Monday, February 3, 2025

A Big Nothing

 Well, as you know, I'm in this group of libertarians. There is this one jerkoff who's attached himself to me for some reason. I don't know why. After talking with him for a few days, I find I just don't even like him. But he seems to be attached to me for some reason. He's a seriously Trump-deranged guy named Brent Scott. Nothing he says is original or even profound. It's all just leftist talking points. Like I said before, this group is full of people with near-fatal Trump derangement syndrome. Well, it all started when he posted a YouTube video on the group...

Apparently, Trump made some kind of illegal move. This YouTuber did an interview with an attorney named Marc Elias. I did some looking up on Elias, and he is also a deranged Trump-hater, who took Kamala Harris' case of election fraud, and he was also the one who, along with Hillary Clinton, came up with the Russian collusion hoax. So, Elias is not a very reliable source of information about Trump. If you want to know more about this Marc Elias' background, here's a link: Kamala Campaign Hires Election Meddler As Legal Counsel And the leftists gripe that Trump did not secede to Biden. At least he didn't go as far as to get attorneys to go after Biden, although looking at this, he should have!

But this is the video this guy pointed to...

Video courtesy of Brian Tyler Cohen (YouTube)

Well, as usual, I gave my opinion to one of the other commenters...

Well, I didn't know it before tonight, but this is what Brent Scott said in response to my post...

What does he mean by that last sentence? Who's blocking what? And I bet, like all other leftists, he cannot name one truly violent act that right-wingers did since Trump has been elected. You ask any leftist what violence was committed by right-wingers, and they either bring up Charlottesville or Jan. 6. Those seem to be the only counts of violence they can think of. One person was killed by a protester in his car in Charlottesville in 2017, and later a couple of troupers in a helicopter flying overhead were killed when the helicopter crashed. But no one knows if that was done by a protester or not.

As for J6, this buttwipe does not know no real violence happened at the capitol. He must be beyond super stupid if he thinks this is violence

Picture from January 6, 2021. Courtesy of Brent Stirton (Chicago Tribune).

And this is not

Photo of fire set to a building by blm rioters in 2020. Courtesy of Victor J. Blue (NY Times).

There's a reason everything in nature fears fire. Everyone except Brent Scott. He doesn't think people burning down buildings is violence. Just a few patriots running through the capitol building taking selfies with their phones. This is what someone else responded to him with. I put it here because it was originally him I was responding to...

I finished with this...

Brent comes in and puts in his 2 cents. Personally, I think he should ask for his money back!

He's trying to say here that it was right-wingers who set the country on fire in 2020, but I can guarantee you, none of those rioters for blm was a right-winger! And 30 people and one puppy died in those blm riots. Brent Scott just downplays them. Maybe he will. But I won't! I'll never forgive them for what they did to that poor baby! I don't like blm anyways. It's a bullshit-ass organization who, during those riots, got millions of dollars in donations. None of which went to help black communities. All they did was use it to buy themselves lavish mansions. So don't give me that "right wing violent" bullshit!! At least I've never seen right-wingers kill an innocent puppy! Well, this was my response to him...

I've been on his back with this chick in his profile picture that he claims is not a chick. Looks like a chick to me!

The thing with it's head on his shoulder is what I am referring to. It's either a chick, or a very girlish boy. He's the dude in the gray coat with a fat little face. This was his response to me...

This was my response to him in return...

Like all other leftists, this dude doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together! He couldn't light a match with the amount of brain power he has! Meanwhile in another section of this post, this is what was also going on before I got to this post. I informed him of something I noticed about him...

And so he does! Nothing about him seems to be nuanced. All he spews is just leftist propaganda. He believes everything the media says about Trump. This was his response, where I discovered something else surprising about him...

I find it funny that he's not embarrassed to admit that! LOL! He eats his own snot. This is what I had to say about that...

Most women don't go for that stuff. My dad used to use our hand towels to blow his nose with, and I hated that! He worked in a hospital at the time, and I often got sore throats when I was a kid because he did that. I didn't realize he did that really until ma complained about it to him once. Then I found out he did it. And still did that when I was all grown up. I was shocked! One of many reasons I never wanted to get married. My ex would do that too. I caught him in the act of it once and I really laid into him!

Well, this was Brent Scott's response to my comment...

Looks like he was trying to blame MAGA peeps for his crudeness. But I doubt it. Even if there were such a thing as a maga school, I doubt that's what he'd have learned from them. MAGA people are usually busy farming, hunting, or doing some kind of job. They are hard workers, but they don't complain. He wants to deny the other person in his profile pic is a girl. But it looks like a girl to me!

Men always seem to revert to the "you're mad cuz I wouldn't date you" bit. It happens every time! Remember that Patrick Colliano dude from way back in this blog? Well, I don't really remember his name. Not important to me. He tried to pull that on me too. I think it's just wishful thinking on their part. They want me to be attracted to them. But those kinds of men are always the ugliest I've ever seen! Probably wouldn't be able to attract a girl dog to them if they had a leg of lamb tied to their butt! This is what he said in response...

MAGA men are usually a lot stronger and better looking than leftist men. If I were in the market, I wouldn't mind hooking up with a maga man! It seems lately leftists think all maga peeps are illiterate. I've been hearing that a lot lately. Ever since Sunny Hostin mentioned it on The View. I know a lot of MAGA peeps, none of them are illiterate. I've never met a leftist who could tell me how many ounces are in a pound. Or one who could pronounce the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, or even knows what it means. BTW, it's a type of pneumonia caused by inhaling volcanic ash. The only thing leftists know that MAGA peeps don't is the kinds of different genders they think there are in the world. MAGA peeps know better. We know there's only 2 genders. That's how it's always been, and that's how it'll always be. Male and female is all the world ever needs. Anything else is imaginary and used only to stroke the ego of a few very sick individuals. And what's this? Where does he get off talking about my having enough money or not? That's none of anybody's business! How did that all of a sudden come up? LOL! This was my response to him...

Now, I feel sorry for that girl. Her boyfriend is a gold-digger. Definitely not the kind of man I'd want if I were looking! But oh well! I just find it funny that he would talk about my finances when he's a gold-digger on his girlfriend. At least I don't need a guy supporting me! Don't get me wrong. I love men. But not men who want to sponge off a woman's success.

Well, he writes to me one more time, on a post with a picture (by another Trump-deranged individual who was arrested recently for keeping child porn) of Donald Trump saying this is how tariffs work. The conversation was brief, it just went like this...

Well, I don't know about tariffs. I had heard about them, but had no idea what they are or how they work. But I assume Trump knows what he's doing. But Brent Scott doesn't think so. I remember Trump wanted the Colombian government to take back their illegals from the USA, and they refused to at first. But then Trump threatened to put a tariff on all their goods from the USA, and the president of Colombia changed his tune pretty quickly. I saw that in a news clip. Maybe that's what Trump means by hitting these countries with tariffs. Brent doesn't believe Trump did that, but I saw him on TV doing that. Like all leftists, the good that Trump does flies right over his head and he doesn't notice. They think nothing Trump does is good. Because the media conditioned them to believe that. And you cannot change their tune. Some people you just can't talk to. They are untamable. That's the case for these stupid leftists who want to hold on to those feelings about Trump.

I think it's funny myself. They won't believe anything Trump says unless it's something like "grab them by the pussy", or something to that effect. Because the mainstream leftist media blows those quotes all out of proportion. I had to tell one person yesterday that Trump NEVER said he grabs women by the pussy. His exact quote was "If you're rich, women will let you grab them by the pussy". It was a figurative statement. But the leftists believe him when he says that. Or something like it. It's the only time they believe him because of the way the leftist media blows it up. Just like black people having fatal encounters with police. It actually rarely happens. It's just people like Don Lemon and Joy Reid make it seem like it happens every hour of every day because of the way they blow these stories all out of proportion. Go figure!

***********************UPDATE 10:07 AM**************************

During the night, I heard back from this guy Brent Scott. This was what I saw...

I was a bit too tired to respond to him all the way at the time. I had pressing business elsewhere too. So, I had to tend to that. In the meantime, for everyone's entertainment, including his own, I sent Brent a link to this post. I figured I'd respond to him when I feel like it. Well, I am waiting to make an important call this morning, so I thought I would kill some time by killing Brent's funnybone.

Well, I may suck at trying to diss people, but it looks like I sure made him angry. LOL! Not a bad accomplishment for someone who sucks at trying to diss people. And he sure does not know many MAGA women. We don't mind staying in the kitchen. That's why we're called conservatives. We want to conserve human history. If we didn't want to be in the kitchen, we'd be progressives. Which are NOT maga people! And he did try to bring up my finances. All I am going to reveal is that I have enough money that I am living good.

I love the comment he made about his butt crack! LMAO! That is too funny. I thought that was his butt crack on his profile picture! Who could tell the difference? LOL! And what's this about committing crimes? Could that be a projection? He said it, he must be doing it. Man! And he gripes about Trump being a criminal. LOL! He shouldn't be revealing things like that about himself. He thinks I look at Field and Stream. Well, sometimes they have animals. But I really prefer National Geographic as magazines go. I got a bunch of those and still get them when I get the chance! I will keep you all updated if something else turns up. You can bet it's going to be worth mentioning.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Libertarian World

 I'm starting to think I am not a libertarian. Either that or libertarians are not exactly what I was taught they are. That's why I don't exactly refer to myself as libertarian anymore. I just don't seem to fully fit in with them. Either that or it's just the people in this group. I'm in a libertarian group on Facebook. There's a lot of cool people in there, but there are many (maybe too many) who seem more left-leaning than what I thought libertarians are supposed to be. I thought a left-leaning libertarian was like Tim Pool on YouTube. He said he's a libertarian who leans left. He's an intelligent person too. I agree with his views more than I disagree. So, I thought ALL libertarians, including the left-leaning ones, were like him. Boy! Was I ever wrong!

There are a lot of people in this group who say they don't like Clinton, or Biden, or Obama. But looking back in that group, I noticed they didn't complain even half as much about Biden as they do about Trump. Maybe I didn't look back far enough. I don't know. It just seems that for libertarians, per capita, more of them just seem to complain about Trump more than they did Biden. In fact, some act like Biden was the greatest thing to happen to America since the concept of sliced bread. Just like the leftists. I love the fact that Trump has a good team of senators with him. I have seen complaints about Trump firing a lot of people who were on his team. The leftists think that's awful. I say it just means that Trump really wants the best people for the job! Anyone can be wrong about someone on the first try. Some people put their best foot forward in an initial meeting just to make themselves look good. I don't see anything wrong with Trump firing off people who he gets to know and realizes they aren't good for the job he wants them to do. People do that all the time.

Then there is the Elon Musk salute. These people are all up in arms because Elon made one of these hand gestures at a rally...

To me, it looks more like he's waving. This was after he gave a short speech. But the leftists are complaining because it looks like a nazi salute. Like this...

Looks to me like there's more of a difference between the two salutes. If you look closely at Elon Musk, his hand is bent slightly upward, and his first 4 fingers are also slightly bent. Look at Hitler's hand. It's extended straight out and the fingers are lying straight and flat. So, Elon is waving at the crowd, and Hitler is doing the actual nazi salute. But the leftists see it as Elon doing a nazi salute. A lot of people are going along with it saying the "nazi salute" was first done by the Romans. It was their way of greeting each other. So, it's really not supposed to be a bad thing. But Hitler's use of it made it bad. But it just does not seem to me that is what Elon is doing in the pic. The leftists just cannot live unless they got something to gripe about. Now that Trump is back in office, the leftists have been looking at him like vultures, waiting for him to do the slightest thing out of place so they can pin it on him for life and keep saying what a horrible person he is.

This morning there was a crash by the Potomac River in Washington DC. I'm telling you all now, that river must be cursed!!! They've had 3 crashes over the past 40 years that ended up there. Every one of which had fatalities. In this case, many men, women and children died. There were no survivors at all. Trump signed a bill to have more safety on the airline runways. Biden took that away when he made the airlines hire more colored people, instead of basing their hiring on experience or merit. In fact, a lot of white applicants were turned down because they were white. Trump has now put a stop to that kind of hiring. I told you all before, DIE kills! That's why I don't call it DEI. I call it DIE. Well, Bakari Sellers, of CNN, blamed Trump for the accident. He said Trump freezing air traffic control hiring was the cause of the crash. Well, within minutes he realized he done fucked up and took the post down.

Well, at least Trump and his team were on the spot shortly after the crash happened. Biden and that Booty-judge guy, who was Biden's secretary of transportation and one of Biden's DIE hires, he didn't care about transportation safety. When similar accidents happened during their administration, they were gone. Biden was on one of his many vacations and couldn't be bothered. Same from Booty-judge. He didn't care. But Sean Duffy, who is Trump's secretary of transportation, he was at the accident scene within hours after being sworn in. Duffy is not a DIE hire, Trump does not do that. I just heard about that accident this morning, but apparently it happened a few days ago. RIP to all those who perished, and prayers of strength to the families and friends.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

I Found The Fool!!!!

 HAHAHA!!!!!! Remember yesterday's post. I posted on this group that is actually a parody group. I said leftists there always think us MAGA peeps don't realize it's a parody site. Remember the first guy who saw my comment and said this:

I wanted Cletus to say why he pointed that out. It would have shown who the moron actually was. Well, I haven't seen him come back. This time the moron came in the way of an unexpected source. Someone who was not originally involved. Not saying that's wrong, just a bit of a surprise. But a funny surprise. I kinda expected the fool to be among the people who responded yesterday. So, I was ready to write about it in my last post. But this piece of work is named James Kay. With a name like James, I almost expect him to be a wife-beater. But I doubt he's married. He seems to have no respect for women at all. Oh well! LOL! That's his thing. Not mine.

This post actually was in response to this comment I made yesterday to someone else...

I was kinda hoping Gregor Retkowski would say that I believe this was a real news post. But instead, I wake up to this...

So, I found the fool!!!! LOL!!! 😂😂😂 I laughed when I saw this comment, because it was just so unexpected! He actually thinks I don't know this was a parody post! LOL! He calls me every name he can then think of. It proves first of all, that leftists cannot read properly. Second of all, they will never be as smart as us MAGA peeps. They can go to the finest universities, and brag about having a higher education. But it does no good! LOL! Actions speak louder than words. I hope that wasn't the case for James Kay. He'd have spent thousands of dollars, and been ripped off. I set a trap, and he fell for it! Hook, line and sinker!!! If a person like me can outsmart him, then I kinda feel sorry for him spending all that time and money for something that did him no good. He can spot a parody if it's in the group's description. But he cannot spot a parody when it's posted by an average person visiting the group. But it sure makes me feel good! LOL!

Since he seems to want to play name-calling games (and you know what I always say about people who start off with name-calling), I decided to play along. I just cannot bring myself to go whole-hog in name-calling. It only shows weakness. That's what James Kay is showing here, that he is weak and insecure. I don't like to present myself in a picture like that. But I just had to strike back a bit.

As for those people being "violent criminals", uuh, tell me again, who was really responsible for J6? This might help clear your mind...

NEW: Obtained HBO Footage Shows Pelosi Again Taking Responsibility for Capitol Security on January 6 - Press Releases - United States Committee on House Administration

WASHINGTON - Today, the Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) is publishing NEW obtained documentary footage recorded by Alexandra Pelosi on January 6, 2021 and produced to the Subcommittee by HBO. 

Click here to view the footage.

The bulk of these new videos show then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly saying “I take full responsibility.” Additionally, she discusses the firing of U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, Still, she stresses that blaming anyone besides Trump would be a "diversionary tactic." 

Nancy Pelosi on January 6, 2021:
“We have totally failed. We have to take some responsibility for not holding the security accountable for what could have happened.”

“Oh my god, I cannot believe the stupidity of this. And I take the full responsibility”

Following the release of this footage, Chairman Loudermilk issued the below statement:

"This batch of unaired HBO footage is nothing new," said Chairman Loudermilk. "For over three years, Nancy Pelosi has refused to take responsibility for her failure to secure the Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021. Instead, she has pushed the focus of the failure on President Trump. As Speaker, she controlled House operations and security on the House side of the Capitol - which she acknowledges in this HBO footage."

Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson's J6 Select Committee had this footage but did not release it publicly and did not archive this footage at the end of the 117th Congress or hand it over when Republicans took the majority at the beginning of 2023. Therefore, the Subcommittee went directly to HBO to obtain the footage. 

Click here to view the letter sent to HBO.

The first release of this behind-the-scenes HBO footage was in June

For the past 3 years, Pelosi and House Democrats pushed the narrative that Trump was solely responsible for the events of January 6, 2021. But on January 6, Pelosi herself acknowledged three times on camera that she was responsible for Capitol security and ultimately, she was the one that should be accountable for the security of the capitol. 

Nancy Pelosi Contradicts Her Own Narrative of January 6, HBO Footage Shows - Press Releases - United States Committee on House Administration

WASHINGTON - House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) obtained documentary footage recorded by Alexandra Pelosi on January 6, 2021 and produced to the Subcommittee by HBO. 

Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson's J6 Select Committee had this footage but did not release it publicly and did not archive this footage at the end of the 117th Congress or hand it over when Republicans took the majority at the beginning of 2023. Therefore, the Subcommittee went directly to HBO to obtain the footage. 
Yesterday, the Subcommittee posted this video from January 6, 2021, which was recorded by Alexandra Pelosi and provided directly to the Subcommittee by HBO. In the video former Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated "I take responsibility" for the security failures of the Capitol that day. 
“As Nancy Pelosi was being evacuated from the Capitol on January 6, 2021 she admitted that, as Speaker of the House, she was responsible for the security failures, and for not having the National Guard at the Capitol,” said Chairman Loudermilk.

“However, after the dust settled from the breach of the Capitol, she spent 20 million taxpayer dollars for her January 6 Select Committee to create a narrative that shifted the blame on President Trump. The Democrats’ partisan select committee went to great lengths to suppress and hide evidence that didn’t support their predetermined narrative about that day, including this video of Speaker Pelosi admitting that she was responsible for the security failures at the Capitol. My committee will continue to investigate and expose all the facts. The American people deserve the truth.”

This video shows Pelosi in a moment of leadership acknowledging that as Speaker of the House it was her responsibility to ensure the safety of Members of Congress that day and every other day.  However, Pelosi never publicly took responsibility. Instead, Pelosi created the January 6 Select Committee with the purpose of publicly blaming Donald Trump for her own failures. 

Despite Pelosi’s claims yesterday on MSNBC that Republicans are engaging in revisionist history, this clip proves what Republicans have said for three years: it is Pelosi who has been determined to revise history and shift the blame away from herself for security failures at the Capitol on January 6.

Click here to view the letter sent to HBO.

Nancy Pelosi is always contradicting herself! But that's nothing unique to her. All leftists contradict themselves all the time. Those are actual articles from an official government website. Not FOX News or MSNBC (which I don't listen to anyway) or any other biased source. But I hear it from leftists all the time "Trump sent those criminals to disrupt Biden's presidential proceedings!" Well, these articles prove otherwise. It even says at the end of one of them that Pelosi "pushed the narrative" that DT was solely responsible. All DT did was tell the attendees to "protest peacefully". He didn't say "Go cause a ruckus". DT is surely not like ol' mule-faced Maxine Waters, who told her followers flat-out to harass conservatives on the streets.

As for Trump being a "criminal", I found this this morning. Apparently, some new evidence about the judge who convicted him has emerged. This video was posted by a YouTuber, but it's based on a video posted by Forbes, which is NOT pro-Trump, by any stretch of the imagination! But they seem to be quite nuanced. And they have said some things even leftists have relied on, so I think it's pretty safe to post this...

Video courtesy of Michael Duffy (YouTube)

I always knew the judge was a phony, and that this whole case of DT being a "felon" was nothing but bullshit! I was still waiting to hear from the dude yesterday how giving someone hush-money is a felony. Because as far as I know, it's not.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Get That Bullshit Outta My Face!

 Tonight, I got another go-around with another leftist. This one's name is Len Eynon. I don't know if that's his real name, but that's the name that is on his profile. He's crazy as any leftist you've ever met! The whole thing began with this post...

Now, let me explain first of all, this is a parody group. So anything they post has to be taken with a grain of salt. Of course I know this. But leftists think anyone who comes into the group that is MAGA types, does not know this. I figured it out long ago. I like going to these groups because it gives me a chance to exercise my mind. Sometimes I even get good story ideas, or good ideas for blog posts. I saw this post in my feed (not in the group) and this was my first thought...

Yes, I totally believe it's owed to them. They were unfairly imprisoned for the last 4 years! They deserve that fund more than the illegal immigrants Biden and Harris allowed into this country! However, we all know, this is really BS. Elon Musk has not set up any kind of fund for the J6ers. I just thought if it was true, it'd be a good thing.

Well, as always happens, the leftists were on top of my post. The first one stated

I had to laugh at this! First of all, imagine a dude with the name "cletus" calling me names. LOL! I know that used to be an insult referring to a woman's private areas. Second of all, it's obvious this dude thinks I believe this post was real. I wanted him to admit that too. So, I asked him...

I was daring him to tell me what other leftists always say in response to these posts. I wanted him to say "You think this is real?" Which would make him a moron who cannot read. It says in bold letters in my post "I wish this was true", meaning I already know it's bullshit.

Well, five minutes later, and I got laughing emojis from someone named Cathrine Russell. But no response from Larry Cletus. LOL! But it was pretty brilliant, so I gave myself a laughing emoji as well.

I knew I wasn't going to get a response. I wanted to see what this person would do first. Leftists are always talking, but never really know what they are talking about or why they believe what they believe. But I still wanted to hear him say "you believe this is real?" Because I know that's what he is thinking.

For the most part, most of the other responses were very mundane, like this...

I said to one of them, hoping for some response...

Cletus didn't say it. So, I was hoping one of these people would. But no one copped to it! LOL!

Well, then I heard from this Len Eynon. The craziest leftist I've met so far in this group. And believe me, I've seen a lot of crazy leftists in here! This one's the craziest of them all! But not too much different, otherwise.

This was my response to him...

So naturally, like all leftists, he pretends to be concerned about the police, and he focuses on the tiny 0.1% of the J6 crowd that broke the law...

I love it when leftists act like they are so concerned about the police being beaten up when it is their party that wanted to defund the police! But only when the police beatings happened on Jan. 6, 2021. When the blm rioters were out assaulting and killing police, burning down police cars, burning down police stations, stealing, looting, rioting, being a general nuisance, I bet this dude did not even shed a tear. He probably shouted "Defund the police now!" along with the rest of his leftist ilk!

This was my response to him...

Well, I need not introduce this post. You can see for yourself why I call this guy the craziest leftist in this group! LOL!

There is something about "whataboutisms" that leftists HHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! Yet they do it all the time. Any time you see them complaining about Trump, they are creating a "whataboutism". A lot of the things they say about Trump can be equally applied to Biden, Kamala, Obama, and all those leftist democrats and RINOs. Remember in my last post, the guy said something about Trump shitting his pants? He claims there is a picture of him with soiled pants. But so far, no one has caught Trump in the act of doing that. Only Biden, about 4 times on TV. I totally believe any pictures of Trump with soiled pants would be a fake made up by the leftists. I mentioned why.

Anyway, this was my response to Lenny. I had to copy and paste it here, because my post was too big to capture entirely on a single screenshot...

Candi Finch

Len Eynon "he was impeached, twice. The only reason he didn't get what he should have was because rhe GOP refused to do their job."

He didn't get impeached because the leftists were trying to impeach him over a bullshit charge. Which led to nothing.

"Yes J6 was as bad as I and any real Americans thought. "

Oh really? Did the capital building get burned down? Where were the explosives?

"Those treasures morons tried to stop our legal election process."

Hmm, that's a first. I've never heard of treasures morons. LOL!

"What about the riots? 1000s of people were arrested from those and yes many were jailed. "

Yes, they may have been jailed, but they were all released the same day.

"You whataboutism bullshit won't fly with me."

You leftists do the same thing! I wanted to see your response since you think Trump and the J6ers are the only ones who assaulted police before.

" A big difference there is the J6 was a direct assault on the fabric of our democracy and a part of someone trying to hold onto power."

Back in 2020, did you even try to click on those links that was posted for BLM donations? It took you right to the DOJ website. So, tell me, who was trying to stay in power? And don't give me that "democracy" bullshit! You leftists aren't interested in holding up democracy! I bet you don't even know what it is! That ain't gonna fly with me either, you turd!

"That is a huge difference. So no not sketchy at all."

I figured you have no instincts. Leftists usually don't. You people lack common sense too.

"You can't say the samw about J6. We are not the same."

Again, where were the explosions? The fires? The looting? The stealing? Some cops were assaulted, and those people should be punished. I agree. But no one was killed on J6. BLM killed 35 people and one innocent puppy during their rampages.

"That is the problem with you maga types, you're hypocrites. "

This is so funny coming from a leftist! I just have to repeat it again! "That is the problem with you maga types, you're hypocrites. " I bet you don't know what makes a person a hypocrite either.

"As for stormy, she want to make a buck"

So you admit she did it for money. You're the first leftist I've ever seen who did that. And she did consent to having sex with him, before he was married to Melania. So, it ain't no "rape". Keep trying!

"That is irrelevant to the fact that he did it and illegally paid her off. He did it. He paid her off illegally and he got caught."

Show me the law that says giving someone hush-money is illegal? I never heard of that.

"You just excuse it be sure you have no moral backbone"

Is that why for the past 4 years your cult made excuses for Biden and Harris?

"will follow your felon leader no matter what. It is disgusting to see the US be pulled down by bottom dwellers like trump and his simps like you.

"And don't give me the turn off the TV bullshit, you know nothing about where I get my information."

So what?! You don't know where I get mine! So don't try to pull that bullshit with me!

"Ahit I get a lot of it from the melon felon himself"

You do look like a melon yourself. LOL! The felon part is left to be said.

This is the melon himself, BTW.

"So yeah GTFOH little cultist."

And if I don't? What then? What'll you do to me then? I may just stick around and have some fun on you.

 Well, after I finished my post, I saw a movie he posted from Facebook of a really insane leftist griping and bellyaching about Trump and those of us who voted for him. It all sounds like gobbldy-gook to me. The only thing I got from this video is validation of how crazy leftists really are!

You suppose this is him? He looks too girly to be a real veteran. He survived the war ey? And he's worried about Trump being president. Makes him sound like a wussy who is fearful over nothing. Trump was president before, and did not start any wars. In fact, something the leftists won't tell you because they cannot come up with a believable lie to tie this to Obama with; Trump tried to make peace in the Middle East. Obama did not try. He gave them weapons of war in fact. No wars started when Trump was in office either. The leftists know it, they just don't want to admit it.

Trump is keeping all the promises he made. That's why we voted for him, and that is what I love about him. This dude is probably complaining because he wants women to be able to kill their kids. He wants illegal immigrants in this country causing chaos. He wants men to compete against women unfairly in women's sports. He wants men in womens' bathrooms to rape their kids. Guess what. All that shit was endorsed by Biden and Harris, and Trump stopped it. Well, except for the killing of babies. I say Hallelujah!!!! You can agree with me or not. I do not care. But I admire Trump because he cares about this country, and it's people and he does not want chaos. So laugh all you want to dude. I'll lay back and watch you laugh out the other side of your face when Trump is finished!

They Get It All Backwards!

 Well, I don't like deleting people from my friends. I usually let them come and go, in case they are a leftist and want to block me on Facebook. Then I'm like "OK, cool!" I'd prefer all leftists block me and then just stay out of my life! But yesterday I had to delete someone from my Facebook friends that has been there for quite a while. I was never mean or rude to her (surprisingly). But yesterday she copped that attitude that all leftists do at one time or another. She said it different though. She said, "If you voted against the rights of my friends, then I am no longer your friend!" It was in the form of a meme and she added "Delete me now". So, in all fairness, she asked for it.

At first, I had no idea what she was talking about. But then several of her friends mentioned lies the media talks about Donald Trump. That he's going to take away a woman's right to choose to kill her baby, which he NEVER said! He just said he was going to leave it up to the states. I told that one friend of her's "Don't worry! You're still going to be able to kill your kids if that's what makes you happy!" See. The left aren't the only ones able to twist words! I can play that game too! They call it abortion, or "autonomy over womens' bodies". I call it killing your kids! Funny thing about leftists, if the baby inside the woman is healthy, they say "go ahead and abort it". But if the baby is unhealthy, like it has Down's syndrome, then they are against aborting it. One of the reasons I chose not to have kids is because I believe autism runs in my family. I didn't want to bring a child afflicted with that into the world. That may sound horrible to some, but I'd want my kid to have a better life than I did. Autistic kids have trouble making friends and are often the victims of bullies. I wouldn't want that!

Well, what disturbs me most about this friend is that she has 2 kids now. And here she's talking about deleting friends who voted against her right to kill her kids. I told her in my closing statement that I feel for her kids, since she prefers the right to kill them over having decent friends. The truth is, I should have deleted this person sooner. I think it was back in 2020 or 2021 she griped about the 4th of July and celebrating this country's independence. She said something to the effect of "No, I will not celebrate a country that has been bad to black people". She believed in white privilege, that black people are still oppressed, she said this country has been "bad to her". Yeah, this country has been soooooooo bad to her, she lives on a million-dollar estate, has dogs worth thousands that she shows every weekend, two kids, a kennel, horses, etc! Yet this country is so bad to her! Tell me how that works out. I have a lot less than she does, and I love this country! She has more privilege than I do! But I still love this country.

I think a lot of this has to do with Trump cutting off DIE hires. Well, I ask what's wrong with that? People should be hired solely on the basis of merit. Not skin color. When you hire based on skin color only, you lower the quality of your company. Something most companies work hard to achieve! Remember what happened to American Airlines last year? Or was that Alaskan Airlines? Either way, one of them had DIE hires do pre-flight inspections, and a part of the airplane peeled off during flight. It's not something that would have happened had the investigation team been more merit-based. Face it, black people just aren't good at anything except for working in clothing stores, cafes, or gospel singers. Not that those are bad things. But even then, I would do a thorough background check on them! Including looking at their Facebook profiles. If anyone sees words like "white privilege" and talking about "slavery" and how much they hate this country, then I wouldn't hire them, because they'd most likely be leftists that are going to do bad leftist things. Like stealing, looting, starting fights in the store, and more.

There's also another group I am on in Facebook. It's actually for libertarians. But even there, there's a lot of anti-Trump people. One guy yesterday brought up how someone needs to change [Trump's] diaper and made "whew-eee" sounds. I said to him "Yeah, standing next to Biden must be hell on earth with that odor". He said he was talking about "the felon". I told him Biden is a felon. And he's the only one who has shat his pants in public as presidents go. That's why the world is laughing at us! I've never heard of Trump shitting his pants, except by the leftist media who wishes Trump would do that just once, just so they can pin it on him for life that he "shits his pants all the time". They won't admit when Biden does it. And they know a president did shit his pants, and the leftist media so badly wants to say it's Trump who does that. But we know the real truth. I kinda lost count, but I think Biden shat himself in public 4 times during his presidency. One time was in front of another leader of another country, and if I remember correctly, Jill Biden had to whisk her husband away quickly because of that.

Well, Whoopi Goldberg admitted Biden shits himself a lot. While simultaneously saying she does it too. But I bet now, she's saying Trump shits his pants, and no longer admitting she does the same. Instead, is likely saying "This proves Trump is incompetent!" Leftists make me so sick!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Leftists Don't Understand!

 Well, I've been working all week on this blog. I found a way to get back a few of the posts I lost when I lost my timmyfan blog. But so far only a few. Some are still missing. I'm trying to figure out how to get it all back. But at least now, I've got some of 2023 covered. This time, I saved this blog's .xml file! Even though I didn't get all the posts back, I got some and so now there's no big gap between 2022 and 2024. We shall see what happens.

The leftists are so predictable. I don't know why I didn't expect my timmyfan blog to be deleted once that anonymous chick came in and started arguing with me about the Juneteenth day. And all I did was write what I know to be true. And it is true that all black people have done since they got that stupid holiday is loot, riot and kill each other. And they do that to each other every day anyways. Even that anonymous chick couldn't deny it! She said she did try, but she couldn't think of anything I said about it that was wrong. So, she up and reports this blog to the Blogger gurus. Well, I got a lot of that blog back, and hopefully I can soon get the rest. We will see!

Well, a couple of predictions I made have materialized in the past days since Trump came back to office. One thing I predicted and I mentioned it on this blog, the leftists were going to start complaining because Trump has massive security surrounding him. They believe that to be a "waste of taxpayer dollars". I caught one of my [former] friends's friends griping by saying Trump has "a small militia around him". Something to that effect. I had to laugh at her comment, because I knew the leftists were going to start griping about that! LOL!!! Well, I think that friend unfriended me on Facebook. I think! I got so many now, I don't go back to see who's missing. That'd take me all day. I'm open to friends, but if they want to leave, they know where the door is! And I'd prefer leftists unfriended me anyways. Why not? Turnabout is fair play! But I just could not help laughing! When I saw that woman's comment, I said "Oh boy! I knew it would happen!" The only thing that surprised me about her comment was how long it took for one of them to complain because Trump now has so much security. Trump was inaugurated on Monday, and it was Tuesday when that post was made. Honestly, I expected to see some leftist gripe the same day!! Having such high security around Trump would make it harder for leftists to carry out their evil plot to assassinate Trump. Naturally, they are going to complain about it!

Another prediction I made that I did not really write about on here, but that anyone could tell, the leftists are focusing on what Trump hasn't done yet, instead of what he has done already. In another group I am in on Facebook, someone said "eggs are still $20, and the war in Ukraine is still going on". Well, leftists have never been known for having patience. I said to the griper "Give the man some time!" You cannot expect to fix these things overnight! But that's how leftists are. I predicted human society would turn this way when parents became unallowed to discipline their own children in the 90s. Now, we are seeing the results of that mindset in Antifa, blm, and democrats in general. Another dude I got into it with a week ago said I didn't like black people because I don't like blm. He said "We can already tell you hate black people, you don't have to shout it from the rooftops". I told him "I hate blm. I got nothing against black people. But blm stole millions from donors and did nothing to help the black community." That shut his face on that topic!

Now, there is a whole new subject. It is being stated that Trump wants to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. The leftists are now complaining about that. I say who gives a shit??? Technically though, Mexico is part of the continent of America. It's just human civilization that calls that country by a different name. But speaking in terms of nature, Mexico and America are all just one big land mass. So is Canada, even though human society gives them their own country, customs and borders. It's all still one continent. So, I don't give a shit what it's body of water is called. But the leftists are complaining, as usual!!! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

It's Over!

 Trump is now our president! I'm so grateful. I got through the last 4 years OK. Barely though! But now that Trump is back in office, I can relax. Trump made promises during his campaign, and so far, he has kept them! But before he could get to that business, he was literally covered by security staff when he entered the Capital building. I saw them, they were in a very tight cluster around him. But I guess whatever it takes. Trump needs to be kept safe.

Remember last year when that Kevin Moxon guy griped and complained on Quora because Trump used taxpayer money for security? I think I still have his post somewhere where he listed complaints he has about Trump. Well, here's one where he starts to complain about Trump having security...

Unfortunately that post was lost when my Timmyfan blog was taken down. But there is more. I hear it every day from Biden supporters. They all say "I never watch CNN, MSNBC or The View", which I never believe for one second. They say they don't, but they are always repeating the same words from the same echo chamber. Either they are lying about not watching those shows/networks, or they are listening to other sources with closed ears. Either way, my guess is they are not listening to both sides. Trump has done a few bad things, nothing major though. But who hasn't done any bad things in their lives? You can walk by a hundred people on the street, and if you look deep enough into them, they're all going to have some skeletons in their closet. Whether they are honest about it or not. I don't judge people on that. It's none of my business anyways. The only time I would have nothing to do with anyone is if they harm animals, kill people or are pedophiles. And Trump is none of those!

Well, I'm glad the era of Biden and his gaggle of freaks and weirdos is over. Trump made promises during the campaign, and he's keeping them. He's already eliminated hiring practices based on DIE. He also made it illegal for a man to participate in women's sports, and enter women's spaces. He pardoned the people who were at the capital on 1/6/21, except for the people who assaulted police officers. He is cracking down on immigration. Catch-and-release is off, renewed construction of the border wall is going to be underway. Drug cartels are going to be arrested when crossing the border. Trump designated them "foreign terrorists". We will no longer be associating with the World Health Organization.

The only thing I truly do not agree with is ending birthright citizenship. I say if they were born here, and their parents are illegal immigrants, let them take the child with them back to their own country, and allow the child to move back here when it reaches 18 years old. As long as they obey the laws and leave their customs at the door. Another thing is ending the electric vehicle mandate. While I disagree with mandating it, and I'm sure Trump does not mean it this way, but if a person wants an electric vehicle, they should be able to get one. But I am glad Trump lifted the mandate. I wasn't going to get an electric car anyways. Unless Biden was going to pay for it. But he would have never done that! He was too busy giving money to foreign countries and illegal immigrants.

In relation to Trump pardoning the Jan. 6 activists, Biden ordered a full pardon for his entire criminal family and everyone who agreed with him, whether or not they really are guilty. But unlike Trump, Biden did it for selfish reasons. He knows his family are all criminals, and I bet you anything he planned to pardon his son all along! Even though he said he wouldn't if he was found guilty. Some people see what Biden did as a dangerous precedent. Like a sinking ship. Biden said "I'm taking the lifeboats and putting my family on them, and screw you guys and your families!" That's what the one and only person with an ounce of sense on The View, Alyssa, likened it to. She says it could create a precedent where criminals can get into the White House, commit crimes and just pardon themselves when their term ends. Thinking about it, she may be right. Though I think in a small way, she was probably slurring, meaning Trump. But what about the next democrat who is more likely to be elected, commit crimes against the American people, and pardon himself (or herself) when his term ends? Meaning no jail time. Biden is truly a slime mold!

Well thankfully the slime is out of the house. Trump calls this "the golden age of America". I cannot wait! While I do not agree with everything he's doing, it's a shitload better than what Biden did on his first day in office! And I am a woman, and I have not lost any rights to Trump. I think when people say Trump will take away their rights, they only mean women who want to kill their kids, and trans-"women". While the women who want to kill their kids can still do so as of today, there will be NO MORE trannies in places designated for women. So, I feel so much safer already. I also feel better knowing there will be no more illegals coming in, and hopefully no more killing of American citizens by these people.

The entire inauguration ceremony had to be held within the walls of The White House, and Trump had a mass of security around him. There have been death-threats against Trump on Inauguration Day. Now, for the next 4 years, the leftists are going to be griping because Trump had an over-protective security team. But I am so glad he did! The leftists are crazy! It's scary when people are crazy and don't even know it. That's what the leftists are. There was even some talk about drones equipped with bombs targeting Trump. UGH!! This is why every day when I wake up, and every night before I go to sleep, I pray for Trump's safety. At least I know now he has a competent security team. Nothing like that goofy team led by that woman who should not have been in charge of Trump's security in the first place!

Now that Trump won, and he is in office, I'm happy. I'm relaxed. And now I know that Laken Riley and Corey Comperatore did not die in vain. I'm sure now they will be able to rest in peace knowing this country is going to be safer with Trump at the helm.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on him in the near future. But now, he's saying Trump is officially a "convicted felon". I still say it's all bullshit! I won't go along with it. Besides the only reason the leftist judge did that to Trump is so the leftists can now officially say "Haha! Your MAGA man is really a criminal! ♪🎵Naa na-na naa naaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" And you just know they will too. Well, no matter what they say, Trump still isn't going to prison. He's not paying any fines. So, it's really us MAGAettes that have the last laugh. But I must admit, it did look like touch and go there for a while. The only reason the leftists wanted Trump convicted was because they wanted him to go to prison. But now, since he's not, all they have are bragging rights. That's OK. As long as Trump is still our president, I'm happy!

Trump's first order of business was for GAZA to call a cease-fire in the middle east. There is talk about that now. Trump told them there will be Hell to pay if they don't cease fire and let our hostages go. So, they are backing down. Or "kissing the ring" as the leftists call it. LOL! But Trump means business, and they know it. But just as I suspected, Biden is trying to lure in his gaggle of leftist followers by telling them the cease and release was his idea. Not Trump's. Leave it to Biden to want to take credit for something he did not have any part in. I think this kinda proves that Biden wishes he was Trump. Instead of just being a washed-up corpse rattling around in the White House! Well, thankfully his rein of terror ends next week! I cannot wait till Trump is back in office!

The leftists are just going nuts, calling Trump every name they can think of. Some of the ones I've heard (besides a felon), Trump is a rapist, a misogynist, pedophile, and the list goes on! I think now, the leftists have created as many as 8 names to call Trump. Maybe more. I lost count. What I listed was just a sample. I always want to ask them "who did Trump rape?" "How can he be a misogynist when he's married to a woman?" "What children has he raped?" While the leftists seem to conveniently ignore Biden, a grown man, crawling in the shower with his daughter when she was 10 years old. And Kamala Harris cheating on her husband with their nanny. Probably the most non-sensical name I've heard leftists use against Trump is a "war-monger". I always ask "What wars did Trump start?" But when you ask leftists these questions, all they do is post laughing emojis. They never answer the actual question.

I don't mind the laughing emojis, that does not bother me. What bothers me is when they don't give you a straight answer. ANY answer would be good enough! Right or wrong! At least I'd have something to go by on where they stand. As it is now, I cannot understand leftists. I am trying to. But they contradict themselves at every turn. One leftist even said to me in a Libertarian group "Just be friendly and compassionate". It was on a thread about transgenders, and I basically told him I'm not going to play their little game with them every day! What they think they are in their head is their own business. Not mine! But don't expect me to go along with it. There is some corny bitch on TikTok who has a video out singing her "preferred pronouns" are mandatory. Not voluntary. Every time I see her video, I always say "Well, that's your problem then!" I'm not going to use a pronoun on someone I know is wrong or doesn't make sense.

Whenever I do that, a lot of people always ask me "how does it hurt you to call someone by their preferred pronouns?" Well, it didn't used to. But now that we've given them that right, they are taking a mean advantage of it by allowing men to compete against women in women's sports, and invading women's spaces. So yes, now it does hurt us. It does affect us. I refuse to play along with them! Speaking of which, I hear Trump is going to pass it into law to make it illegal for men to take over women's sports. Good! I hope he does! I also hope he deports all illegal immigrants! I hope he keeps all his promises. He did last time. Let's see what he does this time.

I'm going crazy waiting! Seems leftists have caused some failures to happen. That might continue. But just know, Biden, Harris and all the rest of those skinwalkers don't care about we the people. One thing has kept my mind off of how anxious I am. I ordered some birds from an online website and I could not wait to get them! I waited all weekend! They finally came yesterday, and they are now in their cage, doing well. I finally got some St. Helena waxbills and orange-cheeked waxbills. I used to see orange-cheeked waxbills at the pet store all the time. But I have not seen St. Helena waxbills since I went to my first bird expo in 1992. But I finally found some available from my favorite bird supplier. It's been dreadfully cold out there and I was worried the birds would not make it here. But they did! And all are doing well.

Friday, January 10, 2025

She's Afraid To Come!

 To continue with my last post about Cathy Donovan, I posted the link to the post I made about her. She got the opening page (content warning page) and said she didn't want to "take any chances". Everyone has to click that button when they visit. I got it there for a good reason. People come to my blog, like they have in the past, and they see what I write and get all shocked and surprised about it. People hate hearing the truth! I don't care who they are or what they say. Most people are shocked when they hear the truth and think I'm "being mean and hateful". But I'm just being honest in a way that they most likely never heard before. I've lost fake "friends" because of things I say on this blog. But warning friends that I do not sugar-coat anything just didn't seem to be enough. So, I put up the content warning page. They can click the button to enter, or not. Once they have the link, it's their choice. I know they've been warned. I told Cathy not to worry that every visitor has to be warned before they enter.

Well, Cathy said she didn't want to take any chances and then said because I posted a link to her that "didn't work", that makes me "ignorant". I don't think that's what would make anyone ignorant. I have to tell you all now, I don't think I've ever met a stupider being in my life than Cathy Donovan. And I'm not even saying that to be mean either! I actually feel sorry for her. She's so dumb she doesn't even know she's dumb! The one question I have is is she dumb by choice? Or did something happen to her that made her this way? Like a car wreck, or bad reaction to the covid vaccine? Or something!

Well, the next morning, she just out of the blue commented to me "You're the stupidest thing around!" I had to laugh! I told her "Nah, you already stole that title from me!" Then later that day, she wrote another long-winded post, which I did not even read most of. All I saw was "You posted a link for me to follow, and it didn't work..." something to that effect. Admittedly again, I didn't really read it very well. Then she says "That makes you stupid!" Again, this idea of her's is funny. How does it make me "stupid" because she doesn't want to click the link? LOL! I think "stupid" is the only word she knows. She sounds more like all other leftists who don't want to take responsibility for their own failures, so they blame someone else.

Well, I was getting bored with little miss Cathy Donovan, so I gave her one last post before telling her to shut up and turning off notifications on that post. I said,

"Boy! I love it when leftists are stupid and blame others for their own stupidity. It's not my fault you don't want to click the link. Everyone else who visits can. Even my teenage nephew. So that means you're dumber than a 13-year old! LOL! You're so stupid, you don't even know you're stupid! I'm glad I'm not your friend. Though I cannot imagine anything other than trash wanting to be friends with you! You're very dull too. This is getting boring. You just keep repeating the same shit over and over!"

I did not block Cathy. But I did turn off notifications for that post because Cathy is so boring! I'm getting sick and tired of having to explain everything to her when, if she's as smart as she thinks she is, and everybody else is so stupid in her mind, she should already know. It's like talking to a 2 year old. They hear you talking, but have no idea what you mean. But at least a 2 year old isn't going around saying "you're so stupid! My knowledge is superior to yours" like Cathy is. Poor gal just doesn't get it! LOL! At least I get to keep my status of never blocking anyone. Not even someone as annoying as Cathy Donovan. And she's probably the most boring person I've ever seen on Facebook. The link is still there. She can click it when she wants to. I don't object.

Another Crazy Leftist On Facebook

Well, ever since what happened in 2016 after my father died and people I thought were, at best, my "friends" abandoned me, my atti...