Monday, July 15, 2019

Stormzy Vs. Mozart

WHAT?!?!?!?!! I've got to look into this! Apparently according to this article, British schools want to replace the study of Mozart with the study of Stormzy. I've got to say a big "WTF???" I can't wait to see what's going to be next. I wonder if this also means Peter Schaffer's movie Amadeus is going to be remade in Hollywood again, and turn Mozart into a black man? I wouldn't be surprised. Of course I don't know, Tom Hulce, who played the original Mozart (and did a great job), was openly gay. But I think it was that characteristic that made him pull it off well. I mean, that laugh! LOL! When he laughed in the movie, I laughed! I've seen Mozart played by a straight man before and he could not pull off that laugh very well at all.

Well anyways, let's break down the two composers. Well, the only real composer is Mozart. Stormzy is just a piece of junk!

Subject #1: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Born in Salzburg, Austria on January 27, 1756. Taught himself to play piano at 3. Wrote his first opera at 4 years old. Has inspired many musicians since his time. Not to mention also inspired several very popular cartoon characters as well. He also inspired my Michael apparently. The majority of his music is still played today and studied in the finer universities. He is the epitome of a child prodigy. He produced all his own music, all his own words. None of which promoted violence against anyone. In fact, it is proven Mozart tried to promote peace and love in a culture where love was laughed at and an era where peace was faltering. He used his own real name in crediting his music.

Another thing about Mozart, back in the 1990s, I once saw a news clip on TV that said pregnant women who stream Mozart's music to their unborn babies have a greater chance of giving birth to babies that themselves become child prodigies. Now, I don't know if that is true or not, but it is an interesting study I heard about. And if true, proves there is just something about Mozart's musical genius that rubs off on whomever listens to it. I used to listen to Mozart when I was a teenager. My sis and mom thought I was crazy to, but I think it did me wonders. And some of Mozart's music was way ahead of it's time! Some songs were even good enough to boogie to! I could definitely see Mozart coming into the 1980s and fitting in, creating good old rock n' roll. In fact, I once wrote a story based on that concept. It was an obscure story, probably won't make it into UMG Productions in the foreseeable future. But I might reconsider. This story had Diana the mongoose in it, and I've been asked for more stories with her in them.

Subject #2: Michael Ebenazer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jr. (AKA. "Stormzy")

Born on July 26, 1993 in Croydon, England (a suburb of London). He admits to being a naughty child, but got A's in school. His genre of music is known as "grime" (wtf--again!). He calls gays "fucking fags". Yes I know that was some time ago, but the leftists ALWAYS look at things said in the past. I heard his song "Shut Up", and I couldn't understand a single word he says, so he has no musical talent whatsoever. He's just another one of those "grime" stars who wishes he had talent. He writes songs that glorifies gangs and gang violence, and killing cops. Is very vain and self-absorbed. He also uses a LOT of profanity in his songs. He apparently goes with the flow instead of thinking for himself.

Here's another thing...

Famous Mozart quotes:

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.

I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings.

One must not make oneself cheap here - that is a cardinal point - or else one is done. Whoever is most impertinent has the best chance.

Famous Stormzy quotes:

When I'm good at something, I always try to be the best at it and claim that throne. Even in school, I never let anyone say anything to me; I would always be the smartest.

Fuck the Government and fuck Boris

You read a book, write a detailed review as proof you’ve read it, and they give you a badge. That’s where my competitive nature came out. Give me the badges! I would sit in the library all day, not ‘cos I loved reading, just because I needed those badges.

Boris, BTW, is London's former Mayor Boris Johnson, a conservative man and wanted to apply some conservative leadership. Note the difference? OK, I am totally on team Mozart. I've always been on team Mozart. He should never be replaced with a self-centered, idiotic rapper who worships gangs and gang violence and smoking pot. I looked at the lyrics to his songs, and well I am not surprised! He sings lyrics that are no different from any other rapper's lyrics. That's why rap, hip-hop and "grime" can never take the place of the classics. I can't even believe schools these days are downing the classics! Who cares that no child will likely download Mozart's music onto their Spotify account?! Mozart wrote good music, from the heart. He was trained by no one but GOD. He had no leads to follow. He was his own inspiration. Stormzy followed the lead of other bad rappers. There's no such thing as a good rapper. None of them can sing. You notice all rappers do is nothing but talk with music in the background. RnB singers at least do a little better. But today's RnB is nothing but crap! You can't even dance to it unless you like slow dancing. I don't.

Here's the final word on the subject; If you don't want to cause anymore problems in your country, then don't get rid of the classics!!! Get rid of Stormzy! He's teaching kids it's OK to kill cops, and kill other people, and to be narcissists! Mozart was all about giving back to his community. Stormzy is all about giving to himself.

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