Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Happy Patriots Day!!

Well, it's too soon to be happy. This is what they call today; Patriot's Day. Let's all remember those who were lost in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I was watching one of my disks I have commemorating this day last night. I also watched some on my Firestick. In one of those documentaries I saw a guy say "We need to go to war with them now!" And man, George W. Bush did go to war with them! Now people hate him for it. Saddam Hussein was wiped off the face of the earth. So was Bin Ladin. Of course people praised Obama for killing Bin Ladin. Before the world became a bunch of libtard pansies, they praised Bush for killing Hussein.

But who was the idiot that went to the middle east and apologized to them for the war? I'll tell you who. It was the same exact idiot that gave military guns to ISIS. You guessed it; Obama! Well, I am not sorry. Not after seeing the videos I've seen of the attacks, and knowing what I know about them. And thanks to the internet, I know of people who lost loved ones in the attacks. I still feel for those people. Even though by now I'm sure most of them have moved on. I still salute those people because it takes a lot to overcome that. Men, women and children all over the east coast lost someone there. And no, I don't want those related to the attacks in this country!! Hillary would have let them in. The libtards would have let them in. But Trump, GOD bless his soul, is keeping them out!

Ya know, thanks to this #WalkAway movement, I'm learning more about Trump than I could have ever learned from the media. The more I learn about him, the more I like him. He really is trying to make this country great again. In fact, there is a 9/11 special coming on today, where Trump is interviewed right after the attacks. He was not president then, but he was interviewed. I want to see what he has to say. Of course it's from CNN, which is a highly-liberal channel. So, I know a lot of it is going to be edited out. They're going to keep in only just enough to make Trump sound bad (like they always do). But I still want to see it. In the beginning, I did the same thing when Trump became president as I did when Obama became president. I said "Let's see how well he does". Well I must say, he's proven he is better than Obama ever was!

Now, for the dramatic subject change============================================

And this is for the cat-people who think other cat people don't ever show such irrational hatred for dogs. I see stories like this all the time about cat people...

I read about a guy yesterday who buried his dog in his backyard. "Was it dead?" You may ask. The answer is no. It wasn't dead. It was a little shih tzu mixed dog that was about 18 years old, probably on it's last leg. The dog's name was Chico. He was originally owned by a man named Alex Dion, who passed away recently. His nephew, a man named Rick Piquard, was trusted with Chico's care. Well one day, as it was told by his neighbor Kaylee Belanger, Piquard got himself a cat. He's probably the latest victim of this internet cat-craze and decided he wanted to go out and get a cat. Well, Chico was obviously not used to cats. So, he and the cat didn't get along. So how does Piquard handle this situation? Not in a way he should have! He should have got rid of the dumb cat and let the poor dog live out the rest of his days in peace. But he doesn't. Instead, he decided to bury Chico alive in his backyard.

Here is his story...

WARNING: PLEASE TAKE CAUTION!! DOG BURIED ALIVE! PLEASE SHARE⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️ What is discussed below will talk about Animal Cruelty, Euthanasia and Graphic Details.
So I’m going to start this with a bit of a back story so everyone can fully grasp what has happened.
This is Chico, he is now an 18 year old shit zhu mix. Chico has been in the Dion Family for 10+ years now. Previously owned by the now Deceased Alex Dion who passed away about 4 years ago. Chico was a loved family dog who was there for Alex through his life and struggles and time of passing. When Alex passed away Chico was a piece of him left for his friends and family to continue to love and hold on to. But due to some unfortunate circumstances over the years Chico has ended up within the last year in the custody of the father of Alex’s niece and nephew. Rick Piquard. Whom for a very long time seemed to love and care for Chico. Until recently. Chico has become old and requires a bit more care than he did in the past. But nothing that would cause inconvenience.
That brings us to the past few days. Rick decided that he wanted to get a new 7 week old kitten. He brought that kitten home and decided that because of the new addition he no longer could care for Chico. So he reached out to his Ex and her Mother to ask if they wanted Chico back otherwise he was going to have him euthanized. So his ex let him know that she could potentially take him in a few weeks if he could wait. And he fought with her mother about it and was nasty through some text messages to her. Then he reached out to me to show off his new kitten.
He sent pictures and information about this new kitten. Then proceeded to tell me that he needed to get rid of Chico.
So Saturday night I went to bed. And when I woke up today I had no idea this was how my day was going to be.
I received a few messages from Rick throughout the morning about the kitten again. Around 11am I recieved a message from him stating that Chico had “passed away last night”. Obviously suspicious given the conversations the night before I began asking what happened. To which he called and explained that when he woke up early this morning that Chico was no longer breathing. And that he buried him in the woods behind his house. Marked by a stone.
After lots of arguing he finally agreed to let me go dig up the body while he wasn’t home, to have him cremated.
But the direction he sent us in and the location he described, we later discovered was on the complete opposite side of the wooded area behind his home. So after about 30-45 minutes of searching the woods we found some fresh dirt spread about. Now notice the above mentioned “placed stone”
In this area of fresh dirt there was in fact a stone to the description of the one he explained. But underneath this stone was nothing but rocks. So we began to look around again in the area near the dirt. And while walking around my Fiancé heard a noise. He then noticed a small patch of fresh dirt under some brush from the woods. So we began digging with a stick only to hit a rock.
Hesitantly, I continued to move the dirt when we noticed fur. We uncovered a portion of Chico’s head. Only to realize that the rock was on top of him. I lifted the rock and there he was. Took a step back to grab the blanket when my fiancé shouted. “He’s breathing!!”
And he was. He was alive. While screaming and questioning how someone could do this I hurriedly removing him from the hole. He yelped in pain, dirt in every part of him. He felt flat like a pancake from the rock weighing him down in the hole.
We rushed him to Tufts in Grafton where they took him back to see what could be done. Although after many hours Chico became more responsive and gained his spirit back. He couldn’t move his head or get up due to what is suspected to be a dislocated disk in his neck. Chico was evaluated to be malnourished, dehydrated, in shock with hypothermia as well as anemia due to the infection of fleas on him. He had matted and stained fur. And he was clearly being neglected before being buried alive.
In the end the decision was made to euthanize Chico and allow him to go home to Alex where he belonged. So surrounded by many people that loved him Chico was sent to heaven.
The man that did this has been arrested and will be charged for multiple offenses.
But it needs to be known who he is and what he has done.
So here ladies and gentleman.
I would like to thank the Northbridge Police Department as well as the Emergency staff at Tufts for all of their help in this horrible event. Extra thank you to Officer Borrelli.

This makes me sick!! To think that piece of shit kid killed a sweet, innocent dog for a stupid, dumb useless cat!!! You wonder why I hate cats and cat people so much?! Incidents like this is why! Yes I blame the cat too. Cats are known to make people go crazy. You can't get much crazier than this guy. And he looks just like one would expect a man to look who prefers cats over dogs...

He looks gross! He looks like he really has a vagina between his legs!!! And you want to see something funny? Look at this...

I guess he thinks if he takes his shirt off that it'll make him look more manly. But it doesn't. He still just looks like a wussy with no shirt on. Any man who cannot even handle a dog is no man! Want to see something equally as funny? I wrote a comment on this article on Facebook. And man!! A lot of catfags got butthurt because I blamed him getting a cat for burying his dog. Well! That's the way it was told in the story. Yes, I do blame the cat too. If this thing had never brought the stupid cat home, the dog would still be alive!! I blame both the cat and this fag for that!

Anyways, here's me and my "admirers". LMAO!! 😂😂😂

Man!! These people really love me don't they?!! Ah! But you know what? I couldn't give a shit less. UPDATE: It looks like Brittany Harper has even blocked me on Facebook. LMAO!! Like I am going to care. I don't even know any of these people.

Believe me, I'm not angry about those people hating me at all. This isn't about making friends. This is about getting justice for this sweet little baby who fell victim to an idiot wussy who fell into this internet cat-craze, and took it out on this innocent baby who deserved better than to have been thrown over for a stupid cat! Chico was probably a lot more handsome than the dumb cat too. I'd even wager the man got a damn gray tabby cat, which IMO are the ugliest cats in the world. What kind of person could bury this sweet face?!

RIP Chico. You deserved better. And to this Rick Piquard, I hope you die a horrible, agonizing death. Worse than the death that Chico suffered through. We should take that dumb cat away from you, stab it with a knife and make you watch us as we do it! That'd serve you right!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Another Melted Snowflake!!

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes! My plan is working out great! Another snowflake blocked me on Facebook. Well!! She deserved my wrath!! She called my Michael a lion! Some joker by the name of Lopez Michelle. Or Michelle Lopez, whatever the fuck!! I don't give a shit either way what it's name was, it was nothing but a snowflake! I told her anyone who would say Michael is a lion (or the female version of a lion) is nothing but stupid! She was TRIGGERED by that statement, as I knew she would be. Oh man! She kept going on about how I need help and told me to shut up. Yet, she was the one who kept going on and on and on. I only said two more things to her. I told her "I'll defend my Michael like a momma bear. Don't call him a lion! Lions are EVIL!!!" And then I showed her this...

LOL!! Well, she lost it after that! She even went so far as to get threatening, posting a meme saying some shit to the effect of "Don't fuck with me! The last bitch who tried that is now under a house". I just laughed at her. What the fuck does she think she's going to do to me? LMAO!! She cannot do shit! I told her to "Shut up snowflake!" So she did the only thing she could do; she blocked me on Facebook. I said "Good!!" Remember this...

Yup! I'm a badass! I'm sure as hell not friendly anymore. I gave that shit up when I found out it wasn't getting me anywhere on Facebook. I was friendly in 2016 and before. But this is 2018, and I've learned a few things about Facebook "friends" over the last couple years. LOL!! I still have my real friends and family on Facebook. And I have my Mya-moo!! So, I don't care if this Lopez-bullshitter chick has me blocked. Has no effect on me at all!

As I pointed out in my last post, lions are evil! Even the Bible it's self says so. 1 Peter 5:8
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

But libtards don't believe in GOD or the Bible. They don't even believe in facts. But whom am I describing here...

He is powerful. He is deceptive. He kills for fun. He is sadly and notoriously charismatic.

Besides humans in general, you'd believe this is describing a lion. Lions are powerful, even I must admit. They are deceptive, they blend in with the grass and disappear so their prey does not see them, and then they can pounce, unknown until it's too late. He kills for fun, lions kill hyenas, leopards, wild dogs, cheetahs for no other reason than to eliminate competition for food. They are sadly and notoriously charismatic. Not in a cute way, like Michael! But in the most evil way I can think of; because they do kill everything. I see it all the time with panther fags on YouTube. They always root for the lions. Even if it is killing for fun. However, in that sentence I was not describing a lion; I was actually describing Satan. (John 8:44; Ezekiel 28:12-15; 2 Corinthians 11:14) Strange how all the things crazy people love about lions are also things found in Satan and we hate these things about him.

I don't often quote the Bible on this blog. It's been years since I've done it. But this is to prove a point that lions are indeed evil creatures. Cats are no better really! LOL! I heard the Israelites hated cats, just like the Egyptians hated sheep. That's why the ancient Egyptians all died off and the Israelites are still alive today. They traded a creature of many uses; the sheep, for the favors of a totally useless creature; the cat.


I'm glad to see another snowflake gone!! LOL! Let's hope more get gone in the future. But you notice how she got threatening? Again, that's the same behavior I see all the time in libtards. I did not threaten her in any way. I just said anyone who would call Michael a lion (or a female lion) is stupid. But that's OK. I'm not mad about it. Trust me I'm not. LOL! She's just doing what libtards typically do! And I love how well it proves my point!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Why I Don't Like "The Lion 'King'"

Most people today seem to love Disney's movie The Lion 'King'. Most people do. But I don't. I hate it in fact. In fact, I don't like any movie that glorifies panthers. Especially lions. I don't like The Lion 'King'. I don't like Kung Fu Panda because of that dumb tiger. I only like Madagascar for the lemurs. I like Ice Age, but the only character I don't like in those movies is Diego. Sid is annoying but he's funny. Diego is just annoying. Nowhere near funny!

Picture this. Sometime in 1996 I asked my sis to show me that movie. I said "Let's watch The Lion 'King'." She looks at me perplexed and asks me to repeat what I said. So I did. "Let's watch The Lion 'King'." My sis is confused. She knows I can't stand lions and I didn't think I'd like the movie.

"Are you sure you want to see it?" she asked me.

"Yes." I answer. "I want to see it."

So, she puts it into the VCR (which is all we had back then) and we watch it, both of us from beginning to end. The thing is, I'd condemned the movie before I ever really saw it. I don't want to do that for anything. I've always wanted to see things from both sides before I say I don't like it. That goes for movies. That goes for people. That goes for food. That goes for ANYTHING. I want to try it before I condemn it. So, I wanted to see what I'd been condemning all those months since the movie was released on video.

Well, just as I predicted, I didn't like the movie. Besides the fact that to me, calling lions "the king of beasts" is nothing but a big joke, I did not like how hyenas were portrayed as evil in the movie. The hyena pride was totally ostracized and depicted as dark and evil. Pretty much like how they are perceived in real life.

Actually the opposite is the truth. Lions do kill hyenas for fun. Any biologist will tell you, when a lion kills a hyena, he is not doing it for sustenance. He will never even eat that hyena. He kills the hyena because he wants to eliminate competition for prey. I actually saw a documentary where a female hyena was quietly walking to her den to tend to her cubs. On her way, she had to pass through the territory of a nearby pack of lions. Well, the male lion got up and mauled and killed the female hyena. The female lions gathered around the male with his murdered game, and seemed to be praising him. They didn't eat the hyena, they just killed her. And now her cubs are orphans. Whether you like hyenas or not, that is unfair. And I don't like anything killing for fun. The hyena was not bothering anything. She wasn't going after the lions' cubs. She was just heading back to her den to tend to her own cubs.

Also, hyenas are not the stupid, dirty scavengers that the movie The Lion 'King' makes them out to be. In fact, lions more often scavenge hyena kills than the other way around. I once saw a clip of a lion eating a buffalo carcass. The lion had a broken paw and could not hunt for himself. He was surrounded by hyenas, and I'd wager the hyenas were the ones that actually killed the buffalo. The clip said the lion killed it, but I highly doubt it! Even a healthy adult male lion cannot kill a buffalo by himself! What makes these people think a lion with a broken foot is going to be any better at killing a buffalo? Especially without other lions assisting him. So, I truly believe it was the hyenas that killed the buffalo initially. The lion just took over the kill, as always happens. The hyenas were just trying to reclaim their prize.

Hyenas are also not cowards. They just know their boundaries. Hyenas are no more cowards than lions are. Lions are the worst kind of cowards actually. They are the kind that bullies other animals. That's why I refuse to acknowledge lions as being "the king of beasts". And in fact, I laugh at people who actually believe that bullshit. There is currently a video of a female lion with her cub being attacked by a group of wild dogs. They called the female lion a "hero". Well, she's not so much a 'hero'. She's just doing what she's supposed to be doing and that is defending her cub against any threat. But with the dogs, the lion was not in any danger. Neither was the cub. The dogs were not interested in eating her or the cub. The lion in fact attacked one of the dogs. The thing I found most astonishing in the video was how one dog was attacked pretty bad by the lion, but got himself back up and continued fighting the lion. The dogs were defending their own pack and their own territory. They may have had a kill nearby that they didn't want the lion to discover. Or maybe the dogs had pups of their own to protect, or maybe even a pregnant female. Usually the dogs would not go near a lion unless they really had to. So, there must have been a good reason for them to try and get this one to move on.

She was no "hero". The dogs were the real heros if anyone! A hero is when someone stands in the face of danger for the sake of others. The lion or the cub were in no danger from the dogs. The lion is bigger than the dogs. It seemed silly to me that people were calling the female lion "brave" or "a hero", against the much smaller dogs. That's like a chihuahua attacking a bobcat. The bobcat is in no danger. If it fights off the chihuahua, that doesn't mean the bobcat was a "hero" or "brave". The only hero in that scenario would be the chihuahua, for standing up to the bobcat and chasing it off. Even if the chihuahua gets hurt in the process. That not only would make the chihuahua a hero, it'd make him a legend!!!

Well anyways, there was one commenter in that video that did not like it that I was rooting for the dog that was attacked by the lion and got back up fighting. He tried to convince me that the lions are "king". I just laughed at him saying "Dude, you really believe that bullshit?! How old are you? Do you believe everything you read in children's stories?" I've said it before and I'll say it again, lions are no more the "king of beasts" than I am the queen of the world. The SJW libtards better be grateful I'm not queen of the world and hope that I never am. LOL! Lions are more like the coercer of beasts. Not the king. They're more like bullies than anything. Think about it...

  • Lions kill hyenas, cheetahs and leopards for amusement.
  • Lions steal kills from other animals more often than the reverse.
  • Lions are lazy animals.
  • Lions are not heros.

Next thing you know, lions will be farming other animals for the purpose of hunting for them. Oh well they'll never do that because lions are dumb. Too dumb to even think of farming other animals.

Well all this is why I don't like The Lion 'King'. All the animals in the movie are grossly misrepresented. Especially the hyenas! The lions themselves are also misrepresented, but for them it's in a good way. They are perceived as "heros" in this movie too. But that is so not true! Lions are totally evil! That's why I refuse to call lions the 'king' of anything. That's why of all the types of panthers out there, lions are the ones that I hate the most. I hate all panthers. But lions are the panthers I totally cannot stand. When Simba's father died in the movie, I cheered! I was laughing at that. It wasn't like when Bambi's mom died 50 years before. When I was a kid, I saw that and thought it was the saddest thing I ever saw. But Simba's dad was nothing but a lion. Not as innocent as a deer. So, I laughed when he died in the movie. It was like saying good bye to Satan.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

"Theybies" WTF????

WARNING: What you are about to see may make you gasp with the unrivaled stupidity about to be displayed. It may make your brain feel like jello, it may make your blood pressure skyrocket, you might have an incessant need to vomit, and it may make you have an impending sense of doom for humanity.

Video courtesy of YouTube/SJW Central

I was watching a video and Tucker Carlson did another one of his famous interviews with Cathy Areu (also known as "Crazy Cathy"). Cathy is the libtard to end all libtards. She attended the Florida State University. But looking at her interviews, I've often wondered, what the hell did she do with that education? Her parents wasted money getting this person through the university!

Like all libtards, she only speaks for the rights of minorities. Especially when it comes to those who cannot identify their own gender. Well, this time she has gone too far. She wants to change the name of "babies" to "theybies". That sounds so STUPID!!! But she wants people not to gender babies. She wants us to let the babies gender themselves. She said something to the effect of "When a baby is 4 years old, they can pick their own gender". UGH!!!!! Talk about a dumb idea. This probably would qualify Areu for handicapped parking. If I were her, I would look into that.

A 4-year old CANNOT gender themselves!!! I don't care what the libtards say! 4-year olds don't know shit about gender. Just because a boy likes to play with another little boy does not mean that little boy wants to identify himself as a girl. Just because a little girl wants to play with another little girl, it does not mean that little girl identifies as a boy. Liberals today are brain-dead! But then that's what liberals do. They take things out of context, in this case a baby playing with a same-sex playmate, and they think that means something it's not meant to mean. Kids have been the same since I was a kid. Boys always played with boys and girls always played with girls. It was never taken as a child who wanted to identify as a different sex until today's libtards made it to mean that.

Most of those boys I used to see playing with other boys I would bet grew up to marry women. Same with the girls who played with other girls. I'd bet the majority of them grew up marrying men. Crazy Cathy is also the one who wants to make it mandatory for parents to "ask" their babies if they want their diaper changed. She goes way too far sometimes. Sometimes I just want to punch her in the face and tell her to shut up!!

I recently saw a video of a teacher who read a story in class about a boy who identified as a girl, she was reading this story to a group of 6-year olds!! Most of the children in the class went home so traumatized and confused, the parents had to get involved. It makes me wonder what this world is coming to when kids as young as 6 is being subjected to this new 'agender' culture. For this reason, I dread reincarnation!!! I believe heavily in it, but I totally dread it! I could wind up with a parent like Crazy Cathy! Who would force me to pick a gender at 4 years old, and wouldn't even refer to me--her own child--as a girl! Or I could be born a boy and she'd make me wear dresses.

You know, I used to know a woman like that back when I used to go to those computer classes back in the mid-90s. She had a baby boy. But every time I saw him, he had long hair, in braids, and sometimes she would have him in a dress. Man!! I felt bad for that little boy!! Yesterday on Quora, someone posted a question saying she sent her 12-year old boy to school in a dress to disprove the gender stereotypes, and then she was surprised when he came home saying he didn't want to go back to school anymore. A lot of the people who answered hoped she was just trolling and that that never really happened. But were like "if it did, I hope your child is taken away from you!" Everyone, including me, were angry that this mom was forcing her SJW agenda on her child!! That is going to haunt that child for the rest of his life. He's going to become known as the boy who came to school in a dress. One person stated that "Years down the road, when one of his friends is drunk, shooting up drugs, spent time in jail, molested his children, and lost his family, he will still look back on your son and think 'at least my mom never sent me to school wearing a dress'!"

I could wind up with a mom like that! That would be HORRIBLE!!! I would love to see SJWs outlawed in this country! But unfortunately, as long as there are liberals and as long as there is a left wing, we will always have SJWs! That makes me mad!! Thank GOD a lot of former liberals are turning to becoming conservative! I would love to see at least a 99% conservative country here in the USA before I die. That would be awesome. Then I might not have to worry so much when I am reincarnated. I would want to choose conservative parents. I said on YouTube in a comment that I want to come back in my next life as one of Ben Shapiro's grandchildren! I can see he's raising his children right.

Here's something for Crazy Cathy; I REFUSE to call babies "theybies"!!! I'll NEVER do it! And there isn't a person on the planet that can make me!! You need to shut your mouth woman! Mind your business!! You raise your messed-up kids your way, and leave all the other parents who want to actually parent their children, and not abuse them, alone!! And yes, imposing all this SJW, gender bullshit on a child is indeed ABUSE!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Australia's Stupid New Rule For Nurses

Video courtesy of YouTube/The Red Elephants

Well, ever since meeting Matt Burney and Claire Aisha, I've known that Australia did not have any free speech rights. I mean, they used to get triggered by me not liking Paula Yates, and they could not accept that I didn't. But this video further proves how retarded Australia has become. And to think, I used to want to move there!! UGH!! That would never happen now. I'd be screaming to get out of that country!

Now, in Australia, if you are a nurse about to treat a colored patient, you have to apologize to them for being white. If I were a patient, I'd say "I don't care!!!" If I were a nurse, I would say "I'm not going to do it!" I mean really! This is how GOD made me. I'm not perfectly white, I'm not that colored. But I would refuse to have someone apologize to me for their own skin color. And I wouldn't apologize to anyone for being who I am! I don't care if I would be fired! If they are making that mandatory in Australia to apologize for something as dumb as that, then being a nurse wouldn't be for me anyways.

Oh boy! I'm so glad Michael is not around to live through this! But I feel bad for Timmy!

I don't care what "color" my nurse/doctor is! As long as they can cure me or help me feel better. Though I do have to say, I've seen some white doctors who were bitches, and I've known some black nurses who were slackers, and I've known some mexican nurses who were insensitive. But I never made the connection that it had anything to do with skin color. If you want nurses and doctors to apologize for anything, apologize to me for being a bitch, or a slacker, or insensitive when I needed your help! I don't care about your skin color!

This politically correct bullshit is getting out of hand! Now, the libtards are making it illegal to be white! That same thing is happening in this country. Whites have to suffer when a colored person fails. Whites get blamed when a colored person can't get a job, can't succeed in a business, or can't do good in school. Well, here's a piece of advice for those people; how about taking responsibility for your OWN actions and stop blaming other people for something that really has NO impact in your life!!!!!

Yeah, I know, I blame the SJW libtards for a lot of things. But the experience I had with them did change my life, both good and bad. I got Mya out of it! 😁😁😁 And Mya is the best thing that happened in my life in the past 10 years. But at the same time, because of them, I don't want to make friends with INXS fans anymore. I don't blame myself for that because I didn't do anything wrong. They were SJW libtards doing what SJW libtards do. And I've seen the same behavior in many other SJW libtards. Not strangely enough, at least 50% of those people are also from Australia. I fear going to Australia! It must be like going through the middle eastern countries! The very thought of it is scary!

Well, the only reason I would have ever gone to Australia would have been to see Michael's memorial. But when I found out Michael's ashes are not even at that memorial, I changed my mind. Why go all that way just to view a highly-adorned rock? But I heard his ashes are at a smaller memorial in a Los Angeles cemetary. Of course that would mean I'd have to go through that communist shithole that is California. But I don't have to talk to anyone except Michael. And I don't have to go through San Francisco.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Another Crazy California Law

For those who live in the crazy state of California, I have some news for you. You all are getting another crazy law. Now, you have to watch your water intake. That's right! Your government is now going to be watching how much water you use every day! How do you like that? Well, this is what you all get for electing a damn democrat for governor. I heard this last night on a video, which quoted a regular news network. Check this video out...

Video courtesy of YouTube/Next News Network

I'm sure glad my family moved away from California years ago! I could not live there! Such a backward state! I mean, they will allow homeless people to throw used hypodermic needles on the streets, and take a dump on the streets, but they fine you $1000 for using a plastic straw to drink your drink in a restaurant??? That doesn't make sense to me! Not at all. If the state is going to ban plastic drinking straws because "it's bad for sea life", then why not ban hypodermic needles being dumped in the streets too? They could just as easily wind up in the ocean, harming sea animals. They could also puncture someone's car tires. Oh but this is California. They've never had to follow any rules except their own. And I guess they feel to ban hypodermic needles is "racist" or "bigoted".

This guy points out (and I agree with him) that the leftists are going to drag our country back to the dark ages. I hate to say it, but he's right. People today are getting sick of the violence, the rages, the crybabies. We are getting sick of the leftists crying "racist" to everything, including things that are not racist! We are getting sick of the entitlement people today feel. We are getting sick of these people who want to say "Fuck your laws" or "fuck your free speech rights"!

You know, I totally predicted this, back in 1993. The instant Bill Clinton said he was going to ban parents from parenting their children. He said he was going to make it illegal to spank your kids. Then it became illegal to say "no" to your kids. People started talking about "negotiating with kids". Instead of saying no, you had to say "let's see how the day goes. If you're good I'll buy you that toy". And then most parents would get the toy for the child even if it was being bad. One of my friends (it was Eva) had her first child in 1994, and she said "No government is going to tell me how to raise my child!" He grew up getting spanked when he did something wrong, and told no when he couldn't have what he wanted, and only rewarded when he was being good. He grew up nicely! He is now married, raising a child of his own with another on the way. He has no sense of entitlement, he works, doesn't take any hand-outs, looking to start his own business in the future too.

Now, I will admit, that too many spankings and too many times saying "no" is not a good thing. That might cause a child to become a little too angry or stressed. But when a child does something wrong, they need to have that fear of authority put in their soul. Otherwise, you'll have kids grow into the entitled jerks they are today that say "fuck the law", and then go and commit crimes against other people. I think I was spanked too many times. I was spanked for defending myself against my sister's attacks. That could be why I turned into an angry, bitter adult. My sis would attack me, and I'd defend myself and then she'd go running to ma and pa saying that I attacked her. I remember one time I scratched my sis by accident, and it showed. This time it was just an accident. But my father saw the scratch and he called me to him and almost literally tore me apart!!! But then dad didn't want to listen to my side of the story. That's the one thing my parents did wrong with me and my sis. That's why before I ever condemn anyone, I always get all the facts. The draft section of this blog is littered with posts I started, and then put away because I didn't have enough facts to post them publicly.

I even started a hateful post against Hillary Clinton yesterday. But put it away because I couldn't get enough of the facts from reputable sources to prove what others were saying was true. I hate Hillary Clinton! But I would never post anything incriminating against her without having ALL the facts first. That post is now currently in draft. When I can find enough good resources to back up the claim I was writing about, then I will post it. But if it never comes, then I will never post that post. That actually happens behind the scenes of this blog, much more often than people think! LOL! They think I just type and post. But no. I get facts first. I may not always reveal my sources, but I always get the facts before I post.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

YES!! Strength Prevails!!!

Aha!! I told you this would happen! LOL!! Something is up in the INXS community, I've lost 3 people on Facebook.

But do I care?

I do not! 😂😂😂

No sir, no ma'am, no how! I'm tickled in fact. I love it! Know why? Because I've proven to myself that I have my strength back. Those people have me blocked and I don't even give a shit! It's also a testimony of how effective having Mya here with me really is. So that is why I am tickled. I said that if some of these people haven't blocked me yet, they soon will. I said I would personally see to that! LOL!!! And it worked!

I think I know the reason. It was because of that video I posted on here. LOL! Well, the whole thing was the truth. Those who didn't like it can kiss my ass. I'm not going to delete the video. Instead...

That's OK. I got a shitload of those fucktards blocked too. Fuck them! I didn't used to block people. This is a new thing for me. But hey! At least I am me again. This is also why I've kept the number of INXS fans on my Facebook down to a bare minimum. I don't have many at all. And like I said, I can take them or leave them. No problem. Most of the INXS fans I have on Facebook are people who asked me to be friends with them. Not the other way around. I've only asked as many as you can count on the fingers of one hand. And they were people I really liked. My real friends and my family are still there. That is all that counts.

So far, the only facebook friend I've lost that I felt bad about was Kathy. But with her, it wasn't like I didn't expect it. I knew once my dad died I was never going to hear from that family again. So, I was sad to lose her, but definitely not surprised. There are even still some people who haven't accepted my friend requests yet. I don't know if they just didn't get them or if they don't recognize me or what. But oh well! Hopefully they'll come around. Even if I have to weedle them a little. LOL!

I gotta tell you all though. I'm beginning to get a little disillusioned with Facebook. Been getting that way for a while. If it wasn't for my friends and family being on there, I probably would have given up Facebook long ago. I'm finding out social media is way overrated anyways. UGH!! I actually kindof like Quora though. It's kinda fun! And I do most of my communicating on YouTube. I still love making videos. Nothing is going to stop me from doing that. I'm getting better at it in fact. I've been learning a lot on YouTube. It is watching these videos on YouTube that has made me strong. That's how I learned about libtards and what to expect from them. So, that is why it is no surprise to me that the buds I lost on Facebook have been nothing but INXS fans.

Of course I still have friends who are liberals. But they are not like the SJWs. The far-left libtards. And hey! I warned you all I am not friendly anymore. The libtard SJW INXS fans have no one but themselves to blame for that. I got sick of giving my all to people who did not really care. Were not going to be there for me. So, this time on Facebook, I say fuck them! I don't care. And anyone who sides with the libtard SJW INXS fans can fuck themselves too. I don't care. All I have to say to those people is you are now officially mooned...

Monday, August 27, 2018

I Made A Video of My #WalkAway Story

This video is getting a lot of attention. The things I posted about in my last blog post, I talked about here in this video. I actually saw a video of the guy who started this #WalkAway campaign. He was refused service in a coffee shop. See what I mean about the irrational hatred you see in liberals. I experienced the same thing with the libtard SJW INXS fans after my father died. Of course I wasn't trying to buy coffee off them. If I was served coffee from them, I think I'd have taken it to the police station laboratory to have it analyzed. Even then, I would have tossed it on the street. I just wouldn't trust them with my back turned now.

But my turn around is another thing I can thank the libtard SJW INXS fans for. I talk about some of them in here. I talk about Matt Burney (I don't use last names. Just first names in this video). He was the first libtard in 2016 to show me how libtards are. I also talk about this woman I was friends with for only a few months, named Kimberley DeRidder DeKok. The one Katrina refers to as "the kok-sucker". I even used a bit of a clip I got of her after Kimberley dumped me for no reason. I happened to bring her up in a conversation between us because she said she wasn't going to get involved, and then "hang in there", and then she blocked me on Facebook. For NO reason at all. Well, Katrina said to me "O You don't need a friend named DeKok anyway! Fuck her!" LOL! Of course I left out the "fuck her" bit. I do enough cursing in this video. I even used Katrina's character "Katrina Hates You" to illustrate. In this video, I almost forgot Kimberley's name. That's how insignificant she was to me. Like I said, we were only friends for a few months. She's never even been to an INXS concert.

I also talk a lot about Kelly Poulter (Austin). She was the one that spread "the BIG lie" about me. And what got me was how many people I thought were good people, that followed her. It's exactly the same thing I see in these anti-Trump libtard protests. They are highly manipulative, just like Kelly (and Tess O'brien) are. They take things the mainstream media says out of context (in my case, the "mainstream media" is Kelly Poulter and Tess O'brien) and they run with it. They gain followers by saying things like "Don't listen to the right wing! They're telling lies", when really, it's the leftists that don't have all the facts. Just like the libtard SJW INXS fans didn't have all the facts about what I was writing about in my blog. And just like the anti-Trump protesters, when I confronted them with the truth, they didn't want to listen. They just said things like "What you wrote in your blog is disgusting!" and "You need help!" It's just like the anti-Trump protesters saying everyone who follows Trump is "racist" or "xenophobic" or "islamophobic". Well. I admit I am islamophobic. I don't want islams here! I think they need to be shot on sight when they try to come into this country. But that's just my opinion, and it is a fact that islams kill so many innocent Americans. So, I will always say keep them OUT of this country.

I don't talk about Rosanda in this video which is surprising. But really, she did nothing any different than what the other libtards did. A libtard is a libtard. No matter what country they come from. And yes, liberalism does exist in other countries. Matt Burney, Tess O'brien and Rosanda Herbert are all proof of that. They are also the best proof that Australia is a very liberalist country.

I even talk about the first bout I had between the libtard INXS fans and myself back in 2016. And how one thing I said triggered them. The thing about nuking all radicals off the face of the earth. LOL! They did not like that. They were TRIGGERED!!!!! LMAO!!! But at least I am not the only one who thinks that. And as for Antifa, they are nothing more than a modernized version of the KKK. They are no longer racist against black people anymore. Now, they are prejudiced against the right wing. Look at the similarities...

The KKK was founded by democrats, Antifa was also founded by democrats.
The KKK always wore masks, Antifa always wears masks.
The KKK did a lot of anti-black protests in the 90s, Antifa does a lot of anti-Trump protests today.
The KKK always burned crosses, Antifa always burns whatever they can find.
The KKK used violence against blacks, Antifa uses violence against Trump supporters.

I wondered where the KKK went and why I never hear from them anymore. This is why. Now, they've become Antifa. That's why they are always chanting "No Trump! No Hate! No KKK no fascist USA!" Well, I have to admit, I am glad they are no longer racist against black people. But I wish they would just give up this stupid agenda that all Trump supporters are bad people. Trump supporters, I've found so far, have been the most well-informed, accepting, and more educated group of people. MUCH more so than those who supported Hillary Clinton! I heard the democrats are calling the young girls that Bill Clinton raped "sluts" and are even still slut-shaming them. UGH!!! The lengths that some people will go to to defend their "favorite" politician!!

Well, when I posted this video, I totally expected to lose subscribers. So far, I've only lost 2 subscribers. Hmm. Not as many as I expected to lose. LMAO!! I wanted to set it to music. I thought the Blue Danube would have been a great choice! I wish I had thought of that back when I lost the SJW libtard INXS fans on my Facebook friends. It would have been a funny video!! But at that time, I was so distraught over what happened to my father, I was not thinking of funny videos to post then.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

I Love #WalkAway

I walked away from the liberal party some time ago. To me, the clincher was when the blind sheep libtard INXS fans thought I said something about one of their "friends" having cancer (when really she did not) and then just took something I wrote on this blog out of context and ran with it. That's what liberals do! What those people did to me is exactly what I see others like them doing to Donald Trump. That's because libtards never accept facts. I may have been a liberal before, but I always presented facts.

One thing I always hear from libtards is how Donald Trump is a racist xenophobic dictator who hates gays, people of other races, blah-blah-blah. But you know what, when asked what Donald Trump has done that is racist or xenophobic, the liberals never give a straight answer. All they say is "everything he's said is racist" or "Look in the news" or "It's all around". I compare that to what the blind sheep libtards said about me, that I was a "vindictive, horrible, nasty cunt" and that I am "evil" and basically saying I am a horrible person and not a good friend. None of them could prove it though. As I had never been anything but kind, giving, respectful, and (a little too) generous with them. I blame myself totally for being overly generous with them. That, I admit, was my own fault. That's why now, I don't share anything in INXS groups on Facebook. But they took that and ran with it. And other libtards believed them and also ran with them.

People compare Donald Trump to the KKK, but Donald Trump I heard actually helped a lot of black communities in the 80s and 90s. A member of the KKK would never have done that! Donald Trump is trying to keep the radical islamics out of this country. Hillary Clinton wanted to let them in! And keep in mind, Obama supplied ISIS with weapons. I told you all Obama hated this country! I told everyone that back in 2008 in this blog! I knew he was going to cause harm to this country. I could tell he hated this country because he did not stand up properly for the pledge of allegiance. I thought that was wrong then, and I haven't changed my mind in the past 10 years.

I also heard the liberals say Trump is a pedophile. Where is the proof of that??? What child has he raped? His wife is young enough to be his daughter, but when they were married, she was 35. I think that is a consenting age. See. That is why I don't like liberals. What they did to me is exactly what they are doing to Trump. Nevermind that Obama has no respect for the USA, nor did he show respect to the Queen of England. And nevermind he supplied ISIS with weapons! And how about the rapist predator Bill Clinton? How often have you seen libtards stick up for him? Nevermind that he raped young girls and was impeached out of office! But the libtards do not think about that. They only focus on Donald Trump's misgivings. They take them and blow them up. What happened to me in 2016 with the libtard INXS fans was no accident! That was a foresight to how libtards act. Then they shut people down who do not agree with them, and tries to throw facts their way. Several YouTube channels have now been shut down because they've spread the truth. YouTube considers them "too dangerous" because they speak facts. They speak out against the left.

My sis says that "left wing" and "right wing" does not exist outside the USA. But I think she's wrong. The mentality is there in other countries. Most of the blind sheep were from places like Australia, Europe and the UK. So, the mentality does exist in other countries. Australia is becoming like the middle east. I remember how they hated it when I spoke out against Paula Yates. Obviously, they don't have free speech rights there. So, Australia is obviously a libtard country. I used to want to visit there. But after seeing the libtards that live there, no thank you!! I would say let the ocean swallow up the whole continent, but I don't want to see kangaroos go extinct. Well, I also still have some buds in Australia. I'd just encourage them to leave the country. Leave! Before it's too late.

Well, the more I learn about the leftists, the more I lean towards the right. Many people are. That's why this #WalkAway was invented. We are learning how the left is spreading nothing but lies, hatred, deceit, and rage. We are learning about the hypocrisy that is the left. We are learning how the left is turning Americans against their own country. We are learning how toxic the left is. We are learning how racist the left is. The left is, unfortunately, now calling the shots, which is sad. It means this country will lose everything. That's why I want to get out of this part of the country and go east to Maine. Where there is no leftists or anything that will make this country the crazy shithole it's turning into. Californians are moving here and I don't like that. Illegals will start marching in, and with them all their problems. They're already starting to invade here. Most of the people who live in this complex are spanish-speaking Mexicans. I'd wager not all of them are legal immigrants. They're also already starting to invade Montana, which is why I am encouraging my sis to move to the east coast with me. I don't know if my mom would move. She's getting too old to move to a new place. She likes Reno too. But Reno is going to become the shithole that San Francisco is before too long. Wait and see! Even Hollywood is leaving California and moving east!

Oh! And you dumb leftists, before you go and shout out against closing American borders, and allowing ISIS into this country, you might want to think about what happened to the young couple in this article. Then ask yourself, do you really want to let people in this country that will smash their way into your home and rape, rob and murder you?

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

I'm Moving to Maine

Man! I've had it! I'm moving to Maine. I've been planning it for a long time, and I've finally gotten serious about it. Been looking into it for some time and reading up on what they got there and I like what I've heard so far. They got lighthouses! I love lighthouses. Always did! I'd give my back teeth (what's left of them) to see some old lighthouses! They are also heavy into antique stores! I love antiques! Also, Maine is a conservative state! I belong there!

What got me so serious about moving to Maine is I saw a video this morning, and it was talking about how now the libtards want to make some states "less white". UGH!! It makes me think about what happened in Portland since Trump has been elected. Lots of rioting and the crime rate has risen. Maine is one of the top 5 safest places in this country to live right now. Maine is actually #2, Vermont is #1, and Vermont is another conservative state. Detroit, MI used to be "more white" too, but since blacks have moved in, it's become one of the most dangerous places in the country to live. See, this is why I don't like living in liberal states anymore. Illegal immigrants and liberal blacks are turning states like this into a third world country! I want to get out of here before that happens in this area!

I like Maine the way it is; with fewer black liberals and no illegal immigrants. You will notice, when you look at the list of the top 100 safest places to live in the USA, the first 4 on the list are all states that are more conservative. That is, no liberal black people and no illegal mexicans. That says something right there. I don't mind blacks if they are conservatives, and I don't mind Mexicans like my dad, who were here legally and learned the language before coming here. What I don't like are these liberal black shits who commit crimes and are complete racists who don't even want to admit they are racists, and illegal immigrants who sell drugs, rape and murder people and don't care to learn how to speak english. Most people in Maine don't even carry guns.

Well, this is the list of safest states according to this site:

  1. Vermont
  2. Maine
  3. Minnesota
  4. Utah
  5. New Hampshire
  6. Connecticut
  7. Rhode Island
  8. Hawaii
  9. Massachusetts
  10. Washington
I'm not so sure Minnesota should be in there. I've known a few people from Minnesota and they were not what I'd expect from conservatives. And shockingly, Idaho is not listed there. Now, Washington I would totally disagree with being on that list. Visit Seattle someday and see how the homeless people there act. It's not pretty! A lot of people in Washington are libtards. Plus marijuana has been made legal in that state, so it's hard to think of Washington as being a "safe state". In contrast, look at the list of most dangerous states to live in by the same site:

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Texas
  5. Florida
  6. Arkansas
  7. Alabama
  8. Missouri
  9. Alaska
  10. South Carolina
Most of those states, I've noticed, have become very liberal over the years. Though in Louisiana, my biggest guess for the reason that state is on there is because that is where New Orleans is located. But where my grandma lived for most of her life, in Leesville, it was quiet. At least in the area where she lived at. I haven't been there in almost 40 years myself. I have no idea what has happened now, if perhaps the liberals have trashed that town too. But you notice the majority of the states listed here are liberal states. With the exception of Alaska. That's because liberals will mug you just for having a different opinion than someone else has. That's why I don't want to live in a liberal state anymore. It won't be long before Oregon is on this list of dangerous states.

I spent most of my life growing up on the west coast. It's going to be a radical change leaving here. But the east coast should be just as good. At least the ocean is there. Of course, the list of best states seems to vary from one article to another. I saw one that listed Iowa as one of the best states to live in! Iowa!! I once knew a woman from Iowa, she was a chihuahua "breeder", and she was nutty as a fruitcake!! LOL!! TOO nutty for me!

You want to hear a joke? I saw this site, called DumbAsset, listed what they think are the top 10 safest cities in the USA. I TOTALLY disagree with them!! Three of the cities listed is in California, which is not a safe state at all! And Bellevue, WA. I lived in Washington most of my life. I used to hear of nothing but shootings, killings, and rapes happening in Bellevue. That list has got to be a joke!

But here, this is a list I most agree with. It's from a site called HomeSnacks, and it's very similar to the one I posted before:

New Hampshire (Photos)
Maine (Photos)
Vermont (Photos)
Idaho (Photos)
Virginia (Photos)
New Jersey (Photos)
Connecticut (Photos)
Rhode Island (Photos)
Wyoming (Photos)
Kentucky (Photos)

Again, I agree with this because the first 5 are mostly conservative states. You'll never see the irrational anger liberals will give you coming from conservatives just because you disagree with them. That's why I'd prefer being surrounded by conservatives than by liberals. On this video I saw, the guy said there was a woman who moved to New Hampshire, and she was a spanish-speaking Columbian woman. She was distraught because she could not find anyone to speak spanish with there in NH. She griped because she had to go from speaking spanish every day to having to learn how to speak english. Which tells me she is in this country illegally. I don't feel sorry for her. If she wants to speak spanish every day, then either move back to Columbia, or can it and learn to speak english! It's not difficult. That was what helped me get more serious now about moving to Maine. I'm tired of the only hispanics I see around here only know how to speak spanish. I'm mexican but I never learned spanish. And it's not my language of choice.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Something To Think About...

I found this on a video as a comment. The person I copied this from is not the original publisher of this comment. I actually have no idea who wrote it originally, but it makes plenty of sense. It puts this illegal immigration problem in perspective. Leftists want to demonize those of us who do not want people entering this country illegally, but the problem with leftists is they do not see the bigger picture. They have tunnel vision. I think I've said that before on here about liberals. But it's true! Sadly, I know any libtards reading this won't consider it. But perhaps someone might come to their senses and make the connection. Anyways, here's the comment...

*Joe legal works in construction, has a Social Security number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted. Jose illegal also works in construction has no Social Security number and makes $15.00 per hour cash, under the table. Ready?... now pay attention.... Joe legal: $25.00 per hour × 40 hours = $1,000.00 per week or $52,000.00 per year. Now, take 31% away for State and Federal taxes. Joe legal now has $31,231.00. Jose illegal: $15.00 an hour × 40 hours = $600.00 per week or $31,200.00 per year. Jose illegal pays no taxes. Jose illegal now has $31,200.00. Joe legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe legal now has $24,031.00. Jose illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the State and local clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose illegal still has $31,200.00. Joe legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe legal spends $500.00 per month for food or $6,000.00 per year. Joe legal now has $18,031.00. Jose illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WIC and welfare. Jose illegal still has $31,200.00. Joe legal pays rent of 1,200.00 per month or $14,400.00 per year. Joe legal now has $9,631.00. Jose illegal receives $500.00 per month Federal rent subsidy. Jose illegal pays out that $500.00 per month or $6,000.00 per year. Jose illegal still has $31,200.00. Joe legal pays $200.00 per month or $2,400.00 per year for car insurance. Some of that is uninsured motorist insurance. Joe legal now has $7,231.00. Jose illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance."... and still has $31,000.00. Joe legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline.. etc. Jose illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline and what he sends out of the country every month.... Joe legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work. Jose illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family. Joe legal's and Jose illegal's children both attend the same elementary school. Joe legal pays for his children's lunches while... Jose illegal's children get a government-sponsored lunch. Jose illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe legal's children go home. Now, when they reach college age... Joe legal's kids may not get into a State school and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help, even though Joe has been paying for State schools through his taxes, while... Jose illegal's kids go to the, 'head of the class' because they are a minority. Joe legal and Jose illegal both benefit from the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not. *

All this, on top of committing murder, rape, identity theft, and other crimes. Yet no punishment by the leftists because they want to pardon all minorities. UGH!! Now you see why libtards make me sick?! They want to allow these people to get away with it. They call Donald Trump (and all conservatives) "racist" and "xenophobic" because they want to keep illegal immigrants out of this country. Which brings me to another comment left on that video by someone who calls himself Sysiphus Syziggy...

"LISTED BELOW are several of the arguments that have been used by misguided people to try and justify illegal immigration. Next to each is the reason why that argument has no merit.
1) "They are an economic necessity" - Not true. The idea that a bunch of desperately poor, uneducated, unskilled, non-English speaking foreigners are an economic necessity is ludicrous. In fact, when you compare cost vs. benefit, it is obvious that they are not only NOT a necessity, they are not even an asset. Rather, they are a liability and a huge one at that. 2) "They do work Americans won’t do" - Not true. They do work Americans won’t do for $7 an hour (especially if Americans can collect welfare and unemployment instead). Of course, if you got rid of the illegals, the jobs wouldn’t pay $7 an hour. The people who wanted the work done would have to pay a wage that was attractive enough to get Americans to do the work. And it might even be enough to get Americans off the unemployment and welfare dole and back into the taxpaying workforce! 3) "We benefit from all that “cheap” labor" - This is nonsense. The only people who benefit from the cheap labor are the unscrupulous people who hire illegal immigrants. Taxpayers are left holding the bag. Ultimately, it is they who must pay to support all the Americans who have been put out of work by illegals and must also provide billions of dollars in services and benefits to the illegals themselves. 4) "They are just trying to make better lives" - Aren’t we all? The difference is that most of us understand that we DO NOT have a right to acquire by illegal means those things that we find difficult to acquire by legal means. And we certainly don’t have the right to do it in a foreign country. 5) "It is impossible to round up and deport the illegals" - We don’t have to. All we have to do is remove the incentives that brought them here in the first place. No jobs. No housing. No taxpayer financed services or benefits (including education). Once we remove the incentives that brought them here, they will leave on their own. 6) "Immigration control is racist / xenophobic" - This is just another play of the race card by people who have no other cards to play. Immigration control is the world-wide status quo. There is nothing racist about it. Furthermore, the USA welcomes LEGAL immigrants of all races and ethnicities from all over the world who have gone through the legal immigration process. This is not just a bad argument, it is an attempt to create racial hatred and division. 7) "We are a nation of immigrants" - This is the “BIG LIE”. The vast majority of Americans are native-born. I am not an immigrant. Nor were my parents. Nor were my grandparents. We are a nation that has, historically, allowed and even encouraged LEGAL immigration. And we continue to do so. The issue at hand is illegal immigration, which has nothing to do with legal immigration. 8) "They are people. We must treat them humanely" - Yes and yes. But lets not pretend like they are victims who were dragged here kicking and screaming against their will. Nothing could be further from the truth. They came of their own free will and for their own benefit and they broke the law to do it. PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED FOR BREAKING LAWS AND COMMITTING CRIMES. SENDING THEM HOME IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. There is nothing “draconian” or “mean-spirited” about it. 9) "It is wrong to break up families" - Yes. Unfortunately, families are often broken up by criminal activity. If you don’t believe it, just drop by any prison or jail on visiting day. We can’t keep families together if some family members choose to participate in criminal activity. 10) "They work contribute to our society" - So do I. And if I break the law and commit crimes, I can expect to pay a penalty of some kind. Anything from a small fine to the death penalty. I do not receive a reward. WHY SHOULD WE TREAT FOREIGN CRIMINALS BETTER THAN OUR OWN CITIZENS?"

I especially like what he points out in #6. This is what I am trying to prove here. Immigration control is NOT unique to the USA and Donald Trump did NOT start it!!! I am not a fan of Donald Trump, but I am a fan of FACTS, and that's something that libtards NEVER have!! Try to navigate through Europe and tell me you were able to without any passports or visas or whatever. It would never happen! And the libtards would probably go there crying "racist" as well. Or maybe not because most Europeans are white, or at the very least, brown and liberals don't believe brown people can be racist. UGH!!! That's why libtards make me mad! They always want to put incriminating labels where there shouldn't be any!! Donald Trump can sneeze in the middle of a BLM speech and the libtards would call him "racist" and "disrespectful" because he sneezed!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

No More Fat Pride

Well another result of me not being into this new leftist propaganda is that I will no longer be spouting about fat pride. Now, I cannot promise I will be losing weight. I'm fat. I'm not saying it's something to be proud of, but I have learned to accept it. If I lose weight then fine. If I don't lose weight then OK, I can live with it. I've been doing fine so far. I get check-ups every year by my doctor, and she says my b-pressure is perfect, heart is good, breathing is good. That's all I need to hear. I can work on losing weight. But like I said, if it doesn't happen that I get back down to 109 pounds, well, I can live with that just fine. Fat names don't bother me anymore. They actually haven't bothered me in years! I've heard them all now. There's nothing left for anyone to say that will shock or offend me. Most of the people who say that shit would never say it right to my face anyways. So, it doesn't bother me.

Besides, I've found "fat pride" is a feminist thing, and I don't want to support today's feminist culture. Not in any way, shape or form! Of course I never demanded respect. I believe in the rights of free speech. Come to my blog and say whatever you'd like. I don't care. As long as people are reading. It's a different story on my YouTube though. Sadly, I am no longer paid on YouTube to deal with trolls, haters and negative people. So I've had to fix it so all the videos now only show approved comments. I hated to do that, but I had no choice. You wanna blame someone, I heard all this new change on YouTube is because of Logan Paul and his suicide forest video. Though I don't know if that's really accurate.

This morning I was watching a video. I've been really into Ben Shapiro lately. He's a Jewish libertarian conservative who is just like me, has some very conservative views. He's actually been threatened by leftists for speaking his mind. He says transgenderism is a mental disorder. Leftists don't like it when he says it. But it is true!! REAL transgenderism is a mental disorder. Modern transgenderism is also a mental disorder, but it isn't always caused by gender dysphoria. No! Nowadays, it's caused by a desire to control. That's what I've noticed. I don't know if Ben Shapiro has noticed. But this morning I heard one guy in an interview say it is a "natural phenomenon" to be transgender. No, it's not. How many animals do you see in the wild that are males pretending to be females? I've known about gay animals in the wild, but never a male acting like a female. No such thing has ever been recorded among any living wild mammals.

Today, transgenderism is definitely a mental illness. But it's more about control. Not really how a person sees themselves. If it wasn't about control, then today's trannies and queers wouldn't be going around saying "If you misgender me, it's an act of violence and I am going to shut you up!" That is how I know it's all about control today. I can accept a transgender who is such because of gender dysphoria. But I don't like transgenders or queers who are doing such because they want control. Those are the ones I don't like. And I TOTALLY REFUSE to use those stupid new gender labels!! No WAY in HELL!!! I'd rather call those people an "it". But if I say something like "What does he/she want from me?" I am NOT going to run down the line of 40-or-so gender labels just to ask a question. And I am definitely not going to wait until someone says they prefer such-n-such a pronoun. I will probably instead say "What does it want from me?"

That's why I like gays better than transsexuals. I've always readily accepted gays. I have no problem with them. At least they are not the ones going  around demanding we use different confusing pronouns. They are honest about their gender. And transsexuals who have gender dysphoria cannot help how they see themselves. They should not be punished for that. But these low-class trannies who want to control how others address them by making up these silly pronouns, I don't like them! I don't care if I am labeled a transphobic, I don't like them! I don't like being controlled by anyone. And as for the "misgendering is an act of violence" thing, fuck that!!! They made that up because it'll give them an excuse to change the laws so they can slam someone in the head just for speaking their mind. You can't do that. Well, you can but it is unjust and you will go to jail in the USA for assault. I get called fat names all the time. I've NEVER once considered it an "act of violence"!!! The violence is when people touch me just because I am fat. The violence is like the bullying people have encountered because they're fat. I don't like being touched, especially by strangers. If a stranger comes up to me and touches me, they'd better expect I'm gonna slam them over their head! But someone who says "you fat, ugly bitch" or "Hey fatso" or "Fatty! Fatty!" that's not an "act of violence"! That's free speech and they have a right to say it. I won't slam anyone over the head for just speaking their mind.

Maybe some transsexuals have committed suicide because of words. But that's not the speaker's fault. Fat people have also committed suicide because they have been called names relentlessly. Again, it's not the speaker's fault. They're just doing what people do because people are disgusting. But the person who kills themself because of what is being said to them can learn to grow a thicker skin and just ignore the people saying the bullshit. I did. I never saw it as a reason to end my life when there are worse things in life that can happen than being called "big mama" or "fatso".

Actually, I kinda like "big mama". LOL!!

Well, Ben Shapiro is so good, Rosie O'donnell even blocked him on Twitter. Now, I used to have a lot of respect for Rosie O'donnell. I loved the interview she did with Michael, and she has some beautiful dogs (she has a chihuahua and an australian shepherd)

I still respect her as a dog-lover. But when I found out she blocked Ben Shapiro on Twitter, that was a real downer. The first thing I thought was "What a puss!" Only wussies block people and then talk about them on social media. Kinda dumb if you ask me. At least have the decency to say what you need to say to that person's face, and give them a chance to respond. Of course, I blocked the SJW libtard INXS fans on Facebook. But I don't talk about them on Facebook while having them blocked. I got more guts than that. It is actually rare that I block anybody at all. I'm not a wussy. That feature is basically for people who want to live in a plastic bubble all their lives. The only time I block people is when they've wronged me or my family specifically. I blocked one person because I believed she was playing childish games with me, and I'm too old for petty, childish games. Especially on the group that person was in. My friends can take care of themselves. I might ask that person why they feel that way about my friend, but I won't block them. Again, that's for wussies. This made me see Rosie O'donnell in a totally different light!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Everything Is Racist

Ya know one thing I always used to hate was racists. I still do. But what I hate just as much is people who call "racist" where there is none. That's what modern libtards and SJWs do. I was watching a video on YouTube about a college woman who stole a guy's hat right off his head on campus. You know why she stole his hat? Because it was one of those Trump supporting hats that said "Make America Great Again". She went to the student center on campus saying it "represents genocide". Oh my GAWD!!!!!! She said "Many people have been killed because of attitudes like this!" And the poor guy was calm through the whole thing. All he wanted was his hat back. I would love to know, how many people has Trump "killed"? Exactly, how many? How many people has he deported? Not one liberal can answer that question. You ask them and all they can tell you is "a bunch of people". You know Obama deported "a bunch of people" too. More people died under Obama's administration the first 2 years than anyone has under Trump's administration so far. Do you ever hear anyone complain about that? No. You don't. Because complaining about the things Obama did in office is considered "racist".

Liberals make me SICK!!! Can you even see the double-standards there?! Instead of blaming Obama, they'll blame Bush. But ya know, Obama let it go on even though he had the power to stop it. It went on all the way through his first term. Obama did not respect the flag before he was elected. The only world leader he respected was a muslim/Islamic leader. Now, liberals are becoming just like him. And they blame Trump for all the problems in this country. It's so stupid!! All it is is an unofficial extension of Obama's administration carried over into Trump's administration, and the liberals are blaming Trump for it.

And now, did you hear? Dr. Seuss is considered "racist"! Melania Trump sent a library a bunch of Dr. Seuss books because she enjoyed them as a child, and the librarian rejected them, calling them "racist". UGH!!! I had Dr. Seuss books when I was a kid! I loved them! But apparently there is something someone linked between the Cat In The Hat and black people being "manipulative and sneaky". I dunno, I really wasn't paying much attention as it was so stupid, a speck of dust flying before my face became more interesting! But I think that was the jist of it. But I must ask, what the HELL has the cat in the hat got to do with black people?! How do they derive that conclusion? "Manipulative and sneaky"? Come on now!!! THAT'S WHAT CATS FUCKING ARE!!!!!!! That has NOTHING to do with race!!! Cats ARE manipulative and sneaky!!!! Liberals just don't want to see that!!! Most libtards are cat people anyways. They totally want to deny that cats are evil creatures.

You know, I heard the exact same arguments about that one scene in Disney's Lady and the Tramp where those two siamese cats were sneaking around getting into trouble. Asians didn't like that scene either because they equaled it to Disney portraying Asian people as being "sneaky". I never made that connection!! I never heard this stigma before that asians are supposed to be "sneaky". More likely, Disney was doing what all cartoonists did back then when a cat was portrayed in their shows, they made the cats being sneaky, because cats are sneaky! That's what they do!! It has NOTHING to do with race/nationality!! But all the asian liberals decided that picture fed into a stereotype!! So, all of a sudden, Disney (and Dr. Seuss) are racists!! UGH!!!!

I'll tell you, I'm getting sick of these crybaby millennials today putting racist labels where there shouldn't be any!! We need to wipe the slate clean. We need to forget about Obama's administration and get back to normal here. We need to go back to the days of spanking kids when they do something wrong instead of trying to negotiate with them and treat them equal to adults. If you don't spank your kids, they don't learn there are consequences for their actions. We've now seen what happens when parents try to be friends with their kids instead of teaching them right from wrong. I've said it before and I'll say it again, kids need to have that fear of authority. And the only thing that gives them that is a good paddle on the behind! They eventually learn not to do that thing again.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

This Video Looked Into My Head and Pulled Out My Thoughts!

Video Courtesy of YouTube/The Dave Cullen Show

I swear this guy opened up my head and pulled out my thoughts! That turmoil I had with the libtard SJW INXS fans a couple years ago is beautifully simulated by this guy in this video, with a little bit of help from Family Guy. Now, I don't like Family Guy. I still don't watch it, on account of there was still the thing about them poking fun at my Michael! But in this video, this guy points to certain scenes and shows why today's SJWs and libtards are so fricken annoying. This is why I don't want to make friends with other INXS fans! Because I found out they all act like the SJWs specified in this video.

Two things stand out in the clips. One is the guy on the smartphone that is asked what are his triggers, and he gets triggered by someone asking him what his triggers are. Such a minor stupid thing! But that's how today's liberals and SJWs respond to everything new. Apparently they don't like change. Another thing that stood out was when Brian the dog tweeted he was white, and suddenly an angry mob surrounded his house, and when he tried to apologize for the joke he told, the libtard SJWs wouldn't have it. The guy conducting this video also stated never to apologize to anyone. SJWs don't want apologies. They just want to destroy someone that is not PC.

That statement reminded me SO MUCH of the turmoil I had with the libtard SJW INXS fans right after my father died, it made me think this guy opened up my head and took out my thoughts. That is what they wanted to do, they wanted to destroy me. Most of them had been wanting to ever since I said all radicals should be blown off the face of the Earth. I still believe that too. Good to know I'm not the only one who believes they should all be nuked! I hate radicals. I just don't call them "radicals" much anymore. Now, I just refer to them as SJWs. It sounds better, and better describes their lifestyle. LOL!

See, I know Kelly P. read my blog, and she must have found out that way that my father died of cancer. And Kelly P, being the kind of attention-seeking cunt that she is, got jealous because I was getting more attention from people I called "friends" than she was at that time. I think she got scared thinking 'Hey! I'm not getting any attention from these certain people anymore. I need to do something to get the attention back on myself!' So, she made up the story that she too had cancer. Frankly, from the beginning, I did smell a rat there. If she did have cancer, she sure recovered quickly with no side-effects. My dad was not that lucky! His cancer claimed his life, and it's not something I am happy about or told people just for attention. No matter what Kelly P. thought. In fact I remember one day I told my dad that I have all my friends on Facebook praying for him, and he was grateful for that. He actually said thank you. That's something I never mentioned online and told no one else.

Well, someone else I knew, from another kind of lifestyle, got a bladder infection and ended up in the hospital, and it was a person I did not like. She'd always treated me and my sis and friends like dirt. That was about the same time Kelly P. got jealous and greedy enough to tell people she had cancer. So when I spoke of the person I did know on here, people thought I was talking about Kelly P. because I didn't like her either. I didn't like Kelly for many reasons. Main reason being she's a fricken two-faced liar. I'd bet 95% of everything she says online is nothing but a lie. Including her own loyalty to whatever it is she calls "friends".

Anyway, I apologized for the confusion because people thought I was talking about someone I wasn't talking about at all. At the time I wrote the post, I had no way of knowing Kelly P. even announced she had cancer. She had me blocked on Facebook then. So, I never would have seen any posts from her. I didn't know Kelly P. even wrote such a post until one of my friends told me what I wrote about her was disturbing to her. At first I thought she thought I was talking about another libtard named Kelly, whose brother was also suffering from cancer. And I told her that I wasn't talking about her. But then she pointed out she was talking about Kelly P. I honestly did not know what she was talking about. But I'd never known this friend to lie, so I believed her. But I told her I had no idea Kelly P. even had cancer. I never saw an announcement. All I saw was people deleting themselves from my friend list on Facebook. Even people I thought really were good friends. That was when I apologized for the confusion. I never apologized to Kelly P. though. I remember Rosanda demanded I do so. But I refused. I wasn't even coming close to apologizing to Kelly P. as I did nothing wrong to her.

That's one of the points made in this video. NEVER apologize to libtard SJWs. They don't want to hear it. All they want to do is destroy you. The facts pointed out in this video; ie, the disdain against me for no reason, accusations without proof or trial, and general lack of empathy for someone who is not PC; reminded me so much of the SJW libtard INXS fans, it just seemed like this guy took a piece of my memory and made a video around it. Funny thing is Seth McFarlane is a liberal too. But he's definitely not an SJW! Perhaps there is a difference. I saw a guy on Quora today who himself admitted that he laughs at crazy liberals too. He's only the second one I've met like that in my short, political career.

Well, like Rosanda said, the damage is already done. Now, I don't make friends with anyone, especially libtard INXS fans, and I don't trust SJWs. And I am not the nice person I was before this all happened. Now, I am MEAN!! Hateful and nasty!! Yep, the damage has been done. But not in the way Rosanda expected. LOL!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...