Monday, April 11, 2016

Animals Everyone Else Thinks is Beautiful, But I Think Are Ugly

OK, now that I have posted animals that I think are beautiful, but everyone else thinks is ugly, I thought in this post I would go the other way. Now, I am going to post animals that everyone else thinks is beautiful, or fascinating, but I think are ugly! If you are a fag, or weak in any way, and you think this is going to disturb you, then stop reading right now. Just leave this post immediately and go on to what you believe would be a "happier" or "more positive" post. Or go visit another blog. This isn't about you. This blog is all about me. By listing these animals, I am in no way trying to sway anyone to agree with me, or change their own mind. This is for demonstrative purposes only. So now, let's get started.

It's safe to say I hate any spotted felines. Jaguars are among those. They are the largest of the new world felines, and to me, every bit as dull as the rest of them! I can't stand these beasts! And I get pissed off when people compare my Michael to a panther of any kind! Sorry to my friends, but Michael is NOT a panther!! He's much better!

Well really, I don't like any large felines. So they are going to make up the majority of this list. Cheetahs are no exception. I think their small head, wimpy body, and so many spots it looks like they have a bad case of the measles, make this one of the ugliest animals I've ever seen in my life. That plus the black, dead-looking eyes. Cheetahs are however, the only felines that kill 100% of their own prey. All other felines have been known to scavenge, or steal, kills from other animals. Though the panther fags refuse to admit it.

Like I said in my last post, I don't like ANY large felines. Though I do think snow leopards are the most gorgeous of the feline family, I find others, such as this African leopard absolutely repulsive and disgusting! Sometimes they have been known to kill for fun. Other people like them because of their spots, I think their spots are not at all impressive. And their dead-looking stare makes me want to shout at them "STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME YOU UGLY BEAST!!!"

Of all the panthers that I hate, lions are probably the ones that I hate the most! I can't stand even looking at them in books. Other people think they are "majestic" animals. But I don't. I find them to be lazy, useless, and disgusting. They make me physically ill to look at. Lions definitely have been known on many occasions (and we've all seen them) to kill for fun. They kill hyenas all the time for the sake of nothing but pleasure. IMO, lions are the real cowards of the animal kingdom. They would be nothing without their size.

There is a reason I refuse to call Michael's daughter "tiger", it's because I can't stand the beasts. Other people look at them and see their stripes on a reddish-brown body and think they are "beautiful". I look at them and all I see is the ugly, sickening flabby skin on their belly, and it reminds me of why I am afraid to lose weight at my age! I think tigers look like a blow-up doll that was over-inflated and then deflated, being left with sagging everywhere. Besides they are lazy and stupid creatures.

A lot of people think koalas are cute. They are what a lot of people consider "cute", in an obvious kind of way. Too obvious! Too obvious for me. I'd probably like them better if they had long, grasping tails like their close relatives, the phalangers. But they don't, and I think it makes them look kinda ugly. Besides the fact that they do nothing all day, except eat, sleep and take a dump. Still, I think they are somewhat cuter than a lot of other animals on this list.

Again, I would probably like them if they had longer tails, but they don't, and I don't like them very much. They remind me a little too much of giant guinea pigs. Besides the fact that they just look cumbersome. They just aren't at all among my favorite marsupials.

Guinea Pig:
I admit it, I am not that fond of guinea pigs, although I do like a lot of the guinea pigs' wild relatives, like the Patagonian cavy and the capybara, I just don't find guinea pigs very impressive at all. As pets, I've only known them to be skittish to a point where I just cannot get into them, and love them like a person should any pet. I find them to be somewhat annoying, which is why I would never have another guinea pig in my life.

Gray Tabby Cats:
It doesn't matter if they are solid gray tabbies or have white to break the monotony, I think gray tabbies are the ugliest cats of all!! Every one of my cat-owning friends always has a gray tabby. The coloring is dull, they are nothing special to look at, and they are WAY too common! I've gotten to a point where I look at other peoples' cat pictures, or I hear my friends talking about their cats and I'm like "If it's a damn gray tabby, I don't want to see it or hear about it! Get something better, then try me!"

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Letter-Writing Day

I think it's a cool idea. One of my friends has organized a world letter-writing day. Shoot! I wouldn't know who to write to. But this should be kinda fun, so I decided to participate this year. I'm an introvert. I am not in the habit of writing letters. But anyone who wants me to, I will write to them, maybe send them a motivational message. The only thing is I hope I have moved to the place I am going to move to by the time this event rolls around. I still want to move to Coos Bay. But it is looking more and more like that will be an impossibility. I may have to stay here for a while. With me having to rent a car once a month, it's been almost impossible to save some money. I did not get as much as I would have hoped for this month. I'm upset. But even if I wind up still here in Astoria, I'm hoping to move to a place where I can at least hire a dial-a-ride so I can go places every now and then! Staying couped up in this house is getting to be bullshitty!

I rarely even write emails to anyone, unless they write to me first. And it has been many a year that I've even considered writing snail-mail to anyone. I don't even go to my mailbox every day. Not unless I am expecting something, because my inbox is a block away. I especially do not go on cloudy or rainy days, again, unless I am expecting something. So, I am hoping to be in my new place before this event happens in September. But I do like the person organizing the event, and he said I could write to him. Well, that'd be great. Maybe too, I might learn to trust some people again. It'd be great enough to know not all the world is full of radicals! Maybe I'll even spice up my letters by putting it on my very best stationary. hehe! Of course I am going to write to my family, and the friends who want me to write to them. I am a little nervous doing this though. I'm not sure I want strangers to get my mailing address. Well, one good thing is the radicals all have me blocked (as far as I know) so at least they won't be getting my address! LOL! Can you imagine the lynch mob that would come after me if they did get it? I'm only going to give my address to people who ask for it, and only in PMs, and only if I trust them!

Of course, I just remembered something. One of the fags does have my home address. But it's only this one, and I do hope to be out of here by then. It's the guy who sent me that INXS magazine. I had to give him my home address to get the magazine! Well, maybe with him having me blocked on Facebook, he cannot access my messages anymore. I hope not! I don't care to hear from the radicals. And as bad as he is, he might share my address with other radicals! Well, hopefully I will only be here for maybe a few (?) more months. And he's not getting my next address, I don't care what he offers!

Damn! Now I went and made myself nervous!! I need to get out of here soon!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Animals I Think Are Beautiful, But Everyone Else Thinks is Ugly

You all know by now I love animals! I love them more than I like people. In fact, a lot of the times, I hate people! Though I love my friends and family, every time I hear some story of in-compassionate or hard-nosed, judgmental people, it reminds me of why I hate people in the first place! I think most every animal is beautiful. Well, except for panthers of any kind! I still can't stand them! But there are some animals that I think are absolutely spectacular, but everyone else thinks is ugly. Just about every animal family has at least some utterly gorgeous species, even the panther family. Among the panthers, I think snow leopards are the prettiest. However, this post is not about that, this is about species within families of animals that everyone else thinks is ugly, and I've heard so many people say it and scowl at the thought of those groups. Here are some of the most beautiful representatives of those families:

Though most murophobes would disagree with me I am sure, there are indeed some very handsome looking mice out there. Zebra mice are among those. But it is true that mice do carry nasty diseases, a lot of them are harmful to humans, one has to admit, at a distance, there are some very good-looking mice. I used to raise zebra mice a long time ago, when owning some was still legal in the USA. I thought they were not only such beautiful rodents, but also very graceful as well.

Well, just as there are some impressive-looking mice out there in the world, there are also some very handsome looking rats as well. Because of their long, furry, cat-like tails, you'd never take this Panay cloud rat for a rat! In fact, the only thing that might give this guy away as even being a rat would be it's typical rodent incisors. Most of us think of rats as being squat creatures with long, naked tails, as that is what most of us are used to seeing as being what makes a rat a rat. Cloud rats, which are found in the Philippines, live in trees in cool, cloudy rain forests, and have developed somewhat longer legs for leaping abilities, flexible toes for grasping branches effectively, and a profusely-furred tail for insulation.

Most of us, when we think of opossums, we think of the common American opossum that is considered a delicacy in the south. Most people also think they are ugly, lazy and stupid. But really, I think they are very beautiful animals myself. And there are some very impressive varieties out there in the world. This is the Thick-tailed opossum, also known as the Lutrine opossum because it somewhat resembles an otter. It is even capable of swimming, and has been known to feed on fish. This relative of the American opossum lives in South America and is one of the more handsome of the new world marsupials.

Well personally, I just think all birds are beautiful! But I love vultures. This King vulture is perhaps the most colorful vulture of them all and it is found in South America, where a vast number of brightly-colored birds are found. Vultures look scarier than they really are because of their eagle-like beaks, which are useful for tearing up chunks of meat from a carcass. Their beaks however are weaker than those of hawks and eagles, so they generally have to wait for a predator to finish eating before the whole flock of vultures take over a kill. They usually wait until after all the mammalian scavengers, like hyenas and jackals, finish because the mammals are better able to open up a carcass as they have more powerful jaws than the vultures. But ironically, it is usually vultures that sense a kill or a dying animal first.

There are a number of hairless dog breeds, but the Xoloitzcuintli has become one of the most famous. A lot of people think hairless dogs are ugly, but I happen to think the Xolo is a very handsome dog! They come in 3 sizes, this one pictured is the Standard Xolo, but there is also a miniature, and the rarely-seen toy version. They were used in Mexico as bed-warmers before there was ever such a thing as electric blankets.

I admit it, bats are one of my most favorite animals. Not all, mind you, but mostly the pteropods fascinate me. Lots of people don't like them, because they mistake them all for being like miniature vampires. But most bats, like this Dwarf epauletted fruit bat, are gentle animals that usually do not bite unless provoked. But it is true that bats are reservoirs for a number of fatal viruses and bacteria, among those rabies, and it is currently believed they may also be the chief transporters of ebola virus. But all in all, if you leave them alone, and just stand back and admire them, you'd notice they are beautiful creatures, and actually carry fewer diseases than cats.

A lot of people think of frogs as being ugly, slimy, stupid creatures. But in truth, there are a lot of very nice-looking frogs. I've always been fascinated by frogs and things like that. There are also many quite colorful varieties. We all know about the poison-dart frogs of the Amazon jungle, but also several other varieties are quite colorful, like this Red-eyed tree frog. I think frogs are cool! They come in such a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, and have such cute little calls, I just find them irresistible!

Most people don't like snakes because they are scared. They are afraid every snake they will meet will be venomous. Well, meet the California red-sided garter snake, one of the most attractive snakes in North America. It is completely non-venomous, and actually a very gentle snake. Snakes however, are nervous animals because they have numerous predators, and their skin is not really that tough. So, they are actually quite easy prey for predators, which means they will defend themselves viciously sometimes.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Very Sad Night

This is going to be a rare event, a 3-post day! I haven't done one of these since 2006. But tonight I received some horrible news!! I first heard it on my other Facebook account, which is why I use that account in the first place! I don't always see everything in my usual Facebook account. But one of my friends has passed away! I am literally in tears tonight! She was such a sweet person. One of the most loyal and friendly people I've ever known on Facebook! I liked her a lot! Her name was Lisa Follen. I've done PCs with her many times before and she always seemed happy. Even her words seemed to smile. I liked that about her. She never bad-mouthed about anyone, she was loyal, she was from Australia but she was not a Yatesfag. No, she was one of the nicest, kindest, sweetest people I've ever known! She was unfortunately a very rare kind of person. I'm going to miss her!

At first I was saying "NOOOOOO! Say it's not so!!" I even went to one of the messages she left me on my other Facebook account and cried "Please tell me you're still there!" almost like a baby sitting beside a parent who is not there. Or like a friend by her best friend's bedside, trying to get her to wake up, but she won't. I want it all to not be true. I want someone to tell me it's not so. I'm still waiting. I don't even have any idea what happened. Why is she gone?

Ya know this kind of thing always comes up. Why? What? How? Why Lisa? Why couldn't it have been one of those stupid radicals instead? They wouldn't be missed. Not by me anyways. What happened to her? What snuffed her from this world? How did it happen? When did it happen? I'm not even sure of that! I only just heard about it today. It shouldn't have been her! But you know that's the way it always is. It's never the radicals and assholes who die first. It's always the nicest, kindest, gentlest people who has made an effort in this world to make everyone else smile. That's why this world is going to hell in a handbasket! All the good people are leaving here first, leaving nothing but the bad people. I kinda hope I am next. I don't want to be in a world like this anymore. If the radicals and assholes are going to be all that is left here, then I've had it with this world! I hate this place. Oh well, let's not separate "radicals" and "assholes"! They are one in the same. Radicals ARE assholes!!

My only comfort in all this is knowing that Lisa is now in Heaven, chatting it up with Michael. I hope she is having fun up there. I hope they are enjoying drinks together. I hope he is serenading her happily up there as a great friend would. Though I am down here, wiping tears from my eyes, I do hope she is happy. And I will do this one last time just for her. Lisa, this is for you...


GOD bless you! Thank you for being such a loyal friend. RIP and give Michael a kiss from me again.

Why I Forgive Michael and Not Paula

I was visiting this video last night that I first saw several months ago. People say Paula was extremely smart. Yeah, she was! Smart like a fox! She was indeed crafty enough that she was able to induce Michael into her world without much trying. Of course I think Michael was just trying to build up that family life he so badly craved. What better way to go about it than to find an older woman who already has been married and has 3 children? Well, this one person on YouTube and I have been back and forth on and off since I posted a comment saying yes, Paula was too smart. She was smart enough to trap Michael. This person said he was dumb enough to fall into it. Well, as much as I love my Michael, that's undeniable, he was indeed not as smart as Paula. Michael could not really help it that he fell in love. And not being attached to anyone previously, well, he had a right to pursue whatever interested him. If he was attracted to a milk cow, that's really his business. I love Michael. I respect that of him.

That all being said, I just don't feel Paula was the right choice for him. She was already married to Bob Geldof for several years before getting in with Michael, and she had 3 children with Geldof (I think). Though I do have some speculation about that, for argument's sake, I'm saying the kids were Paula's and Geldof's. Paula was attached already when she cheated with Michael. Even though I do not care for Bob Geldof, I can imagine how betrayed he felt. So can a lot of the Yatesfags, they just won't admit it. But if their husbands, or wives, cheated on them, they'd be thinking the same thing I'll wager you. Actually, if you look at humans on an evolutionary scale, we are not naturally monogamous. Before there was ever such a thing as marriage or even the Bible, early men had harems, usually of about 3-5 women. We also see evidence of this in modern apes and monkeys. Almost none of the apes or monkeys are monogamous. But that was the men (or males). The females (or women) usually stayed with the males for life. Polygamy is illegal in the USA, and I just don't understand that myself. But leave it to human laws to try and change nature.

Anyways, the fact of the matter is, there are things that Michael did that I should also get angry with him for, things that Paula did that I am already angry for. For one thing, both of them abandoned Lily. Michael was first though. So why am I not angry at him because of that? Yet I am angry at Paula for doing pretty much the same. How does one account for that? Well, when Michael died, I don't think he meant to leave Lily. And I guess he figured that Paula would always be around to take care of his child. It's sad that Michael put all his trust into a woman with the morals of a maggot! In the end, Lily was left all alone and Michael was turning over in his grave. Thankfully, Geldof was there to take Lily in and adopt her. For that reason alone, I have some amount of respect for Geldof, even though Michael did not want Lily to wind up with him, and he won't let Michael's remaining family see Lily. Now, if Paula had done some actual thinking, and stopped the drugs and thought of Lily for a change, I might have more respect for her today. But she didn't. So I don't have any respect for her.

Another thing I should be angry at Michael for is using Paula to have his child when she was already married. I'm angry at Paula for allowing him to do it. I know Michael was starving for a family. His own sis describes him sitting and watching her children with a look in his eyes that told her how much he craved having kids of his own. So, I know he really wanted to have kids. I totally understand that. But he should have done it with an unattached woman, like Helena or Kylie was at the time. Instead of going for a woman who was already married and had 3 kids with another (or other) men. It was Michael's choice, but it's one of those times when I like the person a lot, but I just cannot support his decision. And I won't. But I am also angry at Paula for this because she was not only older than Michael, but also a very intelligent woman. She should have said to him either "No, I won't do it with you because I have a husband already." or she could have said "Let's wait. I've been meaning to divorce my husband, so let's wait until the divorce is final." This way, Michael could have been spared a lot of headaches with fighting with the press and Geldof.

Michael also introduced Paula to drugs. Yes, though I hate to admit it, it was Michael who got Paula into drugs in the first place. Michael was not really a mature man. If Paula had used any of her brains instead of her vagina, which I'm still not so sure she really had, she would have said to him "Let's not do this crap! I have kids and I want to live to see them grow older. And you should want that too!" She should have made him get off the drugs. Michael was a sweet, wonderful man, but sometimes he didn't act like he had the brains to match his beauty. For that I feel bad.

So looking back on all this, in reality, I should be thinking Michael was the scum of the earth! I should be feeling bad for Paula. But I just don't. Why? Well, one thing is it goes back to the loyal person that I am. I am extremely loyal and forgiving. In fact, I've always said to my friends that the only person in history that is possibly more forgiving than me is Jesus. Not only do I forgive easily, I actually gain more respect for the person who repents. Though Michael is not here to repent, I am sure he would if he could. I have been a fan of Michael's since 1990. I fell in love with him on first sight. I was never a fan of Paula's. I didn't even know she existed until 1998, after Michael was gone. I sure as hell didn't know she had Michael's child. It wasn't until after he was gone that I even found out he had a family. But to me, that does not matter. It was Michael I cared about. Not Paula. Never Paula! There's just something about when you love someone so much, as I did Michael, no apologies or repentance is necessary. I cannot explain it.

There is a story that was presented on Unsolved Mysteries, about a man who was sleepwalking, went to the house of his in-laws, and killed his mother in law and brutally beat up his father in law. Now, you would think his wife would never want to see him again after this. But that was not the case. She just forgave him and went home with him. Even though her family did not feel the same way. But she loved her husband so much, she just simply forgave him and went on. I would think something like that would be unforgivable. It'd be hard for me to forgive my husband if he did that to my family. But I guess one never really knows until its happened to them. Though I know Michael did not kill anyone, I think this is just why I can forgive him, but I can never forgive Paula. Shows how deep my love for Michael really is. I know that sounds corny, but it's the only explanation I have.

Black Lives Matter

Well personally, I think all lives should matter. Everything was put here for a reason. I was put here to blog, speak my mind, and hopefully make people think. INXS was put here to entertain me and keep me fueled. My parents and my sis were put here to guide me through life. The radicals were put here to ruin everything for everybody. My dogs were put here to make me happy all over again. See, everything is here for some reason. Whether it be good or bad. But now there is this new thing going around called "Black Lives Matter". It's a movement black people use now to gripe and complain about racism 50 years after segregation. They think that just because a kid named Trayvon Martin, an African-American teenager, was shot by George Zimmerman, who happened to be a Caucasian police man, and killed back in 2012, that the world needs to suffer now because "racism still exists". But just like any radical movement, this BLM movement is only making everything worse for everybody.

Just like all radicals, people who support this BLM movement are getting cocky and violent. I have been seeing black people getting more and more violent and in peoples' faces lately, so it's worse than it's ever been before! I saw a video today of a group of young black women who got into fights with a bunch of other men and women, of mixed races, in an apartment complex. No one knew then who started it or why. If you ask me, black people need to stop targeting white people and get to the actual cause of their pain and suffering in society. It's not about white people enslaving black people. It's not about cops shooting black kids. It's not about trying to prove which race is superior. It has nothing to do with any of that. It's about how black people have been presenting themselves. Now, I know there are some very decent African-American people out there, I've known many. But when I see videos like this, I can't understand why the low-class people who commit acts like these wonder why they aren't so persecuted. In case they didn't realize it, this is why cops expect the worse from black people, especially teens. The people who did all the attacking in this video were teenagers. And if you listen closely, you can hear someone laughing while they are just standing by filming. That's not right!

I know when I was a kid, I was scared to death of people of different races. I know that may sound terrible, but I'd seen so many acts just like this one, committed by people just like the ones in this video, that just to see one made me scared. Except for those I knew and trusted very well. Today it's different. I would still feel the same way I did when I was a kid if I had never met Paul. He was my first boyfriend, and he was African-American, and I loved him! But he was nothing like the people you see fighting in this video. He was a gentleman. He never did, and never would, lay a finger on me to harm me in any way. But we are seeing mobs like this now forming more and more often. I think it's because of all this radicalism that is going on in the world today.

I even had one person today accuse me of being a feminist. I was PISSED!!!! I was like "How dare she call me that!!" You can say a lot of things about me. You can call me fat, you can call me ugly, you can call me GOD's worst mistake, I don't care!! But to accuse me of being a radical of any kind makes me angry!!! The world needs to stop all this radical bullshit and just learn to get along! No more fights, or bullying. No more name-calling, and no more taking everything too personally. Live and let-live. Like I've said before, I would love to nuke all the radicals in the world! But I can't! But I see videos like this, and believe this all got started because of this BLM radical bullshit, and it makes me wish I can. I always heard it's going to get worse before it gets better. How could this possibly get any more worse than it is? People need to change if they want to make a difference.

OK, I know I used to get outrageously angry over little things like this, but I stopped doing that long ago. The way I learned to stop myself was by learning to not take every little thing too personally. I take a lot of things in stride now. I find that makes life a lot more fun. Much better than getting angry at every little thing. I think this guy in this video covers very well what I am trying to say. Believe it or not, I just saw this video as I was typing this blog. I did not see it before I typed. This is one of those cases of great minds thinking alike. But he says black people basically are giving themselves a bad reputation. And it's true! Watch this clip and view his commentary after the clip.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Myth of Climate Change

I thought this would be an interesting subject for today, the myth that is going around about climate change. Of course we all know that the Earth is seemingly doomed because of this thing called climate change. But the real big myth the government is passing around is that we are the cause of it. I think Obama started this faze, and he has all his supporters repeating it. Of course I know humans are assholes, but I don't believe we are the current cause of global warming. As I understand it, this kind of thing has been happening for many eons, far longer than humans have even been on Earth. The vegans want to blame those of us who love meat for climate change, but then again, I notice most of them are Obama supporters too. So, they may just be repeating it because they want to continue to support Obama, even when he could just be wrong!

I admit, I used to believe humans were the cause of global warming too. That is until I heard about this conspiracy theory. The thing is, all the planets are going through global warming as well, even other planets where there are no people. All these fumes and chemicals and factory farming, whatever you want to put the blame on for global warming, does not escape our atmosphere, and there's not enough of it anyways to affect other planets. So how does one account for this? Well, about once every 100,000 years all the planets go through what we know as "global warming". This is a natural cycle. It can last 1000 years or more. But it does eventually subside. We now just happen to be at the beginning of one such process. You can't really blame people. You can't blame factory farming. You can't really blame volcanoes or whatever! This is just a natural process our galaxy goes through. The government does not want you to know this. But it is true.

Before this process is over, we will see the extinctions of many creatures. Maybe even ourselves. We are not helping by chopping down major jungles like the Amazon, which does help in regulating our Earth's climate. But I suggest, don't stop farming! I enjoy eating meat! I can't always afford bison now, but I have begun getting organic beef. It has no hormones or antibiotics, which is the junk that makes people get fat. Now that organic beef is cheaper! Anyways, that I hope clears up the myth of global warming. The government wants to make it sound worse than it really is. They want to blame humans. They want to blame things that annoy them. Like the vegans. So what are they going to do? They're going to make us all feel guilty by throwing in "Our world is in jeopardy. We're suffering now with some problems of global warming and we need to stop it!" Well, try as they might, they won't be able to stop it, because this is something that just happens. Humans may have a lot of awesome technology, but we still cannot argue with Nature.

All I am saying here is don't fall for all this left-wing government bullshit! I'm probably going to get raided for this post, but people need to know the truth. Of course if you are a vegan on some kind of mission to stop people from eating meat, you're not going to believe anything in this post. But that's just your opinion. I know nature. I live by nature. When I found out about this conspiracy theory, I knew it couldn't be true. It's just a ploy the government is using to try to control us. We have the constitution, so they cannot make us a communist country. So what's left for them as a tactic to use against us? Guilt! That's what.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Dumbass's Logic

LOL!! I just noticed this!! This was posted on my group on March 17. WTF is this loser still doing on my group?? This was posted by one of the dumbass radicals who blocked me on Facebook under a picture of Timmy, after I gave one of my famous Timmy-squeals:

Take a look at what he says to me after commenting on Timmy's mullet. And what right has he got to address me in his state of radicalism??!! LOL!! Typical coward to say something to me, or about me, and keep himself blocked from my response. If he was unblocked, his name would be in blue letters like mine. And talk about being an adult? He's not one to say anything about acting like an adult. He has me blocked because I don't like Paula Yates. How is that acting like an adult? He's as bad as he thinks I am, or maybe worse. If he were as mature as he wants me to be, he wouldn't have cared if I like Paula Yates or not. Matt Burney is a little boy who thinks because he's an old fart that he is mature. But he's not. He's got a lot of growing up to do himself, certainly more than he thinks! LOL!!

I swear people like him are the reason I hate people to begin with. Some people are dumber than others. He's one of those. Talking shit to me, or about me, and blocking my response, only proves he does not practice what he preaches. Gotta feel sorry for someone like that. Especially for the stupid-ass reason he is not my friend anymore (because I don't like Paula Yates). Which, if this is the kind of person he really is, I am so glad he's not my friend! Well, I still don't like Paula Yates, nothing he nor anyone else can say or do that will change my mind about that. And I don't like him either! I hate radicals! And he's proven that is what he is. Like I said to one of my friends, only a radical would be offended by what I say about Paula Yates.

I never even noticed this post before, I only just spotted it tonight. But I see nothing has changed among the radicals. But anyways, this was the guy I was telling you all about. Check it out. All I have to say in response to his post, besides he knows where he can stick it, is this...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mystery Solved!!

Ha! I always wondered what has happened to kids nowadays. Of course there have always been bad kids, I've encountered more than I care to remember. I'd met the parents of such kids too, and almost half the time, they were never as bad as the kids were. Though I would be lying if I said not all parents were as bad as their kids. Today, video games are the most common and most popular videos on YouTube. Just about every young person wants to show off their gaming skills, as if that's some real big feat! Of course I think I solved this mystery long ago, but I think it's really video games that is making kids meaner nowadays. Just about every time I get a negative comment on any of my videos, I am almost certain the commenter is a video gamer, or at the very least, an anime fanatic. I find at least 90% of the time I am right. That's not to say every person who plays video games and likes anime cartoons is a bad person. It's just that the people who have shown me they are not good people have been under the category of being with these groups.

I figured out video games was what is making kids today so aggressive when back in the early days of the internet, Katrina used to play online video games. She got so angry, she broke my computer desk! A little chick like that, and I do mean little, getting so outrageous that she broke a big computer desk! It was shocking!! Katrina weighs 97 pounds, soaking wet!! I could lose her in my fat rolls! And she destroyed a big piece of furniture like that with her bare hands! When she did that, I said that's enough! I was not going to let her play those online video games anymore as long as she was staying with me. Katrina is normally very level-headed. This was not like her. She'd turned more aggressive, almost to a point of being a bully, when she was into those online video games. I noticed the exact same pattern among some of the trolls I encountered on YouTube and other such places, and they all are into these video games and anime cartoons.

Then yesterday, I saw a video on YouTube of people bursting out in anger, most of them were teenagers who were playing video games. They were doing things like beating up the computer screens, smashing the keyboards, yelling out of control, cussing, throwing random things at the walls and computer, one teenage kid even punched his little brother head-on and knocked him out! I saw that and I was really shocked!! I sat here and thought "No wonder today's kids are so aggressive!" I think I always knew that, but that video confirmed it. Lots of factors in a child's environment can make them go loony. But I've never seen anything like what I saw in that video with kids playing video games. I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't seen it transform a gentle, shy kid like Katrina into a raging lunatic! My guess is it has also done exactly the same thing to these other negative bigots that comment on my videos on YouTube. That's why I don't respond to negative comments. I don't want to encourage those people to come back. They are not welcome. I find they leave a lot faster when I just don't respond to them. Those people can comment all they like, but if they're seeking a response from me, they're going to have a hell of a long wait!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Nevermind, New Beginning

A couple days ago, I wrote about someone who had deleted me and I figured her to be a radical, so I blocked her. I couldn't figure out any other reason why she would delete me, as I'd always been good to her. But then again, there were many people I'd always been good to who just left me hanging. Well, it turned out she thought I was including her among the people I referred to as "Yatesfags". I said no. I was not including her. She's never given me any trouble because I don't like Paula Yates. The ones who have are the ones I call Yatesfags. People like Jannah, Maria and that guy Matt Burney, they are Yatesfags. I have to use his last name because I also have other friends named Matt on Facebook and I don't want them to read this and get confused. LOL! Once again, there is a difference between a fan and a fag...

A fan says "I like Paula Yates" and is OK with those who do not and does not argue with those who speak their minds about not liking Paula Yates.

A fag always has an attitude like "If you don't like Paula Yates, then I don't like you!" or will say "You are being disrespectful to Lily", or will fuss and bellyache because the non-fan will not see the way the fag sees it.

That is the difference. If Lily thought I was being disrespectful, I am sure she would have said something to me. Of course she's a teenager. Don't count on her even thinking anything about me talking about her mom. Teens are not aware of stuff like that. And the fact that Michael chose her, that's not my fault! That's his problem, not mine. I love Michael to the moon and beyond, but it's his problem he got stuck having his child with an irresponsible brood sow. And yes, though the Yatesfags won't admit it, Paula was irresponsible. I think it was very selfish of her to overdose on drugs and leave Lily to fend for herself. Good thing Lily has Michael's brains and knew enough to phone for help. But Paula was a spineless jellyfish for doing that when she should have instead been looking after Michael's baby! A real mother, with 1/4 of a rat's brain, would have said long ago, "I'd better not do this shit anymore, I got a baby to look after and she needs me." But not Paula Yates. To her, heroin was more important than raising and being there for Lily, and respecting what Michael would have wanted for her and his child.

My apologies, I got a bit carried away there. But I always do when I think about this. Lily wound up in the hands of someone Michael did not want her to wind up with. But in the end, she was darned lucky she had him and he was caring enough to take her in. I don't like Bob Geldof in any way, shape or form, but I do have much more respect for him than I will ever have for Paula Yates!

Well, seeing as how this person never argued with me because I don't like Paula, I was not including her among the people I refer to as "Yatesfags". I know I don't make that clear enough. I figure anyone who has been following my blog long enough would know what I mean when I am talking about the yatesfags. If you're simply a fan of Paula's then that is fine. I always believe a person has a right to admire whom they want to for whatever reason. But just as I believe it is ok for someone to admire whom they want, it's my right to not agree with them. It's the people who argue with me that I call "fags". I call them that because they are hot-headed. They've all proven to be hot-headed. It's one thing to question someone why they may not like something. It's totally another thing to argue with them because they don't like the same things you do. Sometimes I may question someone why they don't like INXS, because I think they are the best band on the planet. But I'd never argue with that person. I just want to know why they would not agree with me. But even if they have no reason for not liking INXS, that's still their prerogative. As long as they don't force me from my own INXS fanhood, they're fine.

Well, I took down Friday's post, as I am glad I got to finally chat with this person. We are friends again. I gotta say I have much more respect for her now. I gotta have respect for someone who thinks enough of me to contact me. That's far more than a lot of people who've unfriended me has done. But that's what I want. If someone is unclear with something I've said, I want them to tell me. Because to me, I thought I made it all clear. The problem with people who simply copy and paste from this blog to other places is the full message gets lost. A person has to follow along for a while and really read what I am trying to say. I cannot keep on repeating in every post what was said in previous posts. That would be kindof dull, and it would require complete rehashing on every event that happened. And it would take up too much of the blog posts. Well, what makes a fan vs. a fag is now on my FAQs, if anyone wants to read them. But for those who still have a question in their mind, read the FAQs! And if you think I may be talking about you, how about ASKING ME. If I were talking about you, I'd be honest. There's no need to dodge a bullet that hasn't been fired!

Road Rage Linked to Cat Owners

Huh!! This is interesting! Road rage has actually been linked to cat owners. According to this article I found in the sidebar as today's top story. Its very interesting! Cat owners are 22% more likely to suffer out of control bursts of anger than people who do not own cats. I haven't had a cat in years, maybe that is why I am so able to keep my temper down to a minimum. My heart rate is fine, my blood pressure is perfect, and I manage to catch myself before I blow my top. Now, I'd be lying if I said I didn't sometimes get angry (mostly radicals are what pisses me off), but I don't have out of control anger. And most of the people I have seen with such out of control anger has always been cat-owners. I used to have a cat myself. Even though I only had him for a little while before I decided it was time for him to go, I did notice my anger was out of control sometimes when he was living with me. Cats don't last long in my house. I don't like them in my house because they are highly destructive. Much more destructive than any of my chihuahuas ever were! Well anyways, I can't live without my dogs, so it was the cat that had to go. Luckily, I didn't fall under the cat's spell like people today seem to. I recognized the cat was the problem in the household, so I gave him away, to whomever would take him. I haven't looked back and I haven't had another cat since, and I still don't want one. Especially now that I've read this!

But this all happened before I ever knew anything that was mentioned in this article! This also may explain why people today are more rude than they ever were in the past! More people are getting cats. Thank GOD I will never be one of them. Though I did once come close, about a year ago. I had contemplated getting a cat simply because I was out of story ideas, and I'd noticed some of my best story ideas came when I had a cat around. The reason for all of this is the parasites that cats carry, it messes with your brain. It makes people go crazy. This article says that about 30% of humans are affected by this parasite called toxoplasmosis. Catfags refuse to admit the disease even exists, or that they may even be affected by it. In fact, it could even be this parasite that makes them catfags in the first place. But living that kind of life, I know a cat person when I see one. They all look the same. The men who prefer cats are very, well..."unmanly". They tend to more remind me of little boys than men. Or are very meek and mousey type men.

I remember last year when my ma and I were coming back to my place from California, this young woman in an SUV came up behind us and got angry because she wanted to go a race car's speed up a mountain highway and my ma was driving the speed limit. I thought it was funny. It's always funny when these dumbasses get angry because someone ahead of them is going the speed limit, and it forces them to. I got a good look at the woman driving the SUV. She was the kind that looked like one of those straight-A students, with the wide forehead, big eye glasses, hair back in a ponytail, beady eyes and short, narrow lips. Exactly how I expect a cat-person to look. I said to myself "She must be one of those kinds of people who has about a dozen cats at home and never had a dog in her life." She was so angry, she tried to cut my ma off. Ma has a new car, she didn't want to risk hitting the back of this person's SUV, so she slowed down. Had it been me in my van, I would have hit her car. I wouldn't have cared. LOL! She asked for it, by trying to cut me off. Some guy tried that with me once before and I didn't slow down at all. It made him angrier, but I didn't care. He flipped me the bird and I just laughed at him. I always do when someone flips the bird!! LOL! It's funny!!

Personally, I think cats should be completely eradicated from human society. Get rid of the cats, we get rid of the diseases they carry. Toxoplasmosis is just one of them. But it's gotten a lot of press lately because we are just learning about the effects it has on people. Dogs, especially like jack russell terriers, are far more effective rat-killers than cats. In the time it takes a cat to kill one rat, a terrier could dispatch more than 100 rats! I've seen them do it! Dogs just move faster than cats, and they don't spend any time contemplating whether they should do this or not. They just get in and do it!

Well anyways, here is the link to this article:

Sunday, March 27, 2016

OMG This Is Too LOL!!!

LOL!!! One of my friends shared this with me, I love it!! A little humor on Paula Yates. See the picture below? My sis thought that was really a man! LOL! I mean really! Look at it! Paula had a manly face. Fake boobs, fake lips, probably a fake vagina too! Funny how her kids all look like their fathers and not like her. Except for Lily and Peaches, her kids are heavy too. Paula obviously either has the fat gene in her, or someone else had those kids, and Paula just didn't want anyone to know. Either that or feeding your babies silicone makes them put on weight.

Anyways, I posted this here because tonight, I was kinda kicking around a cute idea for a new story. I was thumbing through some ideas I had jotted down many years ago for an INXS story, and came across an old idea. The story has Michael and 3 girlfriends fighting over him. They were Kylie, Helena and Paula. But I thought instead of doing that idea, how about ME and Michael and Paula. I always said what it would be like if I had grabbed Michael before Paula. I thought I could put that to work in this story. Those of us who really love and care about Michael would love it. The Yatesfags would hate it! LOL! I kissed Michael, back in '91. So, I thought I would begin the story there, only carry it a bit further. I thought about having me (well, Candi is my bad girl, so it'd be her instead) grabbing Michael and whisper to him "Meet me after the show baby" and they do.

I picture Candi and Michael sitting together on a sofa backstage, alone. Then in walks a naked Paula. I heard she actually did do that once, so this wouldn't be just simply 100% made-up. I figured out how to draw Michael, though I don't do it very well, now I have to figure out how to caricaturize Paula. I've never drawn her before, I never had the need or desire to. I can figure it out though. That won't be difficult. I couldn't possibly make her look any uglier. But from there, you can imagine what Candi's reaction would be. Just like I always said I would react, that's how Candi would react. I'd tear Paula apart if I'd caught her messing with my man! If I like this well enough, I might include it in the latest INXS compilation story book. I still need to finish the story I've been working on with Jon!! That's a good story! I definitely want to include it.

This is the same compilation I thought would be a good idea to get other people involved in, though so far, no one has contributed. But that is OK. No problem at all. I will continue to publish it as planned, with works from our own authors. No big deal. Since getting this new idea, I might go with that as well. In my last compilation book, Kooky Kritters, I had 3 stories all of different animals with funny names. It came out great!! Well, I have been planning this INXS compilation book for a while now. I just thought it would be a great idea to get other people involved in it. Give them a chance to display some of their own fan fiction stories. But if they don't want to contribute, then that is OK too. Ya know, as often as I write INXS stories, I should make them a part of our character line-up! LOL!! But nah! I'm just doing this for this compilation book.

Some subjects I write about quite a bit in my stories. All of those subjects are things that have had some huge impact in my life. I've got more stories about Mount St. Helens than any other subject. That mountain helped make me the strong person I am today. I'm a survivor! I even have INXS and the volcano in the same story, which will be included in the compilation book. And then there are other stories that take place on or near Mount St. Helens. Even one that takes place just before the major eruption it had in 1980. I put my own eruption scenes in the story. But this new thing with INXS stories, I dunno. I keep getting inspired. Story ideas have become so scarce for me in my old age, I gotta take down as many ideas as I can.

Stories that include Mount St. Helens are:

The Waking of the Volcano

The Mountain is Exploding!

A Tribute To Mount St. Helens

INXS Goes to Mount St. Helens

The Time Machine

Friday, March 25, 2016

Caught Between

oh Wow! I'm not even sure I want to write about this. How hefty is that??!! If even I don't want to write about this, you know it's going to be bad. One of my friends is throwing a party and wants me to go. It's an INXS party. I would like to go. But there are a few problems. First, I'm moving to Coos Bay. The party is in Seattle. That's a long way to go for someone who currently doesn't even have a car. Though I probably will get a car in the near future, I don't have one now. And I don't know for sure if I will have one by the time this party rolls around. I even need to make sure the place I move to will have proper buslines, or at the very least, a dial-a-ride service. My ma is coming up soon to take me to Coos Bay to try and find a place to move to. Anyways, I need to get out of this area. There is nothing here! I did find a ride service in Portland, but I don't know if they have drivers here. And it may be expensive as heck!! I don't even like taking a cab. Not unless I definitely have to. For what the cabbies cost, in a year, I could have a brand-spanking new car all bought and paid for. This place needs more services! There's no bus here! No dial-a-ride! No nothing!! All there is is a taxi company and they are too expensive! What is one supposed to do if its the middle of the night and there's an emergency?

Second, the radicals. I don't want to meet the radicals! And I don't want them to meet me. If I see a damn radical there, I might just want to come home. I actually discussed this with Katrina, that I don't want to meet up with any radicals. Her response was "Fuck them! Just go for yourself and have fun!" She is right. I would go for me and my friends, and of course INXS. But as I've said many times before, radicals ruin everything for everybody! I'd no doubt know who the radicals are. The way they probably look thinking about me now, you'd think I'd murdered Michael. LOL! Katrina should come with me. She likes INXS. But she likes Jon and JD. I'm a Michael and Timmy fan. Knowing Katrina the way I do, she would tell the radicals to fuck off. Face it, I am a recluse. The radicals will never understand me. LOL! Not that I want them to.

Third, my movie. I want to do my movie about Michael. I have been planning this for a while now, and I really want to do it. If I go to this party, it's going to cut deeply into my budget. I have to take a bus to the event, and that will make it harder for me, because I'd have to catch the bus home too. On the other hand, this would make a very interesting addition to the movie. It is a gathering for INXS fans. It is to celebrate their 40th year, even though they are not a band anymore. I want to make this a good movie, the subject being all about INXS. And maybe, one of the guys might show up. Though I don't know. I don't think they show up for things like that. But if they did, it would definitely punch up the movie some. But it probably won't be worth it unless they do show up. But it'd be great! I do want to make this the best INXS reality movie the USA has ever seen! Michael deserves to be remembered here too. And fans in the USA deserve to have something available to us that would help. I'd have to think of a way to present this in a manner that will be interesting to watch. Maybe I can do some interviews with the fans. No radicals though!!! The problem is most of the fans that I know of that are going have never had any contact with Michael at all. Well, we'll see. If I cannot think of a way to make this interesting for the movie, I might not go.

I actually do this all the time. Every time I plan something, I hesitate. I balance out whether or not I should do it. If the no's outweigh the yes's then I stay home. Either way, I am going to do this movie. I'd invite a companion to come with me to Australia (it may actually be cheaper if I did), but until someone comes up out of the blue and says to me "Hey I want to go with you!" I'm planning this whole thing for myself. Even then, I'll still plan for myself. We can split the cost of the hotel room, but that's it. Other than that, the companion is on their own. The reason for that is simple. I believe it's bad luck when one or both of the travelers cancel. I'm going, regardless. Even if it kills me. I've never flown before and I am terrified of flying, but I want to do this! At least I'd know that if I go down, then the whole plane goes down with me. I won't die alone. LOL! I like to think I am ready when GOD decides it's time for me to come home, but I am not ready yet. Let me at least do this movie!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Celebrity Chasers

Ahh I was so happy for one of my buddies yesterday. After all these years, she finally got to meet Tom Jones! HA!! Well, she'd been after getting a photo-op with him for so long, she tried twice and figured third time would be the charm. It sure enough was!! hehehe! I couldn't help but smile with her on that. I heard Andrew Farriss was going too. I wonder if she saw him? Me, I'd have just been happy to see Andrew! I personally don't care about Tom Jones, but that's me. Not saying the man doesn't have talent or anything, I think he sings really good. But I never had the desire to meet him myself. I guess because my mom already met him. She worked backstage with him in the early 70s in LA. She told me all about what went on behind the scenes with him. She said women would throw their underwear and bras on stage and he would take them and just chuck them all in the garbage can backstage. I never understood why women do that anyways!! Why waste a decent piece of clothing on a celebrity that is only going to throw it away anyways? Bras are not cheap either!

I remember a long time ago, when the delusional mods forum was up, their cover photo was a picture of JD Fortune holding some loony-ass chick's bra in his hands. I would be willing to bet my entire life on the fact that when JD took that bra backstage, it wound up in the garbage can. So, the fool who lost that bra will never see it again. Not even on JD. What a waste! But anyways, this isn't about delusional fans or mods or whathaveyou. I just think it's wonderful this friend finally got to meet Tom Jones, if that is what she wanted. I think if I had been that bolder in the past, I could have had Michael, and Michael might still be alive today. Yes I got to kiss Michael, but looking back on it now, I wish I had done more than just one simple kiss. Maybe in the long run, it might have saved his life. I don't know though. I was watching my "Remembering Michael" DVD that I created back in Reno. On that disk, I have the VH1 documentary about Michael. Martha Troup, who was one of INXS's managers, did an interview on that show, and said there were many times Michael would say "I'm out of here!" Several times apparently he wanted out of the band. But she said something kept pulling him back.

Also on that disk, I have a show that did an extensive interview with Paula. There was an article out that infuriated Michael, saying Paula deserves to be slapped. LOL! Michael was pissed, but personally, I'd be all for it. Not for "falling in love and not being pretty enough". That's not why she deserved to be slapped. She deserved to be slapped for still being married to Bob Geldof, and having a child with Michael Hutchence. In the days of the Bible, and still today in some countries, Paula would have been stoned to death for doing that. Even in supposedly civilized cultures, something like that is frowned upon, though not necessarily will get her stoned, it'll still get her some hard looks. Paula should have completely divorced with Bob Geldof BEFORE creating a baby with Michael. Not while she was pregnant with Michael's child. Not that I care anything about Bob Geldof, the man is a loser lion anyways. But if Michael and Paula were looking for answers why the papers were saying she deserved to be slapped, that would be what I would put my money on being the reason that was said. And Paula herself instigated the tabloids in the first place.

Maybe I am unique among people, or maybe it's the brand of autism in my body, but the idea of stalking my favorite celebrities never appealed to me. I got to meet the guys of INXS. That's good enough for me. There are no others I am interested in having any interactions with. I've just always been somewhat lucky with celebrities. When I last visited Hollywood, my Groucho and I were both in the path of a movie being made. I saw cameras everywhere, movie-studio style cameras. I don't know what movie was being shot though. I'd never know unless I happen to see a following of fans everywhere because I don't know one celebrity from another these days. That's why I love INXS, they are unique. You got 2 extremely handsome men leading the band, one nerdy guy, one soft and cuddly guy, another mildly handsome guy, and one that is just wholesomely cute. Well, one of the two "extremely handsome" men is deceased, but the other is still there for me to enjoy. But in INXS you got a little bit of everything put together. You don't see that in any other band anywhere! I personally don't think Tom Jones is all that handsome, but my ma and some of my friends do. I think he's a cat person besides. Men who prefer cats are never that handsome. Sorry to say, but I've usually found it to be true. They almost all look dykey.

Well, really beauty is in the eye of the beholder. After looking at Michael and Timmy for so many years, all other men pale in comparison. I even came across one person this morning on YouTube who said David Bowie had beautiful eyes. All I could say was "EWWWW!!!!!!!!" I can say, with absolute honest certainty, that NOTHING on David Bowie was "beautiful"!!! The man was 100% UGLY! Even his singing! I know people who have met him, and said he was an OK guy, but I say no. I have zero interest in him. There's nothing about him that I even remotely like. I don't even like hearing about people who've met him. To me, it's all a big "so what?!"

Well, I am still waiting for my partner. I found out he went back home. I was like "WHAT?!?!" He told me he missed his home and the food here was expensive. I said "Well of course it was, you were in California! I told you not to move to California!" So, I have no idea what is going to happen now. Oh well! No big shakes. Not to me anyways. It's all up to him. Believe me, I am in no rush. He said he's coming back though next month, and he wants me to buy a car. I told him to send me the money and I'll get him whatever he wants. LOL! That's a joke, BTW. I'm not just marrying the man for his money or business sense. He's a good guy! Not sure how ready I am for marriage, I've been there once before and didn't like it. I had to get rid of a lot of my basic freedoms I enjoy. But I am thinking maybe with me being older now, perhaps I will enjoy it more. I still plan to go to Australia though. Nothing is going to stop me from making this movie. Nothing except maybe GOD HIM self. That's the only thing though. But every day I do pray to HIM that this idea works out well. To me right now, getting this movie done the way I want it is much more important than getting married. Though one has nothing to do with the other, I'm doing this movie regardless.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Bum On Movies Today!

Oh dear! I don't think I even know where to begin. I just saw the trailers for Pete's Dragon and Ghostbusters this morning! All I've got to say is "SHITTY!" I'm not even going to talk about Ghostbusters, as I've only seen that movie a few times (you can count the number on the fingers of one hand). But Pete's Dragon????? Really???? I've seen the 1970's version of that movie, I think it came out in 1977 or 78, and I love it!! That movie was the movie that inspired me to move to the coast in the first place! I loved it so much when my sis and I were kids, we went to a grassy area I used to love to play in called "the pit" and acted out the whole thing from beginning to end. Yeah the dragon looked too cartoony and dumb, but that's what I've been saying all along, animation was not meant to be perfect! That's the kind of animation I grew up watching. The way the trailer makes it look, looks more like the boy is living in the woods with the dragon.

But you watch the older version, it makes you feel the way no other can. And with the shitty directors out there today (I'd better clarify this for the radicals because radicals are dumb) I'm not saying ALL directors out there are shitty. I'm just saying there are lots of shitty directors out there now. Too many in fact!! Either the directors are shitty, or their consultants are. Because I say, as a fan of the classics, DON'T DO THIS!!!!!!! Please don't!! It'll ruin everything the original version of the movie started! I got on that trailer and said "Unless the boy is taken in by a couple living in a lighthouse by the beach, I don't want to see this!" It doesn't look like it's going to be any fun to watch with the boy living in the woods alone with the dragon. There's no sense of family, no love portrayed. And let's face it, love is what attracts people to movies. I remember I saw the movie again for the first time in years back in 1994, and a trip I took back then to Ocean Shores both made me make up my mind that I would one day move to the ocean. I've lived in the mountains and I've lived in dull valleys. But I'd never lived by the ocean at that time, and I loved it.

If it takes any special schooling to become a movie consultant in Hollywood, I'd better take the class and get over there! This is an emergency! They're running out of ideas! People there are doing nothing now but rehashing the classics and that is bad!! Not worth seeing at all. I should go with an armful of my stories and tell them to have at it! Use any of those stories to think up some NEW ideas!!

The original Pete's Dragon had a special feel to it. I loved the way it made small towns seem, like everyone knows everyone else. And the people are characters. Well, having lived in small towns, yes the people are characters! Nothing like you'd see in big cities. I found out I was not alone in this feeling. One person also commented on that video that he grew up in Maine, in a small harborside fishing town. He said that movie made him feel good because it reminded him of his hometown. I said to him I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who felt that way watching that movie. But I can honestly say that was the movie that inspired me to move to the ocean and become a beach-comber. I'm very glad I made that decision too! Best decision I've ever made in my life! Though I would feel so much better if I had my own home here instead of renting! As it is, I'm going to have to relocate to another town just because nothing is available here that I am able to move into. Nothing except what I am living in now, and with no car, it's very hard staying here. I dreaded the summer months, I still do! I'm going to go stir-crazy here! I can't even call on the dial-a-ride!!

Well, now for the subject change, I've created a new Facebook account. Though it hasn't been easy getting all my friends to migrate there. Actually it's really only a backup account. My sis was suspended from Facebook for a while because of some radical crybabies that took something she said about muslims too personally. She had to create another account on Facebook as a backup, and she had a hell of a time getting all her friends to accept her friend requests. Since I tend to speak my mind a lot too, I figured I'd better create a backup Facebook account too. So I did. I invited every one of my friends to friend me there. It'd be nice to have them all on that account too! Because if I get suspended, I can at least keep in touch with all of them there. I asked everyone, but not everyone accepted. I want all my friends there though. Just in case. I would miss them if I were to happen to get suspended from this account. I already preblocked all the radicals, so they don't accidentally add me, thus I would never have to see them again. But I want all my friends to come to this new account. Sometimes I even post from this new account too. My guess is they were just not aware it's me. Even though I put the announcement on my current Facebook page. I won't mention what my name is in case there's any radicals I missed. I don't want them to find my new account.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Things I Will Never Understand

There are so many things about people I will just never understand. I thought I would take this time to post what exactly and why in this post. Why not? Kill some time here.

1. Why do people always pick the quietest and the shyest people to bully on?
Why is that? What is a shy, quiet person going to do to hurt anyone? My guess is perhaps they think it makes them look tougher or makes them feel better. What would make someone look tougher is to bully those kids who are loud and obnoxious and annoying!

2. Why do banks charge overdraft fees when they know there's no money in the account?
I've had that happen before. What I think is dumb is when they charge the largest amount over your available balance first, then add the fee on to that, and then they process a bunch of smaller amounts, which all could have easily been covered by the remainder in your account, and then tack on extra overdraft fees for each of those charges. If you know what I mean!!

3. Why will a person forgive their favorite celebrity when they do something horrible, and not a friend who is just an average person?
Case in point, Michael Jackson. We all know he was a child molester. 3 different kids who never met cannot be wrong. One person I knew was a big fan of his too. This person also was once a friend of mine. Until I gave an opinion honestly, which I guess to this former "friend", is a far worse crime than child molestation.

4. Why do men think it's OK if they put on weight, but when they see a fat woman, they think it's disgusting?
Honestly, fat men are no less disgusting than fat women. Fat is fat is fat! I'm fat myself. I'm working on it, but I am fat! I have more respect for a person who says they hate fat people than for someone who just says "I hate fat women!" And I have seen it before. Sounds very misogynistic. Which brings me to my next point...

5. Why do some fat people make fun of others?
Do those people not know they too are fat and making fun of other fat people? Do they do it because they think it makes them look "cool"? Do they do it because it makes them feel better? Do they think they are, in some way, "helping" the other person? Do they themselves think they are exempt from name-calling? Which again brings me to my next point...

6. Why are bullies surprised when their targets fight back?
I have actually encountered this before too. One boy when I was in high school, not only harassed me, but also one of my friends. Not only this friend, but also her sister too! Every day, for 2 to 3 hours a day. He was a real bully! One day my friend and I got sick of him and decided to get even with him, so we spent 2 hours verbally bullying him. He didn't like it either! Funny thing was, this boy was fatter than I was. LOL! So, why was he surprised my friend and I were finally fighting back?

7. Why do people say they hate liars and hypocrites?
Lying and hypocrisy is actually a part of human nature, because people are not perfect. I am totally honest with people, as honest as I can be! I'm not saying everything that comes out of my mouth is 100% the truth, but I am as honest as I can be with people. I do speculate sometimes. But I have lost friends because I am honest too. Sometimes people may forget that others lie to spare that person's feelings, which I think is a big mistake, but others do it. Instead of saying to people "I hate liars and hypocrites", maybe people should rephrase that into "I hate people", or "I hate liars and hypocrites when what they say does not pat me on the back!"

Well, those are a few things about people I will just never understand.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Update To FAQs

I added an update to my FAQs section. Since radical people are dumb and I will probably forever have to keep explaining what constitutes a "radical" to me, I decided I had better put up what the difference between a radical and a fan is in my FAQs section. So, it is now there permanently for all to see. I still hate radicals!! I can sound passionate about radicals. Yes it's true. But I've always had nothing but bad experiences with radicals in the past. I love INXS, but I don't consider myself a radical INXS fan. I don't care if there are people out there that agree with me whether or not INXS is the best band in the world. Because to me, they always will be. That's all that counts in my book. That's the end of the relationship I have with INXS. I love the guys, I love the music. That is IT. I don't feel it is my personal responsibility to convert non-fans into fans. If I share my love of this band, and it does happen to convert a non-fan into a fan (it has happened before with me), then that is great!! But one thing I will never do is cuss and cry because someone says to me "INXS sucks dick" or something like that. That is what a radical does.

Sometimes, I might question someone who says that. I might ask them "What makes you say that?" but that's it. Their opinion is just that: THEIR opinion. We all have a right to it. A lot of people may think I am a bitch now, but that's just their opinion. LOL! Let's face it. People are the biggest wussies on the planet! I mean that! To them, if you don't agree with them, you're a horrible person. If you are honest with them, you are a horrible person, or you are crazy. Of course I love it when people say I am crazy. LOL! Because I AM. I don't deny that at all! Recently I posted something on Facebook that said something to the effect of "The only people that get mad at you for telling the truth are the people who have been lied to all their lives". Unfortunately a lot of people fall under that category. My parents did not lie to me. But society has. My parents taught me to treat people the way I'd want to be treated, and I do. There is no greater way of showing someone you care than to be honest with that person. They may not see it that way, but that is what I feel. Much as I hate people, I always treat people the exact same way I would want them to treat me. If I go offtrack, then I expect to get the same from others. It's a two-way road. I hate radicals, more than any other kind of people. Well, irresponsible people too, but they kindof fall under the category of radicals. But I'd expect them to hate me back, which is fine by me.

I am also not politically correct. That's something the radicals invented. I call a spade a spade. I don't call it an "upside down heart". I don't sugarcoat anything. All my friends know that. There are some exceptions. For example, I am 1/4 Cherokee, I do not call the native Americans "Indians". That's kindof confusing. I call the people from India "indians". As I understand it, it was Christopher Columbus that began calling native Americans "indians", because he thought he was in India when he landed in America and saw the people. So, that is where I try to be politically correct, but it's still for my own personal reasons. To be less confusing. Yes there are native Americans who call themselves "indians", but I just don't believe that is correct terminology. I also never call black people "niggers" because that is just an ugly word!! Though I know there are black people who call themselves that. I leave that to them on purpose, because even though I am not a white person, they would still look at me and take it the wrong way. I do usually call them "African Americans" though. But not all of them have roots from Africa. My best childhood friend didn't, and she was dark-skinned.

Well, I do try never to become a radical myself. Even with things I love like INXS and animals. That would actually be kindof hypocritical of me! LOL! The only people I exempt from labeling them as "radicals" are very close family and personal friends of the band. Sometimes I even have a hard time believing friends unless I know them and trust them myself. Like I know Michael has family on Facebook. If someone shit-talks Michael in front of them, I would expect them to stand up for him, simply because family should ALWAYS stand behind family! I'd do it for my family. I also know some of the people I know on Facebook are close friends of Michael's too, and I'd expect them to stand up for him. Though I think most of them choose not to. That's their choice though. As long as the opposer is not saying things like "Michael gave Paula an STD, forcing her to be hospitalized" with no proof, I probably wouldn't say anything either. Now, when I say friends, I mean actual friends of Michael's. Not friends of friends, I don't care what they say or think. That is to say people like Jannah, who is only a mere friend of a friend of Paula's, and probably not even really that outside of Facebook. She only knows what this (highly biased) friend says to her. She wouldn't know the whole truth. Which is why I do not listen to friends of friends. I believe Michael's sister FAR more than I believe Jannah. His sister was there. Jannah is just a radical fag that believes whatever Paula's friend told her.

I have a father who is a retired police officer, and a cousin who is still a police officer, and another cousin who is a lawyer, I have law instilled in my brain. LOL! I always say if it isn't admissible in a court of law then I cannot go along with it. And hearsay is not admissible. So, I tend not to listen to friends of friends, because then it turns all into "Well she said this" and "She told me this is what happened", and blah-blah-blah. I am very jaded, I have limits to what I will believe, and I do know someone who met Paula Yates and described what her encounter with her was like firsthand. So, I tend to believe that. All I can believe is what someone sees with their own eyes. Not what someone was told what happened.

Well, I admit I am passionate about radicals. They ruin everything for everyone and that does tend to make me angry, which is why I look at radicals with such passionate hatred. Hey! They do the same to me I am sure. But I thought I should post that I've put on my FAQs what to me makes a radical a radical, and why I feel that way. Not that I truly believe all viewers are going to view the FAQs, but they are there in the top bar.

Friday, March 18, 2016

What School Didn't Teach Me

You may not believe this, but I learned a lot more watching television than I ever learned in school. I was watching a video once by a guy on YouTube who calls himself Red Pill Philosophy. The guy is a dickhead, but I kinda like him! He makes some good strong points in his videos. I know better than anyone people who are honest and speak their minds are often seen as assholes. LOL! Anyways, in one of his videos he talked about how schools don't teach kids anything. About the only thing I really learned in school was how to HATE people. I'd see the kind of people my age in schools and even walking home from school, and then I compare them to animals. I'll tell you all, a dog barking at me scared me a LOT less than seeing a 7 year old riding his bike next to me. At least the dog had it's reasons for barking at me, and I knew that. But people shouting obscenities at me for no reason at all, I couldn't see the point in that except maybe a desperate attempt to get my attention and get an angry response from me. But I don't even understand that.

On Judge Judy today, there was this 21 year old boy who did not even know the difference between "maternal" and "paternal" grandparents. LOL! To which, Judge Judy answers "Stay in school!" Of course a 21 year old can go to college and learn more than he could in high school, but I can tell you, I never learned the difference between those two words in school. Ever! It was never discussed in school. I actually first heard the terms "maternal" and "paternal" from nature shows.  Then it was a case of process of elimination. Like for example in a group of gorillas. The male was often referred to as the "patriarch", and the dominant females were referred to as "matriarchs". So naturally I assumed that in that sense, "matriarch" was referring to anything to do with the dominant females, aka, the mother, while "patriarch" referred to the father. That wasn't something that school taught me. That was something I learned growing up watching nature shows all the time. While other kids my age were watching Sesame Street and Romper Room, I was watching the Wild, Wild World of Animals, World of Survival, and New Wilderness. Those were my shows.

Now, I would occasionally watch Sesame Street, I still have collections of classic skits from the earlier days of the show. But I did not watch it all the time. If I found a nature show that looked even more interesting, I'd tune in to that instead. And even within Sesame Street episodes, I would see little movies about animals with music introducing them, and that made it fun.

I learned to love animals when I was a young kid. I can remember when I was 3 years old, in preschool, I think this was the first pleasant encounter with an animal that I can remember. One of the teachers brought in a tiny little toy poodle dog. It was so little and so cute! It looked at me and seemed to smile. That made me feel happy. I begged my parents to get me one like it, but they never would. At that time, I remember we had a big, clunky english setter dog. I hated that thing. It kept jumping me every time I went into the back yard. The little poodle was not like that! So, I learned to love smaller dogs. At that time, we also had an old stray cat that would come to our door and beg to be let in. I really liked cats when I was a kid. Of course I grew out of it. Well, that was one time school did come in handy. But that was preschool. That wasn't like high school or middle school or anything like that.

Half of the things I learned in my later school years, I don't even need right now! For example, I never understood the reason why history is mandatory to graduate! What the hell was I supposed to learn from taking history?? So I know the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, big deal!? So far that is not knowledge I've had to use in the adult world. And how could I forget the day when we celebrate it every year on July 4th?! And what about the Civil War? What the hell was I supposed to learn from that that I need in my adult life today? Nothing so far! Or World War 2? What am I supposed to take from that experience? Nothing! Except that people are assholes! But I did not have to take history to find out people are assholes. All I had to do was just look around and see how people were acting.

Now, school would have been much more useful had it taught me things that I did need to know, like how to understand why people do what they do. I know why I do what I do, I was brought up this way. I was taught to treat people the way I'd want to be treated. But I cannot believe for one second that other people were brought up to be assholes and pricks! One guy who used to bully me in middle school, his father was a strict disciplinarian, all the teachers knew it. But he was one of those kids who would bully me all the time, and as far as I knew, I never did anything to warrant his attacks on me. I'd never said 2 words to him or about him in fact. Not to his face nor behind his back. Until he started bullying me, he was one of those kids I never even gave a second thought about. I told one of the teachers about this kid's actions against me, and the teacher knew that boy's father would not like to hear about him horsing around in school like that. So, I couldn't understand why this boy kept harassing me like he did in school. Except that maybe I was easy prey because I was this shy, quiet kid who kept mostly to herself.

Well again, go try to figure out people!! I surely never will. LOL! It's bad enough I am stuck in this body. I think GOD intended at first to make me an animal. A monkey I think. LOL! But at the last minute, for reasons known only to HIM, HE made me a human. UGH!!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Loyal To Michael

When I first saw Never Tear Us Apart the movie back in 2014, it had a huge impact on me. Before then, I considered myself nothing more than a casual fan of Michael. That is, I loved INXS, and I liked Michael's singing. But his sexual appeal did almost nothing for me back then, because I only had eyes for Timmy. That was IT. Back in 2005, when Rockstar: INXS was going on, I forced myself to forget about Michael. Timmy took up most of my attention by that year. I mean let's face it, Michael was gone, Timmy is still here. I could enjoy Timmy far more than I could enjoy Michael now. Meaning absolutely no disrespect to Michael, or to his method of performance. Its just, well, he was gone, and I felt I had come to terms with that finally this year. Before then, the mere thought of Michael was enough to make me burst into tears, and I cried at least once a day for him since hearing of his death. I did not cry for Lily, or the band members, or anything else. I cried for Michael. I cried because his death was so senseless. It never would have happened had he not gotten in with Paula Yates!! It was a total waste!! I was left with this overwhelming, sorrowful feeling that I should have grabbed Michael when I had the opportunity! I never would have even let him mention Paula's name in my house! It would have been forbidden! And I would have tore Paula Yates apart like a weed whacker to an old rag had she tried to lay her hands on my guy! Hindsight is 20/20!

Well, I can basically do anything I put my mind to. In fact, I was so good at making myself forget about Michael, in 2010, there was even a time that I would tell you I did not like Michael at all. There is even a pic I have that was part of a tour guide, where I found scratch marks all over Michael's face. Looking at that after seeing that movie, I was like "Wow! Did I do that??!!" But it could only have been me. :( And knowing there was a time in years past that I didn't like Michael anymore. Part of it was because of the fans (or rather, fags) I had met. Like this one who called herself Bittertears. Well, in all fairness, I did try to be friends with her. But there was just something about her that I did not like. I could not put my finger on it. Not for months anyways. Then when I wanted to create a forum for people to come in and lust over the guys, I invited Bittertears to join me. I did so partly because I thought she would enjoy it there, and also partly because I wanted to get to know her better. She never joined though, which is really fine by me. But then she accused me of "spamming" her inbox with invites. Well, as far as I knew, I only sent her one invite, maybe two. It was an RSVP, if she didn't want to join, I wanted her to tell me, but she never said "Dee, I don't want to join your forum." I would have been understanding and just backed off then. But it wasn't until she accused me of spamming that she finally said anything, and her delivery was not called for. She was a Hutch fan and I was a Timmy fan. She had scolded me some months before because I said I was more of a Timmy fan than a Michael fan. In fact, I still am. But I do love Michael now too.

Well, I haven't seen Bittertears in years. Not that I miss her at all. In fact, not having seen her in years is part of what has made me revert back to loving Michael again. As far as I know, she doesn't like social media, so I don't think she'd be on Facebook. Even if she was, I'm only on a couple of groups now, one is a secret group, the other is my own group. So, it's not likely we will meet again either. Besides that, I am not taking in anymore friends. Not for a really long while. I have one person, who is a temporary friend. But that's it. She's going to be the last for a long while. After my business with her is over, I'm going back down to under 300 friends. I mean, she's a nice enough person, but I want to limit myself to only a few really good friends. And them being mostly people I know, or are acquainted with, pretty well. Or I like them and I want to get to know them pretty well. Now that all the radicals are gone, it'll be so much easier. To the person who crossposted my blog post to the MH and his Life fan page, Thank you!! You made my job so much easier! :) Everything truly does happen for a reason.

Of course those were people, many of them I asked to become my facebook friends. But who'd have known they were radicals? LOL! Like I said, go try to figure out people. Well, I haven't asked anyone to become my facebook friend since I was let go from there. Most of the people who became friends with me after that were people who sent me requests. But I still hate radicals and I still hate Paula Yates!! I call her "the beast" now.

Anyways, I continue to carry on the legacy of Michael. I still love Timmy, and I'm back to doing my Timmy-squeals. One of my friends told me it makes her laugh every time, so I continue to do it for her. LOL! I enjoy doing it anyways. It's a great stress-reliever. Plus it kindof strengthens my love for Timmy. I do that, and I kindof picture Timmy standing there looking at me like he did when I met him in Seattle back in 2006. The look he gave me was enough to make my heart drop! Nice, big smile. I mean, the kind of smile that made his face wrinkle up and his eyes squint. I loved it!!! It looked sexy!!!!! If I were a dog at that time, my tail would have been going crazy, and I'd have been twirling around in endless circles.

Well, I just want to assure everyone reading that any mixed feelings about Michael will NEVER happen again!! Ever! No number of radicals will ever again change my mind about how I feel about my Michael. I should not have let it happen the first time. Oh well, my interest in Michael was already on it's last leg anyways. But I can assure you all that will never happen again!! It happened once, and I know what it feels like. It's never going to happen again! I'm going to continue loving Michael forever and ever and NOTHING is going to stop that! Neither is anything going to stop me from going to Australia. I always wanted to visit, and if nothing else works, I'm going to see wild kangaroos hopping around in the outback before I leave this world. I want to see a numbat, if I can! I think they're adorable!!! It'd be cool to see a bilby too! Or a quoll. Or hear kookaburras calling. Or see all the birds I've only ever seen in pet stores for thousands of dollars flying in vast numbers in the wild. Or see a platypus swimming in the river. Or see a colony of flying foxes in a tree. So many things I want to see while I am there!! On top of doing my movie. The movie is my crowning feat to Michael. This movie is going to be how he is going to be memorialized in my soul. Nothing on earth is going to stop me from doing this. I stood up to the delusional mods. I can stand up to adversaries to this.

Another Crazy Leftist On Facebook

Well, ever since what happened in 2016 after my father died and people I thought were, at best, my "friends" abandoned me, my atti...