Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dreams of INXS

I know INXS are retired now, but sometimes I still have dreams about them. Just because. I've never been shy about sharing my dreams about Michael and INXS, even though some people may interpret them as being psycho ramblings-on from an obsessed fan. LOL! Nah really! Who sees fan dreams as being anything leading to obsession? The only people I know who have ever taken these dreams so seriously is the delusional mods. Thus also the dirty dozen mob, since they decided to copy the shit the delusional mods did. I remember once I wrote about my story INXS Goes to Mount St. Helens I think it was on the old blogs. Well, Catsredrum caught wind of that and said she counted about 5 "distinct personalities" in that post. Then she added "WTF is up with the storyline?" The thing about that is this is a fictional story. It's always been a fictional story. It's not meant to portray the true personalities of the original guys of INXS. And I added some characters of my own to the story. Those could be the 5 "distinct personalities" Catsredrum thought she saw. I couldn't just build a story only around the guys of INXS. It had to contain some characters of my own. But only Catsredrum and her dipshit friends would think something like that. I think the 5 personalities she thought she saw in my description of the story were 5 distinct personalities she has in her own head. If indeed her brain is big enough to house 5 different people.

Anyways, Catsredrum must be the absolute stupidest person on the face of the planet! She read some excerpts from my old MSN blog about some dreams I had about INXS and said pretty much the same thing (no wonder her banter got so old so fast!) I remember after her gripe about my INXS/St. Helens story, I replied on my Myspace blog to her saying something like "Hold on to your patooties, it's just a story! It's not supposed to be based on their real personalities!" Actually, I have no idea what made Catsredrum think my story represented 5 different personalities! Like I said though, must have been frustration on her part because she has them in her own head. I never take fictional stories seriously. I sure never take dreams about INXS seriously. To me, they are just sources of harmless fun. Anybody who would take any dreams someone describes about these guys seriously has got to be stupid! I understand all dreams have hidden messages, and could very well represent an inner desire we may not know about in the outside world, but most INXS dreams I've had at least have been nothing but harmless fun.

I have rarely dreamed about Michael. Really! Until quite recently, after I saw the movie Never Tear Us Apart. But I have had him pop up in dreams I've had over the years. Back in 2002, one dream I had with the guys inspired the home repair scene in the INXS/St. Helens story. And back in 2008, Duran Duran did a home repair show that aired on the DIY Network. How eerie is that??? Duran Duran is often associated with INXS, and were good friends of the band. In 2005, after I came home from the taping of Rockstar: INXS in LA, I was so elated with seeing Timmy so close to me, that I had a dream I was lying naked in my bed and he was lying next to me. We began kissing. In the background, throughout the dream, I heard light piano music. In 2005, I rarely dreamed of Michael. Only once. It was close to Christmas time, and I dreamed INXS were on stage singing. The one song I clearly remember Michael singing was Feliz Navidad. In Michael's voice, it sounded so good! Timmy and Kirk were playing guitars, Jon was playing the conga drums, Andrew was playing maracas, Gary had this huge bass fiddle he was plucking, and there was a mariachi band in the background playing the rhythm. To this day, every time I hear that song at Christmas time, I think of that dream I had with INXS doing that song!

The funny thing about that, I recently heard Michael is half Spanish. Just like me! I wonder what kind of Spanish though. Is it Basque? Mexican? Puerto Rican? Portuguese? I recently found out my father's mother (my grandma on his side) is Basque. Michael also had Irish and English in his background, just like me. LOL! His mama was a Kennedy. There's quite a few Kennedys in my background too, all of whom lived in Ireland. Not that I think Michael and I are related, my ma has no Spanish whatsoever in her background. Just a coincidence I think. I think I kinda always knew Michael was a Hispanic. When someone has lived with Hispanics all their life, as I have, you can spot another without coaxing! I also always heard that most women usually fall in love with men who remind them of their fathers. Such was the case with Michael. I fell in love with him on first sight. That could have also been attributed to the Spanish influence. I also have a lot of pictures where you can actually see Hispanic features in Michael's face! I should post some of those on here. Plus the fact he has curly hair. A lot of basque people do.

Anyways, my most recent dream with Michael was just less than a week ago. I dreamed I was in a field, and just sitting in the grass. The grass was lush and green. I was just sitting there, and suddenly I look up and Michael is standing over me. He doesn't say anything, neither one of us speak in this dream. But when I looked at him, he looked down at me and smiled. I tried to get up to give him a kiss, but when I tried, I found I could not move my legs. It was like I was pinned to the ground! When I finally was able to get up, Michael was walking away from me, and that is where I woke up. Now, I wish I had stayed asleep long enough to have caught him. Perhaps I could have kissed him (again). But would my dream let me kiss him? You know the funny thing about dreams is that when you go to kiss someone, especially if it is someone who has passed away, usually you wake up before it can happen. That SUCKS!!!! I always wondered why that happens!

Well, those are some of my dreams about INXS.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I Feel Like Teasing Show Breeders

I remember back when I was a kid, I would say the best people in the world were animal lovers. I would never make a friend with anyone who didn't like animals. In fact, when I was a teenager, and did Bible studies every week, there was this one girl that used to conduct the study and I found out one day that she didn't like animals because she would have cats that would take a dump in her closet and she would not find out about it until weeks, or even months, later. Pretty much the same reason why I don't like cats now! LOL! But back then I wouldn't hear of anyone who did not like animals. I asked my friend, who also performed the Bible studies, not to bring that girl back to my house. I didn't want anyone there that did not like animals. ALL animals! So she never brought her back again. She got another girl to come with her, a girl who did like animals.

Well, that was then. This is now. I don't like animals as much as I used to. A lot of it does have to do with having some bad experiences with animals. Especially cats. I raised Persians for a while, and all they did when they lived in my house was tear everything up, bring in fleas, take a shit on the carpet, and wipe their asses on the carpet, and cough up hairballs every day! I had to get rid of the carpet because no matter how often I shampooed it, it still STUNK!!! And it always felt soiled. I hated having cats after that. I haven't had one of my own since getting rid of those Persians. That was in 1998. I never caught on to this internet cat craze, I HATE that grumpy cat!! I've deleted friends on Facebook because all they ever talked about was cats. I HATE that thing!! I think it's stupid that dumb cat has a movie out now. UGH!! All it is is a dumb cat with a birth defect! Not cute at all! I won't watch the movie. Never!! If I'm a fan of anything that has to do with that grumpy cat, it's the guy who created the first "grumpy cat" meme. (S)He must be creative to have come up with that. If you ask me, that person, whoever he or she was, is the one who should be profiting off of that cat's fame, and (s)he's not the owner of the beast. It was just some random person on Reddit.

Well, I still like dogs. I miss my babies every day. Well, I gave Minnie to my sis because of how much she was missing Odessa. And I remembered how after Groucho died, she let me borrow Odessa (for a couple days!) And Vegas, I cannot have him back because he has a bad shoulder that gets worse in wet climates. He was fine when I lived in Bozeman though, so I let my sis have him there. Since she likes the desert and I like to stay on the coast. I mostly agreed to move to Reno because of Vegas's shoulder. But I myself was not happy there. I don't like the desert. I like the ocean. I'm happiest on the coast. So I cannot have Vegas with me anymore. Giving him up hurt more than anything. Giving both of them up cut me deeply!! But I did it for Vegas's own good. And another consolation; at least they are still in the family, so I will be seeing them again. But I've found I am clingy to every dog I see now! I go on my walks on the pier, and I cannot pass a dog without looking and smiling! They are stark reminders of how much I miss my babies.

Funny thing, when I had dogs, I would go walking with them and other passers-by would look at them and smile, especially other dog owners, and they would say hello to me. Of course I go to the pier to walk, not talk or make friends, but still, I notice without my dogs, other dog owners seem a bit anti-social. But I know its because they just don't understand what I am going through. They can't know. I don't tell anybody these things unless they happen to ask. They can't know the reason I look at their dogs is because I miss my own so much. They have no way of knowing how much I want to pet their sweet baby, but I don't because it's not mine. They have no idea how I look at them and think "what a lucky person to have such a gorgeous dog!" They'll never know how much I wish I had my own babies walking with me on their leashes. So far, no one has asked me these things. So I never mention it. I even find myself looking at Labradors! When I've gone that far, I know I am really missing my babies! I usually don't give labs a second glance! LOL! There was one instance a few days ago, there was a guy walking a big yellow Labrador and they came quite close to me. The dog seemed friendly enough, it came up to me and I reached down to pet it. Well, before I could pet the dog, the man jerked the dog away from me, almost like he thought I was going to hit the dog or something. But anyway, it was a good encounter. Felt good almost touching a dog again. But that's how I've noticed dog owners here are. Was I supposed to be this way too with my dogs? I always liked it when people would want to pet my dogs, whether they were dog owners themselves or not, and it was good for my dogs too. They need socialization.

Ya know, after remembering all this stuff, and looking at the picture I have on the wall of Minnie and Vegas, all of a sudden, teasing show breeders has lost it's appeal. At least for today. Now, I just miss my babies. I remember one time I went to the pier to walk, there was a woman walking a maltese dog, and she did let me pet the dog. It was so adorable and sweet! But when I got back to the car, I started bawling like a baby!! Because I missed my babies so much. And now, I've got tears running from my eyes again because I keep looking at that picture on my wall. Maybe I should take that picture with me on walks. I remember I was this same way when Patti told me her brother said I had to move out. Not because I was being kicked out! Believe me! If that was all I had to deal with, I'd have been so happy!! But the thought of having to give my babies up once again just made me miserable. I just should never have taken them to Patti's! But I was so anxious to have them back again, I did, and it was the stupidest thing I did that year!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

It Rhymes With "Muck"

LOL!! I like that!! hehehe! This was quoted from one of my Facebook friends. I like it! It has to be the funniest and most creative quote I've ever seen on Facebook!! Made me laugh anyways. She said that after an encounter with one of those all-too common INXS fans that uses their friendship with Michael as a status-symbol to look down on us "mere fans". Believe me, not all INXS fans are friendly and innocent. Just that per capita, most of us are friendly towards newcomers. And yes, there are even some of those who were friends of Michael's that are good, and not uppity. It's the uppity people you have to watch out for. Those are the people I don't like, and want nothing at all to do with. I don't care if they were friends of Michael's or not!

I don't know why it is that these people even exist! But they think that just because they were friends of Michael's, or ANY member of the band INXS, they think their shit doesn't stink. The majority of them probably only had a few short encounters with Michael and the band, or forced themselves on the band, and they think that is being friends with the band. Mind you, not all people who were friends of Michael's are like that. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying the majority of these people are. Michael was such a beautiful, humble man. No ego in his body and mind whatsoever. I would think he'd be totally ashamed these egotistical people are calling themselves his "friends", and ashamed of how they treat other fans who were not friends of the band (in an intimate way). I kissed Michael once, but I am not his friend. Not that I wouldn't be if he wanted me to be his friend, just saying I am not his friend. I never claimed to be. I met Timmy several times, but I am not his friend. To me, Timmy is an acquaintance. Not a friend. He's a sweet guy, but he's not my friend. I never said he was. Again, it's not that I would not like to be his friend, it's just that it hasn't happened yet. And if it does, I would seriously hope I would not become like these people I've seen who claimed to be friends with the band, and use that little fact to look down on other fans.

I am very specific in what I believe a real friend is. Friendship to me means exchanging phone numbers, addresses, going to that person's house for a visit, turning to them if one of them needs someone to talk to, helping each other when they need it, being there for that person, going out together and having fun, accepting each other's faults, and liking that other person for who they are, and letting them know that nothing will ever break that bond. Now, for some people I consider friends, I realize there is a space barrier there. Some of them live many miles away from me. But still, there are other ways of communicating. I actually have very few good friends, but they are the most loyal people on the planet, and all the time, the bad ones get weeded out, and I like that. My grandma always said if you make one good friend in your life, you're doing fine. Well, I do have at least one really good friend. So, I guess I am doing fine.

There are ways you can tell who the bad INXS fans are. One of the ways I always look for is if they are friends of DonnaG. They seem to see DonnaG as some kind of god, as Donna herself does. But chances are, if that person is friends with the band, then they are also friends with DonnaG, as she never makes friends with anyone who is a mere fan. And those people, if you say one word against DonnaG, they will attack you like a swarm of army ants, and carry that grudge for the rest of their born days! So they are not good people. And DonnaG herself is no good either. She's very pushy and is something of a bully. A lot of people I know who have had dealings with her will vouch for this fact. She loses her temper at the drop of a hat, and then loses her mind with anger. And she admitted to me the fact that she is using people to get in good with the men of INXS, especially Jon. Most people who are still friends of Donna's (and friends of INXS) don't realize that either.

Now, I do have a few mutual friends with DonnaG, not many but a few. But they are the people who do not get involved in Donna's little sick game of vengeance. I don't know if she purposely charges her little clique out to harass people who do not like her (so far, they've mostly left me alone), or if they just do it on their own because they want to harass people who don't like DonnaG. My guess would be a little bit of both. They haven't bothered me in a long time, perhaps they know that to harass me for a stupid reason such as that I don't like DonnaG, does nothing with me. It sure as hell wouldn't make me like Donna any better. In fact, knowing her friends did this in the past, only makes me despise her even more.

Another thing, the bad INXS fans always boast about how they were friends of the band's and call everyone else "mere fans". Like this: "You're a 'mere fan', you wouldn't understand". This is because these people can't get down from their "god tier" long enough to remember that they were once nothing but "mere fans" too. Sometimes I just want to slap those people! Or throw a brick at their face! Something to knock that "godly complex" they have out of their minds! It kinda makes me think that I'm in one of those movies about the ancient Greek gods who say "You mere mortals will never understand!" Like that Ben Hur movie!

Another way to tell the bad fans from the good ones, the bad ones are always too serious. The only time they laugh is when it is at the expense of one of us "mere fans". Personally, I don't care if they laugh at me, but people have been known to kill themselves over being bullied this way. And yes, it is bullying! I don't care what they call it. But if you tell them someone has killed themselves over something like this, they will have the attitude like "Well then that person deserves to die!" Or if you show any hint of sadness or depression over what they say, they will display an attitude like "Aww are we too mean for you?! Awwww poor baby! AHAHA! Get over it!" Kinda like the delusional mods and their dumbass friends! Their attitudes were all like that and they thought they were being funny. But they weren't funny. They were just a bunch of cock-suckers. They would have LOVED it if someone ever killed themselves over anything they said on their forum. They would have spent days, even months, laughing over it. To them, that was funny, people feeling depressed and committing suicide. They thought that was funny stuff.

Well, you know what I heard this morning? One of my Facebook friends posted something interesting that said if you tell someone to go kill themselves, it's a $20,000 fine. And if that person actually does kill themselves, that's a manslaughter charge. I didn't know that. I would think that violates our freedom of speech rights. It's not something a person with good morals should say under any circumstances, I know I would never tell anyone to go kill themselves. But I have heard people say things like that. Even other INXS fans. But I have the people who said things like that, or support people who do say things like that, blocked from my Facebook page. Except I haven't blocked DonnaG. Because I want to know who is friends with her so I can watch them like a hawk! LOL! At least for a little while so I would know if they are friendly or not, despite being friends with DonnaG, who does make a mockery of depression and suicide.

Another way to tell the bad fans from good ones, if the bad ones don't agree with everything you say or everything you do, or if you have any opinions that differ from their's, they hate you for it. I once knew of someone (not a friend) who was one of INXS's official photographers for the Switched On Tour. Well, she also came on the forum, and her signature said it all; "If you don't like what I like, you suck!" Whatever it was she liked, I knew I was not going to like, because I don't like people like her not even slightly. And I would be willing to bet she was friends with DonnaG! I'd bet my life on it at gunpoint! I think she was from Seattle too.

There is another group of bad INXS fans I like to call "the stalkers", or "the watchers". Not to be confused with "The Watcher", who was Rhonda from the Pluba forum, and did not like INXS, only liked herself. Too much! LOL! I don't really know what is wrong with these fans, but they only talk to certain people. Probably, like the last entry, they're always people who agree 100% with them. But anyone they don't agree 100% with, they will say nothing to. Just sit back and watch them. Some of those people may go so far as to "like" some of your posts on Facebook, but as time progresses, you notice they never speak directly to you. I like to give people a chance, so I don't always notice this right away. But if I say something to these people and they never respond to me, or they never say anything at all to me, I begin to get suspicious after a while. And I do know a few people like this on some of the groups I am on. One person I've recently stopped speaking to altogether. She always likes my posts, or almost always, I was always nice to her, and she talks to everyone else, but has never said anything to me. So I finally just said "OK fuck you. I won't speak to you either." And I haven't since. LOL! These kinds of fans are actually kinda creepy! Kindof like a peeping tom, who watches your every move, but never says anything.

Well, that's my take on what makes a good INXS fan vs. a bad one. Most of us fans are nice though. And some of the kinds of people listed above can seem nice at first. My advice though is just watch out for them! They may seem nice at first, but they can turn on you on a dime at the slightest difference.

And one last word I want to add to those people who claim to be such close friends with Michael; if that's so true, where were you on November 21-22, 1997 when Michael needed someone the most to talk to? Did he call you? If not, then you're not really his friend!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Next INXS

One of my Facebook friends told me about Chris Murphy's newest project. Chris Murphy was INXS's manager from 1980 to 1996, and then managed them again in 2009. He's every bit a part of the band as Timmy is. Or Jon, or Andrew, or any of the men in fact. He was the one who brought INXS to the utmost fame. He was the one that took them to international heights. Well, now Chris Murphy has a new project. He found another band that is similar to INXS, and it is an Australian band. It's a band called Lepers and Crooks. The lead singer is a young man by the name of Sam Baker, and I've seen some pics of him where he looks just like my Michael! He's a rather cute looking young man. Check these pics out:

Lepers and Crooks performing.
A look at the band it's self.
Yes, the lead singer does look a little bit like Michael, and this friend of mine, who is a close friend of this band's, says Sam Baker's moves are like Michael's too. I can certainly see the resemblance!! But for me to see him the same way I see Michael, it'll never happen. He's young enough to be my child!!! He's only 23 years old!! As cute as he may be, he's too young for me. But if Chris Murphy sees potential in them, then I will keep my eyes open with them! After all, look what Chris Murphy did for INXS!! They became international celebrities! He'll no doubt do the same thing for these guys! I don't doubt it! I haven't heard these guys yet, but I do trust Chris Murphy! If he believes they will be big, then they will be big!!

Sam Baker may not be much to look at now, but he is cute. And I'll tell you, at 23, Michael wasn't much better looking. He had a certain amount of boyish charm, but he wasn't spectacular. Same with this Sam Baker. He's cute and I can see potential for a handsome man, as long as he doesn't change his style too drastically, by the time he is 30 years old, he could be drop-dead gorgeous!!!

Sam Baker (left) with Chris Murphy (right).
Not too sure though I like their group name. It's too corny. But in a way, so was INXS. It was the uniqueness that first attracted me to INXS's name. Thus later on, to the group. I just did a video the other day saying how I look for another band to take INXS's place as my favorite band, since they are now retired. It kills me, but that's the reality of the situation. Who knows? Perhaps this band will be it. But again, I have to remember the lead singer's age. He's too young for me. And really, his eyes are the wrong color. LOL! I have a tendency to only fall in love with men with darker features. Most of the time, that's how it's been. But my mind is not closed to the idea. Falling in love with Michael was mostly what kept my interest in INXS alive.

Well, Lepers and Crooks are not trying to be like INXS. They actually admit their inspiration is from Ella Fitzgerald. But the fact that they hooked up with Chris Murphy is good enough for me. Whomever their inspiration is. I am sure they'll do good. But to achieve the heights that INXS had, it takes a LOT of work and effort. I just hope these guys are willing to pull it off. Maybe I will see them here in OR at a concert. And who knows? Maybe meet them.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

An Obscure Premonition

A couple weeks ago, the group I am a regular in had a little thing going where the members can participate in a Q&A with a guy who was a close friend of Michael's, whose name is Richard. I didn't participate because I could not think of anything to ask that I didn't already know. Or that probably wasn't already asked. But the others had some pretty good questions. One of which was if Richard thought Michael actually killed himself. To which Richard's answer was yes, he truly believed Michael killed himself. Well, I gotta believe him, because he would know, he'd seen Michael just days before he died. As sad as it is, and as much as I'd hate to believe it, Michael did kill himself, and I still blame both Paula and Bob for it!

Well, when I read Richard's answer to that question, it actually reminded me of a nagging premonition I had back in 1995 that I never told anybody about, not even my sister. I even forgot completely about it until I saw Richard's answer to that question! I was not into INXS that year, and had not thought of them, or given them any more than a passing interest when I heard one of their songs, or heard Michael's name. I had no idea Paula was in Michael's life, and no idea if he'd even had children or not. The only picture I had of INXS back then was a dust-covered picture that I kept in one corner of my sofa that was a promotional poster for the X album. Well, I remember one day I was watching Batman (the 1966 series) and recording it. For some reason, I was looking at my dusty picture of INXS, and I was thinking a little bit about Michael. And I don't know why, but from that moment on, I just had this feeling that of all the men of INXS, I just knew that Michael was going to be the first one that was going to die.

I have NO idea why I thought that! Don't ask me! I don't know what made me think of that at that particular time, and I sure as Hell didn't know it was going to happen as soon as it did after I had that feeling. I didn't think he would kill himself though, but I just always had that strange feeling that Michael was going to be the first band member of INXS to go. A lot of people would read this and think "Oh that's easy for you to say that now, because he is already dead." I don't have it written down anywhere, so I cannot prove it. I was never the kind of person to write about things like that, and back then I was not into INXS, and not even sure if I'd ever get back into them again. In fact, I almost threw that picture away half a dozen times!! But always stopped myself short of actually doing it! I'm glad too! I think through that picture, was some kind of portal into Michael's mind. LOL!

OK that's a joke, but when I did have that picture, a lot of weird premonitions came to me about Michael! I remember that pic used to be up on my wall in my bedroom from 1990 to 1992. It also followed me to Patti and Chris's house when I did a nannying job for them. I hung that pic right over the bed in the room they put me in. And when I left their house, the pic surely came with me! I wasn't even into INXS in 1992! I was more into Roxette. But for some reason, I felt more comfortable with that INXS poster over my bed. It gave me a reason to go back to their house after spending weekends, and days off, at my real home. Michael has such an expression on his face and in his eyes, that I almost felt like he was my protector. This is the same pic:

This is the same poster that I had
X promo poster

It was that look in his eyes that was the main reason I wanted to keep this picture over my bed when I was living with Patti and Chris. When I left Patti and Chris's house, I remember I put away all my pictures of Roxette, MC Hammer, New Kids on the Block, all those bands that I had been into before. But NOT this poster of INXS! That one, I wanted to keep with me. I cannot explain why! I kept it in that corner on the sofa next to me where I would lie down. It may have gotten very little attention, and it got covered with plenty of dust over the years. But I demanded to have that picture with me. And I am so glad I did keep it.

You know why I have the habit of talking to my pics and kissing them? I always heard, and believed, that pictures capture the soul. And even though Michael was still living in 1992, I felt like that poster I had may have had a little piece of Michael's soul attached to it. Maybe that was why I got so many weird premonitions about him, even in times when I was not an INXS fan.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Bible Code

Ya know, I always wondered something. Why is it only when a political figure is murdered, it's called "assassinated", and the killer is known as an "assassin"? Murder is never called "assassinated" when it is just an ordinary celebrity, or when it is just an average person. You notice it's only called "assassinated" if the victim is a political figure, like the president, or vice president, or some UN leader. Like this guy, Yitzhak Rabin. Today is his birthday apparently, and he was "assassinated" in 1995. I guess that is just one of those many mysteries of political lingo.

Anyways, the reason this is being brought up now by me, I remember a segment on Unsolved Mysteries that profiled this guy's assassination. A few days before he was killed, he received an anonymous message from someone who warned him that every time his name is mentioned in the Bible, the words "assassin will assassinate" crosses his name like a crossword puzzle. Well, Rabin dismissed that completely and even destroyed the message. Well, as the story goes, he was asked to speak at a rally for world peace, and after Rabin had finished his speech and stepped off the podium, he was shot dead. It was scary to think he had been warned and there could have been a way to stop that from happening, and he ignored it. I think if it were me, at the very least, some red flags would have gone up.

I know I don't always believe everything mentioned in the Bible, but this is interesting. There is a book about this even. I always believed that GOD has a plan written out for each one of us. It may be inscrolled in the Bible, or it may not be. Makes me wonder, I would like to know if my name is in there? If so, what purpose does GOD have for me? Am I here to educate or alert people with my blogs, as I have been doing for a long time now? Well, I always heard that people who are out to do blatant favors for the public are often hated. I guess I can honestly say I have achieved that status. Hey! At least I am not like the WBC. They take random swings at everyone. I just take swings at people I think everyone should be warned about. And really, I don't mind being hated. I look at it as a status symbol. If you're not hated, then that means you've never taken a stand. I'm a fighter now. I stand up for what I believe in. Some people may not like it. In fact, I can put my finger on a lot of people I know who hate it! LOL! But that's the way I am. I would rather leave this Earth knowing I stood up for what I believed in, and never backed down, and made enemies at every turn, than to die without my self-respect and have lots of friends.

That is why I can come across as being so hateful sometimes, because I say what I feel. But I don't do it out of hate. In the end, I do it out of love. Well, if you stripped the negativity out of what I say, and look deep into why I say these things, you'd see that it is for love. I love it when what I say pisses someone off. It makes them think. Whether they admit it or not, I'm sure in some way or another, it makes them think where they never thought before. And I like that. Believe me, it hurts me when I don't stand up for what I believe in. Like that incident I always talk about on the old AcmePet forums! I still, to this day, feel terrible that I felt I had to lie to those people just to get them to like me again, after I took a stand. I should have just said the hell with them, laughed and continued doing what I always did. I've always regretted that! But I've come to terms with it now. I swore I would never bring myself to do that again, and I haven't. Not everything I say on the internet may be the whole truth, some of it may even be lying. But who cares? This is the internet! Unless I like someone and have every intention of meeting them face to face, I'm going to keep them from knowing some things about me as long as I can. I made the mistake once of revealing more than I should have to someone I barely trusted on the internet. I'm not going to make that same mistake again.

So, I wonder what the Bible has in store for me? Maybe I will live a long, happy life by myself? Maybe I will meet someone? Maybe I will be assassinated by a raging madman? Who knows? Do I really want to know? No. I'm quite happy waking up to thinking "I wonder what this day will bring to me?" Perhaps a new story idea will come? I have a spare room to work in now. I can use that to it's fullest advantage.

Friday, February 27, 2015

RIP Maggie Hill

You won't ever believe this. Remember back in Port Angeles, I wrote about Seattle Pets? Well, I recently found out Maggie Hill, who was the owner of Seattle Pets in Shoreline, WA has now passed away. Well, sorry as I am for her husband (after all, he never did anything to us), I cannot say I truly feel bad for what happened to Maggie. She was an evil person! I know I haven't seen ads for Seattle Pets in a couple years, but I have no idea when Maggie really passed away. Not sure what to think really! She was old and she was a cruel person, pushy and bossy and just plain mean. Well, she is burning in Hell now. Now she will know what true evil and fire feels like. The pet shop has been closed since January this year, so she must have passed away around then. Or pretty close to then. Well, like I said, my heart doesn't bleed purple peanut butter for her. She's in hell now, where she belongs.

Well, upon looking for her obituary, I noticed a site that also spoke of another puppymiller I met around the same time, whose name was Renee Roske. She ran a puppy breeding operation from her home that she called Wags n' Wiggles. I almost bought a puppy from her once, back in 2001. But something about her made me very uneasy. I did NOT like Renee when I met her! She barely talked, and seemed to have a forced smile on her face. She just did not seem to be very friendly at all. And being near her made me feel so uncomfortable. But she brought out a puppy and it was a nice puppy, at 2 weeks old. It wasn't ready to come home with me, but I thought it still looked like a nice pup. Renee also showed me the parents of the pup and they looked nice too. So, I put a $150 deposit down. But ever since the money went from my hands to her's, I completely felt like I was going to regret it! Call it an intuition, but I just felt so uneasy. I never went back. Forget about the pup, and I didn't care that I lost money. I just didn't want to go back there.

While I was there, I tried to hold a conversation with Renee, but it was not easy. Every sentence from her mouth just seemed to be forced. Like she didn't really want to say anything. To this day, I wonder if she was bipolar? And it wasn't just that she seemed so unfriendly that raised the red flags. She would not let us into her house. She also had a friend visiting that evening while we were there, and even that friend was not allowed in her house. That has always made me suspicious! Ever since I was a kid! I remember I had a couple friends after we moved to this one neighborhood, whose parents would not let me come into their house, not even for a minute. I always thought that was suspicious. But I come to find out later on the reason they would not let me come into their house was because my ma was friends with a woman named Mrs. Jones. And those parents hated Mrs. Jones! I liked her though! She was always nice to me and my family, and I was good friends with her grandsons. Those parents most likely just hated Mrs. Jones because she was African-American. I am the last to ever play the race card, but we're talking about deep woods rednecks here!! The most bigoted people there is on the planet! And that is what these parents were.

Anyways, another thing about Renee that made me uneasy was she was letting her dogs breed randomly to other breeds. While I was there, in fact as I was just leaving her place, I witnessed a pom mating with a schnauzer, and Renee didn't seem to care. So, that could mean the pup I was getting would not be the breed she was promising me. It could have been a mutt that just looked like the breed I thought it was. Not good!! Then tonight, I found these comments, all about Renee's business. Check out this site!

These people say she is a confirmed puppymiller, that her dogs are kept in wire cages, stacked on top of one another, that they are drugged, that she hires small children to work for her and mentally and verbally abuses them, and that she barely feeds her animals, and when the animals are too old, or worn out, to breed she kills them and stores their bodies in a freezer in her home, and more! I saw that and I was like "Wow!!" One person even went so far as to say she's a sociopath. Now that one I would believe! I thought she was odd when I met her!

The funny thing about this, back in early 2005, just before Sara Weiler went crazy, she and I got into a little disagreement about Renee Roske. It was one of the reasons Sara went crazy on me. I told her Renee was a puppymiller and that soon she will be figured out, exposed, and will no longer have anymore customers to sell to. Well, Sara didn't want to believe me. She totally believed Renee was a good breeder and on the level and I told her "You just wait and see!" My instincts are very rarely wrong! Sure enough, reading some of the comments made on that page, looks like I was right, and Sara was once again WRONG!! LOL! Sara's problem was she did not handle criticism very well, and didn't listen when anyone told her something she was doing was wrong. So, she just kept doing the wrong thing anyways. That is why she'll never succeed in anything. With her ears and eyes closed, and not willing to get educated in any ways, she's going to be a failure in everything she does. She probably still buys from puppymills and backyard breeders. I wouldn't be surprised if she does! She probably would even refuse to read the comments on this site I linked here. But that is OK! As long as I know I am right. That's all I care about now! LOL!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


I gotta say, feminists piss me off!! I remember on an episode of the Golden Girls, Blanche asked what ever happened to the days when gentlemen tipped their hat to a lady, and pulled out their chair for a lady. Men don't do that anymore. I am afraid the term "gentleman" is becoming extinct. They don't exist anymore. One of my friends said that it's because of feminists that gentlemen don't exist anymore. GOD I HATE RADICALS!!!! As I've said many times before, radicals suck!! They ruin everything for everybody! But it may not just be because of feminists that gentlemen are becoming extinct. It may also be because people are just not teaching their kids proper manners anymore. Yes, I admit if a woman beats up on a man he doesn't have to take it. But if the woman is doing nothing bad to the man, and he starts shit with her, well, a gentleman just would never do that to a woman. That's disappearing more and more.

There is this one person on this group, named Jannah, she must be a teenager. She sounds like one. She said I was rude because I don't like Paula. She added "Michael would have wiped up the floor with you if you said anything bad about Paula to his face!" I decided to play around with her a bit. The thought of Michael using me to wipe up the floor actually made me feel hot and tingly! LOL! I said to her "Would that be a promise?" LOL!! Actually I know what she was thinking, but Michael never fazed me as being the kind of guy that would strike a lady. She most likely never met Michael. Michael was a true gentleman. He respected women. He may would have gotten pissed off at me for not liking Paula, and possibly telling him so. But I highly doubt Michael would have "wiped up the floor" with me. And even if he tried, my Timmy would protect me!!

Teenagers these days seem to think it is acceptable for a man to strike a woman. I say, only if the woman strikes the man first. Then, I would advise the man to think about why she struck him before he strikes back. I remember when Andy attacked me in that elevator back in Bozeman, he did not strike me though. He knew better because I warned him once before that I would scratch his eyes out if he tried. But the thing about his attack on me was that he started the whole thing. He's been nothing but disrespectful to me and my sis almost since he moved there. Very soon after anyways. I never did anything to him to start his attacks on me. Don't know about my sis though. But I think she kept his attacks going by responding to him. That's one thing I never did. I learned long ago to ignore people like him. I just released my hatred of him on this blog. I was surprised that he was surprised I fought back on this blog! He should have seen retaliation from me coming from somewhere! Then thought "Boy! Was I really as bad as she describes me on her blog?" Anyone with an ounce of brains would have thought that. Of course when have I ever even implied that Andy had any brains at all? LOL! The man was as dumb as a box of rocks! But I am still very proud of the way I held my own against his attacks! I didn't lose my head, I didn't panic, I didn't touch him (I never wanted to), I just stood my ground!!

When  the dirty dozen mob revealed my blog to the people in Bozeman, I'm sure their objective was to get me to back down and panic. But I didn't. In fact, they made me feel better about myself. Knowing now I am stronger than I ever thought I was!! Even stronger than they probably ever thought I was! Well, I've learned a lot over the years of blog keeping. I said nothing in this blog that was not the truth, or at the very least, speculation. Yes, I would do it all over again, and not change anything!! And yes, I would also hope the dirty dozen would again reveal this blog to whomever I am writing about! Go for it!! I love it!! As for Jannah, she changed nothing. I still hate Paula, and I still think she's ugly! The only reason I don't say it anymore on the group now is because the moderators asked me to tone it down on the group. I do have to abide with the mods. So I do on the group, and then talk about how I feel about Paula on here.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I Want to See Michael!!

Well, yesterday on this group I am in I got into a little bit of a battle. Well, sort of! I gave my opinion on Paula. That's all I ever seem to see on that group anymore. Now, I have nothing personal against most of the people in there, but this new person, who keeps posting pics of nothing but Paula, I'm not so sure! I looked on her page, and she even likes Bob Geldof. I think this is a she! For the sake of this story, I'll say it is. Then on the group, she says how much she hates Bob Geldof. When I saw she wrote that, I wanted to say "You have him among your likes! How can you say you hate him?" If I can't stand someone, I wouldn't have them in my likes on Facebook! I can't even stand the sight of Bob Geldof! I don't want him in my likes!!! When I saw she liked him, I said "uh-uh! No way! This person is not my type!" Personally, I don't care if she likes him or hates him, but if she does like him, she's not someone I should be associating with. So, I don't really care to make friends with this person. She also seems to be one of Paula's little fags. Definitely not my kind of friend. She rarely, if ever, posts any pics of Michael or INXS. When she does, it's always a pic of Michael with Paula. I don't go in this group to see blown-up pictures of Paula's ugly mug!! I go there to see INXS!! If I wanted to see Paula, I'd join the Paula page! But I am not because I don't even like Paula. Not even the slightest bit! I'm thinking of starting to post pics of Timmy on the group to kindof counterbalance the outpouring of Paula pics.

Well, yesterday it got kindof heated. It happens with me! Well, I didn't lose my temper, the others lost it with me because I said Paula is ugly. Even as a kid, she was ugly!! I just don't like Paula at all! It's not even just because she's ugly. That's just extra gravy. Shoot! I can't hate someone just because they are ugly, I'm not very attractive myself! I hate Paula because she ruined Michael. According to what Christina said in that interview that I posted on my last post in this blog, Paula loved drama. I realize everyone loves drama, to a certain degree. But Paula would tip off the press where she and Michael would be going and what they would be doing, then she would cry fowl because they would go into a restaurant and be surrounded and hounded by photographers and journalists. Its almost like she seemed to enjoy getting Michael riled up. That's what I got out of that story. And it broke Michael as a person. Well, the mods asked me to tone down the insults on Paula. It's their group, so I have to respect that!! I said if they want me to tone it down then I will. But I may need to bite my tongue every now and then! Maybe posting the Timmy pics will aid in that. LOL! I've never been known for keeping my mouth shut about my opinions, but I also respect the fact that this is not my group. It's their's. So, I have to behave when I am in there. But they cannot stop me from posting about Paula on this blog! I'll keep my mouth shut on the group, but not on here. Sorry guys!!

As for what Lily would feel about my comments about Paula. I really don't care! I say, let her hear the truth about what her mom did to her dad!! It'll be good for her! Who knows what kind of malarkey Bob Geldof fed her all those years about her father!? Bob hated Michael, which is fine! Makes me love Michael all the more! Well hell, I love Michael anyways! With him, it was love at first sight with me! I couldn't love him any more or less than that!! But that is why I join these groups, to see Michael. Not Paula. I don't give two shits about Paula!! Never did, never will. But I am a woman of my word, and I will keep my mouth shut about it from now on in the group, with a little help from Timmy!! You all know how I am.

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Bashing of Paula Yates

Well, I don't know what it is with me. My premonitions are almost never wrong!! Call it instinct, or a knowledge of people in general, but very rarely am I wrong. There is an approximate 15% of the time I am wrong, and I admit to that. Whether it be out of desperation or a miscalculation, whatever it is. But most of the time I am not wrong about what I see in people. Whether it be something positive or negative. And usually, I do try to always be fair. I'd like to think I support all my favorite guys of INXS. It's not always easy to support everything they do. I could not support their last album because I just don't like it. One thing I love about INXS and always have loved about them is because they were so unique in everything they did. But when I heard how they took the song Kick and turned it into something like RnB music, I was completely unimpressed!! I still love my guys, but I was not at all impressed with their last album. No more than I am impressed by that stupid tiger on the cover! But like I've said before, that tiger was the perfect metaphor for that album; lazy, stupid, and fleeting toward extinction. Though I hope INXS are not going extinct!

A lot of other Hutch fans are supporting Michael's choice of Paula Yates. I'd like to be able to say I can too, but I just can't. No matter what, I just cannot say Paula was good for Michael. The woman was crazy!! She was a total lunatic! Some people argue that she had a hard life as a child. Well a lot of people do, it's not the end of the world, and it is something that can be overcome! Why didn't Paula do something to overcome her problems that stemmed from having a bad childhood? And why drag Michael into her troubled world and make his life miserable as well? Not fair at all!! I know I used to kid around with friends saying I would one day marry Michael, but I never actually meant it! I love Timmy and I always say if he was single and looking I wouldn't marry him! Because I feel he deserves better. I have problems I have yet to work out too. Would not be very fair of me to drag Timmy into my world of troubles. Of course I haven't got anything on Paula Yates!! She was the queen-mother of lunatics!! Poor Michael was just an innocent pawn in her sick game. Maybe it was the curse of being beautiful.

I bash Paula on a daily basis, love me or hate me for it, I don't care!! But I truly believe Michael would still be here today if not for Paula! Some of my friends argue that people would have blamed what ever girl Michael was with when he died if it hadn't been Paula. But no, there was something about her! She did something to Michael. I cannot say what exactly, but Michael was a lot happier in pictures I've seen with him and Helena. I'm sure there are plenty of fans out there that would have been the type to blame whatever girl Michael was with, whether it had been Paula or not. But I am not one of those kind of fans. Like I said, I always try to be fair. Lots of people blame the accident in Denmark where Michael was clobbered by a cab driver that hit Michael, causing him to go down and hit his head on a curb, which caused him to lose his sense of taste and smell. I am sure that did have a hand in making Michael depressed, but he was with Helena for a long time after that accident, and he still looked happier in pictures I've seen with her. His smiles didn't look forced then as they did during the period he was with Paula.

It's not jealousy that drives me, that's for sure! Michael could have been with Helena at the time he died, or with Michelle Bennett, or that new girl Ericka, or with Godzilla for all I care! If he had died in a motorcycle accident, I would never have blamed Paula, but he died by suicide. People don't normally commit suicide unless they are miserable. And he looked more miserable with Paula than he did with any other girl he was with. That is what I go by. Though I'd like to believe it was just a simple accident that he died by a miscalculation during a sex game, but the final verdict was suicide. Until a bolt from the blue comes down and says different, I have to go by what the official verdict is here. I love Michael, I would have hated to think he was ever so miserable.

I remember back in 2009, I had some troubles with a character online who called himself Viergacht. I don't even remember how to spell his name, but anyways, I remember he got pissed off at me because I criticized his project on the Speculative Evolution forum. He spent several days bashing me, my friends, my stories, my favorite INXS guys, my drawings and my Metazoica project. One of the things I always say when people criticize my ideas is "Well, people laughed at Van Gogh and DiVinci." Viergacht quoted that and said himself something to the effect of "I love it when people use the Van Gogh argument never realizing that for every single genius out there, there were a few hundred dunderheads whose chuckles were well deserved!"  I remember saying in response to that that the only problem I had with someone like Viergacht saying that is that he would have called Van Gogh and DiVinci "dunderheads" as well. All that would have had to happen in order for him to think that would be to take him back to their times, erase everything from his head that he ever learned about DiVinci or Van Gogh, introduce him to them, have them criticize anything Viergacht ever did, and instantly, Viergacht would have said they were a couple of dunderheads too. LOL! Viergacht was just that kind of person. That's why I didn't listen to him. I may not have known Viergacht personally, I didn't even know him on that forum, but I do know his type, and that's the kind of person he appeared to be to me. But I am not like that, and I always try to be fair. There are people I don't like out there either, but I always point out their good AND bad points. There's good in all people. I point out what I know for sure. Just if their bad points outweigh the good, I don't tend to like said person.

Same with Paula, if Michael had looked just as happy with her as he did with Helena, I would never have blamed her for his death. But she did something to him, and it made Michael miserable!! And then there is also this interview I found by A Current Affair with Tina Hutchence...

Even she admits that if Michael hadn't gotten in with Paula that he would still be alive, and I am inclined to agree with her. She also states that Paula was the one who tipped off the press where they were going and what they were going to be doing. She said Michael never knew that. She gives a pretty bleak description of Michael's life with Paula, and I said "No wonder he killed himself!" But that is all why I still bash Paula, and will continue to! I hate that woman!! Sure, she had a baby with Michael, and I am in no way blaming that young woman because her mom was a sick lunatic, it's not Lily's fault! But Michael paid a hefty price to have that baby! And Paula only did it to trap Michael. Not because she loved him or loved Lily. She used Lily to trap Michael. Nothing else. The Paula fans may hate me for it, but I don't care. I love Michael. He's the only one I truly care about! I don't give a shit about Paula! And Lily should know what a dumbass her mom was. I do this because I love Michael so much! If he was here today, I would tell him Paula was not good for him. He may not have liked it at first, but later he would have thanked me for it, I'm sure!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Good News Tim Farriss

Well, yesterday I wasn't doing so well, with the news of Timmy. I know Timmy will be OK, and as one of my friends on the group pointed out, at least he is still with us. But I just felt sad that he is now grounded and cannot play guitar. But I know he will make it. I could not stop crying yesterday, or the night before. I cried myself to sleep that night, and I couldn't stop once I woke up. The only thing that stopped me from carrying on to last night was hearing from Timmy on his Facebook page. He said he is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support. He thanks his fans for the messages and well-wishes. I told him I am just so glad to hear from him. Hearing from him yesterday made my day even better. I love that man SO much!! He means the world to me. But he is still with us. He hasn't died. And I know he is strong and will recover. I know I will live to see him play that guitar again. I just couldn't help but feel bad for him. It was like November 24, 1997 all over again!

I was exactly the same way when I found out Michael died. Cried myself to sleep that night and didn't stop the next day. But there was no relief from that nightmare. No one was there to tell me it was not true. No one could tell me that Michael would be OK. No amount of well-wishing, fan love or prayers could bring him back. He was gone. If only Facebook, or some social network like that existed back when Michael was alive. He would have had fans boosting his confidence up after his accident. He would have had fans telling him not to listen to Oasis when they called him a "has-been". He may have even had someone to turn to instantly that last night in the hotel room, when he found out Lily was not going to be able to join him in Australia right away. He needed that. We lost Michael, a great singer. I couldn't bear to lose Timmy! I think it'd kill me emotionally.

Well, like this friend pointed out, Timmy is not dead. And I know he wouldn't have died from this. I just worry so much about him. Not being able to play the guitar, I know he loves playing! It's his passion. I hope he has enough patience to let this run it's course, and work on his physiotherapy so he can get all better and do the thing he loves doing. As a true-blue Timmy fan, I will be there cheering him on, every step of the way! He's a strong man. I know he is. Its not his physical injury that really worries me. Though I know it must have been horrific! Its his emotional state that worries me the most. I hope he doesn't let this injury get him down. Michael's injury got him down, and it deteriorated him emotionally, leading to his death years later. I couldn't stand it if that also happened to my Timmy!!

I visited one page where someone actually said something to the effect of "lots of people get injuries on the job, no one is like woe is me like this guy (Timmy) is". Well, there are so few among us who hasn't had at least one moment like that in our lives where we feel sorry for ourselves. And we have a right to. I probably do it more than anyone else out there! LOL! I certainly do it more than Timmy ever has! So if Timmy wants to have a few "woe is me" moments, let him!! I'm here to comfort him and stand by him in those moments. But it is up to him to pick himself up and say "I'm going to do this today!" and accomplish what he wants to do. He's the only one that can get his hand working again. He's the only one that can pick up his guitar and say "I'm going to play that riff again". And I know he will do it. And I will be there cheering him on as a fan, with every accomplishment he progresses to. I'll love him for it! I just want him to know that. I feel that is my job as a fan.

Well, in other news, I got some furniture. My house is slowly but surely looking up. I am concentrating on the basics right now. I needed a bed and an easy chair, and I got one. I love my bed! It's a huge queen-sized springless mattress. It is so comfortable!! I don't even need mattress toppers like I did with my last bed!! This mattress is comfortable by it's self. I also got an easy chair. It has an automatic lift for the footrest. I love my new furniture!! I got it on a rent to own deal, so I make payments every month. And at the end of 4 months, I can pay it all off. I hope I can!! I can't start saving for that this month, but I surely can next month!! Going to be tough for a few months, but in the end, it will be worth it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Timmy Needs Prayers

In the midst of everything in my household looking up, I just got a new easy chair and a bed, and I was finally happy there for a while, with hopes of getting more furniture soon. But tonight I got struck with some very sad news. Timmy is in the hospital! Basically he is OK, but he had a bad accident that nearly tore off one of his hands. He's been stitched up, but may have to go through lots of physical therapy in order to regain the use of his hand again. He was involved in a boating accident. I love that man so much! More than life it's self. He means the world to me! This news just breaks my heart to pieces! The doctors are now saying he will never play guitar again. I know that is his passion. I hope this doesn't get him down. I want Timmy to know I am saying many prayers for him through my own tears. I sure hope he will be OK. I hope after his physical therapy he will be able to learn to pluck at his guitar again. I would so hate for him to lose that ability!

The band has been having some bad luck lately. I wonder if Michael is offended by what they did with the INXS movie last year? But first Timmy's father dies, then the bad publicity Garry got from his daughter, and now Timmy almost loses his hand in a boating accident. Is Michael up there angry at the band? I wonder. INXS should be celebrating their "reemergence". They should be rejoicing at their new found popularity. Instead, they've been having a run of bad luck. I can't imagine what is going to be next. I hope these guys will be OK.

Monday, February 2, 2015


My friends are a little bit miffed at me because I said in a post I don't give a darn about Lily. LOL! Well, I have nothing personal against these people, but they need to understand me a little better. One of them said that Michael would not be happy with me saying I don't give a damn about Lily. I told her I didn't say I don't give a damn about Lily, I said I don't give a darn about her. I sugar-coated it as much as I could. And that is rare for me! LOL! I normally don't sugar-coat anything! But because there are lots of people on that site I do care about, and I do love Michael, I sugar-coated what I said about Lily as much as I could. I did not say I don't like Lily. I didn't say because I don't have any dealings with her at all that I hope she has a miserable life!! No! I never said those things. Those would have been cruel to say. But what is Lily to me? She is Michael's daughter. Now, I don't give a damn about Paula, I can't stand that woman! But Michael was everything to me! He meant the world to me. But Lily, I am afraid the only reason I would care about her is because she is Michael's daughter. That's it. And to me, that would not be fair. It's like when I was growing up, there were kids who were friends of my sis, and there were kids who were enemies of my sis too. Those same people would feel the same way about me as they did about her, and that is not fair! In any way, good or bad! Because I am not my sister. I am ME.

Now if Lily and I were to become friends and I were actually to get to know her, that would be completely different. Then I would "give a darn" about her. LOL! But until that time comes, again I have to ask, what is she to me? Nothing except Michael's daughter. That's it. That is where my relationship with her ends. I wasn't even a friend of Michael's! I love his singing, and I loved the way he moved and looked, and I did kiss him when I was a teenager. And it's always been because of him that I loved INXS. But again, that is where the relationship ends. Despite what Catsredrum thinks, well no one should care what she thinks anyways, but despite what she thinks, I am not one of those deluded fans that thinks just because I love a rock star, and had a small amount of contact with them, that they are my best friend. To me, friendship is more than a fleeting contact with someone. I'm not saying I would not like to become friends with Timmy, just saying I haven't yet. And only if GOD and fate wants it to happen, will it happen.

I've always been very particular in my likes and dislikes! LOL! It drives everyone around me crazy too! Even my sis. But that is the way I am. That's the way I've always been. Cats are a very good example of how specific I am in my interests! I love Siamese, and a few other cat breeds. But it does not mean I love cats in general. I can't stand gray tabbies! But it doesn't mean I hate all house cats. And I like snow leopards, but I hate every other kind of leopard there is. There is a fine line there, but it is there. I am sure Lily is a sweet person, and she is beautiful. She looks just like her daddy!! And I am in no way closing my mind to her. If I were to get to know her better, I am sure I would like her. But again, that has not happened yet. And I am afraid the only interest I have in her right now is that she is Michael's daughter. And I am sure she would not like it if that were the only reason I would like her. Especially when I can't stand her mom. That is also why I won't ask Christina to become my Facebook friend again. I did once, and that was enough. She did not communicate with me at all. She didn't communicate hardly at all with any of her friends who were fans of her brother's. I'm sure if we were to actually get to know each other, we'd probably like each other, but that hasn't happened. So, I won't force it. Again, if GOD wants it to happen, it will.

I leave everything in GOD's hands. HE has a pattern set for us all. And I will not curse HIM if I never become friends with any of the band members of INXS, or their families. I'd just chalk it up to not being meant to be. Maybe HE only wants me to be a fan, sitting on the sidelines cheering the band on, and that being the only contact I would have with them. If that's the way GOD wants it, that's what I will accept. But my mind is not closed to the idea. If they wanted to become friends, I'd gladly accept it. But I am not expecting it to happen either.

Friday, January 30, 2015


LOL! I still do that, because I still love Timmy. Some people love it, some may not. Well to those who may not, tough nookies!! This is who I am. Lately every time anyone posts a pic of Timmy on Facebook I do this. I admit I get excited when I see Timmy and that makes me type his name like this. LOL! I remember when I was a "member" of that delusional mods forum, for the short time that I was in there, I typed Timmy's name with the multiple letters, and they HATED it!!! LOL!! But I only did it on there because I wanted to be banned. I didn't want my name even associated with their forum! I didn't even want it on the member's list! Some time later, I heard Catsredrum had wished I didn't go berserk. LOL! She would have wanted me to stick around in there. I saw that post and I thought "No way! I value my self-respect too much to allow them to use me as their punching bag!" The short time I was in there, I hated every second of it! They were so hateful and nasty! If I had stayed in there, I eventually would have become like them and I wouldn't like that. I would rather be friendly and give people a chance than be so quick to judge someone and hate them onsite because of any bad experiences I may have had with other fans.

Actually I really had no idea what their personal problems were. All I can do is speculate. Their forum went up immediately after I announced I wasn't friends with DonnaG anymore. DonnaG is a master manipulator. Vicki was one of those Donna had wrapped around her finger. Vicki announced that Catsredrum and Netrage were friends of her's. Catsredrum and Netrage were also the administrators of the delusional mods forum, and I was their main "prey". Vicki (I believe) also went in there the same time I did under the moniker "incognito" to tease and harass me as an INXS fan. She had never had a problem with me before I announced I didn't like DonnaG anymore. Put 2 and 2 together, and it all comes together. Their forum was only propped up because I announced I didn't like DonnaG. This led me to the notion that she was behind the creation of that forum. Who knows why? I believe to get back at me for being so pissed off at her for kissing Jon and Timmy when she had a cold and making them sick for the rest of their tour. It even spread to JD too.

Well, DonnaG is a disrespectful fan. She's one of those kinds of fans I don't like because she gives decent fans a bad name! She kissed Jon. I never kissed Timmy! I never wanted to! As much as I love Timmy, that's a line you just don't cross!! If I were prettier and had fans I wouldn't want someone I never met grabbing me and kissing me in the mouth! I tell everyone I kissed Michael, but I didn't do it in his mouth! And I was a teenager then. Teenagers are often crazy with their favorite celebs. Though I admit I did feel like a teenager when I saw Timmy in Seattle in 2006, but I maintained my dignity, and his too. I respected his space. I didn't kiss him or touch him in a way that was inappropriate (which is what Catsredrum claims I did, even though she wasn't there).

I admit I wasn't with DonnaG when she kissed Timmy and Jon, and I never once claimed to be. Everything I know, I got from her own story, which she told in her own words. And I know DonnaG too, which she seems to have forgotten when she griped to my sis "She wasn't even there!!" I know Donna had been trying to get her hands in Jon's pants since we went to LA together (again, those were her words, not mine). That was her goal then. If I retold her story wrong, then there was something wrong in the way Donna told her story. So if the delusional mods were pissed because I didn't like DonnaG anymore, they were attacking the wrong person. They should have attacked DonnaG for telling her story the wrong way. But Donna was about the only fan I've never seen the delusional fans forum attack. This is another clear indication that they set up that forum for her. And everything they were against is everything DonnaG is. Not me. I may be crazy, but I know what the boundaries are with Timmy and the rest of the guys of INXS. And I have never crossed those boundaries. And NO ONE can ever honestly say I have!

The reason this still makes me mad is because I recently heard that rockstars do not let their fans come near them anymore, and security is tighter now than it was before. I remember how approachable INXS always was! They used to love their fans. It was always easy for the fans to meet the guys, even if there wasn't an official meet and greet. This was a good thing for me, because being near Timmy, he just oozed awesomeness!! I'm positive Michael did too, if I'd only remember what it was like being near him!! But I was a teenager then, and already Roxette was jousting ahead of INXS as my most favorite rock band! So you might say I wasted that concert the whole time I was there, wishing it was Roxette I was seeing instead of INXS. Being young, naïve and stupid, I had no idea back then how much of an impact Michael would have on my life! I also did not think that soon I would throw away my life as a fan of Roxette. I dunno. I still like their songs though. I've even heard Per Gessle has gone solo, and I've heard some of his music.

Anyway I heard the reason rockstars do not let fans get near them anymore is because of the fanatics. The radicals! I hate radicals! Even INXS, toward the end of their career, became unapproachable. And I truly believe it is because of the delusional mods forum! I happen to know some of the people who were on their member's list were close friends with the band, and may have told them some of the bullshit that the delusional mods were saying, and the guys actually believed it! I know there are some totally loony fans out there, and it is better to be paranoid than dead, but none of the people they attacked on the delusional mods forum were like that! Most INXS fans I've met have been good people. I've never had an INXS fan make fun of me, calling me fat names. Not yet anyways. Well, Catsredrum did once, but I don't think she was a true INXS fan. I think she was more a JD fan. I've met many more dog show breeders in their 40s, 50s and 60s who were much more disrespectful than any INXS fans I've ever met, and had NONE of the finesse INXS fans have! I think that's because Michael was always all about peace and love. Show breeders are all about who has the best lines and who can win the most purple ribbons, and who shows their dogs and who doesn't, and they want to shit on those who haven't been showing their dogs as long as they have!

I know I would never harm any of the band members of INXS. But I can understand the concern, because of what happened to John Lennon. Nobody wants something like that to happen again. I am not the kind of fan though that would seek out Timmy's house and stand outside it, waiting for him to come out! I may not like Kirk very much anymore, but I would NEVER do anything to hurt him! In fact, I am still working on forgiving him. I hope to have that completed by spring time. He doesn't even have to be present for me to do that. I will work on it, and I intend to fully forgive him before my own time on this Earth is over. I want to be able to say I love all my guys, and actually mean it! though some would say 5 out of 6 isn't bad, but not for me. I want to be able to say I love 6 out of 6 of these guys. I'll just have to try and remember next time I meet Kirk to not even try to be nice to him. That is, don't say hello, don't smile at him, don't even look at him.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Speaking Your Mind

UGH!! Some people! I'm all for speaking your mind, and freedom of speech too. I practice it a lot. I also prefer people speak their mind with me. That's how I am. Truth is never kind though. But today, someone was banned from this group I am a regular in for calling Paula a whore. Or something like that. I don't know, I didn't see this person's comments. Well, said person also claimed to be a friend of Michael's. Why is it everyone who claims to be a friend of Michael's has to act like they think their shit doesn't stink!? That I will never understand. I know people who actually did know Michael, and none of them boast so loudly about it. Well, this person I truly think was lying when he said that. He said after Michael died, he was so upset by it, that he had to go into therapy. Yet, just before he was booted from the group, he said "Michael hung himself....bite that!"

Now, I may not be a friend of Michael's, but I know enough to know not to make fun of something like that in a group of people who truly do love Michael. I would NEVER say anything like that out of spite. No matter how angry I was. There have been times I've had to remind some Hutch fans that Michael is gone, but I never said "he's dead" out of spite or anger. I'm very careful about that. Well, I love Michael. I never would mock him, ever!! Anyways, his posts do not reflect the actions of someone who claims to be a close friend of Michael's. I've known many people who were friends with him, and have pics and/or personal letters from him to prove it. I know how some of them act. Not all, but some. Most of them act like asses who take life WAY too seriously for me! I like people who are fun-loving and playful. People who know how to make me laugh and smile. Not a stick-in-the-mud like most of the people who claim they are friends of Michael's. But I have NEVER heard any of them say anything to the effect of "he hung himself...bite that". That is plain disrespectful.

I will also admit I don't like Paula, not even a little bit. But I try to be careful and keep everything I say about Paula on a speculative level. That's all I can do, speculate. I didn't know Paula, I never asked her anything. So all I could do is speculate. But from what I've heard and read from reliable sources, nothing Paula ever did seemed very good. Look at some of the things I've read about Paula and see for yourself:

1. She had a plan to get Michael that she's been trying to put into affect since 1986.

2. She was still married to Bob when she had sex with Michael (which resulted in Lily).

3. Everywhere Michael and Paula went, they were hounded by photographers and tabloid journalists.

4. Paula would not take Lily to Sydney because she didn't want to "split up the girls". Even though Michael wanted to see his baby girl!!

5. Paula once said in an interview that if Michael ever left her, she would kill herself and Lily.

#1 all I can say is, Paula had to have been stalking Michael all that time. She was married to Bob Geldof, if she didn't want him, and instead wanted Michael, she shouldn't have married Bob! This also is tied to #3. I truly, honestly believe that Paula tipped off the photographers and tabloid journalists, which is how they knew where they were both going at all times. No one can make me believe otherwise. And why would Paula do that?? I have no clue! The only idea I can come up with as to why she would do that is because she wanted to tout Michael around like a trophy. It's either that or Paula was critically insane! Actually, I would bank on both! Well, Michael was NOT a trophy!! He was a person. He had feelings, wants and desires of any other person. And all he wanted was to be left alone. There were times it seemed Paula did not consider Michael's feelings at all.

#4 makes me madder than anything! And it's plain stupid! Michael, all he wanted was to see his baby girl that he was so proud of! But Paula would not let him see Lily because she didn't want to split up the girls. What would it have taken to leave the older girls with Bob Geldof and just take Lily on a flight to Sydney to see her father for just a few days?? Lily was a baby, she wouldn't have cared if Paula's other children were not with them! My ma used to take me on trips without my sis all the time! There were times my sis just couldn't come with us. So who would have been harmed if Paula had just took Lily and flew to Australia to see Michael for just a few days? It may have been the boost Michael would have needed to go on. But no! Paula decided she was going to just be selfish and hold Lily back in England, and not go see her father. Who knows why again? Maybe she did it just to make sure Michael would have come home to her, instead of going out with another woman.

#5 I'd say is pretty positive proof that Paula was critically insane. It also shows that she did not have Lily because she loved Michael. She didn't love him. Anyone who would say something like this, it proves she only had Lily to trap Michael. No other reason. It's no different than the bullies on the playground saying "You do as I say or I'll break your neck!" The only innocent pawn in this scenario is Michael. Yes, he got a baby out of the deal with Paula. But ANYONE could have had that baby with him. It does not make Paula special. Poor Michael though paid the ultimate price to have that baby! Paula caused him a lot of stress, heartache, he lost his dignity, his pride, he was bashed, humiliated, and ultimately he lost his life. I can't help but wonder if Michael had gotten together with any other girl and had a baby, would things have been different? Would he have suffered such tremendous pressures? Apparently he was getting tired of INXS, as I heard. Again, I am only speculating. But this is all why I hate Paula so much!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Happy 55th Michael!!

Well, today is Michael's birthday in the USA, yesterday it was in Australia. They are a day ahead of us here. Well, I offered my story "One Day In November..." to the fans in the MH and his Life fan page on Facebook. I did that as well on the anniversary of his death too. But then I did not know you could upload files directly to Facebook. I just found that feature. Back then, anyone who was interested, I had to send it through email, and I'm sure a number of them did not get it! Sometimes my emails tend to go to peoples' junk mail boxes, because I use my own email. I don't use Yahoo or Gmail, or Hotmail. I use the email I get through So other, more popular, email accounts view my emails as junk. I only offered this story on this site on Facebook, because I trust these people more. Not saying I don't like any of the people in other groups, just that I trust this group of people more than any other. Other groups I am on, some of the people (not all) act like the losers that I encountered the very brief period I used to get on the Rockband Lounge forum. There were only 1 or 2 people in that forum that were friendly, that I knew of. The others all acted like they thought their shit didn't stink. Most likely because they were supporters of DonnaG. That's probably why a lot of people, who claim to be direct friends of Michael's, are also like that. Because they are supporters of DonnaG's, as she never makes friends with fans who are not friends of INXS.

Anyway, today it's all about Michael Hutchence, not DonnaG!! The fans have christened this day "HutchDay". I like that!! Happy HutchDay! hehehe! But the day seems to be mostly an Australian day. They had a marathon throughout their TV stations yesterday, showing nothing but INXS. There is even a show called "Michael and Friends". Sounds like a cartoon show! I would have loved to have seen it!! I wish someone would do something to bring the memory of Michael Hutchence here to the USA! But nobody does anything here! If anything is ever aired about Michael, it's almost always only broadcast in Australia or the UK! That's sad! What are the US fans supposed to do? Look for reruns and rehashes of old stuff?? I got all that already! I would love to see something new and different! Makes me mad!!

I was reading a story that was written originally by Michael's father, Kell. He told a story of how Michael loved the girls, even as a baby! Apparently right after he was born and came home from the hospital, he and Michael's mom Patricia, had a barbecue party and a lot of supermodel women came. One was a top-name model back then, and held Michael in her arms, and he wizzed on her! LOL! I read that story and laughed! He seemed to be a little flirt back then!! I like that! I love a man who knows what he likes, even as a baby! hehehe! A lot of fans say Michael was a flirt, and even I say that! He seemed like one when I kissed him! But it could have just been the way he smiled at me. He had a smile that would light up the room. Michael's sister said he hardly ever flirted with the girls. But then Michael's brother tells a totally different story. He said Michael always flirted with the girls! So there's a lot of conflicting stories out there about Michael's character. Maybe he was so complex, even his closest family members didn't know. I'm more inclined to believe Michael's sister though because she's known him since before he was born. She was 12 years old when he was born. Most 12 year olds are aware of their world, and pretty much on the level.

Speaking of which, I notice she is accepting friend requests again from fans. Not sure I want to ask her again to become my Facebook buddy. She'll probably be deleting those people again very soon. She seems like a nice person though. Well, at the same time, I don't want to seem like a stuck-up prick! I dunno though. I love her stories about Michael. No one can tell them the way she can!

The day of Michael's death is so close to the day he should have been celebrating his birth. But I don't think this is his month. Most of INXS's albums were always released late in the year, not early. I don't know what exactly went through Michael's mind the night he died. I can only speculate, and did speculate a lot at the end of my story. I only know for sure what went through my mind when I heard he was gone. I cried! I'm not normally a crier, but I cried a lot that night when I found out. Most people who feel bad about Michael being gone feel so for his daughter more than for him. I once heard Chris Murphy say to feel bad because we want Michael back was even a "selfish" move. Well, maybe I am selfish. But I don't weep for Michael's daughter. In fact, the night I heard the news he was gone, which was when I cried the hardest, I had no idea he even had a child! I weep solely for Michael because I want him back! I want him back on stage doing his gigs. I cry because I miss him! Not because I think of his little girl. Yes that may sound selfish of me, but I have no problem admitting that.

Here's a pip. I've even started calling Michael my "boo". LOL! I miss calling Vegas that, and I need a booby to love. So I've begun calling Michael my "hutchy-boo", or sometimes just "boo" or even "booby". LOL!

Well, yesterday I celebrated Michael's memory by posting several stories about how I became an INXS fan, even on my Facebook status. I think today I'll remember him by posting a bunch of my favorite lyrics from some of my favorite INXS songs.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How The Dirty Dozen Mob Attacks!

LOL!! I thought this would be an interesting post for anyone who has ever been attacked by the dirty dozen mob, which could be just about anyone who has been on any pet breeder forums and has disagreed with anything they do. Or has said they didn't like any of the members of their little clique. I've done both in my lifetime, and have never regretted any of it! No matter how hard they've hit me. LOL! I've proven to be the stronger person. And that just pisses them off!! LOL! Believe me, they have tried HARD to bring me down as much as they could! They mostly attack me with my own blog. They do so by telling people who I've mentioned on this blog, that I've been "slandering" them, hoping to get those people to come after me with lawsuits, or harm me in some way, or to try and shut me up. None of which has worked! People have threatened me with lawsuits many times. But I have seen enough of Judge Judy and People's Court to know lawsuits like that NEVER win!! They're just a waste of the judge's time. I used to be the same way a LONG time ago. I used to hear you could sue someone who has called you names and shit. But whenever someone presents a "slander" case in court, it's usually gotten thrown out. So, if someone "slanders" me, I just grin and bear it. Can't sue someone just for having an opinion. Not in my home country anyways. Not positive where the dirty dozen mob is from though.

Jupiter maybe? *shrugs* LOL!!

OK that was a joke! But anyways, I thought this would be good for anyone to know who inhabits pet forums that are frequented also by any of the dirty dozen mob. They should know anyways. So they know not to take any of these people seriously.

Now, I have no idea what they are calling themselves now, but most of them will never give out their real names. They don't mind shouting out the names of other people that they disrespect, but for them to give out the name of anyone from their little clique is sheer taboo. They do this for their own cowardice. They don't want you to know who they really are because they know everything they do, they can actually get sued for. Like posting another person's physical address and social security number (which I have heard they do), which is an invasion of privacy. They probably also have criminal backgrounds they don't want you to know about. I remember one time mcgillicutty said what I do is worse than what she does, then she posted my home address (at that time). I had to laugh at her statement, as I have never in my life posted ANYONE'S home address. I once posted that her name is really Sara Weiler, and she is from Everett, WA. But I never posted her house number, street she lives on or anything like that. Nor would I have wanted to do that. That's never been how I operate. I don't believe in attacking people I don't like by posting private information like that.

Mcgillicutty never told me who she was. I figured it out by process of elimination. I remember having several ideas of who she was. She kept saying she was a 50 something year old man, but none of her actions pointed to anything any 50-something year old man would do. Her actions did however reflect something a very disturbed teenager would do. Or a 20-something year old. She also said I gave her my address, which is something I rarely do with anyone. I even thought at one point mcgillicutty could be DonnaG. But as bad as DonnaG was, I don't think she was the type to post someone else's home address out of sheer spite. So eliminating her from the idea, and eliminating people I truly trusted from the list, the only person left was Sara. As I did give her a business card that had my name and address and phone number on it before she got pissed off at me. LOL! And she got angry at me because I said she was breeding poor quality Chihuahuas, and she was enabling a friend of her's to crossbreed Pomeranians with Chihuahuas to create more shelter-bound puppies. Sara bought from known backyard breeders and puppymillers, she only did health testing on her dogs after I told her it was the proper thing to do before breeding her dogs, and she was more interested in color than quality. She also poo-pooed the advice of show breeders.

First thing, before the dirty dozen mob attacks, they want to build up your confidence. This is how they work. They will be friendly to you. Don't fall for it! It's a smoke-screen. They want to make you feel good so they can manipulate you to turn against people they don't like. They want you to believe the person speaking against them is the evil one, and they are the innocent victims of that person's attack. Don't believe it! Chances are good the person attacking them has a damn good reason to do so.

Next they call the person attacking them a liar. Or they do all they can to point out mistakes that person makes, making it look like that person has no credibility. This is an old method! They're playing on the notion that most people will not get to know someone that everyone else is deeming a "liar" or a "hypocrite". Don't believe them. They are lousy judges of character. The dirty dozen mob themselves make fun of people who are disabled, and they are also racist bigots.

Next, they gang up on the person. One of their clique will attack someone about one thing, then another from their clique will attack the same person about something else. And this can go on and on for days!! They never tire! They started attacking me because I said I don't trust them, and I don't like them. And that was back in 2006. To my understanding, they are still attacking me, as I've seen their post about me on the Complaints Board.

That brings me to another method the dirty dozen mob uses. When they lose, they cry and weep. And instead of admitting defeat, they attack harder. Maybe even get more people to side with them. When this happens, don't let them get to you. I know that sounds corny, but this will help develop that strong skin you will need to work against them. They hate it when they are ignored and hated. So, use that as your weapon. I do! And it's worked!!

Believe me, they have pulled out the big guns against me! They have tried HARD to work against me. But I keep going, doing what I've always done. I don't let them run my internet existence. They will never shut me up. I'm a Google partner, I get paid every time anyone views this blog. I don't care if they direct people to this blog! So, they can kiss my cyber ass!!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Damn!! Will people ever learn to take a hint??? I DON'T like cats!!!! I don't want to see them posted on my Facebook timeline!!! I'm not playing around when I say that either! I think people think I am! I only like a handful of breeds of cats, it does not mean I am a cat person! I like Siamese, ragdolls, Burmese, tonkinese, exotic shorthairs, oriental shorthairs, british shorthairs, Persians (though I would never own one), devon rex, sphinx, and that is it. And I can't stand tabbies!! I am NOT a cat person!! People, stop thinking I am!! If you are going to post pics of animals on my Facebook timeline, post pics of animals I enjoy! Which is most animals, just NOT CATS!!!! I swear I am going to delete the next fool that posts another fat cat on my Facebook timeline!!

This morning one of my Facebook buddies posted 2 pics of damn cats on my timeline. This person rarely comments on anything. Most of the time, all she posts is these stickers that are now all the rage on Facebook. Usually I ignore any time I see she has posted a comment, because I know if I go to that thread and look, all I am going to see under her name is one of these stickers. But sometimes she posts pics of INXS, and usually they are pics I haven't seen before. But it's impossible to know when she does that. But today, she's posted 2 pics of cats on my Facebook timeline! I think she thinks I like cats. She was somehow misinformed! I don't know how! Probably because one time, and I do mean ONE time, I told someone her cats were cute! But they were Himalayan cats! Not just a random-bred gray tabby mongrel!!

I recently deleted someone, who I did like, from my Facebook buds, because she was boasting about how she felt so good seeing some sickly stray cats using some warm shelters she put up for them. I said "Thanks a lot for contributing to the extinction of birds and other small animals I like more than those diseased strays!" then I deleted her. That's the way I saw what she was doing. I'm a bird lover. Stray cats kill a lot of birds and small animals. If someone does something to help stray cats, I do get upset. I don't want nothing to do with those people! I think they are sick individuals who need to grow up and open their eyes to the damage stray cats are having on our environment. Strays don't need to be helped! They need to be eradicated! I was sick of her posts anyways. She claimed to be an INXS fan, but all she ever posted was some kind of shit regarding cats. She wasn't an INXS fan! She was a cat-fag! I'm not one to tell anyone what they can and cannot post on their own Facebook page, so I just deleted her, assuming we had nothing in common at all.

Speaking of cats, Roberta seems to be at it again! I swear that woman worries me!! When someone is crazy and admits it, it doesn't bother me. Its the people who are crazy and can't admit it (or don't seem to know it) that I begin to worry!! And Roberta won't admit it! I'm a crazy-ass bitch! I admit it! And I love it!! I'm supposed to be crazy, being an artist and a writer! But Roberta, she's like the dirty dozen mob! She's crazy, and either she doesn't know it, or she won't admit it. She created the By My Side page on Facebook, which is supposed to be devoted to INXS. Most of the time though, she runs it like it's her own personal war field. It's her page though. I just think she should change the subject from being about INXS to being more about her own personal vendettas. Every time she has a problem with someone on Facebook, she tells the people on her group to gang up on said person and tell them off, or join their page, don't post anything, and then leave their page.

The problem with people like Roberta, she's crazy and she doesn't know it. Most other people see it though that has had dealings with her. People with sense see it. But she doesn't see it, and her followers don't see it. It's very sad! She needs to grow up. I mean really! The woman goes all over Facebook acting like a cat!! You don't think that's strange?? If you don't then you must be crazy yourself! And I mean crazy on a level that is beyond me! What's even sadder is that she is not only an INXS fan, but also a Roxette fan. I used to be a Roxette fan too! She banned me from the By My Side group because I said I did not cry when I heard the news about Princess Di being killed in a car wreck. Well, I didn't! I'm not going to lie about that to please anyone. I just didn't! She was nothing to me! Well, possibly a distant cousin, but I didn't know her! I never followed any news stories about her when she was alive. I felt nothing when she had her 2 boys. I never felt anything when she and Charles were married, or when they broke up. Why should I feel anything for her when she died?? That wouldn't make sense. Michael was a fan of her's, but I never claimed to be. And just because INXS liked her a lot does not mean I have to! But I don't feel bad about being blocked from the By My Side group. Because it seems Roberta has made that group more about herself than about INXS. I'd have left eventually anyways. Things like that do get old awful fast!

I do have a lot of royal bloodlines from Europe, so it is possible Princess Di and I are related in some way. I just never met her. So she was nothing to me. Sometimes I wish our relatives never left Europe, I could be queen now!! If I was, I know who the first person would be that I would have executed by way of guillotine. The dirty dozen mob, beginning with that asshole mcgillicutty!! LOL! I'd love to see her head chopped off!! Not that there are any brains to be lost! LOL! Surprisingly, I'd spare Rhonda's life. She called me a stalking whale. To me, that is a compliment. Despite the fact I don't like her, she must love me an awful lot to give me a nickname like that! hehehe! Stalking whales RULE!!

Well, I know I've said this before many times, but I don't like cats!! Please people, DO NOT post anymore cat pics on my Facebook timeline, unless you WANT to get deleted!!

I deleted this person this afternoon. She did it again. Despite repeated requests to her NOT to post ANY cat pics on my Facebook wall. It's like everything I say to her goes in one ear and out the other. So I finally just deleted her. I promised the next person to post any cat pics on my wall will get deleted, and I will continue to keep this policy. There are too many other INXS fans out there that are cat fags. I am NOT one of them!! Post that shit on their wall. NOT mine!!! Any other animals I don't mind. But NO FELINES OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED ON MY WALL!!!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...