Thursday, September 6, 2018

Why I Don't Like "The Lion 'King'"

Most people today seem to love Disney's movie The Lion 'King'. Most people do. But I don't. I hate it in fact. In fact, I don't like any movie that glorifies panthers. Especially lions. I don't like The Lion 'King'. I don't like Kung Fu Panda because of that dumb tiger. I only like Madagascar for the lemurs. I like Ice Age, but the only character I don't like in those movies is Diego. Sid is annoying but he's funny. Diego is just annoying. Nowhere near funny!

Picture this. Sometime in 1996 I asked my sis to show me that movie. I said "Let's watch The Lion 'King'." She looks at me perplexed and asks me to repeat what I said. So I did. "Let's watch The Lion 'King'." My sis is confused. She knows I can't stand lions and I didn't think I'd like the movie.

"Are you sure you want to see it?" she asked me.

"Yes." I answer. "I want to see it."

So, she puts it into the VCR (which is all we had back then) and we watch it, both of us from beginning to end. The thing is, I'd condemned the movie before I ever really saw it. I don't want to do that for anything. I've always wanted to see things from both sides before I say I don't like it. That goes for movies. That goes for people. That goes for food. That goes for ANYTHING. I want to try it before I condemn it. So, I wanted to see what I'd been condemning all those months since the movie was released on video.

Well, just as I predicted, I didn't like the movie. Besides the fact that to me, calling lions "the king of beasts" is nothing but a big joke, I did not like how hyenas were portrayed as evil in the movie. The hyena pride was totally ostracized and depicted as dark and evil. Pretty much like how they are perceived in real life.

Actually the opposite is the truth. Lions do kill hyenas for fun. Any biologist will tell you, when a lion kills a hyena, he is not doing it for sustenance. He will never even eat that hyena. He kills the hyena because he wants to eliminate competition for prey. I actually saw a documentary where a female hyena was quietly walking to her den to tend to her cubs. On her way, she had to pass through the territory of a nearby pack of lions. Well, the male lion got up and mauled and killed the female hyena. The female lions gathered around the male with his murdered game, and seemed to be praising him. They didn't eat the hyena, they just killed her. And now her cubs are orphans. Whether you like hyenas or not, that is unfair. And I don't like anything killing for fun. The hyena was not bothering anything. She wasn't going after the lions' cubs. She was just heading back to her den to tend to her own cubs.

Also, hyenas are not the stupid, dirty scavengers that the movie The Lion 'King' makes them out to be. In fact, lions more often scavenge hyena kills than the other way around. I once saw a clip of a lion eating a buffalo carcass. The lion had a broken paw and could not hunt for himself. He was surrounded by hyenas, and I'd wager the hyenas were the ones that actually killed the buffalo. The clip said the lion killed it, but I highly doubt it! Even a healthy adult male lion cannot kill a buffalo by himself! What makes these people think a lion with a broken foot is going to be any better at killing a buffalo? Especially without other lions assisting him. So, I truly believe it was the hyenas that killed the buffalo initially. The lion just took over the kill, as always happens. The hyenas were just trying to reclaim their prize.

Hyenas are also not cowards. They just know their boundaries. Hyenas are no more cowards than lions are. Lions are the worst kind of cowards actually. They are the kind that bullies other animals. That's why I refuse to acknowledge lions as being "the king of beasts". And in fact, I laugh at people who actually believe that bullshit. There is currently a video of a female lion with her cub being attacked by a group of wild dogs. They called the female lion a "hero". Well, she's not so much a 'hero'. She's just doing what she's supposed to be doing and that is defending her cub against any threat. But with the dogs, the lion was not in any danger. Neither was the cub. The dogs were not interested in eating her or the cub. The lion in fact attacked one of the dogs. The thing I found most astonishing in the video was how one dog was attacked pretty bad by the lion, but got himself back up and continued fighting the lion. The dogs were defending their own pack and their own territory. They may have had a kill nearby that they didn't want the lion to discover. Or maybe the dogs had pups of their own to protect, or maybe even a pregnant female. Usually the dogs would not go near a lion unless they really had to. So, there must have been a good reason for them to try and get this one to move on.

She was no "hero". The dogs were the real heros if anyone! A hero is when someone stands in the face of danger for the sake of others. The lion or the cub were in no danger from the dogs. The lion is bigger than the dogs. It seemed silly to me that people were calling the female lion "brave" or "a hero", against the much smaller dogs. That's like a chihuahua attacking a bobcat. The bobcat is in no danger. If it fights off the chihuahua, that doesn't mean the bobcat was a "hero" or "brave". The only hero in that scenario would be the chihuahua, for standing up to the bobcat and chasing it off. Even if the chihuahua gets hurt in the process. That not only would make the chihuahua a hero, it'd make him a legend!!!

Well anyways, there was one commenter in that video that did not like it that I was rooting for the dog that was attacked by the lion and got back up fighting. He tried to convince me that the lions are "king". I just laughed at him saying "Dude, you really believe that bullshit?! How old are you? Do you believe everything you read in children's stories?" I've said it before and I'll say it again, lions are no more the "king of beasts" than I am the queen of the world. The SJW libtards better be grateful I'm not queen of the world and hope that I never am. LOL! Lions are more like the coercer of beasts. Not the king. They're more like bullies than anything. Think about it...

  • Lions kill hyenas, cheetahs and leopards for amusement.
  • Lions steal kills from other animals more often than the reverse.
  • Lions are lazy animals.
  • Lions are not heros.

Next thing you know, lions will be farming other animals for the purpose of hunting for them. Oh well they'll never do that because lions are dumb. Too dumb to even think of farming other animals.

Well all this is why I don't like The Lion 'King'. All the animals in the movie are grossly misrepresented. Especially the hyenas! The lions themselves are also misrepresented, but for them it's in a good way. They are perceived as "heros" in this movie too. But that is so not true! Lions are totally evil! That's why I refuse to call lions the 'king' of anything. That's why of all the types of panthers out there, lions are the ones that I hate the most. I hate all panthers. But lions are the panthers I totally cannot stand. When Simba's father died in the movie, I cheered! I was laughing at that. It wasn't like when Bambi's mom died 50 years before. When I was a kid, I saw that and thought it was the saddest thing I ever saw. But Simba's dad was nothing but a lion. Not as innocent as a deer. So, I laughed when he died in the movie. It was like saying good bye to Satan.

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