Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Little Libtards Who Cried Wolf

OMG! I am hearing a lot of stuff about who the libtards are targeting now. They are going after Chris Pratt for wearing a Gadsden flag t-shirt. For those who don't know what the Gadsden flag is, it's the flag that looks like this...

The leftists hate this flag. Well, the leftists hate everything! But now they are ragging on Chris Pratt because he wore a shirt that has this image on it. The leftists are calling him a "racist" and "xenophobe". Oh my GAWD!!! They think this flag represents racism. Just like they think everything represents racism!! But you know what? The right-wingers have had enough of everything being labeled "racist". I heard now even owning a dog is considered racist! Black people made that up because they complain white people get dogs to keep black people off their property. Well DUH!!! You're damn right we do! But it's not just targeted to black people!! I'd expect my dog to keep invading white people away too! I don't give a shit what color your skin is! If you're an intruder, you're an intruder!! My dog is going to sense your presence before I do, I'm going to expect her to do her job! Bottom line is, if I don't know you, or don't trust you, you're not going to be welcome on my property!! So, don't come to my property with bad intentions and then cry "racist" because I defend myself and my home! That includes my dog too! She belongs here. You do not!

Nowadays EVERYTHING is racist. The real Americans are getting sick of it too. The libtards have cried "racist" too many times now, most of us on the right are just poo-pooing it now. It's like the story of the boy who cried wolf. You do it too many times, people are going to stop believing in what you say. Really, unless someone uses colored words, nothing is racist. The leftists are just using that phrase now to get their way. They learned most people will cave if someone calls them racists. Well, I hope Chris Pratt does not cave to the SJWs! I say keep wearing that shirt! Wear it till it melts off! Piss off those damn libtards! I'm sick of seeing right-wingers give in to SJWs!! I'm beginning to lose respect for my fellow patriots!! They should do what I started doing; stop caving in to SJWs and start flipping them the bird instead! Because if we keep on caving in to them, incidents like this are going to keep on happening, and it'll get worse. I'd hate to see that happen.

It's like last week, when Mexican illegals (along with Antifa) lowered and defaced the American flag and put up a Mexican flag in it's place. I think that is pretty much proof those people are not immigrating to our country because they like it. No. They are the ones who say they hate America. They are coming here because they want to take over. They want control. I've been saying all along this whole thing is all about control!! I've been saying that for the past 2, almost 3, years now. And I haven't changed my mind about that yet! I saw the same behavior in the mods at the Statue For Michael group on Facebook. As well as the MH and His Life fan page on Facebook. Both groups are run by communists, and moderated in a very communist kind of way. Again, it's all about control! The only reason I didn't voluntarily leave those groups was because I had friends in those groups I wanted to see every day. But now, that wouldn't matter because all the INXS fans I ever would want as friends now are all among my Facebook friends. That's all I need. I'm even thinking of cleaning that out again. There's some who say nothing, and since I don't trust the fans anymore (specifically those I don't know) I don't know if they're only there to spy, or whathaveyou! But I get a little bit suspicious now if they ask to become my friends and then don't do anything.

It irks me that even as recently as when my dad died, I was still a liberal. That's why I thank the INXS SJWs for opening my eyes to the way liberals and SJWs are. There's been so many times I should have learned my lesson, and didn't! But I am grateful for that last time. At the time it happened, I wondered what good was going to come out of that! Usually I can turn any negative into a positive. That one took a while because I had just lost my father. But it did work out eventually! I don't always learn my lessons in a timely manner. But I do eventually learn them. It's just that every situation is different, and I understand that. Maybe I understand it a little too much! So much to a point it's to my own detriment. I like to give people a chance, and I believe everything happens for a reason. In a way, I kindof became a bit of an SJW myself, but in a good way. Now, I judge everyone based on others I've met like them, and trust no one.

But I did used to be a liberal. Even when I was a kid. You know what's funny? I remember when I was in my last year in middle school, and we said the pledge of allegiance every morning before actual school began. I stood up, but I did not put my hand on my chest. The teacher, Mr. Hagbo, yelled at me because of it. And this kid who sat next to me; a big, fat, lispy, dopey-looking dude named Lance, told the teacher in a mocking way "She's a commune". Well, back then I thought he was saying that I am Russian. Which I'm not. At least, not 100%. LOL! And I got mad at him for saying that. But now I look back on it, having gotten to know actual communists, and I think "Yeah, I did act like a communist myself!" And now to see some dumb illegal immigrants take down our flag and replace it with the Mexican flag, it actually makes me very angry!!!! But you know what else is kinda funny? Thinking that probably today, Lance is actually among those leftists that hate this country. The worst attacks I've ever got in my life were by what would be considered today leftist liberals. They were never by right-wing type people. Even other people I know of who have converted from the left to the right have seen the difference. The left is all about hatred for the right, and the right is all about truth, honesty and love for this country. The right respects the people who gave their lives so we could all live a cushy lifestyle. The left respects no one but themselves.

It is very sad to see what this country has become! But I am glad I am not on the left to destroy it any more.

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