trump alone and let him run this country as he sees fit.

However, I just know Kamala Harris is going to win. If she does, then this whole country is screwed! But nobody likes her. How can she win? You might be asking. Well, the democrats cheated before in the 2020 election. No doubt they are dumb enough to try that again! If you mention anything about cheating on the last election, in a lot of websites and social media, it'll get you kicked off. But if you say something like "Trump raped his wife and is holding her captive" no one will so much as blink an eyeball! And the media might even run it, and all the media-obsessed leftards will be repeating it the same day! Leftists blindly believe anything that is the popular opinion. But there was grand-scale cheating in the 2020 election! My sis and I watched the whole thing. I remember watching the numbers very closely. For a while, it looked like Trump was winning. But then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Biden votes started piling up, and then there were NO MORE Trump votes! Now, you can say what you want about Trump, but I don't believe for one second, the man who could barely draw in 100 people for a rally got that far ahead of Trump in the polls!!!!!!!! If you look at Trump rallies, his supporters lined up for miles in some cases, just to get in! If you look closely at Kamala rallies, there's usually barely 100 people there. The DNC has all the attendees gather closely in seats behind Kamala Harris to make it look like there's more people at her rallies than there really are. And I heard from somewhere those people are actually paid to sit there and look cheerful. Though I don't know for sure if that's true.

Hey! At least I can admit it if I am not sure about something. Although I wouldn't doubt it if I were the one in power. Nobody likes Kamala Harris. It would be like if I got up and gave a speech at some kind of INXS convention. None of them like me either. So, it's likely no one would come to hear my speech unless they were paid to do so. Not that there is any such thing as an INXS convention. LOL!! But I can honestly say it's been tried among fans twice before. But who is going to go to those? I sure as Hell wouldn't now. I only like a few of the fans and I don't really care to meet anymore. Especially now that I know what they are really like deep inside. In Michael's own words; I've seen inside their heart. Most of them don't have one though.

But I used to be just like them! It's no secret that in the beginning, I hated Trump. I believed all the lies the media said about him. It's also no coincidence that back then, I used to watch The Young Turks. My own wake-up call, ironically, was the last turmoil I had with the INXS fans. One person told lies about me, then another person believed it, then another, then another, then another, then so-on and so-on. My sister told me that's how leftists are. They believe only the popular opinion. They don't ever bother to look at both sides of an argument. And especially if the person spreading the lies happens to be a leftist, then the person being lied about is definitely screwed! Well, it took a bit to realize what the INXS fans were doing to me was no different than what I was doing to Trump. That is when I got off Facebook and started doing my own research. I stopped listening to the media, and started studying Trump for myself. I listened to a lot of conservative podcasts and watching videos by conservatives about Trump. I slowly began to realize this man is not as bad as the media has been saying he is! The more I learned about him, the more I liked him. Now, I consider myself a full supporter of Trump. I think the big clincher was when Trump signed a bill making animal abuse a felony. That was the final straw when Trump really captured my heart. I love animals. I'd never want to see one hurt. I can honestly say now, I like animals more than people. In fact, people make me downright sick!

I've got to tell you, even INXS fans I never thought would turn against me, actually did turn against me! But I've been hearing a lot that a lot of other people who support Trump have been getting the same thing from leftists they've considered friends. I hear it all the time. People they have been friends with for YEARS even. People they've even helped out of rough situations, let their own politics get in the way of their friendship. And I noticed this only happens with leftists. I've never heard of conservatives saying "if you support Biden, then I'm not your friend!" I whole-heartedly blame Obama for this! Because I noticed leftists were not like this before Obama became president! It's only after Obama knew he could not run for a third term that leftists went loony. And I do believe Obama was the first one to say Trump is racist. I also believe he stated if you support Trump, then you support racism. And all because he could not run for president a third time, and Hillary Clinton did not win! So, when I see a leftist unfriend someone just because they support Trump, I automatically blame Obama because he was the one who got that ball rolling! That is why I HATE Obama with so much passion!

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