Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Happy Patriots Day!!

Well, it's too soon to be happy. This is what they call today; Patriot's Day. Let's all remember those who were lost in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I was watching one of my disks I have commemorating this day last night. I also watched some on my Firestick. In one of those documentaries I saw a guy say "We need to go to war with them now!" And man, George W. Bush did go to war with them! Now people hate him for it. Saddam Hussein was wiped off the face of the earth. So was Bin Ladin. Of course people praised Obama for killing Bin Ladin. Before the world became a bunch of libtard pansies, they praised Bush for killing Hussein.

But who was the idiot that went to the middle east and apologized to them for the war? I'll tell you who. It was the same exact idiot that gave military guns to ISIS. You guessed it; Obama! Well, I am not sorry. Not after seeing the videos I've seen of the attacks, and knowing what I know about them. And thanks to the internet, I know of people who lost loved ones in the attacks. I still feel for those people. Even though by now I'm sure most of them have moved on. I still salute those people because it takes a lot to overcome that. Men, women and children all over the east coast lost someone there. And no, I don't want those related to the attacks in this country!! Hillary would have let them in. The libtards would have let them in. But Trump, GOD bless his soul, is keeping them out!

Ya know, thanks to this #WalkAway movement, I'm learning more about Trump than I could have ever learned from the media. The more I learn about him, the more I like him. He really is trying to make this country great again. In fact, there is a 9/11 special coming on today, where Trump is interviewed right after the attacks. He was not president then, but he was interviewed. I want to see what he has to say. Of course it's from CNN, which is a highly-liberal channel. So, I know a lot of it is going to be edited out. They're going to keep in only just enough to make Trump sound bad (like they always do). But I still want to see it. In the beginning, I did the same thing when Trump became president as I did when Obama became president. I said "Let's see how well he does". Well I must say, he's proven he is better than Obama ever was!

Now, for the dramatic subject change============================================

And this is for the cat-people who think other cat people don't ever show such irrational hatred for dogs. I see stories like this all the time about cat people...

I read about a guy yesterday who buried his dog in his backyard. "Was it dead?" You may ask. The answer is no. It wasn't dead. It was a little shih tzu mixed dog that was about 18 years old, probably on it's last leg. The dog's name was Chico. He was originally owned by a man named Alex Dion, who passed away recently. His nephew, a man named Rick Piquard, was trusted with Chico's care. Well one day, as it was told by his neighbor Kaylee Belanger, Piquard got himself a cat. He's probably the latest victim of this internet cat-craze and decided he wanted to go out and get a cat. Well, Chico was obviously not used to cats. So, he and the cat didn't get along. So how does Piquard handle this situation? Not in a way he should have! He should have got rid of the dumb cat and let the poor dog live out the rest of his days in peace. But he doesn't. Instead, he decided to bury Chico alive in his backyard.

Here is his story...

WARNING: PLEASE TAKE CAUTION!! DOG BURIED ALIVE! PLEASE SHARE⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️ What is discussed below will talk about Animal Cruelty, Euthanasia and Graphic Details.
So I’m going to start this with a bit of a back story so everyone can fully grasp what has happened.
This is Chico, he is now an 18 year old shit zhu mix. Chico has been in the Dion Family for 10+ years now. Previously owned by the now Deceased Alex Dion who passed away about 4 years ago. Chico was a loved family dog who was there for Alex through his life and struggles and time of passing. When Alex passed away Chico was a piece of him left for his friends and family to continue to love and hold on to. But due to some unfortunate circumstances over the years Chico has ended up within the last year in the custody of the father of Alex’s niece and nephew. Rick Piquard. Whom for a very long time seemed to love and care for Chico. Until recently. Chico has become old and requires a bit more care than he did in the past. But nothing that would cause inconvenience.
That brings us to the past few days. Rick decided that he wanted to get a new 7 week old kitten. He brought that kitten home and decided that because of the new addition he no longer could care for Chico. So he reached out to his Ex and her Mother to ask if they wanted Chico back otherwise he was going to have him euthanized. So his ex let him know that she could potentially take him in a few weeks if he could wait. And he fought with her mother about it and was nasty through some text messages to her. Then he reached out to me to show off his new kitten.
He sent pictures and information about this new kitten. Then proceeded to tell me that he needed to get rid of Chico.
So Saturday night I went to bed. And when I woke up today I had no idea this was how my day was going to be.
I received a few messages from Rick throughout the morning about the kitten again. Around 11am I recieved a message from him stating that Chico had “passed away last night”. Obviously suspicious given the conversations the night before I began asking what happened. To which he called and explained that when he woke up early this morning that Chico was no longer breathing. And that he buried him in the woods behind his house. Marked by a stone.
After lots of arguing he finally agreed to let me go dig up the body while he wasn’t home, to have him cremated.
But the direction he sent us in and the location he described, we later discovered was on the complete opposite side of the wooded area behind his home. So after about 30-45 minutes of searching the woods we found some fresh dirt spread about. Now notice the above mentioned “placed stone”
In this area of fresh dirt there was in fact a stone to the description of the one he explained. But underneath this stone was nothing but rocks. So we began to look around again in the area near the dirt. And while walking around my Fiancé heard a noise. He then noticed a small patch of fresh dirt under some brush from the woods. So we began digging with a stick only to hit a rock.
Hesitantly, I continued to move the dirt when we noticed fur. We uncovered a portion of Chico’s head. Only to realize that the rock was on top of him. I lifted the rock and there he was. Took a step back to grab the blanket when my fiancé shouted. “He’s breathing!!”
And he was. He was alive. While screaming and questioning how someone could do this I hurriedly removing him from the hole. He yelped in pain, dirt in every part of him. He felt flat like a pancake from the rock weighing him down in the hole.
We rushed him to Tufts in Grafton where they took him back to see what could be done. Although after many hours Chico became more responsive and gained his spirit back. He couldn’t move his head or get up due to what is suspected to be a dislocated disk in his neck. Chico was evaluated to be malnourished, dehydrated, in shock with hypothermia as well as anemia due to the infection of fleas on him. He had matted and stained fur. And he was clearly being neglected before being buried alive.
In the end the decision was made to euthanize Chico and allow him to go home to Alex where he belonged. So surrounded by many people that loved him Chico was sent to heaven.
The man that did this has been arrested and will be charged for multiple offenses.
But it needs to be known who he is and what he has done.
So here ladies and gentleman.
I would like to thank the Northbridge Police Department as well as the Emergency staff at Tufts for all of their help in this horrible event. Extra thank you to Officer Borrelli.

This makes me sick!! To think that piece of shit kid killed a sweet, innocent dog for a stupid, dumb useless cat!!! You wonder why I hate cats and cat people so much?! Incidents like this is why! Yes I blame the cat too. Cats are known to make people go crazy. You can't get much crazier than this guy. And he looks just like one would expect a man to look who prefers cats over dogs...

He looks gross! He looks like he really has a vagina between his legs!!! And you want to see something funny? Look at this...

I guess he thinks if he takes his shirt off that it'll make him look more manly. But it doesn't. He still just looks like a wussy with no shirt on. Any man who cannot even handle a dog is no man! Want to see something equally as funny? I wrote a comment on this article on Facebook. And man!! A lot of catfags got butthurt because I blamed him getting a cat for burying his dog. Well! That's the way it was told in the story. Yes, I do blame the cat too. If this thing had never brought the stupid cat home, the dog would still be alive!! I blame both the cat and this fag for that!

Anyways, here's me and my "admirers". LMAO!! 😂😂😂

Man!! These people really love me don't they?!! Ah! But you know what? I couldn't give a shit less. UPDATE: It looks like Brittany Harper has even blocked me on Facebook. LMAO!! Like I am going to care. I don't even know any of these people.

Believe me, I'm not angry about those people hating me at all. This isn't about making friends. This is about getting justice for this sweet little baby who fell victim to an idiot wussy who fell into this internet cat-craze, and took it out on this innocent baby who deserved better than to have been thrown over for a stupid cat! Chico was probably a lot more handsome than the dumb cat too. I'd even wager the man got a damn gray tabby cat, which IMO are the ugliest cats in the world. What kind of person could bury this sweet face?!

RIP Chico. You deserved better. And to this Rick Piquard, I hope you die a horrible, agonizing death. Worse than the death that Chico suffered through. We should take that dumb cat away from you, stab it with a knife and make you watch us as we do it! That'd serve you right!

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