Saturday, November 30, 2019

Onision's Fatal Mistake

Oooh man! Onision pulled a bad one the other day! I should have written about this sooner, but so much has been going on. My sis is coming up in a couple days and I need to go pick her up. I'm worried about the car making it. Though I have gotten used to the car shaking like it does. Well anyway, Onision pulled a fast one on Patreon. His account then got permanently banned! HAHA! People on YouTube who know him are laughing about this now. That was Onision's only source of income. But you know why he got banned? He got banned because he doxed Billie. He posted her phone number. That's a big no-no now on the internet. Almost every platform out there, whether they host web sites, or videos, or blogs, do not allow doxing. No wonder Hobofart disappeared! He doxed people, and the internet social media sites stopped allowing that. So he must have been kicked off the internet.

Well, Onision has been pitching a fit again on Twitter because of that. He had a severe meltdown. Of course I believe it was an act. I don't think he wants the world to know he's really suffering. So he mocked a meltdown. Twice! He posted himself going out of control, then he posted an apology video. I know he's worried about his income now. I know it's driving him crazy too. He does have children to look after. But you know what? He should have thought about them before he broke Patreon's terms of service and posted someone else's private info on his page! When he lost that page, he lost all his patrons too. So, no more income. Well, Onision went and created another website where you have to pay him just to watch his videos. I won't post the link on here, because I don't want to honor Onision with any free advertisement. He doesn't deserve it.

I hope no one watches his videos. At all! He's not funny. He's not even a good actor. He's a lousy musician. Most of his music is stuff like you'd hear on Sesame Street. Or maybe not even that good. Some songs I used to hear on Sesame Street were kinda catchy. Onision's music is not at all catchy! It sounds like chicken scratching. But Onision thinks he's the world's best musician. I'm surprised he hasn't made up a story like "Big-name musicians come to me for advice on how to create wonderful music". As narcissistic as Onision is, he would believe something like that. And as dumb as his fans are, they'd also believe he's telling the truth.

Well, my sis is coming to stay for a month, and we've got a HUGE month planned! I promised my sis I'd take her to Chick-Fil-A when she gets here. But I wish I hadn't made that promise! I'm mad at Chick-Fil-A. Now, they've been taken over by a different CEO, and he does not like Christians nor Christian organizations. Instead of supporting a decent organization that actually helps people, like the Salvation Army, Chick-Fil-A is now supporting a wishy-washy SJW cult like the Southern Poverty Law Center. Apparently it's a non-profit organization, but they only do things for minorities and gay/queer/trans people. Salvation Army feeds the homeless no matter what their race or orientation is. They help disabled, homeless veterans. But the Southern Poverty Law Center does none of that. They only do SJW bullshit and they consider Christian organizations "hate organizations". So, if Chick-Fil-A is supporting them, I'm not supporting Chick-Fil-A. Neither is a lot of people.

We all admired Chick-Fil-A for a long time for holding their own against the SJWs bullshitting them. But now, they are caving in to the SJWs and have lost the respect of a LOT of conservative Christian people. If Chick-Fil-A had decided to donate to the Salvation Army as well as decent LGBTQ organizations (I know they are hard to find), I might still have respect for them. But they cut off the Salvation Army completely, and are only giving donations to SJW and LGBTQ organizations that promote hatred towards Christians, straight, healthy people and homeless veterans, and that is why I have no respect for them anymore. I think I also heard somewhere that Chick-Fil-A is also now giving to Planned Parenthood. A double sin! So, no. I have no use for them anymore.

The sad thing is now, Chick-Fil-A is going to lose so much business they may be forced to shut down completely. Because conservatives have lost respect for them, and SJWs never forgive anything. This is why businesses get woke and go broke. SJWs hold grudges forever. They are never going to set foot inside a Chick-Fil-A, no matter who they are donating funds to! The damage is already done as far as SJWs are concerned. So, once a business like Chick-Fil-A loses conservative customers, that's it! Within a year, Chick-Fil-A will be bankrupt. So, Chick-Fil-A will cave in and give to all these SJW organizations, and it still won't be enough for the SJWs! And they also lose all their conservative customers. All but the most loyal among them. A very bad idea, Chick-Fil-A!! Very bad idea!!!

Monday, November 25, 2019

No Longer YouTube Creators

Well, I heard next year, YouTube is going to crack down hard on creators. YouTube used to be a fun platform to post videos on. I've posted videos on YouTube since 2009. I've seen a lot of features come and go. It used to be you couldn't make a YouTube video longer than 10 minutes. Then they changed it to 15 minutes. But if you became a partner, you could post a video up on YouTube that is as long as you want it to be. I've seen videos that were as long as 8, 10, 24 and even 48 hours!! Yes! Single videos that long! A far cry from when YouTube only allowed 10 minutes per video. And I very often made videos that were longer than 10 minutes. But even if they were 10 minutes and 2 seconds long, the uploaders on YouTube would say the video was too long and could not be posted. That SUCKED!!! It got frustrating! So I was glad when YouTube changed that to 15 minutes. But I have so much to say per video, even that got to where it wasn't enough. I was glad when I made partner and I could post much longer videos.

Things at YouTube were running beautifully smooth. I was making some fair money. Not great! But fair. Anyways, it was an extra $100 when I needed it. One of those pay checks helped me get Mya. But then something happened early in 2018. A dumbass on YouTube made a huge mistake. The name of the dumbass was Logan Paul. He made a video of himself going to Japan. In that video, he went to the so-called "Suicide forest", known by the natives as Aogikahara, or the "Sea of Trees". While he was there, he saw a man who had hung himself from one of the trees and he filmed it!! Not only did he film it, but a lot of people got pissed because he and his friends were standing there in front of the poor man, mocking and laughing at him. Logan stated it was a nervous-type laugh. And it may have been. But still mocking the poor guy who killed himself was disrespectful! I feel exactly the same way when I see people making fun of my Michael. And believe me, I've seen a lot of that. A lot more than you'd think!

Well, viewers got outraged when this happened. YouTube got the flack for it, and decided to fight that by cutting ad revenue for many creators. They said if you have less than 1000 active subscribers, you will not be eligible for monetization. Well, I've never been on YouTube for the numbers, so I knew my monetization was going to be lost completely. I cannot tell you enough how much I wanted to kill Logan Paul!! I'm surprised he didn't get a swarm of angry YouTubers chasing him down with knives, guns and pitchforks!! But that video marked the end of regular monetization. I totally blame Logan Paul for that! No one else!! So, I lost monetization.

Then, back in June this year, another thing happened. The Steven Crowder/Carlos Maza debacle happened. I wrote about that here in this blog back when it happened. Carlos Maza went on a rampage against YouTube because Steven Crowder called him a "lispy queer". Carlos Maza kept going on and on and on about YouTube still allowing Crowder to make and post videos and keep his monetization, even though he was making fun of gays. YouTube did not punish Crowder because they said he has his rights of free speech, and they did not consider what he said "hate speech". But they did take his monetization away, as they did with a lot of other creators, even though they did have 1000 or more active subscribers. YouTube said now, anyone who posts ANY controversial videos, or says anything even remotely controversial in their videos, will have all their monetization taken away. That goes for conservative channels, as well as liberal channels. So, because of that, a lot of people got demonetized. Now, this was beginning to piss me off! Now, you can't even use words like "sex", or refer to anything sexual, or "predator", or any of the cuss words. If you do, your whole channel gets demonetized.

Can't even use the word "predator"??? What about nature videos that talk about predatory animals???

Well, in August, the whiny gays and queers decided they were going to take on YouTube in a class action lawsuit, because they lost monetization. As far as I understand, they lost the lawsuit. Like I said, it was laughed out of court! I could be wrong, but it seems I heard they lost the court case. That's because now YouTube does not allow any content of a sexual nature on their platform. And gays and queers are always talking about sex! That's what being gay or queer is all about. So, in a way, Carlos Maza got what he wanted (somewhat). But it also costed him. He too lost monetization, and lost his job at Vox too. He reaped what he sowed.

Well, now YouTube is saying that starting next year, any videos that are not bringing ad revenue to YouTube will be deleted from the platform completely. I already lost the ability to turn on ad revenue on my channel. So, that probably means all my videos will be deleted. If that's the case, then I will have to create my own platform for videos. I have a pay-per-view provider, all I need is a platform to display the videos on. Make them viewable for tips only. I heard even Patreon is deranking conservative creators. Man! It's hard being a conservative in today's world! We're treated like no-class citizens. Yet the libtards get away with their hypocrisy and lies all the time! They are always proven wrong too.

I was never on YouTube for the numbers. I was on because I like making and sharing videos. If people watch them, then OK. If people don't watch them, then it's no skin off my nose. But now, that kind of attitude might get my whole channel deleted. I don't ever expect to become popular on YouTube. Nor do I really want to!! I've seen popular creators have their lives ruined because they had too many viewers. That's the downfall of being popular on any social media. You get haters. Some are so bent on ruining your life, they will go to any lengths to do so. I've heard of strangers showing up at the homes of popular creators. I've heard of creators getting beat up in the streets. I've heard of people driving by the homes of creators shooting into their windows. I've heard of creators killing themselves even over shit their viewers say to them. Being popular can ruin your life! So that's why numbers were never important to me on YouTube. I'm not the type to become popular anyways. I'm not a video game player. I'm not gay. I'm not trans. I'm not a cat person. So, there's no way I'd become popular on YouTube anyways. And that does not bother me at all. But even having a lax attitude is going to apparently be my undoing on YouTube. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Enjoy Prison Time!

Damn!! If I were Onision today, I would be shaking in my boots!! He should have never made an enemy of Chris Hansen. Onision wrote to Chris Hansen again last week and said he'd do the interview for $350,000. What a dork!! Chris Hansen already said no to that. But right now things are not looking good for Onision. So, if I were him, I'd get my butt on Chris Hansen's show and tell my side of the story! Fuck your $350,000!! You'd better just do it for the sake of clearing your name! But this is how stupid Onision really is. He won't take the opportunity. But last week, Chris Hansen interviewed Billie. I made a video about Billie's problem with Onision. I was never a fan of Onision's. Ever. But it was Billie's story that took the cake. It made me see Onision's true colors.

I think Billie's story hit me hard because she was very much willing to be friends with Onision and Lainey. Lainey now calls herself Kai. But back then she was still Lainey. But Billie trusted Onision and Lainey, and was nothing but friendly with them. Sound familiar? Yeah, it does to me too. Billie's friendship with Onision and Lainey took a downward spiral about the same time my turmoil with the leftist libtard INXS fans on Facebook took place. And I believe that is why Billie's story hit me so hard. Because it was almost the same story as mine. Look at it...

Billie was friends with Onision and Lainey.
I was friends with the INXS fans on Facebook.
Billie trusted Onision and Lainey.
I trusted my former INXS "friends" on Facebook.
Billie was super sweet to Onision and Lainey.
I was super sweet to the INXS fans on Facebook.
Onision heard a rumor about Billie.
The INXS fans heard a rumor about me.
Onision kicked Billie out of his home.
The INXS fans kicked me out of their cliques.
Now today, Billie doesn't trust other people anymore because of Onision.
And today, I don't trust anyone anymore because of the libtard INXS fans on Facebook.

That's why Billie's story especially hit me hard. And it happened around the same time too. Her story started in October of 2016. Mine started in November of 2016. So, I knew what Billie was going through. Of course I got Mya, and she's helping me bounce back. Sarah, another victim of Onision's, is thinking about getting a dog too. Maybe Billie should do the same thing. Dogs have a way of making people feel good and loved. Just don't get a cat!! Cats make people turn mean!! It did to Onision. He used to have a bunch of stupid cats. That's probably why he's so hateful now. They also made a perfectly nice woman I knew from Bozeman turn into a bitch. Karen was nice before she got that stupid cat. Now, she's not so nice. I must say, it worked fast on her. LOL!

Ya know, one of my new Facebook friends and I were talking about that very subject. I told him I don't like cats. I told him I've seen cats turn perfectly nice people into mean, evil people. Then I told him about my former "friend" Karen from Bozeman, and how she was a sweet person when she had dogs. Then both her dogs died last year, then she gets this stupid cat, and now, she's not so nice anymore. I never even said anything about her dumb cat. But Karen's story is the perfect example of a friendly person turning evil after they get rid of their dogs, and replace them with a stupid cat. Even this new facebook friend of mine couldn't understand why Karen changed like she did after I told him the story. But I know why. It's because that stupid cat she got has gotten to her brain. She's probably heavily dosed now with toxoplasmosis. The sad thing is, Karen is not the only person I've seen this happen to. I've seen it over and over again. So, it's got to have something to do with cats making people depressed, or somehow affects their brain in a bad way. Whether that person is conscious of it or not.

Anyways, back on track! Billie told Chris Hansen things that went on in Onision's house and how he collected child pornography pics. He also apparently had sex dolls with faces of children. In short, sex dolls for pedophiles. I used to think Onision was not a pedophile. That is until I heard Sarah's story. Well, Chris Hansen happened to mention that for each picture Onision has collected, he could get up to 10 years in prison. So, Chris Hansen said he was going to go to the FBI with this because it's a federal crime. There is a meme going around now on YouTube where former Onision fans are saying "Kai is crying now". It started with a tweet by Onision himself where he used Kai crying to try and gain sympathy from viewers of Chris Hansen's show. I say "Fuck what Kai is doing. Now, Onision is crying!" If he's not now, he soon will be! I can't wait to see how he's going to turn this all around now to make it look like it's all someone else's fault. Because that is what Onision does!

But there is another way this can go, and it's horrible to think about, but very plausible! You just never know with Onision. Onision has written like 3 books. I've never read any of them, but I've seen reviews by other people. The books he writes tell a lot about mass shootings, killings, and looking up to Onision like a god. Several people I've seen commenting on related videos say they fear for Onision's wife and kids now. Because this new threat of the FBI raiding his house could lead to a murder/suicide scenario. They could totally see Onision killing his family over this. I never thought of that until I saw these comments, and then remembered his stories do talk a lot about mass shootings! It's all in his mind. And Onision is so full of himself, there is no doubt in my mind, yes he would kill his whole family, and maybe even himself, just to keep from going to prison!! I dunno. But if I were Kai, I would take the kids and run! However, Kai is not innocent. She was a party to this too. She was actually the one who lured these young girls to Onision's house. So, she's just as guilty as he is! But I have the feeling she only did it because Onision brainwashed her. I don't think she'd have done any of that had she not been with Onision. Kai is like a trained dog.

Well, in other news, I celebrated Michael today, like I do every year. People were calling today 22-22-22. As you know, this is my Thanksgiving. So, I had turkey with all the trimmings. I even bought a lemon pie for dessert. HA! I've never bought someone else's lemon pie in my life before! I usually like to make it myself. But today, I decided to do different. I spoiled myself a little. I also posted a song I know of that always reminds me of Michael. It's Natalie Cole singing I Miss You Like Crazy. Because I do miss Michael like crazy! I heard that song on the radio the night I heard he passed. It was the first time I'd ever heard that song. Even after the first day, I missed Michael already! Ever since then, every time I hear that song, I always think of Michael. I even remember one day while I was living in Reno, that song came up on my MP3 player, and I started singing it to a big poster I have of Michael. I was singing it as if I was singing it directly to his face and he could hear me.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Fart Heard Around The World

The other day, Eric Swalwell was doing an interview about impeaching president Trump, and he became famous once again for a fart he cracked on live TV. 😆😆😆 If you don't know who Eric Swalwell is, don't worry. He's a democrat. He's no one special. He dropped out of the political race some months ago. But now he's back in the limelight for cutting this fart on TV. I love this clip! He's sitting there, trying to look all distinguished and serious, talking about impeaching Trump. All of a sudden, you hear this very loud fart as he cuts his sentence and he is lifted 2 to 3 inches off his chair! LOL! He even chuckles a little bit after he's finished talking. Check it out for yourself...

I'd bet if Katrina had watched this, she would have been laughing so hard, she'd almost pass out! I know how Katrina is. She thinks this kind of stuff is hilarious! Truth to tell, sometimes I do too. But passing gas is a natural thing. People laugh mostly because it makes a funny sound. And it's coming out of an opening other than your mouth. Here's another interesting fact about farting; did you know you can fart from other orifices of your body? That includes your vagina, penis, and even your navel! They're not as loud or significant, but they do happen. They're also not as common as it is to pass gas from your ass.

I'm gonna tell my story, as silly as it is, and as private as it should be. LOL! But this post is about farts. One time I had to tinkle pretty bad, I'd held it in for about an hour, which I admit you should NEVER do! But I tend to when I am busy and cannot get to the rest room. After I emptied my bladder, I heard this slight tooting sound coming from my underside. I didn't feel it coming from my ass though. I was like "where the hell is that coming from?" Then it dawned on me, it was coming from my vaginal opening. My vagina was passing gas this time! It was a long one too! Until then, I never knew that could happen! It felt weird! But it does happen. I don't think it's anything to worry about.

Yeah I know! I have NO shame! I talk about anything on this dang blog! LOL!!

Well, as for Eric Swalwell, no one really cares that he let one rip on live TV. Everybody has to cut one sometimes. What gets most people is that he lied about it. First, Swalwell said he didn't hear anything while they were filming the clip. Then he said it wasn't him. Then he said it was a mug being pushed across a desk. Now, he's saying it was the guy sitting next to him. Make up your mind, dude! Or better still, tell the damn truth! Most people are saying they'd have more respect for him if he'd owned up to it, and maybe even made a joke about it. That's what I do! Like I'll cut one, and then sit there smiling, while saying "Ohhhhh that felt good!" Or sometimes I'll cough and out will come a loud fart, and I'll usually go "OUCH!! That HURT!!!" because it DOES!!!! Dammit that hurts more than anything!! Because it'll come out so fast and so hard! But I still make a joke out of it. It feels sometimes like my butt is on fire!

I told you all, I have NO shame! If I were in Eric Swalwell's shoes and that happened on live TV, I think I would have said "Don't worry dudes. That's my thrusters booming." LOL! But like every damn democrat, Swalwell has to sit there and lie saying he didn't do it, or he didn't hear it! Man! They heard that shit in China! How could you not hear that?? But you know democrats! They have to lie about everything! One person in a comment said "I'm surprised they didn't say it was Trump's fault." That has to be the funniest fart comment I've ever heard! Made me laugh anyways, since the democrats are always blaming everything on Trump. Yeah sure! Trump was crouching on the floor next to Swalwell and cut out a big fart so people would look at him and blame it on him. That's too funny! I'm surprised Trump hasn't said anything about this yet.

Well, at least conservatives don't lie like that! LOL!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pitching A Fit

Oh GAWD!!! I have to do another Onision post! But this time, I am doing it on my blog. That way I know he cannot copyright claim it. He's been doing that to everyone on YouTube who so much as talks about him. He did it to a couple of my videos a while back too. And I'm not a big YouTuber. So, this post anyways should give you all a good idea of what the true Onision is like. And this isn't coming from me. This is coming from people who actually spent more than a few days with him and got to know him inside and out. And also from his own Twitter account, where he seems to do the most activity.

Well, the story goes he was invited to speak on Chris Hansen's show on YouTube. Chris Hansen is a journalist, and has been a journalist for a long time. He asks the hard questions, but he gets to the point. He has done interviews with people who have studied, and even lived with, Onision. Most everyone on YouTube knows what Onision is like. If you don't know, get a load of his Twitter junk...

He calls himself "The Legend" on Twitter. He called himself "The Fact Machine" once before. This just shows how narcissistic he is. If that doesn't convince you, maybe this poll he created on his Twitter page will...
No, Onision. You're not sexy. You're psychotic. But the weird thing is, there are people who find psychotics sexy. But that's a subject for another post.

Anyways, Chris Hansen has been interviewing some people who actually lived with Onision, some of them for years. Chris Hansen is probably one of the top most reputable YouTubers. He invited Onision on his channel to clear his name. He has so many accusations out there against him, Chris Hansen offered Onision a chance to come on his show and speak on his own behalf. Onision said he would only appear on Chris Hansen's channel if he paid him $350,000. What nerve must a person have to demand that much money just to do an interview??? Chris Hansen's answer was not surprisingly a very firm no. He doesn't pay anyone to come on his show. It's voluntary. If Onision had sense, he would have seized the opportunity just to clear his name. But I guess he's just not interested in clearing his name. Chris Hansen interviewed Blair White first, then Repzion, then Sarah, who lived with Onision since 2011. Then just this past week, he interviewed Shiloh, who was even married to Onision. Both Sarah and Shiloh described a monster! A predator who takes advantage of them.

Onision told Chris Hansen that if he got too much into the allegations against him, he would "sue his shoe". LOL! That's been kindof the joke going on in Chris's program since he began this topic of Onision. Obviously that was a typo, or it was an indication of Onision's lack of spelling abilities. I heard about the books he wrote. I haven't seen them myself, but the way people have described it sounds like nothing more than an encyclopedia of spelling and grammatical errors. Yet Onision thinks he's perfect and can do no wrong. But that's just his psychotic narcissism coming out.

Well, this past weekend, Onision pitched a wholly fit on Twitter because Chris Hansen is closing in on him, and Onision can't stand it. Onision is getting exposed for the scum he is, and it's making him nervous. So, he's on Twitter having a fit. He's decided to use Chris Hansen to satisfy his sexual fantasies. He thinks Chris Hansen is in love with him, and wants to have sex with him. This is the kind of stuff he's saying...

This is basically Onision having a child-like fit. He's trying to stoke his own ego by turning this whole thing into a joke. I don't believe Chris Hansen really gives a shit what Onision says about him. Chris Hansen seems to me like a mature man who doesn't give in to childish ramblings like what Onision is now spewing. Which is cool. But Onision is done and he knows it. That's why he's resorted to this kind of babbling.

Now, I admit I tend to turn everything into a joke as well. I went on a similar tirade against the delusional mods a few years back. But there is a big difference between that and what Onision is doing. For one thing, I didn't include any sexual-type arguments in my post. That shows a very high level of desperation on Onision's part. It's more akin to what the dirty dozen mob does when the truth is spoken about them. They do all they can to make the person, who is making the allegations against them, look like liars. I went on my tirade against the delusional mods because one of them accused me of trying to kill my Groucho. They'd been saying shit similar to that for months, accusing me of wanting to get into Timmy's pants when I met him. I never even kissed Timmy! I told them that, and gave them 5 months to back off. But they never did. You can even ask Timmy himself if I tried to get into his pants, or even so much as kissed him. He'd tell you no. I was extremely polite when I met him. But the delusional mods continued to say that I tried to get in his pants. I'm not DonnaG! I'm not going to grab, kiss or invade Timmy's space!! I'm a proper lady. An old-fashioned lady actually.

Well, I let that go on for 5 months, hoping they would eventually back off. But their biggest mistake was in trying to accuse me of killing my dog. That's one thing you never do and get away with it!! You can't accuse me of harming my dogs and not expect some kind of retaliation!! So, that's why I went on a tirade against them. Besides the fact the delusional mods did not know me, nor had ever met me, and yet were saying all this shit about me. But the stories against Onision by two different women who lived with him for more than a year, are so similar, and seeing how Lainey/Kai went from being a decent woman to wanting to be a man now, there's definitely some abuse going on. And my guess is it's being committed by Onision himself! Plus, Onision puts all his dirty laundry on YouTube. He filmed Shiloh having a seizure, instead of helping her and getting her to a doctor. He would not get her care when she was being infected after a baby died in utero and had gone septic. Instead, he decided to film it and put it up on YouTube. That's the kind of monster Onision is. I would never have done the shit he did.

What Onision is doing is a lot like when Tess O'Brien said that I raped her. He's just saying it to try and get under Chris Hansen's skin by making him look bad and uncredible. That's all this is. But I believe Chris Hansen does not give a shit. I don't even think he's paying any attention to Onision's tweets. If he is, he's probably laughing at them. That's all anyone does with Onision now, except for the dumb teenage girls who are still on his fanbase. Onision says most people today are stupid. He must be talking about himself and his fans!! Because yes, most of them are stupid. But you can't blame teenagers for being stupid. When they grow up and see the light, then they get smarter. But that's not the kind of people that is a part of Onision's audience. Most of his audience is either 30-something year old pedophiles or young teenagers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

GOD Is Mad!!

I mean mad as in angry! GOD is mad at California! Look at what is happening. A lot of people left California, a lot of homeless moved in, and illegal immigrants. Crime went up and so did diseases and sickness. Some diseases that have not been seen in the USA for many generations! Now, they have wildfires, earthquakes, their gas is all gone, the power has been out, and now I hear insurance companies are not going to pay for houses that burned down. What else can go wrong? Even Donald Trump refuses to help them because the democrats sitting in office in California have been so defiant of Trump, he refuses to help them. California democrats were so caught up in declaring "sanctuary cities" and letting in homeless illegal immigrants that they never thought to prepare for a disaster. GOD caught them off guard, and now, California is getting what it deserves for being so defiant against Trump AND GOD!!

Think about this; back in the book of Genesis, the world ended with a huge flood. After the flood was over, Noah and his remaining descendants asked GOD to never flood the earth again, and HE agreed. But this was bound to happen again. Last time GOD ended the world with a flood. This time it was supposed to end with fire. California was the first state to turn against GOD, and have been going downhill ever since. This is GOD throwing HIS wrath on a state that is so defiant. I'm not saying everyone in California turned against GOD. But the majority of people there did. And now, I hate to say this, but all of California is paying for it. I pray for the friends I do have still living in California. They are good people, and I hope nothing happens to them. But if I were them, I would get out while I still can! So far, it's been only a miracle that only 31 people have died in these wild fires. But they have not been able to contain them completely yet.

See, this is what happens when democrats run the state. Nothing gets done! Democrats are fucking lazy-ass lions!!! These are the same people who outlaw plastic straws in restaurants, but hand out free hypodermic needles to druggies on the streets. Then say nothing when the used needles are just discarded on the walkways. This is how dumb democrats are. Of course I've known that since my stint with the leftist INXS fans. They believe everything except the truth. They're like a bunch of mentally-challenged kids who don't go to school to learn, but to fight. And I heard it's gotten worse among them too. Boy! I'm glad I never went back to that "Statue for Michael" group!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad!!! LOL! So glad, I am laughing! There's not a way in Hell I'd ever go back there either. I couldn't either, even if I wanted to. I have most of the mods there on ignore. LOL!

Tonight I brought this up under an article about the insurance companies refusing to cover the houses that burned down, and the homeowners who lost everything. I said GOD is mad at California. The article was posted in the Walkaway campaign group. Someone told me they brought this up and got called out on it. Well, whenever you speak your mind, that's going to happen anyways. People are going to say "you're disgusting filth" for saying GOD is mad at California. But you know what? The only people who say that are the people who refute GOD. I happen to believe in GOD. There's just no denying it. When you have so many things happening all at once; illegal immigration, disease, earthquakes, wild fires, drought, power outages, gas outages, etc.; you know it's got to be GOD sending HIS wrath down on California!! One could argue this kind of thing happens all the time in California. But when things like this happen all at once, you know it's the work of a divine power! Especially when it's as bad as it's been lately.

A lot of people are saying it, including a lot of leftist media; California is becoming unlivable. Unless you make literally millions of dollars a year, you won't make it in California! There was a time in history, my sis thought California was the coolest state. She used to have a hoodie that said "Sacramento rules". Well, she doesn't have that hoodie anymore. And Sacramento has become a shithole! LOL! When we go to Las Vegas this year, we're going to avoid California like the plague! We're instead going to cut through eastern OR. I had thought about doing that for some time, I came to OR by way of the eastern towns too. So, we can head to Vegas that way, and stay the fuck out of California!!

Oh yes, in other news, I heard back from the guy who was in the time office that day I worked at the Puyallup Fair and had that run-in with Tracy. Actually he answered me back in May, but I haven't been on Quora lately. I've been doing my best to avoid it. There's too many liberals on Quora. Not that this guy is one of those I don't think. But this was his response to me saying "Are you kidding?"

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! She stormed around like a really pissed off angus bull! LMAO!! I love it!!! I was so glad I was able to ruin her day. This is very refreshing to know! LOL!!! And it serves her right!! You act like an ass you're going to be treated like an ass! I don't even miss that job. I never did. Not even right after I was fired. I went home with a smile on my face! And I sure as Hell don't miss Tracy! I actually wrote a story based on that encounter. Only I changed the story a little, but Tracy was the inspiration for the character "Stacy" in the story. I think I captured her character perfectly in the story. Anyways, it was the person I remember her being. The story is titled Dead End Job and it is available on our UMG Productions website. And that's exactly what that was, a dead-end job!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

22 And Strong

Well, this should have been posted yesterday, but this day marks the 22nd anniversary of Michael's life cycle completing. I still miss him being here. I so loved that man! But I remember him big time every November of every year since he died. 22 is a lot of years! A person becomes an adult in 22 years. A person has completed primary school in 22 years. They have already learned how to drive a car. They have probably already voted in national elections too. They have maybe even gotten married and begun a family. A lot can happen by the time a person turns 22. Another thing about 22, I think it was Michael's number. He was born January 22. He had his first child on July 22. And he died November 22. Also, Michael was 22 years old when INXS first toured the USA. That was definitely Michael's number.

Well, I heard there is a motion to end Thanksgiving by the leftists. They want that day changed to "Indigenous Peoples' Day". Hey man! You guys got Columbus Day! That's enough. Now, while I do have American Indian ancestry, and I agree with a lot of the ideas of celebrating indigenous tribes, November is for my Michael!!! Leave this month alone!! I don't celebrate Thanksgiving myself. Even the pilgrims didn't intend for us to celebrate Thanksgiving every year. My "Thanksgiving" is always on the 22nd. That is the day I celebrate my Michael's life, and give thanks to all he has given this world. He graced the world with his beautiful singing and his meaningful words, and his handsome good looks, and his flowing hair. His is indeed a life to be celebrated. The world has been a dull place since he's been gone. But the world is a better place for him having been in it. That is why I miss him so much, and that is why I use "Thanksgiving" to celebrate his life.

Well, apparently there won't be a statue in his honor. Could that possibly be karma because the negators of that idea were so hateful and childish towards me? Maybe. Only GOD knows really. However, I wouldn't have wanted Michael's image defiled because some dumbass leftists acted like a bunch of idiotic, spoiled brats towards me. But, they can't say they weren't warned. You act like spoiled children, that's how you'll get treated. I was nothing but nice to those bozos. I didn't have to be, I could have told them all to fuck off (like I have lately). But even after they acted so hateful towards me, I still respected their opinions. I was angry, yes. But I still respected their opinions and their rights. Then they got angry because I respected their rights. Because that's how leftists are. You can't win with them. So don't even try!

Anyways, I got my revenge. I got Mya. And it was thanks to them. Mya is my rock. My soul. My strength. After I got her, I'm sure some of those goons were upset and angry that I was happy again, and not sad anymore, or suffering like they would have wanted me to. But too bad. Because of Mya, now I have the gumption again to look those people in the eyes and give them a nice, big F-you!! These days, I lose a friend on Facebook, I say I don't even care anymore. It means nothing to me anymore. Though I am always curious as to who it is, I just poo-poo it now. No worries at all. I still have Mya, and I still have family and my real friends. I even think my dad moved in with me. I feel his presence here every day. I dream of him quite a lot too. And I am still thinking of getting another dog too. When I do, it'll be fun having 2 babies to lick my face when I am sad or upset.

Well, I always have the usual turkey with all the trimmings, but in my case, it's for a different reason. This year, it looks like "Thanksgiving" is the day before the 22nd. I think. But either way, I'll still be celebrating it the same day I always do.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Big Win For Daddy

For the past couple of days I've been hearing about this man whose little boy, named James, has been living with his mom and she wants to dress him up as a girl, calls him a little girl and even wants to change his name to "Luna". But James is very much a little boy. He only acts like a little girl when he is around his mom. But that's because his mom is forcing that lifestyle on him. She's nuts! No wait! I like nuts. Let's just say she's crazy! For a while there, it looked like only his mom was going to have the say in James' life. But yesterday the courts ruled that both mother and father get to have a say in what happens to James.

This is about what I was talking about the other day with Megan Fox and her child. He's a little boy, but she puts him in dresses and tells him that's normal for a little boy to wear a dress. So, he believes it. Despite merciless teasing by his peers. But Megan probably covers it by telling her little boy "They're just jealous because you look good in a dress", further enforcing the idea that it's OK for him to wear a dress. The same thing is happening to little James. He obviously does not want to be a girl. When he is with his father, he acts like a normal, healthy little boy. It's only when he is with his mom that this girlish side comes out. So, we know the mom is the only one doing this to him. I saw in an article where James' twin brother even begged their father not to send them back to their mom. They didn't like it there with her. Probably because she totally abuses them. To tell James that "monsters only eat little boys" is nothing but child abuse, and it's mind manipulation too. Imagine how saying something like that to James' twin brother (who is being raised as a boy) would feel hearing something like that come from his own mom! It proves how crazy this mom is to say something fucked up like that!

Well, the father fought the courts and they agreed to let him have a say in the children's lives. This is such good news. With this and Johnathan Yaniv losing his case against these beauticians, it looks like the trannies are going to lose. But wait! The battle is not over yet. One guy who I watch a lot of on YouTube, said they are getting revved up for the real battle. What they are doing now is just setting a precedent. They're going to keep going and going until they get a judge that is going to give them a win. When that day comes, the whole of America loses. That's why we sensible conservatives need to start fighting back NOW!!! We may need to start whining as hard as the leftists if we really want to win this battle. It's going to kill the children in the future. You know the reason why the suicide rate is so high among transgender people? Riley Dennis thinks it's because of family and friends who do not accept a trans person's decision to transition. But no. It has nothing to do with that. What Riley won't tell you is the real reason trannies kill themselves at a higher rate is because they are confused inside. They don't know which way is up. That's why they are drowning in seas of doubt. And the so-called "progressives" just confuse them more by saying "Yeah, you're the opposite sex alright." For stupid little reasons. The reason James' mom wants to raise him as a little girl is simply because he liked a toy in a McDonald's Happy Meal that was made for little girls. That's ALL! Now, she wants to ruin his life!

Ruining a 7-year old child's entire life just because ONE TIME he liked a Happy Meal toy that was made for girls. How stupid does that sound??? And get this; his mom is a pediatrician. That's not kinda scary. That's REALLY scary!!! If she's willing to destroy her own child's life just because he liked a girly toy one time, then I would not trust her with any child of mine! She's apparently been doing this to James since he was 3 years old. I'd wager he probably doesn't even remember the toy that almost destroyed his life! The fact of the matter is, 3 year olds don't know enough to make lifelong decisions. When I was 3, I went around and told everyone I was a cat. I'm serious! I did! Not even making it up. I used to take long rolls of toilet paper, stick it in my pants and tell people that was my tail. It used to drive my mom crazy too! When I was 6, I was dancing around the house singing "I'm Sheyten the black cat". LOL! That's what I called myself. I never used my real name at that age. I made up the silliest sounding, stupid name I could think of and called myself that. Katrina's youngest child, a little boy, was playing with dolls with his sister one day, the next day he was playing with toy trucks. He's at that curious age. But he shows a greater interest in playing with toy trucks.

But if a parent would rather their little boy NOT be raised as a little girl, the leftists call that parent a 'bigot'. The leftists' answer to EVERYTHING is just say the people who don't agree with their agenda is a 'bigot'. They know that gets under the skin of some right-wingers. But not this right-winger. You call me a 'bigot', and I'll just laugh at you. In fact I have been called that many times by the leftists who get on the anti-SJW forum I am on. I just laugh. I don't correct them, I don't say anything to oppose that. I just laugh. The word "bigot" has been so overused today by leftists that it just means nothing to me now. Absolutely NOTHING! I've been called every name in the book by leftists now. I don't care. I just don't care anymore. It means nothing. If a right-winger calls me a bigot, that's one thing. But it means nothing to me at all when a leftist calls me a bigot. I'm a free spirit. I speak my mind. I say what I feel. Leftists don't like that. It used to bother me until I found out that's just how leftists are. They would love to silence people like me, who speak the truth. That's the reason I left the left. Well, it boils down to that anyways.

Well anyways, this is a big win for James' father. I'm glad now he gets to also have a say in the child's life. He's not going to let this boy become a little girl. And that's a good thing. The last thing this world needs now is more confused children who are going to grow up hating themselves and possibly kill themselves in the long run.

If you are interested in learning more about how to protect children like James, you can visit their facebook page or website at the links below...

Facebook Page
GoFundMe page

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Loser Loses

A couple months ago, I was very interested in a story about a man named Johnathan Yaniv, who claims he identifies as a woman. He buys pads, and even can be seen going in womens' locker rooms and rest rooms. But the biggest stories about him were how he was suing women who worked at waxing parlors. They refused to service him because he is a man and still has all his male parts. See, this is the big difference between male and female. They are built different. You can't go into a waxing parlor, that is certified to only work on women, just because you are a man who thinks he's a woman. That's not right. And really, you can't force people to see you as a woman if you're really a man.

Well, he referred to those business women as "transphobes". That's an SJW's favorite word! That and "homophobe". But the lawyers for the women say they had no animosity against Yaniv when he walked in. They just could not go ahead with waxing him because they are not set up to work on men. There are plenty of other waxing parlors Yaniv could have gone to. Ones that will work on his balls. But he chose those specifically because they are run by women who are immigrants from India. And Yaniv hates Indians. Yes, he actually admitted that in a tweet. I think he was lying personally, I think he really gets the hots for them. Yaniv has lied so much about everything over the past few months, I don't believe a word he says anymore!

Anyways, long story short, he took them to court and LOST!! HAHAHAHA!!! I'm glad he lost too. This proves a point. I hope this opens Justin Trudeau's eyes! Though I highly doubt it. That ape in Jack ass's clothing is incapable of learning anything! And don't even get me started on Morgane Ogre. Anyway, I'm happy about the outcome of this case. Though I'm sure it's been a tough year for those women. But now, Yaniv is ordered to pay them $6000 in damages. He thought he was going to get over $50,000 from them. But instead, he is ordered to pay them $6000. Can you taste the irony in that?? LMAO!! I love it! I love it when things like this works out. It serves Yaniv right!

I really wish everybody would stop pandering to these trans people!! But who didn't see this coming? I mean, who on the right didn't see this coming? Obviously the left didn't see it coming because they're dumb. Damn! And I was once one of them! Thank GOD I wised up! But I really wish people would stop pandering to trans people. I heard about Kotex removing the Venus symbol (♀️) from their pads because a lot of trans "women" and "men" complained that it wasn't "inclusive enough". I think they just hate it because it reminds the trans "women" that they're not really women, and it reminds the trans "men" that they are still women. LMAO!! But Kotex went and removed them anyways! See what I mean about them pandering to these people. This is why I am beginning to hate trans people! Now, I have nothing against real trans people. But they are never the ones who are complaining to companies like Kotex. It's always the trans-trenders (which they claim doesn't exist) who are complaining. Almost 99% of trans people today are trans-trenders. Not transgenders. And ALL of them come from leftist parents.

That's why I think the trans problems today is such a big hassle. That's why I don't like trans-trenders. When America accepted gay marriage, it was to be fair. No one is against gays marrying, because who are they hurting by falling in love? But these days, it's become a big fiasco. When gays marry each other, they are just simply trying to live their own lives, and minding their business. That's fine. But trannies are a whole other story! They don't just want to just live their lives. They want to demand that everyone change their ways. See, it's all about control! I have been saying this ever since 2015. This whole transgender thing is about nothing but control. They want to invoke their will on others. They want to force us to use their "preferred pronouns". They want us to see them as the opposite sex, or some other gender that does not exist in nature. They make up all these ridiculous genders and say we have to agree with them. And anyone who refuses is called a "transphobe". Or they call it an "act of violence" if we don't comply. And then they say "Let's meet violence with violence". That's why groups like Antifa are so hostile.

I heard France is fighting to get their country back. I say we Americans should do the same. I was even reported on Twitter for saying trans "women" are not real women, and "non-binary" does not exist at all. No, I don't believe in "non-binary". That's something the leftists made up. And leftists lie all the time. I believe some women/girls can have manly characteristics, and some men/boys can have girly characteristics. But I do not believe in "non-binary" as a gender. I was a tomboy when I was a kid. And when I was in my 20s, I thought I was bisexual. Although it turns out I really wasn't. If I was, I would still have similar feelings, and I don't. I've never been in love with a woman in my life. I just think some are attractive. But I don't have a physical attraction to them at all. I'm only attracted to men. Manly men. Not men in dresses or girly make up.

Anyways, I think our race is doomed. We're already seeing a decline in the number of births. Face it, this is the end of humankind. And I blame the leftists.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Future Is Disabled

Ya know, I'm starting to get the feeling these Antifags are just simply trolling Americans. I mean it! I think all they are doing is just trolling. They don't mean anything they say, and don't believe any of the causes they stand for. I seriously believe all they are doing is trolling America. I found that out over the weekend when I saw videos by Slightly Offensive. One person he interviewed was one of those little people. Ya know like you see in Little People Big World on TLC. Well, she said something that led me to believe Antifa is not serious about their beliefs, that all they want to do is stir shit up. She said "I'd like to see the future of America be more disabled, sick people." I knew she just had to be joking!! Antifa probably hired her to say that and act like some kind of street clown. Or a comedienne. No one, who has all their wits about them, would actually say they'd like to see more people in the future be sick or disabled! She had to be kidding!

She had to have some kind of silly motive for saying that. Because sick and disabled people running America, that does not sound good! I kinda wonder if she was told to say that to give Greta Thunberg some kind of accommodation or validation? Because now everyone knows she is mentally unstable. Before Greta Thunberg took the stage, I've never heard anyone say anything to the effect that they wanted to see the whole of humanity become disabled or sick in the future. The mentally disabled can be very dangerous people! I've seen them in action. Look at how many people kill others and then kill themselves because they'd rather be dead than spend any time in prison. That's a good sign of mental instability. And this woman in this interview said she wants to see more of that. She wants to see more people get bullied and harassed. That's also something mentally disabled people do. She wants to see more people panic, and become instantly hot-headed and act insane. Those are other things mentally unstable people do. And she wants to see more of that in this world. I don't get it.

You know what is so ironic about all this? The democrats are always accusing Trump of being mentally unstable, and they want to impeach him. How would they react if the future world of humanity is 100% sick and disabled? Some may even be worse than they think Trump is. I think Greta Thunberg is worse than Trump, but really we can't go by her. She's only 16. She hasn't learned yet how to control her Asperger's-fueled rages. But she is worse than Trump so far. The only reason the democrats like her is because they agree with her. If there's one thing I've learned about democrats over the last 3 years, its that they hate ANYONE that disagrees with them.

Now, don't misunderstand me, I have nothing against disabled, or sick, people. My dad got very sick before he died. I still loved him. And autism, of one form or another, seems to run in my family. My grandma had it I think. So does my sis, so do I. So did my father. I think we all had some form of autism. That's how I know I don't want to see the future of humanity have more sick and disabled people. I'm disabled, and I cannot even begin to tell you how much I wish I wasn't! I wish I could live a normal life like other people. Well, not too normal! LOL! I want to keep my ability to write and illustrate stories. You gotta keep some amount of craziness to do that. But anyways, you get the picture! I wish to GOD I could get over my social anxiety and learn to just get along with other people very well. But I can't. I wish I could not feel depressed without having to take my weight in anti-depressants every day. But I can't. And it's not as easy to stop as saying "I think I'll not feel so sad or anxious today." Nope. Not that easy at all. You think I enjoy that? Well think again! I don't think anyone enjoys that.

I'm not looking for sympathy. I gave that up ages and ages ago. I've come to terms with my condition, and frankly don't give a shit if anyone else accepts me or not. But at the same time, I wouldn't wish my condition on anyone else. Not even the one person in this world that I hate more than anyone else. Don't worry though, I have no plans to kill myself or anyone else. I couldn't do that. One thing I do have is empathy. Sometimes I think I have too much for my own good. But it is present and I am grateful. But it was the autism that runs in my family that is one of the reasons I never had kids. I didn't want to pass that on to them. I know what happens to kids in school who are autistic. It happened to me. I didn't want to see it happen to any child of mine.

But I don't want to live in a world where 100% of the population is disabled or sick, and all doped up on anti-depressants and other such shit as that. No thank you! It's not natural to be all drugged up like that. I personally would like to see the future of humanity to live the way nature intended us to. Though I'd rather not go around nude. I'd like to see less depression and social anxiety. I'd like to see less ADHD. I'd like to see less bullying. I'd like to see less cancer. Less, less LESS! Less is more!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hitler Is Their Hero

The leftists are always griping about Hitler's genocide, and then calling everyone around them "Nazis". They liken Trump to the second coming of Hitler. They act like Hitler was this horrid person. But you know what? Everything the leftists today are doing is what Hitler did during his time in this world. So, in essence, Hitler is the leftists' hero. They deny it, but actions speak louder than words. Hitler changed the school curriculums to teach kids how to hate. Well, the exact same thing is happening today. I just saw an article last night about a teacher in a North Carolina school who embarrassed students in her classroom who were white and Christian. She made them stand up in front of the classroom and actually apologize to the other kids for being white, or being Christian.

The story is from 2017, but it's not like it hasn't stopped going on today. People today are being made to feel embarrassed for being white or Christian. It used to be that Christians were the most accepted class of people. They do good and [usually] help other people out. But today they are being persecuted by leftists. I still think the WBC had something to do with these harsh feelings going around today about Christian people. Even though a lot of what they said was true, I just didn't like the way they went about sending their message; holding those stupid signs and protesting other peoples' funerals. That is so wrong!! That's what pissed me off about the WBC. And Shirley Phelps was so snarky, sometimes I just wanted to slap her! Take that big, stupid grin off her face! But a lot of the Bible's prophecies are coming true. The minute GOD was taken out of the schools, this country started going downhill. It started off slowly and has grown quicker.

The leftists are using the same techniques that Hitler used to kill the Jewish peoples. Today, they are even turning little boys into little girls. Meagan Fox has a little boy that she constantly dresses up in frilly dresses, and he is always getting bullied in school. But she said he loves wearing dresses. So, I guess to him, the bullying is worth it all. And I used to have some amount of respect for Meagan Fox! She is a beautiful woman. And she could have such beautiful children. Her little boy could have grown to be such a handsome man and now she's RUINED him!!!! She ruined him by making him want to become a girl! She claims that he came to that conclusion on his own, when he was 3 years old. I say she's full of shit! I'm sure he did want to wear dresses at one time on his own, all kids are curious. But I have the feeling it's more because she groomed him to wear dresses. I don't believe for one second, at 6 years old, he still wants to wear dresses. And no doubt wouldn't do it anymore if his mom hadn't told him "It's normal for a boy to wear dresses." and she probably told him he looks good in one.

The sad thing is, she's not the only parent that was confusing her own children. Lots of parents on the left indoctrinate their little boys to wear dresses and be all girlish. This is why I am all for abortion if the parent is a leftist. We don't need anymore confused children being born to leftists. But that's one of the only times I am pro-abortion. But then again, so are the leftists. They hate kids. Antifa will attack children if they are seen with Trump supporters. Hell, they'll even attack Trump's own children and grandchildren. Now, you can say what you want about Trump, but he throws some beautiful children and grandchildren! I saw a pic of his granddaughter Chloe (even though I hate that name), and she is a living doll!! She is adorable!! Now, I don't like children much myself, though I will say some are adorable. But I would NEVER hurt a child. Never intentionally. But the leftists don't care.

Well, today's leftists are becoming Hitler. Only they are doing it with this PC/Cancel culture. Beto O'Rourke is even saying he will send the police out to peoples' homes to steal guns. Ben Shapiro said if anyone comes to his home to steal from him, they are going to be met at the door with him and his gun. But then Beto O'Rourke is a fricken idiot!! But he is the most dangerous kind of idiot. He's the kind of idiot who doesn't know he's an idiot, but always thinks he's right about everything. No doubt at all if he gets in office, he's going to try it. It'd be too much to hope for that the leftists won't vote for him, but the sad fact is, they most likely will. Either him or Kamala Harris. And I hate her too. I hate how she was pandering to this little tranny kid who got up on stage and started asking about her guaranteeing "transgender safety". You want transgender safety, you stay at home! Or stay in California. Don't go pushing your PC bullshit in all our faces.

The way the leftists are pushing kids to be gay or transgender, it's going to cause all of us to despise gay and transgender people once again. It's like how they hate it when Christians preach GOD and the Bible to them. They hate it when it is forced on them. I hate it when gay rights and gay history is forced on me, or on today's kids. And if anyone speaks out against it, they are deemed a "homophobe". Gosh! Using their same logic, could it be they don't like us preaching about GOD to them because they know their lifestyle is a sin? You think that's why they don't like us preaching the Bible to them? GOD is never wrong.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Thug Dies That's Two!

This morning I heard a member of Antifa in Portland was run over by a guy in an SUV. He died at the hospital. The story goes a guy, who was a well-known member of Antifa in Portland, was coming out of a bar, that is a well-known hangout for Antifa members, and as he was crossing the road, a big SUV came ramming down the road, and struck the guy. Then the SUV was shot at, probably by the victim's friends, and raced off, hitting the Oregon Democratic building on the way out. The police are still looking for the guy in the SUV. No one really knows who he was. The police are considering it a hit and run homicide. But this is the second known killing of a member of Antifa this year. Now, this is how it was described to the police.

Let me break this down my way. I have no clue who the person in the SUV was. He may turn himself in, or he may not. I can't even say for sure if he is guilty of a crime. The Antifa guys came out of a bar. They may have been drunk. People are mean when they get drunk. Especially if they are pre-programmed to be mean, like the members of Antifa are. We've seen the violence Antifa causes. We've seen the carnage. This SUV drives down the road as the Antifa members are crossing the road. The SUV hits one of them, the others shoot at the SUV. That part may or may not be true. But knowing Antifa the way I do, they probably were not doing the shooting. So far, no members of Antifa have ever shot at anyone. But I have been saying for a long time now, they are going to mess with the wrong person one day, and they'll get their asses kicked. My first story in my Americana compilation (which has not yet been published) is all about that.

Well, while I do believe the person in the SUV who did this should at least be brought in for questioning, and I am sorry for the victim's family, I'm not going to pretend to be mourning over the death of an Antifa member! Antifa works overtime at being violent, despicable, hateful people. They ruin businesses, and hurt innocent people everywhere! They don't even care who they hurt. There's a viral video going around now of Antifa members blocking the path of an elderly woman on a walker, and yell in her face "Off our streets Nazi scum!" That little old woman is not hurting anyone. Nor was she ever going to. She was barely able to walk. Yet there was Antifa, harassing her and calling her a "Nazi". There was an Antifa uprising in Minnesota last week at a Trump rally. They were slapping, kicking, hitting innocent people for no reason other than they support Donald Trump. They even stole the MAGA hats off peoples' heads and burned them on the ground. Then when the smoke settled, one of them put a sign on the ground saying "Fuck Trump". Nooooooooo. My heart does not bleed at all for the Antifa member that was killed!! I was glad when Bin Ladin was killed, and I'm glad to see another Antifa member killed. This is the second one this year. I say, go out and kill more!!!

Since Antifa does not believe in GOD, I can picture this guy's descent to Heaven. I can imagine when he got there it was like this...

St. Peter: Hello. Welcome to Heaven
Antifa guy: Wow! I never knew Heaven existed. I always believed it was a myth.
St. Peter: No. Heaven exists, and it is a wonderful place. But before I can let you in, tell me how you helped your fellow man on Earth.
Antifa guy (if he was to be honest): I beat up people who believed in GOD, and people who supported Donald Trump and called them Nazis, racists and homophobes. All for anti-fascism.
St. Peter: So, you acted like a fascist, to prevent fascism. Right?
Antifa guy: I never thought of it that way. I was only doing what George Soros and Ted Wheeler wanted me to do.
St. Peter: Yes, we know all about George Soros and Ted Wheeler. We will deal harshly with them when they get here. But it sounds to me like you beat up innocent people down there because they supported Donald Trump?
Antifa guy: Yeahhhhhhhh! Donald Trump is a bigoted, racist, Nazi, homophobe, transphobe and he cheated to become president. And his supporters are just as bad.
St. Peter: We know Donald Trump, and he is none of what you describe. It sounds like you beat up innocent people because you just disagreed with them.
Antifa guy: Well yes. My parents always gave me everything I wanted. I never learned to agree to disagree.
St. Peter: Well, with a record like that, you cannot get into Heaven.
(St. Peter pushes a button)
St. Peter: Enjoy your new home. Down in Hell.

That's probably how it went as well with the last Antifa person who died in Tacoma a couple months ago when he tried to blow up an ICE building. Ted Wheeler is mourning the loss of this Antifa member, naturally! But this is what he created in Portland. If he doesn't do something to stop these thugs, don't be surprised when more conservatives decide to fight back! I personally think this case should be treated the same way the police treat attacks on conservatives by Antifa; "Yeah. You ran over an Antifa guy with your SUV? OK, we'll get someone down there as soon as possible." Waits 3 hours before he sends a police man to the driver's house. It'd serve Antifa right if they did. But knowing Ted Wheeler the way I do, he won't let this wait. The minute the driver is found, Ted Wheeler is going to be waiting with his hands getting ready to punch the driver, no doubt will have the guy shackled down so he can't fight back. I can picture Ted Wheeler's response now.

Policeman: We found the person who drove the SUV that killed that Antifa member.

Ted Wheeler:

And I bet whenever a conservative gets mauled by Antifa, it goes like this...

A white, conservative man wearing a MAGA hat is walking down the street when a mob of Antifa thugs decides to jump him. When they are done, he is bleeding with some broken bones and he can't get up. He calls the police...

Conservative man: I was just attacked by an Antifa mob! I need help.

Ted Wheeler:

So Ted Wheeler only cares if it's someone who agrees with him that is attacked. Not when it's someone who does not agree with him politically. What a dunce!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Spongebob Is A Dangerous Colonizer

OMG! Just when I thought I heard it all. Now, SpongeBob is being accused of being a "violent, racist colonizer". And guess who is doing the accusing. It's a University of Washington "professor" by the name of Holly M. Barker. Seriously! She makes me ashamed of being from Washington state! SpongeBob apparently turned 20 years old yesterday. So, with this celebration going on, leave it to liberals to do something, or say something, to ruin it for everyone! Now, I will admit SpongeBob is ugly. But just because he's ugly doesn't make him dangerous. I'm ugly and I am not particularly dangerous. This Holly Barker is ugly too...

Well, I won't say she's not dangerous. In fact, she is very dangerous! She is a leftist. Leftists are extremely dangerous today. Just from the ideas they share they are dangerous. Now, this woman is accusing SpongeBob of being a racist colonizer because he lives in Bikini Lagoon in the Marshall Islands. I never watched SpongeBob before. I never desired to watch SpongeBob. I always thought he was too ugly. But I have seen how much kids today love SpongeBob. They don't know any better. All cartoons today are ugly! It's a shame kids will never grow up with the classic, cutesy cartoons. But this lady would no doubt say those cartoons were "racist". (actually by today's terms, they are. But they were still fun!)

Anyways, this article was presented in an academic journal that was written by Holly Barker. So, let's look at this...

She says

"SpongeBob Squarepants and his friends play a role in normalizing the settler colonial takings of indigenous lands while erasing the ancestral Bikinian people from their nonfictional homeland,"

I'm sure no kids watching this are even thinking about "colonial takings of indigenous lands". This is a cartoon that appeals to children whose age ranges between 2 and 10. It's made for people that age. Although I know of some adults (who must be out of their minds frankly) that also enjoy SpongeBob. But I don't think anyone watching this cartoon is even thinking about that. It's just a cartoon. Cartoons are supposed to be for fun and entertainment. Only the really dumb, gullible people grow up living their lives as cartoon characters. And even if they did think about colonization, these are ANIMALS!!! Sea sponges are literally millions and millions of years older than the first humans. They were in the Marshall Islands LONG before there were even monkeys. Even lemurs! If this woman were a real anthropologist, she would know that. Humans took land from the animals. Even so-called "indigenous people" stole land from animals. If every human lived indigenously, like the liberals want, then black people would all still be living in Africa, while every white person would still be living in Europe. And they griped when Trump told Illhan Omar to go back to Somalia and fix things there.

Stephen Hillenburg was the creator of SpongeBob, and he passed away last year, which vamped up SpongeBob's popularity. This also caused fans of the show to take to social media and express their sorrow. But in all that, Holly Barker can only resent the fact that no one wrote about the "normalization of colonial and military violence engendered through his cartoon depiction of Bikini Bottom". Some kind of extant horseshit like that. It's the same kind of BS I always used to hear from vegans who argued that we should all not eat meat because their hearts bled for some prey animals, when at the same time, they kept cats in their homes that would kill other animals for fun. It's like I've always said, leftists are the biggest hypocrites.

Let's move on. Barker also stated in her article...

as an "American character" allowed to inhabit an area that natives had no choice but to leave, SpongeBob showed his privilege of "not caring about the detonation of nuclear bombs."

UGH!! There's that word again! "Privilege". That's a word I am really getting sick and tired of. Sometimes it makes me want to fricken kill myself I hear it so much now. And I am beginning to hate it! Calm down! I'm not going to actually kill myself! I wouldn't give the leftists the satisfaction. They'll have to wait for GOD to take me down. Which admittedly, I hope is before things get much worse! Sometimes I'm grateful my dad didn't live to see this shit going on today. He's really the lucky one. I have to live through this stuff. And my head hurts from the constant facepalms I do every time I see bullshit like this being put out there.

And I must ask, why is it so important that SpongeBob "cares" what happened to native people??? A sponge is a SEA CREATURE!!!!! For Christ's sake! A sea creature that doesn't even have a brain! I bet if you went up to a real sea sponge under the ocean, and you ask it "Do you care that indigenous people were driven from their homes here on the Marshall Islands?" The sea sponge would not even respond. Know why? Because he DOESN'T CARE!! He cares nothing about you, or any people at all. All he'll care about is his own survival. That's how nature is. I dare this Holly Barker to go into the ocean off the Marshall Islands, and ask a sea sponge if it'll care that native people were driven from this island. Call me when you get a response from it. Hell! Go ask a starfish the same question. Or ask a squid. Or a jellyfish. Or a crab!! Ask any of those creatures and let me know when you get a response. I'll call Ripley's Believe It or Not. Or I'll call the woopee squad!

Barker also complains because most of the characters in SpongeBob are male characters. I think some time back, the LGBTQ people wanted to make SpongeBob and Patrick (the starfish) gay lovers. Seems I remember that being mentioned somewhere. Though I might be wrong. Anyways, SpongeBob is by far not the first, or only, cartoon to have mostly male characters. Let's face it, male characters have more......well...….character! There are some cartoons that have some female main characters, but most of the main characters in cartoons are male. Look at Loony Toons. Look at Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy. All males. All main characters. Even in my own stories, there's male main characters. Uncle Martin is a male character, so is most of his "gang". Though I've also had a lot of female characters as well, the males for some reason, are easier to work with.

Either way, I'm shocked this kind of shit is being taught in school. Particularly in a university! I'm like other people. I can't imagine paying for a child to go to a university where things like this is being taught. It boggles the mind! And the schoolboard wants to eliminate conservative teachers. Ya know, I was watching a little bit of Jaclynn Glenn today, which is rare for me. I don't really like her. But she is still an atheist. She grew up in a catholic family, but because of bullying (which seems to always happen in catholic homes) she became an atheist. I must ask, how can anyone who knows the Bible be an atheist in today's world? You notice, a lot of the prophecies in the Bible are coming true. It's happening all over today. If you don't see it, you must be a snowflake!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Joker Is As Joker Does

I went to see that Joker movie yesterday. I had planned to for several days. I went to nearly every Batman movie ever put out there, so now that the Joker has his own movie, I wanted to see it. Well, I admit I haven't seen the most recent Batman movies, because movies are pretty much ruined because of SJWs. And I probably won't see the Batwoman movie, because she is apparently a lesbian woman, again thanks to SJWs. I don't care to see any movies that are out there to satisfy the SJW crowd! They're never any good. But anyways, I had plans to go see the Joker movie.

I was going to go on Wednesday. But as I was walking Mya to the fairgrounds for her "to do" trip, my leg collapsed real bad! I nearly hit the ground this time! By the time I managed to straighten it again, it hurt so bad! I had to walk home in that condition. Mya was pulling me along, and I was hurting! I couldn't walk that fast! So, by the time I got home, I was ready to give up for the day. I couldn't go to that Joker movie then. I saw it as a sort of bad omen. So, I didn't go. But yesterday I was a little better, so I decided to go. I first drove to Fred Meyers to pick up some goodies. I always love having goodies when I go to the movies. I found Hazelnut crème M&Ms!! They were AWESOME!!! I'm gonna go back and get some more!

I parked my car at Safeway and walked the rest of the way to the theater. It's only a block away. When I got there, I decided to order a soda pop. I got a medium sized soda, thinking it wouldn't be that big. But I was wrong! It was the size of a large at McD's. But that's OK. It lasted me all through the movie! Along with my goodies I got. I'd heard other reviews from YouTubers about this movie. They were mixed reviews. Some people said it was the greatest movie of this generation. Others said it was "eh!" I can tell you this, it was a little confusing until you really think about it. It's about a delusional man who lives with his mom and takes care of her. She too is delusional.

He works as a clown and at first you see him working and carrying a sign in front of a store. Then he gets jumped by a gang of teenage hooligans. The teens steal his sign and he valiantly goes after them. They knock him down to the ground and beat him up. It's kinda sad, but he starts laughing. Throughout the movie, he tries to be nice to people. But apparently he has this condition where stress makes him laugh. I kinda wonder if I have the same condition? LOL! Anyways, it tends to freak people out when he laughs. There's a lot of classic music throughout the movie too. It's really cool!

There was this one scene where he is in a subway, or train or something like that. He's riding home. There are these 3 bullies in the car with him, and they were at first harassing a young woman, throwing hot dogs at her. She gets up and leaves when the Joker starts laughing and the bullies turn their attention to him. They ask him what is so funny, and he's dressed like a clown. They approach him singing "Send In The Clowns". He tries to explain why he laughs and hands them his card. They snatch the card from him, and drag him to the floor and start beating him up. When the bullies seemingly step back to laugh about what they did to him, I must admit this part was quite satisfying. He pulls out a gun and shoots the bullies. Should I be ashamed of feeling relief in seeing him get vengeance on those bullies? Probably so. But as a bullied person myself, I must say, it was satisfying. And understandable. Though I would never condone that in real life.

Well, towards the end, he kills his mom and then takes on the identity as the Joker. During the whole movie, he has admiration for a talk show host, and desires to be on his show one day. He even dreams about it. Then one day he is surprisingly on his show, when the talk show discusses failed stand up comedians. In which a failed act of the Joker's was played on the show. And the only time the audience laughed was at the jokes directed at the Joker's lack of humor. Ya know, this is why I don't go around trying to meet my favorite celebrities! I always heard NEVER try to meet your idols. You never know how they'll treat you. I didn't even really want to meet INXS. It basically just happened! Mostly by chance. But I don't talk much, therefore I'm a tough person to get to know, and even hard to like sometimes. No one can really know what I am thinking because I am so closed-mouthed. I can't even explain myself very well. Most of the time, I don't even try to explain myself. I just do what I do. But most people don't like that.

Not that I want anyone to see me as a victim, because I'm not trying to be. I don't blame anyone for feeling the way they do about me. I understand totally! But I just saw so much of myself in the Joker in this movie! I see so much of myself in a lot of Batman's nemeses. I'm surprised I haven't gone out and started killing people!! I think really the only thing that has stopped me from doing that is that I don't want to go to prison! Prison life is way too structured and controlling for me. I don't like being controlled! My parents were good to me (for the most part). But the abuse I suffered at the hands of my peers is probably what has made me such an angry, hateful, nasty old cunt! If my parents had been like these modern "progressive" parents, I'd probably be a murderer right now. But thankfully I learned to have that "fear of authority" early on in my life. This is why discipline is very necessary! Think about this, parents!! This is why we have so many kids in gangs now, and Antifa, and such a high crime rate these days! Spank your kids! It does more good than you realize.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Greta Thunberg Hung?

Before we go on, Greta herself is OK. She did not hang herself. But I am going to say this story pisses me off. Now, I am not a fan of Greta in any way, shape or form. But I also know she did not come to this lifestyle choice on her own. She is a puppet of her parents and George Soros. I do not blame Greta for this, nor the perpetrators really. This is the sole responsibility of her parents. Some protesters in Rome, Italy decided to make an effigy of Greta Thunberg and string it up over a bridge. As much as I believe Greta is nothing but a mixed-up child whose parents ruined her, even she does not deserve this...

Come on guys! She's just a child! She has no control over her life yet. However, I truly believe this is why Greta's parents need to be publicly horsewhipped!! They brought this on their own child! If anything like this happens to Greta Thunberg, it'll be because of her parents. They put this pressure on her. Thus they are bringing this outrage against her. If I only could, I would whip her parents myself. But that isn't up to me. If anyone should be scolded for this, it's her parents! They are rotten, evil parents who deserve nothing more than to have that little girl taken away from them!

Greta at least has some sense. She was caught wearing an Antifa shirt, and realize she shouldn't have worn it at all. That was a good notion! She should never show any support of a fascist group who claims to be "against fascism". All Antifa is is the new KKK. Only this time, they are playing against white people. But if Greta even realizes Antifa is evil, then that's a step in the right direction. I must say I am glad she came to that conclusion. Antifa does not deserve any admiration or support! They harm hundreds of innocent people and businesses every time they go out. And they are such cowards that they won't even show their faces.

I never wanted to bash Greta Thunberg. It's not her fault she's being used as a pawn in this imaginary game of climate change. It's her parents' fault. I swear! Rich people make the worst parents! They abuse people around them, they judge the poor and working-class people. Then they use their kids as objects to fight their battles for them. I've seen it happen before. It's like rich people are as big of cowards as Antifa. Well, not all rich people mind you, make lousy parents. But it seems per capita, they are the worst of all the classes. I guess because they really only care about one thing; money. Nothing more.

This whole climate change rhetoric is getting silly. Now, we have a Swedish professor saying we need to start eating other people instead of cows. OMG! Sweden has lost it's collective mind!!! I kinda wonder what Per Gessle is saying throughout all this bullshit? But now, someone has come before AOC and is talking about eating babies! UGH!!! That is too messed up!! But the subject of another blog post. Personally, I think that person was trolling AOC. Kinda poking fun at her for this "Green New Deal" and talking about how the world is going to end in a few years due to cow farts. I think that was just a troll mocking her. Well! AOC deserves to be mocked. She's silly. But she's taking the woman who told her that seriously. It obviously never crossed AOC's mind that this woman was trolling.

Well, that's about all I have to say. It's early and I need to get back to bed. But I still say if you want to blame someone for Greta's message, blame her parents. Not her. She's nothing more than a puppet on George Soro's hand!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Leave Free Speech Alone!

I will always love my free speech rights. Don't let our soldiers die in vain! I know the leftists want to let that happen, but I don't. I love my free speech and my freedom to choose. I've been seeing something go around Facebook today, where Justin Beiber is giving PETA a big middle finger. Well, that's one good thing he's done. I still don't like him. He tells PETA to leave his "beautiful cats" (YUK) alone. Well, I hate to tell him this, but his cats are not "beautiful". In fact, they're downright ugly! But it doesn't surprise me Justin Beiber is a cat person. He's ugly, he always looked gay, and he is not a nice person (so I heard). And I don't think he's the least bit talented. But I must say, I do admire him for flipping the bird at PETA. Very few celebrities actually do. Probably because most celebrities are liberals these days.

PETA has recruiters they hire to go around to different venues, get backstage, and force PETA propaganda on celebrities. Then intimidate them if they don't accept. Typical leftist tactics. I know one time I heard about a couple of INXS fans who got backstage and forced PETA bullshit on JD Fortune. Unfortunately, he gave in. That is how I know PETA is recruiting people to go to different celebrity hang-outs and force their propaganda on them. I'd be willing to bet the people who went backstage to push that stuff on JD were not even really INXS fans. PETA has this idea that if a certain celebrity supports PETA, then so will their fans. That's all that is all about. Sadly, it worked with INXS fans. I used to know several INXS fans who were PETA supporters. But PETA does not like animals at all. I heard some PETA representatives kidnapped a little girl's chihuahua dog, and killed it. For NO REASON!!! They are so sick and deranged, they think when they kill a pet they are "saving it from human imprisonment". So, it's not just animals that are surrendered to them. They were even taking animals out of peoples' yards and killing them. I do hope JD Fortune stopped supporting PETA!

Well anyways, the leftists are now saying that we need to end free speech, that it is actually damaging. I say the left can go fuck it's self!! We need to in fact get rid of some of the laws being pushed on our society that is limiting free speech. You know now in New York, you can be fined for misgendering someone? That is so stupid!! One teacher now has already been fired because of it. A student in his class with a mustache and beard told the teacher he identified as a girl. LOL! I'm sorry, but if I see someone with a thick mustache and beard, I am surely not going to call that person a girl!! I don't care how it identifies. And I refuse to run down the list of '1000 genders' just to know what some twisted person wants to identify as!! Never going to happen! They can pull that shit with the leftists, but it won't work with me. You want my respect, you have to EARN it!!! If you're someone standing in front of me with a thick, heavy mustache and beard, and a deep voice, and you're whining when I call you "sir" and not "ma'am", then that is your problem! Not mine! I won't hurt you as long as you stay away from me, and I won't allow someone to hurt you physically if I can help it. But if you want me to call you "ma'am", then you should look, talk and act like a ma'am. And I don't mean just wearing lady jeans, long hair and makeup.

It's really sad that people are actually encouraging this behavior now. And it's even more sad that the leftists want to silence us. It isn't speech that is causing all the problems in the world. It's people who use speech to actually call for violence. Riley Dennis said in one of his videos that speech against trans people leads to violence against trans people. No it doesn't! Speech alone does not lead to it. It's the people who actually say "Go out and kill a tranny" that could contribute. But most often, it's ignorance. It's the people who hear someone say "Go kill a tranny" and actually go do it. It's not unlike Antifa saying "Go punch a Nazi" and then actually going out and doing it, or encouraging others to do it. There's no difference. Antifa should be punished for that, and so should anyone who encourages someone to go kill trannies. I admit trannies are annoying, but even they have a right to life.

The funny thing about the leftists is they want to shut down free speech. But when it's their turn for free speech, if you try to shut them down, they'll whine and cry for their rights back. So, it's just the right they want to stop from speaking. But I will never give up my free speech rights. And I always encourage everyone to do the same. If someone has something to say to me, as long as you're not hurting anyone, I say go ahead and spill it! My feelings are not easily hurt, believe me. I may gripe a lot on here, that's what this blog is for. But really, my feelings are very rarely hurt by anything. I can handle a lot of things because I've heard it all. But I will always practice my rights of free speech. I may lose friends over it. Believe me, it's happened many times before. LOL! But it doesn't stop me from saying what I feel. I don't post what I do for the hundreds of people who hate what I have to say. I post for the one or two people who say "Thank you. I needed to hear that." Or "I was hoping someone would say that". Believe me, it happens more often than you think! And it makes even the loss of former friends all worthwhile. The phrase "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" always comes to mind. LOL!

I believe more people need to speak up. Even if it means you lose friends in the end. I've always said it's better to lose friends than lose our rights. And I always speak up for my rights. Most of the time I've lost so-called friends is because I always say what I feel. But I'll never stop. I'm not a masochist, I don't think! But I don't go for being silenced. And I will always stand up for what I believe in. If we don't stand up for what we believe in, then the leftists win. The wrong people will win, and take away all our rights. We cannot let that happen as a country. That is why I am with Trump. He's fighting harder than any other president we ever had to keep our country free. Unfortunately, as always happens, the leftists are marring his efforts. While Trump is trying to make this country great, the leftists are doing shit to ruin it. Look at what happened in California. The leftists want all of America to look like that. And if Kamala Harris gets into office, I fear that is exactly what will happen to this country! Some of the big-wigs in the INXS community (including Tina Hutchence and Richard Lowenstein) want Kamala Harris! I say fuck that! I don't want her! And I am shocked Tina (who lives in California) would want her! Can't she see what the entire country would be like if Kamala Harris took over? All of the USA would look like Skid Row!! And really, as much as I like Richard Lowenstein, he has no room to talk! If Kamala Harris gets in office, he won't be affected because he lives in Australia! I live here, in the USA. And I say Fuck Kamala Harris!! Impeach her!! Before she does too much damage! And fuck Nancy Pelosi too! And fuck Elizabeth Warren too! You know those three look like triplets?!

Well, Skid Row did get cleaned up. By Trump supporters. LOL! Not by democrats. But how long will that last really? Trump needs to get a little more aggressive I think. I'm not ready for him to leave office. I think Trump should just ignore the dummycats and just do the clean-up of the country like he promised. So many things needs to be changed. We need stricter immigration laws, and need to have them more aggressively enforced. We need to take care of the homeless problem in big cities. We need to stop organizations like Antifa from turning our streets into war zones! So many things need to be done. And if all we do is just sit on our asses with our mouths shut and let the leftists silence us, it's not going to happen!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...