Sunday, December 29, 2024

Biden's Itchy Trigger Finger

 I just heard this morning that Joe Biden has been hurriedly signing bills into law before he leaves office. Something is suspicious. And I found out one of the laws he signed would make it impossible for anyone in office to draw a pension if they'd been committed of a crime. I know Joe Blow targeted Trump with signing that bill. But what he does not seem to understand, that same bill can be used against him and Obama too. And it would be a lot worse than what Trump supposedly done. And Trump did everything they're accusing him of before he became president. So, it shouldn't count. And nothing Trump did was illegal anyway. They were just false charges brought on by a very corrupt DA. Thus it should not count.

But as I understand it, Biden can be accused of money-laundering, which is a felony. And Obama has killed people, and did drugs while he was in office. Neither one of them, if this law goes into affect, should be able to collect a presidential pension. But all Trump did was give hush-money to a consensual participant, and have sex with her, which she also consented to! But the leftards call it "rape". No, I know about rape, and it is not considered rape if that stripper consented to Trump having sex with her. It's only rape if it is non-consensual! And she admitted herself that it was consensual sex. So, she cannot reverse that now. But the leftists have tried, and there are a lot of leftards that still refer to Trump as a "felon" and a "criminal". That never stops on The View! Every time Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldburg or Sunny Hostin mention Trump, you know there's going to be lies and bullshit said about a felony. I wish they would stop it, it looks and sounds so pathetic coming from their mouths. But they've done attached those words to Trump, and no one else! I hope Trump sues the pants off of The View!

All those charges against Trump it seems has been dropped. So, something is up. He should no longer be called a "felon" or a "criminal", he did not commit a crime. Everyone knows now that the charges were brought up on nothing but malice. Leftists are always malicious. And here Biden goes signing a bill like this into law. When really, he should look in his own backyard and make sure it's perfectly clean there. Because I can assure you, it's not. It's dirtier than Trump's is, that's for sure! I'm not saying Trump has never done anything wrong. But Biden has lied, cheated and committed crimes far more than any one else we've ever had in office. Besides all that, Trump is not in it for the money anyways. He wants to be president because he knows there are many ways this country needs fixing, and he can do it. I cannot wait to see what he does! So, if this is a trick Biden is trying to pull on Trump so he cannot collect any money, then suck it up! Trump is not in it for the money! DUH!!!! Unlike Obama and Biden. Especially Obama!

If only being stupid was a felony! I'd ask that AOC be arrested. Now, California is wising up, and it is now considered a felony to steal anything. I knew it was wrong to make stealing only a misdemeanor if the items stolen are worth $900 or less. That's just wrong! But AOC was so stupid, she said these were "all just hungry people stealing bread". While that may have been the case, sometimes. It was not usually the case. In the majority of cases, it was people going into department stores stealing Gucci bags, designer clothes, make up and jewelry. If it was always people who were hungry just stealing food, I could understand their plight. But it was almost never that. But California is turning a new leaf to stealing, and that is good to see. I can almost guarantee, this was not solely Newsome's idea. More likely, he was pushed into it. Probably by the sensible republicans in congress.

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