Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Funny This...

Hey! How about some really cute and funny pics?! Why not? I need to have some fun. 😁

Uh oh! Hide your babies!!

Only a dog would admit to this.

Good on this one!

For those who couldn't decide, this would have made a good candidate!

Some people will laugh at anything alright!

He's got a smiley mustache!

This bird doesn't give a shit!

This bird does!

And I very often do!

Yes I guess this is what you could call me.

A great way to have a good day at work:

Guilt is written all over his nose.

Maybe this is where I am headed. LOL!!

The oompas are in trouble!!

Let's catch the next ride to the past and quick before he gets in office!!

Google must think this guy is a grandfather clock-sucker! LOL!

But he found she has a Boner.

Yes! We can be anything we want to be. I'll be a lemur!

For you Katrina, because I know you love all 4 of your kids!

This one is for the stupid-ass trolls who think I'm laughing at cancer!

Quick! Someone save him!!

I need some extensions too! LOL!

And 1896 ended when 1897 began.

Yep! I sure am!

Hehehehe!!! You little devil you!!

Not sure I would eat that now! LOL!

A banana cloned from a dog!

Again, for you Katrina! Its something you always bring up! LOL!

And now we see Trump, how he was brought up as a kid!

There! Hope you got a good laugh! I know I did!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

So Anyway...

It's still Michael's month, and I want to continue to celebrate it. I still love that man more than anything. I always will. No matter what happens. Anyways, I've been thinking pretty heavily about when I get my puppy. I do plan to get one soon. Or two. hehehe! I know exactly what breed(s) I want. But I am still not exactly ready right this minute to get a puppy. I need to get a few things done first. But I'm thinking now, it will not be long. Maybe, since I haven't been myself since I moved from Reno, getting a dog would be a very good thing for me. Maybe sooner rather than later. Just not right now. Maybe for my own birthday gift next year. hehehe!

I'm going to have this little theme for every pet I get from here on out. I want to name each one of my pets after INXS songs and lyrics. I've started a couple times, first with Hutchess, a cattle dog, and Mysti, a scottish terrier. Unfortunately, I only had Hutchess for a week 😭 I sure did cry like a fountain when she died. That was back when there was a parvo epidemic in our area. It was a big thing back then. Lots of puppies were coming down with it. The breeder said that Hutchess had had all her shots up to date, but for some reason, she was very susceptible to the parvo. Where and how she got it, I may never know because up until her, I had never had a dog that had parvo. Not even close. The vets even told me that cattle dogs do not get parvo usually. They said it was more common for dobermans and rottweilers to get it. Something about a gene linked also with the black and tan pattern that makes them more prone to catch parvo. Genes are a strange thing.

Well, ever since my incident with Hutchess, I've been taking drastic steps with every puppy I ever got to make sure that never happens again. And so far, it hasn't. Of course, I usually get smaller dogs. I don't want a bigger dog, not in an apartment. The breed(s) I have in mind are quite small, and seem to be a lot of fun. Smaller dogs are less likely to get parvo as well. It will be amazing to see the transformation this house will take with a dog running around the house! I'll also have a walking buddy! I cannot wait! I go on 4-mile walks daily, it'd be so nice to have some walking buddies by my side with their tails wagging all the way. I have made this decision, instead of an extended trip, I'm going to get myself a couple of puppies. I was spending most of the past weekend wondering how I was going to react to flying there anyways. I've never flown before. And to be truthful, it kinda scares me.

I know! I know! I said I wanted to do this movie!! But now that the time is drawing nearer, I can't help but think about the actual trip. Though it would be wonderful to visit Michael's memorial. But face it, Michael is not there. In a group I was on, someone said Michael's ashes were split 3 ways. His father got one set, which he dropped in Sydney Harbor. His mother and sister got another set, which they spread in an LA cemetery. And Paula got the last set, which no one knows what she did with it. And I started thinking after someone mentioned that, if he's not there, then what is the point in my even going? Maybe I should go to the cemetery in LA instead, at least he's there. And I wouldn't have to fly there either. Just take a car there. Or even a bus. Besides, I really, really, really, REALLY want this puppy! I need it! Like I said, I haven't been myself since I left Reno, and it is probably because I do not have a dog. I had Vegas when I lived in Reno, I haven't had him since I left. Dogs always make life more livable!

Gosh! Now that I've mentioned this, I am excited again. Been thinking a lot of dad for the past day or so since the word "cancer" has come to my ears again. And no, the person did not have cancer that I was talking about, for the 1000000 millionth time this week! Ahh well fuck it. But thinking of my father has gotten me a little on the depressed side again. Geez, and I thought I was over the crying! But it's not just the mere mention of the word cancer. I was watching a sitcom tonight, and the episode showed a boy who was reunited with his father, and they spent a fun day at the World's Fair. It made me tear up because it made me think back to the last time I saw my father before he moved to Arizona. We spent such a day together, and he always knew how to make it fun. Even though I am a grown-ass woman, I felt like a child going out that day with my pa. This is why I need this dog. Something upbeat to make me feel happy again. My pics of INXS are wonderful for a while, but after a while I crave something with an overactive tongue licking me and a sweet little tail waggling. That would make my world complete again.

Oh Really?!

LOL! My Facebook friend numbers continue to drop. These people are crazy! I mean really! I just lost my father to cancer! Why do they think I am making fun of the disease? What that person had that I spoke about was not even cancer! Not even close. It wasn't even believed to be cancer. Well, really I got nothing against these people. Its not like they're dropping me because I don't like radicals. I think the whole thing was a misunderstanding. Because of that, I removed that post I made. One person even commented that I believe I could curse anyone. I never said I could either. It's just a figure of speech. This is proof-positive of how such a complex post can get bent all out of shape.

One person, who was a pretty close friend too, started arguing with me on my group. Of course she had me blocked, so I had to post by way of different posts on the group. Then I stopped because I realized that was not the way to handle this type of thing. It's not a group-affair. She said she was leaving because I am a "lowlife bitch". But she kept coming back, saying I did the same thing to her. I never did anything to her. Ever! She's mistaken honesty for disrespect. I'm thinking, maybe I need to stop being honest with people. They simply do not like it. Well, when she is ready to talk, she knows how to PM me. She wanted to leave the group. So, I helped her. But she cannot come back now. She made one last post, but I didn't read it. I just deleted it. I like to keep that a free speech group, but that was not the way to handle this problem.

I suspect when I wake up tomorrow that the only people that will be left in my friends list are those that are the most loyal of the bunch. And family. But geez, seems everywhere I turn, I cause a ruckus. Whether I mean to or not. All this because one person got sick at the same time someone else I knew did. But one is worse off than the other. The one I was talking about is a quicker-fix. Not like what the first person has. But I was NOT MAKING FUN OF CANCER!!!!! DAMMIT!!!!!! I'd never do that! And these people should know better, having lost my father, and they knew all about it. I announced it on my facebook page!

Seriously. Just the fact these people would think such a thing as I would make fun of something like someone getting cancer, makes me want to beat the walls! Makes me want to destroy all my valued knick-knacks! Makes me want to bang my head on the bed as hard as I can and pull all my hair out by the roots! Makes me want to take every one of my dishes and just drop them on the floor until they break! In short, it makes me mad! Because that is just something I would never do! For the millionth time, cancer SUCKS!!!! I spent a whole week with an avatar that said "Stand up to cancer", and I meant it! I want it eradicated just as much as anyone. Now why would I spend a week with that avatar if I did not care, or if I thought cancer was a joke?! Tell me that one.

I'd love to spend the rest of my life with an avatar like that, but this is Michael's month. I have to keep on celebrating him. No matter what. If anyone wants to reach me, they know where to find me.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Weird Things Catfags Say

Oh boy! I could write a novel about this! LOL! Cat people are crazy enough. They cannot help it, they have cats, cats make people go crazy. But catfags are much worse. I think the prolonged exposure to cats makes these people even more crazy. If you ask me, cats should be banned from all countries, and put people who've had such massive exposure to them on some medication to fix their brains. But I wanted to write a post based on some of the dumbest and craziest things I've heard catfags say online and in real life. Most of them from the fags on YouTube. But believe me when I say I've also heard these things in real life. Though the people who say them seem unreal to me! LOL!

1. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like cats.
My response: Umm, why not? Cats are sneaky, and they have been associated with evil for many centuries. And let me tell you, some of the worst people I've ever met in my life have been cat-fags. Even when I used to like cats, I noticed cat people were more evil than dog people. I've even seen this comment and they finish it with "Whether you are allergic or not".

2. I can't get a ______ because my cat would never forgive me.
My response: WHAT?!?!?! Who runs your life? You or the cat? Who pays the household bills? You or the cat? Who controls what to do in an emergency? You or the cat? Would your cat save you if your house was on fire? NO! It'd save it's self! And most likely it'd hide under the bed because it's too stupid to know how to get outside! I even heard a woman say this to a bird owner when I was back at the shelter. She said she couldn't get a bird or her cat would never forgive her. This is one of the stupidest comments I've ever heard from cat owners. If I want a bird, I'm gonna get a bird. I don't give a shit what the cat thinks! If the cat doesn't like it, it knows where the way out is! Shoot! I'll even hold the door for it and escort it outside! And the cat needs not come back until it can accept my own decision of what to do in my OWN house!

3. The kitten is soooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!
My response: That's not cute! That's the most perfect form of manipulation!

4. Cats are the most perfect animals in the world.
My response: No they're not! There are lots better animals out there. Monkeys are better climbers and jumpers. Crocodiles are better killers. Rabbits are better leapers and runners. Dogs are better cuddlers and better protectors. Gazelles are better at ground-level acrobatics. The list goes on and on.

5. You can't get a _______ because you already have a cat!
My response: So what?! Cats are the most boring animals anyone can have. That's why I have to have the (dog/bird/baby). I don't even consider cats as pets because they don't do anything. Cats are more like squatters than pets. They aren't even as relaxing as a fishtank.

6. My _________ has been cat-approved.
My response (with a facepalm): OMG!! Who cares if a dumb cat approves anything you got!? You think I would put my trust in a creature who causes the extinction of many small animals throughout the world? You think I'm going to trust the judgment of a creature who does not love you, but instead wants you dead? (I'll get to that in a minute). Now have your dog approve the item, and I might give it a thumbs up!

7. My cat loves me. And I love it.
My response: You only think it loves you. You have mistaken tolerance for love. What cats feel for you is not love. There's no doubt in my mind you might love your cat. But it does not love you back. It loves your food. Nothing else. It loves that it does not have to work for anything, because for a lazy-ass housecat, not having to do anything is the best thing in it's world. They're even slow to kill a mouse. It has been proven that cats do not really love (or even like) their owners. They just tolerate them. A cat would kill it's owner if it was big enough.

8. Cats are assholes, and that's why I love them.
My response: Oh really? So do you also love people who are assholes? Do you love other animals that can be assholes? Do you invite these nasty people to visit your house, or even come to a party with you? Most likely I expect to hear "No". Why people love this behavior in cats is beyond me, but I guess that's part of a cat's ability to manipulate some peoples' minds.

9. At least cats are not butt-sniffers.
My response: Oh YES they are! You kneel down to your ankles to a group of cats, I guarantee you'll have some of them poking their nose in your butt in no time flat! Cats are every bit butt-sniffers as dogs are. You just cannot feel it because they're smaller than dogs, their noses are smaller, and they sniff more gently than dogs.

Well, those are some of the stupidest comments I've heard from catfags. Anyone else know of any others, let me know in the comments below.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Republican Vs. Democrat

Wow! I've noticed, just over the past year or so, there is a HUGE difference in both parties. I personally am a libertarian, which my sis says is like a combination of both only without the bullshit. Of course I've always known there was a difference between the two, and yes, they all do attract like-minded individuals. My sis probably could explain this a lot better than I could too. I have nothing personal against republicans or democrats as I am not on either side. I don't care how others voted, it makes no difference to me. But all I am saying is over the years, especially this past year, I have noticed the big difference between the two parties. Not all are so great. But a number of them I can relate to. I'll probably get my eyes opened a little further as time goes on with Trump as our president. Who knows? But this is what I have learned so far...

Republicans are the most honest it seems. They say exactly what they feel. And they don't seem to care if it hurts others or not. This is a trait I cannot really get angry at, as I am that way myself. I've always been the kind of person who says "Let the truth ring loud and clear". I'm even honest about myself. I say things about myself that no one else would normally admit to. Because I know it's true. Though I also say I am ugly, but that is a matter of opinion. I am attractive to some people. But if someone says I am ugly, I'm always like "Well, at least it's the truth!" But I am not upset by being ugly. Really, I'm not. This is who I am. I especially get "you're fat and ugly" by teenagers and catfags. LOL! I got that comment a few days ago on my video by some kid named Fredericka. She had an Italian last name of some sort, and she is a teenage catfag. She was pissed because I hate cats. LOL! So to ease her own insecurities, she called me "fat and ugly". I just said to her "Thanks, you're probably fat and ugly yourself. And you're a fag." Well, I know for absolute certain she is indeed a fag. Don't know what she looks like though. Just like everybody else that goes around YouTube talking about how bad other people look, she doesn't have any pics or videos of herself online. So, for all I know, she could be a fat and ugly kid herself.

Seriously, I need to go back to not responding to trolls! LOL! I have fun teasing the fags, but I am also breaking what took me 2 years to perfect! Well, I blocked Fredericka from my channel. Some of the comments she made sounded like the sordid words of a psychopath. She needs serious therapy. At her age, maybe it's not too late to help her, so I hope she gets it. One thing I will give her credit for, she never said anything about me going to McDonald's all the time! LOL! But then again, I don't think she's even old enough to know much about the movie Supersize Me. I used to get the McDonald's comments a lot from bigots when I started going on YouTube. But then again, that movie was still a big thing then. But I have not been to a McDonald's or Burger King, or even a KFC since May of last year. And you know I haven't not eaten since then! LOL!

Anyways, now on to democrats. Whereas republicans are honest about how they feel, democrats tell people what they want to hear. They hide everything, including how they really feel. I mean, I can understand them feeling sorry for the minorities, but you know we cannot keep on apologizing for the things that have happened to them in the past that people today had absolutely no control over, and nothing to do with! I personally had nothing to do with slavery. I've never had a slave in my life. And I knew nothing about slavery until I saw the series Roots in the early 80s. Hillary supported this Black Lives Matter movement. BLM is full of nothing but a bunch of fags! I'm serious! You go into a neighborhood that is predominantly black, and say something to the effect of "ALL lives matter", I mean they will knock you out cold! There is a video on Youtube depicting this. The guy held up a sign that said "ALL Lives Matter" and he was chased out by a fag, a BLM supporter.

I don't know why that fag got so angry because the guy said "All lives matter". That means ALL lives, just like it says. That includes black, white, red, yellow, all lifestyles, all religions, all creed, everything. That's the way it should be. But because the guy didn't say that ONLY black lives matter, it made that fag angry. But then again, that's a common behavior of fags!! That's why I call them "fags". They're hot-headed! The same guy went to a predominantly white neighborhood, and held up a sign that said "Black lives matter", and he wasn't chased out for that, nor even cussed out. Sadly, democrats would support movements like that because it's what the general public would want. I think we need to solve this country's problems first though, and not worry so much about other countries. We should not really care if Iraq is free. That's their government's problems. Not ours! They sure as hell don't care that we have homeless veterans on the streets of this country!! So, we need to focus on our own problems before we try to take on the world's problems! But democrats don't want to do that. They want to make overseas problems our own. They want to ship jobs to China and other such countries while we have families here struggling to make ends meet.

If you ask me, it's not the republicans that is the worrisome race. It's the democrats. Why would we even support a party that does terrible things to our own economy just to improve the lives of those people who have nothing to do with this country? GOD help me for sounding selfish, but we really need to cure our own ailments first, then we can try to solve problems with other countries AFTER our own problems are solved.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Post-Trump World

Wow! There are some nasty-ass protests going on in Portland and Vancouver now. Mostly by kids who were too young to vote. They're saying they do not want Trump to become our president. I'm getting the feeling that Trump is not going to make it to the White House. All these riots and shit going on all because he won the election. Some of my friends on Facebook, and my ma, all say to give him a chance. Well, I agree everybody should have a chance to prove themselves. That's always been my philosophy. But these are teenagers we're talking about! They always judge first and ask questions later. I knew if Trump won there was going to be turmoil, but I didn't think it'd happen so soon. But it is, it's starting already.

Well, I was reading some posts by one of my friends this morning on Facebook, she said that Bill Clinton was the one who sent all our jobs overseas, and that Hillary backed him up on that. But Trump wants to bring all our jobs back to this country. Which I guess is one good thing about Trump. We do need jobs in this country. And Hillary would have kept the jobs away in other countries. Not only that, but I heard she and Obama were the ones who created ISIS. And she wants to let in muslim refugees to this country. We sure as HELL don't need that!! But that's why I don't like Hillary. Given the choice, I would never have voted for Hillary! EVER! If I'd had no other choice besides her and Trump, I would have probably voted for Trump myself. But I didn't. I voted Libertarian. No bullshit!

I have yet to see any riots here, but then this is a small town. People here prefer to grate cheese, not riot. I also knew there was going to be a nation divided if Trump won. Or even if Hillary had won! Before the elections took place, everywhere I went, I'd see people divided. It was like back in the 90s dealing with street gangs. You were either for them or against them. If you didn't like one gang, then you were siding with the other and seen as a rival. I've seen the same behavior among Trump fans and Hillary fans. Or should I say Trumpfags and Clintfags?!! Fans are not that bad! It's the fags I don't like. I thank GOD I outgrew that! Not everyone does. I actually encountered one guy who was a Trumpfag on YouTube that not only attacked me, he shit-talked my sis, just because I said neither one of us like Trump.

Well, as far as Trump goes, all I can say is let's wait and see what happens. I don't approve of this wall he wants to have built between us and Mexico. But let's see if he actually does bring the jobs back into this country where they belong. Let's see if Bernie Sanders was wrong about Trump being a liar. Let's see if Trump can really make this country safer from terrorist attacks. One of the things every Trumpfag seems to like about him is that he is honest and he has balls. Let's see if he really puts those balls to work for us. We're stuck here, we might as well enjoy it. It could not be worse than what Hillary wanted to do to our country.

Now, my biggest worry is that Trump may be assassinated before he even gets into office. We may not have a chance to see what he does to this country. And I would wager you the one who would assassinate him would be a Mexican refugee. I don't know this for sure, but it is something that is going through my head right now. Of course I had the same worries when Obama became president, and I don't even give 2 shits about Obama! But I just don't want to see our politicians get killed off before we see what they can actually do for this country.

Now for a little-known fact I heard before. Did you know there is this curse in this country that was cast by an old Native American chief that was so upset his land was being taken away that he wanted to get even with the Europeans. So he put a curse on them, saying that every president elected in a year ending with a "0" would be assassinated after being in office. It happened with Abraham Lincoln and with John Kennedy. Apparently the curse was broken with the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981. George W. Bush, who was elected in 2000, was not assassinated, or even attempted assassinated. But when he got into office, 9/11 happened. So, perhaps there is still a little bit of the curse left. But this year does not end with a "0", so I don't think anything really terrible is going to happen. At least, I hope not.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

President Dump

LOL! That's what my sis calls him. I guess I'll have to learn to call him that myself. I didn't want either him or Hillary to win. Just once in my life, I would like to see a libertarian become president! The way my sis describes them, they are a little bit of both republican and democrat, without all the bullshit. But I honestly do not know which one would have been worse to have. Trump or Clinton. Both have really bad points. And when I say really bad, I mean REALLY bad!!!! Trump won the election. I kinda knew he would. I knew that from the beginning. Even though almost all my friends on Facebook are democrats. Somehow I still figured Trump would win. He's a jackass! Jackasses always win! He said the polls were rigged. I guess he's the one that rigged them. I'd be happy even if our country didn't have a leader. Either Trump or Clinton would have ruined things! I hate them both!

Well, I'll give Trump respect ONLY because I have to. But I'm not going to like it! There's just no way out of this country. Thanks to 9/11, those of us that are in this country have no choice but to stay. I'd rather move to Canada! But I found out in order to move to another country, you have to either have a job lined up there, or you have to have relatives. I don't have either one in Canada. I don't even have any in Mexico. Not that I know well enough to move there. I'm sure my dad has relatives there, but I never met them, and I wouldn't move to Mexico if my life depended on it! Even if I did know his relatives and we got along very well. I just don't like Mexico. Too hot for one thing. Another thing I do not speak the language. It's hard enough in this apartment complex with the majority of people here being spanish-only-speaking Mexicans. I cannot imagine how difficult living in Mexico would be for me. I always wanted to live in the UK. Or I did when I was younger. I do have a few facebook friends there. But what scares me are the people I don't know, or don't like. The British are some of the biggest belly-achers I've ever known! I don't really care to meet them in person! And with my luck the way it is, I'm likely to meet them. Then there is Australia. But I am not sure I can get used to their upside-down weather patterns. But they do have beautiful beaches there, I'll hand them that one!

There is one other good thing about Trump being president. LOL!! And I really should not write this. But remember back in August, just before I moved from Astoria, there was this woman who used to be my friend on Facebook named Katy Brewer. Well, she went batshit crazy one day, and told everyone that was voting for Trump to delete her from their friends. She thought she could tell all her friends how they can and cannot vote. Most of the people who deleted her were not even Trump supporters, but they deleted her because she was acting childish. At first when I saw her post, I thought the same thing I thought when I wanted the Yatesfags to delete me from their friends. But as I read on in the thread, Katy's responses to people she called her friends got more and more dark and sinister. I'd never seen her act like that before. I thought she was a GOD-fearing person. I guess I was wrong, because she acted like Satan that day. Some of these people who unfriended her, she had known for years too. All of a sudden, now, she was talking to them like the devil himself would.

I wonder how she's feeling now? LOL!! Knowing that Trump won. I bet she's pissed to high-heaven! I bet she hates the world now. It'd serve her right! She even deleted me because she said I was "so pathetic". LOL! She's the last person who should talk about anyone else being "pathetic". Her son is 35 years old now and still lives with her. His wife rejected him because he's a loser, he's too lazy to get a job, so he lives with his mom. And get this, both of them are on welfare. So, I'm like don't talk about me being pathetic until you've looked into your own backyard! Katy obviously did something wrong in raising her boy! LOL! But that's her problem. Not mine. I'm just saying.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fuck Off 2016!!

I was watching a video the other night all about all the celebrities that have passed away this year. There was an unusually high number of them, some of them were not very old at all. Not that any of them meant much to me, but thinking about that I realize, I'm now scared! 2016 has had such a high number of deaths of famous people, I think GOD is trying to tell us all something, that's why. I woke up with this thought on my mind and I realized I am scared of what's coming! What better way to prove a point than to take a vast number of celebrities! Why, this new "death-trend" has even hit me so close to home! When it took my father from me.

What I am trying to say is something's coming! And it's gonna be big! GOD sent us a message by taking away such a huge number of celebrities. It makes sense to me! The news is always bound to announce the death of celebrities, worldwide. That's a good way to send this message out to the world that something big is about to happen. It's a message, and I think we need to listen. Whether you believe in GOD or not. Whether those celebrities are in Hell or Heaven is completely irrelevant! There is an even bigger message here! I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel scared. When I woke up this morning, I had this nagging feeling in my belly. I realized I am scared of next year.

Whether you think this is all a message or not, I'm scared of 2017! I literally get goosebumps now thinking about it. Do you think next year is going to be better, or is it going to be worse? I'm afraid to find out. It's got me so afraid, I almost don't want to go to Australia next year! But I have to! I want to do this movie and there is no way INXS are ever going to be as famous in the USA as they were in Australia! No one here is going to give a care about a star at Hollywood's Walk of Fame for Michael Hutchence. No one here gives a shit whether or not there is a statue commemorating Michael Hutchence. Well, no one except the INXS fans, of course. It's a sad fact that the USA has completely dumped on INXS since Michael died, and he has been all but forgotten here. That is one reason I want to do this movie, and bring it here to the USA. Not that I think many people are going to watch it, but it will be my contribution to bringing Michael's memory back to life here in the USA.

I hope to do a good movie! One I will be proud to show off. Maybe not many people will see it. Surely the radicals won't. But I still hope to put on a good movie for those who do see it. Maybe it will pique their interest in INXS again. Maybe someone will see it and think "Hmm, I remember INXS" and watch it and it will rise their interest in the band again. I would sure love to see that happen! Then maybe we will get some INXS merchandise here.

But anyways, back to the original subject. I am indeed scared. I've had friends this year that have lost family members. I even have a friend who lost both her children. It's been terrible. Of all the people that passed away this year, the last one I ever expected to go was my father! He was healthy as a horse! But he had this demon brewing inside his body, and it's name is cancer. It decided to take him this year too. But ya know what, I think those of us who lost family members may be the chosen ones. Strange as this may sound, I think our close kin was taken from us to make that message clearer. Like when Noah was instructed to build his ark. But what could I do?? I'm too old to have children. In fact I think I had my last cycle when I was living at the shelter. And BOY!! It was a doozy!! I cannot repopulate the world again. There is no way.

Well, this is all speculation of course. But there is a remote possibility. I am scared for what is to come. All I can say is I hope GOD keeps and protects my friends and remaining family from harm. But I am now ready to tell 2016 to fuck off! But at the same time, I am scared of the approach of 2017.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tax, Tax, And More Tax!

I hate this time of the year! UGH!!! I would so enjoy autumn, if not for these damn football games and election commercials! I'm supposed to be enjoying my time remembering Michael. But instead I get all this crap thrown in my face! I hate it! Makes me mad every time! I don't even want to vote! I'm sure not going to vote for a president, because I don't like either candidates. Now, Oregon has this thing, Measure 97, which is going to add sales tax on all purchases! Oh-Em-Gee!!!

One of the main reasons I wanted to move to Oregon in the first place is because it is close to the ocean and no sales tax on anything! That would totally suck!! If this measure goes through, I might as well move back to Washington! I don't see why not! That's why I moved to Oregon and not Idaho! Idaho charges tax on EVERYTHING! Including food items! That's what Measure 97 will do here! It would totally defeat the purpose of my moving here! Shoot! At least if I moved back to Washington, I may be charged tax on non-food items, but I wouldn't have to pay tax on food!

I would move back to Washington on only one condition; that I get my old apartment in Ocean Shores back! That's the only way I would move back there! Well, yeah that and if this Measure 97 does pass in this state. I hope it doesn't pass! I don't have kids, so I really do not care about what they do in school. And I think there are other ways our state can get school funding anyways! This whole dang election scares the hell out of me! I kinda thank GOD my father is not here to endure what is ahead! Of course he would probably still be in Arizona. Measure 97 would not affect him. Just Oregonians. But there is still the presidential thing.

I wish we had a third candidate running for president. I don't want either of the cumwads we got running today to become our next president! Obama was bad enough! I got no respect for him! He didn't have respect for this country! So I got no respect for him. Like I said to my viewers on my group, Trump is a fucking noodle! And Hillary is a lying skank! I hate both of them! Our country is doomed if either one gets in office!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Die Yuppie Scum!

Time to remember Michael's life and celebrate it. I am holding a month-long party on my group. I'm going to do as much as I can to make it fun. Posted lots of pics so far. But I want to make it a little different than I did last year. I was reading a story last night by an old school friend of Michael's from Hong Kong. It was a very touching story! The guy had Tourette's Syndrome. I know the feeling. I have a bit of autism myself. It runs in my family unfortunately. So, I know how he feels going through his school life being bullied. But he found a good friend in Michael, and was even invited to Michael's house at his 10th birthday party! Sounds so wonderful!

What struck me so deeply about his story was, even though I had never read his story before, I knew what he was going to say about Michael. Every word he wrote, I was like "Yes, that's the Michael I know!" He was stunned that Michael killed himself because even he said Michael enjoyed life so much. I only met Michael for a minute, back in 1991, before his accident. But what I saw in his eyes was so pure, so genuine, I could tell what kind of person he was right away. Most people would not even think about making friends with someone who has any kind of autism, whether they are kids, or even adults. I was autistic and I remember even some of the teachers bullied me sometimes. Especially in middle school. So, I know what it's like to make that one friend who is really good and really true. Sometimes I was successful at making friends, and sometimes I wasn't. The few friends I did make, I usually stuck to like glue. I would follow them around like a puppy. LOL! I don't really do that anymore. Now, when I make a friend, I am cautious until I really get to know them. I've been deceived by too many people in the past to get instantly chummy with anyone. A few people I would take to right away, but that is a rare event for me nowadays.

Well being the young, dumbhead I was as a kid, I got out of INXS shortly after that concert, and concentrated more on Roxette. To this day, I wish I hadn't done that. Well don't get me wrong, I still think Roxette was a great band. But I just wish I hadn't let my affection for them overshadow my love for INXS. Afterall, I did fall in love with Michael on first sight. It took me a little longer to fall in love with Per Gessle. I also wish I had acted on that love I had for Michael. Maybe we would have gotten married. We both have a lot in common, I am finding out. We're both artists. We both love nature. We're both loyal friends. We're both shy around strangers. We both hate radicals! LOL! Why else would Michael wear a shirt that says "Die Yuppie Scum"?

He doesn't like radicals either! LOL!
What's funny about this is the radicals hate me because I hate radicals. Never dreaming that Michael would not like them either once he got to know them inside and out. But oh well. Let them figure that one out for themselves. Like I said, Michael was about peace and love. Radicals are about changing everyone's perception about everything, and declaring war against those who won't change. Or blocking them on Facebook. hehehehe!!!!! Actually, I do kinda wonder how Michael felt being photographed with that shirt on. This looks like it was taken around 1994, or sometime around there. But it would not matter to me. The more I find out about Michael, the more I love him. To find out he too hated radicals warms my heart actually. But it goes hand-in-hand with wanting peace in the world today. Radicalism of any kind causes hatred and anger towards one another, I think Michael saw that.

Well anyways, it's Michael's month. It's my month to celebrate Michael's life. Been a tradition of mine since 1998, and I hope to make this one fun. Next year, even better. Because I hope to be in Australia for the 20th anniversary, and hope to see Michael's statue revealed. I think that would make a wonderful addition to my movie! Watch for it next year! Coming to UMG Productions! I'm currently trying to work on myself for the sake of the movie. I want to look good! When it is complete, I still want to allow a select few to view the movie, as a freebie, and ONLY those few. I'd especially love to have Michael's family's approval on it. But the movie is also going to have me in it. I'm hoping my partner can come with me. He can be my cameraman, and bodyguard in case I need it. lol. But it's going to be about me celebrating Michael. I hope to make it worthwhile.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Great Breeds For First-Time Dog Owners

Well, to round off my week of discussing nothing but dogs, I thought this would be a great post to make. If you are just entering the dog-fancy, you no doubt have no idea what breed would be best to begin with. Perhaps you've never had a dog because you are afraid of dogs, and you then discovered what truly fascinating creatures they are. Or perhaps you wasted your life believing the stigma of dogs being "dumb", and just discovered that's a stereotype brought on by catfags and poorly-bred and poorly-raised specimens of breeds. Well, these are some of what I believe are the best dogs to own if you are just entering the world of dogs and thinking of getting one.

1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
All spaniels are pretty easy-going. The Cavalier is no exception. It is a remarkable companion dog. It is a nearly perfect breed for a first-time dog owner, as they are gentle and friendly, love people, great with kids, and even affectionate around other pets. They are not so small that they are delicate, but they are also not so big they would become overbearing. They are intelligent enough to also be easily trained.

2. Coton de Tulear
I often call these "cotton dogs", because they do look like big balls of cotton. Though their coat does require a lot of attention, this is a great breed to own for the first time dog owner. They are active, but not overbearing. Generally they are sweet, affectionate dogs that I have found to be great around children. They are not nervous or jumpy, and do not bite. They are also quite easily trained. These dogs were originally bred to lay beside royalty, so they are natural-born companions.

3. Poodle
There are 3 varieties of poodle, the standard, the miniature and the toy. Of all the dogs I have had, perhaps the best was a poodle. They are very smart and easily trained. In fact, ours was housebroken in just under 3 weeks! Toy poodles may be too delicate for rowdy children, but poodles are great companions for any age human. They are the supreme first-dog for new owners. Their only downfall I would say is they are obsessed butt-sniffers. I never met a poodle that wasn't one.

4. Shih-Tzu
Another great companion dog. Though nowadays I am kindof on the fence about them because they have been overbred for so long now, and even bred to be smaller now. But they are wonderful companion dogs that are generally very sweet and affectionate with their owners. Though they tend to be somewhat reserved with strangers. I would not recommend them to families with small, rowdy children though. But they are great couch dogs, that will lie by your side and give you endless hours of affection.

5. Xoloitzcuintle
Yes, I know they are somewhat ugly, but they are wonderful dogs that are active, intelligent, yet gentle and do not require any grooming. There's no hair to groom. The only thing they would need is a sweater in the winter and sunblock in the summer. But that's all the grooming they will ever need. They also are somewhat immune to fleas. But these dogs will love to cuddle with you in your bed or on your sofa, and even make great companions for children.

6. Shiba Inu
This is the smallest version of the Akita. Like the Akita, they are great companion dogs, especially if you are a single person living alone. I know that sounds specific, but this breed will become your very best friend, as they tend to be one-person dogs. It is an active breed, sometimes a bit plucky, but not to a point where it is overbearing. They are great with children, and will guard your home with their life. They also do get along great with other animals if they are introduced to them early on.

7. French Bulldog
Though they are smaller than the English bulldog, they are still tough and rugged dogs. They don't have all the problems that the English bulldog has. The French bulldog is distinguishable by the obviously large ears that perk up, known as "bat-ears". They're not as stocky and heavy as the English bulldog, though they do tend to snore when they sleep, like any bulldog. They are easier to care for and make wonderful cuddling companions for children as well. They are also gentle and mellow, and do not require much grooming. The only downfall to this breed, I would say is they are not that easily potty-trained.

8. Basset Hound
A very iconic breed, this is a short hound dog that is wonderful as a companion for the family unit. They are affectionate, gentle, not very active, and easy to care for. They love children and will easily adapt to accept other pets. Most of their time is spent being lazy, and they can be a bit on the stubborn side. But their biggest downfall is that they would need a fenced in yard. They do not hesitate to go where their sense of smell leads them.

9. Pug
Sweet, saucy and affectionate. These are all words I can use to describe the pug. I used to not like pugs until I went to a specialty show in Enumclaw. Then I saw one and it looked just like a teddy bear! It was so cute! They are always so mellow and friendly. Usually friendly with everyone. They require very little grooming, they are not overly active, and they are also quite tough and rugged. They will mostly be happy enough sitting in your lap as you are stroking it's fur. What I like most about them is they always seem to be smiling.

Well those are some of the best breeds I can think of for first-time dog owners. Of course there are others as well. If a person has had a dog before, and it was a breed that is not listed on this post, they can get along great. Even if it had been years since that person had that dog. To those that have had success being first time owners of a breed not on this list, I commend you in deciding to get your first dog. I am not saying these are the only good breeds for first-time owners. I'm just saying these are my best picks for first-time owners, simply because these are some of the most mellow, trainable, and family-friendly breeds.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

My Week Of Dogs

Well, so far it's been a fun week of just talking about dogs. I remember when I was in middle school, I used to drive everyone crazy because all I drew and talked about was dogs. LOL! Including the teachers would get sick of me constantly talking about dogs. But that was my thing when I was a kid, dogs and horses. I loved them both. I grew up with both. Its sad that now dogs and horses are being cast aside for a useless creature like cats. But I blame that on the internet. I spend a lot of time chasing cats away from my yard. What makes cats so dumb is that I chase them with brooms, and they still keep coming back for more! LOL! Stupid cats!

Well, this morning someone responded to a comment I made on a video, that old video of a cat saving a child from a dog attack. Someone said cats are "the most regal and majestic animals of all". And I said No they're not! This morning someone else chimed in with "Yes they fricken are. That is the end of that." and again, I repeated, "No they're fricken not. I can think of 100 more regal and majestic animals than cats. That is the end of that!" So I thought in this post, I would try to name all 100 of the regal and majestic animals I can think of that are MUCH more majestic than any cat, or any feline for that matter. I just think this would be a fun post to read and discuss. So, here goes, in no particular order...

1. Gorillas (especially the huge silverback males)
2. Elk
3. Elephant
4. Killer whales
5. Elephant seal
6. Sea lions (Again, especially the males)
7. Ostrich
8. St. Bernard dogs
9. German Shepherd dogs
10. Kangaroos (all kinds)
11. Civets
12. Foxes (especially the red and kit foxes)
13. Saltwater crocodile
14. Anubis baboon
15. Crab-eating macaque
16. Gray wolf
17. Jackrabbit
18. Ox
19. Horse
20. Golden pheasant
21. White-tailed deer
22. Raven
23. Bald Eagle
24. Anaconda
25. Mandrill
26. Blue whale
27. Emu
28. Great Dane
29. Peacock
30. Tim Farriss
31. Eland
32. Ringtailed Lemur
33. Any lemur, for that matter!
34. Tyrannosaurus Rex
35. Pelican
36. Humpback whale
37. Water buffalo (yes I know they're ugly, but they can kick a lion's butt!)
38. Golden eagle
39. Triceratops
40. Giraffe
41. Coyote
42. Michael Hutchence
43. Chihuahuas
44. Papillons (Cannot forget my Muu!)
45. Babakoot
46. Moa
47. Swan
48. Chacma baboon
49. Boa constrictor
50. Great bustard
51. Hummingbirds (At least they're more interesting)
52. Stellar's Jay
53. Aardvark
54. Giant Pacific Octopus
55. Suricate
56. Dingo
57. American Alligator
58. Great White Shark
59. Red-tailed hawk
60. Tasmanian Devil
61. Collie (all varieties)
62. Gibbons (of all varieties)
63. Orangutan
64. Frigate bird
65. Gulls (all varieties)
66. Okapi
67. Rhinoceros (Again, they can kick a lion's ass)
68. Giant Palm Civet
69. Hippopotamus
70. Maned wolf
71. Macaws (All varieties)
72. Gazelle
73. Brown bear
74. Polar bear
75. Leopard seal
76. Iguana
77. Zebra
78. Whale shark
79. Dhole
80. Genet (All varieties)
81. African gray parrot
82. Capybara
83. Arctic tern
84. Walrus
85. Diplodocus
86. Nile crocodile
87. Tapir (all varieties)
88. Rhea
89. Cape Hunting Dog
90. Fruit Doves (all varieties)
91. Black bear
92. Tiger-Quoll
93. Vultures (All varieties)
94. Snowshoe hare
95. Sunfish (Mola-mola)
96. Springbok
97. Flying fox (or any pteropod)
98. Fossa
99. Bottlenose dolphin
100. Emperor penguin

Well, that's it. 100 animals that I can think of that I believe are more majestic and regal than any felines. LOL! I may be the first person to say something like that and literally mean it! But there is my list. Truth is, to me, ANY animal is better than a cat! I still chase cats away from my yard with a broom. And I always will. The catfags may hate that, but I don't want no cats in my yard coughing up hairballs, spreading fleas, scaring away all the birds and squirrels, pissing on everything and shitting everywhere. Yeah they bury their shit, but that makes things even worse, because then you cannot see it when you step on it! YUK!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dog Breeds That Are Not Popular, But Should Be

The Labrador retriever and Golden retriever are the two most popular breeds of dogs around today. We love them because they are playful, loyal, and versatile. However, there are many breeds of dogs that display just as fine characteristics as any labrador or golden retrievers, but are not as popular, and probably never will be as popular. Not all these breeds are rare, but many are becoming endangered due to a simple lack of interest from humans. This post is not intended to encourage backyard breeders to look into breeding these dogs. This is just my own opinion of breeds that are not popular enough and I just cannot understand why.

1. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Sometimes affectionately called "Chessies" by those that own them, this breed of retriever somehow fell by the wayside. They never gained the popularity of it's more popular relatives, the labrador and golden retrievers, and yet they are just as versatile and intelligent as they are. Being the largest of the retrievers, quite possibly plays a role in this breed's lack of popularity. However, they are gentle, trustworthy and wonderful family dogs. I've even heard a story about a Chessie that surprised it's owner by attacking a man that broke into his home, chasing the burglar away.

2. Skye Terrier
Well, back to the Skye, this breed is not as popular as it should be, despite the fact it is perhaps the oldest of the British terriers. They are loyal and affectionate dogs. There was even one case of a Skye named Bobby who waited by his deceased owner's grave for 14 years before he died. This is a testament to the loyalty of this breed. I had a skye terrier as a child and I can tell you he aided in making me a dog lover. He was so sweet and lovable! It is unfortunate this breed is not that popular.

3. St. Bernard
Though it is one of the most iconic breeds in the world, the St. Bernard is not that popular. And I don't understand why. It is a gentle giant, but will also defend it's family from intruders very effectively. One of my BILs loves the mastiff-type dogs like this. Not everybody likes having a big dog around that slobbers a lot. But they are very affectionate animals, and love being with the family. So, it is a wonder this breed is not more popular now than it is.

4. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Though this is the largest of the Swiss mountain breeds, they are not vicious. And unlike the St. Bernard dog, they do not slobber a lot. They are true gentle giants that rarely even bark. Though they do emit a sort of howling noise, they have never been known to attack anyone. During the early part of the 2000s, this breed saw a bit of a rise in popularity, but they fell in numbers again in recent years.

5. Papillon
The Yorkshire terrier and the Pug are the two most popular toy breeds in the world today. But what about the Papillon? I grew up with a Papillon and have always owned one and they are active dogs, but not flighty. They were bred to be handled by royalty, so they calm way down when you hold them, much like ragdoll cats. They are also not as yappy as other toy breeds like the Yorkshire terriers. In 1999, a papillon named Kirby won the Westminster Dog Show, and the breed's popularity began to rise, and has slowly ascended. But that progress has been slow. VERY slow.

6. Scottish Terrier
Though I would not recommend any terrier to a first-time dog owner, Scottish terriers are one of my favorite terriers of all. I had one for a while and she was the sweetest, most affectionate dog I've ever owned. Though like any terrier, she was plucky, and stubborn sometimes, she was also very active and superior at ridding my place of such pests as rats and mice. I used to see the results of her labors when I would go out and clean the yard! I'd see at least 4 or 5 dead rats in the yard. LOL! But in the home, she was a sweet dog, with her tail always wagging.

7. Tibetan Spaniel
Though they look a lot like pekingese dogs, these dogs are somewhat larger with a longer muzzle than those of pekingese. But like their closely-related counterparts, they are sweet and affectionate dogs. They are as affectionate and easy-going as any spaniel, and love to cuddle. They are probably not that popular because they were muscled out by the popularity of the pug, which requires a lot less grooming than this breed does. But as far as companions go, this is the nearly perfect breed for that.

8. Saluki
Though this is not a breed I would recommend for someone who is a first-time dog owner, or who lives in an apartment, this is the perfect breed if you like dogs, but you do not like dogs that are clingy and needy. The saluki is one of your more independent dogs. In fact, saluki owners have often described them as being more like cats than like dogs. And they are not as nippy and nervous as such breeds as the Afghan hound. This breed even cleans it's self like a cat!

9. Newfoundland
Much like the St. Bernard, the Newfoundland is a gentle giant. They do not even make great watchdogs because this is a breed that was created to help people, and are such people-lovers. They will normally even greet strangers on the street. Being such affectionate family dogs, they should be more popular than they are. But keep in mind, they are big dogs, and not likely to be good for apartment living, unless they are allowed to roam for a while each day.

10. Klee-Kai
If you think you're looking at a husky, think again. Introducing the Klee-Kai dog. It is a miniature version of the husky, and the popular mixed breeds known as "pomski" is most likely a result of crossing pomeranians with these dogs. They have just been brought to the World's attention recently. Though they look like huskies, and are indeed miniature versions, they are perfect for the dog owner that loves the look of huskies, but doesn't love the faults huskies have. For example, the Klee-kai does not have the advanced prey-drive that huskies have. Nor is it likely to jump your fence and wander off. Plus, these dogs make much better apartment dogs than the huskies, because they are smaller and easier to control. Though they are active, a simple game of fetch for 30 minutes a day is enough to keep them satisfied.

11. Basenji
This dog is well-known for being one of the few breeds that do not bark. The vocalizations uttered by this breed has been described as being more like a yodel. This breed is a product of Africa, and is used for hunting there. They are brave and plucky, but they are also sweet and affectionate with their family. They are also very clean dogs, that also clean themselves much like cats do. Like cats, this breed also has a very independent side to them as well. They are quite active dogs too, and need some stimulation. But they make great dogs for a person living in an apartment or small house.

Well, that is my take on dog breeds that are less popular than they should be. To learn more about these breeds and many more, read our book UMG's Encyclopedia of the World of Dogs at UMG Productions. I just updated it last night. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dog Breeds That Were Almost Extinct, But Did A Complete 180

OK, we looked at breeds that are rare, breeds that are extinct, and today, we will look at breeds that were once rare, but for whatever reason, did a complete turn-around and today are very popular. Though dogs unfortunately in general are dying out as the internet glorifies cats more, and people are getting lazier, these are breeds that were once on the verge of extinction. People often start breeding programs to revive nearly extinct breeds, and sometimes they are successful. Here are some examples of those success stories.

1. Portuguese Water Dog
This breed, from Portugal, originally was uncommon, or unheard of, outside it's native country. By the 1930s, the breed was almost wiped out. Even with AKC recognizing the breed in the 1990s, it was still uncommon. That is until US President Obama decided this was the breed he wanted to give his children in 2009. Because his daughter had an allergy to dog hair, and this is a truly hypo-allergenic breed, they were brought together. Before you knew it, everybody wanted one of these dogs, and for a while, they were becoming quite popular in the USA.

2. Rottweiler
Most people do not know it, but in the early years of the 20th century, the rottweiler was almost wiped out. They were originally bred as cattle-drovers, but when steam engines replaced that task, the breed was nearly wiped out, and the breed virtually disappeared. In 1882, at a dog show, the last known specimen of this breed was shown, and was a very poor representative. But today, every rottweiler in existence is descended from that one poorly bred specimen. They might be extinct today if it had not been discovered to be a great police dog. During WW1 and WW2, these dogs became extremely popular.

3. Shar-Pei
Though this breed was created 4000 years ago in China, by 1978, it was considered the world's rarest breed. Only 11 specimens were known to exist then. It wasn't until the late 1980s that this breed began to gain a stronghold, and 200 specimens of this breed were smuggled to the USA to begin breeding practices. I saw my first shar-pei pups in a pet store in 1990, and I was amazed because I had known years before that the breed was almost extinct. They especially became popular when Daniel Wood of New Kids on the Block, was pictured in a rockstar magazine holding a shar-pei puppy.

4. German Shepherd Dog
Created in 1899 by breeding old German herding dogs, there used to be 2 other varieties of the GSD. Once there was a longhaired and wirehaired version. While the longhaired sometimes pops up in modern GSD litters, the wirehaired version is completely extinct. During WW2, Germany lost a lot of popularity thanks to Hitler, and so did it's dogs. And by the end of the 1940s, the modern GSD was almost extinct. Those that survived became plagued with health problems. Sound specimens had to be imported from Germany to keep sturdy dogs, which were used for police work.

5. Lowchen
This is a small toy dog that, at one time in it's history, there were less than 20 specimens left in the world. Today, it is still not that popular, as there are only a few hundred registered each year. But in 1996, it gained recognition by the AKC. Though it is more numerous now, it will probably never be a very popular dog, but it has made a remarkable comeback.

6. Havanese
This is one of few breeds that is native to the island of Cuba. It is also known as the Havana Silk Dog. Though today, it is considered a separate breed, as it is somewhat different from the original Havana Silk Dog. The original version of the Havana Silk Dog is currently extinct, leaving us with the Havanese, which originally was an endangered breed. In the 1970s, there was only 11 individuals brought to the USA. From those dogs, came the modern Havanese, and it has become one of the fastest spreading dogs recognized by the AKC.

Well, those are some of the breeds that bounced back from the edge of extinction, thanks to human ingenuity. To learn more about all these breeds and many more, check out our book The Encyclopedia of the World of Dogs at UMG Productions.

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...