Saturday, September 14, 2019


I dunno. I don't think I'll ever understand the leftists. They want to label everything as "racists" and "bigots". Most of us are getting sick of it. The words "racist" and "bigot" has been so overused by leftists that they mean nothing anymore. And leftists are too cowardly to stand up and support their claims. They just blindly call everybody and everything racists and bigots. What gets me is how people are bending the knees to them that should not be doing so. We need to stop giving into these people, and we need to start fighting back. I mean that. I'm not bending my will to their's! I refuse! And if you want to talk about real, actual racists and bigots, here's a video full of them...

That is a group of Somalian thugs in Minneapolis who found a white guy who was drunk, and beat him down, robbed him, tried to strip his clothing off, walked on him and ran him over with a bicycle. I saw this in an anti-SJW group I am a member of, and it made me so angry! What made me most angry is places like Minneapolis allowing these immigrant thugs into our country. There is a rule on the books that people from other countries who want to come to the USA must assimilate to our culture. But the leftists are calling that rule "racist" and trying to overthrow it. Well, this is what happens when you do that. You get gangs like this from shithole countries, coming here and attacking the citizens.

Now, don't get me wrong. I have nothing against people from Somalia who are really here looking for a better life. You can always tell those people because they act like Americans. They don't act like the animals that come here from shithole countries and act like shits themselves. They have assimilated. And that's a good thing. I'm not a bigot against black or brown people. My dad was a brown person himself. My best friend was black. I have nothing against them. What I have something against is assholes. Yes! I admit it! I am bigoted against assholes! So sue me!! I don't give a fuck what you think! But assholes come in many different colors and varieties. My stepmom and her daughters were assholes and they were as white as white can get! These thugs in this video are assholes and they're black Somalians. Assholeism doesn't know color barriers. It strikes people of many different races! It doesn't know queer from straight. It strikes people of many different lifestyles.

The only problem with assholeism is that the left will excuse you from the consequences of assholeism if you are colored or queer. Which is stupid! Because it's like those old Tom and Jerry cartoons. Remember I mentioned the episode where Tom was going to inherit a million dollars but would not get it if he harmed a mouse. Jerry took full advantage of that throughout the episode and pushed Tom to his limits. Same with colored and queer people today. Especially queers. They are pushing normal people, just to see how far they can go. Everyone knows it's happening. And it's getting worse. Now in California, a gay person with AIDS can infect you any way he or she sees fit, and doesn't even have to tell you he or she has AIDS. And they won't be persecuted either. That's as low as someone can go! AIDS is a terrible thing! Thank GOD it can now be put under control, but it is still a terrible thing to have!

Well, in that cartoon, Tom got fed up with Jerry's bullying, and he fought back at the end. Even though it cost him a million dollars. It felt better to him that he finally got to give Jerry his just desserts. Liberal queers and colored people better watch it! The conservatives will start fighting back if we get pushed too far. And you leftists cannot blame us once we do! You'll only have yourselves to blame! So, you'd better stop pushing! And I have seen leftists try to fight with conservatives. One-on-one, the leftists always get their asses knocked the fuck out! It's actually funny to see a leftist try to start something with a conservative. Conservatives are good fighters! And they are fearless. Leftists are weak, and only brave in groups, behind black masks. Or behind computer screens. Remember that!

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