Saturday, February 22, 2020

56 Years Going On 3

I had a blast this morning! I gotta tell you. Remember Kim Sabo? She trolled me a couple years ago on my mom's Facebook page and I wrote about it here. She didn't like it that I said Mount St. Helens was fascinating and beautiful. She got butthurt because she thought I felt nothing about the people who died in the eruption. Basically a typical leftist. They think they can read another person's mind. The problem is they can't. They don't realize they can't. But they say shit like that anyways. I guess they think if they say it out loud that will make it true. They say the same kind of thing about Trump. The truth is, yes I always have commemorated the victims of Mount St. Helens. I think of David Johnston a lot. I know he went to Heaven with a big smile on his face! Because he saw the view of a lifetime. And he was doing what he loved to do. But that post wasn't about the people who died. It was about Mount St. Helens it's self. And I said I'd love to see it again.

Well anyways, for the past couple of days she's been at it again. It started with a post that was about Obama causing the great divide in this country. I posted it on my page and my mom shared it on her's. It's true. All the racial tension and hatred going on now, Obama started that. Racism was almost dead until Obama took office. Antifa has been around for a while, but it got worse after Obama was in office. There was no Black Lives Matter movement until Obama filled peoples' heads with all this racist bullshit. Also, Obama gave gay people the right to marry. Not saying there's anything wrong with marrying who you love. But now gays want to take over our schools and make it mandatory to teach kids how to be gay. Not good! I don't think kids should be sexualized in any way, shape or form! Let kids be kids! Now, Obama is trying to take credit for Trump's success.

Well, Kim decided to chime in as a typical leftist...

The so-called "triple down effect" has been proven to be a hoax. But leftists don't want to hear that. They think Obama was innocent. You can see I left her an angry rating. This was my response...

Yeah! I knew she was a liberal. A couple years ago when I had my first encounter with her, I looked on her page and she had 2 of the ugliest cats I've ever seen in my life! Both gray tabbies. That's usually the kind leftists get. They never have pretty cats, like Peaches. Always ugly old gray tabbies. And I also remember talking about how Obama couldn't stand right for the pledge of allegiance. Others behind him stood with their hand on their chest where it should have been. But not Obama. That told me he didn't respect our flag. That's a slap in the face to everyone who died for this country, and those who risked their lives! I was not happy with Obama after that. He didn't respect the flag and he didn't respect this country. So how dare he try to take credit for the things Donald Trump did to improve our economy!

Well, then Kim replied to my assessment...

Hell yes I do! And she basically proved me right.

I've never seen a liberal who didn't have a cat. Or at least didn't prefer cats over dogs. I've seen some with both cats and dogs. I've seen liberals with no animals at all. I've never seen a liberal though who only had a dog and no cats. Except maybe Chris Cornell. He's also the only liberal manly-man I've ever seen!

After that, my mom put in her say...

Yes, I've had cats before, and usually regretted it. The only one I really enjoyed was Amadeus, my siamese I had as a teenager. But there are a lot of good reasons I don't have cats anymore. This was my response...

I've seen so many cat people who were worse than any dog people out there. Much meaner than any dog people I know. Dog people are usually passive-aggressive. Really the only dog people I don't trust are people who prefer big dogs, and bash little dogs. Cat people are outright assholes. It didn't start with Karen either, our old bud from Bozeman. I've known MANY cat people who were like that even before Karen got butthurt and unfriended me. She's just the best example I have to prove that point. Now, even Anna believes me when I say cat people are assholes. 😁😁😁

So then Kim asks me...

Well, I don't believe she has hamsters. She has cats. And I see what that makes her. And just because she likes animals does not mean she's a good person! As I've found out over my years on the internet, a LOT of animal people are indeed assholes.

I'm going to cut this rather short, as this would be a 300-page book if I post everything. But anyways, Kim goes on...

Well, my mom is much more of a people-person than I am. And again, like I've said on here many times before, if you want to blame anyone for the beast I am today, blame the INXS leftist SJWs! I got soooo sick of being so nice to people who only kicked me when I was down, after my father died. That's why today, I consider everyone an enemy until they prove otherwise. Especially if they are leftists. That's not likely to change anytime soon either. I've literally had it with people.

Anyways, my sis then comes in and gives her thoughts...

Later last night, I got a PM from my mom. The short conversation went like this...

OK so I promised I would try, for mom's sake.

After this, Kim went apeshit crazy!!

How the fuck did PB&J get in this conversation??? LMAO!! Anyways, I thought this was so funny I had to save it. I haven't even had the operation yet. More about that later.

Uh oh!! Now, she's done it! She insulted my mom, my stepfather and their beliefs!! That's not good!

For those who may not know, she's asking my sister if she weighs 600 pounds (which she does not). This made my mom angry. So, when I signed back on to Facebook, this was what I saw...

No, that's not any of Kim's business. Sometimes mom is too kind. But she's like a mama bear if someone insults us. And that's interesting. Kim bashes the book of Mormon, and yet has never read it. Even I saw the Lion "King" movie before I bashed it. LOL! Not that I thought for one minute I'd like that movie, as I can't stand lions.

Well, perhaps Kim never knew this, but I have seen her picture before. Believe me, she's no spring chicken! Unfortunately I didn't save that pic. She's deleted them from her facebook page now. But Kim Sabo is at least as fat as me and my sis are. Anyway she was in the pic I saw of her. But I got pissed because she insulted my mom, my stepfather and my sister! This was my response to Kim...

Believe it or not, that's the first time I spoke about her looks online. I don't usually stoop that low. But once again, she started it! I'm just reminding her she's no beauty queen either.

The numbers were Kim making assumptions about our weights. Which I found hysterically funny. Seeing she is as fat as we both are.

So now my sis gets it...

I came back with the truth!

And believe me, I am no beauty queen! But I am more of one than Kim Sabo is! LOL!

And this is interesting. Apparently after bashing my sis's interests, Kim tried to then make friends with my sister...

She never asked to become my friend, but I would have done the same thing...

Thankfully my sis declined...

My mom stated Kim has issues with being alone. So, this is my response to that...

And once again, I tell the truth. I explain why I am so grateful Kim snapped like this...

My sis then gives a good warning. She's a tough old girl!

Actually she's not a Montanan. I remind her of this in my response...

I've been known to be a real grizzly bear when I am pissed off. And nothing pisses me off more than a person who disses my family. Kim is 56 years old! She should know better than to do that. Never once did I insult her family. I always aimed all my comments at her alone. But I still never talked about how she looks until she did it first.

And my response was this...

Even a cougar doesn't mess with a grizzly bear. They know better. I will make her sorry if I ever meet her. I'm going to dare Kim to say all that shit she's said to my face. My mom knows I'll do it too. I don't take no shit from no one. I did too much of that in my life, for frivolous reasons! I'm never going to do it again. The last person I was bullied by (and just took it) was Patti. After her, I said I was never going to let that happen again. And for such a dumb reason! Because I wanted to try and keep a dying roommate relationship alive. BAD idea with someone like Patti!! And yes, Patti was a leftist too.

Anyways, my sis added this comment to Kim...

I'm the wise one here. LOL! I'm going to wait...

I don't make online threats. I may give warnings. But I don't make threats online. So, my sis then says...

Anyways, after thinking about it, and laughing for a while, I decided to make this my Facebook bio...

I told my sis to check it out and she did. This made me laugh so hard!!

Nah, I'm not insulted by Kim's rudeness. I was laughing at it when she was talking about me. I'm actually VERY hard to insult. I'm not a feminist nor into that "body positivity" bullshit. I'm not into fat-shaming, because it doesn't work with everyone. But shoot! I am fat. I don't deny it. And I am doing something about it. It does require getting a gastric sleeve. But I am not ashamed of that! I feel that's going to work wonders for me. Even my doctor agrees. So, what Kim thinks about it means absolutely NOTHING to me.

This was my sis's response...

My sis admits she's never seen Kim's picture before after I showed her my new bio...


Anna's never seen a pic of her before, but I have!

Yup, it's true! Kim Sabo looks just like Ugly Betty. Big-rimmed glasses and everything! LOL! Typical leftist cat-person. They're always ugly!

Well, I had fun. My mom thinks we had too much fun. But hey! I loved it. And hopefully this shows my mom the kind of person Kim Sabo really is. Though the last I looked they were still friends on Facebook. It's mom's choice really. But this is why I say Kim is 56 going on 3.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Mystify Me

Well, I finally did it. I got myself a copy of Mystify coming. That's the new documentary by Richard Lowenstein. It's out on DVD now and I have it on it's way from Amazon. I cannot wait to see it! I'm kinda mad at Richard Lowenstein though. He did a remake of the video for Way Of The World by Max Q, which starred Michael Hutchence. I'd have never suspected Richard Lowenstein to be a follower. The original video came out in 1989. But this new one, Lowenstein put images of Donald Trump next to Adolph Hitler. At first, I thought he did it to show Trump is the polar opposite of Hitler. But then one of my buds said Richard Lowenstein hates Trump. So, I don't understand it. Why wasn't Trump put in the video back in 1989? Isn't it funny? People like that didn't think there was anything wrong with Trump until he became our president? Is this what happens to politicians who keep all their promises? And have the guts to stand behind their promises?

But you wanna know something else? Another one of my buds posted that Richard Lowenstein said he would take legal action against anyone who posted any of his material from his documentary. I said "Fine. He has a right to protect his property." It's because I believe in capitalism that I say that. But if Lowenstein is for Bernie Sanders, and against Trump, then that makes him a hypocrite. Does he realize that if this was a socialist society then everything would belong to the government, and that includes his personal clips for the documentary? So, if he tried to take legal action against someone who got their hands on his documentary, in a socialist society, the courts would not rule in his favor! They would rule in favor of the person who stole and posted the clips. That's what socialism is. Believe me, he would not like it!

But I am not planning to steal his clips. I'd never do that if he doesn't want me to. And again, it's because I believe in capitalism. See, capitalism is not so 'evil'. It's socialism that is evil. Look what it did to the people in Venezuela. They even took to eating their pets and animals in the zoo just to get nourishment. Venezuela is socialism that has run amuck. And it wouldn't take long for the USA to become that if Bernie Sanders wins the next election. Which reminds me, to all republicans out there; GO VOTE!!!! Trust me, your vote will count! And vote for Trump! Don't let him slip through our fingers! I don't want Bernie as our next president! That would be a nightmare!

But you know the leftists are going loony now that the next elections are coming up. I've heard of a guy in Florida who rammed a republican tent with his truck. The police got him and took him to jail, and it was said he was laughing and smiling all the way. Downright crazy! And in New Hampshire, a 34-year old man assaulted a pro-Trump teenage boy and another Trump supporter who tried to intervene. I'll tell you, if I was that boy's mama or dad, I would wait for that thug to make bail, stand outside the courthouse with a rifle and wait for him to come outside and blow what's left of his brains out. He's an ugly son of a bitch too...

UGH!! The face only a mother could love. Typical of leftists. Not a surprise he'd harass a teenager. For no other reason other than the fact the kid supports Trump. Anyways, his name is Patrick Bradley, and he is currently in jail. I suggest the parents of the assaulted teen buy a rifle and wait for this guy's family (if he has one) to bail him out. Like I said, that's what I'd do. NO ONE would assault my child and live to tell about it! And especially not some punk little Bernie Sanders supporter!!!

Well, I still have every plan to vote for Trump this year. Nothing is going to stop me. I want to see him win. I don't want to see this country become a communist country. People can assault me all they want to. I'll just pick myself up, shake off the assault, go to the polls and put in my vote for Trump! Try and stop me!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

For The Love of Kaitlin Bennett

These days, I've been seeing a lot of people on YouTube talking slam about Kaitlin Bennett. All because she did interviews with college students and asked them if they say yay or nay to putting urinals in women's restrooms to be inclusive to "women" who have penises. No real woman has a penis. And those who do don't belong in a woman's restroom. If I were to walk in to a woman's restroom and see a man standing there at a urinal, I would walk out! Several students in the video said "It's none of my business". Maybe it's not, but it does become my business if the man is a pervert and tries to rape me or leer into the stalls while I am sitting there. I'm uncomfortable with men in places like restrooms and locker rooms. Always have been. I don't think that would change with a man who thinks he's a woman.

Before I change my mind about trans rights, we need the leftists to shut the fuck up, and learn more about what goes on in a real trans person's mind. Some people are trans because they are gender dysphoric. But that is not always the case. Take Jonathan Yaniv for example. The only reason he is trans is because he wants to look at naked girls in locker rooms and restrooms. He is the kind of trans person I fear the most. If you were to scour his brain activity, and the activity of a real transgender who is actually gender dysphoric, there would be a huge difference. Because Yaniv is not really trans. He just uses that excuse to leer at naked girls. I know we should not judge all trans people by the actions of one bad apple. But there is a saying that says one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. Yaniv is that one bad apple who makes me not want to trust transgender people at all. Some, like him, are trans because they want access to women's private spaces, or take over women's sports, or other perverted, fashionable reasons, or for acceptance. Those are the people I really think we should beware of. If I were a young woman, competing in women's sports, and they allowed trans "women" to compete with the real women, I would boycott! I'd leave women's sports altogether.

More research has been done, but retracted because domestic terrorist groups like Antifa, doxx the authors of those studies, and label them as "transphobes" because they don't like what the scientists have to say about transgenders. Well, telling the truth is not transphobic!! I say more of it needs to be done. More biologists need to study real victims of gender dysphoria and decipher what the difference is between them and someone who is faking. Until that time comes, I refuse to accept trans rights. And I don't give a fuck if I am labeled a "transphobe". I don't care! More needs to be learned about the condition before I accept it. Too many fakers out there now!

Anyways, back to Kaitlin Bennett. A lot of people have been giving Kaitlin Bennett a lot of shit because she did those interviews and they are calling her a "transphobe". But I don't think she cares really. Just like me. But since calling her a "transphobe" or a "homophobe" does not really faze her, they resort to talking about how she accidentally took a dump in her pants at a frat party. Someone asked why people are always bringing that up and my response was because the libtards need something to heckle any conservatives about, and all they got to get under Kaitlin's skin is the fact she dumped in her pants at a frat party. Seriously? I've yet to see a liberal who didn't bring that up at some time in their videos. It's getting to the point where it's become a weak argument. Libtards use that incident against Kaitlin like it's their lifeline. Like the last of the straws they have to grasp and they cling desperately to it.

Personally, I don't give a fuck that she shit her pants! It happens to the best of us at some point or another. And taking a dump is natural. I laugh more at the libtards who keep bringing that up, because its come to a point where it sounds perpetually ridiculous coming from them. You know the rules of karma don't you? Those who make fun of Kaitlin because she dumped in her pants will grow up to do the same. You never know. And karma can be a bitch! It's not even Kaitlin's fault some hack took her picture without her permission and posted it to Twitter or Instagram or whatever the fuck it was! That was likely done by a libtard too. I don't go to parties, not with young people, but I am sure if I did, people would find something about it to heckle me with too. My thing would be though, what kind of people are doing the heckling? Would it be libtards who just want to grasp at straws for every little thing? Or would it be conservatives? Or would it be both? I think I'd be more concerned if it was conservatives, or both to be honest. But I'd definitely not worry if it was libtards alone heckling me for something. Because libtards are always going to grasp at something small just to get a rise out of me. And they are hypocrites.

Well, you know all the queers are going to slam Kaitlin for her journalism. The biggest disappointment I've seen is Hunter Avalone slamming her. Now, let me say first, I know Kaitlin Bennett is not perfect. There's some things I don't like about her too. I don't care that she shit her pants. I lost more respect for Kaitlin when I found out she has a cat and no dogs! Cats are liberal pets. Cats are for wimps, wussies, ugly people and soyboys. That's why libtards prefer them. Dogs are for strong, but still feminine, women and real men. But the way Kaitlin talked about Hunter (and vice-versa) made him sound like he's become a liberal now. I waited to hear his response to Kaitlin's video this morning. But in the meantime, I went to his channel and asked if it's true he's a liberal now. But he responded this afternoon, saying Kaitlin took everything he said out of context from months-old videos. But I admit I was scared there for a while. I waited though until I got his side of the story before I decided whether to unsub him or not.

Well, I can understand that. My views change all the time too. Things I said back when I began this blog are not really relevant today, now that I've grown some. I've changed my point of view on a lot of issues I thought differently of back then. But I believe my views changed for the better. I'm more comfortable in my own skin nowadays. I've learned some more things, and more things have happened that have molded me into the person I am today. Some might say I didn't change for the better, that I got worse, but that's OK. I didn't change to suit anyone else. I did it for me and my own growth and sanity. That's why it should always be done. If you do something to make other people happy, believe me, you will be disappointed in yourself.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Big And Sweet Ears!!

Ears! Ears! Ears all over the place!!! I love it!! Big and sweet ears! I do have a fetish for dog ears and feets. I always call them feets. But I only love dog ears and feet. I don't care for human ears or feet. Human feet are not as sweet as dog feet. Especially little dog feets! Anyways, it looks like I chose the right breed to recover. I'm calling this Operation Save Our Skyes. I don't know how many reputable breeders will go for this. But in all honesty, they should go for it. It's the best way in the world to save this breed from extinction. Sorry, not sorry. I don't want to see that happen. But somebody is out there breeding them. I did a search for Skye terriers and found out there are even some in shelters in this country, and even some crossbreeds. Shoot, the designer mutt community has even come up with names for Skye crosses!

Skyes have also been used in movies before. Disney's The Absent-Minded Professor (1961) featured a Skye terrier they called Charlie.

Also in a 1947 cartoon titled "Scent-imental Over You", at the beginning a Skye terrier makes a very brief cameo appearance...

They are considered to be the oldest of the terriers. For a while, Cairn terriers were known as "short-haired Skyes", and at first were even born in litters with regular long haired Skyes. But they split apart around the 1900s due to backlash from regular long-coated Skye breeders. In 1912, the short-haired Skye terriers were named Cairn terriers. The word "Cairn" is actually the Scottish word for a pile of rocks at gravesites, where rodents could be found.

Today, the Cairn and the Skye are recognized separately. I personally love both. But Cairns are already popular. Maybe someday down the line, I would love to own one. But for now, this is going to be my concern, getting Skye terriers back on their feet where they belong. Some tempting pics for tax. First, some teeny little puddies!!

Look at those EARS!!!!!!!

Here's some adult dogs for your viewing pleasure...

Most skyes these days come in 2 basic colors. They can be black, or wheaten. Those are the most common, but there are also blue, cream and charcoal individuals. I love their ears! Skye terriers are a lot bigger than they look in pictures. One might expect these to be small dogs. But they're not. They're actually pretty good-sized. Though Sir Knight was a lot like the one on the Absent-Minded Professor. But Skye terriers can weigh up to 40 pounds. Their fur is long and silky, with very little undercoat. They do not shed a lot. But like most terriers, must be stripped by hand once a week.

For you mixed breed lovers, here's some Skye mixed dogs I've found...

This dog is half Skye terrier and half Pomeranian.

This baby is half Skye terrier and half Scottish terrier.

This dog is half Skye terrier and half Basset Hound.

This baby was labeled half Havanese and half Skye terrier.

These sweet puddies are half Skye terrier and half Lhasa Apso.

This adorable baby is half Skye terrier and half Shetland sheepdog.

This dog is half Skye terrier and half Boston terrier.

This dog was labeled half Skye terrier and half Miniature American Shepherd.

This sweet baby is half Skye terrier and half Maltese.

This beautiful dog is half Skye terrier and half Papillon.

This baby is half Skye terrier and half West Highland Terrier.

This sweet baby is half Skye terrier and half Wheaten terrier.

This baby is half Skye terrier and half Yorkshire terrier.

This little angel is half Skye terrier and half poodle.
Amazing! There seems to be more mixed breed Skyes than there are purebreds. In fact, did you know there are more Giant pandas in the wild than there are Skye terriers in domestication? That says a lot about the rarity of this breed. But every once in a while the breed does seem to see a brief surge in popularity. I did see more of them back in 1999-2000. Both pure and mixed. They were very popular in the 60s and 70s. These days, people like ugly things. They don't look for cute breeds like Skye terriers. They look for ugly breeds like Pit bulls and other bully-type dogs. Its sad too. Skye terriers have so much to offer. They are among the most loyal of the terriers.

Friday, February 7, 2020

I Had An Epiphany

Ya know for some time, I've been talking about getting back into breeding chihuahuas. But last night I saw something that would change my mind. AKC has released a list of breeds that they say needs more public interest. These are breeds that AKC recognizes and has recognized for many years, but they are very low in numbers. A few breeds I like were on that list. One breed that caught my attention was the Skye terrier. Named after the Isle of Skye in Scotland. One person who is on the group and lives in Scotland said she's visited the Isle of Skye recently and there were absolutely no skye terriers to be found. This is the breed's place of origin too! So, that kinda got me to thinking; instead of breeding chihuahuas, why not breed Skye terriers? I was saying in another thread yesterday that I would love to join a breed revival community to help get them back on track. Most people that I've met who have met other Skye terriers say they are one of the best dogs they've ever known.

When I was about 7 years old, we had a Skye terrier named Sir Knight. He was black when he was a puppy, but when he got older, he lightened into a more charcoal-grayish color. I didn't know what breed he was when I was 7 years old, it wasn't until years later, after I saw him as an adult and started studying dogs that I put 2 and 2 together. He had the characteristic fringes on the ears and the arches of hair over his face. That's one thing I remember most about him. Skyes are also not as high-energy as other terriers. I remember at the same time we got Sir Knight, our best friends Brenda, Tara and Lucious, got one of Sir Knight's half sisters, who was only half Skye terrier and half poodle. She was a wheaten color with some white markings. Funny how I remember what she looked like. They named her Fifi.

One of my most favorite childhood memories ever was when Brenda and Tara would come over and bring Fifi. Tara and I would run through the house, giggling and playing, and Sir Knight and Fifi would be running along together after us. Every time I think about that now, it always brings a smile to my face. It's probably one of my most favorite childhood memories. Of course I still love little chihuahuas, but let's face it, there's already a LOT of chihuahuas out there. Granted not all are good quality. But Skye terrier numbers are falling fast.

I remember back in 1999, Skye terriers saw a little bit of a surge in popularity. Just for a little while. I was seeing Skye puppies and Skye mixes even. I remember one time there was even an ad in our local paper where someone was giving a 2-year old skye away. It almost sounded too good to be true. I called the ad and asked the guy why he was just giving away a dog like that. I got my answer. He said the dog killed his cat. I was like "oh." I thanked him and hung up. If it wasn't for the fact that I had a cat at that time, I would definitely have gotten the dog! But I already had a cat so I couldn't get the dog. I should have gotten rid of the cat and went and got the dog anyways. The cat didn't last long at our house (which is usually the case with cats). But it would have been kinda fun to have another Skye terrier in my life.

Aside from Sir Knight, the only other time I've seen a Skye terrier was when I was about 10, and this old couple who lived down the road from me, had a big, mean Samoyed and a skye terrier. Usually Samoyeds are not mean, but I think this one was because the old couple was mean. They were not friendly older people at all! They were probably reclusive people. I remember one time I asked the little old lady if I could see her terrier up close and she flat-out said no because she was a female, and she was a watch dog. The way she said that, in the tone of voice she used, sounded like she was telling me to just get lost. She was not at all friendly. I don't know if she just didn't like kids, or if she didn't like people at all. I never saw anyone go to their place for a visit. No children, no grandchildren or anything. I think they were just loners. Which I do understand now. I'm pretty much the same way. But I'm not that aloof. I do sometimes still say hello to people when I feel like it. Which really is not often.

Well, I can't do anything now because of this surgery I'm going to have this summer. Plus my sis said she wants to take me to Maine for my birthday next year. That should be fun. But as soon as I get back, I just might follow through with this idea. I found a breeder who also wants to spread knowledge of this breed. She's only 15! But she seems very smart and knows what she is doing. She's breeding for the betterment of the breed. That's good. If we are going to revive this breed, we need to begin with top-notch stock. I told her in one post I would start right away, but then I remembered the surgery and the trip. I have to wait until I complete those 2 things before I can even think of getting another dog. The surgery is going to be especially hard on me. I'm going to be down for a couple months. I'm not going to be able to take care of puppies then. But next year, after my trip, for sure I'll be looking into getting one. Then showing and breeding down the line.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Who's Laughing Now?

LOL! Remember the viral video that went around of Rashida Tlaib laughing as she placed her vote to impeach Trump? I knew she was going to be laughing on the other side of her head when this time came, because Trump did nothing! This is just going to turn out to be another victory for Trump, and a huge embarrassment for the democrats. This is what is wrong with the democrats, they believe lies and base "facts" on their own feelings. I knew when Trump got elected into office that the democrats were going to try and impeach him. That's all they've talked about since he got into office. So, they've been hovering around him like vultures, waiting for Trump to do something they felt was off-hand and impeachable. But Trump has done NOTHING!!! In the meantime, the democrats have been ignoring impeachable crimes coming from their own colleagues.

Take Illhan Omar for example. She's sided with the terrorists. That's treason. That is actually punishable by death! But she hasn't been shot because the leftists are defending her. But we seriously need to get rid of Illhan Omar. If you want a damn muslim for congress, then pick one that is Americanized and believes in our policies and will not side with terrorists! There are some like that. But Illhan Omar is NOT one of them! If she were to become president, she would enforce Sharia law on all of us and burn the Constitution! She would have all white people killed or jailed. She would start the Holocausts all over again and gas all Jewish people. Treason is a very impeachable crime. The democrats want to say Trump committed treason, but he didn't. Trump is very definitely innocent.

Well, the democrats have totally embarrassed themselves and made themselves look bad to all but the most loyal of democrats. Unbelievably, there's a lot more of those than one would realize. The mainstream media has lied so much to the public that a lot of people hold on to those lies like it's their lifeline. I guess because that's all they have to "prove" their negative thoughts about Trump are true. But they're not. Trump is perhaps the best president we've had in a long time. He cares about this country. That's why I've even learned to like him. I hated Trump during the elections. I used to poke fun at him too. Just like all the leftists now are. But I accepted him as our president, and just like Obama, I sat back and said "let's see how he does". True Obama did some good things, but for the most part, he sucked as a president. So, I sat back again, and said "Let's see how Trump does". And it took a while for me to come to this point, but he has not disappointed me. And I've noticed he does care about this country, unlike Obama, who lost my respect when he supplied weapons for ISIS.

I will admit Trump does some things that are embarrassing to me and this whole country. He does throw insults at people like a 10-year old. That's one thing I don't like about him still. He needs to grow up. But beyond that, he really has done more to help this country than any president I've known in my lifetime. So, I've gained a lot of respect for him. Besides, the things the mainstream media was saying about Trump was pretty much like the things the leftist INXS fans were saying about me at that time. And that was all Kelly Poulter's fault! But I figured if people like that can lie about me, then maybe the media is lying about Trump, because it seemed like exactly the same scenario. As the months went on from there, I noticed the mainstream media was telling more and more lies about Trump, and I learned they were lies when I started watching rightwing media and seeing the charts and stuff they post. Whereas the leftwing media has nothing. When you watch a rightwing person talk in a video, and a leftwing person talk in a video, you notice the differences are like night and day!

Rightwing people use books, charts that are available online and facts to prove their point. Leftwing people only use their own personal feelings. When you think about it, using your feelings to present an argument is like using cupcakes to cure a brain tumor. You can believe with all your might that eating a cupcake will make you feel better, but the brain tumor is still there, and it's going to win eventually. We need to ignore feelings and go back to listening to hardcore facts. I don't care about my feelings when someone tells me I'm fat and need to lose weight. It's true! I do need to lose weight. That's why now, I've decided to do something about it. I'm having weight loss surgery this year. And nothing is going to stop me from going for it. This time, I'll lose all this weight and not be able to gain it back. Ever!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Great American Drama

Oh man the other day, I participated in a thread about the old MH Statue group. I am SO glad I never rejoined there! Maybe it was fate that got me kicked out. Who knows? Whatever it was, now I am so glad it happened! I heard Michael's sis Tina is 50% running the place. That doesn't bother me so much really. I don't have a problem with Tina. I do think she needs to grow up sometimes. She added me to her Facebook friends a few months back, and I was OK with that. Even though she's had me as a facebook friend before and deleted me. She does that all too often. I've seen her do that many times since I first saw her on Facebook. She added me again a few months ago and deleted me again. I'm kinda tired of the "revolving door" treatment, so I said I'm never adding her as a friend again. But I do enjoy her posts about Michael on Facebook. So, eh. What the hey!?

I also found out the place is also being run by Kelly P. Which really should not be a surprise to me. She was a mod the last time I was on there too. But that could very well be the reason the Statue page has gone to shit. One of my friends says Tina has divided the fans. But I say I don't think she acts alone. Tina really does nothing I wouldn't do if my sis was gone and I wanted to preserve her memory. Family does for family. I always believed that. But Kelly, I think, is even more evil than Tina. A LOT more evil! Kelly, I hate her. I hate her guts completely. I never want to see her again. If looks could kill, Kelly would be dead right now. Kelly is a pathological liar. She turns fans against each other with her blatant lies. Tina, at least has a cause. Kelly has nothing. Any time Kelly's mouth moves, or any time her computer is on, you know she's going to spout nothing but lies. I don't even believe she has dogs. She once posted a picture of 3 Labradors and claimed they were hers, but I doubt very highly now those were her dogs. She's too dumb to take care of a dog. And she's too much of a wuss.

Funny thing too, I just found out Delilah P. is now friends with Nancy. HA! And a few years ago, she didn't want to see her again. So, I wonder what happened. LOL! Personally, I wouldn't trust Delilah. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her! She's friends with Kelly too. And who knows? She may be there to spy on Nancy and report back to Tina or Rosanda. Delilah has a tendency to give bigger acclaim to people who were friends with Michael. That's one thing I remember most about her. Plus, she's a follower. Not a person who can think for herself. I've never seen her do more than be a shadow to the popular crowd. So, she's not very bright. She is a prime example of Kelly's lies dividing people.

I'm not going to tell Nancy who she can be friends with. I respect her. But I will say about Delilah, watch out! I really do not trust her! But if Nancy is willing to forgive her, OK. But I am not. I remember the awful things she said about Nancy and Janette in PMs.

Funny thing about all this, back when I was in that group, everyone loved the mods. But Kelly, there was just something about her I didn't like at all. I did try to ask her to become my friend on Facebook, but she denied it. Which is OK by me. But one thing I always say, if someone cannot get along with me, then they can't get along with anyone at all. Because I am a gentle person, who hurts no one, I'm always polite, friendly and giving (sometimes too much!) but I also speak my mind. I tell the raw truth. Most people who don't like me are people who cannot handle the truth, or are confused because I am so polite and friendly. There are actually people in the world who don't like friendly people. They're usually people who've been abused all their lives and cannot see friendliness when it's handed to them. Such was the case with Patti. I know she came from an abusive family because she had a sister who was a hoarder, a brother who was a bully and she was married to a man who beat her up. These are things she, herself admitted to me in the short time I lived with her. But I was nothing but nice to her. I guess she couldn't see it, or feel it. Or she mistook it for being a front. So, that's why she didn't want to even try to get along with me.

Putting the pieces together, that's the conclusion I came up with. I always wondered if there was just something wrong with me. But really, the only thing I have to learn is when to just shut my mouth! LOL! I keep trying to be so honest with people, everyone is going to wish death on me. hehehe!

You know what people today call progressive boomers? They call them "Karen". LOL!! That's so funny! Because I know one of them! Our former "buddy" from Bozeman is one of those. Though my sis said she was a Trump supporter. That still doesn't mean she's 100% conservative. I know a lot of liberals who support Trump too! And Karen's behavior is more reminiscent of one of those progressive liberals. My sis and I were talking about her a bit while she was here. I said Karen really had no business blocking her. Block me because you can't handle the truth, OK. But why block my sis? She didn't do anything to her. My sis thinks it's because Karen knew my sis would be going after her and speaking up in my defense. Karen didn't want to face her, so she blocked her. In short, Karen is a coward. Just like all liberal progressives! That's how I know she's definitely not a conservative. She may even be the only progressive liberal who supports Trump. Either that, or she lied about supporting Trump, which I'm pretty sure is the case. Apparently, Karen lied about where her dogs came from. She got angry when I repeated her own words back to her. So, the only outcome I can derive from her actions is she lied to me about where her dogs came from.

Well, I completely lost respect for Karen anyways. She's definitely not the person I knew her to be when we lived in Bozeman. So, I haven't lost any sleep over losing her "friendship". If one can even call it that! Who knows what else she's lied about? Can you tell, I don't like liars. Its one thing to tell little white lies to make people feel good. But to flat-out tell a bold-face lie just to save your own butt, I don't like people who do that. I don't even like it when I used to do that! UGH! Thank GOD I learned better.

Well, Trump has posted a warning to muslims who come to this country and want to practice Sharia Law. He told them if they want to stay here, they have to abide by OUR laws in the USA. Those who want to practice Sharia Law have to go back to their own country. Oh man! If this is indeed true, and Trump intends to follow through with this rule, then he has earned hero status as far as I am concerned! First, he blows up 2 of the world's biggest terrorists, and now he is making it mandatory for muslims to abide by US laws. I agree! Keep your damn Sharia Law back in your own country where it belongs!!! Leave it OUT of the USA!!! I've gotta say, thank you president Trump for making our country safer!! He's sure doing a lot more than Ofinger-binger did!! If Obinger was still president, we'd all be in a war right now, and dying!

Friday, January 10, 2020

He Went BOOM!!!!!

Awww, da poor terrorist! He blowed up and go BOOM!! 😁😁😁

Leftists need to get over this shit. Crying for a stupid terrorist!! Soleimani got what he deserved! And president Trump probably saved millions of lives with this hit. Both in the USA and in Europe! These same people, I think, cheered when Obama blew up Bin Ladin. The only reason they're crying for Soleimani is because Trump had him killed. If Obama had killed him, these dumb leftists would be cheering and jumping for joy! Did you even hear some stupid leftist celebrities are now even apologizing to Iran on behalf of America? Well, don't bother apologizing on my behalf! Because I am NOT sorry Soleimani got blown up. Like I said, he got what he deserved! And NO ONE can make me feel otherwise.

From what I heard, Soleimani was actually planning to bomb America. I'm glad he's dead! The only bad thing to come out of this is now, Iranian officials have put a bounty on Trump. But I don't think Trump is too worried. The USA has the best military force in the world, with the greatest security. HA! Let them try to bomb us now. And these celebrities who are apologizing to Iran, they need to move to Iran and stay there! Don't speak for me! Like I said, I am not sorry at all. I don't even know who these people are. Some Z-list horseshit celebrities that I don't even know. I know one of them was named Rose, or Rosie. But I don't remember her last name now. No, it wasn't Rosie O'Donnell.

Illhan Omar though is laughing because some Americans got bombed at the American Embassy Building in Iran. I saw that dumb little smirk on her face! Shame! The difference between laughing at an American citizen getting killed and Soleimani getting killed is the American citizen didn't do anything wrong. He was probably at the American Embassy building to pick up a package and the Iranian troups bombed the building. Soleimani is nowhere near as innocent. He had plans to kill more Americans on American soil. So, his death is a good thing! Though I even heard some celebrities are saying his death is comparable to Elvis's and Princess Diana's!! Again, I say don't compare Soleimani to Elvis and Princess Diana!! He was FAR less innocent!!! Again, the progressives (which I hate calling them) are only griping because it was Trump's doing. Nothing else.

Well, I feel like celebrating. Ding-Dong the goon is dead! In fact, I went and bought myself some cookies and crème Twix bars. Yes! You heard right! I bought some cookies and crème Twix to celebrate the death of Soleimani. One less terrorist in the world, and we as Americans can breathe a collective sigh of relief now that this one is no longer a threat to us. It is time to celebrate and party-hardy!!

I should not be eating Twix, but I've missed the cookies and crème variety all these years. The last time I ever saw these on the shelves was in 1993. Now, they are back again!! YAY!!! And I cannot wait to have them. I'm hoping they taste exactly the same as I remember. Now, if only they would bring back the chocolate fudge variety my collection of different Twix flavors will be complete!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Happy 2020!

Well, the new year is upon us. Already I've gotten myself in some trouble. LOL! Well!! I couldn't help it. It was on one of the Guess The Dog Breed groups I am on. Or was on. LOL! There was this girl named Aleasha Casaretto who tried to tell me over and over that "laberdoodles" are actual breeds. She said "because they breed true and have their own parent club". I call bullshit! I told her "laberdoos" will never be a real breed. Most people who breed them now don't know what they are doing. And just because more than one Labrador/poodle cross looks like another does not mean they are breeding true. And in fact, Aleasha contradicted herself a few paragraphs later. She said "laberdoos have coats with little to no shedding". Keep in mind, little to no shedding. That means they do NOT breed true! Breeding true would produce dogs that all either shed or don't shed. Breeding true does not mean some specimens shed while others don't. No where will you see a purebred poodle (that does breed true) that sheds. They were bred not to shed. But since crossing a Labrador with a poodle produces a 50-50 chance of a dog that sheds, that means they are not yet breeding true.

And even if they did breed true, calling something a "laberdoodle" implies nothing except that it is a cross between a Labrador and a poodle. Not an actual breed. You want to indicate a true breed, give the specimens their own name. Not the combined names of 2 legitimate breeds. Very rarely do you see that. In fact, the only case of that I can think of in a true breed these days is in the pudelpointer (formerly called poodlepointer). It was created 100 years ago by crossing poodles with pointers. But at least today, they changed the name a little to the original meaning "pudel", which means "to splash". But "laberdoodle" is nothing but a dumb, cutesy type name for a mutt. Aleasha called them "Australian laberdoodles". Well, that name it's self is a contradiction! How did Labrador retrievers get their name? From Labrador Bay in (sorry) Newfoundland, Canada. That has nothing to do with Australia. How did poodles get their name? From the word "pudel". That has nothing to do with the breeding of "laberdoos". So, these mutts, if you want to make them a breed, should have their own name. Perhaps call them "Australian guide dog" since they were created in Australia solely for the purpose of guide/service dogs.

Even stupider than the name "laberdoodle" is the name "Goldendoodle". That's what these mutt-fags call a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle. It's still a mutt. A better name for that one would have been "goldoodle". There is no "D" in the word retriever! And there is no "D" after the word "golden" in golden retriever! And the word "poodle" does not start with a "D". So the word "Goldendoodle" is a dumb word. It's just stupid people taking the suffix "doodle" from Labrador and poodle and applying it to a golden retriever mixed dog because they think it sounds cute.

Well, more people saw my point and also tried to set Aleasha straight. Unfortunately she still did not get it. I told this one person Aleasha is just too dumb to get it. And that was why I got kicked off that group. Hehehehe! WELL!!! She was acting dumb! I'm just calling her what she is. You should have seen her pic. She even looks like a liberal. And liberals are dumb.

Well, I'm not angry. When I posted that comment, I actually expected to be kicked out of that group. But some things just need to be said. That's my philosophy. And laberdoos are not real breeds. Cocker-poos have been bred the same way for over 50 years. They ain't a breed yet!! They're still a mix of cocker spaniel and poodle, just as laberdoos will always be nothing but a mix of Labrador retriever and poodle.

I've become somewhat accustomed to being kicked off of groups now on Facebook. Especially since I am a lot more aggressive with this Facebook profile than I was with the last one I had. Well, you can thank the libtard INXS fans for that! Actually the only time I got angry being kicked out of a group was when I was kicked out of the Tillamook Community group. But that one was totally unjustified. I was the one who was called names. I was the one who kept her cool. The only thing I [possibly] did wrong was offend a few ADS fags who couldn't handle me buying my dog from a breeder. I'm not sorry though. It's my dog, it's my choice. If they want to do nothing but rescue shelter dogs, then more power to them. I never said they couldn't, and I never would have faulted them for that. But don't procrastinate me because I would rather get my dog from a responsible breeder than pick up a dog at a shelter who may come with some previous owner's baggage.

Well, Australia is on fire. I hope my guys are safe. I feel mostly for the animals. They're animals. They have nowhere else to go. Besides, I still love Australia's animals. Especially kangaroos. I've been praying every night that Timmy and his family stay safe. Here, we've had nothing but rain for the past 2 weeks. This is Tillamook! For the past 3 years I've been here, it's NEVER rained this much! If I could, and only for Timmy and his family, I would send our rain over to them. Oh GOD! I so badly want to see how these fires are affecting Tess O'Brien. I hope she gets burned out of her house! That's a horrible thing to say right? Well! Tess deserves nothing better. After what she did to me after my father died. Maybe the fires will burn the ugly right off her face.

Shoot! Now I'm probably going to lose every last INXS bud I have, LOL! I'll keep you all informed. But honestly, at this point in my life, I don't care. Especially for those who were never loyal in the first place. I'm just giving them what they want. They always believed I was a horrible person before. Even though I was nothing but kind and sweet to all of them. They hated the "nice" me. So, now they've got this beast.

Ya know, that's something I'll never understand about people. If you're sweet, kind and nice to them, they hate you for it. With my last Facebook profile, I was extremely nice to everyone. Sometimes too nice, looking back now! I never judged them. I didn't care about their past problems. I didn't get involved in their battles between each other. I stayed completely neutral. I even forgave them when they did something against me. I never held a grudge against anyone. I always shared my best pics/videos of INXS with them. Yet, that was not good enough for them. They still thought I was a horrible person in the end. But when someone treats them like shit, they love that person. That's me now. I don't make friends with INXS fans. I don't share pics or videos anymore. I could care less if I ever see any of them again. I hold grudges now more often. I'm no longer neutral, I take the side only of people I actively consider friends and fuck the rest. I don't forgive and I don't forget anymore. I am also deliberately mean. Much meaner than I ever was when I was Dee TimmyHutchFan. But hey! That's what they wanted, so that's what they got!

Well, I am looking forward to Trump winning 2020! LOL! Looks like he's going to. Though the democrats think they've finally got rid of Trump by impeaching him. I have to laugh at that! Especially that Rashida Tlaib. She put up a video of herself laughing as she casted her vote for impeaching Trump. Well, I am laughing at her, because despite what she thinks, just impeaching him is not going to get rid of him. Now, it has to go to court and win the votes of the republican party. Republicans are more reasonable than democrats. They know Trump did nothing wrong. Nothing impeachable. The only reason the democrats want Trump gone is because they are scared. They're scared he's going to win again in this year's election. Well, I hope he does! Gradually, the democrats are losing power because people are now beginning to see all the bullshit the democrats are pulling on this country. They see what they are trying to do. It's going to be WW2 all over again.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

This Is What You Get!

Why can't people understand that I just don't want any relationship? It's not that I don't love men, it's just that I have a certain standard. I guess I've been blinded by Michael and Timmy for so long, all other men just look boring to me. Unless they happen to look like Michael and Timmy. Such as Chris Cornell, who looks like he could be Michael's twin! Or Kit Harington, ditto! But men on Facebook, I am a lot less likely to be attracted to. I've yet to find one that has attracted me. Remember that Patrick Colliano person I spoke of about a year ago. He wanted me to be attracted to him. I guess so he could try to disappoint me by telling me he's not attracted to me. But unfortunately for him, I did not find him attractive at all! In fact, I found him downright homely! I recently saw him again on Facebook. Now, he has other pics up on his Facebook profile that I guess he's trying to show off that he's a "better-looking" person. But no. He comes off like G.I. Joe with liver spots and nerdy glasses. He's still ugly asf!

Anyways, I recently met this other guy on Facebook, named Atta. He was from Pakistan. He was a very sweet guy. I liked him as a person. He asked to become my friend on Facebook and I said sure. We talked about pets. He liked Mya. He did not have a dog, though. Instead he had a couple of cats. I could not compliment his cats, because they were both tabbies. One was an orange tabby, the other was a disgusting gray tabby. I never compliment tabbies. There's nothing to compliment. You see one, you've seen them all. I was polite though. I just said "Yep. Those are cats." LOL! I don't think he ever caught on to the fact that I don't like cats, and especially hate gray tabbies with a passion. I never mentioned it to him. Especially since he was saying how beautiful Mya is. I couldn't bring myself to say his cat is ugly. Atta was just a nice guy, and I didn't want to hurt him in any way.

One thing I won't do though, I won't show off pictures of myself. LOL! I'm no goddess myself. But I made an exception for Atta. I told him how he can view a picture of me. So that's what he did. He said he likes big girls. OK. That's nice. He is also a writer, who is writing a book about things he wants to ask people of western civilization. He asked me if anyone would be interested in a book about that kind of subject. I told him some people would. There are people who love all kinds of different subjects. I do wish him well in publishing his book. It should be a very interesting read!

However, Atta had his flaws too. Besides being a cat person, he wanted more than a platonic, friendly relationship with me. He kept on asking for pics of my thighs. Now, I will show off my face, but I will NEVER show off my thighs, legs, underwear, or boobs. EVER! I just don't. I wouldn't even do that for Michael or Timmy. I just wouldn't. It'd never happen. Not on my own will. Atta though, had no shame. He showed me pics of his thighs. And even threw in a picture of his nutsack! I never even asked him for those. He just did it on his own decree. I didn't even care to see them. Somehow, he found me attractive. But unfortunately, I did not see him the same way at all. He wasn't as homely as Patrick Colliano. But he was also not as handsome as my Michael or Timmy. I just didn't know how to tell him that. But he would keep on asking me every day for pics of my thighs. But I wasn't even coming close to showing him pics of my thighs! I just don't do shit like that.

About 3 weeks ago, I finally just told him I was not ever going to show him my thighs, and I am getting sick of him asking me. I told him he's a sweet guy, but if he doesn't stop asking me for a pic of my thighs, I was going to unfriend him. Well, he didn't want that, so he agreed to stop. I mean really! It was beginning to get to a point where chatting with him was becoming more of a chore than a friendly exchange of conversation. Constantly, every day, he kept asking for nude pics of my thighs. And every day, the answer was the same. I'd say no. But he'd keep on asking. No is no is no! The answer was not going to change!

I say to any young person reading, don't EVER show a stranger a nude pic of yourself. No matter how nice that stranger may seem. You never know when they may use it against you. And I've seen that happen over and over again. Especially on the internet. They can actually ruin your life.

Well, for a while, Atta did not bother me about pics of my thighs. Thank GOD! LOL! But then, while I was in Las Vegas, I got a PM from him again saying "You never showed me your thighs". This was after I had warned him not to ask me that again. So, this time I didn't say anything to him. I was in Las Vegas to have fun. Not to be cornered and harassed by this guy! I just deleted him from my Facebook friends, and blocked him. I hated to do that to him, but this was beginning to get sickening. And like I said, I was in Las Vegas to have fun. I was in no mood to go into that conversation with him again. I probably should have just told him that I was not attracted to him. He definitely was not my type. It was nice of him to compliment me, and Mya. But I just could not return the compliment. I didn't know any other nice way to say that. So, I blocked him.

Well, at least I can say I was polite, and I didn't just block him for no reason. He was plenty warned. He chose to ignore those warnings.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

I Don't Need This

Poor Timmy! I heard he's going through depression now. He shouldn't be. He should be on top of the world. He had a new grandson this past year. But I understand why he is suffering depression now. I feel terrible for him. It's because of what happened to his finger. It's not the end of the world though. He can regain use for that finger again if he'd keep trying to work at it. There are easy ways of doing that. It's going to be painful at first, but it will get less painful and much easier the more he works at it. I wish I could go to him and tell him all this to his face. Maybe it'll help him. I hate hearing about Timmy being depressed. It breaks my heart! I don't want to lose him. I lost Michael. I don't want to lose Timmy too!!! I couldn't handle that.

Now, I am also hearing about fans saying Timmy deserved what happened to his finger. I hope Timmy doesn't read any of that. In his present state, it may move him to do something dumb. The fans are getting worse than they've ever been before. You wonder why I want nothing to do with the fans anymore? This is why. I'm gonna tell you, if Timmy kills himself over what these dumb ass fans are saying about him now, I will blackball them like they've never been blackballed before! I won't tolerate it! To those dumbasses I say LEAVE MY TIMMY ALONE!!! Leave him OUT of your personal problems! He did nothing to you all so stop blaming him for your pathetic lives!!!

I wish I could go there and be with him, although I'm sure his family gives him lots of support. One outsider would not hurt anything. Unfortunately, I can't be there. I can only pray for him. Ask GOD to give him strength. If Timmy is depressed, he needs a lot of TLC. Isn't it ironic? These bastards seem to always prey on people during their weakest moments. It's no different than how they attacked me after my father died. And now they are targeting my Timmy. It's bullying. Nothing but pure and simple bullying. They never seem to attack people during their strong moments. Only when they are going through serious depression. Do they think they are being funny? Do they think this makes them look powerful? Well, it doesn't. I'll tell you that now. It only makes them look pathetic, mean-spirited and dumb!! You don't become some kind of superhero by beating down a weaker person. You look more powerful if you'd just try to help someone in need.

This is why I am extending nothing but love for Timmy. I don't want him to feel depressed. I want him to feel happy, loved and needed. He is needed. His family loves him. His fans love him. The bandmembers love him. His grandchildren deserve to get to know him and love him. And I love him. I always have, and I always will. I can guarantee if this was Michael, these people would be quick to defend him, and try to make him feel better. So, why not do the same for Timmy? I think he deserves it just as much as Michael would. What happened to Michael is sad. Very sad. Why do these people want to make Timmy go through the same thing? Just leave him alone you goons!!!

And to Timmy, if he just happens to be reading, Don't let this bother you! These so-called "fans" are nothing but a bunch of jerks who have nothing better to do with their time. It makes them feel big and powerful to kick a person who is already down. This is why I just stopped listening to the fans, and want nothing more to do with them. I don't have many INXS fans among my friends on Facebook, and I'd like to keep it that way. I was friends with many back in 2014-2016. But those days are over. I have no desire to befriend anymore INXS fans. Its just not going to happen! I refuse to let it. They can all block me from their Facebook if they want to. I do not care! I promise you, I won't miss them.

Friday, December 13, 2019

No Rest For The Weary!

Well, we finally made it back from Las Vegas. It was my first time there. The last time I tried to make a trip to Vegas, I was sick and so weak. I had somehow caught a flu. I woke that morning feeling achey and sneezing really bad. But I thought I could go on anyways. We were living in Ocean Shores at the time, and had made it all the way to Salem, OR and had to turn around and take me back home. I was so sick, my body wouldn't let me go on anymore, and I was getting increasingly worse. So, my sis drove me back to our place in Ocean Shores and she went on to Las Vegas with herself and Odessa. So, this year, I thought ahead and got a flu shot several months ago so there would be no chance of that happening again. It worked! I didn't get sick this time, and managed to make it all the way to Las Vegas. We even visited mom and stepdad on the way.

We drove in shifts, so we could make it there quicker. I discovered one thing; I discovered you can drive the length from Tillamook to Las Vegas in a single day! And you can do it without speeding too. My sis is a very conscientious driver. Me, on the other hand, well I got stopped once. At least the officer was nice about it all, and we got off with only a warning. He was more like an old buddy than a law enforcement officer. That's good though! I prefer a nicer, more understanding person stopping us. I've been stopped by mean cops before, and they leave me feeling so angry and hateful. But this guy wasn't like that at all. I remember in Lakewood, there was this one cop who simply hated me and my sis, and I never understood why. But I do know he was connected with these girls who once jeered at me and my sis as we were walking by their place back in 1991. Well! At least they said we were tough as rocks! LOL!

Anyways, we had fun in Vegas. We stayed at a first class hotel, with a casino and even a built-in mall. The beds were amazingly comfortable too. I didn't want to leave! I wanted to stay there forever. As promised though, I took my sis and treated her to the buffet at Caesar's Palace. At first, we thought we were there. We waited in line for what was probably nearly an hour, only to find out it was the wrong buffet!! Not that it probably wouldn't have been a good buffet, but it wasn't the one I was hoping for. I promised Caesar's Palace and I wanted to deliver. It's my last buffet ever. I knew I would never have another chance again. After my surgery next year, I'll never be able to eat at another buffet. So, I wanted to make this a good trip.

Caesar's Palace is AMAZING!!! I loved the buffet. They had peppered mashed potatoes, made with green peppers. I honestly didn't think I'd like it because I hate peppers. But when I tried it, I found it really was not that bad at all! It was actually quite good! They had a little bit of a kick to them, but not overwhealmingly spicy. They also had Wagyu beef. Very few places in the USA carries Wagyu beef!! I tried some, next to a slice of regular US prime rib. The difference was like night and day! The Wagyu beef melted in my mouth!! It was so light and delicious! The prime rib was a lot tougher (but not overcooked). It was good prime rib, but the Wagyu beef was much better in texture and flavor! I wish more places carried that!

I'd told the staff that day was my sis's birthday, and so they surprised her with a platter of their desserts. The desserts looked awesome!!! They also sang to her too! It was fun!! After I was done with dinner, I decided to try some of their desserts. I went hog-wild on them. They had cupcakes frosted with actual frosting!! That's very rare. You go to almost any place in Reno, all their cakes are frosted with fancy-colored cool whip that, by the time you get it, has a texture similar to rubber!! But not at Caesar's Palace! They use REAL buttercream frosting on their cupcakes and they taste AWESOME!!! I had 2 of them. I also tried their lemon bars, which were also good. I filmed the whole thing. I plan on making it into another movie too, available on UMG Productions.

Afterwords, we went to this candy store and went hog-wild there too. My sis found a box of Japanese candies she wanted so bad! So she got it, and I picked up some goodies too. We also visited Area 51! It was interesting. I got an alien magnet. I always like to pick up magnets everywhere I go. This was no exception.

Anyways, this was a fun week. My sis loved it. I gave her a birthday present, a book on how to speak fluent Japanese in 90 days. She loves that book! She cannot put it down now. She enjoyed her time in Vegas. She said it was the best birthday she's ever had. I was so glad I made it fun for her.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Diversity Is NOT Our Strength!

"Diversity is our strength" was quoted by Kamala Harris. But she is way wrong!! Don't listen to her! Kamala Harris does not want diversity. She just wants to wipe out white people. Funny how she lives in one of the whitest neighborhoods in California, and then tells us "diversity is our strength". LMAO!! I'd love to see Kamala Harris move to a predominantly black neighborhood in Detroit or Sacramento and then see if she still says "diversity is our strength". But she won't. She's too safe inside her rich, gated, predominantly white community. Then she says she wants to "de-white" America. I say fuck her!

I hear this all the time. People always saying we need more diversity. But I think they're wrong! Look at what is happening in Sweden. Back when Roxette was popular, they were mostly white. Now, they've allowed mass immigration into their country and finding out it was a huge mistake! They are currently experiencing problems with immigrants using hand-grenades. Women are also complaining because they are afraid to go out at night. One of the rules of immigration is you have to assimilate to the prevalent culture in the country you're migrating to. But most countries, even today's democratic America, don't enforce that rule. So, people from Pakistan, Turkey and Arabia are migrating to gentle places like Sweden and bringing their own violent culture with them and practicing it there. And nobody does anything about it. Those that try, get called a "racist" and a "bigot". Well, I say we need to STOP being afraid of words and start enforcing proper rules of immigration!

I look at it this way; when mongooses were imported to Hawaii from India, they didn't stop being mongooses. They didn't stop doing what they were programmed to do. They continued to hunt birds and bird eggs. Mongooses have always loved eggs. Now, look what they did to Hawaii. Over half of the native bird species are extinct now. So, is it a "speciesist" or "racist" act to try and get rid of the mongooses in Hawaii? I've never heard anyone say so. If it had only been done sooner, it could have been to save the native birds. That same game is being played out throughout Europe, the UK, and soon, North America.

Now, we've got Somalis moving into the east and they're wreaking havoc everywhere. They have made a career of mugging people and stealing from them. They specifically target white people. See! I knew this was going to happen when the democrats wanted open borders! Somali people are naturally mean, and they hate white people. They have absolutely no intention of acclimating to American culture! Even Maine is turning into a trash state since they allowed African immigrants to move there. I think the only reason the democrats are doing all this shit to America is just to spite Trump banning certain immigrants from certain countries. I also think the only reason gays are getting more privileged in society is because Mike Pence is a conservative Christian who believes marriage is between a man and a woman. It's all spite, on the part of the democrats! Nothing but sheer spite! They think they're being cute, or funny. But really, they're just looking like retards. Listen to an act by Lilly Singh to find out if I am right or not.

I don't mind immigrants, as long as they are here legally and intend to adhere to our culture. But I am totally against immigrants coming here illegally and bringing their own violent cultures and characteristics with them, with no intention of acclimating. Those people, I totally believe, need to be deported!

Well, thank GOD, Kamala Harris dropped out of the presidential race. I can't stand her! People like her, jail is too lenient for them. They need to be taken to a field and shot! Just put her out of her misery.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Onision's Fatal Mistake

Oooh man! Onision pulled a bad one the other day! I should have written about this sooner, but so much has been going on. My sis is coming up in a couple days and I need to go pick her up. I'm worried about the car making it. Though I have gotten used to the car shaking like it does. Well anyway, Onision pulled a fast one on Patreon. His account then got permanently banned! HAHA! People on YouTube who know him are laughing about this now. That was Onision's only source of income. But you know why he got banned? He got banned because he doxed Billie. He posted her phone number. That's a big no-no now on the internet. Almost every platform out there, whether they host web sites, or videos, or blogs, do not allow doxing. No wonder Hobofart disappeared! He doxed people, and the internet social media sites stopped allowing that. So he must have been kicked off the internet.

Well, Onision has been pitching a fit again on Twitter because of that. He had a severe meltdown. Of course I believe it was an act. I don't think he wants the world to know he's really suffering. So he mocked a meltdown. Twice! He posted himself going out of control, then he posted an apology video. I know he's worried about his income now. I know it's driving him crazy too. He does have children to look after. But you know what? He should have thought about them before he broke Patreon's terms of service and posted someone else's private info on his page! When he lost that page, he lost all his patrons too. So, no more income. Well, Onision went and created another website where you have to pay him just to watch his videos. I won't post the link on here, because I don't want to honor Onision with any free advertisement. He doesn't deserve it.

I hope no one watches his videos. At all! He's not funny. He's not even a good actor. He's a lousy musician. Most of his music is stuff like you'd hear on Sesame Street. Or maybe not even that good. Some songs I used to hear on Sesame Street were kinda catchy. Onision's music is not at all catchy! It sounds like chicken scratching. But Onision thinks he's the world's best musician. I'm surprised he hasn't made up a story like "Big-name musicians come to me for advice on how to create wonderful music". As narcissistic as Onision is, he would believe something like that. And as dumb as his fans are, they'd also believe he's telling the truth.

Well, my sis is coming to stay for a month, and we've got a HUGE month planned! I promised my sis I'd take her to Chick-Fil-A when she gets here. But I wish I hadn't made that promise! I'm mad at Chick-Fil-A. Now, they've been taken over by a different CEO, and he does not like Christians nor Christian organizations. Instead of supporting a decent organization that actually helps people, like the Salvation Army, Chick-Fil-A is now supporting a wishy-washy SJW cult like the Southern Poverty Law Center. Apparently it's a non-profit organization, but they only do things for minorities and gay/queer/trans people. Salvation Army feeds the homeless no matter what their race or orientation is. They help disabled, homeless veterans. But the Southern Poverty Law Center does none of that. They only do SJW bullshit and they consider Christian organizations "hate organizations". So, if Chick-Fil-A is supporting them, I'm not supporting Chick-Fil-A. Neither is a lot of people.

We all admired Chick-Fil-A for a long time for holding their own against the SJWs bullshitting them. But now, they are caving in to the SJWs and have lost the respect of a LOT of conservative Christian people. If Chick-Fil-A had decided to donate to the Salvation Army as well as decent LGBTQ organizations (I know they are hard to find), I might still have respect for them. But they cut off the Salvation Army completely, and are only giving donations to SJW and LGBTQ organizations that promote hatred towards Christians, straight, healthy people and homeless veterans, and that is why I have no respect for them anymore. I think I also heard somewhere that Chick-Fil-A is also now giving to Planned Parenthood. A double sin! So, no. I have no use for them anymore.

The sad thing is now, Chick-Fil-A is going to lose so much business they may be forced to shut down completely. Because conservatives have lost respect for them, and SJWs never forgive anything. This is why businesses get woke and go broke. SJWs hold grudges forever. They are never going to set foot inside a Chick-Fil-A, no matter who they are donating funds to! The damage is already done as far as SJWs are concerned. So, once a business like Chick-Fil-A loses conservative customers, that's it! Within a year, Chick-Fil-A will be bankrupt. So, Chick-Fil-A will cave in and give to all these SJW organizations, and it still won't be enough for the SJWs! And they also lose all their conservative customers. All but the most loyal among them. A very bad idea, Chick-Fil-A!! Very bad idea!!!

I Found The Fool!!!!

 HAHAHA!!!!!! Remember yesterday's post. I posted on this group that is actually a parody group. I said leftists there always think us M...