Friday, September 27, 2024

Crazy Cenky

 I recently watched a debate with Piers Morgan and a panel of political individuals, Candace Owens, Cenk Uygar, and Erik Prince. Putting aside my personal feelings about Piers Morgan for a moment, I wanted to show off this interview that I saw on YouTube. As you probably can tell, Piers is a moderate, according to himself, Candace and Erik are Trump supporters. Erik also has served this country fighting in the war in Iraq. And of course, Cenk is a radical leftist. The debate is about the war in Palestine, and some discussions about Trump come up as well. When the interview goes on, Cenk loses his mind completely! Just like he always does. Keep in mind when you are watching this video, this is the same man who says all right-wingers are "crazy" and "unhinged", and what they do is far worse than what any leftists have ever done.

Piers brings this up during the interview, but I notice Cenk blows his top a lot. He's worse than Mount St. Helens! Piers tries to get Cenk to note the irony in his calling right-wingers "crazy". That's funny when you see this, because the only one losing his mind and acting crazy in this entire show is Cenk Uygar! The one and only leftist in the panel, and he simply cannot keep it together for 3 seconds! LMAO!!! But to be truthful, he's no different than any other leftist. All leftists are violent, unhinged people who, at the same time, just don't seem to know how crazy they actually are. What is even sadder is that leftists listen to people like Cenk Uygar, and his behavior becomes so normal to them, because that's all they are exposed to, that they don't realize they're unhinged. They're either always angry, yelling, or crying. There is no in between with them. Which is also ironic, considering how leftists think everything is on some kind of spectrum. Even things that aren't.

Cenk is no teenager either! He's a grown man. He makes my father look as peaceful as a dove! The last time I saw someone lose their mind the way Cenk does over and over again in this video, was when I saw CopperCab participate in an interview with Bearing on YouTube. He got so angry, he literally foamed at the mouth. I'm surprised Cenk didn't do the same. Not that I saw. But if you look carefully, you can probably see the veins in his forehead throbbing!

Well, I like how Candace responds to Cenk's tantrums. She describes his attitude perfectly here. She describes him as being like a toddler who starts throwing his toys because he can't get what he wants. LOL! It's so TRUE!!!! He does act like that. I kinda wonder if that is how he was raised. Candace said he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd never been spanked by his parents or challenged in any way. And anyone who ever tried to challenge him, it didn't go well for them. He gets as crazy as he thinks right-wingers are. Every one of his reactions to what is being said is completely off the rails, and childish. I think he may be a little bit flatulent too.

The leftists just cannot stop talking about Trump. I hope Trump is feeling flattered. He is living rent-free in their minds. The leftists even know how to turn a random act of kindness Trump does into something horrible and evil. There is a video going around of Trump visiting a grocery store and getting a bag of popcorn. He finds a random stranger and gives her $100 towards her groceries. The left is saying this is an illegal act. They liken it to buying votes. But no one really knows the whole scenario that wasn't caught on camera. Trump may not have been on a campaign trip. I've seen him just randomly hand out money to people. He always does that. I don't think his campaign had anything to do with this random act. The leftists just want to be angry about everything. It seems that they have forgotten that Obama and Hillary did a lot of illegal acts during their campaigns. Obama took a lot of illegal donations for his campaigns, and Hillary hid the donations and spendings she made during her campaigning in 2015 in the emails she deleted. These have been proven true. Not conspiracy theories.

Now, someone like Cenk would say the Hillary and Obama reports are nothing more than "conspiracy theories". But then he'll go with the leftist crowd and say Trump paying for someone else's groceries was illegal. Even though we don't have the full story, and Trump didn't hide anything. This is another big reason I hate the leftists. When someone says what Kamala and Obama did was illegal, it's always "oh that's just a conspiracy theory!" from them. Even if we have all the facts against them. If you ask me, I don't think it's proper for anyone running for president, or any role in the American government offices, to be calling for assassination of their opponents. Kamala has done that repeatedly! Trump has never done the same to her! But if someone so much as mentions Trump in any imaginary scenario, like if someone were to say he did call for the assassination of Kamala, the leftists would automatically believe it, instead of understanding that it was meant to be just a fictional scenario. They'd be going up and down the country shouting "Trump is trying to get Kamala killed! He's a monster!" Cenk calls Trump a "monster" a lot in this video, as you may have seen. Personally, I think Kamala Harris is an even bigger monster.

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