Friday, January 30, 2015


LOL! I still do that, because I still love Timmy. Some people love it, some may not. Well to those who may not, tough nookies!! This is who I am. Lately every time anyone posts a pic of Timmy on Facebook I do this. I admit I get excited when I see Timmy and that makes me type his name like this. LOL! I remember when I was a "member" of that delusional mods forum, for the short time that I was in there, I typed Timmy's name with the multiple letters, and they HATED it!!! LOL!! But I only did it on there because I wanted to be banned. I didn't want my name even associated with their forum! I didn't even want it on the member's list! Some time later, I heard Catsredrum had wished I didn't go berserk. LOL! She would have wanted me to stick around in there. I saw that post and I thought "No way! I value my self-respect too much to allow them to use me as their punching bag!" The short time I was in there, I hated every second of it! They were so hateful and nasty! If I had stayed in there, I eventually would have become like them and I wouldn't like that. I would rather be friendly and give people a chance than be so quick to judge someone and hate them onsite because of any bad experiences I may have had with other fans.

Actually I really had no idea what their personal problems were. All I can do is speculate. Their forum went up immediately after I announced I wasn't friends with DonnaG anymore. DonnaG is a master manipulator. Vicki was one of those Donna had wrapped around her finger. Vicki announced that Catsredrum and Netrage were friends of her's. Catsredrum and Netrage were also the administrators of the delusional mods forum, and I was their main "prey". Vicki (I believe) also went in there the same time I did under the moniker "incognito" to tease and harass me as an INXS fan. She had never had a problem with me before I announced I didn't like DonnaG anymore. Put 2 and 2 together, and it all comes together. Their forum was only propped up because I announced I didn't like DonnaG. This led me to the notion that she was behind the creation of that forum. Who knows why? I believe to get back at me for being so pissed off at her for kissing Jon and Timmy when she had a cold and making them sick for the rest of their tour. It even spread to JD too.

Well, DonnaG is a disrespectful fan. She's one of those kinds of fans I don't like because she gives decent fans a bad name! She kissed Jon. I never kissed Timmy! I never wanted to! As much as I love Timmy, that's a line you just don't cross!! If I were prettier and had fans I wouldn't want someone I never met grabbing me and kissing me in the mouth! I tell everyone I kissed Michael, but I didn't do it in his mouth! And I was a teenager then. Teenagers are often crazy with their favorite celebs. Though I admit I did feel like a teenager when I saw Timmy in Seattle in 2006, but I maintained my dignity, and his too. I respected his space. I didn't kiss him or touch him in a way that was inappropriate (which is what Catsredrum claims I did, even though she wasn't there).

I admit I wasn't with DonnaG when she kissed Timmy and Jon, and I never once claimed to be. Everything I know, I got from her own story, which she told in her own words. And I know DonnaG too, which she seems to have forgotten when she griped to my sis "She wasn't even there!!" I know Donna had been trying to get her hands in Jon's pants since we went to LA together (again, those were her words, not mine). That was her goal then. If I retold her story wrong, then there was something wrong in the way Donna told her story. So if the delusional mods were pissed because I didn't like DonnaG anymore, they were attacking the wrong person. They should have attacked DonnaG for telling her story the wrong way. But Donna was about the only fan I've never seen the delusional fans forum attack. This is another clear indication that they set up that forum for her. And everything they were against is everything DonnaG is. Not me. I may be crazy, but I know what the boundaries are with Timmy and the rest of the guys of INXS. And I have never crossed those boundaries. And NO ONE can ever honestly say I have!

The reason this still makes me mad is because I recently heard that rockstars do not let their fans come near them anymore, and security is tighter now than it was before. I remember how approachable INXS always was! They used to love their fans. It was always easy for the fans to meet the guys, even if there wasn't an official meet and greet. This was a good thing for me, because being near Timmy, he just oozed awesomeness!! I'm positive Michael did too, if I'd only remember what it was like being near him!! But I was a teenager then, and already Roxette was jousting ahead of INXS as my most favorite rock band! So you might say I wasted that concert the whole time I was there, wishing it was Roxette I was seeing instead of INXS. Being young, naïve and stupid, I had no idea back then how much of an impact Michael would have on my life! I also did not think that soon I would throw away my life as a fan of Roxette. I dunno. I still like their songs though. I've even heard Per Gessle has gone solo, and I've heard some of his music.

Anyway I heard the reason rockstars do not let fans get near them anymore is because of the fanatics. The radicals! I hate radicals! Even INXS, toward the end of their career, became unapproachable. And I truly believe it is because of the delusional mods forum! I happen to know some of the people who were on their member's list were close friends with the band, and may have told them some of the bullshit that the delusional mods were saying, and the guys actually believed it! I know there are some totally loony fans out there, and it is better to be paranoid than dead, but none of the people they attacked on the delusional mods forum were like that! Most INXS fans I've met have been good people. I've never had an INXS fan make fun of me, calling me fat names. Not yet anyways. Well, Catsredrum did once, but I don't think she was a true INXS fan. I think she was more a JD fan. I've met many more dog show breeders in their 40s, 50s and 60s who were much more disrespectful than any INXS fans I've ever met, and had NONE of the finesse INXS fans have! I think that's because Michael was always all about peace and love. Show breeders are all about who has the best lines and who can win the most purple ribbons, and who shows their dogs and who doesn't, and they want to shit on those who haven't been showing their dogs as long as they have!

I know I would never harm any of the band members of INXS. But I can understand the concern, because of what happened to John Lennon. Nobody wants something like that to happen again. I am not the kind of fan though that would seek out Timmy's house and stand outside it, waiting for him to come out! I may not like Kirk very much anymore, but I would NEVER do anything to hurt him! In fact, I am still working on forgiving him. I hope to have that completed by spring time. He doesn't even have to be present for me to do that. I will work on it, and I intend to fully forgive him before my own time on this Earth is over. I want to be able to say I love all my guys, and actually mean it! though some would say 5 out of 6 isn't bad, but not for me. I want to be able to say I love 6 out of 6 of these guys. I'll just have to try and remember next time I meet Kirk to not even try to be nice to him. That is, don't say hello, don't smile at him, don't even look at him.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Speaking Your Mind

UGH!! Some people! I'm all for speaking your mind, and freedom of speech too. I practice it a lot. I also prefer people speak their mind with me. That's how I am. Truth is never kind though. But today, someone was banned from this group I am a regular in for calling Paula a whore. Or something like that. I don't know, I didn't see this person's comments. Well, said person also claimed to be a friend of Michael's. Why is it everyone who claims to be a friend of Michael's has to act like they think their shit doesn't stink!? That I will never understand. I know people who actually did know Michael, and none of them boast so loudly about it. Well, this person I truly think was lying when he said that. He said after Michael died, he was so upset by it, that he had to go into therapy. Yet, just before he was booted from the group, he said "Michael hung himself....bite that!"

Now, I may not be a friend of Michael's, but I know enough to know not to make fun of something like that in a group of people who truly do love Michael. I would NEVER say anything like that out of spite. No matter how angry I was. There have been times I've had to remind some Hutch fans that Michael is gone, but I never said "he's dead" out of spite or anger. I'm very careful about that. Well, I love Michael. I never would mock him, ever!! Anyways, his posts do not reflect the actions of someone who claims to be a close friend of Michael's. I've known many people who were friends with him, and have pics and/or personal letters from him to prove it. I know how some of them act. Not all, but some. Most of them act like asses who take life WAY too seriously for me! I like people who are fun-loving and playful. People who know how to make me laugh and smile. Not a stick-in-the-mud like most of the people who claim they are friends of Michael's. But I have NEVER heard any of them say anything to the effect of "he hung himself...bite that". That is plain disrespectful.

I will also admit I don't like Paula, not even a little bit. But I try to be careful and keep everything I say about Paula on a speculative level. That's all I can do, speculate. I didn't know Paula, I never asked her anything. So all I could do is speculate. But from what I've heard and read from reliable sources, nothing Paula ever did seemed very good. Look at some of the things I've read about Paula and see for yourself:

1. She had a plan to get Michael that she's been trying to put into affect since 1986.

2. She was still married to Bob when she had sex with Michael (which resulted in Lily).

3. Everywhere Michael and Paula went, they were hounded by photographers and tabloid journalists.

4. Paula would not take Lily to Sydney because she didn't want to "split up the girls". Even though Michael wanted to see his baby girl!!

5. Paula once said in an interview that if Michael ever left her, she would kill herself and Lily.

#1 all I can say is, Paula had to have been stalking Michael all that time. She was married to Bob Geldof, if she didn't want him, and instead wanted Michael, she shouldn't have married Bob! This also is tied to #3. I truly, honestly believe that Paula tipped off the photographers and tabloid journalists, which is how they knew where they were both going at all times. No one can make me believe otherwise. And why would Paula do that?? I have no clue! The only idea I can come up with as to why she would do that is because she wanted to tout Michael around like a trophy. It's either that or Paula was critically insane! Actually, I would bank on both! Well, Michael was NOT a trophy!! He was a person. He had feelings, wants and desires of any other person. And all he wanted was to be left alone. There were times it seemed Paula did not consider Michael's feelings at all.

#4 makes me madder than anything! And it's plain stupid! Michael, all he wanted was to see his baby girl that he was so proud of! But Paula would not let him see Lily because she didn't want to split up the girls. What would it have taken to leave the older girls with Bob Geldof and just take Lily on a flight to Sydney to see her father for just a few days?? Lily was a baby, she wouldn't have cared if Paula's other children were not with them! My ma used to take me on trips without my sis all the time! There were times my sis just couldn't come with us. So who would have been harmed if Paula had just took Lily and flew to Australia to see Michael for just a few days? It may have been the boost Michael would have needed to go on. But no! Paula decided she was going to just be selfish and hold Lily back in England, and not go see her father. Who knows why again? Maybe she did it just to make sure Michael would have come home to her, instead of going out with another woman.

#5 I'd say is pretty positive proof that Paula was critically insane. It also shows that she did not have Lily because she loved Michael. She didn't love him. Anyone who would say something like this, it proves she only had Lily to trap Michael. No other reason. It's no different than the bullies on the playground saying "You do as I say or I'll break your neck!" The only innocent pawn in this scenario is Michael. Yes, he got a baby out of the deal with Paula. But ANYONE could have had that baby with him. It does not make Paula special. Poor Michael though paid the ultimate price to have that baby! Paula caused him a lot of stress, heartache, he lost his dignity, his pride, he was bashed, humiliated, and ultimately he lost his life. I can't help but wonder if Michael had gotten together with any other girl and had a baby, would things have been different? Would he have suffered such tremendous pressures? Apparently he was getting tired of INXS, as I heard. Again, I am only speculating. But this is all why I hate Paula so much!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Happy 55th Michael!!

Well, today is Michael's birthday in the USA, yesterday it was in Australia. They are a day ahead of us here. Well, I offered my story "One Day In November..." to the fans in the MH and his Life fan page on Facebook. I did that as well on the anniversary of his death too. But then I did not know you could upload files directly to Facebook. I just found that feature. Back then, anyone who was interested, I had to send it through email, and I'm sure a number of them did not get it! Sometimes my emails tend to go to peoples' junk mail boxes, because I use my own email. I don't use Yahoo or Gmail, or Hotmail. I use the email I get through So other, more popular, email accounts view my emails as junk. I only offered this story on this site on Facebook, because I trust these people more. Not saying I don't like any of the people in other groups, just that I trust this group of people more than any other. Other groups I am on, some of the people (not all) act like the losers that I encountered the very brief period I used to get on the Rockband Lounge forum. There were only 1 or 2 people in that forum that were friendly, that I knew of. The others all acted like they thought their shit didn't stink. Most likely because they were supporters of DonnaG. That's probably why a lot of people, who claim to be direct friends of Michael's, are also like that. Because they are supporters of DonnaG's, as she never makes friends with fans who are not friends of INXS.

Anyway, today it's all about Michael Hutchence, not DonnaG!! The fans have christened this day "HutchDay". I like that!! Happy HutchDay! hehehe! But the day seems to be mostly an Australian day. They had a marathon throughout their TV stations yesterday, showing nothing but INXS. There is even a show called "Michael and Friends". Sounds like a cartoon show! I would have loved to have seen it!! I wish someone would do something to bring the memory of Michael Hutchence here to the USA! But nobody does anything here! If anything is ever aired about Michael, it's almost always only broadcast in Australia or the UK! That's sad! What are the US fans supposed to do? Look for reruns and rehashes of old stuff?? I got all that already! I would love to see something new and different! Makes me mad!!

I was reading a story that was written originally by Michael's father, Kell. He told a story of how Michael loved the girls, even as a baby! Apparently right after he was born and came home from the hospital, he and Michael's mom Patricia, had a barbecue party and a lot of supermodel women came. One was a top-name model back then, and held Michael in her arms, and he wizzed on her! LOL! I read that story and laughed! He seemed to be a little flirt back then!! I like that! I love a man who knows what he likes, even as a baby! hehehe! A lot of fans say Michael was a flirt, and even I say that! He seemed like one when I kissed him! But it could have just been the way he smiled at me. He had a smile that would light up the room. Michael's sister said he hardly ever flirted with the girls. But then Michael's brother tells a totally different story. He said Michael always flirted with the girls! So there's a lot of conflicting stories out there about Michael's character. Maybe he was so complex, even his closest family members didn't know. I'm more inclined to believe Michael's sister though because she's known him since before he was born. She was 12 years old when he was born. Most 12 year olds are aware of their world, and pretty much on the level.

Speaking of which, I notice she is accepting friend requests again from fans. Not sure I want to ask her again to become my Facebook buddy. She'll probably be deleting those people again very soon. She seems like a nice person though. Well, at the same time, I don't want to seem like a stuck-up prick! I dunno though. I love her stories about Michael. No one can tell them the way she can!

The day of Michael's death is so close to the day he should have been celebrating his birth. But I don't think this is his month. Most of INXS's albums were always released late in the year, not early. I don't know what exactly went through Michael's mind the night he died. I can only speculate, and did speculate a lot at the end of my story. I only know for sure what went through my mind when I heard he was gone. I cried! I'm not normally a crier, but I cried a lot that night when I found out. Most people who feel bad about Michael being gone feel so for his daughter more than for him. I once heard Chris Murphy say to feel bad because we want Michael back was even a "selfish" move. Well, maybe I am selfish. But I don't weep for Michael's daughter. In fact, the night I heard the news he was gone, which was when I cried the hardest, I had no idea he even had a child! I weep solely for Michael because I want him back! I want him back on stage doing his gigs. I cry because I miss him! Not because I think of his little girl. Yes that may sound selfish of me, but I have no problem admitting that.

Here's a pip. I've even started calling Michael my "boo". LOL! I miss calling Vegas that, and I need a booby to love. So I've begun calling Michael my "hutchy-boo", or sometimes just "boo" or even "booby". LOL!

Well, yesterday I celebrated Michael's memory by posting several stories about how I became an INXS fan, even on my Facebook status. I think today I'll remember him by posting a bunch of my favorite lyrics from some of my favorite INXS songs.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How The Dirty Dozen Mob Attacks!

LOL!! I thought this would be an interesting post for anyone who has ever been attacked by the dirty dozen mob, which could be just about anyone who has been on any pet breeder forums and has disagreed with anything they do. Or has said they didn't like any of the members of their little clique. I've done both in my lifetime, and have never regretted any of it! No matter how hard they've hit me. LOL! I've proven to be the stronger person. And that just pisses them off!! LOL! Believe me, they have tried HARD to bring me down as much as they could! They mostly attack me with my own blog. They do so by telling people who I've mentioned on this blog, that I've been "slandering" them, hoping to get those people to come after me with lawsuits, or harm me in some way, or to try and shut me up. None of which has worked! People have threatened me with lawsuits many times. But I have seen enough of Judge Judy and People's Court to know lawsuits like that NEVER win!! They're just a waste of the judge's time. I used to be the same way a LONG time ago. I used to hear you could sue someone who has called you names and shit. But whenever someone presents a "slander" case in court, it's usually gotten thrown out. So, if someone "slanders" me, I just grin and bear it. Can't sue someone just for having an opinion. Not in my home country anyways. Not positive where the dirty dozen mob is from though.

Jupiter maybe? *shrugs* LOL!!

OK that was a joke! But anyways, I thought this would be good for anyone to know who inhabits pet forums that are frequented also by any of the dirty dozen mob. They should know anyways. So they know not to take any of these people seriously.

Now, I have no idea what they are calling themselves now, but most of them will never give out their real names. They don't mind shouting out the names of other people that they disrespect, but for them to give out the name of anyone from their little clique is sheer taboo. They do this for their own cowardice. They don't want you to know who they really are because they know everything they do, they can actually get sued for. Like posting another person's physical address and social security number (which I have heard they do), which is an invasion of privacy. They probably also have criminal backgrounds they don't want you to know about. I remember one time mcgillicutty said what I do is worse than what she does, then she posted my home address (at that time). I had to laugh at her statement, as I have never in my life posted ANYONE'S home address. I once posted that her name is really Sara Weiler, and she is from Everett, WA. But I never posted her house number, street she lives on or anything like that. Nor would I have wanted to do that. That's never been how I operate. I don't believe in attacking people I don't like by posting private information like that.

Mcgillicutty never told me who she was. I figured it out by process of elimination. I remember having several ideas of who she was. She kept saying she was a 50 something year old man, but none of her actions pointed to anything any 50-something year old man would do. Her actions did however reflect something a very disturbed teenager would do. Or a 20-something year old. She also said I gave her my address, which is something I rarely do with anyone. I even thought at one point mcgillicutty could be DonnaG. But as bad as DonnaG was, I don't think she was the type to post someone else's home address out of sheer spite. So eliminating her from the idea, and eliminating people I truly trusted from the list, the only person left was Sara. As I did give her a business card that had my name and address and phone number on it before she got pissed off at me. LOL! And she got angry at me because I said she was breeding poor quality Chihuahuas, and she was enabling a friend of her's to crossbreed Pomeranians with Chihuahuas to create more shelter-bound puppies. Sara bought from known backyard breeders and puppymillers, she only did health testing on her dogs after I told her it was the proper thing to do before breeding her dogs, and she was more interested in color than quality. She also poo-pooed the advice of show breeders.

First thing, before the dirty dozen mob attacks, they want to build up your confidence. This is how they work. They will be friendly to you. Don't fall for it! It's a smoke-screen. They want to make you feel good so they can manipulate you to turn against people they don't like. They want you to believe the person speaking against them is the evil one, and they are the innocent victims of that person's attack. Don't believe it! Chances are good the person attacking them has a damn good reason to do so.

Next they call the person attacking them a liar. Or they do all they can to point out mistakes that person makes, making it look like that person has no credibility. This is an old method! They're playing on the notion that most people will not get to know someone that everyone else is deeming a "liar" or a "hypocrite". Don't believe them. They are lousy judges of character. The dirty dozen mob themselves make fun of people who are disabled, and they are also racist bigots.

Next, they gang up on the person. One of their clique will attack someone about one thing, then another from their clique will attack the same person about something else. And this can go on and on for days!! They never tire! They started attacking me because I said I don't trust them, and I don't like them. And that was back in 2006. To my understanding, they are still attacking me, as I've seen their post about me on the Complaints Board.

That brings me to another method the dirty dozen mob uses. When they lose, they cry and weep. And instead of admitting defeat, they attack harder. Maybe even get more people to side with them. When this happens, don't let them get to you. I know that sounds corny, but this will help develop that strong skin you will need to work against them. They hate it when they are ignored and hated. So, use that as your weapon. I do! And it's worked!!

Believe me, they have pulled out the big guns against me! They have tried HARD to work against me. But I keep going, doing what I've always done. I don't let them run my internet existence. They will never shut me up. I'm a Google partner, I get paid every time anyone views this blog. I don't care if they direct people to this blog! So, they can kiss my cyber ass!!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Damn!! Will people ever learn to take a hint??? I DON'T like cats!!!! I don't want to see them posted on my Facebook timeline!!! I'm not playing around when I say that either! I think people think I am! I only like a handful of breeds of cats, it does not mean I am a cat person! I like Siamese, ragdolls, Burmese, tonkinese, exotic shorthairs, oriental shorthairs, british shorthairs, Persians (though I would never own one), devon rex, sphinx, and that is it. And I can't stand tabbies!! I am NOT a cat person!! People, stop thinking I am!! If you are going to post pics of animals on my Facebook timeline, post pics of animals I enjoy! Which is most animals, just NOT CATS!!!! I swear I am going to delete the next fool that posts another fat cat on my Facebook timeline!!

This morning one of my Facebook buddies posted 2 pics of damn cats on my timeline. This person rarely comments on anything. Most of the time, all she posts is these stickers that are now all the rage on Facebook. Usually I ignore any time I see she has posted a comment, because I know if I go to that thread and look, all I am going to see under her name is one of these stickers. But sometimes she posts pics of INXS, and usually they are pics I haven't seen before. But it's impossible to know when she does that. But today, she's posted 2 pics of cats on my Facebook timeline! I think she thinks I like cats. She was somehow misinformed! I don't know how! Probably because one time, and I do mean ONE time, I told someone her cats were cute! But they were Himalayan cats! Not just a random-bred gray tabby mongrel!!

I recently deleted someone, who I did like, from my Facebook buds, because she was boasting about how she felt so good seeing some sickly stray cats using some warm shelters she put up for them. I said "Thanks a lot for contributing to the extinction of birds and other small animals I like more than those diseased strays!" then I deleted her. That's the way I saw what she was doing. I'm a bird lover. Stray cats kill a lot of birds and small animals. If someone does something to help stray cats, I do get upset. I don't want nothing to do with those people! I think they are sick individuals who need to grow up and open their eyes to the damage stray cats are having on our environment. Strays don't need to be helped! They need to be eradicated! I was sick of her posts anyways. She claimed to be an INXS fan, but all she ever posted was some kind of shit regarding cats. She wasn't an INXS fan! She was a cat-fag! I'm not one to tell anyone what they can and cannot post on their own Facebook page, so I just deleted her, assuming we had nothing in common at all.

Speaking of cats, Roberta seems to be at it again! I swear that woman worries me!! When someone is crazy and admits it, it doesn't bother me. Its the people who are crazy and can't admit it (or don't seem to know it) that I begin to worry!! And Roberta won't admit it! I'm a crazy-ass bitch! I admit it! And I love it!! I'm supposed to be crazy, being an artist and a writer! But Roberta, she's like the dirty dozen mob! She's crazy, and either she doesn't know it, or she won't admit it. She created the By My Side page on Facebook, which is supposed to be devoted to INXS. Most of the time though, she runs it like it's her own personal war field. It's her page though. I just think she should change the subject from being about INXS to being more about her own personal vendettas. Every time she has a problem with someone on Facebook, she tells the people on her group to gang up on said person and tell them off, or join their page, don't post anything, and then leave their page.

The problem with people like Roberta, she's crazy and she doesn't know it. Most other people see it though that has had dealings with her. People with sense see it. But she doesn't see it, and her followers don't see it. It's very sad! She needs to grow up. I mean really! The woman goes all over Facebook acting like a cat!! You don't think that's strange?? If you don't then you must be crazy yourself! And I mean crazy on a level that is beyond me! What's even sadder is that she is not only an INXS fan, but also a Roxette fan. I used to be a Roxette fan too! She banned me from the By My Side group because I said I did not cry when I heard the news about Princess Di being killed in a car wreck. Well, I didn't! I'm not going to lie about that to please anyone. I just didn't! She was nothing to me! Well, possibly a distant cousin, but I didn't know her! I never followed any news stories about her when she was alive. I felt nothing when she had her 2 boys. I never felt anything when she and Charles were married, or when they broke up. Why should I feel anything for her when she died?? That wouldn't make sense. Michael was a fan of her's, but I never claimed to be. And just because INXS liked her a lot does not mean I have to! But I don't feel bad about being blocked from the By My Side group. Because it seems Roberta has made that group more about herself than about INXS. I'd have left eventually anyways. Things like that do get old awful fast!

I do have a lot of royal bloodlines from Europe, so it is possible Princess Di and I are related in some way. I just never met her. So she was nothing to me. Sometimes I wish our relatives never left Europe, I could be queen now!! If I was, I know who the first person would be that I would have executed by way of guillotine. The dirty dozen mob, beginning with that asshole mcgillicutty!! LOL! I'd love to see her head chopped off!! Not that there are any brains to be lost! LOL! Surprisingly, I'd spare Rhonda's life. She called me a stalking whale. To me, that is a compliment. Despite the fact I don't like her, she must love me an awful lot to give me a nickname like that! hehehe! Stalking whales RULE!!

Well, I know I've said this before many times, but I don't like cats!! Please people, DO NOT post anymore cat pics on my Facebook timeline, unless you WANT to get deleted!!

I deleted this person this afternoon. She did it again. Despite repeated requests to her NOT to post ANY cat pics on my Facebook wall. It's like everything I say to her goes in one ear and out the other. So I finally just deleted her. I promised the next person to post any cat pics on my wall will get deleted, and I will continue to keep this policy. There are too many other INXS fans out there that are cat fags. I am NOT one of them!! Post that shit on their wall. NOT mine!!! Any other animals I don't mind. But NO FELINES OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED ON MY WALL!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Talk Of Delusional!

LOL!!! Oh my GOD! And Catsredrum and her dipshit friends thought I was delusional! LOL! The dumbass dirty dozen mob too! But have they ever seen me say anything even similar to what this woman is saying?? Have they ever seen this woman's blog? I don't think I was EVER this bad! I mean really, I get embarrassed for this woman just reading some of the things she's written on her blog!! This woman, who calls herself Amy Lee (after the lead singer of Evanescence), claims to be the founder of the band Evanescence, and that the lead singer named herself after her! Where do these people come from??? I don't want to make fun, mind you, but I think this Amy Lee girl actually believes this shit she writes!

Here are some other excerpts from her blog, these are HER words! Not mine! And they don't appear to be real claims by the celebrities she is talking about.

"In 1988, someone I know gave me an ugly black sweater vest for Christmas. Not unlike many things I owned, the ugly sweater vest disappeared only to reappear on Kurt…"

"In the past, I have written about where Kurt came up with the idea for the artwork for the Nirvana album “In Utero”.  This being a fresco from the ruins of Pompeii, Italy in the Villa of Mysteries.  A picture of the fresco  graced the cover of a booklet I purchased at a Pompeii exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas, in 1978 which Kurt found in my closet after we met."

"When I started working with Michael Jackson, he told me about Elvis being discovered by Alabama native Sam Phillips who founded Sun Records."

She's even attacked my Timmy, basically calling my favorite man a liar:

"This wasn’t lost on others, such as Michael Hutchence of INXS who decided to say the band was born on the day Elvis died and Tim Farriss using the same day as his public birthday."

"While working on ideas for the Stephen King book to film “The Dark Half”, naming a character George “STARK” using my last name for the character.  "

"Kurt Cobain often talked about The Stooges and Iggy Pop went on to record songs I wrote. This includes “The Passenger” which Michael Hutchence was not only present when I wrote it, but went on to record a fabulous version for the 1995 Batman Forever soundtrack."
 "The character name “Black Widow” was suggested for the title to a new song which I would write.  The song would be recorded with the artist I named Iggy and another artist I gave the stage name Rita Ora."

"This is when I started writing the song “White Wedding” with lyrics inspired by the song Little Sister written by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman and recorded by Elvis (1961).
It was during this time  I also made up the song “Girls, Girls, Girls”  recorded by  Mötley Crüe, borrowing the title from the 1962 Elvis film Girls! Girls! Girls!, named after the Coasters’ song."

"This is where I got the idea to name a group “WHAM!” who would record songs I made up."

"Hutch had already told me he was giving part of my writing credit for the INXS songs to Andrew Farriss, so I named another singer Andrew."

Listen to her! She claims all these famous groups sang songs that she made up, she claimed Michael Hutchence does not have a child named T. Lily, and he never had sex with Paula Yates. She claims she gave the stage names to these celebrities, she claims Steve Clark faked his death, She claims that Joe Elliott of Def Leppard even raped her when she was 15!! She makes all these claims that she is the inspiration to all these famous people and mega-hit movies, and she hides behind the phrase quoted by Napoleon "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon". Oh great! Next thing you know little miss Amy Lee will be telling you in her blog that she gave that line to Napoleon herself! LOL!

Nah, I really shouldn't make fun. This isn't funny, it's sad! And a lot of these things she can get sued for! I would definitely look into that if I were Joe Elliott!! She accused him of raping a child! That is definitely grounds for getting sued! That is why I am embarrassed for her. She obviously thinks she is doing nothing wrong and that everything she says is right.

Now, I may have said that I love INXS, but I never claimed to be friends of theirs in any way. I may have called them "friends", but not to this degree. I've met INXS, but I don't claim to do the writing for them. I never said I had their email addresses (Catsredrum's claim). I never said I have their home addresses (again, Catsredrum's claim), I never said I had sex with the men of INXS (again, Catsredrum's claim), I never even said that I am the inspiration for any of their songs. The problem with Catsredrum, and people like her making claims about me, is she didn't know the kind of person she is talking about. And she got all her information from a much more delusional nit-wit! Namely DonnaG. But I am not the kind of person DonnaG made me out to be. It was a lot for me to even ask Timmy for a photo-op. I'm usually very shy and reserved. But I felt Timmy was harmless enough not to harm me, or make fun of me.

And yes, I listen to my instincts! Even when it comes to celebrities. If anything had even felt wrong with Timmy, I'd have stayed away from him. Every time I have ever let my guard down, whether the person I was seeing was famous or not, I've been hurt in the end. So, I listen to my instincts. But I would be lying if I said I wouldn't desire to have sex with Timmy. LOL! I just would not really do it. Or I wouldn't force it on him. It would also be nice if I inspired a song from INXS, but that is not likely to happen either. And I won't pretend it has! I am not like this Amy Lee person. If you want to check out her loony blog, here is the link: But I must advise wearing hip boots before going in!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Fat-Shaming Week

There is a week in the middle of October where thin people are told on Facebook and Twitter to go around and take pictures of fat people without their permission and post it up with the hashtag referring to that week, so other people can look at and shame that person for being fat. NOW I know why this young girl took that picture of me at the gas station and at first I had no idea why I was being snapshotted without being asked to smile or say cheese!! LOL!! Because it occurred around that time. She wanted my pic for this fat shaming week. For a long time I wondered why anyone would want my pic, especially if they don't know me. Now, I know! It's a Facebook/Twitter thing! LOL! Oh well! I don't care personally for myself, like I said before, none of those people can hurt me. But what gets me is why does this week even exist? I learned about it through a video by a guy on YouTube, and he mentioned that one young girl already has killed herself over being bullied this way. I still wish that girl would have told me she was taking my pic! I would have at least smiled! If a bunch of dim-witted, dumbass bigots are going to look at me and say shit, I would have liked to have been smiling in the pic!!

But the idea that one girl has killed herself over this kind of thing really bothers me! Fat shaming never works, and I've said it before! I hate people who claim they shame fat people "for their own good". Because they don't do it for that person's own good! Face it! And admit it!! They can never get me to believe they point, laugh and call some fat person names because they care about that person's health and well-being! They do it because they are miserable people with nothing better to do and nothing intelligent to say, and they want to beat down someone else to make that other person as miserable as they, themselves are, so they pick on the one group of people that it is now acceptable to pick on, and that is fat people. That is why they do it. They are, in a sense, bigots. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't care what they call themselves, they are BIGOTS!! I hate bigots! You notice no one with any sense goes around making fun of fat people. If you took everybody who makes fun of fat people and put them all in a pile, and take all the people who know it's wrong to make fun of fat people and put them in a separate pile, and cracked each one open like a walnut, you'd see the people who make fun of fat people are the people who have the most problems and the most hurt inside them. But that's why bigots exist.

This kind of thing is also what killed my Michael! He got sick of people constantly taking his picture without his permission. And he wasn't fat!! Not by a long-shot! But it shows that people don't care who they hurt with their pictures and words. Makes me mad that people like that did that to him and, in a sense, took him away from us, the fans! If I didn't already have so many videos and pics all over the internet of myself, I would have felt the same way. Of course being a rock star, Michael had plenty of pics out there of himself too. He should have been used to it. But there are times a person just wants to be left alone. Or there are people out there who don't care to have pics of themselves up on the internet. And just because said person is fat does not mean he, or she, doesn't have the right to have that respected. And that is what I have against having a week devoted to fat shaming. Fat people may be bigger than average, but in the end, they are still people. Just because they are carrying a few extra pounds does not mean they are not people too. They didn't all of a sudden change species just because they put on a few pounds. But again, that's the kind of stuff bigots do. That is why I hate bigots!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Next Hutch

I know there will be 2 more INXS movies in the works very soon. Richard Lowenstein is working on one, and another director is working on another. INXS are still big, even though Michael is no longer around. Well, yesterday while I was at the tire place, I happened to be thumbing through a magazine that listed the sexiest men of 2014, and one of those men was named Kit Harington. When I saw him for the first time, my heart skipped a beat because he looked almost exactly like Michael!! I thought at first I was looking at a picture of Michael. I kept going back to his picture just to make sure I was not just seeing things. But I wasn't. He does indeed look just like my Michael.

He even has Michael's eyes and nose!! I think they look almost exactly alike. He would be the perfect candidate to play Michael in any of the upcoming movies. He looks so much like Michael, I'd have swore he's his long lost twin brother! LOL! Even with his hair slicked back, he still looks everything like Michael!!

I think in this pic, he looks just like Michael did on the Elegantly Wasted album! Well, some of my friends want to see Aiden Turner play the part of Michael. I've said this before, I've seen Aiden Turner, and I don't think he looks like Michael at all.

His hair looks like Michael's and he's got brown eyes, but the similarity stops there. Turner has a much angrier look than what Michael, or Kit Harington, has! Michael has a certain look in his face that is extremely hard to duplicate. It is halfway between looking dangerous and looking innocent. Aiden Turner is too far in the lines of looking dangerous. Far more than what would be convincing to play the part of Michael. That is why I thought when I looked at Kit Harington's picture, that I was looking at a picture of Michael! Here is Aiden Turner without the "Hutch hair"...

He still looks mean!! And he doesn't even remotely remind me of Michael. If he is picked for any part to play Michael, I won't watch the movie. Because I don't think Aiden Turner  would be the least bit convincing to play the part of Michael. And he's kinda ugly too. He'd make a much better Jim Morrison than a Michael Hutchence! Or perhaps a good replica of JD Fortune! There is a reason Kit Harington was voted one of the sexiest men of 2014, and I think that would add the charm factor in playing the part of Michael. Aiden Turner does not have that kind of charm. I know the actor does not have to look exactly like the person they are portraying! But the closer they are to having the appearance of the original, the more convincing I think. To me, Kit Harington comes the closest I've ever seen to looking almost exactly like Michael!!

I just hope they don't get Johnny Depp to play Michael!! Depp is way too old! Michael died at 37, it wouldn't make sense to have someone 50+ years old playing the part of Michael. The actor who plays Michael should be between 23 and 30 years old. No older. A 30 year old could very well play the part of Michael at 20, as well as Michael at 37. Luke Arnold did! And I thought he did great! Actually Luke was 29 when he did the part of Michael, but I loved his performance. Never Tear Us Apart is still my all-time favorite movie!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Lord Provides

Yesterday I went to the pier here in Astoria to make a film of the sea lions. I've always wanted to do that. Ever since I got here and discovered that they were there. I went to Safeway, which is where I usually went to take the path to view them, and walked to the pier. I was going to do a walk-talk type video, but it was so cold out, my lips froze and I didn't feel very much like talking. But I did some talking and a lot of walking to get to that pier. But I was COLD!! I never wear a coat! Stubborn I guess. So, I was FREEZING!!! But that video was worth it. Those sea lions were so cool!! I put the video up on YouTube.

Well, I walked back to the van, and I headed back to my apartment. My work there was done, and I was anxious to get home and edit the video and put it up on YouTube. There is a round-about between the city center and my apartment, and while I was on that round-about, I heard a loud hissing sound followed by a series of clanks. My tire had finally deflated! It has been trying to go out for the past month, and it finally did. I was grateful now, but also worried. The nearest place I could stop was this little real estate office near the round-about. The secretary at the real estate office helped me out by looking up numbers for me. First I called the Les Schwab tire center. I figured they could send someone out to get the tire, fix it, inflate it, and I could at least get home, and to the tire center the next day, which was today. Well, I called them and to come out there and get the tire would have costed me $45. So I didn't have that much money on me yesterday so I had to forget it until today, when I would get paid.

I asked the secretary if she knew if the bus goes down to highway 202, which is where my apartment is. She told me I could call the bus station and ask, so she looked up the number and gave it to me and allowed me to use the phone in their office. I got the dial-a-ride, which is actually a new up and coming thing in this town. Well, the operator at the bus station said that the dial a ride does not service my area. I told her flat out "That sucks!! That really SUCKS!!" She apologized. I said "May I make a suggestion that you get buses into that area because we really need it there." She said she will definitely put in a note to have the dial-a-ride service my area. I hope it happens soon!! But at least I gave them my feelings about that.

So the only thing left was to call a taxi. I asked the secretary of the real estate office if she knew which taxi is the least expensive, and she referred me to Royal Cab. So I called them. I asked the secretary if it was OK if I left the van in their parking lot overnight, and I should be back the next day. She said yes it was OK. So I took some things I needed out of the van and as I was finishing up in the van, the cab arrived. The driver was so nice, she adjusted the price to help me out. I had told her about my ordeal and how frustrating everything about it was. I told the driver I may need her services again the next day. So she said for me to give her a call and she would figure something out to help me out.

Well, this morning I did get paid, thank GOD! So I was able to get some tires. I made up my mind that I was just going to get tires for the front of the van. I called the cab company again, and told them I needed a ride from my place to Les Schwab tire dealers. Well apparently the dispatcher misunderstood me and sent the driver to Les Schwab to pick me up, so he went there first and looked for me and did not see me there. Well, I called them back, remembering that I had not given them my full address. So I did that. The driver was happy that I did, because he told me he had been sent by the dispatcher to Les Schwab. He was so nice about it though.

The driver told me about the tire dealers his company uses, he said they could give me a good deal, and asked me if instead I wanted to go there and I said yes. So he took me there and gave me a huge discount. I was so grateful. So far, I'd only spent $10 today. So, let's see what kind of deal the tire place could give me. I went in and spoke to one of the tellers and told him what kind of car I have. He said that to go out there would again cost me $45. He looked up tires they had that would fit my car. He said there were 3 sizes for my car and pretty much all of them are in the same price range, no less than $95, plus installation. So, I was looking already at about $250 at least. That was a LOT of money! And I haven't even paid my rent yet this month! I'm still waiting to hear from Noah. I told the cashiers there what my situation was. I told them I needed to have this done, that I don't have any choice. If I don't have the van, I'm pretty much stuck out here, with no buses or dial-a-ride.

So they disappeared for a while. I was practically in tears sitting there in the waiting room, wondering what in the heck I am going to do. I had prayed to GOD saying that I am putting this in HIS hands, and the manager came back and he said "So my worker tells me that you need 2 tires and you have no money?" I told him I do have money, but that I couldn't pay them $250+ and still pay my rent. So he said "What if I offered you everything, including the service call, tires and installation, for only $150. Do we have a deal?" And I said "Yes!" I couldn't pass that up. My prayer was answered. I've always believed GOD answers our prayers, whether we like HIS answers or not, they are answered. But we cannot ask HIM for a favor and think "If you don't do this for me, I'll not ever believe in you again." Can't have that attitude. And if you ask HIM what is HE doing for starving children, HE won't give you an answer. Simple as that. Something good always comes out of everything that happens.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

My Legacy

Boy! It's been a tough 2 months!! I thought I would never make it but I did. I am so glad I finally found a place to stay. It's not the greatest, but it'll do for now. I'm making it a little homier. I got all my INXS pics up in my room, so it feels more like home now. I don't have a pet yet, and probably won't get one while I am here. I am only going to be staying here for a year. But getting here is what I am here to discuss today. It was a rough 2 months. Occasionally I stayed in hotels, usually only when it was going to be freezing cold outside. Much as I was grateful I had the van, and thanked GOD for it every day, it still got cold when it was freezing out.

Well, this will be the last state I move to. I've lived in 4 different states now in my lifetime, and this is going to be the last one. I'm never leaving Oregon!! Not even to go back to Washington. I already feel right at home here. Over the past weeks, I have gotten to know it here pretty good. It's always rough though getting used to a different state, which is why I never want to move away from here. But one good thing about this place, I don't have to pay any sales tax when I make a purchase. It's always the sales tax that gets me on everything. And a year from now, I can move to Coos Bay, where I really want to be at.

Well, as you all know, I've had to leave my booby with Donna, my former roommate. I know he's being taken care of, no doubt in my mind about that. But now my ma wants me to let Donna keep him, and I said no way! I want him to stay in the family. But I cannot have him back. I want to stay on the coast, and because of an accident Vegas had when he was little, the moisture here does not agree with him. He gets shoulder pains. So, he has to stay where it's dry. So I am letting my sis have him. It hurts me deeply to have to give him up, but at least he is still in the family. And I am doing it for his own good. I thought about that until I was in tears! I've been clingy to every dog I've met on this quest because I miss my own.

One day, I was in Astoria walking around, and I met this woman who was walking her parent's maltese dog. She let me pet the dog, and when I was done and went back into the car, I started crying because I miss my babies so much! I wish I could have Vegas back! I miss him like everything, but for his own good and well-being, I just can't. I don't want him to suffer those shoulder pains again, and he never did when we were in Bozeman. So, I'm letting my sis keep him. My ma said that Donna is getting so attached to him, and I said I understand that, but I still want him to stay IN the family! What happens if Donna passes away? Or if for some reason ma and John loses touch with her? Then what becomes of my baby? No, I cannot let Donna keep him. I have to let my sis have him for my own peace of mind.

Well, there have been times I've been grateful I didn't have him with me for the past 2 months living in the van. I wouldn't have been able to stay at the hotel I was staying at if I'd had him. He would have gotten too cold in there. The only thing that kept me going all that time was the inspiration that INXS gave me. I love these guys! And as bad off as Michael was, he still sang so beautiful and strong! I love him for it too! He was my biggest inspiration through this whole ordeal. It was these guys that kept me going. Well, as apartments go, I didn't get the ultimate winner, but I got what I consider a pretty good one. I like it so far. All I need now is a bed and an easy chair, which I will get next month. Little bit at a time. Right now for a bed, I am using the mattress toppers I slept on when I was living in the van. It's still quite comfortable. The only problem is it's so close to the floor, and for someone my age, it's difficult to get up off the floor. Well, I have a solution to that problem too. I moved my coffee table in here. I use that to pull myself up. I also have some of my favorite pics spread out on it too. Better than spreading them out on the floor!

I'm so glad now I have an apartment, I got sick of going to sleep every night terrified that I would be kicked out of the parking lot again, and fined $700! Well, the other day, all that missed sleep caught up with me, and I slept from 2:30 in the afternoon all the way until after 6. I was exhausted! And grateful! The only thing wrong with this place so far, is that steep staircase, and no elevators. But I am getting better at climbing the stairs. Just hurts my legs if I do it too many times. I'm telling you all, this staircase is STEEP!!! But I am glad to be into a place, I thought for a while I wasn't going to make it. But I did! Thank GOD!! I did not want to move back to Reno! I'm not saying Reno was all bad, I just don't like Nevada! It's a greedy state!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So Sorry Garry Beers

Garry Beers, I've met the man, I love him, I think he's a wonderful bass player. He was a wonderful, decent man when I met him. He was always very friendly to me and I met him 3 times. Never a problem with him at all. And I am nothing to look at! Here's the pic I had taken with him in LA back in 2005 during the Rockstar taping...

LOL! It was his shirt that attracted me to him that night. It made me laugh from the first minute he stepped out onto the stage. The big, fat balloon he's holding is me. Honestly, I didn't think I would like him. But I did. I shined right up to him. Believe me, if I thought there was something nearly as bad about him as what his daughter says about him, I never would have approached him that night. I'm a pretty good judge of character, and I did not see a narcissistic, manipulative man with Peter Pan Syndrome, whatever the fuck that is! He's just a likable guy.

I was never the type that went to a taping of Rockstar saying "When we get there, I am going to meet these guys and they are going to become my best friends". Nor did I think "I'm going to like this guy when I meet him, but not this guy". That's not the kind of person I am. I went there with my mind open and blank. Kindof like I had a clean slate in my head for each of the guys with their name on each one. They were the ones who wrote on each of those slates the kind of person they are by their actions. You can tell a lot about a person by their initial reaction to you. Especially to someone like me. I just blurted out to Garry "I LOVE your shirt!" He knew what I meant I think. But that's how I am. I say whatever comes to my mind. I got a smile from him when I said that, and a wink. LOL! I've loved him ever since! Been a growing fan of his! Every time I think about that meeting now, I giggle, and remember why Garry is now one of my most favorite band members of INXS.

But his daughter Lucy-Mae has said some awful things about him. She basically implied he's a bad father, that he abandoned her and her sis when they were little. She said she's lucky to even get a birthday email from him. She said he only writes to her a dozen times a year now, if that many, and that his letters to her are short and end with "I am your father". She calls him narcissistic, manipulative, implies he doesn't care about the family he left behind to marry a woman who waited for them outside their gigs every night. Well, Garry caught wind of what she was saying about him, and he is deeply hurt by the accusations. And I am heartbroken that Garry is deeply hurt!! I feel bad this is going on between him and his daughter. I don't want him to be hurt by this. At the end of the day, Lucy-Mae is only 22. She isn't completely mature on her view of the world yet. And no doubt her mom has hammered these ideas into her head for most of those 22 years. Seems her mom is the manipulator, and bitter because she and Garry are divorced. Sad as that is, sometimes even grown women can act like asses to their ex-husbands.

Even after Garry spilled his heart and soul out to his daughter over what she said, Lucy-Mae still maintains Garry was a bad father. But the man I saw did not seem narcissistic at all. He seemed to be a very kind, courteous, down-to-earth kind of man. And I will forever believe that is really the kind of person he is. Because that is all I saw. Well, I am sending hugs to Garry, and praying this never gets him down. If it's any consolation at all to him, I still think he's the greatest!! I still love him and I always will.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hurricane A-Comin'!!!

Tillamook County has a hurricane warning in effect. I was just in Portland this past weekend and I should have stayed there! I knew there was some reason I got this wild urge to go there! I just couldn't help it! I left Astoria after being booted out of that shelter, and got a little bit bored after I ate. So I said why not take a trip to Portland? Lots to do there. And there were a couple of places I wanted to check out, see if they were still there. I found the exotic bird store, so I am going to go there when I am ready to get my birds back. I saw some gorgeous finches, and they have species you can't get anywhere else. And they can order almost any variety you want!! I like that!! Most pet stores today all they carry are the zebra and society finches. While I do like the little chiming peeps zebra finches make, the finches themselves look boring! And society finches are nothing but mongrels! I'd never get them unless I was breeding such species as whydah birds, which I do plan to do in the near future! I would like to have birds for a while instead of dogs. Save the dogs for much later.

Well, last night someone mentioned the high winds and rain, and Tillamook County has a hurricane warning in effect now. I went to the shelter here in Seaside last night and the dorm is now back up again. But now they have bunk beds! UGH!! And there is a girl sleeping above my head, named Tara. She seems like a nice enough girl alright, but she was there the last time I went to that shelter, over a month ago, and she had bronchitis then. Now, she is still here and saying she has a cold! And she's sleeping right over my head!?!?! The last thing I need right now is a damn cold!! I'm within literally hours of finally getting an apartment, and I have to move all my things into that apartment once it gets approved. I don't need illness slowing me down now!! When she crawled into her bunk saying she is coming down with a bad cold, I said "forget this shit! I'm outta here! I don't need a cold!" And I packed up my stuff and got back in my own van and left. I slept in here all night and believe me, I heard the wind and felt it!! It got scary at times, but I am a tough kid!! I smiled right through it. Well how could I not? I had my pics of Michael and Timmy with me. They provided the comfort, along with prayer. Also knowing to stay clear away of any trees or electrical lines. hehehe! I knew I would be OK. I just hope the hurricane does not stop Noah from doing it's inspection of the apartment today. I really need that apartment!!

I am so proud of my favorite INXS guys now! They won the Man of the Year award!! To me, they will always be the men of the year, every year! But more people are becoming INXS fans, thanks to the movie Never Tear Us Apart. I love that! Even people who were not even born when Michael died are becoming fans, learning how great INXS's music really is! How timeless it is, how music like that will never die. That makes me so happy!!! I only wish Michael was around today to be able to accept that award too. This may have been just the boost he needed. Especially after what that dumbass from Oasis said about him!! But I don't see anyone making any good movies about Oasis! Probably never will either! There just isn't anything good to say about Oasis. They do nothing at all but try to copy the Beatles. I, as an artist, don't feel inspired by Oasis. Someone was once inspired by Oasis to do a video, but it isn't a video that makes Oasis look good at all. LOL! I have the video on a collection of funniest videos ever, and it's called Behind The Music That Sucks, and it's about Oasis.

Michael's sister Tina does not seem to like INXS at all. LOL! She implies the guys never treated Michael very good. Well, they should have postponed the tour until Michael could get better. It's really shitty that they didn't. Poor Michael, he didn't want to be on that tour. They should have held off for a year or so, so Michael would have had a chance to get himself together and figure a way to deal with his problems. I feel if maybe they would have done that, it would have helped Michael tremendously and he might still be with us today. I keep trying to imagine what Michael would look like now, at 54 years old, almost 55 now. Would he have curled his hair again, or kept it straight? Curly hair made him look younger. The straight hair made him look older. Surely it would have been gray, if he wouldn't dye it. Or maybe he might have went bald. His father did somewhat. Bald or not, I bet Michael still would have been handsome!

Well, in the last hour I've been sitting here typing this blog, I've seen 5 emergency vehicles pass by at different times. There must be a lot of casualties. I hope no one was killed. We just went through the eye of the storm, and now we are back in the high winds and rain. I have no idea how much longer this will last, we'll just have to wait and see. But I am a tough ol' gal! I've survived through a lot, I can definitely survive this.

Monday, December 8, 2014

This Is Disgusting and DUMB!!!!

I was cruising through the MH fan page I am usually on and there was a picture of Michael with some unusual pants on:

Pretty neat eh? Well, I heard that after Michael died, his younger brother Rhett sold those pants to get money to move to another country to be with some stupid girlfriend he has. One of my buds in the group said that he also sold Michael's glasses with a comment that said "I feel kindof icky wearing a dead guy's glasses." Ya know, I found that comment very disturbing coming from his own brother! If my sister died tomorrow, 10 years from now I would not be selling her things. And even if I did I would not say anything to the effect of "I feel icky wearing a dead woman's clothes"!! If I had to sell them, and I would hope I would not need to, I'd be thinking more about how it'd break my heart to part with her things.

I really fucking hope Rhett was kidding though when he said that! The worst thing anyone can do, especially his own brother, is to think of Michael as just a dead guy. Rhett should be thinking "He's my brother, and I miss him very much. I was so proud of him in his accomplishments, and I love him still very much." But no, Rhett chose to be an asshole about him. He's older than I am and this never crossed his mind??? Maybe that is why I never liked Rhett. I have several friends who are mutual friends with Rhett on Facebook, but I never even asked him. He's not as good looking as Michael. And again, it's Michael I care about, because of his work with INXS, not his family. And I especially don't like Rhett now after reading he said something like this!! Makes me MAD!!!! My grandma has been dead since 2001, I never think of her as being just a dead person. That may be a fact, but it sounds so cold and callous. Like I don't care about her. Grandma has done so much for me and my family, I only see the person that she was. Not simply a dead person.

I just had to rant at length, because reading this made me so furious!! I just cannot believe Rhett would say such a thing. All I can hope is that he was kidding when he said it. Funny thing, when my ma was 11 years old, her grandpa passed away. One thing ma said when she was told was that in a couple days, he's gonna start stinking. That shocked grandma that ma would say a thing like that, because she's always been so close to her grandfather!! But she was only 11!! Rhett is a grown man! I'd expect he'd have known a little bit better than that!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Worst Night Of This Quest!

UGH!! Now I know exactly what it is like to be around radical Christians. I always try to avoid them, especially after seeing the actions by the WBC. But I needed a place to stay for a night the other night. I was fresh out of the hotel, and I wanted to try and find a shelter in Astoria, where I am possibly going to be moving. So I got a list of shelters in the area. The one I normally went to has had their women's dorm down for a month, so I have not been able to go back there. So there was only one listing for a shelter in Astoria. They call it the Hope House, or Rescue Mission. They were indeed nice enough there, but their rules totally SUCK!!! I was only going to be there for a few days, I've never done drugs in my life, never drank booze, never did any of that BS. I don't even smoke cigarettes. I am perfectly pure. I do like to have my INXS pics near me for comfort, but they said that would be OK. They said there would be no problem in that.

Well, one of the rules they had that I did not like, once you are in the home, you cannot leave by yourself. The house attendant had to go with you, like your a helpless baby or something. And they did not have much food there at that home and they would not let me go to the Safeway store to get any. Not even with the attendant. I told the manager that SUCKS!! I didn't care if that offended her! I didn't exactly appreciate having my basic rights taken away!! I asked if they had wifi there and they said yes, but I would not be able to use my own computer for 10 days, and they were also going to take my phone away. When you enter this shelter, they give you a 10 day blackout period. During which, you are not allowed to use any electronics. But the house attendant said I could still keep my pics. But something did not smell right about this house or these rules. I kept getting bad vibes. But I kept trying to ignore them. I said to myself "At least my ma will be happy I am in a shelter." But as I got to know each rule, I slowly began to realize I was not happy there. They control EVERYTHING, when you eat, when you sleep, when you get up, what movies you watch. I could not watch my favorite movie because it's not PG rated (by American standards)!! They control what you eat, what you read. I am a very picky eater. I don't eat just anything placed in front of me. And if I don't like what I see, I'll literally starve myself before I put it in my mouth!! And they were very religious, and it was mandatory that you go to church and participate in bible study every morning and evening. Which I understand. But I had no idea of the level their beliefs go to.

Well yesterday, the head manager came down. Her name is Amy. She's a nice enough person too. But she wanted to see my INXS pics, so I showed them to her. I knew, early on, it was going to lead to me getting kicked out of that place, because they were not religious pics or pics of family. I consider them pics of friends though. LOL!! But Amy started asking me if I've ever lied before. I said "Who hasn't?" I just don't make a habit of it. Sometimes I stretch the truth too, and I tend to color and shade the stories I tell, which I guess by Bible standards is lying. But by my culture standards, southern girls do it all the time. No point in telling a story that just gets you a simple glance from people. No, I'm going to make that person fall back in their chair and say "WOW!! You did that??!!" So I'm going to color my stories a little as I tell them. She asked me if I've ever stolen before and I said NO. Then she was like "Oh come on! You never stole anything, not even as a child from your siblings or something?" I said "Well yeah when I was a kid I stole from my sis all the time, and she always stole from me too." So now, by Bible standards, I am a thief and a liar. Then Amy asked me if I've ever hated anyone, and I told her I always try not to. There are people I don't care for, but I can't say I hate anyone. Which she said is good. She asked me if I've ever murdered anyone, and I said "NO. I never have even killed an animal." So she said if you hate anyone, according to the Bible, you've murdered them in your heart. So, I never murdered anyone. Not even by Bible standards.

Then she asked me if I've ever committed adultery, and I said no. Then she started bringing up INXS, Michael and Timmy. Because I do idolize them, by Bible standards if I even look at them with lust, I've committed adultery. I said to Amy, "But I am not even married! What does it matter?" I always thought you had to be married to commit adultery. I always thought to commit adultery means you love one man, the man you marry, yet you look at another man with lust. That, I always thought, was committing adultery. But apparently you don't have to be married for it to mean adultery. OMG! How is a woman supposed to know which man she wants to be with if she doesn't look at one with lust?? We can't just pick men out of the sky to love and be with forever. We should know we love that man before we say "I want to be with this man forever!" and get to know him and then marry him. But apparently, that is a sin by Bible standards. But what if this man you fell in love with at first sight turns out to be Mr. wrong?? That's a stupid rule!!! Then there was the pics themselves. Apparently it is a sin too to look at pics of men you love with lust. The 10 commandments list it as "Adoring graven images", and it is against Bible standards. Unfortunately all I have of INXS now is pics. So, if I want to see them, that's all I have to look at. And I do want to see them.

Well, after bringing all this mess up, Amy challenged me to put my pics up for one day and think about other things. Well, being in a strange place, without my dogs, and surrounded by strange people, I was not sure I wanted to do that. I told this to Amy, and another manager named Reesa. I had to think about it. Amy told me to think about it, and for Reesa to make the decision. I knew Reesa was not going to let me think about it much at all. She's young and eager, and she wanted the answer right away, and she wanted an answer that coincided with Bible standards. Well, she had a 2 year old boy that I didn't exactly like having at that house!! I don't like kids that young. But I didn't say she shouldn't bring him around! It's not for me to say. That's common decency. So I did not exactly appreciate somebody telling me I had to have my pics put away! Even just for one day! I don't go to a shelter to have my basic rights taken away! I go to a shelter to have a place to sleep besides the van. Of course for the first 3 nights, they make you sleep on the sofa, not on a bed. And the sofa I was on was more uncomfortable than the sofa I had to sit on at Donna's. The edge of the sofa jutted up into my ass at night, and my ass hurt the next morning! Not to mention, the other girl in the house was a former transvestite and drug addict. She kept talking, yelling and whining all night. I didn't get hardly any sleep that night.

Well, after a while of me contemplating what to do, Reesa came and told me that my keeping my pictures is committing adultery and idolizing the men of INXS, so she said I had to leave the house! I did not put up a fuss at all!! By this time, I welcomed being pushed out! Yes, I would rather sleep in my van than have my INXS guys taken out of my sight! The van is still quite comfortable! I'm glad too. I was so glad to leave there and see the light of day again!!! And that was the WORST damn shelter I've been in yet!!! Well, this weekend I am here in Portland. Going to see if there is a decent shelter here that does not have such strict rules. But that was as close as I ever want to be again to a radical Christian group!!! I'd never go back there, even if they invited me!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

INXS Movie Criticism

I once came across an article that spoke of all the things wrong with the latest INXS movie, Never Tear Us Apart. Personally I loved the movie. I don't care if it portrayed Michael in such a negative fashion. I'm guessing most of it may be true. Well of course I know some things were put in there just for the sake of the movie. I mean, I have a few stories that I wrote based on actual events that happened in my life. But they are not 100% accurate. Some scenes I put in each story just to make the story more interesting. Well, I don't really remember where I saw this article, but I do remember some of the things it said was wrong with the movie.

First of all, is one I agree with. I think some of the people they picked to cast as the band members did not look anything like the real things. For example, the guy they picked to play Garry, name is Hugh Sheridan, he looks nothing at all like Garry. They did great in making Luke Arnold look like Michael, but they should have looked harder for someone to play Garry. See for yourself...

Hugh Sheridan
Garry Beers
Personally I don't think they look anything alike. The producers should have looked a little bit longer for this one. Plus, his voice is too deep for Garry. If only the guy who played Andrew had his voice and the guy who played Garry could have exchanged voices with the guy who played Andrew, the movie might have been a perfect replica of INXS. Actually I think Hugh Sheridan would have made a better version of Jon.

Well, another thing the person said in the article, Luke Arnold, as Michael, slept too much in the movie. Yes, he slept some, but not TOO much! This guy said the movie portrayed Michael to be a narcoleptic. Maybe that's how it all happened? When you are trying to get a story across, you're not thinking about whether it has a certain character sleeping too much. You just want to tell the story. Another problem I have about this gripe is that if Luke Arnold had been the opposite, like the movie never showed Michael sleeping at all, then the person who wrote this article would have griped that the movie was portraying Michael like he was constantly high on caffeine, or some kind of narcotics. The guy who wrote the article said that they should have shown Michael having a lot of sex. Well, that would have been inaccurate too. According to Tina Hutchence, who is Michael's sister, Michael hardly ever slept around with strange women. He talked to Helena for several months before they met and fell in love.

In truth, Michael was so complex, if this movie had been 100% accurate and told everything, the movie would have been 24 hours long. Of course they could break that all up in more than 2 episodes. But I guess they did not want to have more than 2 episodes that were 2 hours long. I love the movie. Some fans are opposed to it, but I love it! So far, it's the only INXS movie I've seen, although I have heard there are 2 more in the works. Shows how very fascinating the life of these guys was! And people used to make fun of me because I still love INXS. Of course they were the damn show breeders on the Pluba forums! Who cares what they think!!?? I love INXS! Always did, always will. Even when I take breaks from the band, I still count myself as being an INXS fan. Nothing will ever make me otherwise. I love these guys, I love their songs, that makes me a true fan. Sometimes I do get frustrated with them. But no matter what, I still love them!

I love this movie, I cannot wait to see the next 2 movies that come out about INXS. Richard Lowenstein is supposed to have his version coming out next year. I hope it airs in the USA. I cannot wait to see it. His should be very interesting! He's known the band inside and out for years. So, his version should be really good!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Michael's Month

From now on, I am declaring November Michael's month. LOL! No more Thanksgiving, no more nothing. Well, my father being a retired veteran, I have to celebrate Veteran's Day. Well, it is almost over, and I did good in remembering Michael. Had some fun on the 22nd. I love that man so much, and miss him more than anything! I celebrated his life and did good! I always feel when a person passes on we celebrate each year on the anniversary of their passing, it's a way of celebrating all their accomplishments in life. I feel it's more important than celebrating their birthday. When a person is born, they haven't accomplished much more than being born. While that is something to celebrate, they have done nothing in their lives at the time of their birth. But someone who has lived as long as Michael did, though 37 years does not sound like a lot, he accomplished more in those 37 years than a lot of people have in twice that many years. It's not celebrating the dead. It's celebrating that person's life. And not just their birth, but also the many accomplishments that person made in their lives.

Michael will never know how many peoples' lives he has moved. He moved mine. From the first moment I saw him on a video, my life has never been the same. I haven't had as many feelings for any rock group as I have for INXS. They have brought out happiness in me, as well as sadness, joy, even frustration. LOL! No other group in the history of rock n roll has ever made me feel the way INXS has. I've never celebrated the lives of any other rock group, or singer, or anything. I've never been so deeply involved in any other rock group. I never had the desire to meet any other rock star or celebrity of any kind at all, as I have to meet INXS. And I love my INXS friends. Also, I have never cried so hard over the loss of any other public figure as I have over Michael Hutchence. I never missed any other public figure as I miss Michael. To me, the loss of any other celebrity has been like eating hot dogs. They come and go so easily. So what?! But losing Michael was total devastation for me. I still cry sometimes just thinking about Michael.

Well, I've wrote several stories based on my feelings about INXS. No other public figure has inspired me that way before. You won't find any stories in my line up that was inspired by Michael Jackson, or Guns n Roses, or Princess Diana. None at all! But I have several stories inspired by Michael Hutchence and INXS. Some are among my favorite stories. Not all mention INXS. In fact, my most favorite story of all was inspired by Michael but he is not mentioned anywhere in the story at all. In an older version, I did have a poster in the background of Michael demonstrating the Lose Your Head Tour of '97. But I got rid of that version. I thought the Michael poster was a bit too much. INXS is just everything to me. I love these guys.

I remember when my puppy died in the early summer of 1998, it was INXS that made me smile again. I lost my pup, and stopped eating for a few days. By the third day, I had gotten rather weak and could barely get out of bed. I needed to eat again to build up my strength, but because I was still sad after losing my puppy, I had no appetite. I needed to forget about the puppy temporarily and start laughing again. The only thing that made me smile like that was INXS. Especially Michael and Timmy. So, that was why I started watching my videos over and over again. Some other good things came out of that, I learned to love the song This Time. Before then, I didn't like that song. Now, I love it, and even have it on my MP3 player. Because of that incident, I call the men of INXS my "heroes". Before the day was over, I was laughing and smiling again, and eating. INXS saved me from basically wasting away. I would have starved myself to death if I hadn't taken heed and seen INXS and started smiling again. That's how I am when I lose a pet I love so much. And I thought that puppy and I would be soulmates forever.

Well, it's been a fun month remembering Michael. I hope to always be able to do this kind of thing. I have a plan for the 20th anniversary of Michael's passing. I am going to sit in front of the camera and read that whole story that I wrote about the night Michael died. It's going to be a LONG video. But I think it will be worth watching from beginning to end. I hope to be thinner by then. I'm sure no one wants to see a big, fat, ugly bitch blubbering around on the camera!! LOL! Although I have not been working on losing weight lately. I've been too busy to make it to any fitness center! I just hope I haven't gained too much back!! LOL! But that's OK. I can work on losing it all again. I did it before. I can definitely do it again. I haven't been eating any more than I did when I was making daily trips to the fitness center, that's for sure.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Over the past few years I've been on Facebook, I've met several people who claim they were friends of Michael's. Now, I've met the band, including Michael, but I never claimed to be a friend of their's. We never exchanged email addresses, or physical addresses, or phone numbers. All we do is basically say hello to each other when we meet. But that may be partly my fault, I'm not a big talker. Whether half these people are telling the truth about their alleged friendship with Michael, I will never know and it's not for me to say. I have friends who have met Michael and were friends of his, and have shown me pics and personal letters they got from him to prove it. They usually don't tout it all over the internet though. Now I understand why. When Robin Williams died, I told a group of people about how he and my stepfather were friends before he became famous. They made fun of me and almost laughed at me because they didn't believe a word of it. Which is understandable really. It's hard for the average person to believe another almost average person could make friends with such a big-name person as Robin Williams. Or Michael Hutchence for that matter. Well, one of my friends who knew Michael, is also a singer and performer from Japan. She met the band there and became friends of their's.

Well, one person said she was a friend of Michael's, and she was on the ***By My Side Forever*** group. LOL! Apparently she is not on any other group because she said the only mod she trusts is Roberta, the woman from Italy who said I was "trash" because I am not a fan of Princess Diana's and I told her the truth about her going crazy. LOL!! OK, so I'll be "trash". Roberta is loony. That's the woman who goes all over Facebook acting like a cat. I feel sorry for that person who said that she is the only mod she trusts. Very sorry. The By My Side Forever group was no fun. Friend of Michael's or not, it would not stop me from wanting to have fun! That's why I stay on the Michael Hutchence and His Life group. It's fun. The mods are fun, the people are fun. What can I say? I go and stay where the fun is! That's what my life is all about, having fun. I love the pics of INXS that get posted. Though some jackass posted a pic of INXS where the biggest thing in the picture was a fucking leopard! UGH!! I asked what the fuck has a leopard got to do with INXS??? Another person stated she thought it was a tiger. Of course a tiger would not have been any better to look at. I hate panthers of all kinds!! Tigers have no more to do with INXS, except maybe it could represent INXS's extinction. But I don't want to think of INXS going extinct. I love the fact that INXS are gaining new fans because of the movie.

There was one person who was on the MH and his Life group, I don't see her there anymore. I remember one person went to the By My Side group and complained because that person posted photoshopped pics of herself with Michael. I hope this person's feelings were not hurt by that. Though when I first saw one of her works, I have to say it bothered me she did that too. Because I thought they were real, legit pics of her with Michael. Had me fooled! LOL! But it's her way of having fun. Who am I to say someone can't have some harmless fun? She's not plagiarizing other fan's pics. So, no harm in what she's doing. I haven't seen this person on the group in a while, which is why I wonder if her feelings were hurt. I hope not. And I can't say much, I used to fantasize about photoshopping my picture into pics of Timmy. LOL! But since I've had a couple taken with him, I don't need to. I never had one taken with Michael though. For some reason though, that does not bother me. Not at all. I swear to GOD. It's enough for me that I got to kiss him. Don't even need to make peace or come to terms with it. It just never bothered me that I never got a pic taken with Michael. Really. LOL!! OK enough of that speech.

Another thing, people think just because I love and admire Michael, that I must be interested in his daughter Lily. Lily is a beautiful girl, and I am sure she's a nice person, and Michael is up in Heaven feeling very proud of her. But just because I love Michael does not mean I have to be a fan of Lily's. I don't pretend to. It's Michael I love. Not Lily. I don't know her. No reason I should love her or be interested in her in any way. LOL That's also why it did not hurt my feelings at all when Tina deleted me (and many other Hutch fans) from her Facebook friends. I don't care about Michael's family. It's him I was interested in. Not saying they may not be nice people. I'm just saying Michael is the focus of my attention. Not his family.

OK that was sheer honesty. Something I am famous for! LOL! But it's the truth. A lot of people abandoned ship from the MH and His Life group when Roberta started spreading her usual bullshit. Seemed every time I turned around she was saying someone was doing some kind of shit to her personally. What is she? 12 years old? She has to lash out at someone who has the same name as her, or has a better MH fan page than her? I think it's those 3 cats she has. I think they're destroying her brain. One person who I am almost positive that left, is that Marie Gonzales. I'm almost positive she left. She strikes me as being the kind of person who would abandon someone that everyone else turns against. A follower basically. She's a cat fag, in the truest sense of the phrase. Seems I had a run-in with her before. Trying to remember where though, and it was because I don't like cats. I had a run-in with her on this group as well because I don't like cats. That's what a cat-fag is, someone who argues with people who don't like cats. They think everyone has to like cats, like it's mandatory. Gary Beers I heard doesn't like cats. He likes birds. And I LOVE him for it!! I used to not think I would like Gary, but I do. I took to him right away when I met him. It was almost like love at first sight.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Why I Love INXS Videos

Of course by now everyone knows INXS is my most favorite rock group out there. I don't like today's music hardly at all. I've heard a few good songs come out this day and age, but none are by Lady Gaga or Justin Timberlake, or any of today's most popular groups. And I have absolutely NO respect for any bands or singers that got their start on shows like X Factor or American Idol. I am the kind of person who says let bands grow the old fashioned way. The only reason I accepted JD is because of INXS, and they were already a seasoned band before Rockstar aired. Now, JD is all on his own, and I'm thinking "who's JD?" LOL! OK I do think JD is a great singer. And he was a nice guy when I met him. But face it, he had NONE of the sexual appeal Michael had. Michael was perfection.

Well, I was watching a video I got a long time ago on ebay, and it's Full Moon, Dirty Hearts, the Album Visual. I like it. I like that album. It's one of my favorites INXS ever made. And all the guys look good. Even Kirk. But don't ever tell him I said that!! But one thing I notice that is different between videos that INXS have done and other bands. Most other bands. When most other bands do videos, the videos center mostly around the lead singer. The only real time you ever see any other band members participating in the videos is when they are standing there playing their instruments. But in an INXS video, Timmy could be either playing the guitar, or tying Michael up to a chair, or sitting and messing around with a checkerboard. LOL! Either way, in the video he could be doing anything other than just his part in the band. He could also be acting in the video, doing a different part. That is what I love about INXS videos. Their videos give tasks for all the guys, not just Michael acting or singing. Makes them really seem like they are more than just a rock group. Makes them seem a lot like they are a whole band of brothers.

I love all my favorite guys in my favorite band! Well, I am working on Kirk. I mean, I don't hate him. But anyways, I love the guys in their own special way. I love Timmy because he is the best looking band member to me! He definitely has the best buns in the band!! Plus he is a funny guy. He does things in every interview that always makes me laugh!! Kirk is funny too, if nothing else, I gotta hand him that. He has made me laugh on occasion. Michael sings beautifully, and next to Timmy, is also a very handsome member of the band. Or he was. The trouble is Michael is no longer there. But Timmy is. I love Jon too, he's also very handsome! Not to mention when I met him he was a very kind, soulful, gentle man. He was a real pleasure to meet. I love Gary too. I didn't used to, because he was the plain member of the band. He's cute, but he was plain. But after meeting him, I gotta tell you, I took to him right away! There was something about him that I just shined up to instantly. I cannot put my finger on it. And Andrew, of all the band members of INXS, it was him that I loved meeting the most! He was very sweet and gentle. Definitely a big, cuddly teddy bear!! He did seem shy, but I can't say anything about that, as I am a very shy person myself.

I'd have to say, most of the band members of INXS are all very handsome in one way or another. The ugliest member in fact I would have to say is Kirk. Eh! He was OK during the FMDH era, but that's it. Not at any other time. Why I ever counted him as being anywhere near the top of my list of favorite band members I may never again understand!! But oh well! I was younger and stupid.

Ya know, I think Hobofart is back on YouTube, LOL! Except now, instead of attacking juggalos, he's going full time for INXSaries. And instead of calling himself anything like Hoboczarandco, now he calls himself Ficus Benjamina. I don't know. If this isn't him, it sure is someone who sounds exactly like him!! He keeps urging me to go kill myself, which I would never do, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction!! LOL!! Not to mention, he seems to get obsessed with harassing INXS fans. A lot like Hobofart with the juggalos, or like Catsredrum and the other delusional mods. I asked him last time he said I should go kill myself "because I want to", so he said, I asked him if he was Hobofart, because he sure sounded like him. It was the way he worded his sentence, made me think so much of Hobofart, it's not even funny! He has no videos or pics of himself. Of course one thing Hobofart always did that this Ficus Benjamina person hasn't done (yet) is call me fat names. Ya know, that's the difference between INXS fans and fans of other music, or anything else. I have NEVER heard or seen any INXSaries use that level of name-calling. Not even the not-so-friendly ones. Of course, most INXS fans now are over 25 years old. That could be why. But you sure don't see that kind of classiness in other groups of followers. For example, some of the worst people I've ever met were anime fanatics and video gamers. They ALWAYS call fat people names! And a lot of vegans and vegetarians, not all of them, but quite a large number of them always call fat people names. But I have yet to meet any INXSaries that are like that. That's good. Even from not-so-friendly INXS fans. Makes me very happy to be among other INXS fans. But me, I'm kindof the black sheep of INXS fanhood. LOL! Just the way I am!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...