Thursday, July 24, 2014

Amy's Baking Company, The Sequel

OMG the crazy woman is back!! LOL! And yes, she is crazy. Some guy said she acted like a cat with her claws out and all she had to say about that was "meow". She is definitely crazy! It's a shame she does not see that. But then again, cat people can never see how crazy they are. Some admit it, but Amy will not admit it. You can't admit something you don't acknowledge. For that reason alone, I would never eat at their restaurant! I wouldn't eat anything made by some cat-fag! She'd probably put a hairball in the food! I used to hate having to pick those damn things up! Let alone have it put in my food. That's why I don't have cats and don't want cats either. Though I wouldn't mind a Siamese or a hairless cat. No hairballs to cough up. Having Persians, they cough up hairballs several times a day. Ours did! Siamese, well let me put it this way; I had a Siamese for 3 years, in that time, he never coughed up a hairball.

Well, as nutty as Amy is, she's nowhere near as bad as her husband, Samy. Samy is the one with the big mouth. Not to mention he is greedy and unprofessional. They both made an appearance on Dr. Phil, and Dr. Phil had someone, who was an expert in business consulting, come in and give some advice to Amy and Samy. One of the things he suggested is to give things away for free. It's one way to pique the curiosity of new customers. Samy sat in the chair shaking his head. He absolutely opposed the idea of giving anyone any discounts or free samples of anything. Like I said, he is greedy! He said something to the effect of "If they wanna come in and try the food, they can afford to pay for it!" That's all Samy thinks about is the money! Not the customers! Meaning money means more to him than people. I wouldn't have married him! Besides, I think he's a bad influence on Amy.

Amy told Dr. Phil that she can't eat, she can't sleep, all because she gets death threats and offers from people who want to fuck her. I remember a LONG time ago, I used to let things like that bother me. But not anymore. I remember I lost 60 pounds once because I was angry over some things that happened on an internet forum. I got myself down to about 90 pounds! I was anorexic, believe it or not! LOL! Then I thought to myself, what the heck am I doing?? Why am I allowing an incident that happened over the internet to get to me this way? Though part of it could have been because I was vulnerable after losing my grandma, as it happened about the same time, also because I was young and didn't know how to handle situations like that yet. I was also rather new to the internet and message boards. Those piled up together may have been contributors to why I let things like what happened do physical harm like that to me. Things that today, would not affect me at all.

This business consultant also told Amy and Samy that they need to give up this urge to read every post on their Facebook page, and Yelp, and Twitter, and just focus on those that love their business and are loyal customers. Now, there I totally agree with him! On UMG Productions, we are not allowed to respond to customers who leave feedback. We have staff who reads each comment posted, and if it is irrelevant to the story they are commenting on, the post gets deleted. But I, as a simple author and contributor, am forbidden to read any of the comments, or respond to them. Like Dr. Phil says in this episode (and my supervisor always said the same thing) sometimes the comments are poison! Some can be a learning experience, but only from those who have actually read the story (not the free samples). So, I do not read comments on there. That's for another team of workers, not me. I barely read the comments posted on this page anymore! LOL!

But most of the reason my supervisor does not let me read any comments left on the UMG site is because I could get the urge to respond. Though I have now had years of practice at not responding to negative comments (and not even really reading them), she doesn't even want me to be tempted. So, I don't read the comments. My supervisor wants both the customer and contributor to have a good experience with the website. Unlike at Amy's Baking Company, where if you don't like the food, you get cussed out. My supervisor wouldn't stand for that at all!! Not from any of us! She'd have my head on a platter if I did that!! But Samy has such a big mouth, he cannot stop himself from responding to negativity. Amy thinks if she doesn't respond, the trolls win. Well, that's not true at all! If you respond to trolls, which is exactly what they want you to do, the trolls win, and you've just shown you are weak and vulnerable. When a troll or hater posts a negative comment on one of my videos, I don't really look. I give a quick glance and look for a few key words, and if I see those words, I don't read anymore of the comment and pass it by and ignore it. Just move on to something else. I never let it get me down. Not anymore! Life is so much more pleasant when you just knock over the trolls and haters and go on with your own day to day life! It's kept me smiling all this time! And the trolls get butthurt when you stop responding to them, and sometimes that is even funnier than what they were trying to accomplish.

I still say Amy needs to do 3 things in order to succeed in life. Since Dr. Phil's staff gave her cooking 100% thumbs up, all Amy has to do now is get rid of Samy, get rid of the cats, and grow a thick skin. Ignore the haters, and listen to legitimate complaints from people actually trying her food. Not just the compliments.

Anyways, this is the video where they go on Dr. Phil and ask for help with their business. Notice how Samy acts throughout the whole show. Also notice Dr. Phil's reaction to Samy's doubting.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

More Excess of INXS

Yesterday was Lily's birthday, she is Michael's little girl. Well, that little girl is not so little anymore! She's 18 now! A grown woman. She had better get herself out there now and look for a boyfriend, if she doesn't already have one yet. She should do her part to carry on Michael's genes. He's got some good ones! He had a lot of talent, and he was handsome to boot! Lily looks just like him! She's sure to have beautiful children, if none of those ugly Paula genes show up!! GOD forbid!!

Anyways, I kinda celebrated by watching an INXS video I put together myself from videos I collected about INXS. One of the videos I collected was a series of interviews of the men of INXS. I saw Timmy again for the first time in a long time! Ya know, my love and fascination for Timmy has now been dormant for a couple years. But seeing him again last night on TV, I remembered why I love him so much! Not only is he talented, he is also really funny! When he pointed out his "incredibly awesome ass", as he put it himself, I laughed! I said "Well at least he acknowledges it!" LOL! Well, I always thought that myself! LOL! He does have an incredibly awesome ass! I love his buns! It's what made me notice him in the first place, back when I first fell in love with INXS back in 1990. Actually it was Michael who first caught my attention, but it was Tim who kept my attention going.

I never actually formally met Michael, I did see him perform live only once. And I did kiss him! LOL! Well, I was a teenager then. Teenagers don't care about personal space. I didn't. Any parent of a teenager certainly knows that! Since the last time I saw INXS perform live on stage, I even forgot how it feels to see them perform live! I was reminded last night, which is why my first INXS concert back in 1991 did not stand out in my mind. At that time, there were other groups that I actually liked better than INXS. Especially this one Roxette. I had a huge crush on Per Gessle. And yes, I did see them live too, that same year in fact. Well, I am no longer such a huge fan of Roxette. I actually stopped crushing on Per Gessle in 1992 when that incident with this couple named Patti and Chris happened. A long story! And I think I have told that story on here before. But thankfully I was not as into INXS as I was into Roxette back then, or INXS would have been extinct in my mind too.

Well, between 1992 and 1997 I didn't even much think about INXS. I was taking a bit of a rest from INXS fanhood. And any rock star fanhood I believe! I still liked music, but there were no bands that I particularly liked in that time period. None that I can think of. I remember in 1995 I had a dream that I married a famous rock star. Guess who that rock star was. It wasn't Michael, Timmy or Per Gessle. It was not MC Hammer or Richard Marx. It was actually Tom Petty! LOL!! I don't know why I had a dream like that. While I like a few of Tom Petty's songs, he is not among my most favorite musicians. He's not even really all that great looking!! He kinda looks like a lanky version of John Denver. But in '95 I wasn't even looking at any rock stars at all.

I probably never would have gotten back into INXS except in 1997, something happened. It was a couple months before Michael passed away, and for some unknown reason to me, I began to look at my pics of the guys again. Little by little, day by day, I would stare more at my pics. By the time Michael passed away, I was just enough into INXS again to take notice. And for it to have an effect on me. I remember I cried. But not right away, because I couldn't. When I first heard the news, I was working on my Metazoic checklist. I didn't have time to cry. But it hindered my accuracy. There are probably some animals from the original list that I never got to transfer to this current list, and are now completely lost somewhere in cyberspace. I cried that night in the shower and when I went to bed, I cried myself to sleep, thinking of Michael.

For several years after, even hearing Michael's name made me cry all over again. That must have went on for about 4 years. Then in 2002, I took another break from INXS fanhood. In 2005, for some reason, I woke up from a sound sleep, thinking about INXS, and started looking all over the internet for INXS things. That was when I discovered the Fan Forum. That's also when I discovered a nudie pic of Michael, which made me fall in love with INXS all over again! LOL! Well, that only lasted a couple weeks, then someone posted an incredibly awesome pic of Timmy, and I saw him in a whole new light!! I had loved Tim before, when I acquired some INXS videos in 1998 and found out how funny and spontaneous he was. But I never really thought he was handsome (aside from his cute buns) until I saw this pic posted on the INXS Fan Forum. Then, I fell completely head-over-heals for him!! I even liked him better than Michael! In the pic, he was standing looking so sexy in a most sexy pose!! And after seeing that pic, I was in absolute fucking LOVE!!!!! Too bad the Fan Forum is no longer up! I don't trust the Switchboard!

Well, for the past week or so, I have been looking once again at Michael a lot. I even kissed his pic yesterday for the first time since 2005. I did it without even thinking! It just happened! But I remember I said to myself "Hey! I haven't done that in a long time! And it felt GOOD!!!" Maybe I will do it more often. LOL!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Why I Hate the Westboro Baptist Church

Another "Why I Hate" article, this time I will be discussing the WBC, which are a group of religious fanatics. They are known for picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers, using politically incorrect terms like "fag", "whore" and "cunt". They are glad when people are killed in disasters like 9/11 and the tsunamis in Asia and Japan. Basically, they make GOD look evil! They preach all the wrong stuff, and someone who does not live by their standards they claim is in Hell, or is going there. I wonder if they have now said that their leader, Fred Phelps is now in Hell? I was always taught that GOD is not the evil one, that HE is the one who loves us. Satan is the one who is supposed to be the bad guy. But not in the eyes of the WBC.

Now, I will begin by saying that there are some things I do admire about the WBC. Yes, you read that correctly....admire!! Anyone who comes from one of the most hated groups in America and is brave enough to stand on the corners of this country and preach hate the way they do, has got to be some of the bravest people on the planet!!! For that reason I admire their gut and grit! But there are more things I hate about them than admire. Their bravery is probably mostly derived from the old instinct that there is safety in numbers. Plus, they employ the local police to stand by them at every corner and protect them. So, I guess their bravery is not really brave. If it was, they would have no need for police protection.

The #1 reason I hate the WBC is they are no different than the dirty dozen mob. They do shit to people, but hate it when the same thing is done to themselves. Some of the members' own children who have abandoned the church have even stated that the members of the church don't hold themselves up to the same high standards that they hold the public up to. They expect strangers to be better people than they are, which makes them kindof hypocritical. If not wholly hypocritical! I expect nothing of strangers, because I just don't give a shit about strangers. People are just people to me. If I am a certain way to a person, or a group of people, I expect them to be the same way to me. Or maybe I was that way to them because they were that way to me. But if someone is going to do shit to me, expect to get the same treatment back! And don't act like a pussy when I do. Actually I get more angry when someone disrespects my family than if they disrespect me.

Another reason I hate the WBC, they think being gay is the worst sin a person can be convicted of. I will admit there are some things about being gay that I just don't understand, but I don't think it's the worst sin a person can commit! If being gay is so bad, why did GOD create gays in the first place? HE must have a decent plan for them if HE created them. I just cannot see why GOD would create something just so HE can destroy it, that doesn't make sense to me. A person would have to be totally insane to create something only to have it destroyed! Or would have to be working for a television company! And I don't think GOD is doing that without telling us! I think personally that by creating gay people, GOD is trying to send a better message to the world that we need to learn to get along and live peacefully, no matter what differences we may have.

Now, I am probably going to receive some hateful messages because of this, but I have to admit, transvestites do scare the crap out of me! They are the only ones though. I have to admit, there is something creepy about a man who dresses up like a woman. And what if I fall in love with a guy only to find out the guy I fell in love with wasn't a guy??!! And if a transvestite wants to use the bathroom, which one do they go into? I'd feel rather uncomfortable if a man, who is dressed like a woman, came in the bathroom while I'm trying to take a wizz. How would I know if that person is a transvestite because he is really mixed up with his sexuality, or if he just wants to come into the ladie's restroom to get a glimpse of something he should not be glimpsing? He could just be a pervert using the female apparel to go into restricted places that he should not be going for all I know! I am not saying a true transvestite has no right to live, and I don't feel hate towards them, I'm just saying that there could be those who are perverts, phonies and fakers, and it's just hard to tell who is whom.

I remember there was a woman like that at Optiva when I worked there. I think she was a woman with the mind of a man. A perverted man! She was in her late 40s, or early 50s, was German I think, she was also fatter than I was, and rarely did I ever hear her speak English, but she communicated with the Asians there very well, so she must have been bilingual. Anyway, I caught her trying to look in on me in the restroom one day. I saw her little eyeball peeking in the crack of the stall's doorway where I was. I almost flipped the bird at her too. LOL! I wish I had! But she scared me sometimes when she did things like that. She seemed to be obsessed with me too.

Another reason I hate the WBC, they make Christians look bad!! A lot of people these days are turning to atheism, and I have the distinct feeling that the reason for that is because of the hate the WBC spews, especially about gays! We're turning into a friendlier, more accepting world, and the WBC hates it. They think we should all hate gay people just because they do and that they should be put to death. Another group of people the WBC spreads hate about are Jewish people. I have to ask, what the fuck is wrong with the Jewish???? Why is every religious group so against them?? I don't get that at all!! They are the best doctors, the best cooks, even the best comedians! I don't see anything wrong with Jewish people at all! Why is the WBC so against them?? It just doesn't make sense to me.

That's probably just part of their ridiculous notions. The WBC is full of them. Another reason I hate the WBC, they live their lives by the Bible's Old Testament and think that is OK by today's standards too. They seem to have forgotten that GOD sent Jesus to Earth to die for our sins. All we have to do is ask for forgiveness and HE will grant it to us. And I understand that in order to be forgiven, you have to repent and not do the same thing over again. But if GOD created gays, that does not mean they are living in sin! They are doing what comes natural to them. They are doing what GOD intended them to do.

Another reason I think the WBC is ridiculous, they don't believe in having boyfriends or girlfriends or dating. Their philosophy is "One man, one woman, and the marriage bed is sacred". Well, how is a man or a woman supposed to know that is the person they want to be with, if they don't shop around? I'm not going to take the first man I see, he could be a jerk for all I know! A woman can't be too careful these days. Back in the days of the Old, OLD Testament, that might have been an easier rule to follow. But today, you just have to shop around to find the perfect soulmate. If I took the first roommate I ever had the way the WBC wants everyone to take the first man/woman they find, I'd still be miserable living with Patti!! I would not have wanted that!! I'm glad I shopped around, and found Donna. She's a good person. Nothing at all like Patti!!  Donna even did a video chat with my sis, and that was cool. My sis is glad she never met Patti, and I am too!! Patti might have said some awful things about my sis. She would have surely found something bad to say about her, whether it was true or not! Of course then I would have had a good excuse to shut her up by slapping the shit out of her! I wouldn't stand for her being disrespectful to my sister!

Another reason I hate the WBC, they rejoice in disasters that kill people, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph in this blog. Some of the disasters they have praised was 9/11, the Asian and Japanese tsunamis, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, etc. They think we need to thank GOD for ALL HIS righteous judgments. Especially those that kill people. They say when people die, that is an act of GOD. Yet, when something bad happens to one of them, the people who committed the act are nothing but "rebels", or basically bad people. Excuse me, but if a 20-year old messed-up man enters an elementary school and starts shooting at small children, that is NOT an act of GOD! If it happened to them, the WBC would have called that shooter a "rebel", not someone who was sent by GOD. So, if he would be a rebel if he attacked the WBC, he was surely a rebel attacking a school with small children! There is no difference there! But to them, there is, because it did not affect them in any way. Refer once again to my #1 reason for hating the WBC.

Anyways, this is the reasons I can't stand the Westboro Baptist Church. They're a bunch of pussies who act tougher than they really are and spread hate and half-truths. And as long as it doesn't directly affect them, they love all the evil in the world and blame it all on GOD. When I get to Heaven, I am going to ask GOD what HE really thinks of the WBC going around the country making HIM look evil.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why I Hate Vegans and Vegetarians

Everyone knows by now about my plight against vegans, I have made numerous blog posts, videos and Facebook posts about why I hate vegans and vegetarians and why I do not agree with them. Well, the dirty dozen mob has now begun to accuse me of "slandering" vegans. HAHAHA!!! As if they've never done it themselves! And if vegans had their way, everything the dirty dozen mob stands for wouldn't exist! But that's the trademark of the dirty dozen is bitching about other people doing the exact same things they do. That's why I can't stand them.

Anyways, here I have decided to discuss why I can't stand vegans and vegetarians. Now, I do have a number of vegan buddies, and I like them as much as I do my other friends. But they are the ones who respect me as a non-vegan. They all already know there is going to be no converting me, and they accept that. Well, when they accepted my friendship, they accepted the fact that I am never going to go vegan. I've heard all the vegan arguments, and I know about animals as I have studied them all my life. Vegans and vegetarians claim they do what they do for the animals. Vegans don't want anyone eating animals or animal by-products, they don't want us owning anything made of animal skins, or other body parts of animals. Many of them don't want us to own pets. Unless it's a rescue from a shelter. They hate it when we think of animals as "property", they condemn zoos, circuses, pet stores, even breeders. They also don't want any animals used in medical tests or product tests. Vegetarians are much the same, except sometimes they eat eggs and dairy.

I remember a couple years ago, I came across a rogue vegan who called herself MsPearlsGirl. Boy! Was she angry!! LOL! She belonged in prison! Not on my channel! She used cuss words and threats against me and my family in an attempt to get her point across, which brings me to the #1 reason why I hate vegans and vegetarians; they think just because we eat meat that it is OK to threaten a member of their own species. But threatening their own species is a crime! You could actually get up to 5 years in prison for that, so I heard. That's why I say MsPearlsGirl belongs in prison and not on the internet.

 Another reason I hate vegans and vegetarians, they tend to believe animals (especially prey animals) have the same feelings humans do. There is actually a word for this kind of thinking, it's called anthropomorphism. It's a mental illness. Prey animals do not have the same feelings humans do. They don't mourn over lost herd members. They don't know they are being raised to be slaughtered, and if you tell them, they are not going to know what that means. You can say to a pig "someday you will become bacon" and the pig won't have the slightest clue what you are talking about. Nor would they care. Animals live in the "here and now". They don't have future hopes and dreams. Vegans equate prey animals with humans, saying "So why don't we kill all 3 year old children (or younger) because they don't have any hopes and dreams either?" Well, the parents of that 3 year old child the vegans want killed may have hopes and dreams of their own for that child. Cows, pigs and chickens don't have that for their babies at all. And it's not like the babies will grow up to dream of their future plans either. They're fricken animals! Not like the animals you see in movies or stories. They're just animals. In fact, most herbivores live their lives knowing someday a predator will take them. In human civilization, humans create hopes and dreams for their future. Cows, pigs and chickens don't have any capacity to do that at any time in their lives.

Another reason vegans disgust me is because they want us to go against nature. I can't, and I won't go against what nature intended! Humans did not get where they are today by being strictly herbivores. If we were meant to live our lives the way cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens do in the wild, we would not form close family bonds like we do. We would not be bonding as well with other humans the way we do. We would not care if one of our own family members get killed by a predator, or dies naturally. We would not be as social as we are. Antelope live in herds, yes. But it's more of a safety thing than a social thing. There is safety in numbers. Safety from predators. Living in large herds ensures the strongest antelope make it to the feeding grounds and breed, where the weaker individuals feed the predators. It's not a compassionate way to live, but that's how nature is. But the vegans want the world to live like a Disney movie, where everything is easy, harshness does not exist, and everyone is singing Kumbaya with each other. Including the animals.

Another reason I hate vegans and vegetarians, their arguments are silly!! I remember one vegan telling about how she went out with a friend, and this friend ordered a roast beef sandwich and asked if the beef had been humanely slaughtered. Then this vegan ordered a roasted puppy sandwich out of nothing but spite. The waiter did not have a roast puppy to serve her, but I am sure that vegan got some hard stares! How they can bare to show their faces in any non-vegan restaurant, I'll never understand!! I mean, who has tried to eat a "roast puppy"?? Not me! I imagine dog meat does not taste very good. Cat meat either. I would have been embarrassed if I'd been with that vegan. But beef is awesome!! I think it's the herbivorous diet that makes cows taste so yummy!! Whereas a carnivorous diet might make cats and dogs taste terrible!

Another reason I think vegans are weird, they think prey animals deserve rights. Well, rights do not exist in nature. This one guy I saw on YouTube put it in a way I couldn't. He said "rights are a product of civilization. Those who want them fight for them." and on and on. Something to that effect. Domestic animals have whatever rights we give them. They have yet to fight for their own rights. This guy went on to say that rights do not exist naturally. A cow does not have the right to live if a predator, like a tiger, decides it wants to eat that cow. The tiger does not care about the cow's rights. All it knows is that it is hungry. Same with humans. If a lion decides it wants to eat a human, it's not going to care about that person's right to live. To a lion, that right does not exist. Same with cows, pigs and chickens. If a person is hungry, that prey animal's right to live does not exist. All the person is going to think about is "Hmm, that ham sure looks good! I want to eat it!" In nature, everything is fair game.

Another reason I hate vegans and vegetarians, they think just because we eat meat that we cannot be animal lovers. This is complete and utter bullshit! Just because I eat an animal does not mean I hate it. I hate spiders, I would never eat them. I hate panthers of all kinds, I would never eat them. I actually think cows are cute, pigs are kinda cute, and I love birds of all kinds. I don't eat these animals because I hate them or I think they're ugly. I eat them because they taste good, and their meat makes the perfect centerpiece for the meal. To equate me eating meat to being an animal hater is a fallacy! It's just ridiculous! I just cannot say I love prey animals the same way I love my dog.

This brings me to another reason the vegans annoy me. They're always asking how I can love my dog and have compassion for him and not have any for a bunch of prey animals. They think ALL animals are the same. They are not. My dog is a member of my family. That is how most people see their dogs and cats. But no one sees cows, pigs, sheep or chickens as members of their family. So it's not so bad when we eat them. And if humans, dogs and cats are equal to pigs, cows and chickens, I wonder why PETA made this poster that spoke out against testing on animals that had a picture of a banana and said that humans are no closer to a rat than they are to a banana. Something like that! Anyways it was implying that we should not use rats for experiments for human medicine because biologically we are no closer to a rat than we are to a banana. Vegans say that, and yet they compare us to being closely related to pigs, cows and chickens. Or our dogs and cats being close to cows, pigs and chickens. So, in one instance that helps their cause, we are not close to being like rats. And in another instance that wouldn't help their cause, our pets are closely related to prey animals. Leave it to vegan logic!

Another reason I hate vegans and vegetarians is because of PETA. I hate PETA. The vegans and vegetarians think PETA is doing all this good for the animals. They don't know that PETA kills more animals than they save. But the die-hard PETA supporters are very skeptical of that. But the proof is in the pudding. PETA has been caught killing thousands of adoptable dogs and cats over the years. The PETArds are just in denial. PETA just doesn't want people to know about these pets they kill each year. And another reason I hate PETA is ads they put out like this one:

Yes I realize that's a drawing, but it shows how PETA lacks class and integrity. And they wonder why their ads have been banned from public networks. I've seen Ingrid Newkirk get into a debate with the head of the Fat Acceptance movement, and she could not debate without throwing insults at the other person. And Ingrid Newkirk is no Queen of Sheba herself! She's ugly as fuck!! But she is proof that you don't have to be fat to be ugly. PETA also turns kids against their parents by sending out books like these to kids in school:

I think the much more appropriate cover would be this one, at least it's more honest:

Yeah PETA hides under the guise of protecting animals when they are really behind the backs of their donors killing animals. They piss me off!!! That is hypocrisy of the highest level! These are why I always say if I ever have a child that becomes a vegan or a PETA supporter, I will disown them! In fact, the threat of learning that is enough to make me want to not send my kids to school. I'd rather homeschool them.

I've been watching nature shows all my life, I was watching them while other kids my age were watching Sesame Street and the Electric Company. I'm used to seeing lions killing buffalo, or hyenas disemboweling wildebeest, or African wild dogs play tug of war with a gazelle's innards. Nothing about killing animals for food disgusts, or surprises me. The vegans hate me for it too! LOL! After seeing scenes like that all my life, I can totally watch a cow get it's throat slashed and bleed out, and it won't have any affect on my emotions whatsoever. Believe me, the way animals kill other animals in the wild is no different!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lost and Found!

Last night I got a very interesting email from my supervisor. She forwarded this message to me that someone had some old sketchbooks of mine from 1988 and asked me if I wanted them back. The emailer, I'll call him Sam for the sake of this post, must have been someone I knew from the voc school, because that was the last time I ever saw those sketchbooks. Though I got all the stories I needed out of them, those sketchbooks have some of the first prototype stories that I wrote (or helped write) from those years. The ones I got can be viewed on the UMG Productions website, among them is the story How Martin Met Genny. That was the first story in which Genny Genet made her first appearance. It was my friend Cathy who actually created Genny at first. She told the story, I drew the pics.

How "Sam" possibly came about these sketchbooks is a long story it's self. I know he must have them, because he said they were written in sketchbooks, and no one knew that except the people who knew me back in the late 80s. Plus, he said another one of the author's names, Martin O'Hara. For a while there I was trying to remember who that was. Then it dawned on me, it was Katie's brother, and he used the name "Martin". His real name was not Martin, but Michael. Katie passed away from a kidney disease in 1986, she was just entering high school then. Anyway, I haven't spoke of Katie's younger brother (who was the inspiration for some of her short stories) in years!! Her family moved away in 1995, and I haven't seen or heard from any of them since. So, there is no way Sam could have known about "Martin O'Hara" unless he really does have those books.

I often wished I could get those old books back! I wrote back to Sam and told him "Yes, I do want those back!" And I gave him my address. Though a lot has changed since I first wrote those books (back in those days, Mushmouth was an elephant seal) it would still be so cool to have them back, for record purposes. Or just for the sake of having them again. They are old! A piece of UMG history! Some of my most commonly used characters got their start in those books!

Back in 1989, the voc school had an art fair, and the prize for the best art work was $100. I could use that money, but there was no way I could enter. I didn't have time to think of an idea and prepare it properly. Then the librarian suggested that I enter those old sketchbooks of mine. I didn't think that was a good enough entry. Most other people around the school entered single-pieces of art. Not whole sketchbooks. Well the librarian told me to just enter them and see what happens. I did not expect to win, honestly! Some guy named Kenyon won that competition. Though I did not expect to win, I could really use that money! Kenyon was very likely from a rich family, and didn't need that money as much as I did. Well, I didn't want to drag those books back home, and it was the librarian's idea to enter those books, so I offered them to her. I asked her to take them and she didn't want to. I told her if she didn't take them, they would just get thrown away. She said I should keep them, and I didn't think about how I would feel about them in the future, so I just chucked them into the garbage can. For many years I wished I hadn't done that!! I never dreamed anyone would actually dig them up, take them home and keep them. Until Sam contacted my company.

I keep trying to think of who Sam could be. I knew a lot of people by that name. I know for sure he must have gone to that voc school I went to, not sure if it was someone I knew very well, or if maybe he was not even in my class. But I knew for sure he must have went to the voc school. I hope Trisha never reads this blog, I am not even supposed to discuss things like this from the UMG site on here! Unless I am discussing a particular book. But I cannot discuss e-mails or comments received on the UMG site on here. My supervisor wouldn't stand for it. But it's just this is such a neat thing! I never dreamed I would see those books again! But I haven't got them yet. I just hope Sam got my message!! I know sometimes our emails tend to go into peoples' junk mail folders.

Well, more shameless advertising! For a limited time, I've got the revised version of Gracie's Odyssey on the UMG site. Its in full-color. It's expensive, which is why it's only available for a limited time. A shame though I wanted to offer both the 1998 version, which is the original, and this revised version as well. For all time to come. But it's not possible! It's the printer's prices that make this impossible to offer on the site indefinitely. I mean, who really wants to pay $65 for a children's story?? Even though it is a good story! It's one of our company's masterpieces. I remember working on this revised edition. It was 2004. I was finishing up the last pages, coloring, erasing pencil marks and all that good stuff. I sent my sis out to go cruising  with the dogs. When she came back, I read the story to her and she liked it. Keep in mind, this story had been written and re-written probably more times than the Bible!! I had all kinds of versions laying around the house. I just could not satisfy myself with the proper ending. Even with Cairo's help, and he is the one who originally wrote that story! I'm just bad at endings! Well, my sis liked this version from 2004. The very next day after I finished this story, the tsunami hit southeast Asia. It was ironic because my sis had taken a cruising trip to Ocean Shores just the night before. Had we been anywhere in SE Asia, she and the dogs would have been swept away! UGH!! But anyways, it is a good story, and won't be available for long. Not the revised version anyways.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Why I Hate Irresponsible (or Unethical) Breeders

Well, I spoke about why I hate show breeders, so here I am going to discuss why I hate irresponsible breeders. They are usually the people who are breeding dogs and cats for money, not for the bettering of the breeds. Usually they fall under the titles of puppymillers and backyard breeders. While puppymillers cause legitimate complaints, I really don't like throwing around the phrase "backyard breeder" too much. To me, a breeder does not have to show their dogs or cats in order to be good. As long as the breeder is getting good dogs (or cats) from good sources, studying the breed they want to work with, producing babies that are as close to that standard as they can get, doing their health-testings on the parents, and not breeding solely for the wrong reasons, I think that person can be a good breeder. But if someone is breeding only to make money, cross-breeding, not doing health tests on the parents, and just breeds to whatever they think is cute or what sells, then that person is not an ethical breeder.

I also despise the notion that backyard breeders are making money off the backs of show breeders. While I will admit this is true in some cases, I don't think all backyard breeders do this. Puppymillers, maybe. I have actually met some backyard breeders who had potential to do good by their breeds, but stopped short of doing that good when they accuse me of 'harassing' or 'slandering' them. As someone who was trying to do good by her breed, all I saw was me exchanging helpful knowledge. I was not as knowledgeable as some reputable breeders who had been in the game longer than I have, but I had some knowledge to share, and I shared it. This brings me to the #1 reason why I hate irresponsible breeders; they seem to think all the responsible breeders are out to get them. While I will admit a vast number of show breeders cannot seem to give information without it seeming like a personal attack, not every responsible breeder is like that. I tried very hard not to be like that. I'd met the "stuck-up" show-breeder types before, and I learned early on that that is something I did not want to become.

Another reason I hate irresponsible breeders is because they breed only what they think looks cute, or what ever is trendy. Chihuahuas are a very difficult breed to breed, and if you don't do it right, you will wind up with Chihuahuas that look like the Taco Bell dog. Personally, I don't like those kind of Chihuahuas, and I think they should all be eradicated. Leave only the show-stopping Chihuahuas. But puppymillers and unethical backyard breeders LOVE those types because they sell better. People buy those types thinking that's what a true Chihuahua is supposed to look like. It's really up to the breeders to inform people that that is NOT what a good Chihuahua is supposed to look like. But unethical breeders don't mention that, because it could take away a sale from them.

What I think should happen is there should be breeding classes people should take, given by an established show judge who has been breeding and showing for many years and knows the breed standard, instead of having people take their dogs into a ring, and give them limited info about what they are doing, right or wrong. This would make breeding so much better, without having to get into the ring to prove their dog is good or not. What one judge likes isn't necessarily what another would like. Doing something like this might also prevent bad breeding practices, because who really has time to get into the ring, groom their dogs, or cats, trot around the ring, all for nothing but political and snobby purposes!? If breeding classes were taught, one can avoid that kind of hassle, and can get the info they really need to breed dogs the right way. But show breeders always want to make everything so political! And getting the right mentor is very difficult, and sometimes I've seen it lead to frustration and heartache! Either create these classes, or teach show breeders how not to be so snooty!

I remember a long time ago, Rhonda got onto the Pluba forum and said that I sway with Tanya (of Tanya's Toys) because I am a "spineless person". LOL!! I figured she was jealous because I liked Tanya and not Rhonda. Yes, I am going to "sway" with Tanya because she had the wins in the show ring. She knows what she's talking about. And at that time, Rhonda had no wins in the ring. If you were striving to show, who would you listen to? That's why I "swayed" with Tanya. That's why Rhonda was jealous, and that is the #3 reason why I hate unethical breeders; Any newbie trying to improve their breeding line, the unethical breeders get jealous of their impending success. Well, Rhonda was unfortunately jealous of me anyways, because she thinks I am prettier than she is. LOL! I could have shown Vegas, he's good enough! But because of things that were building up in my life, like my UMG Productions website, I didn't have time. But Vegas could have been shown, I could have given him to a handler and let them take over from there. But I couldn't stand the thought of being away from Vegas for weeks, or months, at a time. He was all I had back then. I'd have died if something happened to him while he was in someone else's care. Incidentally, that was the same reason I did not renew my membership at, because I knew I was going to be busy with the UMG site. Didn't make sense to me to put out $50 and not have time to visit INXS.

Another reason I hate unethical breeders, they have placed it in the public's mind that there is such thing as "teacup" animals. There isn't! That's a term unethical breeders have created so they would be able to sell runty animals at outrageous prices! It always irks me to hear people using the terms "teacup" Chihuahuas, or "standard" Chihuahuas. Someone once asked me if Vegas is a "teacup". I told them "A teacup is a cup that holds tea or coffee. Vegas is a Chihuahua, a living thing." Another person asked me if Vegas is a "standard" Chihuahua, and I told them "Yes, as Chihuahuas go, he is up to AKC standards. He is a smoothcoat." Where Chihuahuas are concerned, there is only 2 separations; longcoat and smoothcoat. Other than that, there is male or female. No "standard", "tiny-toy" or "teacup" sizes among ethical breeders!

Another reason I hate unethical breeders, they think they are doing no wrong! I once came across a puppymiller on YouTube, who said she has been breeding for 25 years, and she thought she knew what she was doing. Even if you have been breeding for 40 years, if you've been doing it wrong all those years, it doesn't mean you have complete knowledge of what you are doing. I saw her Chihuahuas, and they did not look like anything I would have added to my family! They were downright ugly things! They had beady eyes, long muzzles, floppy ears. In short, they looked a lot like the Taco Bell dog! I asked her if she's ever been to a dog show before and she said she didn't need to go to shows, because she "knows what's trending". I asked her if she did health tests and she said "I don't need to do health tests because I can look at a dog and tell instantly if it's healthy or not". Gimme a break!! That's the typical response I hear from unethical breeders all the time! And I bet a lot of people who have bought dogs from her are battling with dogs that have bad temperaments, hip dysplasia, luxating patellas, and hypothyroidism, among many other diseases and ailments. And she probably doesn't know about them because she won't let her clients get in touch with her after they buy dogs from her.

Another example of unethical breeder logic, they breed mongrels and think that's perfectly dandy. They don't know the dangers of breeding mixed breeds on purpose and they argue with ethical people until they are blue in the face. There's a lot of dangers in mixing breeds. Mixed breeds are not as innocent as unethical breeders like to make them sound. Some of the worst dog attacks I've seen on people were committed by mongrels. So, that pretty much blows the theory that mongrels have better temperaments than purebreds. Now, I am not saying no purebreds have bad temperaments, but an ethical breeder is not going to lie about it. Whereas unethical breeders do lie about it. Some breeds have been so overbred by poor quality breeders that they can develop a bad attitude. Like Labradors and golden retrievers.

Everything about breeding mongrels bugs me. That puppymiller on YouTube said that you'll never find any small mixed breeds in the pounds. Surprise! Look on! You'll see PLENTY of small mongrels on there. Then there is the use of those stupid mutt names, like labrad-oodle, or gold-oodle. Stupid names!! At least breed names should have some meaning, mutt names have no meaning, and unethical breeders teach people to use these names, and think of them as official breeds. Unethical breeders always lie about these mutts too, saying things to the effect of "a labrad-oodle doesn't shed". Well, yes they can! A dog does not begin to shed its hair until it is about 6-8 months old, and it sheds it's puppy coat then. Unethical breeders do not understand this because they are just breeding puppies to sell. Not to create a real breed. So labrad-oodles don't have any set qualities or characteristics, and sometimes I just want to slap the person who says "So-n-so should get a labrad-oodle. I had one and it was the best dog I ever owned!" I always tell that person, "how do you know someone else's 'labrad-oodle' is going to be just like yours? There is no set personality for those mutts!" It's misleading!

Another reason I hate irresponsible breeders, they take NO responsibility for the puppies they produce. I still take responsibility for the pups I produce to this day, even though the last pups I sold was in 2003. If I hear there is a problem with one of them, I always ask the owner if there is any way I can help. Believe me, I cannot offer much help. But these are pups I produced, and I feel it is my personal obligation to take care of them and look after them. Even years after they have left me. My buy-back policy is always open. Its just that everyone who has bought a puppy from me loves it so much they don't want to give them back. I'm always getting compliments about how intelligent they are! That's because I let mama and babies decide when to stop nursing. The longer the pups nurse, the more intelligent they are. Unethical breeders, once you buy a puppy or kitten from them, you are on your own, completely. They often deny their babies have any diseases or ailments, and will argue with you until you "leave them alone". Therefore, the pup or kitten you get from them winds up in the pound! But the irresponsible breeder doesn't care! They got their money, that's all they care about!

Well, that's why I hate irresponsible breeders. All I ever ask of anyone who breeds is do your research and don't produce less than good quality babies! But I think also reputable breeders should be more helpful than they are! If they were, there would be a lot less of the unethical breeding practices around.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Artists Are Different

As an artist myself, I know how the artistic mind works. I didn't used to, and wondered for many years what the heck was wrong with me. I also wondered how other artistic people did not mind being called "crazy". Now, I understand, all artists are crazy. There are many forms of artistic talent, besides the average drawing, painting and sculpting style that everyone associates with being an artist, there are also those who produce music, song lyrics, comedians, photographers, writers, entertainers, even people who breed dogs and cats for show can be considered artists. The only thing is, if you tell a show breeder he or she is crazy, they get butthurt and insulted and will accuse you of slander. They have not yet learned how to see themselves as artists. But yes, even that can be considered artistry. Art forms are not limited to drawings and sculpting.

When I was a kid, I used to get offended by people calling me crazy. Not so much anymore! Now, I take it as a compliment because I am an artist. I am an illustrator and a writer, I am trying to learn to be a comedienne. I still have some practice to go through before I can be good at that. But I am a writer and an illustrator. My drawings may not be up to everybody's liking, but that's my style. Every artist has their style. Some are universally adored, some like mine, are in favor of myself and my friends. My style is more the cartoony-type drawings. But not anime or manga style. More like the old-fashioned Bugs Bunny/Disney style drawings. Those are what I favor. But not everyone likes that style and that is OK. I do what I am comfortable doing, just like all artists. It's different if someone commissions me to do say an anime-style drawing. I won't promise it'll be perfect, like what you see in anime cartoons, because it is not my usual style. I'm not saying I cannot do it, I'm just saying I prefer not to.

In order to be an artist, you have to be able to visualize what you want in your mind and make it come to life. You have to pay a lot of attention to details. This requires a lot of thinking, doodling, and at times, getting your mind to wander. This takes your mind into places you never thought possible. It makes you see things differently than the non-artistic person. It requires a lot of imagination. Some artists are self-taught. I was drawing pictures when I was only a year old, and making them look like the creatures they were supposed to look like. I even drew a picture of myself when I was 3 years old. Most kids made their heads round as a circle, but I knew I did not have a perfectly round head, and made it in the form of a real person's head. That was normal to me. The other kids scoffed, saying my picture was ugly.

People have tried to insult me by saying my drawings are not that good. But I always say in my mind, well, that's your opinion. I figure maybe they just don't like my style of drawing, and move on. I refuse to change my style, I don't want to switch to doing anime or manga style. So if people don't like my drawings because of that, that's fine with me. My style makes me who I am as an artist. If I change my style, I might as well change my whole identity too. I admit in some circles I do need more practice. Like I'd love to be able to do caricatures like you see in old cartoons. The first time I tried it, I messed up completely. I still don't consider myself a great caricaturist. But I just need a little more practice and I'll be perfect. Like in one story I wrote (from 1997), I had to do caricatures of dead celebrities (not Michael H, he was not gone then; so to any MH fans, he is not in this story). But I was not that great at it. I had done a few celebrity caricatures before, but they never came out that great. I still cannot do them very well. But I sure do try. In fact, I made Eddie Cantor look more like Desi Arnaz! Of course I have since fixed that error just because I was uncomfortable with that mix-up. My friend and supervisor said they don't have to look just perfect, but I was just not comfortable with that mistake being put out there. One person has bought the story, and he/she is probably thinking the same thing I did.

Artists always see things differently than most people. Most people see the world in basic colors, like red, white, black, blue, green, etc. Artists see the world like this: jet black, charcoal, slate, gray, navy blue, blue, cyan, turquoise, sky blue, sea blue, teal, forest green, emerald, green, sea green, etc. We don't see basic colors because we are very detail-oriented. We don't see the world in basic anything! That is why we are perceived as being crazy by most people. Sometimes, even other artists can seem crazy to me. Know about Mozart? He was one of the greatest composers ever! Wrote music that is still being performed today. But you know what his fascination was?? He was fascinated by crap. Beavis and Butthead would have had a field-day with him!! One of Mozart's most famous songs was titled "Sniff my ass", and I recently heard how he used to write to his mama about how he loved the smell of his own farts. Of course he was a kid then. Kids are naturally fascinated by things like that! He was a teenager when his mama died. But he was a great musician, and a lot of musicians today look up to him. I know Michael H was a great admirer of his. So was I in high school. While other kids in my class were listening to rock music, I was listening to Mozart and other classical music. But Mozart was indeed my favorite, and still is! I still love his music. The fact that he was fascinated by his own ass does not sway me from how wonderful I think his music was, because I understand about artists. That's why I don't go around downing anyone else's art work. I can look at another person's art and think it's beautiful just as much as I can say so about my own art.

I've never said anything about any one else's art work that I wouldn't say about my own. That's because I don't let my ego get in the way. I also don't let the fact that the artist is crazy dilute my view of their work, because then no one would like any forms of art. ALL artists are crazy, that's what makes them artists. If we weren't crazy, we wouldn't be real artists because our minds couldn't wander. We wouldn't be able to see the different things non-crazy people can't. Shoot, I've even met artists I didn't particularly like as people, and I don't mean show breeders either! LOL! I mean like this one boy I met in middle school. His name was Otis, and he had a bad attitude! He was mean! I didn't like him at all! But I will admit, he drew dragons better than I could back then. Of course I have gotten better at drawing dragons now, and may even do them better than he could! But back then, I thought his dragon pics were beautiful!! The best I could do in middle school for a dragon was make a dinosaur, and that is mostly what mine looked like, a cartoony-type dinosaur. LOL! Well, I am a lot better now. I've had many years of practice.

So, if you are an artist, and someone calls you "crazy" or "delusional", don't take it offensively! Those people are just saying you are a very fine, artistic person who deserves the title very well. That's how I see it!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why I Hate Tree-Huggers

A lot of people believe tree-huggers and vegans are the same thing. I don't believe they are. I remember a long time ago, someone on YouTube said I was a tree-hugger. LOL! I don't even think that idiot knew what a tree-hugger is! He just said it to get an angry reaction out of me, which he did not succeed in doing. All he managed to do was make himself look like an idiot. Tree huggers are like vegans, but I don't think they are exactly the same thing. Many I am sure are vegans or vegetarians, but some I know do eat meat.

A tree-hugger is someone who constantly recycles everything. They do not purchase products that cannot be recycled. They often protest to save the forests. They won't step on an ant, but they don't think twice about stepping on a human's head. They think of nothing but saving the planet, which is all fine and good. Many of them also don't believe in GOD, yet they think they're acting all goody-good. Most of them don't believe in buying pets from a breeder or pet store. They think every one shouldn't have a pet unless it's a rescue from a shelter. They also don't believe in reproducing because it takes land away from the animals.

Again, just like show breeders, I even have friends who are tree-huggers. I don't have many, but I have some, and they are not any of the fanatics. The radical/fanatical tree-huggers are the ones I am mostly referring to in this post. My first encounter with a tree-hugger was on the Acmepet forum. It was Kallie. Of course back in those days, I had no idea what a tree-hugger was! I'd never met one, and sure never heard the expression. Kallie never even told me she was a tree-hugger. I figured it out years later, judging by a lot of her actions. Then I figured out Kallie was the quint-essential tree-hugger! She had a Chihuahua, but she also kept 2 german shepherd dogs. She said that was her favorite breed. I like GSDs too. I had them before and I swear they were the smartest dogs! My girl Fossey, I named her after Dian Fossey, who I know also had GSDs once, I would talk to her and call her my beautiful Miss Fossey, and I swear she could understand me!! She'd be wagging her tail and lick me on my face.

Anyways, Kallie ran a rescue that she called Nikko's Pet Rescue site. Apparently it's not up anymore. Karma maybe? LOL! Well, it happens. Anyways, she ran a rescue for animals. I know she had dogs, cats, a horse, and several other pets she mentioned, all from rescues. Well, you all know the story of my encounter with Kallie on the Chihuahua forum at AcmePet. I also admit I was not being very mature or amiable either, any more than she was. But by that time I was sick of pet people getting on my case about everything. I had been accused of being a homophobe, a racist, unfair, rude, angry, etc. I was tired of it. In cases like that, I always think the person making the accusations are either just grasping at straws or picking things out of the sky to gripe about.

Well, Kallie accused me of being rude when I said I don't like Chihuahuas that look like the Taco Bell dog. But once more, I was asked by another forum patron for my opinion on what I think constitutes a "good Chihuahua". So I answered, honestly. If that patron hadn't asked I wouldn't have said anything about it. But she did ask, so I answered as honestly as I could. But Kallie got butthurt anyways. This brings me to 2 reasons why I hate tree-huggers: 1. they poke their noses in places it doesn't belong, and 2. they try to act all goody-good, when they're not all good! They're really nothing but asswipes!

Then Kallie goes on to say something to the effect of "I've been on the GSD forum for 5 years now, and no one has ever said anything like what you just said!" And I was like "What has that got to do with me??!" Maybe those people were never asked for their opinion like I was. Or maybe they were not honest people like I am. I admit, I can be brutally honest! I can even seem rude at times. I have no trouble admitting that. And yes, I have lost friends because I am so brutally honest. I consider that part of my life's work. If you have no enemies and too many friends, you're doing something wrong. You're being an ass-kisser and that's one thing I won't turn into. Anyway, this brings me to another reason I hate tree-huggers, they're too preachy! They seem to think it's their personal business to control other people by preaching to them. And they think all people have to act the same way as one another. Well, surprise Kallie! I act like me! I don't act like the people you knew on the GSD forum! Because I am NOT them!

After all that was said and done, Kallie decided she didn't want anything to do with me anymore, saying things like "Don't ever post to me again!" LOL! But this brings me to the next reason why I hate tree-huggers, they think they're better than anyone else, and that their company is the only one that matters. Bullshit!! I wasn't posting to Kallie in the first place. She was the one who decided to poke her nose into my post and make it all about her. I just made a post about a Chihuahua puppy I was excited about getting, and hopefully would soon been sharing pics of. Kallie hijacked that post and turned it around to be about her. Another reason I hate tree-huggers; they're attention-whores! Kallie could go suck a diseased cock and die for all I care. She is not an important person in my life!

I was so DUMB back then! I tried to apologize to her and a couple others, and I also tried to get out on a technicality. That was what hurt me the most! The fact that I felt I had to lie to get those people to like me again. That is something I just cannot get over, and won't either! It set the stage for the way I am today. I'd rather be dead myself than to have that feeling again! Acceptance from strangers is NOT worth losing your own self-respect! I wish I had known that back then, I never would have lied to those people or myself! I would have just stuck to my guns!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Why I Hate Show Breeders

Well actually, I have talked about this subject before. But since so far this month, my posts have all been about why I hate some things, I thought I would continue, in celebration of me making the Complaints Board, thanks to the Dirty dozen mob, who have called my blogs and videos "hate speech". I'm just holding up the tradition! LOL! So instead of mixing the subject of show breeders in with another post, I've decided to devote an entire post to why I hate show breeders so much.

Now, I will point out first that when it comes to breeding properly, I will always grudgingly side with show breeders. I know that the majority of them do good by their breeds. Though there really is that 1% that are shady, and yes I have met those "shady" type show breeders. Most of them do good. Without mentioning any names, any show breeder who with holds any information about their dogs, or cats, or even themselves, is what I call "shady". Like if you ask them what lines they are using, and they cannot answer, or won't answer, that's shady! I once knew a breeder who also showed her dogs, someone on an email group she started asked her how many dogs she has, and this breeder refused to answer, saying "that's none of anybody's business!" This same show breeder, I once heard, kills puppies that don't meet her standards because she refuses to let anyone buy a puppy from her. Even for just a pet. That kind of show breeder is very shady! Anyone who won't answer questions often has something to hide. I would beware of those people.

As someone who was trying to enter the show game, I considered my life to be an open book. In fact, I still do! I use the name "Timmyfan" online, but don't use it in real life. I always introduce myself by my name. If someone wants to know what lines I am using, I always answer. Only one person has accused me of not answering when she asked me what lines I am using, but I did answer her. Just at the time I sent the info to her, my posts were being monitored, and I guess that one didn't go through. Damn show breeder mods!!! If someone wants to know about me, and asks me, and I feel it is a legit question, I will answer. Some people ask stupid things out of malice, like if mcgillicutty were to come up to me and ask me how much I weigh, I would not answer her, because I know she'd be asking me out of vindictiveness. Not as a legitimate question. Besides, judging by the children of her generation, she's probably a fat-ass, Twinkie-eating, video game-playing, anime-masturbating dunderhead herself. She sure doesn't breed good-looking Chihuahuas!

But if someone were to ask me what lines I am using, how I got into breeding, how many dogs I have bred, titled (if I had any titles), things like that that are relevant, I would answer. And since I don't breed to show, if they asked me why I don't show, I would tell them exactly why. Because I hate show breeders. I think dog and cat showing is nothing but a big ego-boost. And I have seen perfectly good dogs have a hard time getting the first points, whereas dogs that I thought looked terrible finish their championship in a matter of a few months. It's all to me like a beauty pageant. Look at kids like Honey Boo-Boo. Surely there had to be kids in the circle that were more attractive than she was! Yet she always takes first place in those pageants. I don't know how! Dog shows are no different. And show breeders have some of the worst egos I've ever seen in anyone!

My first encounter with an evil show breeder was with someone who called herself Bischi (or Bischis, sometimes she added the "s" and sometimes she didn't). Her real name was Barbara. I have a feeling I know who she was, but I am not 100% sure. She was too afraid to reveal her last name, and I'll tell you why. For some odd reason, she was fascinated by me. She stuck to me like a puppy dog, or like a little sister who won't leave big sister alone. Anyways, she talked about me on a forum I had left several months before, and when I confronted her about it, she completely denied she did anything. Not that I mind really. She called me a story-teller, and I love to be known as a great story-teller! That's how one writes the good stories. But I found out she was lying when she said she didn't do that to me, when a few months later, I'd say no less than 6 months later, I said something about someone from the Pluba forum, on the pro-merle Chihuahua forum. I was angry at the person I was talking about at that time. Ratlady gave her opinion of this person and a friend of her's, so I threw my opinion in too, at that time. Well, Bischi saw that post and perniciously cross-posted the post to the Pluba forum. Once I saw her doing that, it said a lot about Bischi's character, and also told me that she lied when she said she did not talk about me on the anti-merle Chihuahua forum.

I didn't mind Bischi talking about me, or cross-posting the post to the Pluba forum, even though I don't believe she did it because she cared anything about the person I was talking about. I believe she did it only because she wanted to scourge me. What made me angry was that she lied to me. She wanted my respect so bad, but she lied to me! You're not going to earn my respect or trust by lying to me! Then people were saying I was the stupid one because I did not like Bischi! But that's the kind of thing people always do with show breeders, no matter how evil they really are. I'm not saying Bischi was a bad breeder. She could have been the best possible breeder for Chihuahuas out there. She could have been the Dave Navarro of Chihuahuas and pioneered a lot in the world of Chihuahua breeding and showing. I don't doubt her as a fine breeder of Chihuahuas. I'm saying she sucked as a person. I'm not the kind of person who looks at what titles a person has on their dogs as a way to define them AS a person. I look at the person themselves from the inside out. And Bischi was a sucky person. I don't like her. Not in the slightest! No wonder she would never tell me her name. She was scared. Or embarrassed because she's an asshole. If you're going to be embarrassed by being hateful to an innocent person, then don't be hateful!! I wrote that post on Ratlady's forum, you notice I was not embarrassed by it, because that was how I felt back then, and the person I attacked on Ratlady's forum knew it. It shouldn't have been any surprise to her. Well, I don't feel that way now because she changed, and so did I.

That's the problem with show breeders. That's why I think showing dogs and cats is nothing but a big ego-boost to these breeders. They hide their dastardly behavior behind titles and purple ribbons as if that's their saving-grace. It's no different than a con artist hiding behind religion or large sums of money and soothing double-talk. Then taking your money, skipping town, and giving you nothing in return. That's why I don't judge a show breeder by the titles on their dogs, but would rather look at the person inside. Bischis was an evil person. She may have had 100 titled champion Chihuahuas, but she was an evil person. That was all I saw. I didn't even look at her dogs after I saw what an evil being she was. I didn't want to. Because I was not going to judge her by the quality of her dogs, but by her own personal character. And I did NOTHING to Bischi at all. Some people argued because they said Bischi hated me because I liked Ratlady. Well guess what. I still like Ratlady! Although I admit for a while I didn't because I thought she was poo-pooing breeding dogs the right way. But she has her own mentors, and once I thought about it, she and I are really NO DIFFERENT from each other. We're both artists, and a little nutty in the eyes of show breeders. But in all fairness, show breeders are even more repulsively nuttier than we are. So, those show breeders who say we're nutty can kiss my funky ass! And Bischis, well the way she acted I would even go so far as to say, was downright psychotic!

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying ALL show breeders are like Bischis, but the majority of them are like her. Just like not all Michael Hutchence fans are like Bittertears, or not all JD fans are like Catsredrum. But Bischis was just my first encounter with abhorrent show breeders. I always try to keep an open mind when I meet new people, and I was perfectly willing to accept Bischis had she not shown me her displeasing comportment.

That's another thing about show breeders I hate. That's why I believe they hide behind titles and purple ribbons. Had a regular person did what Bischis did; lie, cheat, backstab someone, and was just generally rude and immature; everyone on the Pluba forum would have spat in her face! I've seen them do it. But because she had titled, champion Chihuahuas, everyone was patting her on the back, praising her and saying "I'm very happy to meet you bischis!" I was confused, but early on I figured they were just cajoling her because she is a show breeder with titled dogs. No other reason in the world! Just that she was a show breeder with titled dogs. That automatically made her right and everybody who didn't like her in the wrong. And I have seen that kind of behavior from show breeders and those who ennoble them all over the internet. I think that is what gives show breeders like Bischis that "God complex".

At first I didn't want to judge all show breeders by the actions of Bischis. I figured she's only one person. Not all show breeders can be like her. And I admit I have met some nice show breeders. Even befriended some. Even some on the Pluba forum. None of what I say is about those I've met who were nice people as well as being good show breeders. But unfortunately, those show breeders are few and far between, and often they get ridiculed, or are not always as respected as the show breeders who are assholes. I've even seen that happen. Not all of them are disrespected, like one person I knew on the Pluba forum, she came from a family of show breeders and I once heard her say her mom was president of the Boxer Club of America for several years. She was a very nice person, one of the nicest on the Pluba forum! I'm sure she was a well-respected breeder. But not all show breeders who are as nice as her are as respected. I've seen that happen and it's sad too!

Another thing I hate about show breeders, if you plan to breed dogs, or cats, and you get your animals from less-than-reputable sources, the show breeders will frown on you and give you a bad attitude about it. But then they turn around and say they would never sell a breeding-quality dog or cat to someone who does not show. And as a customer, you're like "Well, how the hell am I going to show anything unless I get that show-worthy dog or cat?" That doesn't make sense to me! Granted there are some show breeders who will sell to a first time breeder, but again, they are few and far between, and most of them get ridiculed for selling to someone who doesn't show. It's very sanctimonious of them! And I have NEVER in my life seen a show breeder that will explain to you HOW you can get that first show-quality animal. So what does the person do that wants to breed for show?? They go to anyone who will sell to them, even if it is a less-than-reputable source! If someone has tried with all their heart and soul to go to a show breeder for help and the show breeder wouldn't help them, then the show breeder has no right to complain whatsoever when that person does go to that less-than-reputable source for their breeding stock and ruins their breed!

That happened to me. I called the Evergreen Chihuahua Club when I planned to breed Chihuahuas for show, and asked them about getting a mentor. Well, they referred me to Rio Bellon, who is a well-known show Chihuahua breeder in WA state, and does have some nice dogs. I called her and before I could even tell her why I called, she interrupted me with "You want to buy a dog from me, right?" I said "No I do not. I want to breed Chihuahuas for show and I need a mentor, and the ECC referred me to you!" Then Rio told me that she only mentors people who buy dogs or stud service from her, then added "if you called me looking for a show male puppy, I wouldn't sell to you. If you called me looking for a female puppy I wouldn't sell to you!" Then a couple years later, on an email group she was on that my sis and I joined, Rio said to me once that I need to find a good mentor with good dogs instead of buying my dogs from just anyone who will take my money. I wanted to slap Rio in the face, HARD, when she said that!! It made me so angry because just a year before that, I had called her asking her for mentoring and she wouldn't help me at all! Now, here she is yelling at me, saying the breeders I bought dogs and stud service from are just people who would take my money from me and that I need to find a REAL mentor. Who the fuck did she think she was to say that?? And what gave her the right???

Rio has done that and worse to me and my sis. Odessa was in heat. Groucho just happened to be in heat at the same time, and we were going to get Odessa bred to a good male. The breeder who owned the male we had already chose to have Odessa mated to asked us to bring Odessa to the show and she would take her to her facility from there. Well, Groucho tagged along with us, and she happened to be in heat too. I figured why not find a mate for Groucho too? I admit it was a last-minute jolt I should have thought more about before taking stud service from anyone there, but I figured why not line-up future prospects for stud service while we were there waiting for the breeder who was going to take Odessa? So, we went around and asked the people who had the best-looking Chihuahuas we saw there if they do stud-service, and collected names and phone numbers. Mind you, at first I was going to save all these numbers for future breedings. I did not fully intend on breeding Groucho at this time. It just happened out that way. Well Rio never asked me why I was going around asking other breeders about stud service, she just assumed my sis and I were there with 2 dogs in heat and we would just drop off our dogs with anyone there at the show. She didn't know about how we were already there to meet someone who was supposed to take Odessa. She never asked, and she announced how my sis and I were at the show with 2 dogs in heat on the email group without knowing anything else about the story. I was afraid the people on there were going to think I was some kind of dog-pimper or something! UGH! Again, I wanted to punch Rio in the face for that! She made me so angry!! If I had done something like that, the other show breeders would have said I was slandering someone. But since Rio did that, it was A-OK! No problem.

Rio was no different than Bischis. The only difference is Rio said what she did to my face, and didn't hide her identity. I guess I should respect her for that, that's a facet a lot of show breeders on the internet don't have. Again, I think bischis hid behind anonymity because she was embarrassed of the things she did to me. And I say if you're going to feel embarrassed at any time about it, unless you are mentally incompetent, DON'T DO THESE THINGS!!!!!! I'm not embarrassed by anything I say on these blogs. People have tried to shut me up, and tried to bring harm to me because of these blogs. But I am not humiliated by it. In fact, I was very proud of how I stood my ground, even after the people in Bozeman found out about this blog. I was thrilled that I held up so well, even in the face of their anger and threats! Made me believe I was a lot stronger than I ever thought I was! hehehe! Bischis hates me, not because I like Ratlady. Not because I said things about someone from the Pluba forum on Ratlady's forum. Bischis hates me because she wishes she had even half my strength and integrity! But she never will as long as she does shit to people like me, and is afraid to reveal who she really is to them. That's the mark of a coward, like mcgillicutty. Not someone who is genuinely strong and confident, like me! I think that is why all the DDM hates me! LOL! Because I am intrepid enough not to hide behind anonymous names, or hide my pictures, and they still hide behind anonymous names and have no pics of themselves on the internet. Eddies' mom has one of her in a costume. CrystalK only posts pics of herself from 30+ years ago. It was Passion Wolf who posted a recent pic of CrystalK and from what I saw in that pic, she is one big, fat, ugly fucker!! She has almost no hair, she's fat, fat, and I mean F-A-T!!! And has bad teeth. A true redneck.

I may be fat and ugly myself, but I don't hide behind anything. And the skinny pic I posted was from only a few years ago. I thought long and hard before I put my first pic up, especially knowing how the dirty dozen mob are. But I decided I didn't care. I would only post pics I am proud of, and no others. But show breeders have got to have something wrong with them! Its rare to meet a show breeder who is friends with anyone except other show breeders. A lot of them look at newbies like they are grubby lice! And very few are willing to help someone who needs it. All they do is complain because someone is not breeding to their standards. Even though they have no right to complain when chances are the show breeders are the cause of that person breeding less-than-show-worthy dogs or cats in the first place!! If I were to start breeding again, I sure wouldn't do it for show! Most people, all they want is a pet anyways. Who the fuck cares about titles? The only thing I would do that show breeders recommend is health-testing. Not that I am thinking of breeding in the foreseeable future. But I sure wouldn't do it to show! I think it's enough when an experienced show breeder looks at your dog and says "I think he/she looks good enough to show!" Why take that dog into the show ring for nothing more than political purposes just to inflate the breeder's ego??? Then you wind up with asshole show breeders just like Bischi! I don't want to be like that!!! I can't for the life of me understand why anyone else would!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Why I Hate The Dirty Dozen Mob

Apparently, they are incapable of getting things like this through their tiny heads. Or maybe I should say fat-heads. Or maybe even butt-heads. LOL!!!!! OK enough joking around. Always gotta begin with a joke or two. Especially on a post like this. I was looking back at some posts I made over the past month, and I want to touch up with everyone the main reasons why I hate the people of the dirty dozen mob so much. Including the dirty dozen themselves, since they don't seem to understand why I can't stand them now.

The dirty dozen is a group of 50-60 year olds (possibly older, except for mcgillicutty who is in her 20s), with the mentality of 10-15 year olds. They call themselves Eddie's Mom, CrystalK (or CJK or House Hermit), mcgillicutty (SaRa), Rhonda (the Watcher), Lhasa Lady, Pitter (Nunya beeswax), and Sheltieluver. They are known as the dirty dozen, even though there's not really a dozen of them. Now, Lhasa Lady I have mixed feelings about, she can be hateful, but she can also be nice too, in all fairness. This isn't about her. This is about the others on the list. Pitter can also be nice, but I think it's a blanket to hide that inside she is really an evil person. But there are several reasons why I can't stand these people. Now, I used to hang with them, and we got along OK. But a problem I had back in 2005 changed that forever when someone who called himself "Pal" and I had a confrontation.

"Pal" posted a link to monkey medicine and addressed it to me. I asked him what it was about. It was a very sincere question, and reasonable I might add since I don't study monkey medicine. I study monkey ecology and evolution. Well, the next thing I know "Pal" is throwing insults and getting just outrageously angry at me, acting like a complete asshole, and all I did was ask him a question. After that, I saw the rest of the dirty dozen frolicking with this asshole on the forum. It made me think, if "Pal" sees me like this, and the dirty dozen are friends with him, what must they think of me? And we were basically friends before that incident. It made me look at them in a whole different light. I never trusted them again after that. Forget about ever making friends with them again! Once trust is lost, it's hard to get back, even though the actual members of the dirty dozen did nothing themselves. Just the fact that they were associating with this idiot that had just attacked me for no reason whatsoever was enough to make me lose trust in ALL the dirty dozen mob. Not only did "Pal" attack me, he also attacked my best friend Katrina, who back then jumped to my aid. Though I have since asked Katrina not to do that anymore. I asked her back then! I'm a grown woman, I don't need someone else to stick up for me. But Katrina always says I do it wrong. She would like me to tell more people to "fuck off".

Anyways, that was the one event that made me completely lose my trust in the dirty dozen mob. Their actions over the years did nothing to ease that feeling of distrust. I went back some months later only to find out they were still pecking at each other like a bunch of hens. This I think is the reason Passion Wolf always calls them "the hens". To this day, I still believe "Pal's" act was a set-up. Why else would he get so angry at someone who never did him any harm, or anyone else on that forum? The only member of the DDM that I never hung with was Rhonda. She hated me from day 1!!! LOL!! Yes, I find that funny. Funny as in comical. She must have been in her 50s, and hates a 30-year old just because she feels like it. LOL! To me, that is funny. Almost like she is jealous because I was younger than her. I dunno. People have been jealous for nuttier reasons than that in our history. Actually, I would say Rhonda is probably the same age as my ma. She's just not as mature nor as intelligent as my ma. I know she's married, she's probably like Patti, never had kids. And it's probably not the first time she's been married. And I would say, this marriage of her's is probably as dysfunctional as the rest of them must have been for her to be the way she is.

I understand that some people just cannot get along with others, usually there is a good reason, like a glitch somewhere, or a clash in their personalities. I also understand that I am not a person for everybody. I'm very highly complex. I'm so complex that sometimes even I don't understand myself! I speak my mind, and not everyone can handle that. Not everyone is fit to handle that. I can even be brutally honest about what I see and what I feel. Well, I am straightforward. I don't cuss when I give my opinions, because I don't think people will take you seriously if you cuss.

Anyways, here are the main reasons why I hate the dirty dozen mob:

1. Probably the biggest reason I hate them is because they get angry at other people who do the exact same things that they do. Its like this, CrystalK was disrespectful to my sister once who came in and gave her opinion on something, and she started yelling at my sis. My sis's opinion didn't even have anything at all to do with CrystalK. And to Crystal's friends, her attacks on my sister was all good, fine and dandy. But one day I gave my opinion about cats on my blog, suddenly I was the bad guy and being bashed by Crystal and all her stupid friends. It's like if the dirty dozen does something shitty, everyone is like "OK, you're fine. We still love you guys!" and no one is allowed to argue with them. But if someone else does exactly the same thing they do, especially to one of them, the dirty dozen is like, Oh my GOD!!! Stop the world from turning! Somebody called me a "doody-head"!! I'm gonna go kill myself!!! And all the dozen tards start attacking the person who did it like the cavalry coming to save the day!

2. They always attack the same people, and never stop. And never seem to learn their lesson! I just recently found out they are still attacking me. But hey! For me that is OK. I also kinda wonder if they are still attacking Passion Wolf? And they don't seem to understand I have a damn good reason to attack them! And once they have you in their sights, they target you for life!!

3. They always call people 'hypocrites". Like that is some terrible thing!! And like they live 100% by everything they say! Well, they don't. No one who is human is not in some ways hypocritical. Face it, it's part of human nature to be a little hypocritical!! And the DDM are some of the biggest hypocrites I've ever met in my life (refer back to #1). But all humans are. You show me a person who is not hypocritical in any way, and I'll show you a mechanical tin man that is remote controlled.

4. They are always crying slander. In order to be one of the dirty dozen mob, you have to cry slander on someone, except an existing member of the DDM! But as a member, you are allowed to slander anyone you damn-well want to any time you want to. Believe me, they are not as innocent as they make themselves out to be!

5. Some of them cuss, and then claim they never do the same and then hate it when someone else cusses at them. The biggest offenders of this is CrystalK and mcgillicutty. Both cuss WAY more than I do!!! Again, refer to #1 for the rest.

6. If you don't like them, they will post your personal address, phone number, and pictures just to poke fun at you. Sometimes they will even call your house, just to hang up when you answer the phone. Unfortunately for them, I am proud of all the pics I post online. They cannot possibly insult me with my own pics! Also again, refer to #1 for the rest!

7. They have been known to call peoples' jobs who offend them, and have gotten people fired before. Also they have been known to call the childrens' schools to have kids thrown out that belong to people who have offended them, and CPS too on the people who have offended them. They will go to whatever lengths they can to make someone who offends them look really bad. Whether the person has really offended anyone or not.

8. They hide behind anonymous names, creating multiple accounts most of the time, just to harass someone who has offended them. Refer once again to #1! They bitch about anyone who does the same to attack them!

What does it take to offend the DDM? For one thing, own a pregnant dog or cat. Or a pet that goes into heat without having titles or points to it's name. Another thing that offends the DDM, call CrystalK names!! Or be brutally honest with her. They HATE that!!! LOL!!!! That sets all of them off quicker than scat!!! Or be brutally honest with any of them! The worst they will do is call you a liar, just so no one believes you. The dirty dozen manipulates everyone to believe the person who is brutally honest about them is nothing but a liar and a slanderer. This is their procedure they use so that no one believes the truth about them. This is why they throw the word 'slander' around so freely. But only when someone else is doing the talking, or writing. Apparently it's not slander when the dirty dozen does the same thing. UGH!! They make me sick! I can't even stand looking at them! They're like slugs to me, disgusting and gross to look at and think about. Another thing that offends them, Do what they are doing, only direct it at them! Again, refer to my #1 reason for hating them so much!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Why People Hate Atheists

Do I hate atheists? I've been asked this as a Christian, and I guess the best answer I can give is on average, No. I don't hate atheists normally. I have friends who are atheists and they don't bother me. A good number of the atheists I have met have been rather nice people. I saw a video pointing out why people hate atheists. I don't hate all atheists. I guess what I should say I hate are anti-religious people. People who want to completely eradicate any belief in GOD. But those are not just atheists, they are radicals. I also have to remember that there are other reasons atheists are on a lot of peoples' shit-list. Some of them are very negative people. Or maybe a lot of them are negative people. Just not the ones I know very well. I think in a way, atheism is born from a lack of respect of authority, which unfortunately is very common nowadays. But some atheists I have met have been some of the most negative people I've ever met in my life.

Take for example, this one idiot I came across on the thread for this video about people who hate atheists. His name is Alex Gorecki, and he is on YouTube. He is the typical version of a troll, he has no videos up of himself, nor pics, he's negative, and leaves hateful comments. I reckon he is also an atheist. I left a comment on that video saying "As long as atheists don't try to convert me to their belief system, I don't care what they are or what they believe in." Well, its true, I don't. I think the people who try to convert Christians into becoming atheists are the radicals, and I don't like those kinds of people. In all fairness, I don't even like INXS radicals. There's some people I don't have as friends on Facebook, and don't want either, because I know them to be radical fans. Well, anyways, Alex Gorecki chimes in with his warped opinion saying "retard alert". Last night, after I saw that post, I was in a giddy mood, so I decided to have a little fun with him. Normally I do not respond to negativity, but last night I felt like having a little fun.

My response to him was this; "Retard? Where?? Oh, it's YOU!! LOL!! So you're a retard and you're alerting me, that's nice dude. ;) :P I can add to your post. You're also a dim-witted dumbass and a dipshit too! LOL!" hehehehe!! He responded to me this morning, but I didn't read what he said. I thought it was best I didn't even look at his response. I would have been tempted to respond, and I am trying to avoid that. Last night, I just felt like having fun. That was the only reason I responded to him. But boy!! I bet Alex was PISSED!!! LOL!! Way cool!! But to point out, Alex is exactly the kind of atheist I DON'T like!! Unfortunately, his is the image of what most of us believe atheists are. I'm not going to let him spoil my image of my friends who are atheists. But not everyone has atheist friends like I do. I have the most awesome friends in the world! Whether they are believers in GOD or not. All the riff-raff has been weeded out over the years, and I now only have the strongest, most awesome people among my friends. I am not about to let one JERK tarnish my image of my atheist friends.

For this reason alone, I need to go back to not commenting on other peoples' videos. For a while here I stopped doing that. Now I've started again. I need to quit! I always get dumbasses and dipshits responding, even when it's unintentional on my part. Even when I try to spread positivity and kindness, I STILL get the dumbass scumbags responding! LOL!! Alex is likely the kind of person today's kids will become if we don't start spanking them as children again. There aren't many times I like to respond to negative people anymore, I usually just totally ignore them. But Alex just caught me at the right time. I was in a happy mood, and I wanted to play with someone.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Youtuber MinnesotaBurns Threatens a Child!

OK I know I said I was never going to give people on YouTube any more publicity than they deserve, and especially those I think does not deserve it at all. But I have to speak out against this guy who calls himself MinnesotaBurns, or his crowd affectionately calls him "Burnsy". He makes me mad!! I've only seen a few of his videos, and he calls people and trolls them while playing video games. He's not even that funny. Most people who do trolling videos and prank calls are in some ways funny, but not MinnesotaBurns. I've tried to find some funny lines among his videos, but I could not find a single, solitary one. He's just not funny. His humor is more along the lines of being corny. Not funny. I guess if you are a dumb adolescent you might think he's funny, but a mature person like me, I just don't see his funny side. I've even watched a few of his hate mail videos, and even those aren't funny. Believe me, I've tried to find a funny video of his, but I just couldn't. I don't know why it is he has over 2 million subscribers.

Well, recently he hit the big time. He's threatened to kick some kid's teeth in. He said he's going to find this kid's house, go over there and kick his teeth in. That was really a douchebag thing to say!! Especially as old as he is saying it to a child. I hope and pray he never has children of his own! There are some people who I'd like to beat up and kick their teeth down their throats, but I would never actually do it!! Of course the ones I am thinking of are not kids. But you just can't go around threatening things like that. If I had been that kid, I would have said to Burns "Oh please! Come over here and kick my teeth in! I dare you!" I'd have him in a headlock so fast he wouldn't even have time to think! And I wouldn't let go until he turned blue! Burns must be in his mid-20s. He still uses the word "retard", and told a 12 year old child to "get laid". Don't believe me? See for yourself!


Of course I borrowed this from another YouTuber. I think MinnesotaBurns took this video down, because I could not find it anywhere on his channel. Well, I don't blame him. If I threatened a child I wouldn't want my fans seeing this either! I've never threatened a child in my life, and I try hard not to threaten anyone at all. Its just not my style. I don't know who this kid is, or what he did, it doesn't say in the video, but I am sure it doesn't warrant the threat Burns made to him. Burns said it was a federal crime, well according to him, everything is a federal crime. It's not the only time I have heard those words come out of his mouth. Kinda like the dirty dozen, who love to throw around the word "slander", even though no one else is committing slander except maybe themselves. But just like that, Burns calls everything a "federal crime".

This is what makes me angry about this person. I don't watch his videos anymore, since I can't find anything better than corny. He talks about this boy committing a crime, but I think it's an even bigger crime to threaten someone, especially a child. Burns wants to call the police and have the kid arrested? Fine. But he should not have threatened to kick this child's teeth in. That it's self is a crime. If I were that child's mama, I would have Burns turned over to the authorities!

MinnesotaBurns regularly calls everyone who is not subscribed to him either "retarded" or "ugly". Well, he can call me ugly all he wants to. I couldn't care less. But ugly has nothing to do with why I dislike him. I judge YouTubers by the quality of their videos, and the work they put out. Not by whether the person thinks I am ugly or not. Most people who call me ugly anyways generally do not have videos themselves. Or if they do, it's almost always video game videos, which I don't watch, or anime cut-outs, which I also don't watch.

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...