Saturday, July 25, 2009
Colossal Jerks!!
I know I have, and every time I have, I just want to find the bastards and pull them out of their car, and say right to their faces "Say it to me again?" Then give them the smackdown!!! People who shout insults from a moving vehicle are nothing but cowards, plain and simple! That's why they only do it from inside their car, because they're scared of what the person they're insulting will do to them. It catches up with them eventually. I found another video of a man who was so pissed off by an insult that he caught up with the boys who were doing it. I mean really, fun is fun, but this is just plain stupid!
I have had some people do the strangest things this way. One time my sis Anna and I were waiting for a bus and some guy drove by and just pointed at us. Didn't say a word, just pointed. Another time we were waiting for the bus at a bus station, and some guy gave us what sounded like a Tarzan yell! LOL! I shouted to the guy "You think you're Tarzan?" And Anna told me to be quiet cuz she thought he had a gun or something and was going to come back around and shoot us. He didn't! After I said that to that asshole, he and his friends drove away and we never saw them again. Well, here's the video I found of the guy who caught up with some of these kind of idiots, and he confronted them angrily. Notice the morality of the drive-by insulters. They were like "We didn't do it!" when they know they did (it's in the introduction).
I think more people need to catch up with guys like that, and confront them. I wouldn't have let them off like this guy did! If that guy would have said to me "It wasn't me, it was the guy in front of me!" I'd have said "Bullshit!" and then I'd have pulverized all of them, I don't care which one was actually responsible. hehe!
Seriously though, I'm not going to do that in real life, but I always feel like it when I come across someone like that! They need to be confronted more often. I give kudos to this guy. Only kids and teenagers think this kind of BS is funny. Few of them carry this kind of behavior into adulthood. I always say there are 3 kinds of people you should NEVER trust: 1) people who do drugs. 2) people who enjoy child pornography. And 3) people who make fun of fat people. I've seen it happen over and over again. Those people absolutely can not be trusted, no matter what. The only thing that isn't illegal now is people who make fun of fat people, but anyone who does, there is no telling what else that person will do. You cannot trust them at all! They may seem nice to some people, but anyone who would do that I've noticed, are usually very angry and negative people, and I've come across several who were just plain nuts. No telling what else they will do. And I tell you, I barely trust people who drink. I cannot say I don't trust them at all because I have friends and family who consume alcoholic beverages on a daily basis. Though none of them drink excessively, they all know when to quit. They never let it get to a point where it impairs their judgement.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Classic Commercials!!
This is what Anna and I are trying to do. We have a few old commercials from the mid-to-late 80s and early 90s, and we are trying to preserve them on DVD disks. I even have some from the late 90s. Back then, all my shows always came on while I was still asleep, so I had to record them commercials and all. It wasn't until 5 years later that I realized how much fun it was to watch commercials that turned out to be classics! Especially the ones you don't see anymore. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that one commercial (for Foldier's Coffee) that ran back in 1999 is still running today!! I have the original version (it's changed just slightly enough to notice). Some commercials I guess are timeless. One commercial that is a classic that I hope I never see again is that damn commercial for tootsie pops!! The dumb one where the kid goes up and says "Mr. turtle, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?" And then the turtle directs him to Mr. Owl. It was the owl who discovered it only took 3 licks. Anyway that commercial SUCKS for a classic!!! I've had to view that damn commercial every year, and every commercial break throughout my life!! I hate it!! But last night I did see some commercials I enjoyed. Many I haven't seen since I was a kid!! Some I even remember how they got their icons! LOL!
Well, here's a few samples of commercials I've found. This first one is a collection of commercials from the 70s, 80s and today:
Here's another set of commercials from the 1980s:
These are a series of commercials from 1986. Kinda long.
From 1987:
From Christmas of 1987:
From 1989 (or 1988):
From 1986:
From 1988:
From 1989:
Also from 1989:
Commercials from 1987 to 1988:
From 1988:
From 1988 (I'm no tiger!! Except when it comes to being lazy!)
From 1987:
From 1986 and 1988:
From 1987 and 1988:
From 1987:
From 1987:
From 1987:
From 1987:
From 1987:
From 1987:
From 1989:
Now for some earlier commercials:
From 1983. "Timtarts", now I have a new nicky for Timmy! hehe! He'd probably hate me for this one! LOL!
From 1983. Sorry, there is no embed feature:
Now for some of my favorite Christmas commercials:
This one ran from 1987 to 1989, and then I never saw it again:
This one began in 1990, and I found out it still comes on to this day!
This is actually from the 70s, and ran until the early 80s:
What a stroll through memory lane!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Also, what is with the new obsession over guinea pigs in the movies? You never used to see them at all, not even as the performers' pets. Seems now there is always a new movie with guinea pigs. This time it's a movie called G-Force. Guinea pigs are cute, but the only guinea pig I've ever seen that I liked was one my sis had named Charlie. He was the sweetest guinea pig you'd ever meet!! After him, I've never seen one I liked. I personally like rabbits better. I once had a rabbit that'd lick your face! Even Charlie wouldn't lick anyone's face. I remember my sis got him for free in the newspaper. I didn't want a guinea pig in my house, but I met Charlie and he was a sweetheart, so I welcomed him with open arms. :)
Personally though if I were going to go for any kind of small furry exotics, I want a ferret. I like ferrets. In doing my research, I found that the only thing stopping me from getting a ferret is that I've heard some conflicting opinions on how to take care of them. On one website, it suggests babysitting a friend's ferret before actually getting one. My problem is I don't know anyone with a ferret! There is a thing that any new ferret owners have to do and that is to ferret-proof the house. That means I cannot have any cords lying around! And this is for the life of the ferret! Not like the first year and then after that you can leave the cords around again. Ferrets are like puppies that never grow up. Some may get lazier in their old age, especially if you spay or neuter them. But then there is something else: Ferrets are very prone to adrenal disease and something called Aleutian Disease Virus, which is like parvovirus in dogs, and there is no cure. Ferrets, like cats, have a tendency to hide their symptoms, so by the time the ferret starts looking and acting sick, it's too late to save it. I hurt bad enough when I lost my Groucho, I'm not sure I want to go through that again!
Yeah, I know, sometimes I can be a pussy! But I don't want to deal with all that. Those are the only things stopping me from getting a ferret. If it wasn't for those, I'd be happy to get a ferret! Ferrets are illegal in California, not that that affects me, but still. It could happen here. All it takes is a population of loose feral ferrets and boom! We've got a problem in this state. And you know who is responsible for those kind of things happening? You got it! Irresponsible people! Nothing in this life annoys me more than irresponsible people!!! That's why I did my research, and have not yet gone out and bought a ferret. I'm still in the thought process. I'm not like the DDM wants to think I am. I may think of getting something, but that doesn't mean I'm going to just go out and just get it. I like to put quite a bit of thought in the process. I like to look at the pros and cons and weigh them carefully. I learned my lesson about impulse buys back after I lost Hutchess in 1998. Believe me, it won't happen again with this old gal! LONG story there, and one I don't want to get into here. In my defense, I was only 24 and still learning how the World turns. And the way I raised myself is very different from the person my parents (and my sisters) made of me.
I remember back in 2005, I was thinking about getting a kitten. I was craving a kitten. I don't know why, it just happened suddenly. But I mentioned on my old MSN blog that I was thinking about getting a kitten, but I also mentioned that I have a hard time bonding with cats and thinking of them as real pets. That's how I am! Like it or hate it, that's how I am about cats. I don't really like them near me. But I like kittens. All of a sudden, the DDM were flooding my blog, and snapping at me like a bunch of loud-mouth, yapping, pekingese dogs. Of course I say everyone is entitled to their opinion, but these dumbasses were acting like I had already went out and got a kitten. Not just the DDM, but also some people from the Switchboard were joining in on bashing me. LOL! It was almost hysterical!! I know who they were. She said, "It's interesting that someone who sees herself as a good breeder of chihuahuas is thinking about getting a kitten when she knows she's just going to throw it away." I said "If chihuahuas were a breed of cat, I'd say you had a point." Honestly, what the Hell does my feelings for chihuahuas have to do about my feelings for cats?? Absolutely NOTHING!!! Chihuahuas are not cats!! That individual was just trying to justify a deep resentment she obviously had for people who do not like her favorite animals. Well, I still don't bond well with cats. That will likely never change!
And just for you readers out there, I never did get that kitten, and my decision had NOTHING to do with the dim-wits who griped on my blog! Though when we had rat problems in the house I came pretty close to getting a cat to eliminate the rats. But I thought it over hard, and said "No. I'd get a jack russell terrier before I'd ever get a cat!" I'm not even really that fond of JRT's! But I like them better than cats!
I don't hate cats. There's a big difference between hating something and just not liking something. Some people don't see that difference, but there is a difference. My problem with cats is I just don't like them in my house! If they're in someone else's house, that's different. I'll pet them, play with them, give them a little affection. That's as far as it goes though. In my house, all I ever want to do is get away from them.
And speaking of "you know whom", so much for nobody caring about these blogs!!! Over the past 2 months, I've gotten more than 2000 views!!! I just haven't had much time these past few weeks to post on this blog. Still planning a nation-wide tour. Some people make their way up by using people who have already gotten up. I'm not like that. I'm working hard to get this site going! The tour is just the first step. There's lots more to do! I'll try to have announcements made on the UMG site about what will be going on, and where we will be showing up at.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Horses.........and More Horses!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Syndication Sucks!!!
So if you are thinking of getting the Alf or Mama's Family series on DVD, be forewarned, you'll be paying good money for something you can basically get for free if you just record it off the television yourself!! I'm sure some channel somewhere still plays those series. Don't waste good money getting the DVD's!!! You'll be very sorry! Believe me, my sis is sorry she ever got those DVDs of the Alf series, and she likes Alf!! Now, not all series on DVD are like that. The Cosby Show, Little House on the Prairie, and Punky Brewster on DVD are all equipped with the full versions. I know this for sure. My sis still has Punky Brewster and the Cosby Show still on VHS that she recorded when the series first ran on television back in 1984 and 85. And we are going down the line for Little House and I notice scenes on these disks I've never seen before. So I know these have to be the full versions. It's much better to pay good money for these.
Well, this is another step in our downsizing program, getting rid of the VHS tapes and recording them all onto DVDs. Some we are just recording for the commercials. Some of the commercials are from the mid to late 1980s and so they are commercials you don't see anymore. They are worth recording. I like to watch old commercials and say "I remember this!" and then take a brief stroll down memory lane. Back in the mid-80s, I noticed commercial breaks were no more than a minute long! Now, they are 5 minutes long. And some stations put commercial breaks in the dumbest places!!!!!! I've seen some stations put commercial breaks right in the middle of a sentence! Like someone on the show could be talking to someone about something, then right in the middle of a sentence (sometimes even right in the middle of a word) Boom! There's a damn commercial break!!! These TV stations really need to plan their commercial breaks better! I don't mind commercial breaks, but don't put them in the middle of a sentence in the show! Or in the middle of action! Like one time I was watching a show, and a man was making advances to a woman, and the woman threw the man on the bed, there came a commercial break, right in between the time she grabbed him and when he landed on the bed! It was a dumb place to put a commercial.
But this is one of my biggest pet peeves, syndication! Why pay good money for a series on DVD where all the series is nothing more than the syndicated versions of the show, when you can get all that for free recording it off the television? Of course if you want to spend the money on the DVDs, that's your choice to make! Personally, I might as well save the series that we recorded off the TV. At least some of them are the full versions and have old commercials to go along with them. Of course, I wouldn't record any of today's commercials!! All that ever seems to come on anymore are commercials for medications that you cannot even get without perscriptions (and I've had enough of those as spam e-mails!! I don't care to see them on TV!) or are 10-minute long infomercials!! So, today's commercials are stupid and worthless!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A Happy Camper
I made a big, stupid mistake with selling my old stereo though, I forgot to include the damn remote control!!!! UGH!! When I saw that remote on my bed, where it always layed, after I had sold the stereo, I was like "Oh NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I feel so bad, and the worst thing is now I have no way of getting in touch with the person who bought that stereo! I don't even have a clue if that person was a resident of this town or a visitor! Well, she cannot do very much without the remote control. I can only hope if she is a resident that she comes back and tries to get the remote from me, or if she was a visitor to this town, that she comes back again next year or something. The remote is now sitting in our hall closet, waiting to be reunited with the stereo, if that buyer ever decides to come back for it. I feel so bad! The night before I kept telling myself not to forget the remote when I set my stereo out! I kept saying it over and over again! And what happens? I put the stereo out and completely forgot about the damn remote!!! Well, it is still here, and it will always be here. Until that buyer comes back to claim it, or I just get tired of looking at it. I only wish I knew where she was from at least!
Well, I finally got my Bose stereo, and I couldn't be happier. This has been a great month for me. First I get my Bose stereo that I've been wanting for years, then along comes Minnie! Minnie is the latest member of my little "pack". She's an ex-breeder papillon dog, and I love her to pieces!!! She's got some champion lines, so she's a good-looking papillon! I love the breed! She's registered as a red and white, but she looks more lemon and white. Her red is very pale. I don't know if paps' colors dull with age like with some chihuahuas, but Minnie looks more lemon than red. I love her ears!!! I had the option to buy her as a breeder, but Anna and I said no. I don't care to do that again. Anna won't let me anyway. LOL! I just got her as a loving pet. Minnie is younger than Odessa, only 4 years old. So she has a lot of good years left in her to just be a lap top friend.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Who'd Have Thought?
I'm still completely convinced that he was a child molester. I was looking in on a video on YouTube, and one person commented about Jackson and Farrah Fawcet dying on the same day. His quote went something to the effect of "When Farrah Fawcet died, GOD told her that she lived such a good life and as a reward he was going to grant her one wish. Farrah said she wanted all the children of the World to be safe. So GOD killed Michael Jackson." That is so feasible, I'd bet it's true! LOL! It could explain why Farrah and Michael died on the same day! LOL! of course I know the person was joking! But it is so believable!!
Well, we spent this weekend having a yard sale, and we sold quite a bit! Yesterday, Anna and I made over $44. Poor ma though she only made about $2. I felt bad for her, so I said a prayer for her last night that today she'd do better. Sure enough she did. She made more than $30, and Anna and I made more than $23. I can now get my dream stereo!! I've always wanted a stereo from Bose, and now I am finally going to get one! I've heard so much about their stereos, and the small size saves space! So, I'm a happy camper now. And ma and John are officially moved in now. Going to be a lifetime of fun from here on out. Well, either way, ma said the next time she moves out I get her antique china hutch!! I can hardly wait. I think I'm going to have it restored. The lock worked at one time, but it doesn't anymore, so I'm going to get that restored. I found grandma's old jewelry box, when I get ma's china hutch, I'm going to put grandma's jewelry box in it too, along with all the other things ma has in there already. She showed me the set of glasses that her grandma and grandpa got on their 50th wedding anniversary, so they are REAL antiques. I'm so fascinated by antiques! So I'm pretty excited about getting this china hutch from ma. She said she just doesn't want to move it again, so she said if it ever comes down to her moving, I'm going to get it. So it won't hurt me that bad if she and John decide to move again. But I really don't want to see that happen soon. Ma encountered some turbulence with John just before he moved here, so I was beginning to think it was over before it even got started. But he's calmed down now. Which is good.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Well, I did it, I made an advertisement video for the dog book. I want to see how many people like it before I really decide to activate it on the UMG site. Yes the music is real. LOL! I always like to add music to these little videos I make, and classical is perfect. It kinda gives it a good feel. Though I know some people don't like classical music, you gotta admit in the movies it gives the movie a certain atmosphere. I don't know what it is, something magical, and unexplainable. Either way, it grabs my attention. Listening to the music alone is not really that great, but when you combine classical music with motion picture, it really tells a story!! Anyway, that's why I love those old 1940s cartoons better than the cartoons we have today. If you listen to the background music, it makes watching the picture more fun. Today, loud electric guitars and keyboards have replaced the symphonic violins, horns and woodwinds! Not saying I don't like electric guitars, mind you! They're wonderful if I am listening to rock music! But not when I am trying to watch a cartoon or a movie.
Anyway, this may be one of my best little advertisement movies yet! I took some of the most fascinating dog breeds and gave a little info about them and put the words and pics to music. I am also putting this movie up on my Facebook and Twitter. Hope y'all like the movie!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Shame On Me!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson's Dead
Well my heart does not bleed purple peanut butter for him. He's in Hell where he belongs. And all those plastic surgeries he had, he should have quit while he was ahead. He used to be real cute, back when he was his natural self. He should never have tried to become something he's just not. And he should never have been allowed near children! I will sertainly not miss him. Besides now I have bigger fish to fry. I just started this book about horses that I've always said I am going to start. It's the first time ever I've written a book about horses! Usually I've always done books about dogs. I've done like 5 dog books in my life, mostly for the fun of it, not to get it published. The first one was when I was in the 5th grade. The second one in Middle School. The 3rd one I think was in High School. Then again in 2000, and now I just completed another, but it is the same one I did back in 2000, so I don't know if it counts as a "5th" book. It's just got some updates. Someone said I should release that book to the public. But I don't know. To have one copy printed is going to cost $113, and that includes the shipping. If I sold this book to the public, I'd have to charge that PLUS the cost of the manuscript. A lot of work went into that manuscript, so it'd be a lot! Around $150 if I were to sell bound copies, including the shipping, which the cheapest is $3.75 per book. It'd be easier to just release this book as an e-book. Then I just charge for the manuscript, and leave out the cost of binding, packing and shipping. That would make it about $40 or so. That's IF I decide to put it on the UMG site. I have some red tape to go through with my supervisor and web designer. I'll have to think about it.
This book about horses though, I just might release it on the site for sure.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Book is DONE!!!!
Well, I've just put the finishing touches on the cover this morning and now I have a full printable book! Cool! The book is going to cost me $113! This is why I won't sell printed copies to the public. I'm kinda on the fence about selling it in e-book fashion. E-books are cheaper than printed copies though. But then I guess that price isn't so bad, look at the Atlas of Dog Breeds, by TFH Publications. That book costs a pretty penny too. Basically all it is is a picture book of dog breeds. It does talk about the history and character of each breed, but not to the extent that I do. Plus I put in information about choosing puppies, finding the right breeder, puppy mills, I even talk about mixes. Well, I had to put in a little article about the myths and facts about mixed breeds so someone would know. I even go into deep discussions about health care and nutrition, and even talk about senior dogs and how to care for them. I learned a lot too having reworked this book! I didn't realize how much I had forgotten until I had to type everything from my old copy to this new one.
Well, anyway, the book is done. Thank goodness!! I'm planning another book here soon. All about horses, my second love.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Vegas!!!
Next year will be a milestone for him. I want to see if he lasts me longer than Groucho. Sadly he never met Groucho, or her unborn babies, which is a dirty shame, because then they could have been playmates together. If he does make it, I know what would be cute for a voice blog next year. Only thing is, I may not have the money to do it with. Nuts!! But I can at least try it, and see what happens.
Anyway, here is the video:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Hell With PETA!
Speaking of which, you'd better get all the pets you think you'll ever need now. Because I read somewhere that PETA is getting the government to pass a bill saying that you cannot breed pets anymore. PETA is getting it passed through congress, and you know Obama is dumb enough to sign the bill!! Sometimes I don't think he ever reads the bills he is passing! PETA doesn't want anyone to breed purebreed dogs, they want everyone to own mutts from the pound. While in some ways that is a nobile gesture, think of the future of pets. In 10 years time, there will be no more dogs and cats at all. Except for maybe ferals, and ferals don't always make good pets. Sometimes they take weeks of getting accustomed to living inside the home. I seriously do not like these PETA jerks! I think they go too far! And they're just plain dumb!
I remember some months ago, there was this guy on Facebook named Chris Grant, from Hamilton, Ontario. Could have been a fake name. But he said he hated meat eaters. Then he called me a sadist who likes to see animals in pain (because I eat meat). Then this is the funny part: He said that I was slandering him because I said he's one of those PETA supporters! LOL!! I told him to go ahead and call his lawyer. He said so many things that were in conjunction to what PETA fights for that I found it totally unfeasible that he was not indeed a PETA supporter. Or a supporter of one of those kind of ARA organizations! Just the fact that he thought everyone should agree with everything he said and believed him and follow his example was proof enough for me. I told him we were made to eat meat, and that is what I am going to do. Chimpanzees ate meat, and they are our closest wild relatives, and they do eat meat on occasion. He argued that the Bonobo (or pygmy chimpanzee) is actually our closest relative and he said, NOT me! He said that they are solely vegetarian. Well, surprise! Surprise! Bonobos eat just as much meat as common chimpanzees! And us! Well most of us. I tend to eat more meat daily than a lot of other people do. I told the people in that group that I am ignoring Chris from now on because he admitted that he liked to argue and "hand people their asses", and I would not give him that satisfaction. So, I began to ignore him. I just whisked right by his posts, didn't look nor nothing! LOL! Besides, I found most of his arguments were nothing but BS anyway. Just like those of PETA. He only spoke half-truths and outright lies. And then the only half of the truths he spoke were the half that made him and his beliefs sound authentic. Again, just like PETA.
I'll tell you, I don't want to be a vegetarian if that is an example of what it does to your brain!! I have enough fricken brain-problems as it is now!! LOL!! I don't need it to get worse than it is!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Out With Gun Dogs
The man who first created "labradoodles" only did it to give the blind who were allergic to animals a dog they can have trained to guide them. That person NEVER meant to start this mass-hysteria and obsession that people have today with these designer mutts. In fact, as I understand it, he's sorry he ever unwittingly got the ball rolling on this fad. Most people today who are breeding "labradoodles" don't know what they're doing! If a person is going to create a real breed, then what they should do is either do it themselves, or get within a group of friends, who they can trust, who would know what they are doing, and breed them that way. But that's not how people today are doing with the "labradoodles". People are taking a purebreed labrador and a purebreed standard poodle, breeding them together, thinking it's going to create pups that are healthier, do not shed, and have better temperaments than their parents. But that is not so. That's why I say people who breed designer mutts don't know what they are doing.
I remember when Obama was looking for a dog, and one of his choices was a labradoodle. Someone on the Star Celeb said he should get a labradoodle because she had one and it was the best dog she ever owned. I was like "Big deal?! So you had one that was a good dog. It had nothing to do with the breeding, you were just LUCKY." The fact is, you cannot describe a mongrel like you can a purebreed. That's one of my biggest pet peeves is people who do that! Some of the worst dog attacks on humans have been performed by mongrels. One of the first dogs I ever had was a collie/St. bernard cross, and she used to lash out at people for no reason. And she was just a puppy then! I shudder to think what she would have been like as an adult! That's why we only had her for a few months. But purebreed St. bernards, it's safe to say, are very laid back and gentle. But it is not safe to predict what a mongrel will and will not be like. Responsible breeders will keep the best and cull the rest. That's why I made such a lousy breeder!! I could never cull a puppy!! Broke my heart enough when I got stillborn pups!! But that is what you are supposed to do when you are creating a new breed.
I tell you, after reading some of the historical bits on some of these breeds that were almost wiped out by mongrelizers and bad breeders, I have a new respect for show breeders!! I still don't like most of their people skills though. LOL! But I remember that person who wanted to breed chi-poms said that I didn't deserve my dogs because I didn't agree with mixing breeds and blah-blah-blah. And I was like "What in the HELL has mixing breeds got to do with my dogs?!!" LOL! Some people are too stupid to live!!! Oh that was another thing, that person who posted the private post on my guestbook said she hopes I never have a dog because I told about the bad points in breeding. Again I said what does that have to do with my dogs? Again, some people are just too stupid to live. But at least she gave me a good laugh. She's probably just jealous because my dogs look better than her's. I still say she's evil though. But she's great for laughs. And for those wondering, I told Trisha about her, and Trisha's response was "What a total JERK!!!" She said anything I say about that jackass she'd very well deserve. I was shocked!! Trisha doesn't normally think like that. LOL!! Just goes to show the only kind of people who would say "You don't deserve your dogs!" or "I hope you never have a dog!" are people with no brains. Especially if the only reason they say it is because I don't think irresponsible, or clueless, people should be breeding dogs. I cannot wait to see what laughs that person gives me next year. To reiterate, I think that was the same person who posted on my guestbook last year at about this time, under 2 different e-mail addresses and names, and said how horrible my site was, yet how beautiful my dogs were. So I can hardly wait till next year to see what she says next. I kinda wonder if she is one of those bots I've been hearing about that spams your forums, guestbooks and yadda-yadda-yadda and says those kind of things. I'm beginning to think she is. Either way, she's good for a belly-laugh!
Well, Trisha has dogs, so she understands. She knows how close I am to my dogs too. So she definitely understands. I'm so glad!! I thought if I said anything Trisha would get pissed!! Oh and I know she's reading, so if you want to reply, go ahead. You don't have to sign in anywhere or anything, as I allow even anonymous posters on here.
Anyway, back to mixed breeding, there is NO point to it! The only dogs guaranteed not to shed are poodles, bichons, some terriers and maltese. And why would I want to buy a maltese-poodle cross for the purpose of having a hypo-allergenic dog when I can go out and get a pure maltese or poodle? That doesn't make sense to me. Probably cost less to get a purebreed now anyway, rather than pay the sky-high prices people want for their mutts now. And as for labradoodles, don't believe the people who tell you they don't shed! Poodles don't shed, but labradors do. So, your chances are about 50% that you will get a pup that will or will not shed as an adult. And if you have allergies, why risk it?
Not only are people breeding these dogs the wrong way, the stupid names they give them!! You know a person doesn't know what they are doing when they give these mutts such dumb names!! Each breed has it's name for a reason. It doesn't make sense to me to combine names of already established breeds to glorify these mutts, making it sound as if they are legitimate breeds. Like a few years back, I met a woman on an old chihuahua e-mail group, and she was breeding what she said is called a "Carlin Pinscher". It's a cross between a pug and a miniature pinscher. The problem with that name is the only people who should be creating new breeds of "pinschers" are the Germans, in Germany, not in the USA. "Pinscher" is a German word and it means "Terrier". For an American to slap the name "pinscher" on a new American breed is ludicrous. A more sensible name would be "Carlin Terrier". But creating a whole new breed should be done by only ONE person, or by people ASSOCIATED with that one person who know what they are doing! Not by just anyone who can take a pug and a minpin and cross them together and get what they think is a new breed. Creating breeds does not work that way! That dog has to be able to breed true, when it is mated with another "Carlin Terrier", and not get any "throwbacks" from it's pug or miniature pinscher parents.
Anyway, this is why I dislike breeding these designer mongrels. There is just no point to it at all.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Update On My Book
Oh speaking of dogs, Eva finally took the step and got her children an old english mastiff. Already I am hearing about how "the damn dog shits on the floor!" LOL!!! Eva's just not used to dogs. She's always been a cat person. Eva says she still looks in on the Pluba forums. I told her about meeting Metalraptor and him telling me how I get all freaky sometimes, and I think the cause of it was my looking in on the Pluba and SE forums, so I told her that I stopped looking in on forums at all. I haven't even lurked on any forums since I met him, let alone post on any. There are some forums I used to go into, and stopped. The Rockband lounge, that was the most useless forum I've ever been on! I only went in there a very few times, and most of those times was waaaaaaay back in 2006. They were the most unfriendly people I've ever seen! They won't talk to you unless you are in a certain "clique" and I am not, and don't want to be, in any cliques. At least the people on the Pluba forum give newbies more of a chance (since Rose stopped going in there). Most of them anyway. There are a few on there who don't get to know you for themselves, but instead let others tell them who they think is good or not and those people will actually believe it. I don't know why Eva still looks in there. She was telling me about a few posts and I was like "I really don't want to hear about them." Because if I do, I'll be tempted to say something, and I cannot. Metalraptor won't let me go into that "freaky" stage again!
Sometimes it is so frustrating when you want to say something and can't. But I found out not only is Metalraptor reading this, but my supervisor as well!! Trisha will burn my butt if I get too much like that. So, I need to work on my attitude. I can still cling to my opinions though. LOL! That's one thing I won't do is let go of my beliefs. Never again! I learned my lesson there! hehe! But sometimes I want to say something to some people, but I'm so afraid if I do, I'll go into that freaky stage again. But it is OK for them to get freaky if they want to, and they all have. The latest is someone who signed my chihuahua's guestbook, only that person made the entry private. I can always put it on public setting if I want to. But I wanted to respond to that person, and I didn't, because first of all, I thought what was the point? LOL!! It's private she can't read any responses. Even if it wasn't private, I can't say anything cuz my supervisor might read it!! I don't know if she looks in on my chihuahua site though. The post did have that person's e-mail, but it was a freebie e-mail account, and most likely a bogus one. Besides, I'm not going to take the chance if this person is a bad person (and I believe she was) and getting my ISP #. There were some things this person said that if she were actually a good person, she never would have said them. So, my instincts kicked in again, and said she's no good! So there is no way I'd ever e-mail her!!! LOL! I haven't even updated the address on my chihuahua site!! Just because I don't want people like that to find me.
Can you tell I am somewhat paranoid? LOL!! I think I've gotten worse because of Groucho dying the way she did. I never did find out who killed her, and I don't want to take any chances with Vegas and Odessa. It's all for their protection.
Speaking of which, I got my easy chair and I LOVE it!!!!!! It is BIG! Almost too big for this tiny little apartment! LOL! But at least I can sit comfortably in it, have both dogs up here and my computer all at the same time. It's wonderful. Now, if I am working on my computer, I can just reach over and pet the dogs if I want to, and I very often do, because they're right beside me. hehe! Took forever to get here on Saturday! I knew I was going to be dead last on their list of deliveries because we live way out in the middle of nowhere practically. It was between 5:30 and 6 PM when they arrived, and it was a good thing they did, I was getting tired of waiting. Anyway, I love this chair! It's the best chair ever! hehe! It also gets HOT!!! I thought that by having it in suede that I can keep cool in warm weather! But no, this chair gets HOT it's self! I still love it though. I cannot wait 'till ma comes back home and sees it.
Well, off to work some more on my book.
Friday, June 5, 2009
It's About Time!!!
I hope she learned something from this so-called marriage! So many red flags should have gone up in the beginning. The biggest being he wanted to marry her after only knowing her for 3 weeks! Nancy thought that would be a good thing, but I didn't. I kept urging her to get to know him a little bit longer. She joked, saying "I'm old, I can't wait too long." I don't really like prying into the lives of my friends, but when I see a friend about to make a terrible mistake, I have to say something!! Whether they like it or not. I know I shouldn't, I've lost several friends over something like that, but I cannot help it! I only do it because I don't like to see my friends get hurt or make wrong choices. And in the course of this marriage, Paeng has tried to kill Nancy twice!
I was shocked, though not surprised, when Nancy told me he ran over her with his car! Fortunately she wasn't hurt too bad. He just ran over her foot. He said next time, it'll be her head he runs over. And what was the purpose for this assault on Nancy's foot? Nancy was standing outside, talking to a friend, and did not get back in the car when Paeng told her to. Paeng was not known for patience!! Still didn't make it right though! That was just one incident. He also tried to poison her. I remember she was in the hospital for a week from that incident.
And it wasn't like Nancy wasn't forewarned either! Aside from my warnings to her, every body who knew Paeng, at the factory where we used to work, all said he was no good, and tried to convince Nancy of such. She never listened to them. And those people at that job all knew Paeng for something like 10 years. He'd been working there that long. It's not like they only knew Paeng for a week, or a month, or only knew him based on things he said on an internet blog or forum or something like that. No. Those people worked with Paeng, side-by-side, for 10 years!! They should have known him better than anyone. Certainly better than Nancy did. I didn't even know Paeng, and never heard anything of him at the time I first met him, but I could tell just from being in his presence that he was no good. Especially after Nancy told me he wanted to marry her and they'd only known each other for 3 weeks. That's a definite red flag!!!
Nancy is too trusting, and I personally know that can get you burned worse than anything. I was that way until I finally put my foot down and said I don't care what, from now on I am NEVER ignoring my instincts again!! My problem was I didn't like to prejudge people, I like giving people I don't know a chance. But it always got me burned. So I said after the last incident that's never going to happen again. If I even dream someone is betraying my trust, then out their asses go! They got no business being in my life. Just as Paeng had no business being in Nancy's life.
Well, just as any jerk should, Paeng is gone, Good riddance, and Nancy is a free woman!! I'm happy for her. I hope Nancy isn't grieving too much. Because now she can really live. She can go to school and learn the trade she wants now. Me, I've got no time to think of much else than the fact my chair arrives tomorrow. :)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Growing Excitement!!
I've always wanted this particular kind of chair, it's only available at one store and it's called "the cuddler". I love it because it is so big, it's almost the size of an average loveseat. I can seat myself (even with my fat ass) and the dogs all at once with plenty of room to spare! Including room for my laptop. I'm going to LOVE it!!!!! I cannot wait. I keep saying "Come on Saturday! Hurry up and get here!" As if that's going to help! LOL!!! The only other thing on my mind besides this chair, and Timmy, is getting this book about dog breeds done. I'm now down to the hounds, and still going.
The hounds are not an easy group to work on. It's the largest group of breeds there is. This is the one that has a breed for every town, city and village in Europe! But some of these breeds are so scarce, info about them is very limited. Many of them do not even have a specific breed club, which is where I've been getting most of my info. If anyone would know about the breeds, it's the breed clubs! I try to focus mainly on the most reputable breed clubs. If I see any of them supports Continental KC or APRI, I walk!! Their word isn't worth anything if they support puppy mill registries!! I encountered that last night, on a breed that was very hard to find too. I said I'd rather try to find breeder sites of that breed than use info from a club that supports puppymill registries!! I've seen pics of dogs from an APRI dog show. Let me tell you, you walk into an AKC or UKC show with one of those dogs in tact, you'd be laughed (or hissed) at right out of the building!!! There was a supposed Yorkshire terrier in that show that looked more like a lanky, unkempt silky terrier!! It's hair was short, matted and dirty. I'll say one thing for the shows though, it'd be the quickest and easiest way to get a championship on your dogs if they'd let something like that even in the door. That's why I refuse to use info from any breed club that supports APRI or Continental KC. It'd be so misleading!!
For some of these rare breeds, the most sensible club to look under would be FCI. The main problem I encounter when going to FCI sites is that most of it isn't even in English, so I have to translate! Then make it out the best way I can from what comes up. It's all tough work, but it's fun!! This book takes up all my time. In the past 5 days, I may have gotten maybe 6 hours of sleep total. I'm tired, but I have to keep going. Personal reasons there.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Still Hard at Work
I got a bit of joy out of this book. That's what keeps me working on it. Awesome! I've even got down my favorite breeds. Though I try not to be prejudice when I write about the breeds I like. Some of my ultra-faves are:
Siberian Husky. Looks good! Friendly, strong, beautiful dog.
Samoyed. Another beautiful breed.
Alaskan Malamute. I used to want one when I was a kid. Large and intimidating, but really it's nothing more than an oversized teddy bear!
Akita. National dog of Japan. Beautiful breed, and has a highly protective instinct for it's family.
Shiba Inu. A smaller version of the akita.
Klee-Kai. A rarity, but oh so adorable!!!!
Japanese chin. Say what you want, these guys are ADORABLE!!!!!
Chihuahua. My trademark breed. I've had chi's now since 1999.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Gaining in popularity. Can you blame them? They are so CUTE!!
Miniature Dachshund. I like the mini's better than the standards, but both are so short and so cute!!
Beagle. For some reason, these dogs are just so adorable!!
Australian Kelpie. Love them!! They are so smart!
Australian Cattle Dog. I had one of these once. It was the one I named "Hutchess" and then I lost her. After only having her for one week.
Australian Shepherd. My original breed, before chihuahuas. Don't let the name fool you, this is the dog of a thousand names. They are also known as California Shepherds, because they were originally created in California, not Australia.
These are just samples. The one thing that I have found, upon looking up info on the breeds I am writing about, every text out there always refers to each breed as "he, him, or his". So what if the person reading the book has a dog that is a "she"? Ya know there is such a thing!! I find that constantly annoying! In my book, I refer to each breed as "they, them, their", it's more gender-neutral. That's the way it should be. I don't know who started that tradition, must have been a man! But I've noticed every dog book out there does that, and now I've noticed it on breed and kennel club websites as well.
Hello and welcome! That's the name of this new blog. Well, that's the name of this temporary blog. My last blog,, was ...
No, I haven't "switched over"! That will never happen. I'll always be a dog lover. But there is a Facebook page devoted to...
A while ago, I wrote a post about the stupidest reasons people think cats are better than dogs. Well, let's face it, anyone who thinks c...
Official "Felon"
Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...