Friday, September 20, 2019

My Wacky Sis

My sis can be so wacky sometimes. I just wish she would pick one side and stay on that side. She's either with the pantherfags, or she's with her own sis. UGH!! Sometimes it seems she doesn't even try to understand how I feel and what I think. Well, at least she acknowledges it's her own fault. LOL!

There is this artist on Facebook, and I joined his group. He's a great artist, I enjoy his drawings. He's one of the first I've ever seen that can capture Michael's image and make him look like himself. I didn't think that was possible. Another thing I didn't think was possible; he even makes David Bowie look less ugly! I didn't ever think that was possible! That dude is probably the ugliest person I've ever seen in the history of rock n roll. I've actually seen people say they think David Bowie is "handsome". I'm always like "You've got to be joshing! He's one of the ugliest men I've ever seen in my entire life!" I don't see how anyone can think he's handsome. If there's an artist that can make him look less ugly, well that's quite the compliment! This guy does it. It's a big enough accomplishment that he makes Michael look so good. That's rare talent! I do an interesting sketch of Michael. And while I do try to get as much detail as I can, my drawings are still cartoony. That's just my style.

See, in that last paragraph, my sis would be telling me I'm "forcing" other people to see things my way. No I'm not. I'm describing David Bowie as I see him. I said "I don't see how anyone can think he's handsome", and I can't see. That does not mean I am "forcing" anyone to see him my way. I'm just voicing my opinion and asking what I believe is a reasonable question. But in my crazy sis's eyes, she thinks that is "forcing" someone to see things my way. Or shaming them for not seeing something the way I do. Maybe that is what she does and she's trying to lay that foundation on me. Even though she did teach me, I am my own person. Not someone else's image. That's an opening for someone to explain to me why they think David Bowie is "handsome". Because when I look at him, I don't see anything even remotely resembling "handsome". Maybe someone else can open my eyes for me. But I don't even like David Bowie's music. So, I can't even fall back on that. I just can't stand the guy.

Same with panthers. Perhaps it's that I see things totally different from other people. But I see lions as being big, lazy, ugly bullies. So far, no one has been able to change my mind. No matter how many openings I give to people. All I get are pantherfags telling me I am "stupid" because I don't like lions. That doesn't seem like a good reason to me to change my mind about them. Matter of fact, it more enforces why I believe panther-lovers are wussies and wimps. And I don't buy that bullshit that they are the "king of beasts". If you want to blame something for why I don't like lions, blame National Geographic. It was that special I saw bits and pieces of about lions and hyenas being eternal enemies that fixed this idea in my mind. I saw how hyenas are just trying to survive and lions chase them off their kills, and how lions bully hyenas when they try to fight back. Plus, I've spoken to several certified biologists, who confirm most of the time you see lions and hyenas at the same kill, usually it's the hyenas who made the kill. But it's also the hyenas who have the bad rap. And that dumb Lion "King" movie didn't help their image any. So, since I am the closest to a biologist who has a free-standing platform, and not controlled by the mainstream media, I must speak out against these bullies. I must give the crown of the king of beasts to the rightful owner. And it's NOT lions!!

But because I announce this, and no one has ever been able to prove me wrong, my sis thinks I am "forcing" people to see things my way. I know it's supposed to be like a dog-eat-dog world in the wild and animals have to survive any way possible. Even if it means stomping on another animal's survival. But still, I've actually seen lions killing hyenas for fun, when hyenas were not even harassing the lions. Some time ago, I saw a documentary where a hyena female lived close to a lion troup and had to pass by there every time to go hunting, and she had a litter of cubs to take care of. One day the documentarians caught the female going off on a hunting excursion and again she had to pass right through the lion's territory. This time when she did, the lions killed her. She was not harassing them at all. She was just passing through on her own way to a hunt. The documentarian even said it looked like the lion's harem was even praising him for killing the hyena. None of those lions even bothered to eat the hyena. They just killed her for sport because she was there. I don't even like it when humans kill for sport. I know lions don't know any better. But that's what leads me to believe lions are actually bullies. Not the kings.

The biggest disappointment is how when I see a video like that on YouTube, the panther fags are all cheering the lion on, saying the hyena somehow deserved it. Now, I say if they can deduce that the hyena somehow deserved to be killed like that, how is it they can't see that the lions were bullying the hyena? Maybe lions don't know any better. But humans should. They bitch and moan because wild dogs and hyenas eat their prey alive. They sure are quick to call that bullying. But lions are not bullies at all??? I've seen lions eat some of their prey alive. But to other people, that is not bad. I remember on another video about wild dogs, people were fussing because wild dogs make a little twittering sound. I think they sound cute personally. Other people though (especially panther-fags) say they sound wimpy. Well, I asked one of them what they think of a cheetah's call. When they call, cheetahs make little whistling sounds too. Well, to the pantherfags, that is A-OK! But when wild dogs make twittering sounds, suddenly, they say it sounds "weak" or "gay" or "wimpy". And you wonder why I hate the pantherfags. They are the biggest hypocrites I've ever met anywhere!

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