Friday, March 11, 2022

Say Bye to Suzy-Qs

Looks like Suzy-Qs are discontinued... AGAIN!!! I don't understand what problems Hostess has with it's own Suzy-Qs! First they create them, then take them away, then bring them back, then take them away again, then bring them back, now they've taken them away again!! Is there no end to this prejudice between Hostess and the one successful product they ever had? Who doesn't love Suzy-Qs????? I find it increasingly harder to believe that they aren't selling enough Suzy-Qs to keep them on the market. I look on their posts, and it seems most of their customers are upset that Suzy-Qs are discontinued again. These are just a few examples of how loved Suzy-Qs were...

I miss my Suzy-Qs!!!! Apparently, Hostess is now owned by some new owners. I said I think I'd better have a chat with them! They're ruining everything. First, they make Twinkies thinner, and only give it like an eye-dropper's drip of the cream filling. I liked them a lot better when they used to put a shit-ton of cream filling in each cake. Now, you bite into a Twinkie today, you can hardly even find the cream filling. It reminds me of the woman in those old Wendy's commercials who coined the phrase "Where's the beef?" 

I swear, the cakes in the pictures on the package look better than the actual real things!

I mean look at that! They make it look like they put a generous amount of cream in the center. When really, it's little more than the amount you can fit into an eye-dropper. I was disappointed when Twinkies made a comeback in 2013, and I was greeted with Twinkies that hardly looked or tasted like the original version, with a lot less cream! Let's face it, the cream is the best part of any Hostess cake. And now, they are taking them away. That's what I loved about Suzy-Qs. They had the most amount of cream in the center. More than any other Hostess cake!!

Trust me, they are that satisfying! Look at the cream to cake ratio on that baby! I drool just thinking about it! I remember when Hostess went out of business in 2012, the one thing I feared was never seeing or tasting Suzy-Qs again. In 2015, they brought Suzy-Qs back again, but they were like little, square hockey-pocks. Very minimal amount of cake, let alone filling! I didn't like them. I bought a box at the Walmart in Coos Bay, and tried them, and I just did NOT like them. Then Hostess discontinued them again. Then brought them back in 2018, back to their original form, and I was so happy again! I started buying them in bulk! It was said Hostess brought them back again due to protests from fans who demanded they bring them back. I was so grateful. I thought Hostess learned their lesson and would never again take Suzy-Qs away. Boy was I wrong about that! In 2021, I couldn't find them anywhere at all. Not even the places I always typically found them.

You know what I wish? I wish Hostess would take away those darned Zingers, and bring back Suzy-Qs instead! I hate Zingers!!! I think that's the worst crap Hostess makes! I tried some when I first saw them in 1990. I got the chocolate variety, because that was the only Zingers variety that looked even remotely appetizing. It looked like upside-down chocolate Twinkies with icing on top. So, I thought it would be good. Then I took a bite. I was so grossed out by it! The cake it's self was like biting into a sponge and rubbery, it looked like it was supposed to have a creamy filling, which was, for the most part, mislaid. Except for 3 small holes and some white crap that had the consistency of watery snot. And the icing. Woa boy! The icing was tasteless, and hard as a rock. It tasted to me like plastic with sugar added to it, with no chocolate flavoring at all. It had the texture of a board game! To this day, I refuse to eat Zingers. Yet, I keep seeing them! Every place that carries Hostess products has those damn Zingers!

If Hostess intends to stay in business, I suggest they listen to their customers. And STOP TAKING AWAY THE GOOD STUFF!!!!! Stop taking away our Suzy-Qs. If you must remove a product, next time, make it those doggone Zingers! I don't know why they can't just leave the Suzy-Qs alone! We love them.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Another Reason to Hate Anime

As you all know, I hate anime. I think the art is crappy, I think the movement in anime cartoons leaves a lot to be desired, and I believe it's a bad influence on today's kids. I think it teaches kids today that it's OK to be rude to adults. That it's OK to treat other people badly just because you disagree with them. I think anime and video games may be responsible for all the evil that is in the world right now. I will admit that video games have some advantages. Kids can also learn how to solve problems and how to react quickly. But what advantages does anime have? None that I can think of.

And now I have discovered another reason to hate anime and want to get rid of it. I heard about kids who go to events like Comicon as normal kids. At those places, almost everyone is an anime fanatic. Many of them, militant. Well, those same kids who go to the Comicon as normal kids, usually they come back as kids who are gay, trans, bi or one of the other lunatic "genders" out there in the leftist dream world. And they all are said to have been influenced by people they've met there who were anime fanatics. So it basically proves my point that anime is a bad influence on today's kids, and it should be banned.

The kids hear about this gay shit in school enough as it is. The last thing they need is to come home and watch anime cartoons and learn how to be gay or trans. Apparently, anime cartoons glorify that. Onision is a great example. Well, his wife is anyway. When they got married, she was perfectly normal. They had 2 kids together and Lainey was a regular girl hopefully happily married. Then she all of a sudden decides she wants to be trans. Now, I am not sure, but I think Onision had a lot to do with Lainey wanting to transition into believing she's a guy. So now she insists that people refer to her as a "he". Even though the proof is there that she is indeed a female. Onision lives by anime cartoons. I'm sure he watches them all day. And I could be wrong, but I truly believe Onision was inspired by some anime cartoon character to talk Lainey into changing her mind about being a woman. I have noticed that the majority of transpeople, or the so-called "non-binary" people, are anime freaks. So there is little doubt in my mind that anime may have a hand in turning so many people towards being in the LGBTQ league.

Now, I want to point out, I generally don't have a problem with gay people. At least they know what they want and what they are. I have no problem with authentic trans people. That is to say, the people who legitimately have gender dysphoria. Those people cannot help how they see themselves. What I don't like are the fakers. You can almost always tell when someone is faking being gay or trans. A lot of people these days who say they are gay or trans, are liars. At least 2/3 of the people who say that are indeed fakers. A real gay person is comfortable in their sexuality. They know they don't have to flaunt it. They just do what they do and don't call attention to themselves. A fake gay person goes around announcing it to the whole world "Hey! I'm gay!" Most people don't want to be the center of attention. Most people who are gay are usually set up that way when they reach puberty. It becomes clear to them then.

Now, transhood is a totally different story. There are many more fakers out there in the trans community than there are authentic trans people. I don't want to say "normal trans people" because that it's self is an oxymoron! You can always tell the fake trans people by their insistence of what pronouns another person calls them. Legitimate trans people usually do not care about pronouns. Its similar to a bullying tactic. Fake trans people want the power to control what someone else calls them. So they're basically using transhood to victimize themselves whenever someone "misgenders" them. And other people will fall for it for fear of being called a "transphobe". I'm not one of those people though. If there's one thing my life should teach people is that I am not one who is out for acceptance. I don't care if people like me or not. If they don't, that's their problem. Not mine! If they do, I'll be as nice and friendly to them as I possibly can. I don't care if I'm called a TERF, or a transphobe, or a homophobe. To me, it's much more insulting if a trans "man" says I have to fall in love with her. Because then, I'll have to get mean and tell her to fuck off! I don't want a fake man. I would want a real man. And trans "men" are NOT real men.

As for "non-binary", well I don't believe such shit exists. I believe in girls who like male things, I was one of them. I also believe in boys who may like girl things. But that's it. A special interest does not indicate the person is a whole other "gender". I may have liked boy toys, but I am still a girl. I know that too. I'll always be a girl. Or woman, however you want to classify it. I may have a strong, manly voice, but I am still a woman. Just because I have certain male characteristics and interests does not mean I'm going to identify as a male or even as a "they". I was born a woman, I'll always be a woman. Nothing is going to change that no matter how I mutilate myself.

Well, in other home news, I think my sis is moving back to Bozeman. UGH! I told her if she wants to, go for it. She wants to go back to work for her friend who needs a care-giver. The only problem is that I won't be seeing her in Bozeman. It gets too hot there in summer and too cold in winter, and there's not even an ocean around to mellow the climate out. Besides, it's too far from home. I cannot go there.

Well, we're both going to go on a trip to Florida, hopefully next year. It'll be the first time either of us will see the east coast. If all goes well, we both may consider moving there. I know it's going to be hot there, especially in the summer and they don't have fall. But at least the whole state is surrounded by the ocean. We can go there every day. IF we move there, it'll be a big move. The biggest one we've had since we left Hawaii. It'll be a complete change. I know I wanted to move to Ocean Shores, but right now, that is out of the question. I've been participating in a facebook group called Ocean Shores Chat. Frankly, there's too damn many liberals! I might find it hard to get comfortable there. At least Florida is run by a real republican, not a leftist, or liberal, or RINO. DiSantis was the first to lift the mask mandates. I'm sick of liberals and liberal policies. So, for once in my life, I want to move to a place that has no liberals in local congress. So far, Florida seems like the best alternative. Even their gas prices are cheaper than they are here! I looked it up last night.

If we do move to Florida, we're gonna get a mobile home and I want to have my own banana tree, my own orange tree, my own lemon tree and my own key lime tree! I want my own produce market in my own back yard. It may be hot there, but again, at least I'll have the ocean surrounding me. I also want to build an outdoor aviary. Maybe even have a tropical fish pond! With a waterfall, and plants. There'll be lots to do. I want to visit Miami Beach, see if my sis and I like it. I'm sure Doordash there will keep us both busy too.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

At War!

Well, it's happened. Russia is now at war with the Ukraine. We all saw it coming. Kamala Harris is a lousy excuse of a negotiator!!! Russia has been laughing at us since Biden has been president, because he's weak! And so dumb, he can't even do communism right! Now are all you Biden supporters happy? Next thing we know Biden is going to be sending our own troops to fight in this Russian war! Then we will be living through world war 3!! If you don't mind my saying so, I'm very sick of war.

Now, say what you want about Trump, you may not like him, you may think he's a liar, you may even say he's nothing but an overstuffed Cheetos puff! But NONE of this shit happened when Trump was president. Russia left the Ukraine alone. Putin was afraid of Trump because Trump is not afraid to speak his mind. And he does it like a bull running through a china shop!!! Even the most hardcore, Trump-hating leftist idiot should be impressed with the way Trump handled Putin. Biden can't do that. He can't do shit. Whereas Trump came after Putin like a raging bull, Biden is more like the most subordinate, apologetic little girl wetting her pants as he tries to talk to Putin. Trump was like a honey badger, Biden is more like a mouse.

The things the left hates Trump for, are all things they wish Biden would do. But they couldn't be more wrong. I knew Biden wasn't going to do shit for this country! After all, he hated this country. I remember telling that to Garry Beers when he mentioned that Biden will do good for this country. I wonder what he thinks now? As for Timmy, I'm shocked he doesn't support freedom of choice. I hate to say this, but I lost respect for Timmy when I heard that. I cannot help it. I was upset when I heard that. I'd like to say I'll always love Timmy no matter what. But hearing he's not a supporter of freedom, it was so perturbing! I just can't stand by him for this. I love my freedom (the main reason I never got married or had kids). Anyone who is all for taking my freedom away from me is no one I should favor. Sorry Tim.

Not that I think he cares! LOL! But so far, Michael and Jon are the only members of INXS not to disappoint me lately. I'm not happy!

Anyway, I knew this was coming, and I knew Biden would send our troops there, because he likes the Ukraine. They gave millions of dollars to Biden's children, so he's going to stand up for the Ukraine. Instead, Biden is here worrying about diversity and inclusion. Did anyone besides me feel disgusted when Biden said he wants to put a black liberal woman in charge of the supreme court??? UGH!!! I don't mind a black woman, but he wants her to be a liberal!!!! This whole country will be up to our ears in libtard shit!!! And then Biden hires the worst kind of person to look over one of the nuclear energy dumps, a gender-fluid person who has a fetish for men who think they're dogs; Sam Brinton. Ugh! Can you imagine what it would be like to hire someone who is "gender fluid"?? Especially at a nuclear waste dump??? That's a dangerous job! Not exactly the kind of job one should be playing and fooling around in. Mr. Brinton would be more concerned with what pronouns someone is using to describe him, rather than nuclear safety. I know I love dogs, but I don't favor anyone who acts like a dog. I used to know kids like that in middle school and high school, and I found them to be very creepy. Nothing like real dogs! I know I love dogs, but hearing people barking at you is just ghoulish!!! I used to look at them like they were nuts! Or just ignore them.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

This Week's Asshat

Take a look at the dumbass of the week.

This is P. Worth Thompson. I think his name says it all. He ain't worth P! I see that face and I believe I am looking at pure evil. There is nothing behind those soulless eyes! Nothing but empty space. I'll tell you right now, if I saw this coming at me on the street, I'd turn and walk away, or run to the other side of the road as fast as I can! Those are the eyes of a serial killer!

Anyway, I first saw this hack on Jon Farriss's page. He was supposedly a fan of Jon's. Not anymore. This all started with Jon posting how he cannot wait to join Trump's new social media platform. I haven't joined yet either. But I will. I can only get it on my tablet, and I haven't opened up my tablet in a few days. I don't understand why Trump doesn't just release it as a website. But oh well! Well, all the damn leftards on his page are saying how upset they are at Jon for even talking about joining Trump's website. A lot say they're leaving. But really only a few have. As for little mister P. Worth Thompson, he not only announced he's leaving, but he also called Jon an "asshat". This was the first post I read from this guy.

Well, I love Jon. He's my most favorite drummer man in the world! I even tease him a little in my stories. Being the youngest in my family, I like to poke a bit at another last born person. hehe! I didn't like this jerk calling Jon names like that. Although I truly do not believe Jon cares. I'm just like a mama bear. I am unable to post from my usual account on Facebook now, so I am using my alternate account...

He saw this, and probably looked at my bio in my profile and said this...

One of his little retarded leftist friends also liked this comment of his. But that's OK. I've used this line many times myself. hehe! One of my best lines on YouTube. Can't expect anything different from leftists. This was my response...

True. I don't personally care if he thinks I'm not worthy. I never care what leftists think. But I love to have fun with them! I love to prod at them and make them go absolutely crazy. Of course, looking at this guy's profile picture, I think GOD beat me to it. He looks crazy to me! And he's a leftist, and leftists are always crazy! This is how I knew he had looked at my profile.

LOL! This is what it says on my profile for this account...

From this, he deciphered my whole life. Keep in mind, this is my alternate Facebook account. I don't say much on it. I'm certainly not going to show where I went to school on here. This is what it says on his profile...

OK so I was the one who added "And complete asshat" to his profile! LMAO!!! Look at that description! Not only is this guy crazier than a loon, he's a narcissist too. But then again, ALL leftists are narcissists. And if he's an acolyte for Austrian schools, you couldn't pay me to go there! "World traveler" ugh! Doesn't mean shit either! I have no desire to travel the world. There's no place like the good ol' USA! And I have been around this country. I plan to travel some more in the coming years! Going to attend some bird expos and exotic animal expos. That's MY fun!

Anyway, this was my response to his last comment...

Yeah, he wishes he could be right about what I do in my life. Too bad he's way off! Because he scrambled around for info about me and couldn't find it. I'm happy, I'm comfortable, I got what I want, so, no dreams were sacrificed. Too bad P. Worth Thompson! In fact, the only dream of mine that has not been fulfilled is becoming a delivery driver for DoorDash. But even that is coming soon.

This was his response...

Oh! No wonder this idiot hates Trump so much. In leftist ideology, he's just like Trump; hates the poor. He hates the poor so much, he extorts it to people he disagrees with! That's what he's saying when he says "Go collect your SSI check". LMAO!!! This was my response...

I've met the guys several times, yes I do think Jon is a real charmer! I loved that guy! And my respect for him after reading that he supports freedom, has escalated three-fold! And no, I really don't care what this idiot-jerk thinks of me. Remember, I said I stopped caring what the fans think of me now. I meant it too. Except for the few I truly consider friends.

This was his response...

Definitely NOT Jon! Jon is PLENTY smart! He's smart enough not to listen to the mainstream media. He's smart enough not to follow the herd. All the things the leftists do now, are all things Hitler did when he was in charge. We didn't experience any of this from Trump's administration. And yet, he's the one the leftists liken to Hitler! That's how we all know the leftists listen to the media only. Well, one woman on this thread claims she doesn't listen to the media, and said she didn't even have cable. But you know what? I've heard that so many times from leftists. Personally, I think the leftists who say they don't watch the mainstream media, are lying!!! How else is it they repeat the same talking points as the media passes out?

Anyway, this was my last response to him...

Well, there it is! He thinks Jon is "willfully ignorant", I think P Worth Thompson is dumb. From this point, like Katrina says, I dropped the mic. I won't be responding to any more of his silly, petty little posts. I got what I wanted. I had my fun. Besides, I got sick of seeing his ugly face! After all this back and forth with him, this is what he looks like to me...

I looked through his pictures, I see no evidence of him having a family of his own, not even a dog! If he has no wife and no dog, then he isn't a real man. He's ugly enough he probably keeps about 50 cats in his house, and probably smells like a litter box! He may even be covered in fleas! For all I care about him, he can go suck on those cats and enjoy it!

**********************************EDIT TO ADD******************************

I looked in on my Facebook notifications, and I notice P. Worth Thompson is still foaming at the mouth about me. But I've already made up my mind I am done with this guy. So, I didn't even look to see what he wrote. LOL!! But let him go on, and on, and on, and on, however long he wants to.

In other news, I found out Timmy does not support freedom like Jon does. Damn it!! That's a damn greek tragedy!! Timmy has been disappointing me all the way! I'm thinking now it probably should be Jon I love instead of Tim!!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

I Have Been Had!

Remember some months ago I posted about The Finch Farm, and how I was going to get some birds from there. Well, I was wrong! This morning I went to their website, only to find out that the website is now down. A few months back, I looked at some of the comments on their website left by the customers who have ordered from them. Most were happy comments. But one comment stood out. It was by a woman who placed an order for a bird, and signed on one day to check the status of her order, only to find out there was no record of her order. She exclaimed there's something fishy going on. Since then, I wondered if they'd done the same thing to my order. So, I looked on my profile there to see if my order was listed, and it wasn't.

I ordered some shaft-tailed whydah birds, and paid $300 for them, plus shipping. They took no time taking the money from my credit card, but here it is, almost a year later and I have not received any word about the birds I ordered. And now, their website is down! If you go to the website, this is all you'll see now...

Apparently, the website has been down like this for several months now. I just haven't been on the internet in a while. Supposedly, they are understaffed now because of Covid. But they were open last year at this time! Not only that, but Google now also lists the store as being closed permanently.

I cannot believe this. I have been had! I'm so angry! Not so much for the loss of the money, I don't even still have that credit card anymore. What makes me mad is now, there is no other place I can go to buy shaft-tailed whydah birds! And I want some! They are a rare species to find in the trade. When I first saw the website, I thought I'd found a bird-lovers Heaven! Now, it seems like I slipped into the 7th circle of Hell. But if I think the loss of almost $400 (including shipping) was bad, some people lost way more than that! Look at this poor guy's review from the BBB website...

And he was not the only one. Lots of people placed orders to The Finch Farm and never received their birds. There are 131 reviews on the page. Most of them, not good! Especially the more recent reviews. I do see where one of The Finch Farm's representatives responded to one of the customer's complaints.

And this was the response the representative gave...

We all signed their terms and conditions when we ordered. OK, our part is done. Now, what about the jockies who are supposed to fulfill the orders?? Why haven't you guys kept your part of the bargain? And then to tell us ALL LIVE PET SALES ARE FINAL??? You are hiding behind that now to not give us our birds and not give us a refund. I never asked for a refund, all I want are my birds!! If you cannot fulfill my order, then PLEASE, be good people and give me my money back so I can go try to find the birds I want from someone else! You've protected your behinds. But have done nothing to satisfy your customers in months! Yes. There is no excuse for that! Very unprofessional and sneaky.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Agree Or Disagree With Jon

Apparently, Jon Farriss is currently under some turmoil among the fans. So what's new? Most of them are fricken liberals. I don't really know the whole story behind this, but what little I got, Jon spoke his mind against this coronavirus vaccine, and all the libtard-leftist INXS fans didn't like it. Many unfollowed him (and I bet anything I can tell you the exact names of the people who did, first and last names!) Some people are OK with Jon speaking his mind. I'm one of those. What pisses me off is the mockery my old Tim/Hutch Love group has become. I left it, when I deleted my last Facebook account, into the hands of someone I thought I could trust; Renee Que. Shortly after I left, I asked Katrina how she was getting along in the group. She informed me right then that she had been kicked out for talking about Paula.

Of course, Katrina didn't really care. She said it was no fun in there without me. But what got me was how Renee is not keeping with my original philosophy of allowing freedom of speech. Then when I joined Facebook under this new account, I joined the group to see how it's going. Not only did she change the name to something rather corny, but she also got 2 more moderators. Two of my least favorite INXS fans on the planet; Claire Aisha and Tess O'brien. I can't even mix the words "favorite" and those two goons in the same sentence. It doesn't look or feel good! Then I thought to myself "No wonder Renee has turned leftist!" This info will come in handy to know once I explain what happened.

I heard this morning from some fans that Renee actually banned them from the group for agreeing with Jon. I sat here and said to myself "I'm not at all surprised!" At least with the gruesome twosome helping moderate the group! I don't blame Renee for any of this. At least she didn't go along with the anti-TimmyHutchFan wagon when they all turned against me. For that, I am forever grateful. And it tells me she is a good person deep down inside. But remember, Renee is not exactly acting alone now. I whole-heartedly blame Claire Aisha and Tess O'brien for kicking those fans out because they agreed with Jon. And that does sound like something they would do.

I can't even believe I used to like those two finks!! I liked Claire Aisha when I first met her. But I truly believe she, and others like her, are the ones responsible for turning Australia into a communist country now. Nasty-ass-dumb shit, pig-eyed motherfucker! Now, you all know why I hate INXS fans! All but a very few. NONE of the ones I like are leftists though. I'm only a member of 2 INXS groups on Facebook now, and I really want to keep it that way. I don't post much. Mostly I just go in for the pics. Once in a while, I will leave a like here and there. But mostly, I just don't say anything to anyone in groups anymore. The horseshit they are now giving Jon is exactly the same shit I got from them after my father died, and they thought I was talking about one of their friends. A lying horse's ass of a friend!

No way! I am NOT at all surprised the fans turned on Jon for having his own opinion! I'm sure not surprised, and neither should Jon Farriss be surprised. I stopped giving any shits about the fans when they pulled this same shit on me. They took advantage of my weakness. At least the ones I was friends with knew my abilities had been weakened because of my father's death. When I saw what was written about Jon, my first reaction was 'You go, Jon! I'm there with you!' I hope Jon continues to stand his ground, and DO NOT APOLOGIZE!!!!! NEVER apologize to leftists. It's never good enough for them. I learned that at the same time too. Shoot! Rosanda even admitted to me then that an apology would not work! LOL! So, I just fucked it, and didn't waste my time! Don't waste yours either, Jon! They're not worth it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A Bullying Baboon

UGH! I hate bullies!!! Because of them, I've become something of a bully too over the years. Well, me, my sis and Pullman have crossed paths with another bully on Facebook. This one's name is Laura-Lee Wilson. She is the moderator of some group for people who are depressed, which is especially what makes this so unique. Pullman has been suffering some depression. Pills don't seem to work on him. Although they do very well for me. People like her are the very reason I stay out of groups. Unless it's a dog related group. I think that's where I went wrong with the INXS fans. I joined too many groups. I think it got to a point with them where they thought all my life circled around nothing but INXS. That's why they accused me of talking about someone I barely know when she announced she had cancer. The person I was talking about was not even an INXS fan! And I'd even wager, hates INXS. But because I was in so many INXS related groups, I guess those bozos thought I had nothing else to talk about. Believe me, if I had something to say to that fan, I'd have said it to her face! That is, if she hadn't blocked me on facebook. LOL! But what the hey! People are so dumb! Especially people like her.

Anyway, this isn't about INXS fans. This is about a baboon who was bullying Pullman. Usually I like monkeys, but not the ones like this one. Pullman was so upset being bullied by this person, and gave me his side of the story, and my sis, who was also there, filled in the rest. They were telling me things like how Laura-Lee was getting her daughter to call Pullman a liar. I was thinking the daughter must have been like a 10-year old, and she was coaxing her to call Pullman names. Well, I like to get the whole side of the story, so I wrote to little miss Laura-Lee Wilson and asked her to fill in the blanks.

As you can see, this was typed back in August. I was as congenial as I could be. Trust me, I didn't say to her what I really wanted to say to her! But I felt that wouldn't have done me, her or Pullman any good. I wanted to approach this as an adult. I didn't think she'd ever write back, but just this morning, I heard from her. This was what she said...

When I saw this, I wanted to slap her! But since she did admit she got her daughter involved (even though it didn't concern her) I thought it was fair that I get involved too. I thought it was a bit hysterical of her to bring up someone else having developmental delay issues when she doesn't know the meaning of the word no. Pullman told her from the beginning that he didn't want to do any video calls. But what does she do? She goes right on ahead and traps him into a video call anyway. I call that an invasion of privacy. No means no. It's not only an invasion of privacy, but it's also an invasion into Pullman's inalienable rights! If he doesn't want to do video calls, that should be his choice. Not Laura-Lee's. This was my response to her...

From what I've found out from other people who stood on Pullman's side, nobody really likes Laura-Lee. They all say she oversteps her boundaries. And more than one person has said that about her. My sis kept urging me to block her. I didn't want to. Yet! I couldn't wait to hear her response to this last post I made to her. I kinda figured she would not like me asking her "What part of no don't you understand?" I wasn't even trying to be rude there. But it seems she just doesn't get the message. I also knew she would lie to make herself look more innocent than she really is. Bullies always do! Well, this afternoon I heard from her again...

Then something interesting came with this message. I saw this down below in the text box...

LMAO!!! Oh man! This is so funny! I love it when my questions get too hard for them! So hard they have to block me on Facebook!!! That basically illegitimates everything she said in her last message. If a person cannot answer the hard questions, they have no business being a moderator. Of course she said I should contact Philip Marshall. I said "Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. I think I've already got the answer I wanted!" LOL! Just from her blocking me, that alone says enough about her character.

Well, you all know I always like to see what kind of person I am talking to on the internet. Is this woman as ugly as she sounds? So I looked and got a good answer to my question. This was the face I saw on her profile...

That barely looks like a woman! In fact, it doesn't even look human at all! You know what that face reminds me of? This...

It's kinda funny how some people look like animals. This is especially one of those cases. Laura-Lee looks like the ugliest monkey I can think of; the Proboscis monkey. I swear I'm not even saying that to be mean! I'm saying it because it's so true!!! 😂😂😂😂 Look at them! They are the spitting image of each other!! Oh and this conversation was far from over. I planned to bring this conversation public if she was to pull that "this conversation is over" bullshit on me!! She's not getting away with this one! But I told my sis she's out of all our lives, and I could care less!

I only wish she'd have done a video call with me! I still wish she would! But like a typical coward, she won't. Only a coward would cut off the conversation when she knows she's gonna lose. And she did. I didn't. I don't block people on Facebook. LOL! I get them to block me!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Covid Vaccine Mandates

 So Biden is planning to make it mandatory for everyone in the USA to get this covid vaccine. Fuck him! I'm not getting the damn vaccine, I don't care what it takes! I've been hearing about jobs mandating the vaccine, and giving workers who refuse the ultimatum that either they get the vaccine or they get fired. I even heard of landlords making it mandatory to get the vaccine or tenants that don't will get evicted. This is going way too far! What ever happened to my body, my choice? Or does that only apply to people who want to kill babies? I choose not to have any vaccine. I don't trust this covid vaccine at all! It takes years to approve a vaccine for distribution. This covid was approved in a few months. Not only that, but I've heard of people getting the vaccine and dying from it. Not good!

People are getting nasty over these mask mandates! And now even more so about the vaccine. Those of us who don't wear masks and don't want to get the vaccine are called "selfish" or "clowns" and all that other kinds of bullshit. I even had a guy confront me about not wearing a mask at Safeway a couple weeks ago. I didn't even want to talk to him. He got my attention first. He asked me "Don't you want to do something to keep others in the community safe?" I just said to him "I already am!" and he walked away laughing and saying "Yeah, right!" Well! At least it got him out of my face! I didn't even have to tell him to get out of my face. I'm gonna remember that from now on and use that line. Then only tell someone "get out of my face!" if they won't move on like that guy.

But anyway, that is proof all this shit is going way too far now. I choose life. I choose not to get the vaccine. This morning I woke up to one of my friends telling everyone about Nicki Minaj pissing off the left. I don't like Minaj's music, but I do have a new respect for her now. All this time I thought she was as lefty as they come. But she questioned the vaccine. Apparently, you shouldn't do that. The leftists will try to silence you if you do that! And get this, the leftists think GOD is evil. The leftists have proven to be worse than they think GOD is!

Well, this all proves Biden is a sucky president. I don't care what anyone else says, he is NOT better than Trump!!! I never wanted a president more than I now want Trump back in the white house. We need him!

Did you ever notice how for the past 4 years the leftists have gotten worse and worse with each day passing by? I think it's because they were scared by Trump's presidency. They called him homophobic, so what do they do? They prop up gays and queers. They called him xenophobic, so they prop up people with mental disorders like trannies. They said he disrespects women so they say everyone has to believe all women. Even when they falsely accuse men of rape. They said Trump was a racist, so they scream "Black lives matter". The problem with all this, the leftists don't really care about these people. The leftists don't, but Trump really does. Trump has done a lot more in the 80s and 90s to help black communities than BLM did all of the last 6 years. All BLM cares about is black criminals. Trump cares about all black people. Obummer may have been the one to approve making gay marriage legal, but he did not enter office that way. He actually hated gays when he first got elected. And Trump has done quite a bit for the gay community. More than Obummer ever did!

The leftists blame Trump for this division in this country because of all those things. But anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows it was not Trump who divided this country. It was the leftists and their overly-dramatic sensitive feelings. Never, in the hundreds or so years we've been in this country, did anyone ever complain about any of this. Not until Obummer and Biden became head of the country. I blame all this more on Obummer than Trump. I don't blame Trump for any of it at all. The leftists' reaction to his presidency was not his fault. It was their's. Obummer brought back racism. So now, black people especially see racism where none exists. Notice only the leftist black people complain about racism. None of the conservatives do. Why is that? I also never hear conservatives complain about white privilege. Why? The leftists talk about it ALL the time. It's all they ever think about.

Also, I am half Mexican, with some Cherokee Indian. Why am I not on board with all the racism being spread around today? I am also fat. Sure I used to wonder why people think it's funny to call fat people names. But hey! That's their prerogative. If they want to, that's their free speech. But why does it not bother me today? Perhaps it is because there is no racism. What black liberals call "racism", other people just call "life". Most people know life is generally not fair. That's not because of the color of someone's flesh, or how much weight they carry. What doesn't work for one person, may work better for another. When I was living in Olympia, I had a surgery and there were not many places to go walking, so I didn't get much exercise and I had put on quite a bit of weight. Plus, I had discovered ice cream and fell in love with it. Well I wanted to go horseback riding on the beach. But they could not let me because I was too big. Do I blame that on thin privilege??? Hell NO!!! What it is, is what it is! No one can change that.

Well, in other news, Betty, my black-hooded rat female, had more babies today. It was a ray of sunshine. But her last litter is still here. I have 4 babies left out of 14. So I sold quite a few. One to my sis's friend. When my mom was here, she was like "Who'd want to buy a rat??!!" My mom never liked rats. But I think they are awesome pets. I also have some Roborovski's dwarf hamsters that were born around the same time as the ratlings. I am trying to find both animals new homes. I have 3 baby hamsters. My mom was so sure no one would want the rats. The rats have actually been the easy ones to sell. It's the hamsters I can't seem to unload!!! I started with 14 baby rats and now have only 4. I started with 3 baby hamsters, and still have all 3. Many people have inquired, no one has shown up. There's at least 3 people out there now who have expressed interest in these hamsters that have my name and address. But not one of them has ever shown up to even come see them.

Don't you just hate when that happens? People ask about your ad, ask for your address and phone number, and say they're going to come, and they never do. I got one inquiry yesterday who said she was interested. I gave her my address and everything. But I kinda figured out that she's not coming this morning when I hadn't heard anything more from her. But in the meantime, someone came and got 2 baby rats. I'm so glad they did, his little girl looked so sad. She just lost her guinea pig. So he got the rats for her to help mend her broken heart. That was sweet! I hope she and the ratlings get along good.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Supporting Black-Owned Businesses

This is a new thing they've got going on, especially on Amazon. Now, they are trying to get everyone to support businesses owned by black people. This is actually something I can get behind on. I personally love supporting small businesses. Some of them have the best items available. So, I'd be more than happy to support a business owned by a black entrepreneur. As long as the business has something that I really need. I don't shop for clothing much, and I don't eat out much so those kind of businesses are out. The problem is, most black-owned businesses don't have what I want, or what I need. I've never seen a pet store that was owned by a black person. They usually think those kind of things are boring. I don't know if there's an affordable grocery store out there owned by black people, and most convenience stores are owned by Asians. Sometimes I like going into book stores, or department stores, and even furniture stores. I don't go in asking if the store is owned by a black person before I shop. That's just not something I'm going to do. If it is, great! If it's not and they have something I need, then oh well. I'd get it regardless.

However, I do have some amount of sympathy for black entrepreneurs, because the BLM riots didn't give a shit about them, and destroyed their businesses. So, supporting them is something I wouldn't mind doing. As long as they have something I need.

Now, I'm not going to just go into a business just because it's owned by black people. I won't do that either. When there is something I need, I don't give a flying fig who or what owns the business, I'm going in to get what I need anyways.

One of the things that I love about being into pets is the kind of people who go around crashing windows and shouting "black lives matter!" usually think pet stores are boring. That's why I'm an odd duck. I love going into pet stores and seeing all the cute pets, and hopefully someday again find something unusual. Going to pet stores in the 90s was very exciting. That was back when they were carrying exotic animal pets. And I adore going to expos. The last one I went to this past year, my family were all worried about me going to Hillsboro because of the riots. But I wasn't worried at all. Because I knew Antifa and BLM would never go to a pet expo.

Unfortunately, all the good pet expos are in the south. Texas is very big on that kind of thing. One of these days though, I am going to just go there regardless. I want to bring home some very exotic animals. I want dormice again. I want duprasis again. I want pygmy mice again. I want all that cool stuff again. I want to bring all those exotics here again and have some real fun!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Disgrace To The Human Race

So, this is what the leftists voted for. Joe Blow FuckFace Biden has proven himself to be the biggest coward that ever set foot in the White House. Of course you all have heard by now about Biden pulling our troops out of Afghanistan. That means in his mind, the Taliban won the battle! Of course those of us that have 2 braincells to rub together knew Biden was going to cause a major screw-up like this! Many of the Afghan natives have begun trying to flee the country because they know what is going to come. The Taliban have already gone through the neighborhoods, knocking on doors and stealing teenage girls to use as sex slaves! But it has gotten even worse than that. Now, with the troops coming back to the USA, the Afghani citizens want to come back with them. They're getting so desperate, they've even begun hijacking rides to the US to get away from the tyranny of the Taliban. And when the planes take off, many are stuck holding on to the wings, and then this happens...

You see those 2 dots circled in the pic on the right? Those are desperate Afghani people who were clinging to this plane and couldn't hold on any longer. They fell hundreds of feet to the ground. There was also an incident where a man was clinging to the landing gear of a plane and was dismembered. What does this remind you of? I know what it reminds me of. It reminds me of this...

It all makes me feel sad. Sad for our country, sad for their country. But it also makes me angry! For those who voted for Biden, this is blood on YOUR hands!! As well as Biden's!! Anything that happens from now on in Afghanistan, or Pakistan or even Iraq, it's all on your hands! You didn't vote for Biden because he was good for this country. You just voted for him because you hate Trump. Imagine hating someone so much that it clouds your judgement. Hey! At least Biden doesn't post mean tweets.

Biden pulled our soldiers out of Afghanistan. But at least he doesn't post mean tweets. Thousands of people have died over the past 20 years trying to free Afghanistan. Biden won't even answer any questions or explain himself. But at least he doesn't post mean tweets. Instead of taking responsibility for his own actions, Biden blames Trump and the Afghan army. But at least he doesn't post mean tweets. Ahh!! FUCK THAT SHIT!!!! The beauty of being individuals is that we don't have to care about your feelings. Your feelings are yours! Not ours's to worry about. So what if Trump posted mean tweets?! Who cares?! No one else but Twitter fanatics care, and those people should probably not even be on Twitter in the first place!

Yes, in 2017, Trump said he'd pull our soldiers out of Afghanistan. But he didn't mean doing it in such a cowardly way as Biden did. Obama also said he'd pull the troops out of Afghanistan several years before Trump said it, but then he relented. Both Obama and Trump knew pulling our soldiers out would be a big mistake. But Biden put in the order to go ahead and do it. He was the only one who did. He's the only president who doesn't get it. Then he walked off the podium with his tail between his legs, without saying another word. Say what you want to about Trump, but I never saw no one jumping from a sky scraper or falling off an airplane when he was president! The only chaos that happened was Antifa and BLM going loony. But that can't even be blamed on Trump. Those were all the fault of the leftists!

This is the kind of cowardly lion the leftists voted for. Boy! I'm sure glad I saw the light and got away from the left. I guess I can thank the INXS fans for that. But that's all I can thank them for. So in a way, I think my dad's dying was a bit of a blessing in disguise. Once again, he was looking out for me, even from beyond the grave. Thank you Dad! I'm all so grateful he's not here to have to experience this shit going on in the world now. He's the lucky one!

Friday, July 16, 2021

I Warned You All

GOD is pissed off. And you know why? All this worshipping of a dumb criminal going on today! Just a couple days ago, a memorial to George Floyd was defaced. It wasn't done by vandals, nor was it done by white supremacists. Although that is probably what the leftists will tell you. It was done by GOD HIMself. God will not be mocked! Check this out...

This is the before and after pic of that mural. Notice in the after pic, you can see Floyd's chin. It is amazing how accurate the strike was. But then GOD is perfect in every way. An actual bolt of lightening struck that mural and destroyed it. When I saw this, I laughed!! First of all, that's a pretty terrible likeness of George Floyd. Second, he has no business being placed on a wall like he was some kind of hero. He wasn't a hero. He was a thug! Nothing more, and nothing less. GOD is sending a message to BLM. They'd better heed and repent.

BLM was founded by a couple of lesbian girls. Nowadays that's the only way to become famous, either you become gay, or you play video games or you become a cat person. Those are the only ways you can become famous now. Decent people, who love GOD and love this country and don't cry racism at every step, do not become noticeable. And it's so dumb to idolize a dead thug over GOD, who gave us all life and a savior (in Jesus). What did George Floyd give the world? Some shattered nerves and a phony $20 bill! We're all getting sick of hearing about George Floyd! And I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way. Otherwise, we wouldn't have these...

All these murals of George Floyd have been vandalized. This should have sent a message. And now, even GOD has gotten involved.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Pet Store

 I've been wanting to run my own pet store since I was a kid. I love pets and I wanted to be able to supply other people with lovable, adorable pets. Now that I am older, and have a lot of time on my hands, I can begin my business. I'm getting my start, buying up small pets and beginning to breed them to sell. I got some birds, I got a couple rats (though I will be looking for more), I'm getting my first rabbit. I think I even got my marbled newts to mate. One has a swollen belly. Whether that means she's ready to lay or not, I have yet to discover. But it does give me some hope. Right now, I am working on taming my rats. I got a hooded rex female named Betty, and an albino male named Boo. I have a lot more I want to get, and will get in due time. I have PLENTY of time too, to begin my store. I want to also sell Duprasis, acacia rats, dormice, short-tailed opossums, and spiny mice. I'm going to get each of these animals and breed them for the store myself.

As rodents go, I especially love the duprasis. They're better, and gentler, than hamsters! They rarely bite. I had a female that was a biter, but she still produced some lovable babies! Of course I also intend to carry hamsters too. What pet store doesn't carry hamsters? Also, I'm going to carry herps and birds as well. And also I won't skimp on pet supplies. But I am going to make sure I only carry good quality supplies. I want nothing but good quality everything! Quality matters! I also have started a website. The website is going to be how I sell these animals. When something comes up available, I'll put it up on the site. I will hold the items here for the customers, and either they can come pick them up, or I can deliver them (for a small fee) to their home. I also intend to carry tropical and saltwater fish. Though that might come later, when I get my own place, because I want to devote an entire outbuilding to them.

As rabbits go, I plan to breed Netherland Dwarfs. Maybe a few more breeds too, like angoras, lionheads, english lops and flemish giants. That should keep me very busy! I also still intend to breed dogs, but not for the pet store. As more of a side-hobby as I still intend to show my dogs too. However, since kids love puppies, what I am going to do is bring my litters into the store, and allow people to pet them, and get them well socialized. I just won't sell them that way. I have so many ideas to make this pet store the best pet store Oregon has ever seen! And it'll give me something to do in my twilight years. As it is now, I have nothing to do most days, except work on my stories and stuff. While that is fun, the pet store has always been my lifelong dream. I don't even have to do very good. I'd be happy even if I just made a few sales a day. This is more a labor of love for me.

So yes, I've decided to just ignore the people who tell me not to open a pet store, and just open one. Though actually opening a brick-n-mortar store will have to wait for later. So at first, everything is going to be online. I've already got a start. I just need to keep going and not give up.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The End of Tomboys?

Well, this may be a blow. This is the only post I am making this year linked to anything LGBTQ. Because frankly, I'm getting sick of hearing about them. I want to be fair to everyone, and I don't condone beating up LGBTQ people in the streets. As long as they keep to themselves and don't get in my face! But I am through playing with them. I basically just treat them the same way I treat all strangers. I don't talk to them unless they come to me. I just walk by and go on with my day. What I am sick and tired of is them sexualizing children. They got the right to marry whomever they want, that should be enough for them. But no, they want MORE rights. They want LGBTQ characters in every new movie or tv series. They want to market books to children about how to change your own gender. They even turned Sesame Street into a gay fantasy. I'm even seeing commercials with gay people in them. I understand how they want others to accept them, but they're going too far! Acceptance isn't good if it has to be forced.

For example, NO ONE on this planet can make me put any LGBTQ characters in my stories. Absolutely NO ONE!!! When you pay to watch a movie on my site, and you've seen it, you can think whatever you want about the characters. But as the author and owner of these characters, I can promise you, there are NO actual LGBTQ animals represented in my stories. I'm not like these woke softies who are going to apologize to the world for not using any form of LGBTQ in my stories. No way. If you don't like the stories, or the characters used in the stories, then that is your problem. That is not my problem. I don't care about inclusivity. I have colored characters, and I have fat and thin characters. But that's all I got as far as "representation" goes. I have never seen any need to put any LGBTQ characters in my stories. Mostly because I market to young adults. I don't want people reading my stories and thinking it's OK to fake being gay, just because it's the in thing now. I'm a "go against the grain" kind of person.

Another thing I find annoying is these stupid pronouns. A person cannot change their pronouns. Any more than they can change their nouns or adverbs. I don't see why pronouns are such a big issue now. And I refuse to use most of them. I'll never use them in my bio, because I really do not care what someone calls me. See, if I wanted to play this silly pronoun game, I could pass as a "they/them". Because I have always been a bit of a tomboy. I still am. I never played with dolls as a kid. I preferred toy cars and trucks. But I don't want to play this silly pronoun game. If you call me she, I won't be offended. If you call me he, I won't be offended. You can even call me it and I won't be offended. I think that's silly. I grew up with he and she being singular pronouns, and they and them being plural pronouns. I also use they and them when I am talking about someone and don't want to reveal who they are. Not even their gender. But there are people who call themselves "they/them" just because they want to. They think they're being cute or original. I'm not going to use they or them if I know who I'm talking about and it's just one person.

And this thing about using trans "women" to represent real women is just sickening. When I think of trans "women" or trans "men", I think of this guy...

On first glance, you'd think this is a rat or a mouse. Right? It looks like one. Round, naked ears and a naked tail, with clawed hands and feet. One could really be fooled by this animal's true identity. In fact, their english name is marsupial "mouse". But guess what. It's not a mouse. It is actually a true marsupial. But they got the name marsupial "mouse", because they look like a mouse. This one is a brown antechinus, which is their non-english name. This is what I think of when I hear trans "woman" or trans "man". They can look like the opposite gender all they want to, but they will never be that gender they see themselves as. Any more than this little guy will ever be a real mouse. And now, we are being forced (and in some cases, coerced) into playing along with these confused misfits. In Canada, you can actually be fined and jailed for "misgendering" someone. Not acceptable for those of us who don't care to play along.

Most of the time, when I see a child who is actually a little boy, but says he's a little girl, I think it's mostly the fault of the parents. Particularly the mom. There is a case of a little boy, who the mom wanted so badly to be a little girl, that she forced a girl's lifestyle on him. When he got older, he kept telling his mom he didn't even want to be a girl, but she kept pushing him to be a girl. I feel sorry for that child. And most of this shit about gender roles came from a guy named John Money. For those who do not know, John Money is a man who gained custody of 2 twin boys. One of the twins was raised as a boy, just like he should have. But because of a little error in circumsizing the other twin boy, John Money decided to raise the other twin boy as a girl. That little boy grew up miserable and wound up taking his own life when he was in his 30s.

People who are trans, or trans-supporters, will tell you trans people take their own lives because they don't feel accepted. I don't believe that to be 100% of the case. I believe they take their own lives because they hate themselves. That's why they want to become trans in the first place. They don't like the body they were born into, so the first step they take is changing their whole personality, and when that doesn't satisfy them, they take their lives. The leftists don't want to see that, but I believe that to be true. Sad as it is, it's closer to the truth than someone saying they kill themselves because they were not accepted. If you're proud of who you are, you stop giving a shit if other people accept you. And liberals are generally not proud of who they are. I know. Up until a few years ago, I was a liberal. Acceptance meant a lot more to me then than it does now!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sis Is Wise!

Well, my sis is on her way home after spending nearly a month here. Mya really misses her too. I mean REALLY misses her! I was talking to my sis on the speaker phone and after I hung up, I heard what sounded like an old man laughing deeply outside my bedroom window. At first I thought it was a kid playing around. But no other kid sounds were heard. Then I thought it was one of my diamond doves because I heard a soft coo and then "AH-AH-AH!!" But then my doves have never made that sound. And they aren't supposed to. It took me a minute to realize it was Mya, howling in her own unique way. When I went back into my bedroom, Mya was panting, running in circles on my bed. Then I took her and put her on the floor and she ran around the house, excitedly. She was panting and whimpering too. I knew then, she was looking for my sis! I mentioned my sis, and every time I mentioned her, Mya would look around and whimper some more.

Well, I had to put her out to go potty. The instant I opened the door, she ran out as if to be looking for something. I said "You really miss your auntie, don't you?" Her face would really light up then. I had to remind her that her auntie had to go home. When we got back from going out, Mya laid down in the middle of the living room, softly howling to herself. I felt so bad for her. But I couldn't help her. Just give her some loving.

Well, while my sis was here, there was an article trending. It was about a therapist (whom herself needs therapy). Her name is Dr. Aruna Khilanani and she spoke at Yale one day and told the students there that she actually fantasizes about killing white people. No real reason for doing it, she just wants to do it. Here is the racist murderer herself...

A lot of people were angered by her comment. I said I fantasize about shooting a hole through her fat lips! That was when I was banned from Facebook for 7 days. But again, not sorry! If she can talk about fantasies of killing white people, I can say the same thing about killing her. She even said she'd have no remorse in doing it. That means she'd kill the white person, then move on with a smile to kill another.

How does she think that makes the white students who attended her assembly feel? I'd be scared. I would not be able to trust her. Let alone want to be in the same room with her! If she killed all white people she saw, that means she'd take away my mom, my stepfather, my little brother, and my Timmy! I wouldn't want that to happen. My mom and stepfather are the only parents I have now, that my dad is gone. And I do love my family, and Timmy. I'd be furious if anything happened to them at the hands of this psycho-chick! And now this chick is saying all white people are psychotic, natural-born killers. Well, if that's true, then why is it blacks who are committing 50% of all crimes? First blacks, then latinos. I should be offended by that statement, because I am latino. But I'm not. Because sadly, it's the truth. But you mention blacks commit 50% of the crimes in the USA, especially to a leftist black person, and they get outrageously angry! They get more angry than what is normal. I can literally put my finger on 100 videos I have seen where black people get outrageously angry over almost nothing.

So, why doesn't this woman say she wants to kill all black people? Surely, if she'd replaced "I want to kill all white people" with "I want to kill all black people", she would have been hella-scorned, had her license revoked, and banned from speaking at any University ever again. Well, she got the scorn alright, from people all over the internet. But as of this writing, she hasn't been banned from speaking (although I don't think many universities are going to invite her over ever again), and her license has not been revoked. Maybe that's why she doesn't say it. Or maybe she won't say it for the same reason the leftists let black criminals get away with anything, because she feels sorry for them.

My sis almost didn't believe that anyone could say anything so cruel. She believes the media blew up what she said, once again, to turn the races against each other. I thought about that for a second, because that indeed is the normal agenda for the mainstream media today. I figured she must be right. This woman's words were probably exaggerated. Maybe she didn't really mean it the way it came out. But it still made me angry. To think this woman can just wipe out my family like that and not have any remorse for doing it. And no reason to do it. Just because she feels like it. But I still think she is the one who is psychotic!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Creepy JoeBlow Is Back!

OMG! Creepy Joe is back again! He was in a conference, when he told everybody how a 9-year old "looks like a 19-year old sitting with her legs crossed". Seeing him sniffing children's hair was weird enough. Now he's saying a 9-year old looks 19. Now, you all know that if Trump had said that, we'd never hear the end of it. CNN and MSNBC would be twisting that story, adding more BS to it, dragging it around for months, being quick to call Trump a pedophile, and adding all kinds of other shit to the story to a point it wouldn't be recognizable anymore. But does anyone say anything when JoeBlow says it? No. They're all more concerned about the kind of ice cream Joe likes. Well, I'm going to say something about it. Get this pedophile the fuck OUT of the WH!!!! I'm tired of him! I've been tired of him. I never wanted him as president in the first place. Obama was bad enough. If I ever met Obama in person, I'd punch him in the gut! I'm mad at him for the way he divided this country!

Ya know, shortly after I rejoined Facebook, I found out Timmy had an account with them. I asked him to become my Facebook friend, but he didn't accept. Well, I recently found out he did not reject my request. When I see his profile, it still says "Friend Request Sent". Maybe I should rescind that. As much as I love Timmy, if he's a JoeBlow supporter, I don't want to know about it! If he supports a criminal organization like black lives matter, I don't want to know about it. I just want to remember him the way he was when I met him; a kind, happy gentleman that I adore. It was bad enough when I found out Garry Beers supports Joe Biden. So does Richard Lowenstein. Garry also supports the "adopt don't shop" movement. I still like Garry a lot. He was fun to meet too. But he is such a leftist, makes me question his integrity. I feel bad for him too, I just heard recently his boxer died. I wanted to say something to him, but I'm in Facebook jail now.

Yes, once again, I am in Facebook jail! LOL! But I am not sorry. Come to think of it, I've never been sorry for being put in Facebook jail. Every reason I've been in facebook jail is because of something I've said, or felt, that I do not regret saying. Because it's TRUE!!! But this time really took the cake. On one of the papillon groups I am in, someone had their little pap in their backyard when an unknown assailant came along and shot their dog down dead! A sweet little papillon dog, so beautiful and innocent, and some dumbass came along and gunned him down in his own backyard for no reason! I said if I would have found the person who did it, I'd want to kill them! ANY pet lover would do the same I'm sure. Well, someone didn't like it that I said that (probably the perpetrator themself) and reported my comment to Facebook and I got put in jail for 3 days. Sorry, not sorry. I would kill someone who shot my dog! I'm sure Zucko would do the same if someone shot his dog. My animals are my world! Anyone destroys my world will feel the wrath of Hell. You should have seen how pissed off I got when I even thought someone I used to know sent evil spirits to kill my Groucho. I wanted to wring that person's neck!!

Anyway, as much as I love Timmy, I'm scared to become his friend on Facebook. I mean that. I just don't want to know it if he's a leftist too. I'm scared it might ruin all images I've kept of him in my head over the years. I don't want to lose that. So, I think I should withdraw my offer to add him to my friends. If Michael is a leftist, then I also don't want to know it. But he's no longer with us, so no chance of ever finding out if he's a Biden supporter. Although he did have a picture of Che Guevara on one of his shirts. He was a far-leftist dictator whose army killed a lot of innocent people. But I don't know if I can blame Michael for that, or if it was a shirt handed to him by a deluded fan. Remember JD Fortune and the PETA shirts? JD didn't get those shirts on his own. They were given to him from PETA or some PETA-supporting fans that insisted he wear it. Fans often do that when they meet their favorite celebrities. They push their beliefs on them. We can only hope those celebs have the gumption to refuse once those fans are out of their faces. I hope JD doesn't really support PETA!! Just like I hope Michael didn't really support Che Guevara. Both would be bad news!

Well anyway, my sis is coming up for nearly a whole month. We're gonna have fun! I've been getting lots of good news lately. My sis is coming up here for a while, my mom is buying a farm, and she says I get to come over and play with the baby chicks! I can hardly wait! And thank GOD she's decided not to move to Nashville! After the riots that happened there last Christmas, she decided it was too risky to move there. Besides, my mom just had her first (and probably only) grandchild ever. She wouldn't want to move from that! And as far as I know, he's doing fine!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...