Sunday, September 22, 2019

Just Another Random Sunday

The holidays are coming up and as every year, I start really missing my father. This sucks! Father's Day, his birthdays and holidays are especially bad! Well, his birthday is Father's Day. They almost always fall on the same day. Or very close. Then there is Christmas, when he used to always come to our place, playing Santa. I miss that. Can't expect anything like that from Kathy. Well, I expect nothing from Kathy now. She's not even our family anymore. And let the record show that was her own decision. Not mine. Not my sis's. Her's and her's alone. I kinda wonder how dad would feel about that if he could see? I don't know if he foresaw that after his death, Kathy would have wrote us off. But I guess it proves my mom was right about her. Well, I guessed that long before mom did. I knew from many years ago Kathy didn't really like me and my sis, though she tried to deny it, or tried to hide it. She apparently hid it very well from Stephanie and Jennifer. Stephanie's biggest argument was that yes, Kathy did 'love' us. So, apparently Kathy never mentioned that to her. I called complete bullshit. But that's OK! Really. I don't mind at all. I saw it coming, so it's not like I wasn't prepared.

Well, I had to let go of a friend this past week. Sad as it was, I didn't like the kind of other people she was friends with. It started with a post she posted from CNN. Now, I don't like CNN. But she did. But that's cool. She was a left-winger. I'm not. But the story she posted sounded untrue, or incomplete, like CNN always posts! They tend to not tell the whole story. Just enough to make conservatives look bad and leftists look good. Get this; CNN calls the thugs of Antifa "national heroes", while simultaneously calling groups like The Proud Boys "national terrorists". Then CNN posts just enough bullshit that they take out of context, to make it look that way. CNN has one talent, and one talent only; they can make bullshit sound believable. Which is why the leftists bank on their bullshit. But think about it, if Antifa are such wonderful, heroic people, why is it they are always the ones breaking the windows of local businesses? Beating up innocent people who've done NOTHING? Doxxing people they believe (with no proof) are neo-nazis? Why are they the ones who don't get facts before they condemn someone? Why are they the ones who don't want to just sit and talk out their differences?? See, the Proud Boys are willing to discuss things. Antifa isn't. And Antifa is violent. This is the kind of ilk CNN glorifies. So, I got no use for CNN. But I was always like "If she likes CNN, as long as she's not getting violent, then that's cool."

Well, she tells me she doesn't like "Faux" News. "Faux" is not even pronounced like fox. The "X" is silent. Anyway, I told her the only report I watch on Fox is Tucker Carlson. Well, she didn't like him either. LOTS of liberals don't. LOL! Tucker Carlson makes them use their brains, and liberals don't like to use their brains. Tucker asks liberals the hard questions they have no way to answer. Because liberals don't ever have facts to backup their claims. Well, then one of her friends jumps in. And I've got to say, for a liberal who disagrees with me, he at least wasn't rude. He doesn't like Tucker Carlson? Fine. I told him most liberals don't. I was laughing because I hear the same thing about Tucker Carlson from liberals ALL the time. Doesn't faze me at all. And it doesn't change my mind about Tucker Carlson. That wasn't where the problem lies. The problem was when this second friend of her's commented, and he was VERY rude!! I can handle someone disagreeing with me. I don't care. But what the second person said, I felt was totally uncalled for. He was the one who told me basically to "fuck off". That was what made me angry. He told me to "fuck off". I called him a turd! Then this person, whom I'd considered an INXS "sister" for a long time now, had the nerve to tell me my comment was the one that was uncalled for. I wasn't even rude to the second person at all. He was rude to me. I hadn't even spoken to him before. He just saw I liked something he didn't, and told me to fuck off. I say fuck him! And I still say he's a stupid liberal turd!

This is why I don't side with the left anymore. They think they can just be rude to some random person who has done nothing to them. Nothing except disagree with them. And then they say us right-wingers are the horrible, rude ones. And other leftists will believe them. Well, it was his comment that made me have second thoughts about this girl I called a friend. I told her his comment was also uncalled for (in case she didn't catch that). I hesitated for a couple days, because we'd been friends for so long. I don't really like putting "guilt by association" labels on someone. Especially someone I'd known for 10 years. But I said if this is the kind of people she likes, then I don't want anything to do with her anymore. If she could not see that jerk was being rude to me first, then fuck them all. I need to start standing up for myself. Otherwise, 2016 will happen all over again. I can't let that happen. I need to distance myself from toxic people. Maybe she's not toxic now, but if she keeps hanging around that asshat, then she soon will become toxic.

That's why now, my focus is more on dog people. Not INXS fans anymore. Most of the INXS fans I've known have been liberals. Not all, but most. But if you go through my friends now, they're almost all either dog people, or people I know personally. Very few INXS fans. You can always tell who the liberal INXS fans are, they are almost always cat people. Or people who say they prefer cats.

I was very disappointed in Kaitlyn Bennett. She has a cat now. She recently said in an interview she doesn't like being surrounded by a bunch of cats, and now to find out she has one. It's a disappointment. I hope she didn't get it because some catfags on YouTube told her she needs to get one. I think that's what Repzion did. Only Repzion's new cat is much uglier than Kaitlyn Bennett's. I tell him that all the time too. It's name is Dennis. And it is one UGLY cat!! It's a gray tabby. And you all know how I feel about gray tabbies. When he first displayed the disgusting thing, I asked him "is that really the best cat you can find??? An ugly old gray tabby???!" Now, he has to display that ugly thing in every one of his videos. And all the catfags watching are all like "Oh Dennis is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!" YUK!!! I always say to them "It's a gray tabby! It's NOT cute!!" One idiot even wrote "I used to not like you. But Dennis changed that." That's a very typical catfag comment. I'm afraid Repzion has become a catfag now. At least he still has his dogs. But I don't think I've ever seen him having his dogs in his videos as much as he now shows off that ugly beast he now has. I wouldn't be surprised if he blocks me now. LMAO!! Well, I really wouldn't blame him if he does. I'm going to keep on telling him how ugly his cat is as long as he puts it in the video. He should have got a siamese. Or at least a black cat or calico. Anything is better than a gray tabby!

I posted up a video of my sis trying to get Mya to howl like she used to do with Odessa. Mya wound up saying "no no no no". It was cute. Some catfag got on there and I saw her profile pic. I also saw the word "annoying" in her comment, I didn't really read her post at all. But I laughed! I laughed and said "Said the chick with the ugliest cat on YouTube!" LOL!! She had another ugly old gray tabby as her profile pic. That was how I knew I shouldn't read her comment. So, I just deleted it. I kinda wonder if she came to my channel through Repzion's channel, butthurt because I said his new cat is ugly. No, I don't believe Repzion sent her. But a lot of catfags now watch him because of that new cat he got. And you know how catfags are. Just look at Antifa. I'd bet you the majority of them are catfags too. They're leftists! Leftists are usually cat people.

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