Monday, August 27, 2018

I Made A Video of My #WalkAway Story

This video is getting a lot of attention. The things I posted about in my last blog post, I talked about here in this video. I actually saw a video of the guy who started this #WalkAway campaign. He was refused service in a coffee shop. See what I mean about the irrational hatred you see in liberals. I experienced the same thing with the libtard SJW INXS fans after my father died. Of course I wasn't trying to buy coffee off them. If I was served coffee from them, I think I'd have taken it to the police station laboratory to have it analyzed. Even then, I would have tossed it on the street. I just wouldn't trust them with my back turned now.

But my turn around is another thing I can thank the libtard SJW INXS fans for. I talk about some of them in here. I talk about Matt Burney (I don't use last names. Just first names in this video). He was the first libtard in 2016 to show me how libtards are. I also talk about this woman I was friends with for only a few months, named Kimberley DeRidder DeKok. The one Katrina refers to as "the kok-sucker". I even used a bit of a clip I got of her after Kimberley dumped me for no reason. I happened to bring her up in a conversation between us because she said she wasn't going to get involved, and then "hang in there", and then she blocked me on Facebook. For NO reason at all. Well, Katrina said to me "O You don't need a friend named DeKok anyway! Fuck her!" LOL! Of course I left out the "fuck her" bit. I do enough cursing in this video. I even used Katrina's character "Katrina Hates You" to illustrate. In this video, I almost forgot Kimberley's name. That's how insignificant she was to me. Like I said, we were only friends for a few months. She's never even been to an INXS concert.

I also talk a lot about Kelly Poulter (Austin). She was the one that spread "the BIG lie" about me. And what got me was how many people I thought were good people, that followed her. It's exactly the same thing I see in these anti-Trump libtard protests. They are highly manipulative, just like Kelly (and Tess O'brien) are. They take things the mainstream media says out of context (in my case, the "mainstream media" is Kelly Poulter and Tess O'brien) and they run with it. They gain followers by saying things like "Don't listen to the right wing! They're telling lies", when really, it's the leftists that don't have all the facts. Just like the libtard SJW INXS fans didn't have all the facts about what I was writing about in my blog. And just like the anti-Trump protesters, when I confronted them with the truth, they didn't want to listen. They just said things like "What you wrote in your blog is disgusting!" and "You need help!" It's just like the anti-Trump protesters saying everyone who follows Trump is "racist" or "xenophobic" or "islamophobic". Well. I admit I am islamophobic. I don't want islams here! I think they need to be shot on sight when they try to come into this country. But that's just my opinion, and it is a fact that islams kill so many innocent Americans. So, I will always say keep them OUT of this country.

I don't talk about Rosanda in this video which is surprising. But really, she did nothing any different than what the other libtards did. A libtard is a libtard. No matter what country they come from. And yes, liberalism does exist in other countries. Matt Burney, Tess O'brien and Rosanda Herbert are all proof of that. They are also the best proof that Australia is a very liberalist country.

I even talk about the first bout I had between the libtard INXS fans and myself back in 2016. And how one thing I said triggered them. The thing about nuking all radicals off the face of the earth. LOL! They did not like that. They were TRIGGERED!!!!! LMAO!!! But at least I am not the only one who thinks that. And as for Antifa, they are nothing more than a modernized version of the KKK. They are no longer racist against black people anymore. Now, they are prejudiced against the right wing. Look at the similarities...

The KKK was founded by democrats, Antifa was also founded by democrats.
The KKK always wore masks, Antifa always wears masks.
The KKK did a lot of anti-black protests in the 90s, Antifa does a lot of anti-Trump protests today.
The KKK always burned crosses, Antifa always burns whatever they can find.
The KKK used violence against blacks, Antifa uses violence against Trump supporters.

I wondered where the KKK went and why I never hear from them anymore. This is why. Now, they've become Antifa. That's why they are always chanting "No Trump! No Hate! No KKK no fascist USA!" Well, I have to admit, I am glad they are no longer racist against black people. But I wish they would just give up this stupid agenda that all Trump supporters are bad people. Trump supporters, I've found so far, have been the most well-informed, accepting, and more educated group of people. MUCH more so than those who supported Hillary Clinton! I heard the democrats are calling the young girls that Bill Clinton raped "sluts" and are even still slut-shaming them. UGH!!! The lengths that some people will go to to defend their "favorite" politician!!

Well, when I posted this video, I totally expected to lose subscribers. So far, I've only lost 2 subscribers. Hmm. Not as many as I expected to lose. LMAO!! I wanted to set it to music. I thought the Blue Danube would have been a great choice! I wish I had thought of that back when I lost the SJW libtard INXS fans on my Facebook friends. It would have been a funny video!! But at that time, I was so distraught over what happened to my father, I was not thinking of funny videos to post then.

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