Thursday, September 19, 2019

I Ain't No Stupid Lion!!!

Oh man! People are fricken stupid!!! Now, they want to compare deplorables to lions. I saw a meme today, and I know memes should not be taken seriously. But the point is, I've seen this over and over. But it mentioned something to the effect of how Democrats can have their donkeys. Republicans can have their elephants. Deplorables are lions. I said to that "Fuck that! I ain't no stupid, dumb, ugly bastard lion! Deplorables (as the libtards like to call us) would be better represented by wolverines. That's my spirit animal. And wolverines are tough. As tough as they come! Lions aren't tough. They're just more equipped than most other animals. Fuck lions! Besides, they're bullies. Lions are representatives of Satan. I'd totally resent anyone even comparing me to a stupid lion!

My question is, why do people always want to compare good things to lions? Am I the only person on the planet that sees lions for the stupid, obnoxious bullies they really are??!! Lions get FAR more publicity than they deserve. I recently saw a news article where it was found lions were killing fur seals in South Africa. I asked the author "Why is this even news?? Jackals and hyenas have been preying on fur seals for years now!" I saw that in a documentary back when I was living in Reno. Seriously! Is that internet magazine so desperate for articles that they'll publicize something lions only recently learned that other, much smarter animals have known about doing for years now? All that proves is my point that lions are dumb, and that everything they know is what they pick up from habits of other animals. It proves jackals and hyenas are much smarter than lions. I don't know about hyenas, but canines like jackals did not survive for over 60 million years by being stupid!

I remember some years ago, Snoop Dog went to a Shaman in the Dominican Republic, and he told Snoop Dog to stop calling himself a dog, because he tried to convince Snoop his animal was a lion. I was like "WTF??" Only if Snoop Dog is an evil bully would I believe his animal is a lion! Snoop was then instructed to start calling himself "Snoop Lion". I said "Well, that sounds DUMB!!" I hoped Snoop Dog wouldn't go for it. Thank GOD he didn't! He continues to use Snoop Dog. Even his child calls himself "Li'l Pup" or something like that. LOL! No lions in that family.

Well, now some people want to compare Donald Trump to a lion. I still say fuck that! The only thing Trump has in common with lions is that lions should be hated as much as Trump is! I know I hate lions. I hate ALL panthers in fact. But I hate lions the most. Much more than any other panther. And I don't buy the bullshit that they are the "king of beasts", which still makes me laugh every time I hear it. I would NEVER compare Trump to a lion! Ever! Trump is not that big of a bully. I don't care what the liberals think. And Trump is not lazy. He's actually doing good for this country. And no, Obama didn't start that. He's just embarrassed that he didn't get anything done in this country, so he's trying to take credit for what Trump is accomplishing. Actually, Trump would be better represented by an elephant. Just like all Republicans. Elephants aren't lazy. And they're smart. Their actions are deliberate. I like elephants. They are perfect to represent Trump and his followers. But not a stupid lion!!! I'll fight that, because I totally refuse to be compared to a lion! That is the highest degree of insult I can think of! That's like agreeing that deplorables are lazy bullies. And we're not! Only in the eyes of liberals we are. And we're not supposed to reinforce what the liberals think of us! That is a bad idea all around!

Well, I am glad of one thing. I'm glad to see conservatives finally fighting back against liberals. I hate to say this, but I am having some second thoughts about this person I considered a friend. Even if she is a liberal. But one of her dumbass libtard friends attacked me the other day, and I fought back. Then she said my comment was uncalled for. I told her his was too. And he was the one who started it. I wasn't even talking to him. And he blows off at me being rude. But see, that proves liberals are the real bullies. I shouldn't trust them. I hate to do it, but if this is the class of friends she has, then maybe I shouldn't be among them. She can have that asswipe! As long as she does, she cannot have me as a friend. I need to start standing up for myself. I cannot let 2016 happen all over again. That's why I am so much more aggressive now. The wolverine in me must take over. 😁

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