Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Australia's Stupid New Rule For Nurses

Video courtesy of YouTube/The Red Elephants

Well, ever since meeting Matt Burney and Claire Aisha, I've known that Australia did not have any free speech rights. I mean, they used to get triggered by me not liking Paula Yates, and they could not accept that I didn't. But this video further proves how retarded Australia has become. And to think, I used to want to move there!! UGH!! That would never happen now. I'd be screaming to get out of that country!

Now, in Australia, if you are a nurse about to treat a colored patient, you have to apologize to them for being white. If I were a patient, I'd say "I don't care!!!" If I were a nurse, I would say "I'm not going to do it!" I mean really! This is how GOD made me. I'm not perfectly white, I'm not that colored. But I would refuse to have someone apologize to me for their own skin color. And I wouldn't apologize to anyone for being who I am! I don't care if I would be fired! If they are making that mandatory in Australia to apologize for something as dumb as that, then being a nurse wouldn't be for me anyways.

Oh boy! I'm so glad Michael is not around to live through this! But I feel bad for Timmy!

I don't care what "color" my nurse/doctor is! As long as they can cure me or help me feel better. Though I do have to say, I've seen some white doctors who were bitches, and I've known some black nurses who were slackers, and I've known some mexican nurses who were insensitive. But I never made the connection that it had anything to do with skin color. If you want nurses and doctors to apologize for anything, apologize to me for being a bitch, or a slacker, or insensitive when I needed your help! I don't care about your skin color!

This politically correct bullshit is getting out of hand! Now, the libtards are making it illegal to be white! That same thing is happening in this country. Whites have to suffer when a colored person fails. Whites get blamed when a colored person can't get a job, can't succeed in a business, or can't do good in school. Well, here's a piece of advice for those people; how about taking responsibility for your OWN actions and stop blaming other people for something that really has NO impact in your life!!!!!

Yeah, I know, I blame the SJW libtards for a lot of things. But the experience I had with them did change my life, both good and bad. I got Mya out of it! 😁😁😁 And Mya is the best thing that happened in my life in the past 10 years. But at the same time, because of them, I don't want to make friends with INXS fans anymore. I don't blame myself for that because I didn't do anything wrong. They were SJW libtards doing what SJW libtards do. And I've seen the same behavior in many other SJW libtards. Not strangely enough, at least 50% of those people are also from Australia. I fear going to Australia! It must be like going through the middle eastern countries! The very thought of it is scary!

Well, the only reason I would have ever gone to Australia would have been to see Michael's memorial. But when I found out Michael's ashes are not even at that memorial, I changed my mind. Why go all that way just to view a highly-adorned rock? But I heard his ashes are at a smaller memorial in a Los Angeles cemetary. Of course that would mean I'd have to go through that communist shithole that is California. But I don't have to talk to anyone except Michael. And I don't have to go through San Francisco.

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