Sunday, October 13, 2019

Thug Dies That's Two!

This morning I heard a member of Antifa in Portland was run over by a guy in an SUV. He died at the hospital. The story goes a guy, who was a well-known member of Antifa in Portland, was coming out of a bar, that is a well-known hangout for Antifa members, and as he was crossing the road, a big SUV came ramming down the road, and struck the guy. Then the SUV was shot at, probably by the victim's friends, and raced off, hitting the Oregon Democratic building on the way out. The police are still looking for the guy in the SUV. No one really knows who he was. The police are considering it a hit and run homicide. But this is the second known killing of a member of Antifa this year. Now, this is how it was described to the police.

Let me break this down my way. I have no clue who the person in the SUV was. He may turn himself in, or he may not. I can't even say for sure if he is guilty of a crime. The Antifa guys came out of a bar. They may have been drunk. People are mean when they get drunk. Especially if they are pre-programmed to be mean, like the members of Antifa are. We've seen the violence Antifa causes. We've seen the carnage. This SUV drives down the road as the Antifa members are crossing the road. The SUV hits one of them, the others shoot at the SUV. That part may or may not be true. But knowing Antifa the way I do, they probably were not doing the shooting. So far, no members of Antifa have ever shot at anyone. But I have been saying for a long time now, they are going to mess with the wrong person one day, and they'll get their asses kicked. My first story in my Americana compilation (which has not yet been published) is all about that.

Well, while I do believe the person in the SUV who did this should at least be brought in for questioning, and I am sorry for the victim's family, I'm not going to pretend to be mourning over the death of an Antifa member! Antifa works overtime at being violent, despicable, hateful people. They ruin businesses, and hurt innocent people everywhere! They don't even care who they hurt. There's a viral video going around now of Antifa members blocking the path of an elderly woman on a walker, and yell in her face "Off our streets Nazi scum!" That little old woman is not hurting anyone. Nor was she ever going to. She was barely able to walk. Yet there was Antifa, harassing her and calling her a "Nazi". There was an Antifa uprising in Minnesota last week at a Trump rally. They were slapping, kicking, hitting innocent people for no reason other than they support Donald Trump. They even stole the MAGA hats off peoples' heads and burned them on the ground. Then when the smoke settled, one of them put a sign on the ground saying "Fuck Trump". Nooooooooo. My heart does not bleed at all for the Antifa member that was killed!! I was glad when Bin Ladin was killed, and I'm glad to see another Antifa member killed. This is the second one this year. I say, go out and kill more!!!

Since Antifa does not believe in GOD, I can picture this guy's descent to Heaven. I can imagine when he got there it was like this...

St. Peter: Hello. Welcome to Heaven
Antifa guy: Wow! I never knew Heaven existed. I always believed it was a myth.
St. Peter: No. Heaven exists, and it is a wonderful place. But before I can let you in, tell me how you helped your fellow man on Earth.
Antifa guy (if he was to be honest): I beat up people who believed in GOD, and people who supported Donald Trump and called them Nazis, racists and homophobes. All for anti-fascism.
St. Peter: So, you acted like a fascist, to prevent fascism. Right?
Antifa guy: I never thought of it that way. I was only doing what George Soros and Ted Wheeler wanted me to do.
St. Peter: Yes, we know all about George Soros and Ted Wheeler. We will deal harshly with them when they get here. But it sounds to me like you beat up innocent people down there because they supported Donald Trump?
Antifa guy: Yeahhhhhhhh! Donald Trump is a bigoted, racist, Nazi, homophobe, transphobe and he cheated to become president. And his supporters are just as bad.
St. Peter: We know Donald Trump, and he is none of what you describe. It sounds like you beat up innocent people because you just disagreed with them.
Antifa guy: Well yes. My parents always gave me everything I wanted. I never learned to agree to disagree.
St. Peter: Well, with a record like that, you cannot get into Heaven.
(St. Peter pushes a button)
St. Peter: Enjoy your new home. Down in Hell.

That's probably how it went as well with the last Antifa person who died in Tacoma a couple months ago when he tried to blow up an ICE building. Ted Wheeler is mourning the loss of this Antifa member, naturally! But this is what he created in Portland. If he doesn't do something to stop these thugs, don't be surprised when more conservatives decide to fight back! I personally think this case should be treated the same way the police treat attacks on conservatives by Antifa; "Yeah. You ran over an Antifa guy with your SUV? OK, we'll get someone down there as soon as possible." Waits 3 hours before he sends a police man to the driver's house. It'd serve Antifa right if they did. But knowing Ted Wheeler the way I do, he won't let this wait. The minute the driver is found, Ted Wheeler is going to be waiting with his hands getting ready to punch the driver, no doubt will have the guy shackled down so he can't fight back. I can picture Ted Wheeler's response now.

Policeman: We found the person who drove the SUV that killed that Antifa member.

Ted Wheeler:

And I bet whenever a conservative gets mauled by Antifa, it goes like this...

A white, conservative man wearing a MAGA hat is walking down the street when a mob of Antifa thugs decides to jump him. When they are done, he is bleeding with some broken bones and he can't get up. He calls the police...

Conservative man: I was just attacked by an Antifa mob! I need help.

Ted Wheeler:

So Ted Wheeler only cares if it's someone who agrees with him that is attacked. Not when it's someone who does not agree with him politically. What a dunce!!!

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