Thursday, February 27, 2025
The Desperate Leftists
Monday, February 24, 2025
The Trump "Cult"
Are Trump voters in a cult? I hear that a lot from leftists. Personally, I think it's silly deflection. It doesn't look to me like Trump supporters are in a cult. I may like a lot of things about Trump, but not everything. Nobody is perfect. I guess that's why the democraps don't like him. Because they think he's too perfect.
To be precise, these are some characteristics of a cult as explained by Google:
Charismatic leader:A central figure with absolute authority who is seen as infallible and worshipped by members.
Isolation from outside world:
Discourages contact with family and friends outside the group, promoting suspicion of non-members.
Strict control and manipulation:
Enforcement of rigid rules and behaviors, often using guilt, fear, or other tactics to maintain obedience.
Unquestioning loyalty:
Expectation of complete devotion to the leader and group ideology without critical thought.
Indoctrination and thought reform:
Systematic process of changing members' beliefs and perspectives to align with the group's agenda.
Coercive recruitment:
High-pressure tactics to recruit new members.
Punishment for dissent:
Severe consequences for questioning the leader or attempting to leave the group.
Important points to remember:
- Not all groups with unusual beliefs are cults, but a high level of control and manipulation is a key indicator.
- The term "cult" is often used negatively, so it's important to use it with caution and consider the specific characteristics of a group before labeling it as such.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Tigerlily Bud
Well, Tigerlily is no longer a little bud. She's now a blossom in full bloom. Take a look at this pic...
That is Tigerlily herself with her boyfriend. And they are now expecting a baby of their own! Ya know it's funny. I've been saying since she got into her 20s that now she needs to find a husband and have Michael's grandchild! I heard that was one thing Michael wanted more than anything, was to be surrounded by grandchildren. And finally now, he's going to be a grandfather. It's sad he won't actually be here to see them, but I am sure he's looking down from above and will look in on his new family soon. The child's gender has not really been announced yet, but it would be awesome if it was going to be a little boy! I hope Tigerlily does not become one of those loony parents who wants the child to determine what gender it is!!! PLEASE GOD and Michael! Don't let her do that to this baby!!!! That'll ruin it's life quicker than anything. Children need boundaries. When I hear a parent say they want their child to pick out their gender, I hear it to mean first of all, that the parents are crazy asf! Second, the father is not going to be a good role-model. Third, that there will be no boundaries. Fourth, that the child will be mentally abused. It can really ruin a child's life.
Just looking at both parents, I can already tell the baby is going to be beautiful! Tigerlily has Michael's looks and his genes, and her husband there looks a little like Michael himself, so if the baby is raised in a normal environment, not hindered in any way by this woke bullshit, it should be stunningly gorgeous!!! Now I cannot wait till 20 years from now when that baby turns into a young man. I'd probably be in love! HAHAHA!!!! BTW, to the retarded dimwits who take everything so seriously, that was a joke!!!!! I'd never fall in love with a child. Not in the same way I did with Michael.
Ever since Tigerlily reached her 20s I've been hoping she would get married and have a child. I was smiling for hours after I heard the news. I'm still smiling in fact. It makes me feel happy! Almost as if Tigerlily was my own daughter. Though I do know she's not. But I felt just as happy as if it was my own child having a baby. That's like the ultimate pinnacle of womanhood. A pinnacle I never reached myself. Tigerlily is more of a woman than me. LOL! Well, it's too late for me now. My baby factory has been out of commission for years now. So many years it's not there anymore. Again, I extend congratulations to the new parents, and hope there will be many more in the future.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Joy Behar Arrested?
This is a story that has been going around all weekend. When I heard it, I must admit I was a little bit excited and a little bit perplexed. I couldn't believe it. But according to what I heard, it started when Joy Behar opened her mouth and said shit about Karoline Leavitt. Well, it sounded like shit to me. She said on The View "She probably got this job because, according to Donald Trump, she's a 10". It's a disgusting thing for her to say, especially coming from someone who believes DIE is a good thing. Karoline Leavitt heard this and filed a defamation lawsuit against The View and ABC. It was said because of this lawsuit, that Joy Behar was caught at the airport trying to flee the country for Italy. I had to find out if this was really true, because it sounded almost too delicious to be true. I hate Joy Behar. I really couldn't care less what happens to her. If she was to fall off the face of the Earth tomorrow, I would not shed a single tear. But as much passion as I have in loathing Joy Behar, I don't believe even she should have lies told about her like that.
Though she is being singled out for a defamation lawsuit by Karoline Leavitt, according to my own research, Joy Behar did not try to flee the country and was not arrested at the airport. The video going around now was supposedly made with AI. See! I knew this was going to happen when AI became bigger! Even Obama feared this. I'm all for having fun doing art projects with AI, but to pass off a video that is fake, as if it were true, that's wrong! I know what it's like to have lies told about me, and spread around as the truth. I've experienced what it's like to lose people I thought I could trust. Maybe they were not really my friends, per se. But I thought I could at least trust them. That is until I had lies told about me. Then you really find out who to trust and who not to. Anyway, in my research, I found this, a fact checker that is rather nuanced. It tells everything about what has happened.
I hope Karoline Leavitt gets everything Joy Behar owns. It'd be cool if she was left homeless. Just like the people who suffered in the Maui fires. Or the LA fires, or in North Carolina. But it probably won't get anywhere. Sadly. In all fairness, Joy Behar did say she probably got the job because she's a 10. Pay attention to that word "probably". It's the one interjection that might lose Karoline Leavitt the lawsuit. I try to always be careful how I post on this blog. Though I have gotten better over the years. But I never post anything as fact unless I absolutely know it to be true. The US has freedom of speech. Though you are allowed to speculate, you are not allowed to tell absolute lies. The fact Joy Behar said she probably got the job indicates she's just speculating. And that is protected under free speech laws. I'm a big believer in free speech. I think everyone has a right to express how they feel. Even people as wretched as those on The View. I may hate the way they talk trash about Trump and everybody he associates with, but I believe in their right to say it.
Speaking of which, I found out there's still people out there who defend Paula Yates with their lives! I saw a post on an INXS related group the other day, and it was a picture of Michael, Paula and Paula is holding Michael's baby Tigerlily. A lot of INXS fans don't like it if you slam Paula Yates. But I don't agree with that. I also believe in personal freedoms. If a person does not like Paula Yates, they have a right to say so. I don't like Paula Yates. People are afraid Tigerlily will see those posts and get upset at people saying such things about her mom. Well. People do it all the time. Paula Yates was a public figure. She may have living children, but she was a public figure. People trash Trump not giving a single thought about how it makes his children and grandchildren feel. Even I don't always try to change anyone's mind about Trump and I love the guy! Even Hitler has living children today. Though they want to remain anonymous, and even they don't like what their father did. But the fact is they are still here. Hitler is dead and he was probably the most evil person of the 20th century! People today still talk shit about him. When they do, they don't care how it would make his children feel to hear that about their father. So, if they can take it, so can Tigerlily. I told this one fan that I am sure Tigerlily by now is old and mature enough to know not everyone is going to like her mom. That's just the way it is when a person is a public figure.
See, that is why I now HATE most of the INXS fans. Because there are too many like this. And I've heard a lot of them gripe about how bad Donald Trump is. And Donald Trump is a much better person than Paula Yates was. If you don't listen to mainstream media, you'd know that Trump is doing a lot of good right now. It shows a great deal a lot of their hypocrisy. I don't even listen to the tabloids that talk about Paula Yates. I just formed by own opinions on her based on what I've seen. I realize a lot of Michael's troubles was caused by Bob Geldof, and I hate him for that too. But there was one good thing about Geldof. As much as I hate to admit it, at least he was there to take in Michael's daughter when both her parents were dead. So, like him or hate him, at least he was there. I'm more angry at Paula for leaving Lily than I am at Michael. Michael had some real problems. Paula was just selfish. That is why I don't like Paula Yates. And I never will either! Tigerlily can hate me all she wants for not liking her mom, and that is cool with me. It's her right. It won't change my mind though. I think what she did was despicable! All the way from scheming to get Michael down to when she overdosed right in front of Michael's daughter! That's selfish, and she knew it too!
Sunday, February 16, 2025
How I Know I Made History
Watch this video. I saw it and it made me feel good!
Just saying because I have written stories that I still remember what I was thinking when I wrote them, while Leavitt was jiggling around in her mother's belly! Now, she's smarter than someone 3 times her age! I cannot help think how ironic that is, and how embarrassed Karine Jean-Pierre must be when Karoline Leavitt not only holds a press conference in the White House, but also takes complete control and lights up the room. Something Karine Jean-Pierre was NEVER able to do! But then again, black leftists never feel shame because they don't think they do anything wrong. They're always blaming someone else when they fail at something. I was watching several court cases earlier today where that was the case.
You can always tell a black leftist when you see one. They always have a very smug attitude, they cannot ever control their anger, and are always looking for any way possible to blame the other person. They completely deny all responsibility when they are in the wrong. It'd be nice if they weren't like that, but that is how their parents are raising them today. I watched a couple of short clips on YouTube where black leftist women were the defendants, and when the judge tried to tell them they were wrong in what they did, they would ALWAYS, without fail, say "no it's not my fault!" And it's always their fault. I heard the cases presented, and I can tell you, yes, they were at fault. Kinda like when I was in middle school and Carlos Stewart was harassing me every day. For NO reason! No reason that I could think of. I never did anything to him. I never really spoke to him. During school days, I had other things to think about, things that were more important to me. But when he was confronted about the bullying by the teacher, Carlos completely denied everything. Not only that, but he got all his friends to take his side and see me as the villain. That's the exact same attitude I saw in the black leftist women in those courtroom videos. I don't hate black people. I just hate assholes like Carlos Stewart.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Leave The Kids Alone!
Hey Whoopi Goldberg! Leave the kids alone! I was watching a clip last night of Elon Musk at a White House meeting about DOGE and he had his 4-year old boy with him. The boy's name is Li'l X. OK, I will admit that is not a name I would choose for my child, but he's not the first celebrity to give his child a far-out name. But The View took making fun of his name to all-new levels. To a point they were mocking him. It made me feel angry because I know those bitches on The View did it maliciously. They hate Trump, they hate anyone who Trump hires and associates with. That includes Elon Musk. So, they take the hatred they feel for Elon Musk and bash his child with it. He's only 4 years old! He does not yet understand their hatred and spite. Not very fair of them to bring him up in their redundant conversations. Especially someone who calls herself "Whoopi". Of course, I know that's not her real name. But its the name she goes by on screen.
I heard her reason for calling herself Whoopi is funny too. Apparently, every time she sits down, she farts. The producers should put that on The View! Put a highly-sensitive mic where the seat of her chair is, and catch that sound. The View would be a lot funnier! But they won't because they want her to present the picture of being a much classier person than she really is. Well, I say it'd make no difference. She shows just how no-class she is every time she opens her mouth! But making fun of a 4 year old child, that's pretty damn low!
The leftists now have a new chant they are repeating; "Nobody voted for Elon Musk". Well, obviously no one on the left did. They all voted for Kamala Harris. I voted for Trump myself. But I trust Elon Musk because Trump is not like Biden was. He's not going to have someone work for him that I'm sure he doesn't think will do the job. Elon is doing a great job! Especially when it comes to DOGE. He's exposing a lot of democrat corruption! For example, we now know Biden wanted Trump to be assassinated. He's the one who sent the would-be killers to stalk Trump, according to these sources...
Benny Johnson even does an interview of the camera man in this last video who was assaulted by Maxine Waters' followers and Elizabeth Warren. For nearly a year, I haven't seen Maxine Waters nor heard anything from her. Now she rises up like the zombies in Michael Jackson's Thriller video. I never did like Maxine Waters! She's MEAN! And acts soooo entitled like all black leftist women! And she looks like a horse's butthole. I think that huge frown of her's is tattooed on her face! It seems to always be there. And Elizabeth Warren. I absolutely LOATHE her! And both of these tards want to put Trump in prison. Well, I'm glad Elon Musk is running DOGE. He's exposing the democrats corruption! And he has Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer shaking in their boots! Now they are saying they even want to have Elon Musk thrown in prison. I don't believe that's going to happen. Which reminds me, I kinda wonder how the new impeachment charges against Trump are holding up now? 😆😆😆
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Our New Address
Well, this project started out being just temporary, but it seems now it's going to be permanent. So, I gave this page it's own domain. We are now and so we don't have to type in all the blogspot stuff.
Well last night I had a very interesting chat with my sis. She's visiting Bozeman today, and she had something very interesting to tell me. Andy got kicked out of that complex in Bozeman. LOL! I say it couldn't have happened to a better person. A more deserving person. My sis told me he had gotten into a fist-fight with one of the other tenants and the manager there kicked him completely out. I said GOOD! I hope he is homeless and miserable. It'd serve him right! Or better still, I hope he's in prison where he truly belongs. He had to go to court because he slapped a woman last year. I hope I never see him again! Of course, once I left Bozeman, I was saying thank GOD I never have to see him again. I hate that guy. I always did. And now because he's been acting like a pig, he cannot get another apartment anywhere. That kind of thing, fighting with other tenants, goes on his record. No apartment buildings are going to allow him in. Another thing, now that he has a criminal record, I think his social security can be taken away from him too. Boy! He really fucked up his life! But I don't feel sad for him. He deserves it more than anybody. Wherever he is, I hope he's miserable.
That'll teach him next time to keep his grubby, stinking hands to himself! I warned him of that! But he always has to touch! He can't not touch anyone. I don't like being touched by strangers. Andy is a stranger to me. I only know his name, that's it. That's not enough. And what little else I did know about him, I did not like at all. So I didn't trust him at all. And I warned him against touching me. He never hit me, but I hated just being touched by him. That was enough. In fact, I've never seen him hit anyone. Except when Karen B told me he slapped her with a newspaper. I didn't see him do that though. But I wouldn't put it past him! He must have gone completely crazy these past few years. I don't know if Karen is still at that complex, and frankly I don't give a shit. I don't think my sis does either. My sis said the last time she went there with Mya, Karen insisted on petting her. I told my sis next time to tell Karen to keep her hands off my baby! Mya is MY baby! And I am very particular who touches her. Karen is a shallow person. I don't want someone like that around my girl. Karen never has seen Ele, and she never will either. Not as long as I'm here to stop her. She can't even peek at my Facebook profile anymore. I found out I can block her back, even since she blocked me. So that's the way she'll stay. For all time to come.
Go figure, I used to think she was a good person. hm. I think I was just vulnerable because I had just moved there from a place I loved to a place I hated.
Another thing my sis told me about is her friend and former client Sandy moved away, and Arlena is not there anymore either. I kinda wonder if Sandy moved in with Arlena back to California. How did she manage that? My sis couldn't even get Sandy to agree to move to Spokane with her. And Spokane is closer to Bozeman than California is. Well, one thing is good about Sandy and Arlena not being there anymore, my sis does not have to feel so bad about moving to Bend, OR. She can now still go to visit her friend once in a while. Well, she wishes Sandy and Arlena all the best. I think the main reason Sandy didn't want to move in with my sis is because she'd have to love dogs. And she couldn't.
I remember my sis wanted to move back to Bozeman in this little mobile home park by a river. Even I thought it was pretty there. But let's face it, I love the ocean. I want to stay on the coast. I want to stay on the coast, but I also need my sis now. I need a caregiver and she's the only person I trust. Especially when I have to take a shower. Like I said, I don't like strangers touching me. Even if it's helpful for me. The only person I'd ever trust to help me when I take a shower is my sis. It takes me years to be able to trust anyone that much. And then there's the thing about me being an introvert. I don't want a stranger in my house when I am in one of my introverted moods. I don't mind family. But when it comes to outsiders, I have days that I just don't want to see them, or even speak to them. I try not to be unfriendly, but some days I just want to be left alone. And sometimes those days can last for weeks! Even months.
There was a complex I wanted to move to here and before I learned more about it, I wanted to move there more than anything! But the one deal-breaker for me was it's an enclosed complex, like the one I lived in in Bozeman. And I didn't like that. I was always running into other tenants every time I left my apartment. When I don't care to see anyone else, that's not a good thing for me. I like it better here, where I can just open my front door and go out when I need to. I don't have to run into close quarters with other people. I like that. I prefer that.
Monday, February 10, 2025
This Dude Makes Sense
I was a bit bored so I decided to do a little surfing on Quora, where I go sometimes. I am on a group there called "It's OK to be White". A lot of leftists hate that group, but it's actually quite friendly. As long as you don't act like an anti-white racist. I don't even identify fully with white people, but I go in there. Sometimes it's just entertaining to see the number of leftists who invade there asking silly questions. But today, I saw one that really made some sense. I gave the guy who answered this question a standing ovation when I read through his response. It's by a guy who calls himself Yall Serious? LOL! I want to quote his answer here. The question being asked is
Because you never actually “educate” anybody. You accuse and blame. often when a black person begins talking about racism, they immediately assume that what theyre saying is true (its often not) and that everyone of every race is a monolith.
Its because often, when people try to “educate” others about social issues, they do it with the motive of collective blame or punishment. You dont blame racists (who can be any race, uncluding black), you blame all white and asian people. You dont blame sexists (who can be men or women) you blame all men. You accuse people of saying shit they never said, believing shit they never believed, and supporting things they never supported.
And the ironic part is, black people are actually the most racist demographic in the united states. Every single study shows that black people have the highest level of in group preference and the lowest level of outgroup preference. This means that statistically, black people dislike other races more than every other race, and like their own race more than every other race.
Compare this to asian people, who have a slight ingroup preference, and slight preference against the outgroup. Now compare that to white people. who on average have NO preference towards the ingroup (ie they dont prefer other white people), and ARE THE ONLY RACIAL DEMOGRAPHIC TO SHOW POSITIVE OUTGROUP PREFERENCE (this means white people are the only group on average to like other races MORE than their own).
Thats why. Because youre not “educating” white people on racism. Youre just BEING FUCKING RACIST, and then going “but i cant be racist because we changed the definition of racism to say that only white and asian people can be racist” while you ignore that black people sctually commit the largest percent (in comparison to population statistics) of hate based crimes in the US specifically targetting gay men, asian people, and white people.
Yall wanna talk about how everyone else is racist but then ignore the “Stop Asian Hate” movement because the people who were commiting ALL of those hateful attacks on asian people were black men.
Not that I think this is going to have any impact on black people whose entire life revolves around being a victim. But hopefully those that are not too far stricken will see what this person means and not make the same mistake other black racists do.
I once heard an interview that was done with some high school kids in 1997. That really was not that long ago (to me). But it was long before Obama became president. The kids were black, and the interviewer asked if they are facing any issues regarding their race. They all said no. When I heard that, I said to myself "Try asking black kids today about that. They'll get a totally different answer." I don't understand why Obama was so into bringing up racial issues. He became president, twice! Not that he was a good one, but he did manage to get voted in twice. I think it was actually Michelle who led Barry on about racial issues. Maybe it was Michelle who pounded those ideas into Barry's head! In which case we should probably blame all the racist bullshit going on today on it. Whatever it is! I still don't think Michelle Obama is really a woman.
I never used to be racist in any way, shape or form. Though I almost was when I was in 4th grade, because I went to a majority black school, and I was bullied unmercifully there! If it wasn't for the very sweet man I met at the voc school named Paul, I might have actually become racist. But black people in general do not bother me. Neither do Asians, nor Mexicans, nor Native Americans. In fact, I myself am Mexican and Native American. I'm much more offended by leftists who think they can speak for how my people feel. One of the reasons I liked this post this guy made on Quora is because he points out the one thing black racist people seem to always do wrong; they treat every race as a monolith. We're all individuals! Just as there are some good black people and some bad, there are some good white people just as there are bad ones. The leftists have forgotten that each person is their own person, not a monolith. We don't all think the same. I don't care if some white people have advantages that I may not. I don't hate them for that. The leftists want to call that "white privilege", which I do not believe in. I believe if you work hard, you will succeed.
Every time you ask a white leftist what white privilege means or you ask them what can a white person do today that a black person cannot, their first thought goes to police brutality. First of all, blacks need to learn to stop committing crimes. Their parents need to start standing up and taking accountability for what their kids are doing out there. Second, get rid of the "I'm the queen" attitude! Third, when a cop asks you to do something, don't argue! Just shut up and DO IT!!! We all have to when we get stopped by the police too. I get scared when I see the police, but I still do what they say! Because I know if I don't, it'll raise more suspicion on me. And I don't want that. Oh yes, one more bonus tip; STOP LISTENING TO JOY REID AND DON SOURPUSS LEMON!!!!!!!! They exaggerate. In case you haven't noticed. They make it sound like black people are getting brutalized and killed by police every hour of every ficking day!
Saturday, February 8, 2025
War On Eggs
I saw an interesting article on my newsfeed today about eggs, and why the prices are so high now. So this is why that Brent guy was so obsessed with eggs! He wants me to say the prices of eggs are high because of Donald Trump. A lot of leftists are saying that now. Well, this article I got today talks about the rising egg prices and why it's happening, and why it's likely not to end anytime soon. I guess I'd better get used to eating an egg substitute. Or else buy my own chickens. If you want to read the article yourself, here's the link: Eggs hatch more bad news: They're expensive, hard to find — and their shells are going to start chipping more, too.
This person spoke to an eggspert (their joke, not mine) about the current egg prices. Apparently, the article says the bird flu is only part of it. On the funny side, this chick on TikTok says she will be tracking egg prices for the next 4 years of Trump's presidency. Have a look...
The whole thing actually began in 2022, with another bird flu epidemic that occurred. During that epidemic, a lot of young hens had to be destroyed and all that were kept were older hens. Older hens tend to lay eggs with thinner shells. People nowadays are beginning to notice how the shells of eggs are getting thinner and thinner each year. That's what happens when a chicken is older than 4 years old and is still laying eggs. That also explains why now eggs seem softer than they used to, and we're getting more and more bits of shell dust in them when we crack them. At first, I was thinking "Did they lift the ban on DDT??" DDT was an insecticide used before the 1970s and was banned because it was causing a lot of birds of prey to lay eggs with very thin shells. But no, that was not the case. Chicken eggs start to deteriorate the older they get, just like in humans.
So, if this whole thing really started in 2022, then why are the prices of eggs so high now? It kinda makes me suspicious of those bills Joe Biden so hurriedly signed before he left office. The same group of bills he signed to pardon Hunter Biden and all his other demoncrap cronies. My sis is more on the ball with politics than I am, and she said Biden did that to make the economy worse before he left. So people will blame Trump for the high cost of goods and gas. And the leftists and media have the nerve to say Trump is a liar! So far, I haven't heard of any lies Trump has told. Like I said before, he may have misunderstood some things, and mentioning them in his speeches was probably not the best of ideas (like the Haitian immigrants eating pets). But there's a difference between having a misunderstanding and flat-out lying. I think Trump just misunderstood. Or someone in his cabinet did! The most important thing is I haven't heard Trump mention anything lately about Haitian immigrants eating pets. So maybe it was just a simple misunderstanding.
If you want to discuss politicians who lie, Biden lied about a lot of things. Among others, he lied about not pardoning Hunter Biden if he was convicted. He lied about not taking any vacations during his time in office. He lied about bringing the USA together again. None of which ever happened, and I knew he would never be able to live up to those promises. Demoncraps never keep any promises! That's why you cannot rely on the leftist media. They won't tell you anything from both sides. They'll only tell you what they want you to know, and it usually leaves out all the negativity demoncraps propagate! That's why leftists only believe Trump is all bad. I hear it all the time from them! "Nothing Trump ever does is good". When we know better. Trump is doing a lot of good now! I'm glad too. I am proud of him. I am proud to say I voted for him. I am proud to say I am an American. I don't see this country as a joke like I did when Biden and Obama were president.
The leftist media lies about a lot of things too. They try hard to anyways! They lie about Trump showing the early warning signs of dementia. Think about it now, if you're not stupid. If Trump were really slurring his words, don't you think a video of that would have been posted already? You know the demoncraps and leftist media would not hesitate to put up any video where Donald Trump is slurring or making nonsensical sounds. I've only known Biden to slur and make nonsensical sounds and call those "speeches". I've never heard Trump doing that. The only reason the leftist media says Trump does that is because they knew for the past 4 years Biden was deteriorating, but they didn't want to mention that because then even the leftists would know the dark truth about Biden. So, they pin it all on Trump. As if blaming Trump for Biden having dementia just wouldn't be enough.
If I were a democrat, I'd be ashamed of my own party, lying about practically everything. And trying to blame everything on Trump! And it looks like more and more people are beginning to wake up! I'm glad to see it. I always feel good seeing a leftist switch over. Believe me, they aren't doing anyone any favors when they virtue-signal everything.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Demoncraps Never Stop!
They're just as stubborn as a mule! Actually, I think a mule can take lessons on stubbornness from leftists! But just as I suspected, the leftists are trying it again. I knew they'd do this the minute Trump got in office! The democrats are going to try all that impeachment nonsense again! Didn't they learn anything from the last time Trump was in office? At this point, this whole "impeach Trump" thing is pathetic. I've told you all before, GOD wants Trump to be our president! Otherwise, why would he survive 4 assassination attempts? Or not get convicted of a crime (just enough for the leftists to feel good calling Trump a "felon")?
Of course leftists don't believe in GOD, but that's their problem. HE is there, and Trump being our president now is indeed proof of it. No matter how hard the democrats tried to stop it from happening, it did! And I am glad Trump is back in office. The only sad thing about it is that he can only stay on for another 4 years. But what's fair is fair. Other presidents could only run for 2 terms. Same thing applies to Trump. But I'm going to bawl like a baby when he leaves. Unless JD Vance runs in 2028. Then I can vote for him, and if he's elected, I can be happy all over again! But still, the democrats are again trying to impeach Trump. It's just never going to end until Trump is out of office, either they kick him out, or his term is up.
See, that is why I didn't even want to get Joe Biden impeached. Though I agree, it might have made the country better, considering he would have had a good vice president. But if Biden had been impeached, then we would have had to put up with Kamala Harris as our president, and I sure as HELL didn't want that! We dodged one hell of a close bullet with this last election! I would have hated it had Kamala Harris won. The democrats were soooooooooooo sure Harris was winning. It's funny! We kept telling them Trump is going to win. They scoffed. GOD does not like scoffers! But we proved them wrong! hehehe!
So what is the reason this time that the leftists want Trump impeached? Simple. USAID. That's why. USAID is a democrat thing, and it was put in place so America could keep supplying our tax dollars to foreign places. And the dumb shit USAID wants to fund! A transgender opera in Colombia???? A transgender comic book in Peru??? DIE musical in Ireland??? Each of these (and more) costing thousands of dollars, and they think the USA is going to pay this?! Well, Trump is now in office, they've got another think coming! Trump is an America first type president. He won't allow American tax dollars to be wasted on shit like that. Well, Trump got rid of USAID, and the democrats are plenty pissed. But as far as I'm concerned, they can stay pissed for all I care. The more pissed off the leftists are, the better! Because these are stupid things to waste our tax dollars on!
If we were going to give foreign aid to anyone, it should be the starving children in Africa. All the money the leftists want to waste on some stupid transgender operas in Chile, could feed several starving families in Africa for a whole year! Or maybe we should start feeding starving children here in the USA. Offer free lunch to those kids in school who cannot afford to pay anything. Or how about offer more funds for homeschoolers so they can get the necessary products to teach kids at home. Let's teach kids how to read, how to be polite, how to do math figures, how to express themselves in more productive ways other than mutilating themselves. These are things kids need to know. Obviously, their parents aren't teaching them.
I was watching a video this morning, and it was of a woman who has a little boy. Well, she sent the boy to school one morning wearing a dress! The teacher calls the woman up a couple hours later and said her son had accidentally gotten wet and they had to put him in some different clothes. So, the mom goes to the school to see what they put on her child, and when she saw her boy wearing a shirt and shorts, she got angry and said "I sent my son to school this morning wearing a dress!" the teacher told her that the shirt and shorts was all the school had in her little boy's size. Then the mom angrily shouted "No! My son needs to be in a dress!" the teacher then said it was against the school's dress code. And what the mom said next nearly made my jaw disconnect from my mouth and drop to the floor! She asked her viewers "That's strange! Why do the girls get to wear dresses but the boys can't?"
I thought "What a stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid bitch!" If she really has to ask why it's OK for girls to wear dresses but not OK for boys to, then she should not even be allowed to have kids. I've said this before, and I will say it many times over, people should go through rigorous training, and test-taking, and must have a license to have kids. Just as it is illegal to drive a car or a plane without an operator's license, it should be illegal for women like that to have children. I will always say that too! Because women like this don't need to be parents. We don't need boys wearing dresses unless they're carrying bagpipes with a Tam O' Shanter on their head! Otherwise, it looks silly!
Well, thank GOD Trump is working to get rid of this transgender bullshit. No more men in women's spaces, or in women's sports. Of course the trannies and their goons don't like it, but that's their problem. Women are getting their rights back. I'm glad to see it. I hope for this sake we never have another democrat for president again as long as I live on this Earth! My sis says the party is dying, and I hope she's right. It'd be nice to never have another democrat in office again. But you know how they are. They like to cheat, and they like to lie. They'll elbow their way back in to power somehow. I hope it doesn't happen, but it's likely to.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Moving To A New Post
Well, the saga with Brent Scott continues, I just think it'd be better to place this in a post of it's own. I'm really having fun now. Just like all leftists, this guy contradicts himself at every turn. Its so funny!!! This is what he wrote to me this afternoon...

HAHAHAAAA!!! I love it when I give it to these leftists! That's why I go into groups like this, it gives me a chance to exercise my brain. I just finished watching a video where even Cenk Yugar is calling leftists out on their lies and hypocrisy. Brent should watch that video. But again, you just cannot talk to some people. They're gonna believe whatever they want to no matter what evidence you put in front of them. I'm glad I am not like that! I'm still waiting for any leftists to give me evidence that any of the democrats were any good. I never said it'd be easy, and there's no guarantee it'll change my mind. But I'll look at anything they present to me.
The problem is I know all the backstories. And what leftists call bad, I call good. And what I call good, they call bad. For example, this morning I heard about how Trump is now taking foreigners who come to this country supporting HAMAS and deporting them back to their original country. Leftists may think that's wrong, but I think it makes sense. I understand the "Coming to America looking for a better life" thing. Don't misunderstand me there. But if someone is supporting HAMAS, that means they hate the west, and thus they should not be here. Supporting HAMAS is the same as supporting terrorists. Trump's not having any of it. He's really not fucking around this time! He's taking his job seriously. I like that. In Trump's last administration, he told these immigrants if they don't like the USA, then move back to the country they came from and fix things there. Then the leftists all cried "Trump is a racist" and "Telling people to go back where they came from is bigotry"!! Now, he's telling all these leftists to go fuck themselves! Something that, if Biden and Harris were so good, they would have done themselves. They'd have said the same thing. But they didn't. They practically let America be bullied by the rest of the world! Anyway, that's how I see it.
These people not only come here proudly supporting terrorists, they also mess up the place. They vandalize public and private property, they seem to basically want to turn the USA into the 3rd world country they wanted to flee from. Why? I wonder. What was so great about their country that they wanted to leave it, come here and bring their primitive cultures with them? What's the point? Same thing happened in the UK. A lot of people from muslim countries are moving there. They have more mosques than churches there now. And islam is NOT a peaceful religion. I've heard of a lot of rapes, muggings, killings and other crimes being committed there. I have a friend from the UK and she has said her son is mercilessly bullied at his school. I'd take my child out of that school if I were her. She never stated whether the bullies are muslims or not. Well, I hate all bullies anyways. It doesn't matter to me where their family comes from or how old they are. I just downright HATE bullies!!!!!
Well right now, you couldn't pay me to visit the UK. I wouldn't even do it for a billion dollars! But I saw a video yesterday where it showed people in the UK saying "We need Trump!" Here's the video, this was taken in London. And the leftists think the world is laughing at us now with Trump...
A Big Nothing
Well, as you know, I'm in this group of libertarians. There is this one jerkoff who's attached himself to me for some reason. I don't know why. After talking with him for a few days, I find I just don't even like him. But he seems to be attached to me for some reason. He's a seriously Trump-deranged guy named Brent Scott. Nothing he says is original or even profound. It's all just leftist talking points. Like I said before, this group is full of people with near-fatal Trump derangement syndrome. Well, it all started when he posted a YouTube video on the group...
Apparently, Trump made some kind of illegal move. This YouTuber did an interview with an attorney named Marc Elias. I did some looking up on Elias, and he is also a deranged Trump-hater, who took Kamala Harris' case of election fraud, and he was also the one who, along with Hillary Clinton, came up with the Russian collusion hoax. So, Elias is not a very reliable source of information about Trump. If you want to know more about this Marc Elias' background, here's a link: Kamala Campaign Hires Election Meddler As Legal Counsel And the leftists gripe that Trump did not secede to Biden. At least he didn't go as far as to get attorneys to go after Biden, although looking at this, he should have!
But this is the video this guy pointed to...
Well, as usual, I gave my opinion to one of the other commenters...
Well, I didn't know it before tonight, but this is what Brent Scott said in response to my post...
What does he mean by that last sentence? Who's blocking what? And I bet, like all other leftists, he cannot name one truly violent act that right-wingers did since Trump has been elected. You ask any leftist what violence was committed by right-wingers, and they either bring up Charlottesville or Jan. 6. Those seem to be the only counts of violence they can think of. One person was killed by a protester in his car in Charlottesville in 2017, and later a couple of troupers in a helicopter flying overhead were killed when the helicopter crashed. But no one knows if that was done by a protester or not.
As for J6, this buttwipe does not know no real violence happened at the capitol. He must be beyond super stupid if he thinks this is violence
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Picture from January 6, 2021. Courtesy of Brent Stirton (Chicago Tribune). |
And this is not
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Photo of fire set to a building by blm rioters in 2020. Courtesy of Victor J. Blue (NY Times). |
There's a reason everything in nature fears fire. Everyone except Brent Scott. He doesn't think people burning down buildings is violence. Just a few patriots running through the capitol building taking selfies with their phones. This is what someone else responded to him with. I put it here because it was originally him I was responding to...
I finished with this...Well, he writes to me one more time, on a post with a picture (by another Trump-deranged individual who was arrested recently for keeping child porn) of Donald Trump saying this is how tariffs work. The conversation was brief, it just went like this...
Well, I don't know about tariffs. I had heard about them, but had no idea what they are or how they work. But I assume Trump knows what he's doing. But Brent Scott doesn't think so. I remember Trump wanted the Colombian government to take back their illegals from the USA, and they refused to at first. But then Trump threatened to put a tariff on all their goods from the USA, and the president of Colombia changed his tune pretty quickly. I saw that in a news clip. Maybe that's what Trump means by hitting these countries with tariffs. Brent doesn't believe Trump did that, but I saw him on TV doing that. Like all leftists, the good that Trump does flies right over his head and he doesn't notice. They think nothing Trump does is good. Because the media conditioned them to believe that. And you cannot change their tune. Some people you just can't talk to. They are untamable. That's the case for these stupid leftists who want to hold on to those feelings about Trump.
I think it's funny myself. They won't believe anything Trump says unless it's something like "grab them by the pussy", or something to that effect. Because the mainstream leftist media blows those quotes all out of proportion. I had to tell one person yesterday that Trump NEVER said he grabs women by the pussy. His exact quote was "If you're rich, women will let you grab them by the pussy". It was a figurative statement. But the leftists believe him when he says that. Or something like it. It's the only time they believe him because of the way the leftist media blows it up. Just like black people having fatal encounters with police. It actually rarely happens. It's just people like Don Lemon and Joy Reid make it seem like it happens every hour of every day because of the way they blow these stories all out of proportion. Go figure!
***********************UPDATE 10:07 AM**************************
During the night, I heard back from this guy Brent Scott. This was what I saw...
I was a bit too tired to respond to him all the way at the time. I had pressing business elsewhere too. So, I had to tend to that. In the meantime, for everyone's entertainment, including his own, I sent Brent a link to this post. I figured I'd respond to him when I feel like it. Well, I am waiting to make an important call this morning, so I thought I would kill some time by killing Brent's funnybone.
Well, I may suck at trying to diss people, but it looks like I sure made him angry. LOL! Not a bad accomplishment for someone who sucks at trying to diss people. And he sure does not know many MAGA women. We don't mind staying in the kitchen. That's why we're called conservatives. We want to conserve human history. If we didn't want to be in the kitchen, we'd be progressives. Which are NOT maga people! And he did try to bring up my finances. All I am going to reveal is that I have enough money that I am living good.
I love the comment he made about his butt crack! LMAO! That is too funny. I thought that was his butt crack on his profile picture! Who could tell the difference? LOL! And what's this about committing crimes? Could that be a projection? He said it, he must be doing it. Man! And he gripes about Trump being a criminal. LOL! He shouldn't be revealing things like that about himself. He thinks I look at Field and Stream. Well, sometimes they have animals. But I really prefer National Geographic as magazines go. I got a bunch of those and still get them when I get the chance! I will keep you all updated if something else turns up. You can bet it's going to be worth mentioning.
Hello and welcome! That's the name of this new blog. Well, that's the name of this temporary blog. My last blog,, was ...
No, I haven't "switched over"! That will never happen. I'll always be a dog lover. But there is a Facebook page devoted to...
A while ago, I wrote a post about the stupidest reasons people think cats are better than dogs. Well, let's face it, anyone who thinks c...
Another Crazy Leftist On Facebook
Well, ever since what happened in 2016 after my father died and people I thought were, at best, my "friends" abandoned me, my atti...