Tuesday, February 22, 2022

This Week's Asshat

Take a look at the dumbass of the week.

This is P. Worth Thompson. I think his name says it all. He ain't worth P! I see that face and I believe I am looking at pure evil. There is nothing behind those soulless eyes! Nothing but empty space. I'll tell you right now, if I saw this coming at me on the street, I'd turn and walk away, or run to the other side of the road as fast as I can! Those are the eyes of a serial killer!

Anyway, I first saw this hack on Jon Farriss's page. He was supposedly a fan of Jon's. Not anymore. This all started with Jon posting how he cannot wait to join Trump's new social media platform. I haven't joined yet either. But I will. I can only get it on my tablet, and I haven't opened up my tablet in a few days. I don't understand why Trump doesn't just release it as a website. But oh well! Well, all the damn leftards on his page are saying how upset they are at Jon for even talking about joining Trump's website. A lot say they're leaving. But really only a few have. As for little mister P. Worth Thompson, he not only announced he's leaving, but he also called Jon an "asshat". This was the first post I read from this guy.

Well, I love Jon. He's my most favorite drummer man in the world! I even tease him a little in my stories. Being the youngest in my family, I like to poke a bit at another last born person. hehe! I didn't like this jerk calling Jon names like that. Although I truly do not believe Jon cares. I'm just like a mama bear. I am unable to post from my usual account on Facebook now, so I am using my alternate account...

He saw this, and probably looked at my bio in my profile and said this...

One of his little retarded leftist friends also liked this comment of his. But that's OK. I've used this line many times myself. hehe! One of my best lines on YouTube. Can't expect anything different from leftists. This was my response...

True. I don't personally care if he thinks I'm not worthy. I never care what leftists think. But I love to have fun with them! I love to prod at them and make them go absolutely crazy. Of course, looking at this guy's profile picture, I think GOD beat me to it. He looks crazy to me! And he's a leftist, and leftists are always crazy! This is how I knew he had looked at my profile.

LOL! This is what it says on my profile for this account...

From this, he deciphered my whole life. Keep in mind, this is my alternate Facebook account. I don't say much on it. I'm certainly not going to show where I went to school on here. This is what it says on his profile...

OK so I was the one who added "And complete asshat" to his profile! LMAO!!! Look at that description! Not only is this guy crazier than a loon, he's a narcissist too. But then again, ALL leftists are narcissists. And if he's an acolyte for Austrian schools, you couldn't pay me to go there! "World traveler" ugh! Doesn't mean shit either! I have no desire to travel the world. There's no place like the good ol' USA! And I have been around this country. I plan to travel some more in the coming years! Going to attend some bird expos and exotic animal expos. That's MY fun!

Anyway, this was my response to his last comment...

Yeah, he wishes he could be right about what I do in my life. Too bad he's way off! Because he scrambled around for info about me and couldn't find it. I'm happy, I'm comfortable, I got what I want, so, no dreams were sacrificed. Too bad P. Worth Thompson! In fact, the only dream of mine that has not been fulfilled is becoming a delivery driver for DoorDash. But even that is coming soon.

This was his response...

Oh! No wonder this idiot hates Trump so much. In leftist ideology, he's just like Trump; hates the poor. He hates the poor so much, he extorts it to people he disagrees with! That's what he's saying when he says "Go collect your SSI check". LMAO!!! This was my response...

I've met the guys several times, yes I do think Jon is a real charmer! I loved that guy! And my respect for him after reading that he supports freedom, has escalated three-fold! And no, I really don't care what this idiot-jerk thinks of me. Remember, I said I stopped caring what the fans think of me now. I meant it too. Except for the few I truly consider friends.

This was his response...

Definitely NOT Jon! Jon is PLENTY smart! He's smart enough not to listen to the mainstream media. He's smart enough not to follow the herd. All the things the leftists do now, are all things Hitler did when he was in charge. We didn't experience any of this from Trump's administration. And yet, he's the one the leftists liken to Hitler! That's how we all know the leftists listen to the media only. Well, one woman on this thread claims she doesn't listen to the media, and said she didn't even have cable. But you know what? I've heard that so many times from leftists. Personally, I think the leftists who say they don't watch the mainstream media, are lying!!! How else is it they repeat the same talking points as the media passes out?

Anyway, this was my last response to him...

Well, there it is! He thinks Jon is "willfully ignorant", I think P Worth Thompson is dumb. From this point, like Katrina says, I dropped the mic. I won't be responding to any more of his silly, petty little posts. I got what I wanted. I had my fun. Besides, I got sick of seeing his ugly face! After all this back and forth with him, this is what he looks like to me...

I looked through his pictures, I see no evidence of him having a family of his own, not even a dog! If he has no wife and no dog, then he isn't a real man. He's ugly enough he probably keeps about 50 cats in his house, and probably smells like a litter box! He may even be covered in fleas! For all I care about him, he can go suck on those cats and enjoy it!

**********************************EDIT TO ADD******************************

I looked in on my Facebook notifications, and I notice P. Worth Thompson is still foaming at the mouth about me. But I've already made up my mind I am done with this guy. So, I didn't even look to see what he wrote. LOL!! But let him go on, and on, and on, and on, however long he wants to.

In other news, I found out Timmy does not support freedom like Jon does. Damn it!! That's a damn greek tragedy!! Timmy has been disappointing me all the way! I'm thinking now it probably should be Jon I love instead of Tim!!

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