Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Fun I Have With Leftists!

 LOL!! Everybody this is Cathy Donovan, on Facebook...

From Aurora, Colorado. I had a little fun with her this past weekend. I was bored, had no gigs so, I had a little fun with leftists like I always do when I have nothing better to do. LOL! One thing I really love doing to leftists is throwing their ideology back in their faces. It started with this post...

I left the name of the person whose post this is because it's rather important. Well, this post is going to be unusual from the usual posts I make about online encounters, because I deleted a lot of my responses to this chick. I thought she deleted her comments. So I said I have to and I did. A day later, I saw her comments pop up again! UGH!!!! It turns out Facebook was just being it's usual asshole self!!!! I am still kicking myself for deleting my responses. But I can remember a lot of what I said, so I'll give you all the Reader's Digest version of my responses.

There is a reason I called her "the face of xenophobia". First of all, because she hates it! LOL! Even though she always responds with laughing emojis, I can still tell it bothers her when I call her a xenophobe. Leftists (Donald Trump haters) always say Trump supporters are "xenophobes" if one makes fun of a person's accent from another country, as well as their spelling and grammar. So, I decided to turn that around on Cathy. I said to her she must be one of them xenophobes because she called this guy "poorly educated" due to his spelling. So, when I called her a xenophobe, this was her response...

I laughed at her comment. She got the bait! I knew she would! LOL!!! This was my response to her...

And in her next response to me, she shows exactly why I laugh at Trump haters. Leftist or not (she claims she's an independent)...

Ahhh! The so-called "tolerant, progressive left". Stooping to levels of bullying and name-calling exceeded only by grade-schoolers. LOL! I love it! It means I already won the battle. But I decided to drag her on for a while longer. Even hispanics that are "americanized" like my father, tend to sometimes speak spanish, and even spell spanish. And here's another choice fact; People on Facebook don't always use their actual names, or residence, in their profile. Sure that guy's profile says he has always lived in New York, but people can say that and not actually mean it. Candi Finch is not my name. Candi is the name of one of my main story characters, and Finch is my married name. Anyone on Facebook can say they are from anywhere. It does not mean they actually are. I don't use my real name, because at first I didn't want the SJW INXS fans to know who I am. Though no doubt now they know. LOL! But before I got Mya, I did not want them to know who I was. I wanted to learn who was still friendly and who was not. And I wanted to first block the ones whose souls I would condemn to Hell. LOL!

Anyway, after I called her a xenophobe and told her that's what you leftists always call us, she gave me this response...

I only read bits and pieces of this comment. I don't tend to read through posts by old people who use childish name-calling. But I knew she was lying when she said she's not a leftist. I told her that. This was her post, which she repeated from her previous post...

Then she responds to when I call her a xenophobe yet again!

In my response, I let her know that what she says or thinks of me is irrelevant in my life. But I love how she just keeps arguing the point I make about her being a xenophobe. Judging just by her name-calling, I can already tell she's sick of me calling her a xenophobe. Just like we Trump-supporters are sick of leftists throwing that word at us. But I refuse to let-up. I can be just as determined and stubborn as any leftist out there.

Number 1 thing to notice; I never respond to her calling me a xenophobe. That's one thing you will notice throughout this battle. Know why? Because first of all, I don't give 2 shits what she thinks of me. And second of all, only GOD knows what is really in my heart, and HE's really the only one I have to answer to. I'm sure Cathy does not believe in GOD, but that's between her and whatever it is she calls her "savior".

So Cathy Donovan goes on, she calls me every name in the book, and thensome. LOL! I find it so funny because I pissed her off just by calling her a xenophobe. Well, I am always willing to learn from anyone. Even a broken-down old wench like Cathy Donovan. I learned from her how during the debate, Donald Trump was talking about Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats. She sent me a link, but it was a link I did not recognize. There were a lot of stories from Germany on that link, and Germany is like uber-woke! I would not visit there now if someone offered me a free house to live in there with free rent for life! I do remember Trump talking about Haitian immigrants eating pets, and it all got started from a bodycam video of a colored woman (not Haitian) killing and eating a cat, and it's believed she was on hard narcotics when she killed the cat. OK, so the Haitians are not eating pets. Trump said they were during the debate. The debate was in August though. It's not important what he said in August of last year! What's important is if he still believes that. That is what I care about. If he's found out it's misinformation, and still saying it like it's true or not. People do change and learn along the way. And just because someone says something one time does not mean they lied. There's a difference between repeating what you've been told, and just telling a bold-faced lie. And apparently, Trump was told by someone else the Haitians are eating pets in Ohio.

Here's that piece of the argument...

Notice here, how she brags about the english language being her best subject in school and then writes this "your a typical Trump supporter". LOL! I knew she was lying. I've told her several times through this that she's a liar, and a bad one at that! Also take notice she says a "typical Trump supporter always puts someone down that has a different opinion than me". This coming from a woman who was the first to call someone names in this thread! LOL!!! Also notice how she complains that Trump is a "narcissist". This will become important through this post. So, keep that in mind. 

This was my response, which I have to copy and paste here because it was too big to take a picture of with the screen-capture...

Cathy Donovan You're definitely a liar, as well as being a xenophobe. Does that mean I have to bring you down? You do that with Trump. The so-called "convicted felon" has been proven to be false. I don't know about "sociopath" but Trump is a people person. I've never heard of him even desiring to kill or hurt anyone. Now, "narcissistic" I actually can agree with. Even I know he's pompous. But I'm not voting for Miss Congeniality here. I'm voting for a man who's not afraid to fight for our country. We did not have that with Biden/Harris. The world walked all over them and they just took it like a schoolroom sissy. Trump survived 3 assassination attempts (possibly 4). Why do you think that is? And what do you believe Biden or Harris would have done if the same thing happened to them?

"Once again as I thought your a typical Trump supporter that is always putting someone down that has a different opinion than you. You believe everything that Trump says even though everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie."

Actually no. If you'd seen my blog, or you actually knew me. I am very critical of Trump. Just as much as anyone else. Just that unlike you, I don't listen to mainstream media, or believe EVERYTHING that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie. And even if I did believe it, I don't know of a single politician who's been honest 100% of the time. Biden is now known to have lied a lot more than Trump did during his presidency.

"I thought your a typical Trump supporter"

BTW, it's "you're". LMAO!!!!
There is a reason Trump survived 4 assassination attempts. I believe GOD even wants Trump back in office. Like I said though, Cathy probably does not believe in GOD, but whether or not one believes in HIM, you know there's a reason Trump survived!! If he was not meant to take over the country, he'd have died when he was shot. But he's still here and still running! That's the hand of GOD for sure! Here, in this response from Cathy, she does not like it that I laugh at her comments. But she doesn't seem to realize, I have good reasons for laughing at her comments! Because she is looking like a dang fool! Her comments are indeed funny, and it's funny how she contradicts herself a lot too! She laughs too at my comments, but I don't care! Sometimes people laugh when they are nervous, or even frustrated. And I think that is exactly why Cathy is "laughing".

Well, this does not let her off the hook of being a xenophobe, because according to leftists, you can be mixed-race and still be a xenophobe or a racist. My father was from Mexico. I had no fear of anything other than his temper. When he was mad, he would turn into a monster! But that was my dad! I still loved him. But she thinks just because I noticed the original poster had a hispanic name, that I am a xenophobe. Noticing someone's identity is not xenophobic. People notice I am hispanic too, because of my last name. Not my married name! LOL! I never considered that xenophobic. But you know leftists!! They make up their own definitions for words! That's why I don't even trust any dictionary printed after 2008.

She goes on to say...

This was where she mentioned how during the debate, Trump talked about immigrants eating pets. OK so Trump did say that. I even remember hearing it. This was my response...

She said she thinks I'm a fraud, not a writer. LOL!!!! Oh boo-hoo-hoo, how will I ever go on from here?!!!! LOL!! Ah! Again, who gives a shit what she thinks? I have lots of books I wrote and published out there, plus my blogs. That's all I need to say about that. She also does not answer my questions here, or at any time during this debate. But that's OK. Leftists never have explanations for why they think what they think. So, I never expect an answer from them. Though one would be nice. But they don't even know why they believe the things they do. They just hear something said to them, and repeat it. Much like what Cathy says about Trump (in a round-about kind of way).

Well, to quote Bugs Bunny, "I could be wrong, ya know." If I am wrong I am wrong. I admit it. This was my comment about her post...

She already told me she doesn't watch The View. Frankly, I don't believe her. But whatever. I don't watch FOX News either. I don't even have cable. I watch bits and pieces I can get from all news sources on YouTube. But I lost respect for FOX News when they let Tucker Carlson go. But Cathy did not understand I said she watches The View with tongue-in-cheek. But again, leftists can never take a joke. They are the ones who go to stand-up comedy performances and gripe about politically incorrect jokes being told. Those are the funniest jokes of all!!! You notice, Cathy did leave a laughing emoji, so I thought "maybe she's really not a leftist. Maybe she did get the joke." Until I saw her response...

I could almost feel Cathy raging here! LOL!!! I'm sure she was banging her head on the desk at this point. Maybe even pulling her hair out by the roots. She responds to everything with the words "stupid" and "foolish" and "moron". All while simultaneously griping that Trump supporters call her names. People like her are so easy to trigger, and so funny once they do get triggered! Well, anyways I thought I'd put her mind at ease...

So here Cathy goes on about me not answering her question, which I thought I did.

She's speaking of a video I posted to her of 2 real Haitian men talking about their culture. The video is from TikTok, admittedly. But it was a couple of Haitian men talking about how in their culture, they don't eat pets. But I don't think Cathy really gets it. All she can focus on is FOX News. So, I ask for clarification...

Well, I highly doubt all of it comes from FOX News, as I have seen other news networks posting videos to YouTube. But Cathy seems to only see one thing. Like an animal that can only see in black and white.

So here I asked her again to tell me more about this DW site, which up until then, I'd never heard of. Then I went and read their "About" page and found out. It's a German website. Explained above.

So, Cathy responds to what I said about YouTube and FOX News...

So I looked. I'm not so sure I can even trust Pew Research, most ivy-league schools now are so left leaning, it causes earth tremors! So, I went back to YouTube, and looked for non-FOX News networks on there, and asked Cathy this...

If they are not official pages on YouTube, then they can get in trouble for using logos of those companies. But I truly think Cathy was bullshitting me again. But what the heck. I kinda thought we were beginning to make a bit of a connection. I don't know why I thought that. I guess because I was learning something from her. But a leftist will always be a leftist. No matter what. This was Cathy's response to me...

Once again, I notice Cathy uses grade school-level name-calling here, just like she started from the beginning. It's so funny how triggered she gets here, just with me calling her what she is! I don't believe for one second she's not a democrat. Or at the very least, a leftist. So, remembering the things she said earlier, pay close attention to when she said "By the way Trump loves the poorly educated and you fit the bill perfectly." That's the exact same line she used, word-for-word, to put down the original poster. The same person who incidentally said "Trump supporters put others down they don't agree with". Apparently, whatever places she does her research from that told her that about Trump supporters, is not teaching her anything at all. No matter how many times her mouth says she's "not a democrat", as long as she acts like one, I'll call her one. 

And this is why I left the laughing emoji on her comment, when she said, "I’m a highly educated, intelligent Independent." That one made me burst out laughing!!! Again, she is contradicting herself. I've said this many times before, actions speak louder than words. I guess Cathy either did not get the memo that name-calling is the last refuge of the unintelligent, or she was raised by wolves.

Well, he says it better. Either way, this describes Cathy Donovan to a T! And what is that she says about being a narcissist? She gripes when Trump acts pompous, and then she turns around, name calling others, while saying this "I’m a highly educated, intelligent Independent." LOL!!! I love it when leftists contradict themselves and don't even realize they're doing it! Sounds like Cathy's comment is a bit of a narcissistic trip it's self! LOL! At least Trump comes by it honestly. Cathy is a narcissist and doesn't even know it! Perhaps Cathy is the sociopath here. LOL!

Well after she made that post, she wanted to start another name-calling session, so I just said "screw you!" and ignored everything she said before. I can handle a great deal of name-calling. I've heard them ALL!!! But if you're trying to educate someone, then I think in that case, name calling is unnecessary and inappropriate. 

But if she wanted a name-calling match, she's got one. Let's see who cries uncle first!

And with this comment, it shows the first to cry uncle was Cathy Donovan, and it didn't take long! LOL!...

So, Trump is a narcissist, Cathy is a narcissist, and now I am a narcissist. So, who else is a narcissist to Cathy? I am the one who identifies Cathy as a narcissist. But she really is. And she's so good at being a narcissist, she doesn't even know she's a narcissist! LOL!

Apparently, Cathy thinks just because she uses words, that that makes any difference from using memes. Memes are there, so we don't have to type out the same words over and over again. Either way, it all means the same. I don't see how there's any difference. But the supposedly "highly intelligent and educated" Cathy thinks there is a difference. LOL!

So, also the world according to Cathy Donovan, name-calling is more mature and shows better education than using memes. Ah! Now, I get it! LMAO!!!

Yeah, yeah, I bet I'm older than she is. In fact, she's probably young enough that I changed her diapers when she was a baby! Though she looks like an old fart in her picture I posted above. But then that can be caused by a lot of things. One of the things that can cause a person to age so rapidly is one thing she's putting on display here; having an angry attitude all the time.

I laughed because little missy Cathy Donovan is the last person who should gripe about someone else calling her names. She started the whole thing. I did not start off calling her names. I just played along after her. But she wanted a match, so I gave it to her. And she was the first one to cry uncle. After this, it pretty much got boring. She kept asking me to define what I think a xenophobe is. I didn't answer her because I was through cordially talking to her. She ended that herself when she kept calling me childish names. From now on, I was just having fun with her.

Well, I just basically noticed this post. Facebook is still hiding posts. I hate that! So, here is the most recent thing Cathy said. It was in response to me calling her a xenophobe and a liar...

Oh boy! Here we go again with the "That's defamation! I'm gonna sue you" bullshit!!! I've heard that many times before. The dirty dozen mob on the Pluba forums used to say that all the time to scare other people into retracting things they say about someone on that forum. I wish I had a nickel for every time someone has threatened to sue me. I'd have more money than Elon Musk! They always threaten, some may have even talked to their lawyers. But nothing ever comes of it! Because we have free speech in this country. I'm always very careful what I say on here. I choose my words very carefully. Unless I am 101% sure of something, I never state it as fact. Only as probable, or I state it's just my opinion.

I wonder if Cathy Donovan is aware that Trump and Elon Musk are suing the networks for all the lies they spread about them? Unlike me, the mainstream media does not choose their words carefully. They just state everything as facts. Which is where they go wrong. I've heard them slander Donald Trump, and anyone who supports Trump for the past 8 years! Remember Nick Sandman? I heard he is also suing the networks, and chances are he'll win.

LOL!!! Cathy did not like this comment very much at all! hehehehe! But by now, I had gotten bored with Cathy. Besides, I wanted to work on another animal family for my Metazoic website, which seems to be down right now! But I'll get it back up and running, and then my viewers there can see what's new. I don't even know why it's down! Probably a glitch in Google! It always is!

Oh boy! Now she's probably going to tell me she's a minister or something and has her own church. I've heard that one before too, by a person who is as far from being a minister as I am of being a beauty queen! Once again, I got under her skin! She's so easy! Too easy! She's easy to trigger. And I love it! It was so much fun, but now, I have to move on. I have other things I need to be working on. But I'll always remember the fun I had prodding at Cathy Donovan.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Trump Tower Bombing

 That's just one thing I want to discuss in this blog. You all probably thought I was not going to talk about this. Well, that's how I am. I like to wait until more information is out before I discuss something. But there was a bombing of the Trump tower in Las Vegas last week. When my sis and I went to Las Vegas for her birthday in 2019, I saw that tower and I remember thinking how beautiful it is. It stood so majestically over the Las Vegas skyline. Well, this past week, someone brandishing an ISIS flag and driving a Tesla car parked in front of that same tower and set fireworks in it. It is now said that the only fatality was the driver/bomber. But now, it is being said the bomber actually survived, and the body found in the vehicle was of someone else. Now, I don't know how true that is, but there was another thing about this case that bugs me.

There was another bombing in New Orleans a few days before, at a Christmas parade. Two attacks only a few days apart. That's not good. Both bombers were supposedly military men. The guy in Las Vegas was a man named Matthew Livelsberger, and the guy in New Orleans was identified as Shamsud-Din Jabbar. Both served in the Army at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Both were under the leadership of Samuel Shoemate. I won't get into the emails, as I am not very tech-savvy. But I will say according to the news at NBC, Livelsberger's bombing was not meant to be seen as a terroristic attack. I guess that is a relief. I don't know about the other guy though. But it looks like there's just too many coincidences to ignore here. There was a body in the Tesla vehicle that had been shot in the head. It was first believed to be Livelberger's body. But now they are saying the body is someone else's. That's a shame! I'd have felt better if the only casualty in that bombing was Livelberger. But no, someone else had to die so Livelberger could get away scott-free! Makes me mad! Jabbar, on the other hand, was killed. But he also took 13 other lives with him. That's very sad. I don't feel for Jabbar. He chose his fate. But I do feel for the people who had to die with him, as well as their friends and family who probably miss them.

This makes how many assassination attempts made to Trump, or "messages"? I lost count on the one at his golf course. I just keep praying for Trump's safety every day.

Anyone remember this guy? He's Lily Tino, that's what he calls himself on TikTok and X.

He's a guy, but he does not like being called a guy. The fake trans people usually don't. That's why they pretend to be women, and demand that we use their "preferred pronouns". I refuse to do it, because I'm not going to support someone else's delusion. Especially not a person who uses trans identity as a weapon for clicks and likes. Usually, I know who the fake trans people are. And despite what that anonymous chick said, there are PLENTY of fake trans people! They are usually the ones like this one, who purposely go to businesses to make trouble for the workers. And they ALWAYS do it for attention and to gather sympathy from their viewers. Not everyone is like me. Especially leftists. Leftists will believe anything a trans person says in order to "keep the peace".

In a latest series of videos, he tries to go to several restaurants and gets kicked out. Most say it's because they don't have a table for him to sit at. Or they have people who have reservations coming. But I think I know why this guy really gets kicked out. He's known for going to restaurants, and streaming, hoping to be misgendered so he can get the servers in trouble. He immediately asks to speak to the manager when that happens. He's been doing it for a while now, and he goes viral. I guess he thought he would not be seen by any workers at those restaurants on TikTok, so he could just walk in, and keep doing the same thing to other workers. I visited his TikTok, and I told him they keep turning him away because everybody knows him, and nobody likes him! TikTok deleted that comment though. But I said it and I meant it! This person is exactly why I hate the fake trans people. I'm all for people living their lives how they want to. I won't participate in their delusions, but I don't mind them living their own lives. As long as they leave me out of it! But people like Lilly Tino piss me off, because he makes the real trans people look bad! It makes it hard for them to get along in the world because most people don't know the difference between a real trans person and a fake one. Lilly is a fake one. That causes everyone to judge all trans people based on what they see Lilly Tino doing. And he looks pathetic! Nobody likes anyone who plays a fake victim either! I'm glad people are opening their eyes to this kind of crap! We're all sick of these people playing these sick games!

Look at this video. I spell it out perfectly...

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Anybody Wanna Buy A Street?

 I heard an interesting piece of information last night about a street for sale. It's a street most everyone knows. It's Sesame Street! So I heard Cookie Monster, Big Bird and even Elmo need a new home. I'd take Cookie Monster and Big Bird if I could. I'm not so sure about Elmo. I don't even like Elmo. Though I do like his benefactor, Kevin Clash. But if I had to take Elmo, like it's some kind of package deal where if you take 2 you'd have to take all 3, I'd give him a complete make-over! First of all, I'd teach him how to say me, and I, and myself, instead of talking about himself in the 3rd person. That sounds so stupid, and it makes Elmo unattractive! Only annoying. I'd probably keep his name, because Elmo is actually a good name for a children's show companion. I also would make him a real type animal. Not a stupid-looking little red person with fur and a big, orange nose.

I tried several different animals that all come in a red color. Any one of them would make a greater, better version of Elmo. What do you all think?

How about Elmo the fox?

Or Elmo the orangutan-monkey?

Or Elmo the cardinal?

Or Elmo the galidia mongoose?

Kids don't know what a galidia is, but they can surely learn! It never hurts to learn about different animals and the places they come from. If they can learn and be fluent in the names of dinosaurs, they can become fluent in the different types of animals that are in the world today. Sesame Street used to do that. But it seemed when they started making every new character a monster, they left that behind. So, instead of making every new muppet a non-existent monster that means nothing, I'd make them different kinds of animals that kids don't know, but should know. That way, we can also introduce children to the positives of accepting different kinds of cultures. As I understand it, Disney took over Sesame Street and did not even want any white people on the script. That's stupid!!! That was probably why Sesame Street with Disney failed! Sesame Street always had people of different races in their show. It was never "white man bad!" Sesame Street was created by white people. Though they say it was created for black children specifically. Though I don't know how true that is, I heard it from the mouth of a black person. The same group of people who say Mozart is now believed to have been black.

I'd bring back the grown-ups if I owned Sesame Street. I'd bring back a modern version of Bob, Maria, Luis, Susan, Gordon, Linda, David and even Mr. Hooper. I'd try to find people who could fill the shoes of the puppeteers who worked Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster, Herry, Grover, Oscar and all those classic characters I enjoyed as a child. I'd try to get people who could make them as close to the originals as I could possibly get. I would also bring back the old-style skit cartoons, and hire people to make new ones, not this 3-D style crap. But cartoons like the ones I remember when I was a kid. I'd even try to find someone as good a musician as Joe Raposo, who wrote the music for the earlier Sesame Street skits. It'd be fun to also mix Sesame Street characters with UMG characters, see how that works out. But UMG would live in a different neighborhood, next to Sesame Street. But they would frequently visit each other. The new monster characters, like Rosita, Zoe and that weird-looking tramp Abby, they'd be GONE!!! Let another network have them! I wouldn't want them! Abby's so fucking ugly, she might scare Uncle Martin and his friends. LOL!

Sesame Street also invites celebrities to their show. Even when I was a kid, they always did that. I'd probably keep that up, but I would just be careful which ones I invite. But not only celebrities, I'd also invite scientists, real teachers, doctors, you know, people that kids can actually learn something good from. What do they learn from modern celebrities? Nothing! I'd bring on people who actually know things that kids can learn too. The only thing I would never, ever, EVER-EVER allow on my version of Sesame Street, is leftists! What they have to teach, children don't need to learn! Unlike Disney, UMG Productions is not interested in making everything political, and not interested in spreading leftist agendas! Everything is going to be completely nuance. We're going to spread the importance of free speech, and everyone's right to choose in ways children can understand, and doesn't make them feel bad.

That's what I would do if I owned Sesame Street. Bring back the old fashioned style and leave the new style out of it!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Biden's Itchy Trigger Finger

 I just heard this morning that Joe Biden has been hurriedly signing bills into law before he leaves office. Something is suspicious. And I found out one of the laws he signed would make it impossible for anyone in office to draw a pension if they'd been committed of a crime. I know Joe Blow targeted Trump with signing that bill. But what he does not seem to understand, that same bill can be used against him and Obama too. And it would be a lot worse than what Trump supposedly done. And Trump did everything they're accusing him of before he became president. So, it shouldn't count. And nothing Trump did was illegal anyway. They were just false charges brought on by a very corrupt DA. Thus it should not count.

But as I understand it, Biden can be accused of money-laundering, which is a felony. And Obama has killed people, and did drugs while he was in office. Neither one of them, if this law goes into affect, should be able to collect a presidential pension. But all Trump did was give hush-money to a consensual participant, and have sex with her, which she also consented to! But the leftards call it "rape". No, I know about rape, and it is not considered rape if that stripper consented to Trump having sex with her. It's only rape if it is non-consensual! And she admitted herself that it was consensual sex. So, she cannot reverse that now. But the leftists have tried, and there are a lot of leftards that still refer to Trump as a "felon" and a "criminal". That never stops on The View! Every time Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldburg or Sunny Hostin mention Trump, you know there's going to be lies and bullshit said about a felony. I wish they would stop it, it looks and sounds so pathetic coming from their mouths. But they've done attached those words to Trump, and no one else! I hope Trump sues the pants off of The View!

All those charges against Trump it seems has been dropped. So, something is up. He should no longer be called a "felon" or a "criminal", he did not commit a crime. Everyone knows now that the charges were brought up on nothing but malice. Leftists are always malicious. And here Biden goes signing a bill like this into law. When really, he should look in his own backyard and make sure it's perfectly clean there. Because I can assure you, it's not. It's dirtier than Trump's is, that's for sure! I'm not saying Trump has never done anything wrong. But Biden has lied, cheated and committed crimes far more than any one else we've ever had in office. Besides all that, Trump is not in it for the money anyways. He wants to be president because he knows there are many ways this country needs fixing, and he can do it. I cannot wait to see what he does! So, if this is a trick Biden is trying to pull on Trump so he cannot collect any money, then suck it up! Trump is not in it for the money! DUH!!!! Unlike Obama and Biden. Especially Obama!

If only being stupid was a felony! I'd ask that AOC be arrested. Now, California is wising up, and it is now considered a felony to steal anything. I knew it was wrong to make stealing only a misdemeanor if the items stolen are worth $900 or less. That's just wrong! But AOC was so stupid, she said these were "all just hungry people stealing bread". While that may have been the case, sometimes. It was not usually the case. In the majority of cases, it was people going into department stores stealing Gucci bags, designer clothes, make up and jewelry. If it was always people who were hungry just stealing food, I could understand their plight. But it was almost never that. But California is turning a new leaf to stealing, and that is good to see. I can almost guarantee, this was not solely Newsome's idea. More likely, he was pushed into it. Probably by the sensible republicans in congress.

Another Loony Leftist

 You ever notice how leftists have crazy eyes that seem to totally lack a soul? Or maybe it's because their soul has been stolen by evil. Here's an example of another crazy leftist who talks about "taking off the head of the snake". She means Donald Trump. She thinks she can do something to Trump, and indeed this does sound like a threat. Most of the leftists now are afraid when Trump takes over, they won't have what they call "reproductive rights". Which means they want to be able to kill their babies whenever they want to. Which Trump NEVER stated he's going to stop. He just said he's going to leave the decision to make abortion illegal to the states. But the leftists just seem to be ignoring that. Because all they listen to now is MSNBC, and they are telling all their viewers that Trump is going to take away women's "reproductive rights".

I swear most living creatures do everything they can to defend the lives of their young. But not pro-choicers!! I've never seen a species work so hard to have strangers kill their offspring in my life. But then I guess that's because most animals do not have sex just for the fun of it. Except maybe dolphins. But even a dolphin will do everything they can to defend their young from killers. There was even a report of leftist pro-choicers bombing pro-life clinics. And you should see what the perpetrators look like! Again, eyes with no soul. That seems to be the norm for all anti-life people. Anyway, here is a video with this anti-MAGA cunt...

Video courtesy of Another Stupid Week (YouTube)

Of course she tries to look scarier than she really is. But you can obviously tell these people have no soul. If they did have a soul, they would not be threatening another person's life. No matter how much they hate that person. I never even threatened Kamala Harris or Joe Biden. Well, I may have said it, but I never meant it. And when I do say it I say it in jest. I can make myself look like I have no soul too. LOL! One of my best tricks. I learned that by watching leftists. I believe the only person I ever truly wanted to see dead is George Soros. But he'd deserve it!!! He paid leftists to act like this! He paid off Antifa and BLM and other leftist groups like that! He paid them to go out and cause chaos!

George Soros is obviously a person the world can do much better without! I hate him! With every ounce of my being! GOD forgive me for that. But I HATE George Soros! He did it for the dumbest reasons too. He's trying to turn this century into early 20th century Germany! He's miserable because his whole family was killed by nazis, so now he's trying to recreate the same thing in the USA. He wants us to be as miserable as he is. While I do have sympathy for what happened to his family, that's no reason to bring that kind of chaos to the USA. That's what shrinks are for. Not the USA! And if you ask me, George Soros needs to see a shrink that enjoys a challenge!

All these modern-day terrorists need to! We're all sick of the leftist bullshit! That's why everyone is running from the left. I heard even Cenk Yuger is defending MAGA now! Whether he is becoming a MAGA fan or not is up for question. He may, or he may not. A lot of MAGA people say he'll never go full MAGA. But they said the same thing about Ana Kasparian, and she's just about full MAGA now. The leftists all wonder why people are leaving their side. Well, videos like the one I posted here on this blog post is one good reason why. You people are fucking nuts!!! It's all in the eyes. You cannot hide your truest emotions no matter how hard you try. Especially in a live video.

Another Crazy Leftist On Facebook

Well, ever since what happened in 2016 after my father died and people I thought were, at best, my "friends" abandoned me, my atti...