Wednesday, June 7, 2023

White Child Abuse

Take a look at this! A friend sent me this video this afternoon.

This video shows a white student being thrashed around by a black schoolteacher. It's horrible. While we do not know the actual circumstance that led to this abuse, nothing excuses this kind of behavior from a teacher. Most teachers when I was growing up, always tried to be fair. But this is what happens when affirmative action takes over hiring practices. We get nasty, bitter black liberal teachers like this. The narrator said that there is a lot of this going around in schools, where black teachers are bullying white students. I've had black teachers before, and they were always very fair. But again, that was the pre-Obama era. It is Obama that has made black people these days so hateful and angry.

I'll tell you, if that was my child in the video and I even dreamed the teacher was doing this to her in school, that teacher would never draw another breath again. I'd have hunted her down like a deer, and shot her. I don't give a fuck what she thinks about "white tears". Apparently that's a thing that black people made up. They believe white people should not be allowed to cry when they are bothered by a black person, because (in their words) "white tears have been used for years to get black people in trouble". That is the stupidest reason I've ever heard to not let any cry, or even call for help. It's kindof like what I've come to know as "the Carlos Stewart effect".

Remember earlier in this blog, I mentioned how Carlos started bullying me for no apparent reason. And when I sought help from some of the adults in my life, including my parents, all of his little fag friends took his side, and I became the bad person. And I didn't do anything. Carlos just randomly one day began harassing me. And it got worse and worse. I still, to this day, have no idea why he just picked me out of all the kids in school, to harass. I never did anything to him. I never even said anything to him, or to anyone else about him. In fact, I never even gave Carlos a second thought until after he began bullying me.

Now, I could have used "white tears" against him, and had him arrested for battery and simple harassment. But I didn't. I wasn't going to give him and his friends the satisfaction. So, I never cried because of them. The worst I did was pretend like they were not even there. In those days, I had after school activities going, so I would more often think of those and how much fun I was going to have than what was going on around me in the classrooms. Sometimes I'd even find myself smiling, in the midst of all their bullying.

Anyway, it was the fact that Carlos and all his friends made me out to be the bad one is why I call it the Carlos Stewart effect. When a black person bullies a white person, and then complains about "white tears", that's what I call it. Especially if it is an unprovoked attack, which when it comes to black people bullying white people, it usually is unprovoked. That's been my experience anyways. In every case when I've been bullied by black kids, it was them who always initiated the attack. I'm not a fighter. I don't start fights. And I'd rather walk away from a fight than get into one with anyone. But that does not mean I won't defend myself any way I have to. But only when I feel it is needed, and there is no other way out.

If black people don't like white people getting them in trouble, then here's a novel idea; STOP BOTHERING US!!!!!!! Go about your own business. If you don't like white people, then just leave us alone! If you're not going to agree to that, then don't be surprised when a white person calls for help because you are harassing them. And when that help does come, expect that you are the one who is going to be punished! You reap what you sow.

There have been times where my crying has got me in trouble too. And I've seen other kids act the same way and nothing happens to them. Do you think I get angry and blame those kids because I got in trouble for acting that way and they didn't? No. I don't. That's life. I just learned not to act like that again.

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