Thursday, January 23, 2025

Leftists Don't Understand!

 Well, I've been working all week on this blog. I found a way to get back a few of the posts I lost when I lost my timmyfan blog. But so far only a few. Some are still missing. I'm trying to figure out how to get it all back. But at least now, I've got some of 2023 covered. This time, I saved this blog's .xml file! Even though I didn't get all the posts back, I got some and so now there's no big gap between 2022 and 2024. We shall see what happens.

The leftists are so predictable. I don't know why I didn't expect my timmyfan blog to be deleted once that anonymous chick came in and started arguing with me about the Juneteenth day. And all I did was write what I know to be true. And it is true that all black people have done since they got that stupid holiday is loot, riot and kill each other. And they do that to each other every day anyways. Even that anonymous chick couldn't deny it! She said she did try, but she couldn't think of anything I said about it that was wrong. So, she up and reports this blog to the Blogger gurus. Well, I got a lot of that blog back, and hopefully I can soon get the rest. We will see!

Well, a couple of predictions I made have materialized in the past days since Trump came back to office. One thing I predicted and I mentioned it on this blog, the leftists were going to start complaining because Trump has massive security surrounding him. They believe that to be a "waste of taxpayer dollars". I caught one of my [former] friends's friends griping by saying Trump has "a small militia around him". Something to that effect. I had to laugh at her comment, because I knew the leftists were going to start griping about that! LOL!!! Well, I think that friend unfriended me on Facebook. I think! I got so many now, I don't go back to see who's missing. That'd take me all day. I'm open to friends, but if they want to leave, they know where the door is! And I'd prefer leftists unfriended me anyways. Why not? Turnabout is fair play! But I just could not help laughing! When I saw that woman's comment, I said "Oh boy! I knew it would happen!" The only thing that surprised me about her comment was how long it took for one of them to complain because Trump now has so much security. Trump was inaugurated on Monday, and it was Tuesday when that post was made. Honestly, I expected to see some leftist gripe the same day!! Having such high security around Trump would make it harder for leftists to carry out their evil plot to assassinate Trump. Naturally, they are going to complain about it!

Another prediction I made that I did not really write about on here, but that anyone could tell, the leftists are focusing on what Trump hasn't done yet, instead of what he has done already. In another group I am in on Facebook, someone said "eggs are still $20, and the war in Ukraine is still going on". Well, leftists have never been known for having patience. I said to the griper "Give the man some time!" You cannot expect to fix these things overnight! But that's how leftists are. I predicted human society would turn this way when parents became unallowed to discipline their own children in the 90s. Now, we are seeing the results of that mindset in Antifa, blm, and democrats in general. Another dude I got into it with a week ago said I didn't like black people because I don't like blm. He said "We can already tell you hate black people, you don't have to shout it from the rooftops". I told him "I hate blm. I got nothing against black people. But blm stole millions from donors and did nothing to help the black community." That shut his face on that topic!

Now, there is a whole new subject. It is being stated that Trump wants to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. The leftists are now complaining about that. I say who gives a shit??? Technically though, Mexico is part of the continent of America. It's just human civilization that calls that country by a different name. But speaking in terms of nature, Mexico and America are all just one big land mass. So is Canada, even though human society gives them their own country, customs and borders. It's all still one continent. So, I don't give a shit what it's body of water is called. But the leftists are complaining, as usual!!! 

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