WARNING: What you are about to see may make you gasp with the unrivaled stupidity about to be displayed. It may make your brain feel like jello, it may make your blood pressure skyrocket, you might have an incessant need to vomit, and it may make you have an impending sense of doom for humanity.
Video courtesy of YouTube/SJW Central
Like all libtards, she only speaks for the rights of minorities. Especially when it comes to those who cannot identify their own gender. Well, this time she has gone too far. She wants to change the name of "babies" to "theybies". That sounds so STUPID!!! But she wants people not to gender babies. She wants us to let the babies gender themselves. She said something to the effect of "When a baby is 4 years old, they can pick their own gender". UGH!!!!! Talk about a dumb idea. This probably would qualify Areu for handicapped parking. If I were her, I would look into that.
A 4-year old CANNOT gender themselves!!! I don't care what the libtards say! 4-year olds don't know shit about gender. Just because a boy likes to play with another little boy does not mean that little boy wants to identify himself as a girl. Just because a little girl wants to play with another little girl, it does not mean that little girl identifies as a boy. Liberals today are brain-dead! But then that's what liberals do. They take things out of context, in this case a baby playing with a same-sex playmate, and they think that means something it's not meant to mean. Kids have been the same since I was a kid. Boys always played with boys and girls always played with girls. It was never taken as a child who wanted to identify as a different sex until today's libtards made it to mean that.
Most of those boys I used to see playing with other boys I would bet grew up to marry women. Same with the girls who played with other girls. I'd bet the majority of them grew up marrying men. Crazy Cathy is also the one who wants to make it mandatory for parents to "ask" their babies if they want their diaper changed. She goes way too far sometimes. Sometimes I just want to punch her in the face and tell her to shut up!!
I recently saw a video of a teacher who read a story in class about a boy who identified as a girl, she was reading this story to a group of 6-year olds!! Most of the children in the class went home so traumatized and confused, the parents had to get involved. It makes me wonder what this world is coming to when kids as young as 6 is being subjected to this new 'agender' culture. For this reason, I dread reincarnation!!! I believe heavily in it, but I totally dread it! I could wind up with a parent like Crazy Cathy! Who would force me to pick a gender at 4 years old, and wouldn't even refer to me--her own child--as a girl! Or I could be born a boy and she'd make me wear dresses.
You know, I used to know a woman like that back when I used to go to those computer classes back in the mid-90s. She had a baby boy. But every time I saw him, he had long hair, in braids, and sometimes she would have him in a dress. Man!! I felt bad for that little boy!! Yesterday on Quora, someone posted a question saying she sent her 12-year old boy to school in a dress to disprove the gender stereotypes, and then she was surprised when he came home saying he didn't want to go back to school anymore. A lot of the people who answered hoped she was just trolling and that that never really happened. But were like "if it did, I hope your child is taken away from you!" Everyone, including me, were angry that this mom was forcing her SJW agenda on her child!! That is going to haunt that child for the rest of his life. He's going to become known as the boy who came to school in a dress. One person stated that "Years down the road, when one of his friends is drunk, shooting up drugs, spent time in jail, molested his children, and lost his family, he will still look back on your son and think 'at least my mom never sent me to school wearing a dress'!"
I could wind up with a mom like that! That would be HORRIBLE!!! I would love to see SJWs outlawed in this country! But unfortunately, as long as there are liberals and as long as there is a left wing, we will always have SJWs! That makes me mad!! Thank GOD a lot of former liberals are turning to becoming conservative! I would love to see at least a 99% conservative country here in the USA before I die. That would be awesome. Then I might not have to worry so much when I am reincarnated. I would want to choose conservative parents. I said on YouTube in a comment that I want to come back in my next life as one of Ben Shapiro's grandchildren! I can see he's raising his children right.
Here's something for Crazy Cathy; I REFUSE to call babies "theybies"!!! I'll NEVER do it! And there isn't a person on the planet that can make me!! You need to shut your mouth woman! Mind your business!! You raise your messed-up kids your way, and leave all the other parents who want to actually parent their children, and not abuse them, alone!! And yes, imposing all this SJW, gender bullshit on a child is indeed ABUSE!!!!
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