Saturday, September 21, 2024

Assassination "Teams"?

 OK this Trump assassination thing is getting way out of hand! Now, I hear on a podcast that leftists have created assassination "teams" to go across country hunting for Trump. This is one thing I don't like about leftists. They're crazy asf! They just won't let Trump go. And I'm telling you all right now, if anything happens to Donald Trump, I'm holding the mainstream media personally responsible! If Trump is killed, I will do everything possible to cancel the mainstream media. Even if I have to show up at their personal homes with a group of other protesters and put a sign on each of their front gates calling them murderers! Or make a personal trip, ring their doorbells and run. I could do more, but I am not a violent person, and have no desire to harm anyone. I don't want to stoop to the leftists' level.

I will totally blame the leftist media if Trump is killed. They are now trying to say Trump is being targeted and it's all his own fault. Umm, no it isn't you stupid fools! Trump is just doing what he does, he's trying to campaign. He's living his best life and wants to help America. If anything happens to him, it will be the fault of the democrats. No one else! They are the ones who keep talking shit after each assassination attempt, saying it's a conspiracy and other BS like that. Typical leftists don't want to take responsibility for their own shortcomings. Just blame Trump or whatever else they are into blaming these days. They also keep saying things like "Don't miss next time" and "they keep missing him". I know it's impossible for leftists to look outside the box but think for a moment how that kind of talk sounds to someone who is a leftist narcissist and would love the attention. I don't want to speak any further on that because I don't want to put out ideas. I think I've even said too much already.

So far though, all assassination attempts on Trump have been carried out by leftists, and all have happily failed. But this idea of assassination "teams"? Now, that's going WAY too far! Makes me mad these people just won't leave Trump alone! But me, and a lot of other conservatives are actively praying Trump remains safe and sound. I want him back in office! I don't want that stinky old Kamala Harris. I hate her! She didn't even get the nomination fair and square. The only reason she got put up for a presidential candidate is because she was Biden's VP and she's a colored woman. Biden only selected her to be his VP because she's colored and a woman. She has no merit whatsoever, and nobody likes her.

Of course, when has a leftist ever valued merit over skin-color? They don't. That's why they're dumb. I personally don't care about skin color. That only matters to colored leftists. I'll talk to black people. A lot of them have a good sense of humor. Some are beautiful people inside and out. But I will not talk to them if they display a bad attitude. Call that racist all you want to, I will never accept the leftist ideology that skin color is more important than character. In that sense, I agree with MLK Jr. When I am out with someone I am friends with, I don't give any mentions about skin color or whether they are thinner or fatter than me. I just don't care. If I comment on them in any way, it's going to be on their quality of character. To me, that is the most important thing.

I can tell you now, there's a lot of white people I wouldn't give the time of day to because they have such a nasty disposition. That's why I don't like that wacky woman in building B here. Besides the fact she makes all fat people look as bad as her. Fat people already have a bad stigma surrounding them, and have for a long time. We don't need someone like that wacky woman to come along and prove the attackers correct. That's why she makes me so angry. She is the exact characterization of what fat haters think of fat people.

I ran into her quite by accident the other day at the fairgrounds. She was parked in the grass and she was lying behind her car like some kind of gigantic speed bump. I wanted to go for a walk down that little path I am always walking. I had both my dogs with me. For some reason I did not see her parked there. I think it was because there was too much sun glare that day. I didn't see her there until we got closer and then her old dog came rushing out barking. Scared my dogs, and Ele started to go for the dog. I didn't want her damn dog to attack my Ele or Mya, so I had to cut that walk short. I was angry! I wanted to key her car all to hell that's how angry I was. I don't want her dog and mine to make any contact. If her dog were to attack my dogs, no doubt she'd stiff me. She'd be blaming my dogs or me for her dog attacking. I don't know that for sure, I just have the feeling she is the type that would do that.

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