Friday, September 27, 2024

Crazy Cenky

 I recently watched a debate with Piers Morgan and a panel of political individuals, Candace Owens, Cenk Uygar, and Erik Prince. Putting aside my personal feelings about Piers Morgan for a moment, I wanted to show off this interview that I saw on YouTube. As you probably can tell, Piers is a moderate, according to himself, Candace and Erik are Trump supporters. Erik also has served this country fighting in the war in Iraq. And of course, Cenk is a radical leftist. The debate is about the war in Palestine, and some discussions about Trump come up as well. When the interview goes on, Cenk loses his mind completely! Just like he always does. Keep in mind when you are watching this video, this is the same man who says all right-wingers are "crazy" and "unhinged", and what they do is far worse than what any leftists have ever done.

Piers brings this up during the interview, but I notice Cenk blows his top a lot. He's worse than Mount St. Helens! Piers tries to get Cenk to note the irony in his calling right-wingers "crazy". That's funny when you see this, because the only one losing his mind and acting crazy in this entire show is Cenk Uygar! The one and only leftist in the panel, and he simply cannot keep it together for 3 seconds! LMAO!!! But to be truthful, he's no different than any other leftist. All leftists are violent, unhinged people who, at the same time, just don't seem to know how crazy they actually are. What is even sadder is that leftists listen to people like Cenk Uygar, and his behavior becomes so normal to them, because that's all they are exposed to, that they don't realize they're unhinged. They're either always angry, yelling, or crying. There is no in between with them. Which is also ironic, considering how leftists think everything is on some kind of spectrum. Even things that aren't.

Cenk is no teenager either! He's a grown man. He makes my father look as peaceful as a dove! The last time I saw someone lose their mind the way Cenk does over and over again in this video, was when I saw CopperCab participate in an interview with Bearing on YouTube. He got so angry, he literally foamed at the mouth. I'm surprised Cenk didn't do the same. Not that I saw. But if you look carefully, you can probably see the veins in his forehead throbbing!

Well, I like how Candace responds to Cenk's tantrums. She describes his attitude perfectly here. She describes him as being like a toddler who starts throwing his toys because he can't get what he wants. LOL! It's so TRUE!!!! He does act like that. I kinda wonder if that is how he was raised. Candace said he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd never been spanked by his parents or challenged in any way. And anyone who ever tried to challenge him, it didn't go well for them. He gets as crazy as he thinks right-wingers are. Every one of his reactions to what is being said is completely off the rails, and childish. I think he may be a little bit flatulent too.

The leftists just cannot stop talking about Trump. I hope Trump is feeling flattered. He is living rent-free in their minds. The leftists even know how to turn a random act of kindness Trump does into something horrible and evil. There is a video going around of Trump visiting a grocery store and getting a bag of popcorn. He finds a random stranger and gives her $100 towards her groceries. The left is saying this is an illegal act. They liken it to buying votes. But no one really knows the whole scenario that wasn't caught on camera. Trump may not have been on a campaign trip. I've seen him just randomly hand out money to people. He always does that. I don't think his campaign had anything to do with this random act. The leftists just want to be angry about everything. It seems that they have forgotten that Obama and Hillary did a lot of illegal acts during their campaigns. Obama took a lot of illegal donations for his campaigns, and Hillary hid the donations and spendings she made during her campaigning in 2015 in the emails she deleted. These have been proven true. Not conspiracy theories.

Now, someone like Cenk would say the Hillary and Obama reports are nothing more than "conspiracy theories". But then he'll go with the leftist crowd and say Trump paying for someone else's groceries was illegal. Even though we don't have the full story, and Trump didn't hide anything. This is another big reason I hate the leftists. When someone says what Kamala and Obama did was illegal, it's always "oh that's just a conspiracy theory!" from them. Even if we have all the facts against them. If you ask me, I don't think it's proper for anyone running for president, or any role in the American government offices, to be calling for assassination of their opponents. Kamala has done that repeatedly! Trump has never done the same to her! But if someone so much as mentions Trump in any imaginary scenario, like if someone were to say he did call for the assassination of Kamala, the leftists would automatically believe it, instead of understanding that it was meant to be just a fictional scenario. They'd be going up and down the country shouting "Trump is trying to get Kamala killed! He's a monster!" Cenk calls Trump a "monster" a lot in this video, as you may have seen. Personally, I think Kamala Harris is an even bigger monster.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Assassination "Teams"?

 OK this Trump assassination thing is getting way out of hand! Now, I hear on a podcast that leftists have created assassination "teams" to go across country hunting for Trump. This is one thing I don't like about leftists. They're crazy asf! They just won't let Trump go. And I'm telling you all right now, if anything happens to Donald Trump, I'm holding the mainstream media personally responsible! If Trump is killed, I will do everything possible to cancel the mainstream media. Even if I have to show up at their personal homes with a group of other protesters and put a sign on each of their front gates calling them murderers! Or make a personal trip, ring their doorbells and run. I could do more, but I am not a violent person, and have no desire to harm anyone. I don't want to stoop to the leftists' level.

I will totally blame the leftist media if Trump is killed. They are now trying to say Trump is being targeted and it's all his own fault. Umm, no it isn't you stupid fools! Trump is just doing what he does, he's trying to campaign. He's living his best life and wants to help America. If anything happens to him, it will be the fault of the democrats. No one else! They are the ones who keep talking shit after each assassination attempt, saying it's a conspiracy and other BS like that. Typical leftists don't want to take responsibility for their own shortcomings. Just blame Trump or whatever else they are into blaming these days. They also keep saying things like "Don't miss next time" and "they keep missing him". I know it's impossible for leftists to look outside the box but think for a moment how that kind of talk sounds to someone who is a leftist narcissist and would love the attention. I don't want to speak any further on that because I don't want to put out ideas. I think I've even said too much already.

So far though, all assassination attempts on Trump have been carried out by leftists, and all have happily failed. But this idea of assassination "teams"? Now, that's going WAY too far! Makes me mad these people just won't leave Trump alone! But me, and a lot of other conservatives are actively praying Trump remains safe and sound. I want him back in office! I don't want that stinky old Kamala Harris. I hate her! She didn't even get the nomination fair and square. The only reason she got put up for a presidential candidate is because she was Biden's VP and she's a colored woman. Biden only selected her to be his VP because she's colored and a woman. She has no merit whatsoever, and nobody likes her.

Of course, when has a leftist ever valued merit over skin-color? They don't. That's why they're dumb. I personally don't care about skin color. That only matters to colored leftists. I'll talk to black people. A lot of them have a good sense of humor. Some are beautiful people inside and out. But I will not talk to them if they display a bad attitude. Call that racist all you want to, I will never accept the leftist ideology that skin color is more important than character. In that sense, I agree with MLK Jr. When I am out with someone I am friends with, I don't give any mentions about skin color or whether they are thinner or fatter than me. I just don't care. If I comment on them in any way, it's going to be on their quality of character. To me, that is the most important thing.

I can tell you now, there's a lot of white people I wouldn't give the time of day to because they have such a nasty disposition. That's why I don't like that wacky woman in building B here. Besides the fact she makes all fat people look as bad as her. Fat people already have a bad stigma surrounding them, and have for a long time. We don't need someone like that wacky woman to come along and prove the attackers correct. That's why she makes me so angry. She is the exact characterization of what fat haters think of fat people.

I ran into her quite by accident the other day at the fairgrounds. She was parked in the grass and she was lying behind her car like some kind of gigantic speed bump. I wanted to go for a walk down that little path I am always walking. I had both my dogs with me. For some reason I did not see her parked there. I think it was because there was too much sun glare that day. I didn't see her there until we got closer and then her old dog came rushing out barking. Scared my dogs, and Ele started to go for the dog. I didn't want her damn dog to attack my Ele or Mya, so I had to cut that walk short. I was angry! I wanted to key her car all to hell that's how angry I was. I don't want her dog and mine to make any contact. If her dog were to attack my dogs, no doubt she'd stiff me. She'd be blaming my dogs or me for her dog attacking. I don't know that for sure, I just have the feeling she is the type that would do that.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Second Attempt

 Remember at the beginning of the year, I predicted that Trump would run for office and there would be assassination attempts. I wrote about that in my timmyfan blog. I knew it was going to happen. Not because I can predict the future. But because I know about human psychology. I'm no doctor. I don't have a Ph.D in the subject. But I know what makes people tick. I knew the leftists were just sick enough to try something like this. Throughout history, assassination attempts have always happened to republicans, and it was always leftists that perpetrated them! And I knew that was the one and only thing the leftists haven't tried yet to stop Trump from winning the election. I also knew the democrats were getting scared and worried that Trump will win. It's not hard to figure out this would be their next plan.

Well, this past weekend, another attempt was made on Trump's life. The last time this happened the perpetrator, named Matthew Thomas Crooks, just barely grazed Trump's head. But he did kill another spectator at the rally. A real American hero named Corey Comperatore. He was a hero because he worked as a volunteer fire fighter. But that day he was a hero because he gave his life to save his children from Crook's gunfire. Trump was bleeding when he lifted his head back up, but he was OK. He pumped his fist in the air and chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Well, it's now been tried for the second time. This time, some chowder-brain, named Ryan Wesley Routh, went directly to Trump's golf course in Florida. He shot at Trump. Both criminals used the same style rifle, an AR-15-style rifle, but unlike Crook, who was killed by Trump's security team, Routh got away for a while but was later caught.

It is claimed that both shooters were registered republicans, which is a bunch of leftist media bullshit! I realize there are republicans who do not like Trump. But I highly doubt either one of these shooters were republican in any way, shape or form! One reason I don't believe it is because Crook gave donations to the Biden Administration. And Routh was a radical environmentalist who cheered for the Ukraine. There is some kind of stigma among leftists that Trump and Putin are friends, because Trump was seen laughing and chatting with him in a news video. But what leftist media won't tell them is Trump actually whispered to Putin that he'd better not invade the Ukraine. But the leftists will never know that because they only watch leftist media, which does not tell the whole story, and listen to the same echo chamber.

One thing I constantly hear from leftists, and Kamala Harris focused a bit too much on it during the debate she had with Trump, was Charlottesville. The leftists have it stuck in their craw about how Trump stated there were "good people on both sides". But what they don't get, probably because the leftist media never mentions it, is that in the very next sentence, Trump said "I'm not talking about the racists and neonazis. They're all evil". The debate between Kamala and Trump was unfair to begin with! ABC asked Trump a lot of very hard questions, yet they handled Kamala Harris with kid gloves. I know Trump is getting sick and tired of these damn leftists treating him so unfairly. They would never debate on his terms. They only allow them to debate on the leftists' terms! And as leftists, they are downright cruel to Trump! I'm sick and tired of it too. Trump asked for an unbiased network to host the debate twice! But his opponents refused. First it was they wouldn't do the debate unless CNN was the host, and this time, Kamala wouldn't do the debate except on ABC. Both networks are prejudiced against Trump and they knew it! I cannot blame Trump for looking so uncomfortable there. But even with totally biased hosts, Trump still got both Harris and Biden in those debates. Maybe he didn't win in the eyes of the leftists. But he did conjure up the very best comebacks!

I remember seeing in the debate with Harris, Trump kept his cool and said how Harris keeps saying Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy. He isn't! The real threat is Kamala Harris and Joe Biden! The dumb leftists! Trump at least, won the 2016 election fair and square! Nobody had to cheat. Despite the bullshit that Hillary Clinton spewed about some collusion with Russia! Even after Trump won, Clinton was still saying Trump is an illegitimate president. That he won using help from Russia. Just saying all kinds of horrible things to make Trump look bad. The worst part of it was, I actually believed her. I am so glad I am no longer a leftist! I guess I can thank the INXS fans for that. LOL! But I should have known better than to follow the ideas from someone who is an admirer of Margaret Sanger! Then she turns around and says Trump is racist. Again, more bullshit! With as much verbal diarrhea as Clinton shits from her mouth, I'd hate to be standing near her talking.

Well anyway, thank GOD Trump is still OK. The last shooter missed just like the first one. But if you ask me, I think Trump needs to vamp up his security! The leftists always claim to be the ones who are compassionate. But they are making jokes about Trump's second assassination attempt. They keep saying "Don't miss next time!" It's the same thing they said when the other shooter tried to kill Trump at a rally a month ago. But I thank GOD that both shooters were very bad at shooting Trump. I hope they never succeed in killing Trump. We need him. The majority of the country needs him and wants him back. I had hopes I was wrong about the assassination attempts on Trump this year. Or any time! But I just thank GOD he's OK, and pray HE continues to protect Trump.

Friday, September 13, 2024

You Really Wanna Help?

 There is so much conflicting opinions about people who are fat. Or obese. Personally, I think the word obese sounds classier. Saying just "fat" sounds very low-class. Like calling black people the "n" word. No matter whether the person chose to be fat or not, saying the word "fat" just sounds very crude. I've gotten all kinds of people giving me all kinds of excuses they use to call fat people names. Some of the most common excuses I hear are:

"Fat people are a strain on our health care system"

"I hate fat people"

"I call fat people names to get them to lose weight"

"Fat people choose to be fat"

Frankly, I don't believe any one of them! I think they're all bullshit. I think those excuses were propagated by people who think they're funny, but really aren't, and probably just popped out of their mommy's ass that morning. I want to use this post to translate what I believe people who use these excuses are really saying. If you ask me, calling anyone names, whether it be because they are too fat, or too thin, or the color of their skin, or have a disability, is nothing short of a bully. I also want to debunk the excuses that I can.

Fat people are a strain on our health care system. →→ Now, you cannot get me to believe you are cruel to fat people because you're worried about the health care system! Especially if you are a child anywhere under 20 years old! I don't mind the name-calling. But don't lie and say you're calling me names because you are worried about the health care system! I'd have a little more respect for you.

I hate fat people. →→ OK. So what? I hate a lot of things. That does not mean I'm going to be cruel to that thing. I hate lions. That does not mean I'm gonna go out and kill every lion I see. I believe in live and let-live.

I call fat people names to get them to lose weight. →→ Believe me, fat shaming does not work! It may work in the moment, but it won't last. Some fat people eat to help themselves feel good. So, when the anger from being called names wears off, an average fat person will turn to food for comfort. Fat-shaming only works about maybe 1% of the time, if not less.

Fat people choose to be fat. →→ Well, not always. There are some factors that cause people to gain weight that are beyond their control. Besides the usual thyroid problems, there is also Crohn's disease, medications, and even complications from a surgery (such was the case for me) that can cause someone to put on weight. And sometimes being fat is genetic. You don't know what that person's situation is. So, it's best not to judge.

I've actually seen a person who said he rides on his bicycle every day, and always makes it a point to ride-by insult any fat people he sees. I told him he's a coward. A wussy! Anyone who would call someone names passing by them in their car or on a bicycle is obviously a person who has some deep-rooted, severe problems of their own, and too cowardly to face anyone. And I would also venture to say those people who do that feel some amount of shame for being so cruel and having no class.

If you really want to help fat people lose weight, you know what really works? Encouragement! If you see a fat person walking down the street, then either leave them alone or very nicely state "Good job walking! Keep up the good work!" Trust me, that works a hell of a lot better than calling them childish names. Someone like me, I'm more likely to listen to someone who is kind and friendly than someone who is mean and hateful.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cenk Yugar Is Anti-Semantic

 That man needs to have a swastika tattooed on his head! BTW, I'm not serious. I don't know for sure if Cenk Yugar is truly anti-semantic. But I was watching a video yesterday that Resist The Mainstream (YouTube) did of The Young Turks. Ana Kasparian really laid into Cenk Yugar on this subject! She said things I've been saying for a long time! Cenk Yugar thinks he can read Trump's mind. But he can't. A simple person cannot read the mind of another person. So, I think Cenk needs to STOP acting like he knows what Trump is thinking when he says or does something. I must say, I am totally impressed by Ana Kasparian! She is still not a Trump supporter, but it looks like from this clip, at least she is getting cured of TDS. I'm proud of her! I really am! Watch this clip...

I always say, there is already too much division in this country. I don't say a person has to like Trump. There are things he does even I don't like. But he's not Princess Diana. I'm not voting for Mr. Congeniality here! I'm voting for a strong man who can clean up the mess that has been made of this country! The only one who can do that is Trump! I don't care what people have accused him of. I don't give a shit about Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carrol! I think they're both phonies! I never believed their Trump rape stories from the beginning! And now, they've both been proven to be liars, and the DAs who prosecuted Trump for those cases are also proven to be corrupt!!! So to the TDS-media victims I say SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP! Leave Trump alone and let him run this country as he sees fit.

However, I just know Kamala Harris is going to win. If she does, then this whole country is screwed! But nobody likes her. How can she win? You might be asking. Well, the democrats cheated before in the 2020 election. No doubt they are dumb enough to try that again! If you mention anything about cheating on the last election, in a lot of websites and social media, it'll get you kicked off. But if you say something like "Trump raped his wife and is holding her captive" no one will so much as blink an eyeball! And the media might even run it, and all the media-obsessed leftards will be repeating it the same day! Leftists blindly believe anything that is the popular opinion. But there was grand-scale cheating in the 2020 election! My sis and I watched the whole thing. I remember watching the numbers very closely. For a while, it looked like Trump was winning. But then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Biden votes started piling up, and then there were NO MORE Trump votes! Now, you can say what you want about Trump, but I don't believe for one second, the man who could barely draw in 100 people for a rally got that far ahead of Trump in the polls!!!!!!!! If you look at Trump rallies, his supporters lined up for miles in some cases, just to get in! If you look closely at Kamala rallies, there's usually barely 100 people there. The DNC has all the attendees gather closely in seats behind Kamala Harris to make it look like there's more people at her rallies than there really are. And I heard from somewhere those people are actually paid to sit there and look cheerful. Though I don't know for sure if that's true.

Hey! At least I can admit it if I am not sure about something. Although I wouldn't doubt it if I were the one in power. Nobody likes Kamala Harris. It would be like if I got up and gave a speech at some kind of INXS convention. None of them like me either. So, it's likely no one would come to hear my speech unless they were paid to do so. Not that there is any such thing as an INXS convention. LOL!! But I can honestly say it's been tried among fans twice before. But who is going to go to those? I sure as Hell wouldn't now. I only like a few of the fans and I don't really care to meet anymore. Especially now that I know what they are really like deep inside. In Michael's own words; I've seen inside their heart. Most of them don't have one though.

But I used to be just like them! It's no secret that in the beginning, I hated Trump. I believed all the lies the media said about him. It's also no coincidence that back then, I used to watch The Young Turks. My own wake-up call, ironically, was the last turmoil I had with the INXS fans. One person told lies about me, then another person believed it, then another, then another, then another, then so-on and so-on. My sister told me that's how leftists are. They believe only the popular opinion. They don't ever bother to look at both sides of an argument. And especially if the person spreading the lies happens to be a leftist, then the person being lied about is definitely screwed! Well, it took a bit to realize what the INXS fans were doing to me was no different than what I was doing to Trump. That is when I got off Facebook and started doing my own research. I stopped listening to the media, and started studying Trump for myself. I listened to a lot of conservative podcasts and watching videos by conservatives about Trump. I slowly began to realize this man is not as bad as the media has been saying he is! The more I learned about him, the more I liked him. Now, I consider myself a full supporter of Trump. I think the big clincher was when Trump signed a bill making animal abuse a felony. That was the final straw when Trump really captured my heart. I love animals. I'd never want to see one hurt. I can honestly say now, I like animals more than people. In fact, people make me downright sick!

I've got to tell you, even INXS fans I never thought would turn against me, actually did turn against me! But I've been hearing a lot that a lot of other people who support Trump have been getting the same thing from leftists they've considered friends. I hear it all the time. People they have been friends with for YEARS even. People they've even helped out of rough situations, let their own politics get in the way of their friendship. And I noticed this only happens with leftists. I've never heard of conservatives saying "if you support Biden, then I'm not your friend!" I whole-heartedly blame Obama for this! Because I noticed leftists were not like this before Obama became president! It's only after Obama knew he could not run for a third term that leftists went loony. And I do believe Obama was the first one to say Trump is racist. I also believe he stated if you support Trump, then you support racism. And all because he could not run for president a third time, and Hillary Clinton did not win! So, when I see a leftist unfriend someone just because they support Trump, I automatically blame Obama because he was the one who got that ball rolling! That is why I HATE Obama with so much passion!

Racist Door-Lockers

 I recently watched a video by Matt Walsh, who did an interview with a man who was complaining about how we lock our doors when we're at...