Sunday, September 16, 2018

OMG! It's Happening!!!

Someone please assassinate this woman!!!

Video courtesy of YouTube/The Next News Network

It's happening, the Democrats are taking the first step toward accepting pedophiles! It hasn't happened that pedophiles are accepted, but with this video you can see, the libtards have taken the very first step, making child rape legal! This makes me totally SICK!!!! I will NEVER accept child rape!!! To the libtards who want to make this acceptable, imagine if these kids were your daughters. Would you want a 40-year old stranger fondling them? I know I wouldn't allow it if my kids were in that situation. Well, I don't have kids, but I do have nieces and nephews. I wouldn't want this happening to any of them!

Again, I knew this would happen. Once gay marriage was accepted, it was bound to happen. Now, I have nothing against gays getting marriage. That's not what I am griping about. But it did open a door to now where we have to accept transsexuals too. And I wouldn't mind it so much, I've had transsexual friends. But they now want to force us to be attracted to them. I'll be friends with them, but I will NEVER be attracted to them! I don't feel comfortable having a girl who looks like a man asking me out on a date! The libtards are actually taking away our right to NOT be attracted to transsexuals!!! I can't do that. It's wrong to me. I'll gladly be their friend, but never their lover! I would NEVER fall in love with a transsexual!!! I'd rather a gay or bisexual person fall in love with me! At least they are honest about their gender. I'd still never date them as a lover.

Then came all these genders that people want to be called by. I refuse to use them!! Fuck that!! When I say "what did he/she want to see me for?" I'm not going to run down the undisclosed number of "genders" just because that person does not want to be called "he" or "she"!!! Call me a cunt if you will, but I won't do that! If I believe it to be a he, I'm going to call it a he! If I believe it to be a she, I'm going to call it a she! Especially if the name is masculine or feminine.

Then there was Bill Clinton. He raped 3 young women. So, I knew child rape was going to be acceptable to the libtards. Especially since the libtards "slut-shamed" the girls that Bill Clinton raped! I say fuck that!!! No matter who it was, no girl deserves to be raped!! And children should NEVER be exposed to anything sexual! Let them be kids!! When I was a kid, the last thing on my mind was sex, or how many genders there are, or how old should I be before I can give consent for sex. Children just don't think of those things. And it should not be forced on them by perverted libtards!!

In other news, I did a clean-out of my Facebook friends this morning. I counted how many friends I had last night, and I figured I have too many INXS fans. TOO many!!! I don't want a lot. So, I deleted some. I kept the ones I really like though. Extra brownie points if they are dog-lovers. Nothing personal against those people, I just don't want a lot of INXS fans as friends anymore. Those days are over. Most of them are fake anyways. I was friends with Flame Fortune. Actually, she was Flame Fortune's mom. Flame Fortune was a singer who was murdered back in 1991. I wonder what happened to her mom? Did she give up Facebook? I dunno, she's a mysterious type person. I've known her to block people on Facebook for no reason at all. I once saw a friend I had named Renee said she blocked her some years ago. Renee is such a sweet person too. I guess she blocks people just because she has a bad day now and then. I don't know. She's a mystery to me. But she did used to have a gorgeous dog. A samoyed. However recently, the catfags have been trying to talk her into getting a dumb cat. Just like libtards always do! They force other people to think their way! I hope FF's mom keeps her wits about her, and decides to get another smaller dog and ignore the catfags who tell her otherwise.

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