Friday, October 4, 2024

Racist Door-Lockers

 I recently watched a video by Matt Walsh, who did an interview with a man who was complaining about how we lock our doors when we're at home, and how it "harms minorities". Some stupid, crazy quack named Dr. Scott Miller-Pearlman. He's no doctor! He's just a cheap college professor. And in today's world, that means nothing. As Ben Shapiro would say, he's nothing but a professional useless person. I don't praise college professors. Some people call them "heroes" but not me. Not since CRT was introduced into the curriculum. Just listen to this idiot as he talks to Matt Walsh in this video...

He says basically that the simple act of locking our doors is "white supremacy". Well, then I guess from here on out you can call me a white supremacist. That's one form of "white supremacy" that I think I will just keep doing, thank you! I'm not letting any strangers in my house at all! I don't care if that does make them feel "oppressed"! This guy can do that if he wants to. He may not know the people going in and out of his house, but shoot! It's his house. If he wants to let colored strangers go in, then that's OK for him. I'm never going to do that. I don't care anything about skin color. I don't believe in "feeling generational oppression", and I wouldn't care otherwise. I think of me, and my family. I want us to be safe, and living the next day. I actually do have PTSD, from being bullied all my life. That was an actual event I've experienced myself throughout my life. I find it offensive myself that black people today are using that condition to claim they feel oppressed by slavery, which none of them have ever experienced!

Some people in the comments of this video are saying this is satire. Matt Walsh has been known to do some satirical stuff, and I do hope this is one of them. Though this may be a parody, there are actually people who think like this. Look at the hundreds of leftists who have called the border wall a "racist" concept. Whereas normal-thinking individuals know it's not racist. It's just common sense safety precautions. You know the saying of better safe than sorry. I don't want strangers around me. I don't care for them, and I don't care if my door being locked makes them feel oppressed! That's too bad for them. I'm not going to open my door to someone who could possibly mug me and my sis or steal my dogs and do GOD knows what to them. That may be fine for Scott Miller-Pearlman, but not for Dee Dee Rivera! I only hope this man does not have a family to protect. He'd be a lousy protector. Or let one of his kids get kidnapped, raped and murdered. Maybe it would teach him a lesson of why people lock their doors.

But who am I kidding? Leftists like Miller-Pearlman don't have kids. They're too selfish. I don't have kids either. But that's because 1) I cannot have kids and 2) I spent most of my young life as a leftist. I had the same attitude they do about having kids. By the time I wised up, it was too late for me to start having kids. But I do have my nieces and nephews, and I adore them. I'd sure like to see Eva and her kids again someday. I haven't seen her in quite some time. I know she's still alive, she's got to be! I just haven't heard from her in a while. Her oldest boy would be 25 now! I think. It's hard keeping track of stuff like that when they aren't mine. The last time I saw them, her oldest was a young teen. About 13 or 14.

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Racist Door-Lockers

 I recently watched a video by Matt Walsh, who did an interview with a man who was complaining about how we lock our doors when we're at...