Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Geez! I was so happy to see that Hell's Kitchen is running for another season this year. I did miss it a lot. But this season is just full of jerks! 2 different guys exploded, both were 27 year olds. They both just show a total lack of respect for anyone! What is with the youngsters of today? As if I haven't asked that so many times already. So this is what playing video games, watching Rugrats and the Simpsons does to a child's morale! Oh well Hell, I used to see it all the time on the Speculative Evolution forum. That's why I hate forums!! Especially teen forums!! But I remember on the SE forum, those kids admitted they definately were modern anime, cartoon and video game fanatics, and their attitudes were just like I saw in these two jerks on Hell's Kitchen tonight! I remember one person on that forum even admitted he was glad that his generation is no longer considered innocent. And it's true! You'd be hard-pressed to find an innocent kid anymore. I think it's sad! When I was a kid, I was like Dennis the Menace! There is no such thing anymore. I'll tell you though, when I was a kid, if I had done any of the things I've seen kids doing today, the only thing I would have got out of it was a slap in the mouth!! I sure as Hell would never challenge Gordon Ramsay!!!! Reminds me of this girl from my old chihuahua forum who thought she knew more than the more experienced breeders. Even laughed at show breeders. I only laugh at show breeders who think they know everything about me, when it is proven what they think is not even close. LOL! I'm too complex to be figured out by people like that.

Also, what is with the new obsession over guinea pigs in the movies? You never used to see them at all, not even as the performers' pets. Seems now there is always a new movie with guinea pigs. This time it's a movie called G-Force. Guinea pigs are cute, but the only guinea pig I've ever seen that I liked was one my sis had named Charlie. He was the sweetest guinea pig you'd ever meet!! After him, I've never seen one I liked. I personally like rabbits better. I once had a rabbit that'd lick your face! Even Charlie wouldn't lick anyone's face. I remember my sis got him for free in the newspaper. I didn't want a guinea pig in my house, but I met Charlie and he was a sweetheart, so I welcomed him with open arms. :)

Personally though if I were going to go for any kind of small furry exotics, I want a ferret. I like ferrets. In doing my research, I found that the only thing stopping me from getting a ferret is that I've heard some conflicting opinions on how to take care of them. On one website, it suggests babysitting a friend's ferret before actually getting one. My problem is I don't know anyone with a ferret! There is a thing that any new ferret owners have to do and that is to ferret-proof the house. That means I cannot have any cords lying around! And this is for the life of the ferret! Not like the first year and then after that you can leave the cords around again. Ferrets are like puppies that never grow up. Some may get lazier in their old age, especially if you spay or neuter them. But then there is something else: Ferrets are very prone to adrenal disease and something called Aleutian Disease Virus, which is like parvovirus in dogs, and there is no cure. Ferrets, like cats, have a tendency to hide their symptoms, so by the time the ferret starts looking and acting sick, it's too late to save it. I hurt bad enough when I lost my Groucho, I'm not sure I want to go through that again!

Yeah, I know, sometimes I can be a pussy! But I don't want to deal with all that. Those are the only things stopping me from getting a ferret. If it wasn't for those, I'd be happy to get a ferret! Ferrets are illegal in California, not that that affects me, but still. It could happen here. All it takes is a population of loose feral ferrets and boom! We've got a problem in this state. And you know who is responsible for those kind of things happening? You got it! Irresponsible people! Nothing in this life annoys me more than irresponsible people!!! That's why I did my research, and have not yet gone out and bought a ferret. I'm still in the thought process. I'm not like the DDM wants to think I am. I may think of getting something, but that doesn't mean I'm going to just go out and just get it. I like to put quite a bit of thought in the process. I like to look at the pros and cons and weigh them carefully. I learned my lesson about impulse buys back after I lost Hutchess in 1998. Believe me, it won't happen again with this old gal! LONG story there, and one I don't want to get into here. In my defense, I was only 24 and still learning how the World turns. And the way I raised myself is very different from the person my parents (and my sisters) made of me.

I remember back in 2005, I was thinking about getting a kitten. I was craving a kitten. I don't know why, it just happened suddenly. But I mentioned on my old MSN blog that I was thinking about getting a kitten, but I also mentioned that I have a hard time bonding with cats and thinking of them as real pets. That's how I am! Like it or hate it, that's how I am about cats. I don't really like them near me. But I like kittens. All of a sudden, the DDM were flooding my blog, and snapping at me like a bunch of loud-mouth, yapping, pekingese dogs. Of course I say everyone is entitled to their opinion, but these dumbasses were acting like I had already went out and got a kitten. Not just the DDM, but also some people from the Switchboard were joining in on bashing me. LOL! It was almost hysterical!! I know who they were. She said, "It's interesting that someone who sees herself as a good breeder of chihuahuas is thinking about getting a kitten when she knows she's just going to throw it away." I said "If chihuahuas were a breed of cat, I'd say you had a point." Honestly, what the Hell does my feelings for chihuahuas have to do about my feelings for cats?? Absolutely NOTHING!!! Chihuahuas are not cats!! That individual was just trying to justify a deep resentment she obviously had for people who do not like her favorite animals. Well, I still don't bond well with cats. That will likely never change!

And just for you readers out there, I never did get that kitten, and my decision had NOTHING to do with the dim-wits who griped on my blog! Though when we had rat problems in the house I came pretty close to getting a cat to eliminate the rats. But I thought it over hard, and said "No. I'd get a jack russell terrier before I'd ever get a cat!" I'm not even really that fond of JRT's! But I like them better than cats!

I don't hate cats. There's a big difference between hating something and just not liking something. Some people don't see that difference, but there is a difference. My problem with cats is I just don't like them in my house! If they're in someone else's house, that's different. I'll pet them, play with them, give them a little affection. That's as far as it goes though. In my house, all I ever want to do is get away from them.

And speaking of "you know whom", so much for nobody caring about these blogs!!! Over the past 2 months, I've gotten more than 2000 views!!! I just haven't had much time these past few weeks to post on this blog. Still planning a nation-wide tour. Some people make their way up by using people who have already gotten up. I'm not like that. I'm working hard to get this site going! The tour is just the first step. There's lots more to do! I'll try to have announcements made on the UMG site about what will be going on, and where we will be showing up at.

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