Friday, June 5, 2015

"Offensive" Friend Requests?

I used to not go out and send friend requests on Facebook, I used to think it was too much for me to go around asking people on Facebook to become my friend. I always felt like I was forcing myself on people when I did that. Some people I still haven't asked to become my friend because they seem rather intimidating. Not that I don't like them, they just seem intimidating. But usually if I do ask someone on Facebook to become my friend, it's because I like them, either they did something or said something that made me feel good, or made me smile or laugh. There has been cases where the people I asked to become my friends have rejected my offer. That's OK. I just ask, I don't expect everyone I ask to accept. But in the cases where I have asked them to become my friends and they rejected, I've also noticed they seem to get offended by my request. I wonder why that is?

That's one of the many mysteries about humans I will never understand. If someone asks to become my friend on Facebook, I feel flattered. Even if I don't care for the person very much, and I do try to give everyone a chance. I figure most of the time when they ask me it's because they like me. That's why I ask people on Facebook to become my friend. I don't find that offensive. Maybe that's what is wrong with people in the world. They don't know friendship when it hits them. You cannot ask someone to become your friend on Facebook without them getting offended, I'd hate to think what it'd be like to go up to those same people on the street and just say hello and try to shake hands with them! It used to be (before Facebook) the best way to make friends was to find someone who seemed nice, say hello, introduce yourself, shake hands and start talking to them. Now, if you try that, does the other person get offended?

I remember some weeks ago, Jannah got a friend request from someone on the INXS group I am a regular on, and she got all offended by it and made a huge announcement about how "creepy" she thought that person was on the group and said she blocked that person. I thought "What?? What's the big deal???" Jannah now has me blocked too. LOL! But believe me, I am fine with that! Now, I can say what I want without her interference. Jannah was a cool chick though. I just never asked her to become my Facebook friend because I didn't like the way she gets all irrational when someone doesn't like Paula Yates. Well, I still don't like Paula! I never will. Nothing can change that. I won't listen to friends of Paula's, I won't listen to Jannah, I wouldn't even listen to Michael because I know those people are biased. The only person who can change my mind about how I feel about Paula would be Paula herself and she isn't here! I'm the type that prefers to meet people myself and get to know them, then form my own opinions.

The default setting in my mind for new strangers is they are all enemies until they prove otherwise. That comes from years of getting burned by people I've tried to be nice to. But my mind is not closed. If I meet someone I formerly didn't like, and it turns out they are nice, friendly, decent people, and I wind up liking them, I can change my mind. I didn't like Jannah when I first "met" her on the group. But I found she could be funny, and often made me laugh, and we'd frolic around with each other as well, and I learned to like her. But I also always had a bit of a block against her because of how she gets so outrageously angry at people who don't like Paula. Not that I ever felt intimidated by Jannah, it was more of an annoyance than anything else. There were times I just wanted to slap her and tell her to just "Shut the fuck up!!" But I couldn't get too angry at her for something like that. I remember I was the same way when I was younger. That was one of the biggest gripes I used to get when I was in my 20s and 30s, is that I got so irrational if people did not agree with me. But in 2003, I began to work on that.

There were times I still got irrational, and I admit I do need to work on that. Like when people talk about cats and panthers. I know I need to work on that, I've been told that many times before. It's harder to work on when you hate something with such passion, as I do panthers. I mean really, look at how people who hate fat people talk about people like me. They get just as irrational as I do when I hear about panthers. Jannah is exactly the same way when someone says they don't like Paula. She needs to work on that. If she can't, I might suggest right here and now that she seeks some therapy. It can work wonders!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sad This Is Still Going On

Today was the first fully sunny day we've had in quite a while, so I decided I was going to go back to the docks and do my walk from the bridge to the Safeway store. I've been unable to do it, partly because of the rain and because some meds I was on for a couple weeks made my skin extra sensitive to sunburn. So, I couldn't go out in the sun. So today, when I saw the sun was shining, I said I want to go back to the docks and do my 4-mile walk! Well, one thing I noticed when I went on that walk was how quiet it was. There were no sea lions. I guess they all went back out to sea. Maybe they will return in the fall. But they were not out there today. One thing I did see a lot of was fishing boats.

Well, I haven't been on that walk in quite a while, so I expected to feel a little tired. But I said to myself that even if I have to PUSH myself, I was going to go all the way to Safeway. Well, I did! I made it. When I was just about to the Safeway store, I saw a big fishing net lying on the ground. Just lying there. I looked at it and thought "Wow!! That would look so good hanging up on my wall!" I wondered who it belonged to. I didn't see anybody around except a man on a bulldozer working on a mound of dirt. He seemed to be removing some bushes. I didn't stick around to find out what he was trying to remove, because there was a peculiar odor in the area that reminded me of rotten meat. So, I headed over to the Safeway store because I had to take a wizz. hehehe!!

Well, once I was done there, I walked back out to the path. When I got to the path, I noticed first of all, that fishing net was still on the ground ahead of me, and there was another net like it rolled up and put on the back of a pick-up truck nearby. I still wondered if that net on the ground belonged to anyone. I figured it must have belonged to the person who had another one like it tied up on the back of his truck. Well, the next thing I noticed that bulldozer had changed from working on the dirt mound, to working in this one ditch that led down to the water. I wondered why it was working down there, it seemed to be struggling to pick something up in that ditch. I also noticed the peculiar odor was still in the air. I was curious, I wanted to see what the bulldozer was trying to pick up. I looked in the ditch, and I saw a couple of white masses. The white stuff was a powder, and the powder was there to cover up a couple of dead sea lions!

Well, finally I pieced together the mystery! The fishing net on the ground and in the pick up truck must have been what killed those poor animals! That also explains the peculiar odor in the air that smelled like rotten meat. It's sad that so many marine mammals and birds wind up that way. I don't know if that is the big reason why there are no sea lions at the docks anymore, it could be. The fishermen chased them away. Sadly, the dead sea lions I saw today may just be the beginning to a long season of laying out fishing nets, them getting entangled and drowning, and then washing up on the beach. So many of them wind up like that and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. The demand for fish is great, and you cannot stop sea lions from being sea lions. Underwater, the nets are nearly impossible for them to see, but if you make the nets brightly colored so they can see them, it may not attract the fish. It's a vicious cycle. Some animals are lucky and able to get away from the nets, or barely wriggle free enough that they can still get air when they need it. But most animals tangled in fishing nets wind up like this unfortunate sea lion

Either way, its a sad testament to how much more important it is to fulfill the needs of humans in our economy. We seem to be unable to get along in this world without destroying nature in some way. I cannot even imagine how terrified that poor animal must have felt getting caught in that net, and then not be able to get free, and breathe in water. I can't think of a more horrible way to die than that.

I began to feel terrible! I almost wanted to take that net home with me, keep it as a decoration. But after I found out what it did, I didn't want it anymore. I'd feel guilty having that net on my wall after it killed such a magnificent creature like those sea lions. It wouldn't be right. So, I walked off without it.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Streaming Videos

Well, I thought I would give my opinion on this new trend. Seems now, everyone wants to stream videos to their phones and mobile devices. I don't know, maybe I am old fashioned, but I don't like it that now every video has to be streamed in. I'd much rather have the DVDs on my shelf in physical form. Digital is nice for some things, but not videos! I want to be able to watch the video anywhere I want to, without worrying about it accidentally getting erased from my mobile device. I can always copy any DVD that goes bad, no problem, and it comes out as good as new again. But why should I pay for a video every time I want to see it streamed into a mobile device? That's one of the reasons I haven't gone for this fad. I found the entire series of Fat Albert available on Amazon, but only in digital form. I asked them if one could save each episode onto their computer or a DVD, and they said no, the recordings are not set up that way. So I said fuck it!! And I am NOT going to pay $1.99 each time I want to see the episodes I want to see! I'd rather be able to download them, save them onto my computer and then put them on a disk. I'd much rather have that!

And here's another thing; I don't have a smartphone! Or an iPhone! And I don't want one either!! I have a portable DVD player, and I am happy with it! I don't have to pay $100 or more each month just to keep it running, I can view a video any time I want to, even if I don't have any money, I don't have to have the wi-fi on just to view the video I feel like seeing, and I can watch any movie or TV show I want to as many times as I want to and not have to pay for the same movie or video each time I want to see it. For those reasons, I don't see the point in live streaming. I don't know why, for the life of me, anyone thinks streaming videos to their mobile device is better than just sticking a DVD into the player and playing it. Or keeping a cool wide selection of DVDs on their video shelf. There's no point to it. And mobile devices can malfunction, and people lose all their data. There goes your streamed videos! And you have to pay the money again to get it back!

Torrents now is the same way. I remember I downloaded almost the entire collection of videos of Arthur C. Clarke's documentaries. Some of them took days to download! And they were a total and absolute bear to convert to a format that I could put onto a DVD. I did manage it though! I could try that again with Fat Albert, we can see.

Anyways, in other news, I think that girl has me on ignore now. The girl who gets all angry when people don't like Paula Yates. Her name is Jannah. I say GOOD!! Please, keep me on ignore. I was going to suggest it anyways the next time I saw her! Probably best for both of us if we are ignoring each other. Because I am always going to be who I am, and she cannot stop that, and I don't like Paula. I never did and I never will. And Jannah's blood pressure is just going to go up every time I don't say Paula is pretty, or I give any other opinion I may have about her. I don't want her to explode! So yes, it's best we have each other on ignore. I was going to tell her if she doesn't put me on ignore, I'll put her on ignore. LOL! I'm glad one of us did it first! hehehe!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Crucifying Pets

OMG!! Now, I discover the muslims have gone too far!! I read an article this morning posted by a friend that says muslims have been crucifying dogs and cats for the past 2 years in Malta. The article even showed dogs and cats nailed to crosses and hung upside down. One of the cats had been skinned alive. Poor animals! And the reason the muslims did this? Because they want to prove themselves to be better than Christians. They want to send a message saying "We will do the same to you Christians very soon!" This is why I fucking HATE muslims!! Talk about a religion that forces it's beliefs down others' throats! Muslims run in the lead of those who do that. People tell us not to judge them. They tell us not all muslims are bad. They tell us there are some good ones out there that are kind, intelligent, gentle people. I want to believe that, believe me I do. I have met some very nice people from the middle east. But I see articles like this, and pictures like the ones in that article, and it makes me lose my whole trust in anything muslim!

I won't post any pics here, because they are too gruesome! But here is the article. Mind you, it's very graphic! I don't even want to see it again! Now, I know I am not too fond of cats, I think there are WAY too many in the world! But no animal deserves to be crucified in this way for nothing more than the sake of proving a point against a religion. It's a terrible waste of life. If they were going to sacrifice an animal, and then eat it, that's different. But to kill innocent animals just because you want to prove a point, that's awful!! And don't even get me started on the pics of crucified dogs. I cried when I saw them. Made me want to hug my babies. Made me miss them a lot more. Made me think of those I lost over the years. Made me think of how close I get to my dogs, I think of them as my children.

Well, in other news, I am getting more copies of other stories I have on my site. I wanted to get stories that I no longer have on my shelves. I will put up a video of them as soon as I get them. I've got 5 stories on order. I have to look them over and approve them on the publisher's site. Then they go international. I can hardly wait to see them.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mods On Ignore

Wow! Imagine joining a group just to put the mods on ignore! Geez!! Some people have some nerve! That's one person in a group that the visitors should never put on ignore. Well, I have one person on ignore who is a co-moderator on this group I am a regular on. It's that woman Karin H. But hey! She is an asshole! I don't want anything to do with her anymore. I used to like her, but I don't anymore. Not my fault. She was the one who got up on her high tower and acted like her shit doesn't stink. I didn't. So, I blocked her. But it's OK, there are other mods on the group. So, I don't need her. If the other mods decide I am too much to handle, they will let me know. Usually, I am quite forgiving, but not in cases like this. Well, I don't miss her either. In fact, the forum is more enjoyable without being able to see her posts. She also acts like a know-it-all. She thinks she knows all and sees all, and that what she does is special. Believe me, it's NOT. Recently she's offered to create pics of everyone photoshopped with pics of Michael. Ehh! That's nothing! I've seen her do that lots of times! And if I did want something like that done, I could do it myself!

See, what she does is not so hot! I can photoshop pics too. And even do my own drawings on the computer. AND put a humorous twist in them too. You know me, I've gotta be funny sometimes! And I tell you, Eva's face there looks a LOT cuter than Karin's! She probably offered that to the members thinking it would get me to take her off ignore, but it didn't work. I'll never take her off ignore. I like things better this way. She can ogle little children, I'll keep ogling my Michael and Timmy.

Now, if the mods of this group want to ban me for having Karin on ignore, that's their prerogative. But they will never talk me out of that. Honestly, I don't think Karin gives a shit. She just seems like that kind of person. Heck, that's why I don't like her now. I remember once this picture of Michael was posted on the forum

Karin was so positive that Michael's head was photoshopped onto the body, and she got others to believe it too. She's probably still so loudly positive of that (I don't know, I've had her on ignore for a couple months now). I told one person who believed Karin that Karin is wrong. It's not photoshopped. Michael just has unusual muscle structure. Here's a side view of his arms

See. It's not photoshopped, it's just how his muscles show on his body. Both are great pics of Michael! I admit my mouth waters when I see the above pics! hehehe! But Karin probably still maintains that she is so right about her belief that its a photoshopped pic, even when positive proof has been presented that it's not. That's the kind of person she is, and that is another reason why I don't like her. Believe me, I wouldn't have her on ignore if I did like her, even slightly. I remember she was gone for a couple months. I was even glad to see her back, but when she came back, she had stopped speaking to me, and seemed to be snubbing me on the group. I cannot imagine why, but I think it may have something to do with her finding out I am not as big a cat fag as she is. But I never professed to being a cat lover, let alone a cat-fag. Not to her, or anyone else. I like a few breeds. That's it. Run-of-the-mill mongrel and tabby cats, I don't like at all. Then when she said to me "You have bad taste in men" and then built her own ass up by saying "I have excellent taste in men", that showed me the kind of person she is. And she said that because I would not say that little boy that she is in love with was handsome.

You know, I heard even if you put the mods on ignore, they can still see your posts. LOL! Well, she can see my posts, but she cannot respond. Well, she can, but I won't see any responses she makes. So, what's the point really? LOL! It's like, you can look, but you cannot touch! :D I'm glad!

Well, my blog is visible to everyone, and people can comment. It's a roll of the dice though if they get a response from me, or even if I read it. I don't have to approve comments on here anymore. And here, as on YouTube, I look for key words. Some words I look for tell me if a comment is going to be a good one, or a bad one. If it seems like a nice comment, I read it. If I see any hint of it being a not-so-nice comment, I don't read it, and just close the comment section. I don't delete comments, ever. I truly believe in everyone's right to free speech. But I just don't respond to, and barely read, negative comments.

Well, on another group I am on, someone has been going around joining INXS groups and putting the mods on ignore. No one knows why. I think it's a bot personally. They can do some pretty fucked-up things! And I thought bots died out with the 90s!! But I guess not. They are still around and still doing messed-up things!! In my case, where I am a member of a group that has several mods, I can afford to put one on ignore. But if a group has only one mod, and someone joins the group and puts that mod on ignore, there is something wrong, that's pretty messed-up. A person like that has some serious issues! It's like don't join a group if you don't like the moderator!! Especially if that person is the only mod in the group!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Banana Chick

GAWD I've heard about her!! She's a fucking lunatic! But then again, what vegan Nazi isn't a lunatic? Well, evidently she has started attacking Someguy827 on YouTube. He made a video response to her too. Well you just know the damn vegans are going to side with her, and then use arguments like "Look at her and look at you! She's thin and healthy and you're fat and sickly and ugly!--and blahblahblahbullshit!" Give me a break!! That chick does not look healthy to me. Just because a person is thin does not mean they are healthy. She probably eats her weight in vitamins every day just to have enough energy to step out her door. But enough of that BS. The reason I don't like this chick is not just because she hounded Someguy827, but also because she said she would kill her own family--her mother, father, siblings--just because they are not vegan. This is why if I were to ever have a child that decided they wanted to go vegan, I would disown him or her! I won't have no damn vegan Nazis in my house!! Even if the kid is 4 years old and makes that choice, if he, or she, is old enough to make a choice like that, they're old enough to live out on the streets on their own away from society! That's just where vegan Nazis belong; AWAY from society!!! That would be the one and only decision I would not support my child on.

This is one reason I didn't want to have kids. My stepmom, one of her grandchildren, decided she wanted to go vegetarian because PETA came to her school and forced their beliefs on the kids there, telling them why they should not eat meat. So next thing she knows, Madison is a vegetarian. I'd have told her to get out of the house at that point! Next thing I bet will happen is Madison is going to tell everyone how to live their lives, and probably will threaten her whole family if they don't go vegetarian. I hope that doesn't happen, but it probably will. Vegetarians/vegans are most obnoxious when they are teenagers. Teenagers have a thing anyways where if you don't agree with them, they think you are automatically against them and they want you dead because of it. Can you imagine what teenagers who are vegans/vegetarians would be like? I can! I've come across them many times. Sometimes I just want to strangle them they make me so mad!! Well, ALL vegans make me mad anyways! Mostly because they think prey animals should have the same rights as humans have.

Well, this banana chick only eats nothing but bananas. While I love bananas myself, I couldn't eat nothing but bananas. I'd be dying to get some real sustenance! I'd want some savory flavors before too long. I'd want a nice, fat cheeseburger! LOL! Or some crunchy bacon. Or both at once! To me, eating bananas for every meal would be like eating cake for every meal. It's more of a dessert item than a 3-meals a day item. Or sometimes I've been known to have bananas for breakfast. I couple them with yogurt usually, NON-vegan yogurt. hehehe! I wonder if PETA told Madison about the thousands of healthy, adoptable pets they kill every year, and the many times they have hired terrorists to bomb schools and research labs, often with people in them, and the fact PETA doesn't want to do anything to help the millions of dogs and cats that are killed for the meat industry in China because they call it "sweet justice for cows, pigs and chickens". Most likely not! PETA wants everyone to think they do nothing but good stuff. Teenagers are especially gullible. But if I were Jennifer, I would sit Madison's little butt down and inform her of these things, so that hopefully she does not grow up to believe PETA is anything but laughable hypocrites!

So are vegans. I mean this banana chick says all people who eat meat should be killed. She thinks they don't deserve to live, and that is PETA's mentality too. I heard my Michael supported the Sea Shepherd in their battle against the slaughter of whales. I said "I just hope he didn't support PETA" if he did, and I ever found out about it, I'd lose ALL my respect for Michael. Believe me, I would be in that room right that second, tossing away all my pics of him. This time, for GOOD! But I do hope he did not support PETA. I once heard some INXS fans who were also PETArds forced their beliefs on JD Fortune. JD wore their shirts and shit, probably to please those fans just that second. But I hope he threw the shirts away when he got home. And he probably did! If so, GOOD FOR YOU, JD!!!! If not, I'd be very disappointed in him! He had a dog! Out of respect for that dog, I hope he's not a PETA supporter! I have dogs too, I'd never support PETA!! I respect my babies FAR more than that!!

Anyway, I've said this before, this is why so many vegans get threatened by non-vegans. Because they say things like "If you eat meat, you don't deserve to live!" then they turn around and whine because some non-vegan threatened them. That banana chick believes going vegan should not be a dietary choice, it should be forced on all of us. I like how Someguy827 described how he felt about that kind of logic. He said "How about I put a gun to your head and told you to eat a roast beef sandwich and threaten to blow your brains out if you don't?" I often wondered how the vegans would think that felt if we actually did sit them in a chair, put sandwiches in front of them with real turkey, roast beef and chicken meat in them, put a rifle to their heads, and told them they have to eat those sandwiches, and if they refused, we'd blow their brains out. How would they like that? They'll probably tell you "I wouldn't care!" but deep inside, I wouldn't believe they wouldn't really care, because that would be a violation of their rights to choose. And I'm sure they'd want to live. Well, Gary Yourofsky wouldn't, he was the idiot that laid himself in front of a car, and wanted to be run over for the sake of the animals. But Gary Yourofsky is a psychopath! Secretly, I wish someone would run over him! Get him, and others like him, out of this world for good! Well, maybe not so secretly. LOL!! But if we were to kill all the vegan Nazis, the world would be a better place, that's for sure!

Ya know, I've got a lot of royalty in my background. If I were queen, I'd bring back public beheadings. Along with the dirty dozen mob, I'd love to see the vegan Nazis join that fate! No more vegan Nazis!! I'd spare my friends though. Gosh! I wonder if this banana chick has done a video stating her feelings about me? LOL! If she hasn't yet, I'm sure she will after reading this post!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

LOL!! OK, so I am 41 today, and like when I was a kid and lost a tooth, I couldn't wait to wake up and see if the tooth fairy left the usual quarter under my pillow. I couldn't wait to see who else left messages for me on my Facebook page. Thank you friends!! Love you all!! Well, I also woke up to seeing one of my Facebook friends was gone. Usually this kind of thing does not bother me, but I figured out who it was. It was someone who had been my loyal friend almost ever since I first created that page. Or so I thought she was loyal. I'd always been a good friend to her. I thought all my friends knew I was a bit eccentric, and they accepted that when they accepted me as their friend. Why she deleted herself from my Facebook friends would sure make the vegans happy! LOL!

Yesterday she told of a rattlesnake showing up at her husband's work place and bit someone in their boot. Fortunately the fangs didn't penetrate. But apparently the snake hitched a ride from Texas, trying to get away from the flooding and it wound up at her husband's workplace. She said they killed the snake, and I just thought that was wrong! They could have had it humanely removed and taken to a wildlife facility, but no, they chose to kill the poor animal, that had already been through too much! More than anyone should endure. And I just thought that was wrong. I said on her post "Poor snake!" and I guess that is when she deleted herself from my friends. Was I wrong to feel bad for the snake? I don't think so. It kinda makes me laugh because the dumbass vegans are always accusing me of having no compassion for animals. Well, this is positive proof that I do! I'm even willing to let go of an old friend as opposed to not feeling compassion for an animal that I don't even like very much. I'm scared of rattlesnakes myself, but I just think it's wrong when people just kill them for pleasure because they are there. When it comes to venomous snakes, I always think "What would Steve Irwin had done in a case like this?" Probably the same thing I would think should have been done.

Well, I am sorry this person decided she doesn't like me anymore, but I am not going to feel bad about showing compassion for an animal. Especially when I think they could have used better methods to remove the snake without taking an axe and killing it, or however they did it. Makes me sad she decided to delete herself, but ehhh I'll get over it! Probably before I even finish typing this post. hehehe! Like I've said many times before, it's MUCH easier on me when the other person deletes themselves. I don't feel nearly as bad. Would I accept her back? Probably not. Sometimes I do, like if they delete themselves by accident, I'll take them back. But I don't want anyone on my friends list who decides they don't like me for being me. I've tried being like other people, and I just can't. I always revert back to being me. I'm the only me I have and I like the way I am. Incidentally, that is why I never sent this one person a friend request, the woman who blows her top anytime someone on the group slams Paula. She's an OK chick, but I don't really want her on my friends list. I don't like the way she argues with everyone who doesn't like Paula Yates like some kind of flaming homosexual. Hopefully when she gets older, and has had more experience with people, she'll get over doing that. But for now, I try not to get too close to her. Maybe when she reaches my age, she'll discover it's pointless to argue with people about their likes and dislikes. I learned that. Took me years, but I learned it.

But I just had a scary thought. What if she is my age? Or perhaps older? OMG!! Then I'd feel sorry for her. You know she NEVER posts in the group unless someone bashes Paula. I think only once or twice I've seen her post on a thread that had nothing to do with Paula, and no one had even talked about Paula. I don't even think she's a Hutch fan. I think she's just a Paula fan. Sometimes I want to say "a Paula fag", LOL!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Guess I'm Back!

Back in the saddle. I wanted to type up another blog post before the end of the month. I just haven't felt much like posting blogs lately. I need to get back to work on my stories. I've finished 3 stories, of course they were rather short stories. One is about farm dogs, which I started in 1990, and never finished. Then tried to rewrite the story again in 1991, and got a little farther in the story, but still never finished. I'm very bad at endings. I think I know why. When I got those books back from "Sam", I remembered, I left a lot of stories from that era unfinished. I never perfected the art of endings. Or did I mention that already? I may have mentioned this a couple of posts ago. In case you readers haven't noticed, I never look back at former posts. Only rarely. And usually when I do look back, it's from years before. I just got those books back from "Sam" recently. I did notice one thing about them, that I did leave a lot of stories unfinished. They consisted mostly of rough drafts, or clips inspired by other stories, or even my own take from TV shows. So, I am taking stories that were originally my own and putting them on the site. Right now, I am working on the story where Uncle Martin is impeached by his own gang, from 2007. I completed that story shortly after we moved to Ocean Shores.

I want to get all the stories I am ever going to put up on the site finished so that I can move on. I'm even working on some compilations. I want to do a compilation next of my INXS stories. I'm going to include the 2 stories I have up already as well as a story I am not going to release on it's own. It's titled "Jon's Nightmare" and it consists mostly of Jon Farriss asleep on the sofa, having a dream. The dream is the main portion of the story. It's a short story, but it's cute. But that's why I won't release it by it's self. Too short. I was thinking about how to finish that story. I have 2 ending scenarios. I was thinking of having the rest of the band wake him up from that dream, in which case all the guys will be involved, including Michael. Or I can have Jon wake up by himself by something in his dream. I remember my sis and I got this idea back in 1998, and I wrote it down on a neon green tablet. Well, I found that tablet while going through my plastic bins right after I moved here, and it was such a cute story idea, I decided to keep it and try it out. I've been putting those ideas in this sketchbook I found at the bottom of one of my boxes that hadn't been unpacked since the first time we moved. I must have just forgot I had that sketchbook. Well, I've been putting it to use, jotting down some story ideas from many years ago. There is one story I found from 1999 where Lisa and Davy are bored and decide to go for a walk. They catch up with a friend of Lisa's named Beth and all decide to spend the day at the zoo. Incidentally, its the same zoo Davy was sent to as a baby, after he was taken away from Gracie. It's just down the hill from Lisa's house. That turned out to be a cute story!

In Gracie's Odyssey, the first place Dave winds up at is the quarantine station. In this story, which I titled "A Day At The Zoo", it's the last place they visit, and quite by accident. The station is tucked behind a room Lisa and Beth think may be the bathroom. But it turns out it isn't. Davy strolls through the station, looking at the animals in their cages. Anyways, it's a cute story, one I do intend on putting on the site. He's even reunited with one of his old friends from his first night. For that reason alone, I thought this story would be cute, so that's why I redid it.

Well, on this one group I am on, there is a girl there who seems to think it is her public duty to defend Paula like she's a relative or something. She just cannot seem to accept the fact that there are people who just do not like Paula. I am one of those. She and I argue all the time. Well, she's never going to change my mind about Paula. Paula did something to Michael, I know she did! Exactly what I don't know, but she did do something. And for that reason, I don't like her. I never will. My mind is made up about that. Well, we play together on the forum almost as much as we argue, so she can be fun. Just that her constantly trying to change my mind about Paula is beginning to give me the ass. Its not so much how she goes about it, it's that she does go about it at all. She likes Aiden Turner, I don't try to change her mind about that. So I'm like "Leave me alone!!!!" when it comes to Paula. It's my choice not to like her. Not her's. If I want to like her, I will learn. But if I don't, no force in Heaven or Earth will make me like her if I don't want to. It's pointless to argue. This morning, when she answered a comment I left yesterday on a post, she got angry at me because someone said Michael's daughter Lily looks prettier than Helena. Lily is cute, but only because she takes mostly after Michael. She hardly looks like Paula at all. I said to that commenter "Imagine if Lily had been Helena's and Michael's child instead of Paula's. She could have been a knock-out!" Well, those Paula genes are still there, and none of Paula's other kids that she had with Geldof look as good as Lily. So, it was definitely Michael's genes that gave Lily her cuteness. Well, this other person did not like me saying that and said it was disrespectful. I almost said to her "Well, deal with it!" LOL!! I almost said that!!! I have a feeling I'm going to be sorry I didn't!

Well, for the sake of the mods there, I don't go bashing Paula anymore. But I still just don't like her, and I will say it. That's not bashing. That's being honest. Bashing would be saying how I really feel about Paula and why. She's an ugly, despicable, mean-spirited whore who is burning in Hell now. That is bashing. I can do it here, but I promised the mods I would no longer do it on the group. Actually my ma once knew a woman exactly like Paula. It was a woman named Donna. Well, Donna was exactly how I just described Paula. Donna once said to my ma "I'm going to take your ex husband and I'm going to take John away from you too." In the same respect, I heard Paula used to say the exact same thing about Michael. Michael however was weaker than my pa and John. John is the man my ma is now married to. Donna is still single. Kindof funny really. But Donna was a hateful, mean-spirited person. I remember I was once forced to spend a weekend with her and I was uncomfortable the whole time! I just didn't know how to tell ma. She did sleep with my dad one night, and never came back. I told dad NOT to hook up with her, because if he did, I'd leave and never see him again. Well, he had no intention of staying with Donna. Thank GOD!! I hated Donna!!! Donna said she was a bitch. Well, she wasn't a bitch. She was an asshole. There's a difference. A bitch is just a girl with some spark. Donna had more than spark, she had unmitigated gall! And she wasn't even the least bit attractive. No way would someone like my dad go for her. But I wonder if she did something to him that night she spent with him. His personality seemed to change after that night.

Anyways, the way Paula was, sounds just like Donna. Donna forced herself on my father, and tried to force herself on me and my sis too. And John. But neither one of us would let her go too far, and I was going to say good bye to dad and never come back again if he had taken up with Donna. I was perfectly willing to do that! I had the means. My then boyfriend was being transferred to another part of the country, he asked me to go with him, and I could have changed my mind and went. The only reason I didn't is because I didn't know anyone where he was moving to. I had no family there. My sis also still needed firm, loving care too, and I felt like it was up to me to give that to her. But anyways, notice how the story of Michael and Paula and Donna and my dad are almost alike. Donna went for my father and got him, had sex with him one night, shortly after he and ma separated, and Donna did something to alter my father's personality that night. The only differences are Donna never had a baby with my pa (that I know of) and my pa knew to kick her out of the house like an old, smelly shoe before it went too far. Michael didn't. I guess because he was desperate for a baby.

Well, I said to this poster that I did not say Lily wasn't cute. But that's only because she takes mostly after Michael. Well!! It's true!!! Michael had good genes. Paula evidently didn't. Her other kids are not as cute as Lily. Bless their hearts! Pixie I have some respect for as a Chihuahua owner, but that's it.

And speaking of Michael, I had this dream last night that had me convulsing in orgasms! I dreamed that Michael and Timmy chased me down, Michael caught me first. Next thing I know he and I are doing it doggy-style! I actually saw his penis in full erection in the dream!! Ohhh!!! I think I was even shouting in my sleep "Oh yes baby!! Yes! Yes! YESSS!" LOL!! That was all I remember about the dream. Good to know at least I am still able to have orgasms!! Even though I think I am going through menopause now.

****************************************NEW DEVELOPMENT***********************************

I heard from this girl again who always argues with people who do not like Paula. She said "If I was (Lily) and I came in here and saw the comments you made, I would hate you! I mean literally hate you, for insulting my mom." My response to her was "She can hate me if she wants to, it does not bother me. But it does not change how I feel about her mom. Still love her father though." LOL! Actually, when you reach my age, and have had as many experiences with people as I have, the people who like you become much more important than the people who don't like you. That's one thing I've learned over the years, especially keeping blogs. Believe me, Lily would not be the first person to hate me for speaking my mind and standing my ground, and she sure wouldn't be the last!

*************************************LATEST DEVELOPMENT 6/1************************************

I think Jannah has put me on ignore. LOL!!! I say GOOD!! I was going to suggest it anyways next time I saw her. Probably best for both of us. Because I am always going to be me, and she can't stop me from being who I am, and I don't like Paula, and her blood pressure is going to keep going up every time I say that, or even imply it. So, yes. Please keep me on ignore Jannah. I'm glad one of us did it first.

Friday, May 22, 2015

What Everyone Loves

I remember when ma and I were on our trip, we started talking about what we like and dislike about each other. I could not believe it. She actually wanted to know what it was I disliked about her! Usually she shuts conversations like that off. But this time, she actually wanted to know. I threw up my arms and shouted "At last! My chance!" Just like Michael did in this one interview. LOL! Well, it looked cuter when he did it, but I was actually happy, and a bit stunned, that ma wanted to hear what was wrong with her. One of the big things I always disliked about ma is that whenever I love something, she always tries to make that thing I like look bad in some way. Like, I love lemurs. But I hate tigers. Well, when ma found out I hate tigers, and that lemurs were my favorite animals, she was like "Lemurs are ugly". And I know the only reason she said that was because I said I hate tigers and she likes them. She also said Siamese cats are ugly, and again, it was only because I said I loved them. She had a Siamese once before, I know she does not really think that. She was just being cynical. That's the one thing I always disliked about her. Then she pulls at straws to find things wrong with lemurs.

The reason she always was like that is because she always had some kind of strange notion that everything she likes, I decide I don't like. Well, I've hated tigers now for almost 30 years. It was lemurs though that saved me from falling into this panther craze. I thank GOD for that! I've seen how panther fanatics are, and I would hate to become like them! I would hate myself because of it. I would feel like I was a panther lover more for them than for myself, and that would make me lose all the respect I have in myself. I always prided myself on being an individual, not going with the crowd. I want to be able to keep that up. Well, ma apologized for being vindictive. I don't mind if she really does not like lemurs. But I would hope it would be for a much better, and more sensible, reason than the fact that I like them instead of tigers. I expect logic like that from youtube trolls, but my ma has always been so grown-up, mature and intelligent. That just makes her seem immature, childish and stupid.

We also talked a lot about Celtic Thunder. She really likes Damien and Ryan. I've seen their pics. Damien has the bluest eyes!! Ryan isn't bad looking either. But I told her I could never fall in love with them. They're both so much younger than I am. I have this strict, personal rule that I never fall in love with someone younger than me. Especially someone I could have possibly babysat with. I told ma it's like my friends being madly in love with Aiden Turner. She asked me "What's an Aiden Turner?" I told her "It's a thing that a lot of my friends are fawning over now, under some delusion that he resembles Michael Hutchence." I still say he does not resemble Michael. Not MY Michael! Michael Jackson, maybe. My Michael, No way! One of my friends posted something about Michael Hutchence and Cochita Wurst are Jon Snow's real parents. LOL! Jon Snow is a character Kit Harington plays. I definitely see the resemblance to Michael, but not Cochita. And Cochita is gay! He couldn't be anyone's father. Or mother. Well, I always said Kit Harington could be Michael's twin. When I saw him for the first time, I'd have swore I was looking at a pic of my Michael. I had to do a double-take!!

Surprisingly, a lot of my friends are my age, and fawning like teenagers over an ugly dude like Aiden Turner!! Well, let's face it. People today LOVE ugly! What was once considered ugly to the populace long ago, is today considered handsome. And what was once handsome long ago, would today be considered ugly. Me, I am an old fashioned girl. I know what is gorgeous, and what isn't. And Aiden Turner isn't it!! Well, I no longer can say I hate the guy. I have a little bit of respect for him, as a fellow dog-lover. He's just lucky he owns a dog! If he didn't, like say if he had a cat instead, I would have no respect for him at all. But dog-lovers are a dying breed. Cat-lovers are a dime a dozen today. I can afford to look at them in disgust. And most men who prefer cats over dogs, they are the meekest, mousiest men you'll ever meet! I wouldn't have been surprised if the green river killer was a cat-person! When I used to hear about him, and the fact some people believed he was a truck driver, I expected to see a big, burly man, broad-shouldered and heavily-muscled, athletic, even somewhat handsome. Somewhat! LOL! But no, when he was finally revealed, and I saw him for the first time, he was a shy, mousey, hunched-back, bald-headed, pudgy, mild-mannered nerd with glasses, the kind of man I almost expect to be a cat-person more than a dog-person.

I remember I once had someone, named Adam, among my Facebook friends, and he preferred cats over dogs. In fact, he said he'd never had a dog in his life. I remember one day he asked why he could never find a woman to love him. Well, I got a good look at his pic, and I must tell you, he was not very attractive. Sadly, most women go for men who are attractive more than someone who simply has a good heart. And Adam was not attractive at all. Since he'd never had a dog in his life, he had a pudgy belly. He also had eyes that made him look like a serial killer, and a fat face with thick eyebrows that slanted downward and made him look mean. But again, he is the type I almost expect to prefer cats over dogs. He was probably lazy too, as most cat people are. That's why we have more fat people around today than we ever did in the past. Most people today prefer cats over dogs. But you cannot take a cat for a walk. Some people try, but most people get a cat because they don't have to walk it like they would a dog. Thus people today are lazy and fat.

Now, that's not to say all men who own cats instead of dogs are fat and unattractive. Just saying that is the norm. Cats alter peoples' brains. I think they also affect a woman's reproductive organs to produce fat, lazy, unattractive kids too. Such was the case with Adam I think. Since he said he's never had a dog in his life. His mama probably owned cats when she was pregnant with him, and the parasites those cats carried affected him during his development, and made it so he was born unattractive. That's a possibility. But that's also been the case with a lot of men I've seen who preferred cats over dogs. Someone once told me on YouTube that owning a particular animal does not affect how a person looks. But in some ways, it does. Or at least, I'm comparing it to what I've mostly seen in such cases. Not all, but most. It'd be kindof funny if I found out Luke Arnold was a cat-person, where Aiden Turner is a dog-person, and I've been saying all these months that if I were 20 years younger, I would have fallen madly in love with Luke Arnold, and I said I would never fall in love with Aiden Turner! LOL! Boy! That would be putting my foot in my mouth!!!

Well, I like Luke Arnold for one main reason, and that is because he was the first to help renew my love for Michael Hutchence. Before I saw the movie, I had given up on Michael I thought for good. I thought NOTHING could ever make me love Michael again the way I used to back in the early days. I thought any feelings I had for him were ancient history, never to surface again. But I was wrong. When I saw that movie for the first time, and I cried at the end, it told me I still had feelings for Michael. Strong feelings! Since then, my love for Michael has grown steady, and stronger than it ever was before. Now, I love him to pieces! And sometimes I still weep over him. That is something Aiden Turner will never inspire. No matter if he plays the part of Michael in the next movie, or at all. Even if the next movie turns out to be better than that last one. What was once broken has already been repaired, and it cannot be rebroken again. At least I hope not. But this is how my life normally plays out.

Well, speaking of which, I remember about a month or so ago, one of my friends on this group I am on said that her house is haunted with Michael. She seems level-headed and I always believe when people tell me about spirits in their house, because I've lived in a haunted house before myself, and the paranormal fascinates me now. But a few things bothered me about this person's claim. If Michael were going to haunt a person or place, don't you think the place he would go would be a place he loved as opposed to a house he never lived in, didn't know existed, and he had absolutely no connection with? And if he was going to visit anyone, wouldn't he be visiting Lily, as opposed to a fan? I know Michael looks after and does things for his fans from beyond the grave, I've felt it myself. But my experience with spirits has always been if they are going to stay in a place in this world, it's usually some place they loved in their lives. And if they are going to visit a person, it'd be someone they knew and loved.

Well, I remember I half-jokingly said to this fan that if Michael is in her house to send him to my house, I had some things I wanted to say to him. Ya know, I think she did!! I have this old cut on my side that occasionally gets infected and puffs up, and it hasn't bothered me since long before I left Bozeman. Well, one night, I was thinking about it, and I said to myself that I was so grateful that that sore has not got infected in a long time! I figured whatever was wrong with it, it was completely over doing that. Well, no sooner had I said that, the exact area where I have that cut got a little irritated and began to itch, burn and turn red. The next morning, there was a huge lump there and it hurt like hell!! I wondered if that was Michael sarcastically saying to me "Here I am, as you wanted! Now I will make your life miserable for scratching up my picture!" I said to myself "This is either GOD, or Michael! If it's GOD, then HE has a sick sense of humor! If this is Michael, then he must be pissed at me for scratching up his picture!" That was the first thought that came into my mind. I said to Michael "I said I was sorry for doing that! What more do you want man?!" Well, I cannot doubt this person anymore. As soon as I said that, the sore on my side began to get better and heal. It was the weirdest thing! Next to that time when I was 7 years old, and I was sleeping in my bed and I felt 2 fingers jolt out from under my pillow and rub the back of my neck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Wow! I realized it's been over a month since I made my last blog post! I just didn't have much to say. Then my computer had to be sent in for repairs. So I was without it for a while. And the library here is not like it was in Port Angeles. At the library in PA, I could get on a computer and stay on there all day if I wanted to. Here, as in most places, they only give you an hour on their computer. Sometimes I wish I had never left Port Angeles! LOL! But I didn't like my living arrangements. But at least now I know what living in an RV is like. I wasn't too crazy about it, because of the constant leaks and dampness, mold and mildew, and bugs!!

I dunno, I think I'm just getting bored with blogs. Just a natural cycle. I've been working more on my stories. I want to get them all done and onto the site. This past week, I've finished 3 stories and put them up on the site. This is not an entirely easy process either. Everything has to be just perfect. One story I completed, I began in 1991, and it remained unfinished until this year. I even had a little bit of my ma's help finishing the story. It was a story that had a lot of potential, but it sat unfinished for many years. A lot of my stories back then were like that. That is why I am so bad at endings, I never got the practice I needed early on. Well, I am getting better. Some of the best stories I have written, I am beginning to complete them. Some have even been unfinished for many, many years. Yet if I think there is potential in the story, I don't throw it away. I figure eventually I will come up with an ending. So, I keep those stories. The only time I scrap stories is if I think they're going nowhere.

Ma came over and stayed for the week last week, I had to go down to California for something very important. She came and took me there when I needed it. For that I thank her very much. She will never know how much I appreciated that. I enjoy going on rides with her. We talk most of the way. Well, one of the things we talked about was INXS. She is still bothered by me kissing my Timmy and Hutch pics. hehehehe! She says it's sickening. Well, I love these guys, and the only way I can show affection to them, since I don't have either Michael or Timmy with me, is to kiss their pics. Ma brought up "Do you think (Timmy) is kissing and swooning over your picture? Believe me, he's NOT!" Believe me, I know that!! I said to her "Frankly, I don't care if Timmy sees my picture and wants to punch it. It doesn't change how I feel about him." I understand Timmy does not carry around pics of me. I know I am not the love of his life, and I know I don't want to be either. He's married!! I understand that. I don't love Michael OR Timmy in that way. There are different kinds of love. There is the kind of love a wife feels for her husband. There is the kind of love a mother feels for her child. There is the kind of love a boy feels for his dog. There is the kind of love a friend feels for another friend. There is the kind of love a sister feels for her brother. And there is the kind of love a girl feels for a favorite celebrity. The kind of love I feel for Michael and Timmy is more along the lines of being puppy-love. It's less than what lovers feel, but more than what friends feel. It's more comparable to how a dog feels towards it's master.

I told ma the reason I talk to my pics of my favorite guys is because I truly feel pictures capture the soul. I feel like a piece of their spirit is within those pics. It's a comforting feeling. Even when I was not into INXS, I still felt like a bit of their spirit was attached to those pics. That feeling I had about Michael in 1995 did not just happen. It was a strong feeling. And for someone who was not a close friend of his, I was amazed at how accurate it was. And 2 months before he died, I began getting strong feelings about him again, and I didn't know why, after barely even thinking about them for 5 years. Something had to be telling me something. I think it was his spirit. The piece of his spirit that was attached to those pics. As crazy as that may sound, there is just no other way I can explain having such strong feelings towards him. When I lived with Patti and Chris on that job back in 1992, I kept a pic of INXS over my bed. It provided some degree of comfort. But strangely enough, I did not totally dismiss INXS after I lost that job like I did every other rock group I had been into when I had that job. I even dismissed Dian Fossey! And I never thought ANYTHING would make me dismiss her!!! She's my one big idol! She's the one I always looked up to. Well, I reinstated her as my idol again after a 2 year break. But Roxette, that I had been such a huge fan of before, I dropped them. MC Hammer, I used to like him before I had that job, not after I lost that job. New Kids on the Block I was also once a fan of. Not no more after I lost that job. The only one I remained even halfway faithful to was INXS.

I haven't been into any of those groups since I lost that job. The only one that I did put away after I lost that job that I got back into was Dian Fossey, and I am afraid it may be just because I am hopelessly devoted to her. I admire her strength. Though it was that strength that was her death warrant, still, one has to admire strength like that. I draw a lot of my own strength from her's, and I've gotten better over the years. Thanks to the inspiration I got from her. I also learn a lot from watching such shows as Judge Judy. But Dian Fossey stood her ground all the way up to the end. I wish I had done much more of that in my life time!! For that reason, I love her to pieces!! One of the things that made her so strong, she was not a people-person. So she pretty much didn't care what others thought of her. That's the way I've been lately. I don't need people, don't really care for them either. When you reach that point in your life, believe me, it makes life a lot more enjoyable! I have friends and I do love them. But at the same time, I can also take people or leave them. Doesn't matter to me. I'm beyond that point now. I still feel very proud of the way I stood my ground after the dirty dozen mob told the people in Bozeman about this blog. I'm just tickled pink that I held up even after Andy's attacks on me, and Roger's name-calling. I love it that I did not back down. That shows how much stronger I am than I ever thought I was! Probably even stronger than the dirty dozen mob thought I was! I know they revealed my blog there believing I was going to weaken, plead for mercy and apologize to everyone. But no, that did not happen. The only person I apologized to was Deb, and that was it. I even told her flat out I was not going to apologize to her husband. It made him angrier, but I didn't care. He was the one who was wrong in this case. Not me. I did very well holding my ground against him and everyone else there. But again, I learned from the best! Thank you Dian Fossey!!

If I ever wind up dead for speaking my mind, just add me to the long list of people who died fighting for what they believe in. That will be my honor, and I will deem it a pleasure. Hopefully it will help bring awareness in some small way to what I am battling for. Small things like that soon turn into big things. Those big things eventually get worked out to everyone's satisfaction.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Well, I have finally been able to purchase some of my books. I got one book that I've always wanted to see in print. I got Gracie's Odyssey, Let's Play Ball and Futuristic Fight-Club. I always wanted to see Gracie and her baby in print. It looks good, I must say! I was so thrilled when I got it, I made a video about it. The publisher had a bit of a problem with Futuristic Fight-Club, so I had to do that one all over again. Though I cannot imagine what kind of problem they had with it! It looks just as good as Gracie's Odyssey does! And I was not satisfied with how Let's Play Ball came out. So, I resubmitted that one. I should be getting it here in a few days so I can look it over once again and approve it for national distribution.

More good news is I finally finished INXS Goes to Mount St. Helens!! I finally got it perfected. I had to redo the pics for the story, and I even improved the story so that there is more action. I passed out freebie copies of this story on the old INXS Fan Forum back in 2005, when I first completed the story. But there was a reason I passed that out for free. The story that I passed out back then was nothing more than just a rough, experimental draft version of that story. I didn't even have the UMG Productions website back then. What I now have on the site is the completed story, all the rough parts taken out, I improved the drawings, I worked and re-worked everything in the story. I don't want to really make money off the backs of INXS, but I have to charge something, because the platform I use for ebooks charges me each time someone purchases a story. I try to keep anything I make off any INXS stories down to a barebones minimum. For this story, I only charge $3.99. The reason for that is I put a lot of work into those drawings!! So that is mostly what the people are paying for with that story. Though I have to confess, a lot of work went into writing the story too. I just didn't know how to end the story! Well, we all know how the story of INXS ends. Michael is gone. But after that, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the story. I just ended telling how influential INXS is to me.

Well a funny thing happened on this group I am a member of on Facebook. Today, the admin asked if Michael pulled up beside me on his motorcycle, and asked me to get on and where I would like to go, where would I have him take me. Well, my answer was of course, to Mount St. Helens. Just because I would LOVE to see his real reaction to seeing that mountain up close. Of course, I would want all the guys there as well to see it. I'd want to see all of their faces if they ever see the mountain. It is an awesome sight. Especially from the Johnston Ridge Observatory. In my story, I have the men looking at the mountain in awe when they first see it. I think it would be interesting to see their reaction to it in person and up close. When you see the mountain in pictures and videos, it's one thing. But to see it in person is quite another! It's impossible to describe! Pictures, no matter how close the photographer gets, do not do the mountain justice. There is just something about standing right in front of the mountain! You can stand there, and actually feel the power of nature. I grew up near the mountain, and seeing it still sends shivers up my spine!!! It's one of those things you just never get over. It's hypnotic. It's magnificent! It's awesome!! It's more than charisma! There is nothing in the world like it!

Well anyways. The story is finally finished, perfected and put up on the website! Download it here:

Or, if you would rather wait for a printed version, I am going to offer this story, along with One Day in November and an unreleased INXS story I am currently working on in one big compilation book. I am now working on a story with just Jon Farriss. It starts with him being asleep on the sofa, and a dream he is having. I titled it "Jon's Nightmare", and it will be out soon, but only in this compilation book. I am starting to do that. I figure that's the best way to present some of these shorter stories that are too short to release on their own in printed form. A lot of people still like printed books, so that is why I want to offer stories like this in a compilation book. I have one compilation already out now, I call it Kooky Kritters. It's a compilation of the Dynamic Dogs, the Kooky Cagebirds, and a previously unreleased comic from 1992 called Marvelous Mammals. This compilation is available as an ebook as well as a printed book. It can be found here:

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Something I've Never Done!

LOL! Oh boy! I've been on a surge of going around Facebook asking people to become my Facebook friends. I normally don't do that. It is very rare usually for me to ask anyone to become my friend on Facebook. But this past week, I've been doing it much more than usual. Well, earlier last week, I got another request from someone, and that someone only spoke Spanish. That's all I ever seem to get, as friend requests go. They are INXS fans who only speak Spanish. Now, don't misunderstand me, I love ALL my friends. I love my Spanish-speaking friends as much as anyone else on my friends list. They are all very sweet people! But the problem is I can never read their posts!! I cannot interact with them because they only speak Spanish. I can't like their posts, or comment because they're posts are all in Spanish, and all their friends speak Spanish too. I don't know where they got the idea I speak Spanish! I only get by reading their posts because of Google Translate. But I regularly use Internet Explorer. Google Translate is not available on IE. It only works on Google Chrome, and I do not like using Google Chrome regularly! It takes forever to start!

Well, it's been very rare that the English speaking people I also like have asked me to become their Facebook friends. So this past week, I changed that. I went around and asked them. I normally hate doing that, because I almost feel like I am forcing myself on these people. I don't know why I always feel that way. But I do. I don't feel that way when someone asks me to become their facebook friend. I always welcome new friends with open arms. I tell them "Welcome to my world!" But for some odd reason, when I ask someone to be my friend on Facebook, I feel like I am forcing them into my world. I guess it stems back to when I was in 3rd grade and tried to make friends upon going to this new school. Sometimes those people would accept and be nice about it. But sometimes I got the occasional asshole who wouldn't let me become their friend. Or sometimes they would, and then betray my trust in some way down the road. I've had some people I thought were my friends, and I liked them very well, but after giving them all my loyalty and friendship, they did something horrible to me at one point or another. That I think is what has made me the person I am today. Not good!! LOL!!

Well, I've put in several friend requests. I just ask. I never expect anything. I don't beg, I can't force someone to accept, I just find people I like and ask them to become my Facebook friend. I put in the request saying they can accept it or reject it, that's fine. I had one person reject it today. But that is OK. I only have a few mutual friends with her. None of which are average INXS fans. But that's OK. I can expect that. Some people are fussy about who they allow onto their Facebook page. I have an aunt who is exactly the same. Still love her though! But she accepted my friend request and then realized she made a mistake. She has a thing where she only allows her immediate family (the family still living in Louisiana) to be one of her facebook friends. My ma is also somewhat fussy about who she accepts as a friend on Facebook. But she is a lot more open to it than my aunt. Well, I hope to add more people. I don't know how many more. It depends. If I find someone I like, I'll ask. Again, they can accept my request or reject it, it's fine. I hold no hard feelings towards those who reject. I just hope I remember down the road who they are, so I'll know not to ask them again. LOL! That would be kindof embarrassing! hehehe!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Most Moronic Manager

OMG! I am SO glad I no longer live in Bozeman!! Some time ago my sis told me that the old night manager, Larry, was kicked out of the complex. What a shame! He seemed like a nice person! I cannot imagine what he did that the new night manager hasn't done that would get Larry kicked out. Well, guess who the new night manager is? It's Roger Melvin! LOL!! Apparently the new apartment manager Janet has some kind of affinity to Roger. What she doesn't know is Roger is only nice to her because she is the manager, and he has to be nice to her. If she were just a regular tenant, he would be bitchy towards her too. Just like he's always been to all the other tenants. Roger seems to have some kind of unfortunate idea that he owns the complex, and that he can control who moves in and who does what in that building. Everyone knows he's crazy! No one likes him either. Like I said before, the man is never happy unless he is bitching about something.

Well I had a long chat yesterday with a new friend on Facebook who is also a resident in that complex. She thought Roger had singled her out and is just picking on her alone. But I told her no, he's not. He bitches at everyone. I told her about how he got on one of my YouTube videos a couple years back and made a comment, saying how ugly he thought I was and things like "you like pussy" and "so glad to be free of your ugliness" and "ugly" "ugly" "ugly". Every other word in his comment was about being ugly. LOL!! Made me laugh then, and I still laugh about it to this day. Poor old fart thought he was going to hurt my feelings! When in fact, the opposite happened. I know his type. I'm used to people like him. His comment only showed the last resort of a desperate man. I always laugh at that type of person. Because that is just 2 steps away from him killing himself. I think he's in the final step now. LOL! I know, I've been there myself. What stopped me was actually when "the Watcher" called me a stalking whale. I loved that compliment!! Made me feel so good!! I wanted to stick around so I can enjoy it!! Roger thought he was going to hurt my feelings by calling me things like "ugly" and "dogface". I love dogs! How is a name like "dogface" going to insult me? LOL! Some of the cutest animals on the planet also have doglike faces. Look at pteropods. Look at lemurs, kangaroos, foxes. Some of my favorite animals are "dog-faced". LOL! As for "ugly", well I never said I am supposed to look like a supermodel. GOD made me the way I am, and that's what I'll take. Ugly or not. It's who I am.

Well, it would be no surprise to me that Roger would accept a job such as night manager. He just wouldn't be himself if he hadn't. Someone like Roger Melvin give up a chance to bitch at and boss other people around, and get paid for it? And the fact the other tenants would have to listen to him or else risk getting evicted?? Oh no!! Roger's not going to give up an opportunity to do that!! That's the kind of thing he loves doing! He won't pass up that job for nothing in the world! No way!! This new friend even told me Roger has had sound recording devices on every floor! UGH! That too is no surprise to me. So now he gets to eavesdrop on other peoples' private conversations. Another thing I am sure Roger has always wanted to do. He hates it that now everyone in that building hates his guts. No one there will talk to him. So now, the only way he gets to hear the voices of someone besides himself is to record other tenants talking to each other, and pretend they are talking to him. And I can just picture Roger going to Janet first thing every morning, squealing like a little schoolroom sissy that so-n-so was talking about him the night before and he wants to have that person evicted.

Personally, I don't care what people think of me. When I left Bozeman, I was probably the most hated person in that building. But did I care about that? No. Even when I got back to Washington, I didn't care what they thought. They could have thought I was Jack the Ripper, it wouldn't have mattered to me. When Roger wrote that comment saying how relieved he was to be "free of my ugliness", do you think I cared if he was? No. I didn't. I didn't care if he was relieved, and I sure as hell didn't care if he thought I was ugly. Never going to matter to me. LOL! But apparently what other people think of Roger matters to him a great deal. He has yet to learn to just go about his own affairs, mind his own business and the hell with what other people think. Otherwise he would not have installed sound recording devices on all floors. I told my sis that if she ever finds out those devices are recording anything she says in her own apartment to get out of there! I don't care what she has to do, just pack the dogs and leave! I won't have them invading her privacy. She pays her rent, after that whatever she does is her own business. Not Roger's. Not the manager's. Not anyone's! Go to Missoula, go to Reno, she can even come here if she wants. But don't stay there if they are going to invade her space!! I hope she heeds that advice too.

If I were Janet, I wouldn't trust Roger. I don't trust him around the corner! I don't trust him as far as I can throw him! He's evil, vindictive, obnoxious, controlling, not to mention he is a moron. He'd do anything to be able to control people. If he has keys to every apartment in that building, I would worry! Because he may set some kind of booby trap while that person is away in their own apartment. Or go in their apartment to steal something. Who knows? But I am so glad I got out of there when I did! I'd be damned if I am going to ask for anything from Roger!! I'd rather sleep in my car! I'd rather die than to need anything from Roger!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Michael's Mediums

LOL!! I gotta say, I saw 2 posts on this group for people who claim to be able to channel to Michael on the other side. I believe there are authentic psychics. But I am very wary of anyone who claims they are the "only" celebrity psychics. This woman says that very thing. She said not to believe anyone who says they are able to channel to Michael on the other side. She said he only converses with a very few people, and one person who he calls MJ. I laughed when I saw that, I thought "Michael Jackson"? LOL! These people always make me laugh. Anyways, this was the article that intrigued everyone on the site: I read through it at first with an open mind. But then I came to a portion of the post that told me the whole article was nothing but bullshit. It was when she said: "He was a huge Jim Morrison fan on earth". Not true! Michael was not a fan of the Doors at all. He said that in an interview. He even hated it that he was always compared to Morrison. So when I read that, I knew this whole blog post was nothing but bull.

I think people like this should be horsewhipped, but I really think they are just attention-seekers. Kindof like that Amy Lee person. But I must admit, the blog was entertaining! Some of the things she said, if they had been true, would have been so nice to know. Like Michael is looking over his daughter all the time. Which I am pretty sure he is! But it would also have been nice to know he is not with Paula on the other side too. The way she schemed to get him, and killed him, and then killed herself, leaving Lily to fend for herself, Paula doesn't deserve Michael in the next life! Yes, I still believe Paula trapped Michael. I just don't say now she used Lily to do it. Apparently Michael had signed affidavits that said he was the one who wanted Lily. Not Paula. So I cannot any longer say Paula had Lily to trap Michael. But she did trap him.

I know a lot about Michael. Mostly from reading, and what has been said by other fans, the band members, his family, and my own personal experiences. Which are not many, but I have some. Some things are basically instinct. Like that premonition I had about him back in 1995. I have no idea why I had that premonition!! I even forgot I had it! But I remembered after an interview with one of his closest fan/friends. We were talking about connections with Michael once. I don't think I have any connections with him at all. But his mama was a Kennedy, and I have a lot of Kennedys in my background too. They may or may not be related. But if they are, it could explain the almost supernatural synergy I seem to have with Michael. The notion I got in 1995 was just one. About 2 months before Michael passed, I also was falling in love with him again. I didn't even know I was really falling in love! I never mentioned it to anyone. Just that whenever I looked at him, my heart would flutter. Now why that happened, after barely thinking anything about him in 5 years, I may never fully know. I don't really even like mentioning things like this because people tend to think those who write things like this are delusional.

Well, I cannot say for sure whether I am delusional or not. But I never claimed to have any love affairs with Michael. Though when I was a teenager, I did fantasize about marrying Michael. But I never would have really done it! I knew it was nothing more than a fantasy. I never stalked Michael. I didn't want to. I don't claim to be his medium. I never did. The only person who he would possibly be looking down on and communicating with should be none other than Lily. Though I do believe he does give signs to the fans that he is still there. One of my friends visited the bay where some of Michael's ashes were thrown into. She put a rose bouquet into the water, and she said she felt his presence all around her. I know even in spirit form, Michael cannot be everywhere. But I do believe he is with his fans, in small ways. But this medium doesn't want anyone to believe he communicates with anyone but her. That's OK. I don't believe any of what she says now either. Maybe that is wishful thinking. Or maybe it is true. No one really knows but Michael.

I remember after Timmy's accident, I wondered if Michael was angry at his band mates because of the movie. I thought about that and I got this sinking feeling in my belly after I said that. I then turned to my pics of Michael and I slapped one of them, like I would firmly, and gently, slap his lap, or something. I then said "Stop it baby! I mean it!" I was serious, even though I did call him baby. LOL! I was still crying over Timmy at that time, but that bad feeling I had in my belly lifted. Hopefully that meant the guys will no longer be suffering anymore bad luck. Only time will tell now.

Monday, March 30, 2015

What I Hate Most

Yesterday I felt the need to delete someone from my Facebook friends and I've felt bad about it ever since. This person, she was not the best friend I had on my Facebook, but she never did me any harm. When we used to communicate, she was very nice. Although for some odd reason, I don't know what, she hasn't said anything at all to me for about a year now. I shouldn't feel bad about deleting her from my friends. But I do. She was saying how she's going to block people who do not like Casey Nunez. I don't even know who he is. And if he's one of these young pop hopefuls getting a start on American Idol, I don't want to know him! I've said this before, I have NO respect for rockstar wannabe's who get their start on shows like American Idol, X-Factor or America's Got Talent, or any other show like that. I don't care how good they think they are, or how good my friends think they are. I have one friend on Facebook that seems to be hooked on Matt Cardle. She and her friends keep talking about how "handsome" he is! YUK!!! I've seen him before, and I don't think he's the least bit handsome.

Now, I have nothing personal against this friend, she can think he's handsome all she wants to. It's her choice. But I happen to think Matt Cardle is UGLY!!! To me, he looks like he should have one of those fire-proof suits on with the metal hood that covers your eyes, and holding a welding torch. Then I found out he got his start on X-Factor, and that did it for me. I have NO respect for him! To me, nothing beats good old fashioned pub and bar seasoning. After all, those potential fans are the ones who are going to buy the tickets to your concert. Who cares what the "experts" say?! It's like if Salvadore Dali taught me about art. I'm sure I could learn something from him. But in the long run, all I'd be doing is copying his style. Not developing a style of my own.

Anyways, back to the subject. I told this friend on Facebook goodbye. I have nothing personal against her either, but no one is going to tell me who I can and cannot like. I don't know who Casey Nunez is. But I won't have a friend on my list who is going to can me just because I don't like the same person she likes. So, I let her go without prejudice. But I have felt bad about it ever since. I just hate deleting people from my Facebook friends! It's not for me. Its a LOT less hard on me when they delete themselves from my friends list. Believe me it is! Some of the people I've had in the past that have deleted themselves, I actually cheered when I found out they were gone. One example was a woman from the Netherlands, whose name was Niki. Nothing ever seemed to satisfy her. She criticized everything I did. There have been a few times I've actually come very close to deleting her myself from my friends. So, when she did it herself, I was so happy! I actually cheered! She apparently didn't like me doing the cinnamon challenge. LOL! If I'd have known that was the way to get rid of her, I'd have done that long ago! That proved she had no sense of humor either. I should have deleted her after the first time she griped about a post I put up. My problem is I'm too kind for my own good.

Well, rather than even trying to deal with another "Niki" again, I just deleted this other friend from my Facebook friends. But I just felt bad about doing it, and I had to vent. I did not tell her she cannot be a fan of this Casey Nunez, but I just didn't like her saying she's going to delete and block people who don't like the same things she does. I had her on my Facebook friends for quite some time. I have quite a few friends who don't like the same things I do. I even have a few who are not INXS fans. Not many admittedly, but I do have a few. If they don't like INXS, then that is fine with me. I won't delete or block them for that. I didn't block this person. I just deleted her. Nothing personal.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

What If It's True?

I was watching some of My Favorite Martian yesterday. I used to love that show when I was a teenager. I still laugh when I see it! It's corny, but it's a cute series. But I was thinking, what if there really is life on Mars? It is possible. Of course we've sent robots to take photographs of the planet and they show there is no life on Mars. But really, how can we be positive of that? What if life on Mars is made up of tiny bacteria-like forms? Or perhaps it is more sophisticated than that of bacteria? What if they are life forms like we have here, we just cannot see them? I have a theory that perhaps there are creatures on Mars and we cannot see them because their molecules rotate at a different direction than what our eyes and photographic equipment can capture. Maybe we cannot see them because they are of a different dimension than we are able to see. Maybe there is a 5th or 6th dimension there, and we just cannot see it or capture it on film. Kindof like our 4th dimension here.

I totally believe when we die, we don't just lie in the ground and rot and do nothing. I believe our spirit leaves our body and we step into this 4th dimension. I like to believe my grandma and grandpa is there. Michael too. That is the "Heaven" the Bible speaks of. Now, I have no idea about Hell. I just have the feeling that Hell is basically this world, and when we are bad, we don't enter this 4th dimension. Our spirits just stay in this world forever. I don't think GOD banishes us to this firey pit for eternity. I don't think anything that we do in this life is worth being put into a burning pit of fire forever and ever. I just have a hard time believing that. GOD is supposed to be forgiving. And believe me, if the WBC doesn't think they're bad, then what is "bad" in the eyes of GOD? The WBC have become a bunch of cowards. They don't even answer their phones anymore. They're scared of people because of all the bad shit they've been doing. And if they think they're going to Heaven when they die, then there is a problem there. They treat people like crap and they think it's funny. I don't think GOD is half as bad as they portray.

Or maybe "Heaven" is Mars? And we all go there when we die and live as martians? Maybe that is the case. Who knows for sure? Maybe when I was born I was not born, per se. Maybe I was someone else before and I died and this is the afterlife. I was just "born again" into this afterlife. Maybe when we die, we just go on and on and on. When I go, maybe I will still be me again, just born again to someone else. I hope it won't be a vegan!! Or a nasty show breeder! Actually, I would rather be born to a show breeder than a vegan. Just not a hateful, nasty show breeder. I'd hope it would be a nice one (which is rare, but I have seen them before) that has morals and values and knows how to treat people with respect and dignity, and not like they are slugs that need to be squashed. And by "people", I don't mean just other show breeders either! I mean ALL people. The problem with show breeders is they think they are GOD. And us "mere mortals" (non-show breeders, or beginning breeders) must bow down and kiss their butt.

Well, those are just some ideas I figured I'd put out there at the risk of being thought of as crazy. LOL!! Well heck! People already think I am crazy, and I am anyways, so what's the difference? LOL! My sis is going to Phillipsburg this weekend. I cannot wait!! There is a chocolate shop there that makes the most awesome chocolate truffles!! I've never tasted anything like them, they are AWESOME!!! Anyway she is getting me a box of it and having it sent here. I love it!! That was one of the things I hated to leave behind there in Montana! I loved going to that shop and getting chocolates. They have some of the best outside of the Swiss Colony! Which I also used to love! hehehe! I have a weakness for chocolate.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Is It Art?

I am an artist. That's an exclamation, not an excuse. What is art? Art is different types of media. It is anything a person can take from their mind and make it tangible. My media as an artist is mostly line-drawing, and story-writing. My drawings are of the simplest form, but it is my style. Some people may love my art work. Some people don't. That's fine too. Every artist has their style. I do simple drawing. Others may look at my pictures and be able to add more detail to them. Others still may take those drawings and put even more detail to them. But either way, every artist has their own style. My drawings are simple because I mostly do my drawings for kids stories. Or that's how I started out. I've been progressing to doing more drawings for adult-type stories. Mostly women. I've had much more practice drawing women, and I guess I am more comfortable drawing women. Not that I couldn't draw men if I want to. When I was starting out, I couldn't afford a model, so I became my own. Fortunately when I started, I was thinner and prettier. I used to pose nude in front of a mirror in my room just to get an idea of how to draw women in different poses. It could also be applied to men too. But it took me a bit of research to figure out where all the bones and muscles in men are. I didn't have the gumption back then to ask my boyfriends to pose nude for me. LOL! So, I had to guess. To this day, I still think I make my men's bodies look too feminine!!

Another fact about artists, they are known for being crazy. Acting all loony sometimes. Well, I certainly have a reputation for that! LOL!! Everybody who gets to know me knows I am loony. But I love it! I always tell them I am supposed to be loony. If you want a fine artist or writer who is not loony, you're going to be hard-pressed to find that someone. ALL artists are loony. Especially people who are natural-born artists. My ma told me I was even drawing pictures when I was a year old. But the first pic I really remember drawing was when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I drew a picture of a kangaroo made from a simple teardrop form. Probably why I love kangaroos now, it's the first animal I remember drawing. I mostly do animals in my drawings, but I can do people too. What I don't like doing is scenery, landscapes, things like that. Not very much! I can do it if I have to, but I don't normally like to.

A lot of artists also have a bad temper. Or they are insecure. I remember in an interview, Bono from U2 said that Michael was always so insecure about his singing. I personally cannot understand why, because the man sings like a bird! Or a gibbon! Both animals hit all frequencies so well, just like Michael. I once heard a fan wrote Michael sings like a cat! Another cat-fag I'd wager made that remark! Cats cannot sing. They try, but what comes out of their mouths would be an insult to compare to a true artist like Michael. Maybe that's why Michael felt insecure about his singing! Too many cat-fags telling him that he sings like the most tone-deaf creatures on the planet! I know too, a lot of artists are like that. They are insecure about their art work. I used to be when I was a kid. It made me sad when someone would look at my drawings and say they don't like them. But as I got older, and learned more about art, I began to realize as different artists have different styles, different people have many different tastes. I thought Michael was a great singer! But Michael didn't think so, and there are many people who would say they don't like INXS's music.

Natural born artists are always very insecure about their work, because we were born with the talent, so often we are not aware of how good, or bad, we are. My work has been criticized many times by different people. Some love my drawings and stories, some hate it. Those that love it, I thank them for their compliments. Those who don't like it, well, I just figure their style is not my style and leave it at that. That is usually the case anyways. Especially today with people getting into this anime-style crap. I personally don't like anime-style drawings, and I think any drawings made in this style is ugly and repulsive. But that's me. Anime-fanatics no doubt think my drawings are ugly too. But I am beyond trying to impress anyone. I just do what I do, and figure only the proper people will appreciate what I am putting out there. And just for those who read that last sentence wrong, by "proper", I don't mean "good" or "upstanding". I mean like-minded people who enjoy simple-type drawings and appreciate them just for what they are. I came to terms long ago with the fact there are people who are not going to like my work. I remember when mcgillicutty went on one of her daily rampages with me on the Pluba forum, she asked me what I have against artists that I'd compare myself to them. My answer was simple, "My teachers, neighbors, friends and the general public all have compared me to artists." Of course mcgillicutty had never seen my drawings. And even if she did, no doubt she still wouldn't like them just because she doesn't like me. Which I don't think is honest, but hey! That's her prerogative. But just because one person doesn't like the other person's work, does not mean the other person is not an artist. Just the fact that mcgillicutty thought I was crazy was enough of a compliment to me and my work. hehehe!

Actually, the finest artists in history were always called crazy. Picasso was crazy, and had a bad temper too. Mozart was crazy, he had a fascination for butts and defecating. Van Gogh cut off his ear for his lover, you have to be crazy to do that!! DiVinci was considered crazy by the people of his time. He imagined flying machines and steamboats, none of which existed in his time. People called him crazy for that. But he was still a good artist. Most artists, like me, love it when people call us crazy. Some of my best drawings and writings were made when I just let my mind run loose, thus can be interpreted as "crazy".

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What About Luke Arnold?

Some of my friends invited me to like a page this morning about Aiden Turner. Very funny you assholes!! You guys know I can't stand that guy!! LOL!! Nah, just kidding. They're my friends and I love them. But I am right in saying I cannot stand Aiden Turner. He's not my type! To me, he still looks like a serial killer. And I don't think he looks anything like Michael Hutchence. Of course I said the same thing about Luke Arnold in the beginning, and he pulled it off so well. Never Tear Us Apart is still my favorite movie, and I still cry (though sometimes I try not to) at the end. Shoot! If I start crying, then I can't enjoy the very last scene, where Michael sings the song Never Tear Us Apart at Wembley. It's beautiful!! It's a great ending to that movie. But if I am crying I can't enjoy it. So, I try to stop myself, as difficult as that sometimes is.

Well, some of the people who were fans of Luke Arnold are starting not to like him, because they say he never responds to his fans, and has even blocked some of them on Twitter. Not good! He's not going to keep many fans that way! I'd hate to see that happen to such a promising young actor! And he is indeed promising, like him or not, one has to admit that. But that is why I don't converse with celebrities. Some do interact well with their fans. I like Ciaran Gribbin, who was INXS's lead singer for their last world tour. He does converse with his fans on Facebook, and has even liked some of my statuses on Facebook as well. He is the kind of celebrity that all of them should be like. On the other hand, I have tried on Twitter to converse with Jim Carrey, who I used to like in the early 90s, and he never responds, doesn't even acknowledge me or any of his fans. I guess Luke Arnold is the same. But to ban someone from your Twitter page?? Come on!! That's ridiculous!! Unless a person threatens you with bodily harm, or just generally being a bother, there is no reason to banish anyone from your Twitter page! Luke should learn this!

A great number of fans have said similar things about Luke Arnold. I haven't even tried to converse with him myself, but I hear what his fans are saying. Sometimes though, I think fans expect too much from celebrities. I've never been one of those kind of fans. But if all they are doing with Luke Arnold is saying a simple "hello" and then he banishes them from his Twitter page, then that is not good! No one deserves to be treated that unkindly. I don't know if Luke will ever read this, but he should know what his former fans are saying about him, and it can be spread around and taken the wrong way. I don't think his former fans are going to gather a lynch mob, but Luke won't stay popular for long if he keeps things like that up! No popularity would also lead to no jobs in his field.

I like Luke Arnold myself. He's got a cute ass! LOL! I loved his nude scenes in Never Tear Us Apart! I've never met the guy, but I do like him. For one simple reason; he brought Michael Hutchence back to life for me. Before I saw the movie, I was rather indifferent toward Michael. I did so well in getting him out of my mind, there was actually a time I didn't like Michael. I have proof. In my tour book for the Dirty Honeymoon tour, there is a picture of Michael that actually has what looks like claw marks all over his face! I think I did that with my own claws (fingernails). Must have been around 2009 or 2010 that I did that. I look at that page now, and I feel so terrible I did that!! But that's how I was for a while. Well, I am not like that anymore. My love for Michael has been renewed, and it is because of this movie. When I saw it for the first time, and I cried at the end, it told me I still love this guy. I still have feelings for him. Luke Arnold, I thank him for his portrayal of my gorgeous Michael. I thank him for bringing back that love I always felt for him before. I'm going to spend the rest of my life making up for that period in which I did horrible things like that to his pics and his memory. But I can promise right now to the world, those will never happen again!!!

Well, I like Luke Arnold, but I can never be "in love" with him. He's too young for me!! If I were 20 years younger, I might have fallen in love with him. I may have even fell in love with Aiden Turner if I were 20 years younger! But I am not. I don't know about Aiden Turner. He'd still remind me of a serial killer! And without the "Hutch hair", he's nothing!

I don't even think he looks good dressed up! UGH!! He still has those eyes that say "Don't trust me!" I'm not saying he is a serial killer. I'm just saying he looks like one to me. Surely not like Michael.

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...