Sunday, August 12, 2018

Everything Is Racist

Ya know one thing I always used to hate was racists. I still do. But what I hate just as much is people who call "racist" where there is none. That's what modern libtards and SJWs do. I was watching a video on YouTube about a college woman who stole a guy's hat right off his head on campus. You know why she stole his hat? Because it was one of those Trump supporting hats that said "Make America Great Again". She went to the student center on campus saying it "represents genocide". Oh my GAWD!!!!!! She said "Many people have been killed because of attitudes like this!" And the poor guy was calm through the whole thing. All he wanted was his hat back. I would love to know, how many people has Trump "killed"? Exactly, how many? How many people has he deported? Not one liberal can answer that question. You ask them and all they can tell you is "a bunch of people". You know Obama deported "a bunch of people" too. More people died under Obama's administration the first 2 years than anyone has under Trump's administration so far. Do you ever hear anyone complain about that? No. You don't. Because complaining about the things Obama did in office is considered "racist".

Liberals make me SICK!!! Can you even see the double-standards there?! Instead of blaming Obama, they'll blame Bush. But ya know, Obama let it go on even though he had the power to stop it. It went on all the way through his first term. Obama did not respect the flag before he was elected. The only world leader he respected was a muslim/Islamic leader. Now, liberals are becoming just like him. And they blame Trump for all the problems in this country. It's so stupid!! All it is is an unofficial extension of Obama's administration carried over into Trump's administration, and the liberals are blaming Trump for it.

And now, did you hear? Dr. Seuss is considered "racist"! Melania Trump sent a library a bunch of Dr. Seuss books because she enjoyed them as a child, and the librarian rejected them, calling them "racist". UGH!!! I had Dr. Seuss books when I was a kid! I loved them! But apparently there is something someone linked between the Cat In The Hat and black people being "manipulative and sneaky". I dunno, I really wasn't paying much attention as it was so stupid, a speck of dust flying before my face became more interesting! But I think that was the jist of it. But I must ask, what the HELL has the cat in the hat got to do with black people?! How do they derive that conclusion? "Manipulative and sneaky"? Come on now!!! THAT'S WHAT CATS FUCKING ARE!!!!!!! That has NOTHING to do with race!!! Cats ARE manipulative and sneaky!!!! Liberals just don't want to see that!!! Most libtards are cat people anyways. They totally want to deny that cats are evil creatures.

You know, I heard the exact same arguments about that one scene in Disney's Lady and the Tramp where those two siamese cats were sneaking around getting into trouble. Asians didn't like that scene either because they equaled it to Disney portraying Asian people as being "sneaky". I never made that connection!! I never heard this stigma before that asians are supposed to be "sneaky". More likely, Disney was doing what all cartoonists did back then when a cat was portrayed in their shows, they made the cats being sneaky, because cats are sneaky! That's what they do!! It has NOTHING to do with race/nationality!! But all the asian liberals decided that picture fed into a stereotype!! So, all of a sudden, Disney (and Dr. Seuss) are racists!! UGH!!!!

I'll tell you, I'm getting sick of these crybaby millennials today putting racist labels where there shouldn't be any!! We need to wipe the slate clean. We need to forget about Obama's administration and get back to normal here. We need to go back to the days of spanking kids when they do something wrong instead of trying to negotiate with them and treat them equal to adults. If you don't spank your kids, they don't learn there are consequences for their actions. We've now seen what happens when parents try to be friends with their kids instead of teaching them right from wrong. I've said it before and I'll say it again, kids need to have that fear of authority. And the only thing that gives them that is a good paddle on the behind! They eventually learn not to do that thing again.

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