Friday, February 15, 2019

Some Psychological Facts Most People Don't Know

  1. We are naturally predisposed to pay attention to sex, food, and danger.
It's how we react to it that becomes learned behavior.

If you are having a hard time befriending the person that you like, try befriending their friends first.

What if you have a hard time befriending the friends?

People with low self-esteem tend to humiliate others.

Remember this next time someone insults you.

Subjects who were told that the results of their IQ test were poor expressed more national and religious prejudices than those who reported higher results.

Not sure this is true or not. But it is interesting.

Loneliness is as harmful to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

It takes a bit of training to overcome loneliness.

Lonely people are better at perceiving other peoples' loneliness.


Single people are the ones who give the best relationships advice.

Probably true. My best advice is don't get married!!!

If you want someone to like you more, get them to do you a favor.

Maybe this is why I don't have many friends. I don't like asking for favors from people I don't know.

If you want to beat someone on rock, paper, scissors, ask them a random question first and quickly proceeds to play, it will confuse their brain and make them pick scissors most of the time.

I never even seen the point in playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.

If you know that someone is wrong, don’t contradict them, make them contradict themselves by asking questions that lead to the contradiction.

I admit I have a habit of doing this all the time.

If you want to know if someone is lying to you, ask another liar.

OK. I know quite a few liars I can ask.

While it is true that their pupils dilate when they like you, keep in mind that they also dilate if they hate you.

Sometimes they dilate if they are just simply angry.

The most common lie is “I’m fine”, keep that in mind.

Usually if I say I'm fine, then I am. I don't beat around the bush. I mean what I say.

People’s favorite topic is themselves. If you want someone to like you, make the conversation all about themselves.

Yeah, but be careful of those who never ask you about yourself.

Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of an injury.

Ya know, I've found this to be true. But it's even worse if the person ignoring you just keeps giving you dirty looks.

Money doesn’t bring happiness, what you do with it might bring you happiness or transform you into an emotional train wreck.

I always say if I had more money, I could be happier. And I know that for a fact.

Being in a romantic love affair can’t be distinguished from having an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Those who don't understand love don't understand how true this is!

It is possible to die from a broken heart, it is called: The broken heart syndrome.

I think this only affects people who already have weak hearts. Mine is pretty strong.

When people say that they don’t have time, what they really mean is that they have other priorities. Watch them fall in love and see how all of a sudden they managed to get time out of thin air.

When I am freshly in love, I can't seem to live without the object of my affection.

The more you know, the more you realize what you don’t know.

And too many people think they know everything. I don't claim to know everything. I just don't talk about things I know absolutely nothing about.

When you try to remember the past, you are actually remembering the last time that you remembered the event rather of the event itself.

I guess this is why some memories get distorted over time.

Almost twice as many serial killers are born in November than on any other month.

Penguins are all serial killers.

People who lose their virginity late (after 19) have a higher income and education later in life than those who lost their virginity earlier.

Hmm. Does this mean I can open a business and be successful?

The people who give the best advice are the ones with the most problems.

It is those problems that give them knowledge. Experience is the best trainer.

When someone says they have to ask you something important, you immediately recall the bad things that you've done recently.

That's why when I hear someone say "I want to ask you something" my heart races.

Blind people don’t get schizophrenia.

Schizophrenics don't claim to see things that aren't there either.

Men are not funnier than women, they just make more jokes, not caring whether people like their humor or not.

Actually, not caring what others think is what makes you a stronger, more creative person.

Getting paid for doing something you like can make you less creative.

Maybe this is why I haven't had a new story idea since the UMG Productions website went up.

Comedians and funny people are on average more depressed.

It happened to Robin Williams.

When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activity left in which they see as a dream-like sequence of their memories.

The infamous moment when "your life flashes before your eyes".

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Veganism Is Dying!!!

YES!!! And I will be celebrating when it finally does! I knew veganism was nothing but a lie! I knew that from the beginning. All those dumb vegan libtards thought they could pressure me into going vegan by threatening me and my family, calling me every name in the book, and pushing pseudo-facts at me. All along, I've been right that a vegan diet is NOT healthier than a normal, omnivorous diet. I've been seeing more and more videos from people who are giving up veganism. Many are afraid to talk about it, because of the naziesque vegans. But they are still giving up the lifestyle. These people realize they've been lied to. I knew that from the beginning!! I tried to tell every vegan that left hateful messages on my videos that they were only lying to themselves. They didn't want to listen. Well, they are now! hehehe!!!

I find this hysterically funny. All those "studies" they told me to read, they were done by highly biased doctors, so I wouldn't listen. Most vegans follow the example of that Gary Yourofsky, that man is a fucking mental case!!! Vegans are supposed to have compassion. Well, Yourofsky said in an interview that he secretly hopes everyone who eats meat has their children taken from them, raped and killed. He hopes everyone who eats eggs and milk suffers debilitating rape and torture. He hopes that people who wear furs sees their family killed and skinned in front of their eyes. Does that sound like compassion to you?? It sure as hell doesn't to me! Now, I will admit, I hate the idea of animals being killed for fur coats and shit like that. We don't need mink coats, or fox stoles, or rabbit skin hats or chinchilla furs. We don't need that! Most people who got those only did because they thought it made them look more glamorous. Well, it doesn't. But I never wanted to see fur-wearers' families being murdered or skinned before their eyes. That's a horrible thing to say. Even if it is "secretly"!!

Well, vegans are now learning things I've known all along. And guess what. Freelee is PISSED!!!! LMAO!! She made a response video to people who made videos of themselves giving up veganism. And those are growing in numbers! I say that's great!! And just like I suspected would happen, devoted vegan nazis are using all the old propaganda to try and reel all the former vegans back in. If the "compassion for animals" angle doesn't work, they use the "you don't care for the environment" angle. I knew that would happen. But they don't seem to want to face the fact that the harvesters that pick those vegetables they always eat emits much more CO2 into the atmosphere than cow farts. That more forests are being cut down to plant crops than to raise livestock. I've known that for years! I used to watch a lot of documentaries. And global warming is not being brought on by meat eaters. Global warming is a natural process that all the planets go through. It's been going on periodically since the beginning of time. Climate change is believed to be what killed the dinosaurs.

I'm not like Donald Trump. I believe in global warming, but I don't believe we are the cause of it. We may have aggravated it a little, but we are not the primary cause. And as for eating meat being a bad or unethical thing. Vegans were saying that nature is unethical. Well, nature can be cruel, but she is as ethical as it gets!! You cannot beat nature. Animals need to eat each other. Even plants get a lot of their nutrients from the remains of animals. It goes on and on.

I remember several years ago, I said on a friend's post that I hope someday everyone wakes up and sees that the whole cult of veganism is nothing but a lie. Well, I am happy to report that it is happening! I said "Not everyone is going to become a vegan" and one of his friends said "Hopefully everyone will go vegan very soon." Well, too bad. It's not going to happen. People are realizing that vegans lied to them. I never had the desire to go vegan. I've seen how veganism messes up peoples' minds. Remember MsPearlsGirl? She was a complete lunatic!!! I never remember meeting anyone crazier! Not only did she attack me just out of the blue, she even attacked my friends, saying she hopes their kids drown and all kinds of bullshit like that. She belongs in an asylum. I'm shocked she even had a boyfriend! But then again, her vegan boyfriend was probably trash just like her. She said he'd never touch me if he was drowning in a sea of piss. LOL!! Well, that's not a bad thing at all. I suspect he's dirty, being a vegan, living with cats, fleas and cockroaches. I wouldn't want him touching me! And if he tried to touch me, I'd kick him in the nads and go all praying mantis on his ass!!

And the hypocrisy of vegans, I'm so sick of it!!! There are no bigger hypocrites in the human world than vegans. And the biggest proof of vegans being hypocrites is the fact that most of them are cat-owners. I've said this before and I will always say it, cats are the biggest contradictions of vegans. Cats eat meat, which means vegans still have to support the slaughter of animals. And if they don't want to feed the cats any meat, then that too is cruel because cats need meat. They cannot exist on a vegan diet. Even if all the vitamins are still there. The cure for that hypocrisy? Get rid of the cats! But I've never seen a vegan do it. I just don't know how they don't see that connection. And yet they sit on their high-horses and look at meat-eaters and call us "hypocrites". The meat eaters are the most honest people. At least we don't lie to ourselves, and we live up to our lifestyle. I tell that to vegans all the time. I've been saying it for years. Their only response is "Cats are obligate carnivores". Well DUH!!!!! I know that! That's not the point though! The point is one way or another, you're still supporting the killing of other animals if you have cats! Cats need meat, and you can't keep them on a vegan diet! Not only that, but cats also kill other animals.

I had a friend back on my other Facebook account, and she just had to have these two stupid kittens! NO ONE needs cats!! It's not like they're useful for anything except making the owners look like a lazy-ass! Well, when those kittens got older, they started killing mice and lizards and this person, being a vegan, would complain because the cats were being cats. I thought that was (bless her heart) so STUPID!!!! She knew getting those stupid cats, they were going to kill other animals. That's what cats do! A vegan should never own cats, if they want to be a serious vegan. But she couldn't not have them. I loved her as a person, but getting them stupid cats and not expecting them to act like cats was a dumb move.

Anyways, veganism is dying. I'm preparing for the funeral. And the banana girl is getting pissed off more and more. Now, she's even encouraging people who are still vegan to create videos to "counteract" the videos of people who left veganism. Kinda childish I think, but I don't think anyone is going to take her seriously. People are getting more and more educated and learning about the lie that is veganism.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Are People Better Looking Now Than Years Ago?

I saw this question on Quora, and I had to mention it here. I saw one person's answer and he said no, people today are actually getting uglier. I agreed with him. I said all women today either don't want to identify as their true gender or are feminists, neither one of which is ever attractive. Women who choose to play the gender version of musical chairs, usually look more like boys than women, so they are usually ugly. Feminists are usually fat with crew cuts and manly facial features so they are almost always ugly too.

And the men today. Oh my GOD!! They're nowhere near as attractive as they were. In fact, I think Michael and Timmy are the last two handsome men left in the world. Well, Timmy anyways. But all other men today are either fat, bald, gay, trans, or are cat-lovers. Also neither one of which is usually very handsome. Gay men can be cute, but I would never fall in love with them. No point in it. Trans men are never cute! And I don't particularly go for bald men either. And cat-loving men are not even real men. I think most of them are the so-called "gender fluid" types.

I have a running joke in fact that there will never be another Michael or Timmy! They are the last of their kind. And if there ever is another Michael or Timmy, then you girls had better be careful!! Because they could really be women who only identify as "men". That's the future of rockstars! And that is sad. I treat it as a joke, but really it is sad. Sad to know that real men don't exist anymore. Sad to know we will never see a real man or woman without worrying "is that really a man?" or "is that really a woman?" For those of us who do not want to date someone who is the same sex as we are, and only just looks like the opposite sex on the outside.

Well anyways, I added this to my answer...

You know what I blame for this surge in ugly people? I blame cats. Yes, cats. Those furry little squatting bastards that have now infiltrated almost every home in the world. You notice how ever since cats have surpassed dogs in popularity (since the mid-1990s) people have gotten uglier? At the same time, we’ve seen a rise in obesity, mental illness, and general physical ugliness. I’ve never seen a man (or woman for that matter) that preferred cats that was in any way even remotely physically attractive.
I remember on Facebook, there was this guy, a young guy, and he was always complaining “Why can’t I get a girl to fall in love with me?” Well, I got a good look at his picture, and though he was kindof a nice person, he was unfortunately very UGLY!!! Well, through the months I realized why he was so ugly. He was a cat person, who never had a dog in his life. And I noticed this in just about every person I knew that was born into a family that preferred cats over dogs. Their kids always came out looking ugly, or were autistic. I think this guy unfortunately had both.

I hate to say it but it's true! I don't really like to call other people ugly, but if it's the truth, it's the truth. I've never seen any cat person that was as attractive as dog people. I think I did a post about this earlier on this blog. It was right after I found out Chris Cornell (whom Katrina adores with all her heart) was a dog person. Chris Cornell was a handsome man! Almost as handsome as Michael and Timmy. Well, Katrina would argue he was better-looking, but we won't get into that. Katrina used to like Billy Joe Armstrong, from Green Day. Now, she looks at him and says "yuk!" He put on some pounds! Katrina is no longer attracted to him. Billy Armstrong is a cat-person. That says enough.

Compare the men today with the men of yesteryear, and there is a distinctive difference. Men today want to look like women, whereas men of yesterday knew they were men and dressed and acted accordingly. They were not afraid to act like real men. They were not afraid to be real men. These days, libtards shame men so much now for acting like men, that men nowadays don't want to be real men. They get shamed out of it. So, for acceptance, they do what is acceptable to the left. They identify as the opposite gender. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Method To This Madness

I often wondered why this world now has so many transgenders. I feel bad for those people who are really transgenders. A lot of people today are making light of their ailment. It's become a trend now. But it's a trend that will be harmful in the long run to all of humankind. The worst thing about it all is that now people are feeding this bullshit to young kids. Do you know there is a channel on YouTube called "Queer Kids Stuff"? It's nothing but some dim-witted goon marketing gay/queer/trans propaganda to kids. Young kids! It does it in a way that resembles regular children's programs like Sesame Street and Romper Room. Only instead of talking about essentials, like words and letters and numbers, it talks about queer junk.

Well now, it's even begun to have guests on it's show. The first thing it asks it's guests is "What are your pronouns and how do you identify?" The last episode it had, it said that through this stupid hand-made teddy bear in a weirdly-freakish high-pitched voiceover. I'll tell you, if that person dares to have me on as a guest and sticks that teddy bear in my face and asks "What are your pronouns?" to me, that bear is going right up it's butt! Oh but it will never have me on as a guest because I'll get on there and ask it "why do you identify as an it?" Actually, it likes to be called "them" or "they". But I won't use those pronouns unless I'm talking about more than one person, or I'm talking about someone anonymously. So, I call "they" an "it" instead. I don't care if it sounds disrespectful. LOL! If I were living in California, I'd be doing some hard time there! Because if a person looks like a man, I'm going to call them a man. If they look (or sound) like a woman, I'm going to call them a woman. And I have yet to see a tranny that was even halfway convincing that it is the opposite sex!

Well anyway, I was watching a video and the guy said something about chemicals in the water supply causing today's sperm count to be so low in people today, and naturally blocking the functions of the endocrine system that this may be what is causing so many transgenders to pop up.

Ya know, I heard about this back in the mid-90s. I was taking birth control pills at that time, which is why this stuck in my head. But back then, I heard about birth control chemicals coming out of our bodies by way of urine, and getting into the sewer systems. Sewage goes through the purification process and microbes get eliminated, but chemicals remain. The treated sewage is taken out to the ocean and dumped in the water, where it evaporates and becomes rain. It rains down on the land and winds up in the rivers. The chemicals are still there though. Just not the germs, bacteria and other stuff that gets killed off with ultraviolet radiation treatment. Back in the 90s, it was broadcast that we were already seeing gay frogs. I know that sounds silly, but I think it was a real indication of how birth control chemicals in the water really affect the process of puberty and lower the sperm count in animals. That includes humans.

Then there is also the propaganda angle as well. People are afraid to tell their young children "you are a boy. You should start acting like a little boy." The reason for that is because to some people, being called "transphobic" is the worst thing that can happen to them in their lives. Ya know, this is why I laugh at people who call me names like that. The words "racist" and "homophobic" or "transphobic" have no meaning anymore. They've been so overused! Especially by liberals. Any kind of name-calling I laugh at. People call me fat. I say "well, at least they're not calling me a cat". LOL! People call me a cunt. I say "there are worse things in life than being called a cunt". Those names mean nothing to me. People call me a bitch. I say "Bitch stands for Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Charming and Horny". LOL! People today need to tear a leaf out of my book and start saying "Hey! If someone calls me a racist, or a transphobic, I'll live up to those names to the fullest!" Really, they mean NOTHING! Liberals use those words now to gain power over other people. When black people learn to accept the fact that yes they are racist if they don't like white people, THEN, and only then, will I accept the word "racist" as having any sort of power over me. Aside from that, being called a racist means nothing to me at all.

And no, that has nothing to do with me not feeling racism because I am not black. It's got everything to do with black people denying they feel racism against whites because "black people cannot be racist". It's all propaganda bullshit! I'm sick of it!! I think Morgan Freeman (whom I adore) put it the best way possible. He said in an interview the only way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it. In response to that, I say BRAVO!!!! That's why I hate Obama so damn much! He taught the world to hate black people again by telling black people that whites are inherently racists. Racism was almost extinct! Then Obama had to say stupid shit like that!!! Anyone who thinks Obama was a "smart" man is inherently STUPID!!!!!!!! The only respect I have for Obama is he is a dog-lover. That's it! Everything else about him, I can't stand!

I wonder who is the real mother of Obama's children? It sure isn't Michelle Obama, I bet that bitch has a penis between her legs!!!

Well, this guy in this video I saw today said that kids today would not be half as confused as they are about their gender if not for the propaganda. So, that does have a great deal to do with the rise in numbers of transgender kids. It is the fault of the parent and the schoolteachers who are also pushing this crap on kids! Kids cannot choose their own identity! I'll have to keep saying that. Man! I'm glad I didn't have kids in a world like this. Of course if I had a little boy, I would have told him "You're a little boy! Act like one!" And if I had a little girl, I'd have told her "You're a little girl. Act like one!" And like I said, this coupled with other things, is going to cause the demise of humankind. I also watch a lot of MGTOW videos too. Those are men who are usually rich, and don't want to have families. They don't want a woman in their lives, nor kids.

The thing about MGTOW, it goes completely against nature. Men in MGTOW don't want a woman because they think the woman only wants him for his money. Well, there is more to it than that. A man has to prove he is able to provide for the family. The whole family! Not just himself. That's why women go for men who are financially stable. In nature, it is the male's job to impress the female. In nature, that may include having good hunting skills, choosing the perfect rock, or building the best nests. It is only human males that think they don't have to do anything to impress a woman. And MGTOW men at that. The problem is, in the human world, you can't get anything unless you put out money for it. Even if I were to try to impress a future mate by making him a home-cooked meal. The money for the ingredients to make that dinner have to come from somewhere. Namely me. Unless I'd want to serve my future husband roadkill or something like that. LOL! But in nature, it's the males who have to impress the females. Why do you think it's the male birds that have the most spectacular plumage? Why do you think it is the male weaver birds and bower birds that build the nests? Not the females. The females do a lot for the males. They carry his babies for him. The females pass on the male's genes to the next generation. She goes through the labor and pain of having his baby.

However, I understand the purpose for MGTOW. I've even now seen a MGTOW march! And they said they would never do it. But MGTOW exists because of feminism. And now, feminists are worried that they will never find a guy to have babies with. But they only have themselves to blame for that!

People don't want to go by social norms based on what is between their legs. But it's more than the physical "between their legs". It is also what they are able to produce. A man can put on a woman's wig and a dress. He'll still be a man. He'll never be able to produce eggs or carry a baby in his body. Nor give birth to that baby. A woman can grow a mustache and beard, but she will never be able to produce sperm. She'll still be a woman. Inside and out. And virgin births are rare in humans.

Ya know, there will NEVER be another Michael Hutchence or Tim Farriss! If there ever is, you girls had better be careful!! He might really be a she that identifies as a he! Most men today are ugly. They're either really women, or they're bald! I don't know where the trend in going bald came from! That just started happening when the 2000s got started!

So, since we are on the subject of identity politics, I guess I can go along with it. LOL! Hey! I identify as a millionare who owns her own business. And I want to live in this house...

This is an actual house for sale in Pacific Beach, WA. It's over $1 million. So, since I identify as a millionare, do you think I should get this house? Even if I really cannot afford it? Why not? If a man can think he's a woman and society has to accept it, by the same logic, shouldn't society say that I can live in this house if I want to, and all I have to say is "I identify as the owner of this house!" It'd be identophobic if you don't accept me as the new owner of this house!! Isn't that all that counts?

Oh shit! I just made up a new word! One that queer people are going to start using!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

After-Birth Abortions?

For a few days now, I've heard a lot about this new bill in Virginia, making it legal now for a mother to opt to have her baby killed after it has been born. WHAT THE HOLY FUCK????????? What the fuck are the people in Virginia thinking??? Basically what this is is legalizing murder. First it was late-term abortions, and now it's after-birth abortions. That is what they are calling it, trying to make it sound innocent. Fuck that!!! Yet another stupid step now being taken by leftists and liberals. Well, I won't go for it! I think it's murder. If the baby is healthy, and adoptable, I don't see where killing that baby can even be an option. Virginia is now the first state to make this legal, and you know others will follow.

I bet I know exactly the kind of people who pushed this bill on congress. I truly will bet I know! I bet it's the same kind of people who say "Adopt don't shop" and vegans who tell meat eaters not to eat meat. I bet this bill was put out to congress by those exact kind of people. You know what hypocrites vegans are! And the ADS crowd are also just the types that would push to make killing babies legal! I wouldn't put it past them!

I say to people, if you don't want the baby, then give it to someone who does. There are lots of good families out there just looking to adopt a baby. And one that the mother opts to have killed would make a great candidate. We are human beings. We should be taking care of our own! We should not be killing our own. Man! I totally agree with Jesse Lee Peterson! The world today is run by evil! Democrats have become animals! And I don't mean peaceful animals. I mean monstrous animals! This comes from feline worship! One of my long-time Facebook buds doesn't understand what I mean when I say feline worship is ending the world. But it is! That's where it started. People are acting like lions that you see in those documentaries killing their own cubs!! Yes, I know gerbils, mice and rabbits also tend to eat their own babies too. But how often do you see people that want to become rodents or lagomorphs??? No one! Everyone these days wants to be a stupid cat! So, they're beginning to act like them. It's just the first piece of a puzzle that has been building up since the 1990s. Whether or not these people are consciously aware of that makes no difference. I see it.

This is how I see this pattern:

  1. The Lion 'King' comes out by Disney Studios in 1994. Almost everyone likes the movie.
  2. "Panther Diary" comes out on Animal Planet in 1996. People became obsessed with panthers (especially lions) already thanks to The Lion 'King'. This further glorifies the beasts.
  3. Cat videos first air on the internet in 1998. People become even more obsessed with cats.
  4. This leads to everybody now wanting their own cats so they can get their own 15 minutes of fame through them.
  5. Cats carry parasites that make people go crazy. They turn men into girls and women into boys.
  6. Cats become very popular in the "furry" community too.
  7. 9.11.2001 islamic muslims hijack airplanes and kill almost 3000 innocent people that day. Muslims love cats, and see dogs as being "dirty" animals.
  8. As early as 2000, gays begin fighting for rights, which they finally get in 2012.
  9. Now that gays have rights, queers want them too. Then trannies.
  10. The world goes crazier. At the same time, cats have become more popular than dogs.
  11. People think of cats as gods, and wipe out the GOD of the Bible.
  12. Atheism spreads. Atheists love cats, which makes them become more popular, and makes people go crazier.
  13. Traditional christian values get wiped out and even scorned.
  14. People go crazier and even turn against those of us who do not see cats as gods, but still worship the real GOD.
  15. 2014, ISIS is formed, and vows to eradicate all of Christianity. ISIS is run by muslims. Muslims are cat lovers.
  16. 2016, Hillary loses the election. Hillary is a cat person. As is her husband Bill. Liberals love cats too. Conservatives, not so much. Some do, but none are obsessed with them.
  17.  People get pissed, and start going against everything that christians value.
  18. Gays, lesbians, trannies, queers becomes a fashion statement, and now everyone wants to become gay, queer or trans.
  19. Because trannies are now accepted, identity politics begins.
  20. California passes a law that a person can be fined and even jailed for "misgendering" another person.
  21. Social norms become social abnorms.
  22. "Sanctuary states" are formed where crybabies can go to whimper about those of us who uphold the Constitution. These crybabies are usually liberals. Liberals all love cats.
  23. Colleges and universities comply with gay/queer/tranny rights, and force everyone to learn about identity politics, including children under 5 years old.
  24. Kids get confused about who they are, become trannies, take hormone blockers, and when they grow up, they are unable to have children of their own.
  25. "Privilege" is now a thing among liberals and is even taught in schools.
  26. Liberals encourage women to abort unborn babies.
  27. After-birth abortion becomes normal, and babies born can be put to sleep if the mother so chooses. Even if it is a healthy baby. If she is a liberal, 50% of the time, she will choose to kill the baby. Especially if it is born a white boy.
Now to look into the future...
  1. The police are told not to arrest people of color because liberals consider that discrimination against colored people.
  2. Black people commit over half of all crime in the USA. So, with police unable to arrest them, their crime-committing steps up further.
  3. Black people kill, rape, torture, lynch all whites.
  4. The laws change to accommodate liberals. Liberals still love and worship cats.
  5. People can no longer uphold old fashioned social norms.
  6. The family unit becomes unacceptable because liberals think it'll hurt the feelings of those who had a single parent.
  7. A white person has to be ashamed of being white.
  8. It is illegal to not accept a date with trannies or queers if they ask.
  9. Pedophilia is accepted. Kids have no rights.
  10. Christianity is extinct. Now, everybody is forced to abide by muslim standards.
  11. Muslims kill all gays/queers/trannies because that is their law.
  12. Muslims use their babies to bomb buildings.
  13. The USA--The last great country--turns into a 3rd world nation and famine hits hard!
  14. Before the next millenium, humankind will be extinct. Or be 100% muslim. And muslims have no good values.
And it all got started with feline worship. That is how I see it. We're already seeing it in California, a liberal state. In fact it is the most liberal of the liberal states! It is what America will become in the future if we don't stop this bullshit the liberals are making us do!

I don't agree with abortions of any kind. Let alone abortion after birth! I saw a video of a woman who works as a nurse, and she is outraged by this new bill being passed. She said she would never do it. And none of her friends who are nurses would never do it either! I mean, she was PISSED in that video!!! Shit I am too! This is probably the stupidest thing the left has ever proposed to date. And believe me, I've seen some highly stupid shit come from leftists! Things that I would never even dare dream of doing!

So what will be next? Can we make killing kids up to 5 years old acceptable?? Hey! Let's not stop at 5! How about we make killing kids up to 18 years old acceptable if the parent wants it? But why stop there? Let's just make suicide an acceptable norm! It's what the liberals will want. Why not? It'd be considered "discrimination" to make the mother raise a child that she just gets tired of having around.

On The Lookout

A few months ago, a german shepherd dog was found mutilated in Seaside. Someone posted about it in the Seaside classifieds on Facebook. The poor dog had been mutilated and partially eaten by a damn cougar. Someone once posted about it in the Oregon Coast Craigslist page on Facebook. Someone asked if anyone was looking for their German shepherd dog. My response to that post was "Kill the damn thing!" I meant that! I have a dog. I don't want to worry about my baby when I take her out to go potty at night. Even though I am with her, and I don't let her lag. We are still out in the country, and this could happen to Mya. One Seaside resident said he's seen cougars stalking him and his dog, and he lives in an apartment complex. Thank GOD I don't currently live in Seaside.

Well, there was one jerkoff, a woman who looked like a drag queen and whose name I don't remember, it got angry at my post. I don't remember it's name, but I do remember it lives in Seaside. Where the cougar was spotted. This thing was practically making a joke out of this post. I sensed some "I don't care about the dog" attitude in it's comments. It's response to my comment was "A smart person knows what to say. A wise person knows when to say it. Neither one of those types made this comment." I just laughed at it's comment. Having read it's comments on this thread, it didn't sound any more "wise" than it thought I was. Besides, it doesn't know me. And I don't make friends with libtards. And yes, this "person" was a libtard. It looked like one.

Well, my response to it's comment was a stroke of genius if I do say so myself. LMAO!! I said "Anyone with average intelligence knows to tell a liberal snowflake to go screw it's self." I must say, that was good! I don't like to brag, but my response to that libtard's comment got a lot of likes, and even some laughs from several viewers. My comment got more likes than it's comment did! And a lot faster too. LOL!! Well, it tried to make it's self sound smarter than it was by saying in response to me "Thank you for proving me correct. Have a nice day" I wanted to tell her to just go to hell. But like Katrina said when I told her about my encounter, "And with that, you should just drop the mic!" She said I nailed that libtard. I hate to sound like Onision (Shit! Onision ain't got nothing on me!) but I think I did nail that liberal snowflake! Anyways, it was triggered!! LOL! I know someone is triggered when they walk away saying "Thank you for proving me correct". Especially when they bring it on themselves. LOL! It should have just left me alone.

Well, it didn't change my view at all. I still say kill the damn cougar!! It is apparently making it's way south. This is why I stopped putting Mya out the window too. Not only because cougars have been reported around here, but so have coyotes! Even though it was more convenient to put Mya out the back window and just let her run off and go potty by herself, especially at night I would worry about her being out there by herself. And I did see a cougar out the back window once! Mya was out there too. I saw the cougar at the window and I screamed, smacked that ugly beast upside the head and brought Mya inside quickly! I think my screaming scared it, because surprisingly, it didn't attack me. But I think it was chasing Mya, which was how it wound up at my back window. I haven't seen it since, but it did open my eyes about putting Mya outside alone.

Well, I looked at that liberal snowflake's profile on Facebook and discovered why it got angry at my comment to kill the damn cougar. Because it was a catfag. It had the ugliest cat you ever seen! Another gray tabby! What is it with libtards and gray tabbies??? I also saw a picture of it that it posted. A picture of her in some gay bar, with a lot of her queer friends getting drunk. Then I knew this person was a liberal snowflake. Only a liberal would go around wearing a crew cut without being in the military.

Well, catfag, pantherfag, whatever it was, if I ever see that damn cougar here in Tillamook, that liberal snowflake better get ready to kiss that damn thing goodbye because I will not hesitate to blast it's brains out if it so much as lifts a whisker at my baby! And I don't give a shit what any snowflake says about it. She can call me "unwise". She can hate the ground I walk on. I don't care! She can kiss that cougar's ass goodbye because it will be as good as dead if I ever see it! Mya is my baby! I'll do what I have to do to protect her! That's why when I take her out at night, I watch the area like a hawk! I watch what Mya is doing. I don't ever take my eyes off her or the area around her. If anything even feels wrong, I am on guard!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Left Will Never Learn

People on the left are so stupid!! A couple of Canadian humanitarians have been kidnapped in Nigeria. There is a highway in Nigeria where people are often kidnapped from, and typically they are returned unharmed, but usually only after a ransom was paid to them. Well, this couple thankfully got away unharmed.

People these days make one terrible mistake; they listen to liberals. Leftist liberals tell people that all cultures are the same. That islam is a religion of peace. You should know better than to believe that bullshit! Islams worship cats. They are NOT a religion of peace! You've seen how catfags act! I post it on here almost every day. I am a member of a group on Facebook, and have been for a long while. The group is about scammers in the pet trade. About 90% of the complaints listed on that group are of cat breeders! I've been telling people for years, cats make people go crazy! It is rare that you see dog breeders spamming. Not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just saying it's more rare than it is in cat breeders. I know that has little to do with the muslims in Nigeria, but it gives you an idea of the morale catfags all over the world have.

All these people listen to the leftists saying that if they go to Africa, even in Islamic country, they won't be hurt. They will be greeted with open arms. Fuck that! We lost 2 sets of tourists to islamic muslims! Remember the Swedish girls who went there into muslim territory and got captured and beheaded? How about the couple that went biking through islamic country? They were captured and killed too. Now, these Canadians were kidnapped. It's sad how the leftists are misleading people all in the name of globalism! What is even sadder is how the cultures in other countries take advantage of this "all-inclusive" movement to get new victims. Someone in a video I watched said "These people are taking advantage of the open-mindedness of the western world." My response to that was "In other words, they're taking advantage of the leftists' stupidity!" I swear! Liberals are making all Americans look bad! I mean worse than before!!! Because of leftist liberals, sometimes I am ashamed to call myself an American. It's sad that I feel that way! But sometimes I do.

You people need to learn that not all cultures are accepting. Take the people on northern Sentinel Island. They've been isolated for over 55,000 years, and they are very hostile!! They do not like strangers at all. Anyone who dares approach their island is always greeted with angry guards stationed at the beach with spears and arrows. Several people have been killed by the natives on that island. The latest was last November. So, don't buy that 'all cultures are welcoming' bullshit! There are cultures out there that will kill you as look at you!

Remember 9/11? A lot of people seem to forget about that, especially the libtards. Now, they don't want anyone mentioning 9/11 because it "might offend muslims". Well, I say fuck that!! I could care less if I offend some stupid muslims!! I'm not going to forgive them for doing that to our country, and killing over 2000 innocent people! No way! Fuck the damn muslims!! They can kiss my ass! Only the libtards will forgive the muslims, and the only reason they'll do that is because they're stupid. On top of being loony and ridiculous! Liberals do not realize they are expediting the end of the world. Look at the mess they are making of our world! They want to allow killer cultures into America. They want to encourage every woman to get abortions. They want to turn men into women and women into men. Feminists want to do away with the family unit. They want to encourage colored people to harm and even kill all whites.

Or maybe they do realize it. Maybe the end of the world is what they actually want. I told you that feline worship was going to bring on the end of civilization as we know it! Liberals love cats, so it's like I said, cats being more popular than dogs is going to bring an end to humankind. It happened in Egypt. It'll happen here too. It's already on it's way to happening. GOD is angry because liberals also reject HIM. They're too busy worshiping cats to bother worshiping the REAL GOD. I warned you all, several years ago, that this would happen.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Guilty As Charged?

For the past week, everybody has been up in arms about this Catholic student standing in front of a native American man in a MAGA hat, as the man pounds his drum mere inches away from the kid's face. I've been following this story, and knowing religious kids like I do, I knew there had to be more to this story. Which is why I am writing about this now as opposed to earlier this week.

The boy has been identified as Nick Sandmann, who is a junior at a Catholic high school in Kentucky. The older man was identified as Nathan Phillips. A lot of liberals got angry at the sight of this kid standing there smiling. They thought all week that he was smirking because he was jeering at Phillips. Nathan Phillips even told his side of the story. He thought the boys were all mocking him. But it turns out none of the kids were shouting anything racial at the native Americans. Racial slurs were being shouted, but it was by the black crowd of grown men who call themselves the Hebrew Israelites. They are basically nothing more than the black version of the Westboro Baptist Church. But they were the ones who were really shouting the racial epithets. They were shouting at both the kids and the native Americans.

Well, the libtards saw this picture, and heard one side of the story, and they did what liberals do best; they ran with it. Nathan Phillips thought the boys were shouting racial slurs at him, and that is what he told the media. He thought the kids were mocking him as he stood there and yelled his song, and that is what he told the media. And of course the liberals, being the way they are, heard the story the media spit out and took that as the be-all-end-all of the story. They would not even listen to what the high school kids said. Sounds very familiar!!! Sounds exactly like what the INXS SJW libtards did to me after my father died. So, it was no surprise at all they did that to this young boy. Those people doxxed him all over Twitter, posted his name, address, phone number. They even went so far as to find out that Nick Sandmann wanted to be an engineer when he graduates, and called every college that teaches engineering, and every company that hires engineers and told them not to allow him in their college or company! And the boy did NOTHING!!! All he did was stand there!!! I shudder to think of what the libtards would have done if this boy climbed a tree or something while Nathan Phillips stood there pounding that drum!

The reason Nick was standing there? He was with his friends waiting for a bus to come and take them all home. He did not physically assault the native Americans, even though the libtards are calling this "assault". He was not laughing at them. Neither he nor his friends were shouting racial slurs at them. All he was doing was standing there. It was the liberals that took that out of context (again, what liberals do best!) Even big-name celebrities were getting in on the doxxing. I have no respect for celebrities anymore! It seems these days, they're all on the side of evil! I'll tell you, this country needs to change!! Instead of smacking "nazis", let's all go around and smack a liberal! The only problem is conservatives do not assault others. We're nothing like liberals. We prefer to talk out our differences. And we do not consider talking to be anything close to assault! Not like liberals do! How about we call every college, business, everything, and tell them not to accept liberals. Or at least not to listen to them! When I get my business, I do not plan to fire any of my employees just because liberals tell me to! If the person is a good worker, that's all I'm gonna care about. I'm running a pet store. Nobody is going to care if my workers once stood in front of a person of color and "smirked"!!!!!!!! Especially not if it's the colored person that got in their space!!

The moral of this story... Don't listen to liberals!!!!! They only get their information from one side of the argument and go only by that! Remember, there are 2 sides to every story. To be fair, we all should listen to both sides before we make a final judgement. The world would be a better place if we all did, that's for sure! Liberals only listen to other liberals. They do it at the expense of getting the truth.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Happy Late Birthday Michael!

Actually, I spent the last 2 days going in and out of this watch party hosted by a group I was on. I'll probably leave that group now. I said I would stay until after Michael's birthday. That is all. I don't want, or need, to be in anymore INXS groups. Not that I was treated badly there. It's just like I said, I want to keep my association with INXS fans down to a minimum. But I did enjoy the watch party, it was fun! And a wonderful idea! Something like that should go on every year for Michael's birthday! It's great to celebrate his life. It's good to see people doing something different for his special day. Most people post tons of pics, or music videos on the groups, or links to his songs. However, I like the idea of a watch-party. That was pretty unique! Unfortunately, there is only so much you can do on Facebook.

Another birthday for Michael came and went. He would have been 59 this year. I miss him every day, but I think about him constantly too. I still feel like I need to make up for the time I lost, not paying him any attention, and even to a point of not liking him anymore. I think I'm going to be making that up to him for the rest of my life! I know he would not feel that way himself if he were here. But he's not here and I do feel that way. Still love Timmy too. But now, my love for Timmy has been coupled with a love for Michael as well. The thing that still gets me is, I've seen Michael in the earlier days of INXS. I am not attracted to him in those earlier days. In fact, I don't think he really blossoms until 1987, when Need U Tonight comes out. That's the Michael I fell in love with. Not the earlier Michael. In the video for The One Thing, to me, he looks like a teenager. He still has those teenage characteristics. I have this thing against falling in love with teenagers. Even when I was a teenager, I never fell in love with other teens. I always went for older men. It's just a thing with me. That's why, up until 1987, I don't think Michael was that attractive.

Michael was not that attractive in the earlier days, but Timmy! Timmy looked good throughout INXS's career!! Even in the early days! He was beautiful!!! In the video for Don't Change, I can't take my eyes off him!! He looks awesome strutting around in that jumper!! My apologies to Michael, but if I were going to fall in love with any of them from the earlier days of their performing, it would have been Timmy! Or Jon. But not Michael. Yes, I think even Jon looked better back then. Katrina also likes Jonny. I told her about my meetings with him, and she asked me how I could contain myself standing next to him. I told her I couldn't really. I was just good at faking it! Looking at him in person was so mesmerizing, I almost fainted!!! He is gorgeous in person!!! I also said the same thing in the beginning about Michael. But not in the earlier videos. This is why I so adore INXS, and love watching their videos. The whole band is made up of almost 100% good-looking men. How terrible it would be if the modern "privilege" culture were to destroy that! Being white men, who are probably Christian, the men of INXS would be scorned mercilessly! And I would hate that!!

Well, in other news, I made a video about that Desmond IsAmazing kid. Well, really it was about transgenders and this thing they have going on about how they think it's OK to push shit like that on children! I saw another video with this Desmond kid, and he said if your parents don't let you become trans, then you need new parents. If your friends don't accept you, you need new friends. While in some cases, I would agree with him, especially about the friends not accepting you, you cannot change your parents! Most parents want what is best for their kids, and introducing them to a mentally unstable lifestyle is NOT the best thing for their kids!! And I have yet to meet a trans "woman" that is in any ways convincible. They all still have very manly voices.

Last night I saw a trans "woman" on Quora, and he said his father would beat him with a belt for saying he's a girl. While I do not agree with how his father handled it, I said to this person that he is still a man. He was born with a penis, so he is a man! He keeps trying to say "I'm a woman!" I told him a woman is born with a vagina. A man is born with a penis. He says he's a mom, but I bet he did not give birth to that child! Women and men have so many differences. No one however, has been able to come up with a way to give men the ability to carry and birth a baby. They just can't! Even with a donor vagina! Men don't have the musculature that it takes to push a baby out of the body. They don't have the flexibility in the pelvis to allow the baby to come out. That is something that cannot be duplicated in a sex-change operation. Only nature can do that. That is why a man will never be a woman.

I also quote a video where an LGBT activist says that someone who puts the definition on a billboard of the word "woman" is making trans "women" feel threatened and unwelcomed in their society. Those were his words. Well, ya know, the exact same thing can be said about men who dress up as women! I'm very offended by men impersonating women! What if I were to go around now and say that? How would the snowflakes of the world deal with that? Would they just tell me to suck it up and accept it anyways, even if I don't want to? Probably! Because the only people they care about are people who are not biologically men or women.

I knew this would happen!! Give gays the right to marry and be accepted, now they want to change how we feel and what we say. I accepted gays and gay marriage gracefully. But now, they want to push for pedophile rights, and trans rights. They want to give them rights at the expense of those of us who do not want to be harassed. I don't want some trans "man" molesting me! I would not want some 20-40 year olds molesting preteen children out there! That is not pleasant to see, or even think about. See, in order to gain those rights, they have to take rights away from those of us who are not attracted to trannies, and kids who do not want to have sex with people who are 20+ years older than they are. Remember the story of Steven Staynor? You really think that should be normalized??? We gave the gays an inch, now they want to take a mile!! I accepted gays, I accepted lesbians, trannies, well I'm still working on accepting them. It'd be easier to accept them if they were not so ridiculous! But I refuse to accept pedophiles!!! Never gonna happen with me!! I don't care how much they gripe and cry! I will never be anything aside of disgusted seeing a grown man trying to have sex with a small child!!! I said in the video, the only thing in this world that I find more disgusting than cats and panthers, is pedophiles! I can't stand them! And I will never accept them!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Drag Children and Child Abuse

Desmond Napoles is an 11 year old drag kid. I feel sorry for the poor kid!! This picture was presented in Huck Magazine recently...

Take a minute to suck this in! Nevermind being "politically correct", but that is an 11-year old little boy standing next to a transsexual "man". There is also a video of this same little boy dancing on stage at a gay bar, and grown men handing him dollar bills! OK I'm gonna say this; fuck that "acceptance and tolerance" bullshit!! This is pedophilia!! And this is WRONG on so many levels!! It makes me mad!! I don't care if you want to label me a "pedophobe" or a "transphobic". I don't give a shit! This is wrong and Desmond's momma needs to be horsewhipped!!

I feel bad for this poor little boy! Because his parents are pushing their "acceptance and tolerance" agenda on this kid! He's not allowed to just be a kid at all. When I was a kid, sexuality was the last thing on my mind! All I cared about was meeting other kids my age and having fun with them. Or going to my favorite place to play. Or go throw rocks in the river. Those were my biggest thoughts when I was a kid. Not "is my sexuality enough for me to attract men". Or "what gender do I want to be today". I feel very bad for today's kids, having this "politically correct" narrative shoved down their throats! No one today wants to say or do anything about this because they are afraid of being called "transphobic". Well, I don't care if you call me "transphobic". This is child abuse!

I knew this was going to happen. Nowadays, you aren't accepted if you are a cis white man. You have to be gay or transsexual to be accepted, which is sad! This is however, the beginning of the end of humankind. I think we are definitely reaching the last generation of proper humanity. I'm not attracted to transgender "men". Only people who are sick in the head are. And mentally ill people tend to raise mentally ill children and the cycle moves on. That's what happened to this little boy. His parents are obviously mentally ill. And definitely outwardly crazy if they think an 11 year old should be dancing nude in front of grown men. My heart aches for this little boy!

I only hope someday Desmond grows out of this lifestyle, and realizes what a beautiful thing it is to just be a real little boy. He'll grow up knowing that his parents kept him from having a childhood just so they won't be labeled a "transphobe", or be accepted in society. He will resent his parents for this. He'll wish he'd had a real childhood like normal kids do. Believe me, some of the best memories I have are from my childhood. Definitely not the bullying bits, but those were not the only memories of my childhood I had. I'll always remember my favorite play place, the pit as it was called. I used to go there and ride my bicycle up and down the hills, meeting other kids, playing and having fun. Kids today will never have memories like that. All this little boy will remember about his childhood is how his parents pushed their liberal beliefs on him and made him dress up like a girl and dance in front of grown men. Not exactly what I would call a "happy childhood memory".

Ya know, before we moved out of our old neighborhood, I went back to what used to be "the pit", which is now a huge apartment complex. Only one small dirt path of the original pit remains, and it's up the hill from the complex, leading to another apartment complex that has been there since we moved there. In that tiny remaining area, there is this rope that the kids used to use for a swing. It's still there! It's been there since 1982, and it's still there, attached to the same little sapling the kids tied it to all those years ago. I was one of the first kids to swing on that rope. I saw it still there and it brought back memories. I'm glad we didn't have the level of political correctness we have today back when I was a kid! Not that I think my parents would have pushed it on me, my mom is a republican. My dad was not political at all. Let alone politically correct. I'm glad I have the parents I have! I would have absolutely HATED to have parents who pushed this libtard bullshit on me and made me dress like a non-gendered child and made me dance in front of a bunch of pedophiles!!! If my parents had done that to me when I was little, I'd be hating them now!! I would envy kids who had a happier childhood!

You know who I blame for all this? I blame those dumb Kardashians! They were the ones who is pushing all this politically correct bullshit on the world. They are the ones who are turning transsexuality into the norm. They are the ones who are telling parents "if you don't dress your child up like the opposite sex, then you're homophobic". That is so stupid!! This is also why I hate the Kardashians!! Their show needs to be cancelled. I don't believe they are going to be missed. They have no talent. Their show is trash. They're not funny. They're not even interesting. Not in a good way anyways. And they fill the public's heads with insensible garbage. Nope. I would not miss them one bit if their show is cancelled! And it needs to be before more damage is done! One thing I will not ever condone is sexualizing children! That is one thing I really believe should be left alone!

I'll tell you all now, if we ever get another damn democrat for president, then this world will come to an end. We might as well change from being "America: Land of the Free", to "America: Land of Turmoil". We might as well register ourselves as a 3rd world country!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I Knew They Were Not Freaks!!

AhHA!! I knew it!! I knew I wasn't wrong, and this friend's dogs were not freaks of nature. I have this friend who owns a couple of Great Pyrenees dogs. She used to have 3 of them, but one died back in 2010. Her dogs grew up together, and always got along very well. Maybe it was because they grew up together that they did, but I remember back in the days when I used to go into the Pluba forums, they tried to make me look like I was lying because they said that "Great pyrenees never get along with other dogs. Especially not their own kind." That's the Dirty Dozen mob! They were so desperate to show everyone I was a liar that they picked at those straws, trying to tell me my friend's great pyrenees dogs could not possibly get along with each other. Well, I told them "Her dogs get along with each other just fine!" That's what I always knew for as long as I've known her. But they did have me a bit confused for a while. I wondered why their Great pyrenees dogs didn't get along with other dogs, while this friend's dogs (same breed) did get along with other dogs very well. So, I called her. She said her dogs were indeed purebred Great pyrenees dogs, and they did get along very well with each other.

Well, it was then I confirmed that the DDM were just bullshitting me. They always wanted to make me out to be a liar, and did everything they possibly could to "prove" that to their friends. I remember one time, there used to be this puppymilling site that sold undersized puppies for astronomical prices!! They said one of their clients was the lead singer from Aerosmith, Steve Tyler. Well, not long before that, I'd read an article in Cat Fancy magazine that Steve Tyler was actually a cat-person. It was an article titled "Cats Rock" from 2004. I saw it at the vet's office when we took Odessa to have her eyes looked at. Well, I announced that in that thread on the Pluba forum, and then, the DDM decided to put in their 2 cents, again, trying to make everyone believe I was wrong. They found a picture on that site of the members of Aerosmith holding puppies in their arms. While it would be nice to actually believe that maybe by the time that picture was taken, they had changed from being cat-loving people to dog-loving people. However, I was only repeating what the article said. However, there is also the slightest possibility I could have read the article wrong. Or maybe even got parts mixed up with a music magazine I saw somewhere else. But that does not cloud the fact the dirty dozen mob always wanted everyone on the forum to believe I was a liar.

I may have told half-truths based on what I remember (which really only proves my memory sucks), but I don't think I ever really lied to them. When I told this friend what the DDM said about Great Pyrenees dogs, she said "Don't believe them! My dogs get along with each other very well!" In fact she told me at that particular moment, her 3 Great pyrenees dogs were huddled up with each other taking a nap. She even said "Maybe it's their dogs that don't get along with each other because of improper breeding and lack of socializing." Since I did not know the Dirty Dozen mob as well as I knew this friend (and her dogs), I could not escape the possibility that she was right. It would be funny if it were true, the way they always griped and complained about people who are backyard breeders who do not properly socialize their dogs. That would mean the DDM were a bunch of hypocrites. But then again, they were anyways. They were the biggest hypocrites on the internet at that time.

Well, the reason I bring this up tonight is because I met someone who also owns 3 Great Pyrenees dogs, and they too get along well with each other!! HA!!! So, boo on the DDM!! LOL!

I'll tell you, the DDM never ceased to disappoint with their level of hypocrisy! Remember Mcgillicutty? She lied on the Pluba forums! Quite a bit too! She told everyone she was a man in his 60s with kids and grandkids. I knew that was a lie. I've seen 60+ year old men at their worst, and that was definitely not what Mcgillicutty was! I knew from the beginning she was lying. She also said I gave her my address and phone number. Well, I gave very few people my address and phone number back then. NONE of which was a 60 year old man! So, she either lied about me giving her my address, or she lied about being a 60-something year old man with kids and grandkids. One way or another, she LIED!! And the DDM never called her out on it! And I could never imagine anyone of my friends doing the things she did. Most of my friends back then were GOD-fearing Christians. They would never dream of lying, or posting my address and phone number on a forum. Well, no matter, because I figured out who "mcgillicutty" was. It was a teenage girl named Sara. The backyard breeder of chihuahuas. She was butthurt because I called her out on her backyard breeding practices.

After I figured out who mcgillicutty was, I was rather perplexed by the DDM making friends with her. Seeing as how everything Sara was are things the DDM are against, like backyard breeding and lying. Sara no doubt told them a lot of lies to get them to accept her too. No big surprise. Well, these days, Sara might get away with her bullshit, seeing as how the libtards are taking over, calling anything they don't agree with "hate speech". Shoot! I never even called the things mcgillicutty said "hate speech". It was just her opinion. It may not have been nice to hear the names she used to call me (ie, "stupid", "lunatic", "fat ass", etc.) but you know what? I would fight to the death for her right to say it!! I mean that! I had the option to ignore, and I did. She can say whatever she wants. But I don't have to listen. The only speech that would not be protected would have been a call to violence. By posting my address and phone number on a forum, I felt that was exactly what mcgillicutty was trying to do. I had a sis, and 2 dogs to protect. I wouldn't stand for that kind of behavior. Well, the only reason the dirty dozen mob did make friends with Sara is because she didn't like me. She could help them out in their jeering at me. That would be something the dirty dozen mob would LOVE!!! Whether Sara was lying or not.

That is what I mean by the dirty dozen mob's hypocrisy. They accepted bad behavior from people they liked, but not from people they didn't like. I don't understand that. If you're going to accept bad behavior from someone you like, then you have to accept it from people you don't like. Like I said, I don't believe anything is "hate speech". I believe everyone has a right to say what they like. But if someone I like is behaving like a buttwipe, it's going to make me think twice about being friends with that person. Of course it depends on the level that person goes to. I have a high degree of tolerance for a lot of things. It takes a lot to make me angry enough to lose faith in someone. But as long as they don't cross the line with me, they're OK in my book. I'm not a sensitive libtard snowflake. I don't meltdown as easily as they do. But I also know I've had many years of practice of becoming so tolerant. I think I have the level of tolerance that rivals that of a good school teacher! LOL! With all the shit I put up with and don't get angry. Even though liberals tend to make me madder than anything, I still manage to get through their bullshit without getting too angry or blowing up at them.

Believe me, it took a LOT of years, and a LOT of practice to become as level-headed as I am now! It was not an easy road either! I have a natural tendency toward meanness, with Irish, spanish and native-american in my background, you'd think I could snap at any moment. And I was that way once, especially in my 20s and early 30s. Now, there's really very few things that would make me absolutely furious enough to hate someone at a high level. In fact, I now only hate my [former] stepsister, Stephanie, because she implied I don't take care of my dogs. And I hate the delusional mods for the same reason, and allowing someone on their forum to say that about me and my dogs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Well, I was totally afraid of this happening, but Lily does not like her own father!! She wants nothing to do with Michael's side of the family. That is so sad! When I heard that she does not like Christina, I thought that was very sad too. Christina is Michael's family, and I always believed there is nothing that should come before family. This would just break Michael's heart if he knew! He loved that girl. You could see it in his eyes in the pics where he is holding her. It's about the only time he actually looks happy during that time he was with Paula. I think Lily needs a refresher here. But unfortunately Lily has been fed a lot of bullshit about Michael's family by a nappy-haired nit-wit!! I would even wager that is also who is talking her out of meeting the rest of the band too. Timmy said in an interview, he sure would love to see Lily and get to know her. He said he is ready to welcome her with open arms.

Ugh!! And to think, I had a little bit of respect for Bob Geldof for taking Lily in after her mom died. I thought Lily was brought up pretty good. But this was all part of a master plan that Geldof had to turn Michael's own daughter against him and his family, not to mention the band too. He makes me sick! It's all about control. Nothing else. And it's all about doing what Michael didn't want to have happen. It reminds me a lot of what the liberals are like. I remember back when I was on the Switchboard, which was run by a girl named Vicki. Vicki was a fat slob who admitted that she hated other INXS fans. The only one she liked was DonnaG. Well, back in those days, there was the delusional fans forum. I visited there one day and hated the negative vibes I got from that forum. And they were absolutely obsessed with me!! I said one time on my blog that I hope the leaders of the delusional fans forum never join the Switchboard, because I knew since they hated the fans, they would never fit in. Well the next thing I know, Vicki being the far-left liberal she was, asked Catsredrum and Netrage to join the Switchboard, just to spite what I said. She only did it because I don't like DonnaG. I don't like DonnaG because she's a phony! That is exactly what I believe Bob Geldof is trying to do. He took Lily in when she was a baby, just to spite Michael. And to rub salt in the wound, he turns Lily against Michael and the rest of his family by telling her a lot of bullshit about them, most of which is most likely not even true!!

Times like this, I truly wish Michael was still here. Then he could have raised his own daughter himself! Well, sooner or later, the truth is bound to come out. Maybe not by Bob Geldof (Shit! You can't expect him to ever spit out the truth!) but someone somewhere will set Lily straight! Meanwhile, in case she happens to be reading, here is a refresher for her mind...

Bob Geldof will never love Lily as much as Michael did! EVER!!!

Michael was the one who helped bring her into the world. All Bob Geldof ever did was want to take her away from him.

Michael was the one who proudly displayed her. He's the one Christina said used to sing to Lily when she was little.

I think it's a terrible shame Michael's family did not get Lily. They could tell her all about what he was like. Who gives a shit what Bob is really like? He's an ass!

This pic shows just how much he loved Lily, he could not stand letting a day go by without seeing her. And she looks just like him! She does not look like Geldof!

And here he seems to be saying "She's ALL mine!!" This is such a sweet pic!!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Exterminating White From The World

Hey! Be careful!! My favorite men are white!! Leave them alone! I love them just the way they are. I am so glad though that Michael is not around to see what the world has become. Too much of this bullshit would turn anybody racist. And I do see it happening. When I go to a video on YouTube, I often see people who comment about modern movies, saying they hate this new stigma going around today that all movies have to be about black people being the heroes and white people being the bad guys. I also used to see a lot of that on the Fat Albert cartoons. Of course Fat Albert and his friends were all black, and the bad guys were usually a combination of black and white people.

Well, it's not just that. Now, they want to remake classic movies and turn the main characters into women instead of men. For example, Dr. Who is apparently now a woman, whereas he's always been a man before. And also, The Terminator. Check this out...

That is so gross!! Not only are today's movie producers changing the Terminator into a woman, but they are making her look like a modern day stereotypical lesbian-feminist nazi. She looks like Justin Beiber's twin brother! I'm talking specifically about the thing in the middle. And who is that on the left side? That's the only woman in this picture that even looks like a woman. And the woman on the right looks like her mother. So this is why modern movies suck so much. Because today's producers are rehashing old classics that had male characters in them, and turning them into women characters to satisfy the needs of the left-leaning public. UGH!!! Remember Ghostbusters? Remember what a flop that was? You'd have thought people today have learned their lesson. But no. I have the feeling they aren't going to stop this until they actually have a rehashed feminist movie that becomes a big hit. Which will never happen. No matter what, you can never expect many movies where the female characters are the lead to be very good.

Well, in some cases that might work out. But only in original movies. Not remakes of classic movies that had a male lead character role. Ya know I haven't been to a theater and seen a movie since Jackass 2 was in the theaters. And that was in 2006. It doesn't look like I'm going to be going to any theaters again in the foreseeable future either. First they want to rehash all cartoon movies into live-action, and now they want to turn all male leading roles into female leading roles. So what's going to be next? Are we going to see Beavis and Butthead turned into women? And I cannot dare even imagine my INXS guys turned into women!! I was worried enough when I saw female singers applying for a chance at Rockstar: INXS. I can never imagine a girl singing Michael's songs! Not on a professional basis. Casually yes. But not professionally.

Some roles are better left the way they are. I changed nothing in my stories and I am not about to. My sis says a lot of my stories are not politically correct. Well, they aren't supposed to be! Besides, a vast number of those stories were written in the 80s and 90s, before people became a bunch of whiny-ass little wussies. I'm not about to change anything in those stories. I'm not going to change anything in my style of writing either! I have male characters, like Martin, Davy, and Brad among others! I will never change them into girls unless I absolutely lose my mind! And if you think I'm going to write a story with transgender animals, you're out of your damn mind!!! It'll never happen! I'll never even include stories of women who want to become men. No way! I won't even include feminist women in my stories!! However, I do have some stories with African-American people in them. But for the most part, a vast majority of the female characters in my stories are based on me.

There is a movie put out by Netflix, and I heard Netflix movies are mostly garbage. The movie is called Bird Box. It's about a white woman who is pregnant, and a black man steps into the scene with her and adopts her two children as if they were his own. Someone said that it's depicting white parents being irresponsible as parents. Umm. I don't understand that morale, as the majority of single mother homes are African-American. They are usually the ones that have 10 kids, with 10 different fathers. The moms too are usually neglectful. I once saw a news clip of two small children whose mother was at work, and left in the care of the aunt, and she drove off somewhere and left 2 small children (one was 2 the other was 4 years old) home alone, and the house caught on fire. When the aunt was interviewed, she said "I didn't do anything wrong". Well DUH!!! You left 2 small children in the house by themselves while you went out gallivanting around town! I partly blame the mom because she was the one who left the aunt to look after those kids and she was unreliable.

The fact of the matter is, this movie is misleading! Black men are less likely to seek a relationship with a white woman who has 2 kids. They barely even stay with other black women who have kids by that man. Their divorce rate is around 75%. Sometimes they don't even divorce, the man just up and walks off. That's what happened to my best friend when we were kids. Her father just one day said "I've had enough", and he moved out. It was just like one day he was there, the next day he was gone. I only saw him twice since I made friends with that family.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not trying to demean African-American people. It's just that these are facts that cannot be ignored. And now, it seems the left wants to eliminate all white people from this world. Kids are being taught in schools now that white people are inherently racist! Especially in California. I'm so glad I grew up when I did!!! Now, you cannot even graduate from high school unless you have one year of gender studies. The most useless subject any school can offer!! And those classes teach kids that you can be any gender you want to be. If you're born a girl (or they say "assigned at birth") you can become a boy if you feel like it. If you were born a boy, then you can become a girl if you feel like it. It's crazy!! I even saw a video that discussed a text book now being used in California schools that talks about the so-called "white privilege". It actually has a list inside the book that talks about "if you're this... then you're privileged". This is an actual school text book!! That is so stupid!!! Like I said, I'm so glad I never had to learn that in school!!

So, what happened to the regular studies? Like math, reading, writing, American history? Apparently that stuff is not as "important" as learning there is white privilege and 1000-something genders. They even tell little boys that they should be ashamed of being a boy! I'm glad I don't live in California!! And I'm glad I'm not a school kid now. I'm glad I never even had kids at a time like this! I'd be at that school tomorrow telling them not to fill my child's head with garbage!! And if I had a little boy, I'd say "How dare you tell my little boy that he has no right to be born a boy?!" I tell you, I'd be raising Cain if I ever learned that!!! Well, there is a solution to that and it's called Home schooling. That is what I would be doing if I were unlucky enough to be living in California right now.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Golden Poodle

I bet you all are wondering why I have this clump of gold beads on my mantle. Well, let me tell you. Yesterday I was at the local Safeway store getting a few groceries for the month. I took the dial-a-ride up there. With dial-a-ride, you have to call them 24 hours in advance to get a ride to and from your destination. Or at least call them the day before you plan to leave. I also had plans to take the dial-a-ride back home. But you have to wait for them. Well, nowadays they have a system where if you want to be somewhere at a certain time, they say they will pick you up 15 to 45 minutes ahead of time. I told them I wanted to be at Safeway around 11AM. So, they told me the driver will pick me up somewhere between 10:15 and 10:45AM. I'm fine with that. I told them I only need an hour there, because I did not plan on picking up many things. So, I opted for a pick up from Safeway around noon. They said the driver will be there between noon and 12:30PM. So I said OK.

Well, the next day came and I got up awful early! Around 5AM. When I get up, I tinker around a bit, mostly on the computer. I usually go back to bed for a mid-morning nap when my eyelids start to feel heavy again, which is usually a few hours later. Well, around 8AM, I began to feel tired again. So, I put Mya out and after that, I left her in the living room to eat while I went back to bed for a light nap. I had hoped the dial-a-ride would not get here too early, that maybe it would get here closer to 10:45. So, I went back to sleep for a little while. I got up around 9:50. I got up and messed around again, this time, checking on Mya. I played with her for a while, and watched a few YouTube videos. Around 10, I knew soon I would have to get up and start getting ready for the dial-a-ride to pick me up.

Well, around 10:10AM, Mya started barking. She knows when someone is coming for me, and she usually barks and runs around when my ride arrives. I ask her "Is the ride here already??" I wasn't even dressed. I look out the window and there was my ride, pulling into my parking space! Oh my GOD!! I had to rush back and get dressed in a hurry!! So, I threw on my sweatshirt and slacks, brushed my hair a bit, though I didn't have time to put it back, and ran out the door grumbling that the driver was too early! I didn't grumble at the driver though, I always treat them with respect. I know they are just doing their job. But all the way to the store, I kept thinking "What am I going to do? I don't need 2 hours there!" It never takes me 2 hours to shop for the month. I get in there, get what I need and get out. I don't linger around. Or I don't really like to.

It was around 10:20AM when I got to the store. I thought "Well, I sure don't need to rush! I have all the time in the world." So, I started pushing my little cart around the store and picking up things I knew I needed. I didn't intend on getting much when I went there, and I was basically done by 11AM. So, I still had about an hour, to an hour and a half to kill. Well, Safeway is not like Fred Meyer, where they sell a lot of non-food items too. So, I couldn't look around the store at other things. I just went to the cafeteria area and waited. I figured with my luck, I'd be waiting there until 12:30. Oh my GOD! How boring!! I hadn't even eaten yet that day! No breakfast, nothing. I avoided getting anything at their deli, because I still had a pork chop from the night before waiting for me here at home. I wanted to eat that.

Well, about 10 minutes after I sat down, this little elderly man came up to me, holding this small chain of beads. He asked me if I had one of those, and I said "no". He said "I'm gonna show you something here." and he started to twist the beads. I didn't know what he was doing, and at first, I thought he was kinda crazy. LOL! He told me "I usually only do this for the ladies because the men look at me funny." I watched him, wondering what he was doing. When he was done, he handed me this little poodle dog he molded out of those beads. I had to chuckle, I told him "Hey! That's cute!!" He said "Here. I'm giving this to you." I thanked him, thinking that was a pretty clever trick. So, I held it, and decided to keep it. I had to hold it delicately, so it would not come apart again. I sat there and played with it a little. Another friend of the elderly man came up and said to me, "That's a very cute little poodle dog you have there." I said, "Yes! I like it!"

Well, the next thing I know, a little elderly woman came up and we started chit-chatting, and she offered to take my groceries out to the car. I said "I don't have a car. I'm waiting for the dial-a-ride." She said "Well, I have a car." At first, I didn't know what she was getting at, as I didn't know her. But it turned out she was the wife of the man who made the little golden poodle for me. She was offering me a ride home. Well, I'm not about to turn down a ride, especially when I might be waiting for the bus for another hour and a half! So, I said, "Well, if it's OK. I don't mind a ride home." So, when her husband was done shopping and gone through the checkout stand, he asked me if I wanted a ride home and I said "Sure." This is Tillamook, a very small town full of farmers and people who are generally quiet. I didn't believe I was in any danger. Besides, these two people looked harmless enough. So, I waited as the husband drove the car around to the front of the store. His wife waited with me.

She told me she's lived in Tillamook for over 60 years, she moved here from Wyoming. She said it got too hot there in the summer, so moving to the coast was relieving. When the husband drove up, he parked the car and opened the trunk. He managed to lift my cart and fit it into their trunk, and I hopped in the back seat. I then showed them how to get to my place. I told them this was a lot better than waiting another hour and a half for my bus to arrive. All the while, I had the little golden poodle he made me securely in my hand. When we got to my place, he parked his car in my parking space, opened the trunk and got out my little cart with the groceries in it and even wheeled it to my front door. I thanked him profusely for the ride. He extended his hand to me and said "Happy New Year!" I said "Same to you guys." Then we parted ways. I asked him at the last minute what his name was, but he didn't tell me. I guess he didn't hear me. He did tell me he was hard of hearing, and I told him I don't naturally talk very loud.

Well, I never learned his name, but I will always remember his kindness. That's why that little golden poodle now sits on my mantle. It's a reminder to me that there are still people out there, in this cold, cruel world, who do still care. Who are kind and considerate. Even though the rest of the world is now going to pot, there are still people out there who will do a simple little favor for someone else. This little elderly couple is a perfect example of that.

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...