It kinda makes you go "hmmm". One of my Facebook buddies posted an article yesterday of an interview that was done with JD Fortune. He has his own band now, and calls it "Fortune". But in this interview, he makes INXS sound like a bunch of assholes. Well, I always knew people in the music industry are assholes, I've known that for years. But it was concrete truth after I "met" dustingrey on YouTube. But not only was he an asshole, he was an ugly person inside and outside too. I got the feeling he had been badly abused all his life, and perhaps music, and being an asshole, was his way of "escaping" reality. But INXS I don't believe was anything like that. From all I've heard they had very loving parents growing up. They had good friends, and they were always kind to their fans. They do drink a lot, but then so do all Australians. Believe me, I know! I don't know about doing drugs. I do know the Farriss brothers are a religious family. I heard Timmy even used to teach the Bible in school to his peers. But it seems somewhere along the way, INXS lost their touch. I've met these guys and for the most part, they were nice people. Almost hard to believe there is an ounce of truth in anything JD says in this article. But I will quote some of the passages I found most interesting on this subject.
First of all, you can see the article here:
Here are some things he said about his experiences with the band that caught my eyes. When the reporter mentioned INXS, JD's response to that was
"Who’s that? (Laughs)"
Then the interviewer talks about how things didn't work out between JD and INXS, and he wasn't "spinning his wheels". JD's response to that was
"There’s a certain freedom that I feel that I never felt with INXS. There was a certain lack of respect I think, too. [Pauses] Instead of saying anything bad about INXS, let me tell you what the difference is here: In this band (Fortune) I’d come down with bronchitis during a recording session and basically we were a family and everybody was asking me how I was feeling. Prior to that my experience would have been, “Yeah whatever, mate. We all get sick so suck it up.”"
He's basically saying INXS would not care about how he felt, they just wanted to get on with the show. When the interviewer asked JD where he is now with his creativity and personally speaking. JD speaks of Switch like he knew it's his last album:
"There’s a certain freedom that any artist will tell you comes when you get to play what’s inside of you. Although I did write INXS’ last platinum hit, “Pretty Vegas,” I felt in my heart that they weren’t going to give me another opportunity to write, especially because the best they did was to put out four records of previous hits, you know what I mean?
The next four albums they did after the Switch record were releases of four albums of stuff people already had. To me, that’s a bit narrow in vision, near-sighted. I was trying to get my songs together and work them into some of the band’s stuff because they had some world class writers like Andrew Ferris. But I think what had happened was unbeknownst to me Andrew was writing with the current guy that’s in the band (I don’t know his name). So when I was writing stuff he’d just keep putting me off, saying “Yeah, next week, yeah yeah.” And then it just never happened."
So it sounds like Andrew (and perhaps the rest of INXS) did not want to really progress. And I have to confess, I hated Original Sin!! It's not just about the cover design either, though the cover design was a bit of an augury of what the entire album was going to be like. To me, a tiger represents laziness, and that is exactly what INXS was being with that album. And for the most part the songs sucked! Kick used to be one of my life's theme songs, but that Nikka Costa murdered that song!! I hated what she did to it! She took an awesome song that used to have a lot of rhythm and beat to it, and turned it into this modern R&B/rap crap.
The thing that makes this whole thing so ironic is that JD is not the only of INXS's former lead singers to say all this shit. Seems INXS has had more than one lead singer since Michael died, and ALL of them have said pretty much the same thing about the band that JD has. Shoot! I even felt the same kind of energy come from some of Michael's last words! I once read that Michael said in an interview "I don't want to be the captain of a sinking ship!" He was speaking metaphorically about INXS. I wanted to support INXS in their last album, but I just couldn't. In my eyes, they were being lazy and I don't want to support laziness. Not from a band I always considered to be my favorite. But why INXS are always looking for new lead singers is beyond my realm of knowledge. Seems every time they have a chance to progress forward, they always wind up falling on their asses. They're like a toddler that never learns to walk. Just crawls for the rest of it's life. I feel for Ciaran Gribbin, because I have the feeling INXS are going to be the same with him that they have been with the other singers they've hired since Michael passed away. And I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt because I love these guys. And I want so badly to support them in ALL their decisions. But it's becoming perceptively harder as new albums come out, but no progress is being made on their part. I don't even know if they are still a rock band, or if they've become R&B modern or not.
I haven't even seen Rockstar: INXS in a long time! I have all the episodes now, but I just haven't seen it in years. The last time I saw that series was when my sis was working in Yellowstone. I tried to watch the series again, but it's just too painful to watch. That was actually the best summer of my life, because I thought back then that I was witnessing a bit of rock n roll history being made! I thought "This is it! INXS is finally going to be a complete band again!" I was telling people to give INXS and JD a chance, because it just might work out. I put my neck on the chopping block several times for them, and made some narrow escapes. All along thinking that this new relationship would somehow work. Even though JD Fortune was nearly 20 years younger than the oldest INXS band members. I didn't care much for JD Fortune when I first saw him on Rockstar, but he was who INXS chose, and so I supported INXS in their decision and gave JD a chance. I won't say I was disappointed, and I'd be lying if I said I agreed whole-heartedly with the choice INXS made. But I loved these guys and I wanted to see what JD could do with them. But it seems INXS does not want to do anything new or different. They had their chance to move on with JD. Ciaran is a great singer, but INXS will probably do nothing new with him either.
So is this who INXS really is? Are they really assholes like dustingrey? I mean, they were always nice when I met them, but deep inside, are they really nothing but a bunch of jerks and assholes in sensible shoes? Maybe it's a good thing I didn't support them in their new album. Maybe they are just a band going nowhere. Now, I don't know what to think of INXS or the entire music industry. INXS in it's heyday, played for royalty and hob-nobbed with celebrities. That's something a small-time, wannabe rockstar like dustingrey never did!! And most likely, never will do. He doesn't have enough talent for that, and he would be a real jerk to the fans. No one wants a musician like that around. But INXS were always described by fans who met them as being very down-to-earth, kind, gentle, caring, fun-loving people, which really is rare in the music business. It's almost unbelievable what they have become, according to JD's interview.
When the Original Sin album came out, I hated the design! Not only because I thought it looked evil, but I just plain hate tigers! But now that I look back on it, that tiger was the perfect metaphor for that album: lazy, stupid, and fleeting (INXS) toward extinction.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Friends or Principles?
Well, most of my friends know I love them and will do anything in my powers for them. I've done some things I normally wouldn't do for them. But even I have limits to what I will do, even for someone I like a lot. It's not easy, but I have to hold fast to my principles. Yesterday, I had to make a choice. One of my Facebook friends, a very lovely person, wanted to help PETA recruit more likes for their Facebook page. Now, anyone who has been reading this blog for any length of time knows how much I HATE PETA!! With a capitol H! I am totally unyeilding in that decision. I will NOT support PETA in any way, shape or form. But this friend admitted she is a proud, card-carrying member of PETA. There was just no really nice way to put it, I hate PETA. Anything else in the World I would happily support this friend and help that cause, and any other friend. But not when it comes to PETA. That's where I draw the line. If she was supporting a real good cause for the sake of animals, like the ASPCA, I would be liking that page in her honor in a heartbeat! But I totally refuse to help PETA in any way. I saw one comment on YouTube once that pretty much sums up PETA's real intentions. This person said "PETA's motto should really be 'we don't love animals, we hate people'." And I believe that to be true.
I always hated PETA. I accidentally subscribed to their magazine once back in 1998. Believe me when I say it was an accident! I thought I was getting a magazine that was truly educational about the world and lives of animals. Instead I saw a amplitude of nutty ads for freeing animals, petitioning farms and restaurants that serve meat, news clips that told kids why their moms and dads are evil, plans to bomb schools and buildings. It was creepy to look at. I canceled that subscription and threw away the volumes I had gotten! Since then I hated PETA with a passion! I love animals, and it is because I love animals that I hate PETA so much! PETA has been known to kill many healthy, adoptable pets for their own gain. I'd rather support a cause that really does some good for animals, and does not hurt any people on the way to doing it. PETA supports ALF, and gives them money for weapons, bombs and junk so they can kill people they deem are unethical towards animals. Including owning pets. ALF and PETA are basically terrorist groups, not real charities to help animals. Their ads make them sound cute and flowery, but once you have delved deep inside their organization, like I have, you can see plainly that they are nothing but a bunch of mental-cases.
I told this friend if she wants to support PETA, that's fine. She's a decent person anyway. I know she would not do the unthinkable to other people. I've never even seen her talk about bombing someone else's house or killing their kids, like that one asshole deskset24 did. Now that was an evil person! I don't even think it was a person at all. Just a YouTube entity. LOL! But he displayed the same kind of rage, hatred and evil I've seen in many other PETA supporters, and it's been brainwashed into them by PETA's leader, Ingrid Newkirk. She leads them into believing she is actually doing good for the animals. But she's not. All she is doing is making PETA look sillier and sillier. I believe Newkirk is more than a little bit psychotic, she's bipolar too. I've seen interviews with her, she reminds me so much of Shirley Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church! She just never shuts up about her cause, she does plenty of shutting out other people though. She mocks other people and scoffs at them when they prove her wrong. The only thing she doesn't do that Shirley does is always say "yikes!" when she is backed into a corner. When that happens, Newkirk just squawks like a chicken.
One person got on that thread, and I am not friends with her and in that case probably should not have been paying any attention to her, and it sounded like she was accusing me of making fun of this friend for supporting PETA. Usually I tend to ignore people who are not on my friends list, but I didn't want my friend to read that and think I was doing that in any way. I sure did not mean to make it sound that way. But this other person was saying how anti-PETA people put up this propoganda against them because they are "intimidated" by PETA. I told her I am not "intimidated" by PETA. Their views are too hypocritical for that! I just don't like PETA. And it's as simple as that. PETA only works to save animals that they think are cute and useful. Until their "sea kittens" campaign, they didn't give a shit about fish. And the reason they want to change the name of fish to "sea kittens" is because they think it sounds cuter, and it would stop people from eating them. So they think fish, the way they are now, are not "cute" enough to care about??!! That's stupid! And what about all the small animals that are killed by farm machinery harvesting vegetables and fruits every year? Do they think those animals are not "cute" enough to care about? And those harvesting machines put just as much CO2 in the air as any meat packing machine does, and that does not seem to bother PETA.
To me, veggies will never be anything more than a side-dish. Not the main course. And a lot of the so-called "research" PETA does is very biased. I would not listen to them if they say anything. But everybody has a right to their own choices, so I said if this friend wants to support PETA, that's fine with me. As long as she is not out there bombing buildings and killing people! LOL! But that's what PETA does and that is what they support. So I will support this friend in her choice, but I will not support PETA in any way, at all. I had hoped this friend would understand, but I think she may be a little bit upset or disappointed in me. I kinda noticed it a bit last night. I may be wrong. But I'm used to once I disagree with someone I begin to look for signs of breaking off, or cutting out the friendship. I've seen it happen over and over. People are just that way! I can agree to disagree, but most people want their friends to agree with everything they say 100%. I just can't. Not when it comes to PETA. Like I said, that's where I draw the line. I'm sorry if this friend is disappointed, or hurt in any way, but I just can't support PETA. I'll still love her as a friend though!
I always hated PETA. I accidentally subscribed to their magazine once back in 1998. Believe me when I say it was an accident! I thought I was getting a magazine that was truly educational about the world and lives of animals. Instead I saw a amplitude of nutty ads for freeing animals, petitioning farms and restaurants that serve meat, news clips that told kids why their moms and dads are evil, plans to bomb schools and buildings. It was creepy to look at. I canceled that subscription and threw away the volumes I had gotten! Since then I hated PETA with a passion! I love animals, and it is because I love animals that I hate PETA so much! PETA has been known to kill many healthy, adoptable pets for their own gain. I'd rather support a cause that really does some good for animals, and does not hurt any people on the way to doing it. PETA supports ALF, and gives them money for weapons, bombs and junk so they can kill people they deem are unethical towards animals. Including owning pets. ALF and PETA are basically terrorist groups, not real charities to help animals. Their ads make them sound cute and flowery, but once you have delved deep inside their organization, like I have, you can see plainly that they are nothing but a bunch of mental-cases.
I told this friend if she wants to support PETA, that's fine. She's a decent person anyway. I know she would not do the unthinkable to other people. I've never even seen her talk about bombing someone else's house or killing their kids, like that one asshole deskset24 did. Now that was an evil person! I don't even think it was a person at all. Just a YouTube entity. LOL! But he displayed the same kind of rage, hatred and evil I've seen in many other PETA supporters, and it's been brainwashed into them by PETA's leader, Ingrid Newkirk. She leads them into believing she is actually doing good for the animals. But she's not. All she is doing is making PETA look sillier and sillier. I believe Newkirk is more than a little bit psychotic, she's bipolar too. I've seen interviews with her, she reminds me so much of Shirley Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church! She just never shuts up about her cause, she does plenty of shutting out other people though. She mocks other people and scoffs at them when they prove her wrong. The only thing she doesn't do that Shirley does is always say "yikes!" when she is backed into a corner. When that happens, Newkirk just squawks like a chicken.
One person got on that thread, and I am not friends with her and in that case probably should not have been paying any attention to her, and it sounded like she was accusing me of making fun of this friend for supporting PETA. Usually I tend to ignore people who are not on my friends list, but I didn't want my friend to read that and think I was doing that in any way. I sure did not mean to make it sound that way. But this other person was saying how anti-PETA people put up this propoganda against them because they are "intimidated" by PETA. I told her I am not "intimidated" by PETA. Their views are too hypocritical for that! I just don't like PETA. And it's as simple as that. PETA only works to save animals that they think are cute and useful. Until their "sea kittens" campaign, they didn't give a shit about fish. And the reason they want to change the name of fish to "sea kittens" is because they think it sounds cuter, and it would stop people from eating them. So they think fish, the way they are now, are not "cute" enough to care about??!! That's stupid! And what about all the small animals that are killed by farm machinery harvesting vegetables and fruits every year? Do they think those animals are not "cute" enough to care about? And those harvesting machines put just as much CO2 in the air as any meat packing machine does, and that does not seem to bother PETA.
To me, veggies will never be anything more than a side-dish. Not the main course. And a lot of the so-called "research" PETA does is very biased. I would not listen to them if they say anything. But everybody has a right to their own choices, so I said if this friend wants to support PETA, that's fine with me. As long as she is not out there bombing buildings and killing people! LOL! But that's what PETA does and that is what they support. So I will support this friend in her choice, but I will not support PETA in any way, at all. I had hoped this friend would understand, but I think she may be a little bit upset or disappointed in me. I kinda noticed it a bit last night. I may be wrong. But I'm used to once I disagree with someone I begin to look for signs of breaking off, or cutting out the friendship. I've seen it happen over and over. People are just that way! I can agree to disagree, but most people want their friends to agree with everything they say 100%. I just can't. Not when it comes to PETA. Like I said, that's where I draw the line. I'm sorry if this friend is disappointed, or hurt in any way, but I just can't support PETA. I'll still love her as a friend though!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Yes! These Are Real!
I was on Facebook yesterday and a friend showed me this pic of a monkey with a severely swollen ass! Check this out!
This is basically the same pic, only one of the monkeys had been cut out. I sure would hate to have been one of those monkeys! These are called Sulawesi macaques and they are both females. And yes, their asses do get that big when they are in heat! To me, this is just disgusting to look at! This is probably an example of mother Nature's warped side! I find it rather strange how so many of the old world monkeys and chimps have this happen when they go into heat. No other ape does this, and new world monkeys don't get swollen this bad! Only macaques, baboons and chimps get this bad. I often wondered why.
This is why I like lemurs better. LOL! That's just disgusting!
Well, I thought I would make this into an interesting topic here on this blog. Another oddity, check out this breed of dog:
That's called a Pachon Navarro, or Navarro Pointer. If you think you are looking at a dog with 2 noses, you are correct! Odd as this may sound, this breed is born to have a split nose. It's not attractive to look at but there really is a reason for this feature in this breed. Their original creators believed this accentuated the breed's sense of smell. It's double nose gave it more room to pick up a scent. This breed is rare, but there are 2 even more obscure breeds that also share this feature. Both of them are also classified as gun dogs.
And for another oddity, take a look at this fish:
That's called a barreleye fish. It's a deep sea fish with a transparent head. Kinda looks to me a little like a pilot whale! This fish has a couple of golf-ball-shaped orbs on the front of the head where the eyes should probably be. But they are useless. Their eyes are actually the 2 visible green spheres you can see on the inside of their head. They can basically look up without turning their head. When their food is spotted, they can turn those 2 green spheres forward to focus in on it's prey. This is just an odd-looking fish. Not only because of the transparent membrane over their head, but also because their eyes are not really where they should be.
And take a look at this animal:
You're probably looking at this and wondering if that is a head on stilts. But this is a real animal. It's a pygmy jerboa, found in the Saharan region of Africa, where most jerboas are found. This animal appears to have nothing more than a very large head, skinny legs and feet and a long, thin tail. There is a popular video of one of these animals on YouTube, and it belongs to someone and is their pet. But many jerboas would not make great pets. They are flighty and more likely to bite than other rodents. But don't tell that USDA breeder I spoke to last night that!! She'll say "Oh I breed those and mine don't bite at all!" LOL!
Now meet the world's smallest reptile:
That is Brookesia, which has no english name. It is basically just a tiny chameleon. Yes, this is an adult Brookesia. They are found in Madagascar. Madagascar has many different kinds of chameleons. Aside from this species, the world's largest chameleon, known commonly as the panther chameleon, lives there too. The largest can grow to 2 feet in length, whereas Brookesia can be less than an inch in length. Unlike other chameleons, these animals live on the ground, among the leaf litter.
Ever imagine what the world's largest rabbit would look like?
Yes this big guy is for real, that's called a Flemish Giant, and it is the largest breed of rabbit in the World. Some can reach as heavy as 40 pounds, which is the same size as a good-sized dog. Most apartments don't even allow dogs that big! But if you were to tell those landlords "I don't have a dog, I have a rabbit." They're more likely to think you mean something little and cute with a twitchy nose and long ears. Not this guy! If you told most people you have a rabbit that weighs 40 pounds, they might look at you like you're nuts! But it's true! This rabbit reaches nearly Metazoic proportions!
Now we met the largest rabbit in the world, how about a very large crab?
Imagine walking along the beach and finding this monster! But this is no ordinary beach crab. This sucker is known as the Coconut crab, and it is the World's largest and heaviest crustacean. Well, really they run neck-to-neck with the Giant spider crab of the northern Pacific near Japan. But what makes this creature unusual is that it is a land-living crab. They cannot swim, except as larvae, and will literally drown in water if they are left in it too long. This crab is mainly a tree-dweller, instead of a sand and water dweller like most other crabs. They inhabit many islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, but are more common on the Indonesian islands.
This is basically the same pic, only one of the monkeys had been cut out. I sure would hate to have been one of those monkeys! These are called Sulawesi macaques and they are both females. And yes, their asses do get that big when they are in heat! To me, this is just disgusting to look at! This is probably an example of mother Nature's warped side! I find it rather strange how so many of the old world monkeys and chimps have this happen when they go into heat. No other ape does this, and new world monkeys don't get swollen this bad! Only macaques, baboons and chimps get this bad. I often wondered why.
This is why I like lemurs better. LOL! That's just disgusting!
Well, I thought I would make this into an interesting topic here on this blog. Another oddity, check out this breed of dog:
That's called a Pachon Navarro, or Navarro Pointer. If you think you are looking at a dog with 2 noses, you are correct! Odd as this may sound, this breed is born to have a split nose. It's not attractive to look at but there really is a reason for this feature in this breed. Their original creators believed this accentuated the breed's sense of smell. It's double nose gave it more room to pick up a scent. This breed is rare, but there are 2 even more obscure breeds that also share this feature. Both of them are also classified as gun dogs.
And for another oddity, take a look at this fish:
That's called a barreleye fish. It's a deep sea fish with a transparent head. Kinda looks to me a little like a pilot whale! This fish has a couple of golf-ball-shaped orbs on the front of the head where the eyes should probably be. But they are useless. Their eyes are actually the 2 visible green spheres you can see on the inside of their head. They can basically look up without turning their head. When their food is spotted, they can turn those 2 green spheres forward to focus in on it's prey. This is just an odd-looking fish. Not only because of the transparent membrane over their head, but also because their eyes are not really where they should be.
And take a look at this animal:
You're probably looking at this and wondering if that is a head on stilts. But this is a real animal. It's a pygmy jerboa, found in the Saharan region of Africa, where most jerboas are found. This animal appears to have nothing more than a very large head, skinny legs and feet and a long, thin tail. There is a popular video of one of these animals on YouTube, and it belongs to someone and is their pet. But many jerboas would not make great pets. They are flighty and more likely to bite than other rodents. But don't tell that USDA breeder I spoke to last night that!! She'll say "Oh I breed those and mine don't bite at all!" LOL!
Now meet the world's smallest reptile:
That is Brookesia, which has no english name. It is basically just a tiny chameleon. Yes, this is an adult Brookesia. They are found in Madagascar. Madagascar has many different kinds of chameleons. Aside from this species, the world's largest chameleon, known commonly as the panther chameleon, lives there too. The largest can grow to 2 feet in length, whereas Brookesia can be less than an inch in length. Unlike other chameleons, these animals live on the ground, among the leaf litter.
Ever imagine what the world's largest rabbit would look like?
Yes this big guy is for real, that's called a Flemish Giant, and it is the largest breed of rabbit in the World. Some can reach as heavy as 40 pounds, which is the same size as a good-sized dog. Most apartments don't even allow dogs that big! But if you were to tell those landlords "I don't have a dog, I have a rabbit." They're more likely to think you mean something little and cute with a twitchy nose and long ears. Not this guy! If you told most people you have a rabbit that weighs 40 pounds, they might look at you like you're nuts! But it's true! This rabbit reaches nearly Metazoic proportions!
Now we met the largest rabbit in the world, how about a very large crab?
Imagine walking along the beach and finding this monster! But this is no ordinary beach crab. This sucker is known as the Coconut crab, and it is the World's largest and heaviest crustacean. Well, really they run neck-to-neck with the Giant spider crab of the northern Pacific near Japan. But what makes this creature unusual is that it is a land-living crab. They cannot swim, except as larvae, and will literally drown in water if they are left in it too long. This crab is mainly a tree-dweller, instead of a sand and water dweller like most other crabs. They inhabit many islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, but are more common on the Indonesian islands.
Say Goodnight, Gracie!
Well, I had to kick this backyard breeder out of my channel. Ya know I looked at her channel, and noticed it says she is from the USA? I'd have bet she was from the UK, judging simply by her attitude, and her hours of operation. Well, she got rather personal tonight. I basically just told her the truth. She is a backyard breeder. So she got all personal and talking about the way I am. Well, that's OK. She thinks I'm fat and know nothing about (USDA) breeding, I think she's fat and ugly too, and I still say her dogs are ugly as well. hehehe! I took a glimpse of one of her videos, and she looks like she's fat as well. Nothing is more pathetic than one fat person mocking another, but that's life. Some people hide behind anonymity, she's one of those types. She thought I wasn't going to see her videos, but I did sneak a little peek. I couldn't watch all of it, because the chihuahuas she showed were so homely looking. She said her chihuahuas have nice, apple heads, and I told her that's bullshit. From what I saw, her chihuahuas have flat heads, long noses, and beady eyes. The rat-like dogs. She still does not know what makes a nice-looking chihuahua. Chihuahuas should have more than an apple dome. They should have shorter noses, and larger eyes. Like a baby-doll face. Her dogs totally lack that appearance.
Well, she started getting personal in her comments. This one started picking up from yesterday's conversation from when I told her why show breeders charge what they do for their puppies. She finally responded. She said
"You're paying for a dog that is no healthier than most dogs. Show breeders have their own little dirty secrets of having puppies put down because it was born with a cleft pallet...These type of people experiment with dogs. Bad genetics doesn't only happen in puppy mills, or with backyard breeders. It happens in the show ring also. And believe me, the show breeders are making tons of money from their healthy dogs because their dog breeders."
She is still under the delusion that her dogs are healthier than those of a responsible and ethical breeder's, yet she has admitted to doing no health testing whatsoever. And she said that her vet checks her dogs' eyes and hearts daily (probably using no more than a common stethoscope). She said she does not need any OFA or CERF and BAER testing. But responsible breeders do those tests, even though they know their dogs' lineage. It's a precautionary technique. Well, my response to her was
"There are show breeders who do that. That's why I don't simply call responsible breeders "show breeders". I call them what they are, responsible and ethical breeders. Those are the ones who do all the necessary tests on their dogs, and cull those that are not up to standards."
And her response to me was:
"Well, I'm up to standard I think. I can pretty much tell when something is sick, or doesn't look right. Like you in the video. You're about 150 lbs. overweight, you're pasty looking. I think you might have Diabetes, and high blood pressure. I'm sure that you're chapped under your breasts and groin area because of the creases. If you were my female dog I would wash you up, throw you in the kennel and put you on a balanced diet. Have you fixed then give you away. Hahaha"
She wanted to get personal, OK. Fine by me. I can get personal as well! So my response to her was
I still say your dogs are homely. :) If I were a dog and unfortunate enough to be in your kennel, I think giving me away would be a sheer blessing! :)
Well, time to say goodbye to you. Looking at your videos, I can see you are fat yourself. So goodbye!
After that, I blocked her butt! I promised Katrina (and several other friends) I would not tolerate anyone disrespecting me on my channel. When I am in her channel, I will listen to her rules (although I never commented on any of her videos, and only watched one less than half way through). When she is in my channel, she'll mind me or out she goes! And in another part of the thread, this is where she basically admits she is not a good breeder:
"No CERF test. My vet examines each of my puppies eyes. I've never had a puppy with eye problems. No Baers test done either. Never had a problem with any of my puppies being deaf, or hard of hearing. No heart tests done either. But I have had one of two pups with heart murmurs. I've had a few cherry eyes to have to be removed from quite a few of my english bulldog puppies but again, that's all a part of being a bug eyed dog. Had a few hernia repairs done on my pups also."
So my response to her is plain and simply:
"See! That alone proves you are not ethical. Sorry dude."
I hate it that I am always so apologetic about being honest. I actually admire people who can do it without any hint of sugar-coating it. LOL! Well, she took it as being insulting, judging by her next comment:
"Not ethical. I would be hurt if that came from someone I respected. Sorry, I'm not a dude. I'm a 53 year old female. The photo is of my grandson. See how smart you are?"
Actually, I can tell, it did hurt her feelings. Simply because of the way she brought it up, and I never asked. Well, I guess I never asked if what I said bothered her because I simply didn't care. I was being honest. Well, since she wanted to take this conversation to a childish level, I kept it up here. I said about her grandkid:
"Oh? Is he fat too? LOL! :) I guess it runs in the family."
I can tell first of all, she has some old fashioned ways of thinking. She thinks the word "dude" only applies to men. I don't think it does anymore. LOL! I see girls calling each other that all the time. I call my sis that. We think it's cute. I call Katrina that, she laughs. Second of all, it's sad someone her age chooses to take this conversation to a childish level. That poor grandkid of her's! I hope she has very little impact in his life!! She's a great example of a person who should never have had kids, and why I am all for stupid people getting hysterectomies before they can have kids. Did you ever notice how the people who shouldn't have kids are always the ones who do? No wonder this world is going to hell quickly! I'm not saying everyone who has kids should never have had kids. My sis and Katrina are both good moms. But there's just too many unclassy people, like this USDA breeder, who were probably too drunk or drugged up to raise their children. I hate to think of what her children are like, and grandchildren. Judging by how upset and childish she got because she could not get me to see things her way, her kids and grandkids must be miserable people! I'm glad my ma was not like her! Nor my grandma!
Well, she started getting personal in her comments. This one started picking up from yesterday's conversation from when I told her why show breeders charge what they do for their puppies. She finally responded. She said
"You're paying for a dog that is no healthier than most dogs. Show breeders have their own little dirty secrets of having puppies put down because it was born with a cleft pallet...These type of people experiment with dogs. Bad genetics doesn't only happen in puppy mills, or with backyard breeders. It happens in the show ring also. And believe me, the show breeders are making tons of money from their healthy dogs because their dog breeders."
She is still under the delusion that her dogs are healthier than those of a responsible and ethical breeder's, yet she has admitted to doing no health testing whatsoever. And she said that her vet checks her dogs' eyes and hearts daily (probably using no more than a common stethoscope). She said she does not need any OFA or CERF and BAER testing. But responsible breeders do those tests, even though they know their dogs' lineage. It's a precautionary technique. Well, my response to her was
"There are show breeders who do that. That's why I don't simply call responsible breeders "show breeders". I call them what they are, responsible and ethical breeders. Those are the ones who do all the necessary tests on their dogs, and cull those that are not up to standards."
And her response to me was:
"Well, I'm up to standard I think. I can pretty much tell when something is sick, or doesn't look right. Like you in the video. You're about 150 lbs. overweight, you're pasty looking. I think you might have Diabetes, and high blood pressure. I'm sure that you're chapped under your breasts and groin area because of the creases. If you were my female dog I would wash you up, throw you in the kennel and put you on a balanced diet. Have you fixed then give you away. Hahaha"
She wanted to get personal, OK. Fine by me. I can get personal as well! So my response to her was
I still say your dogs are homely. :) If I were a dog and unfortunate enough to be in your kennel, I think giving me away would be a sheer blessing! :)
Well, time to say goodbye to you. Looking at your videos, I can see you are fat yourself. So goodbye!
After that, I blocked her butt! I promised Katrina (and several other friends) I would not tolerate anyone disrespecting me on my channel. When I am in her channel, I will listen to her rules (although I never commented on any of her videos, and only watched one less than half way through). When she is in my channel, she'll mind me or out she goes! And in another part of the thread, this is where she basically admits she is not a good breeder:
"No CERF test. My vet examines each of my puppies eyes. I've never had a puppy with eye problems. No Baers test done either. Never had a problem with any of my puppies being deaf, or hard of hearing. No heart tests done either. But I have had one of two pups with heart murmurs. I've had a few cherry eyes to have to be removed from quite a few of my english bulldog puppies but again, that's all a part of being a bug eyed dog. Had a few hernia repairs done on my pups also."
So my response to her is plain and simply:
"See! That alone proves you are not ethical. Sorry dude."
I hate it that I am always so apologetic about being honest. I actually admire people who can do it without any hint of sugar-coating it. LOL! Well, she took it as being insulting, judging by her next comment:
"Not ethical. I would be hurt if that came from someone I respected. Sorry, I'm not a dude. I'm a 53 year old female. The photo is of my grandson. See how smart you are?"
Actually, I can tell, it did hurt her feelings. Simply because of the way she brought it up, and I never asked. Well, I guess I never asked if what I said bothered her because I simply didn't care. I was being honest. Well, since she wanted to take this conversation to a childish level, I kept it up here. I said about her grandkid:
"Oh? Is he fat too? LOL! :) I guess it runs in the family."
I can tell first of all, she has some old fashioned ways of thinking. She thinks the word "dude" only applies to men. I don't think it does anymore. LOL! I see girls calling each other that all the time. I call my sis that. We think it's cute. I call Katrina that, she laughs. Second of all, it's sad someone her age chooses to take this conversation to a childish level. That poor grandkid of her's! I hope she has very little impact in his life!! She's a great example of a person who should never have had kids, and why I am all for stupid people getting hysterectomies before they can have kids. Did you ever notice how the people who shouldn't have kids are always the ones who do? No wonder this world is going to hell quickly! I'm not saying everyone who has kids should never have had kids. My sis and Katrina are both good moms. But there's just too many unclassy people, like this USDA breeder, who were probably too drunk or drugged up to raise their children. I hate to think of what her children are like, and grandchildren. Judging by how upset and childish she got because she could not get me to see things her way, her kids and grandkids must be miserable people! I'm glad my ma was not like her! Nor my grandma!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Disreputable Breeder vs. Reputable Breeder
Well, as I described earlier today, I have been in a coversation with someone who is a USDA licensed breeder. I am actually beginning to feel sorry for this person. I don't think she knows what makes a breeder responsible vs. what makes a breeder irresponsible. She constantly calls herself a responsible breeder just because she is USDA licensed. But there is more to breeding than being able to put a male and female together. I've tried over and over to explain to this person what makes a responsible breeder responsible. She has some pretty warped ideas about how to go about breeding responsibly. Already, just from a few sentences, I can tell she is not a responsible breeder. I am trying hard to keep it clean and friendly. But the more she posts, the more irresponsible she sounds. It's really sad! And I'm not even supposed to be talking about this shit with anyone! Not my job anymore! But in my video, I gave my opinion, now I am prepared to stand by it and explain why. Some of the passages this person said gave her away immediately as a puppymiller. They are the same excuses I always heard from puppymillers and backyard breeders. For example, I mentioned why should someone pay high prices for mixed breeds when they can get a good one in a shelter for $200. Her answer was:
"I've never seen a maltipoo, or a morkie in a shelter and I don't think you have either."
She doesn't know what I've seen and what I haven't. I see ads for people giving away these mutts every day. They may or may not end up in shelters, but they do end up going to more than their original home. In fact, just the other day, I saw someone offer a yorkie/dachshund cross on Craigslist. And frankly, I bet this breeder does not even screen potential new homes carefully. Another excuse she's used, when talking about AKC vs. ACA:
"As far as ACK, this org. allows both inbreeding and line breeding. Now isn't that promoting backyard breeding, or puppy milling?"
Some very good breeders do line-breed, or inbreed. That's how to get dogs to breed true to type. with few, or no, throwbacks. That's why so many designer mongrels look different from one another and have totally different temperaments from each other. I don't recommend line breeding or inbreeding unless you really know what you are doing. That is, you have studied the lines in your dogs carefully. It can be done, and has been done with some success. But this person seems to have no idea of what makes a registry reputable. She thinks linebreeding or inbreeding makes a breeder a puppymill or backyard breeder. She couldn't be more wrong. Next, when I asked her if she does any genetic tests on her dogs, her response was:
"I don't purchase adult dogs to breed so I don't have to run any genetic tests on them. I only keep pups from my own stock to breed in the future. You talk as if you have the experience and you have very little if no experience with breeding dogs. You've read too many show ring books, or talked to too many show ring people to the point where some of the snob is rubbing off on you. All dog breeders, if they've been breeding dogs long enough will have experience with genetic defects."
I don't think this person is a vet or a canine geneticist, so I doubt she knows whether or not her dogs have any health problems. Right away in the first sentence, that's the same as saying "No, I am not a responsible breeder." Actually, I was not trying to be snobby. I'm actually the nicest person she's ever going to meet that will tell her all this stuff in no uncertain terms. Were she to go into some place like the Pluba forums, or the Craigslist pet forums, she would be bulldozed down, called a troll, called every name in the book, yelled at from all angles, and believe me, none of them would be as nice to her. But frankly, this whole paragraph looks like one of the biggest excuses puppymillers use. My response to her was:
"Yes you do have to run genetic tests on your dogs. Whether you buy them as puppies or not. Otherwise you are not a responsible breeder. You can say you are experienced and responsible until the second coming of Christ, it doesn't make it so. I did talk to show breeders when I used to breed, and I learned the right way to do things, and most, if not all of, my pups went to new homes with no problems because I studied the parents, grandparents and all my dogs' relations."
Well, in another scenario, I discussed show breeders spending years researching their breed and producing parents' pedigrees. This is how they gain experience. Well, her response was:
"You hit the nail right on the head. They know their business because they've been doing it for so long. The key words are DOING IF FOR SO LONG. You've done a lot of research I guess, but research isn't experience. Anyone can breed dogs, but not everyone is good at it. I know my business because I've been doing it for so long."
But there is much more to it than that. Remember I said earlier that I saw some of her chihuahuas in one of her videos? Remember I said they didn't look like they should? Well, this was my response to her. I admit it may sound a bit harsh, but it was the best way I could describe what she is doing.
"If you've been doing it so well for so long, howcome your chihuahuas look like crap? You should try going to shows and seeing how a real chihuahua should look and breed for that, instead of giving in to this puppymill-refugee TV-commercial hype. I did. My Vegas, I was told, was good enough to be shown. The only reason he wasn't shown and finished is because I decided to get out of showing and breeding, due to personal reasons."
So far, she hasn't responded to that. I don't think she will really. I believe I may have seen the last of her. Well, she called mixed breed breeders "ethical", and saying that "If there's genetic problems in the dog's line no matter if it's purebred or hybrid it has a chance of receiving the defective gene. English bulldogs are a genetic train wreck." My response to that was:
"Well, the job of the ethical breeder is to breed AWAY from those genetic defects, and produce puppies that are as healthfully sound as possible. Why breed mixed breeds? And then charge astronomical prices for them, and mislead the public into thinking that they are "more healthy" than the well-bred purebreeds? Or that they shed less? Most mongrel breeders do that, when the truth is, you really have no idea if those pups shed, unless you bred 2 different breeds that don't shed. Then, what's the point? Why would I pay $1000 for a mixed maltese and poodle, when I could adopt one at a shelter for no more than $200. Or get a PURE maltese, or poodle, for $1000 from a good breeder, who knows all about the puppy's background?"
Well, her response to me was:
"Why buy a maltese if you you want a maltipoo. Why get a yorkie if you want a morkie? Why pay 5,000.00 for a couch when you can get one for 500.00? Why pay 200,000 for a car when you can buy one for 13,000? People want what they want. If it's a hybrid they want then they'll pay what they want to get it. I breed for temperament, pet quality, not for show. And hell yes, I make a profit!!!! I know the background of my dogs. All of my purebred dogs have pedigrees. All of my hybrids are from breeding two registered purebreds together. I know all of my mutt's background."
Sadly, there is one passage in her paragraph that is wholly correct. If a person really wants something, they will stop at nothing to get it. I always tell that to reputable breeders that say "never buy from a puppymill, backyard breeder or pet shop" and then turn around and say "I would never sell a puppy to you!" That just does not make any sense to me. It's kinda hypocritical if you ask me. How are responsible breeders going to keep buyers from going to less than ethical sources to purchase a pet, if they're going to refuse to sell to them? That's another thing I don't like about show breeders! Well, my response to her was:
"Have you met all the dogs in all your dogs' backgrounds as far back as the past 3 generations? That would be pretty difficult to do if you had more than 4 or 5 breeding pairs, but surely not impossible. Do you have all their OFA and CERF test results? That's the only real way to tell if your dog is healthy, and has no genetic defects it can pass down to the puppies. Just looking at them tells you nothing really."
So far, she has declined to respond. I got the test results for Groucho's parents, somewhere in my sis's trunk! LOL! Groucho and Odessa have some of the same lines. Well, she said ACA will register hybrids, so apparently she uses ACA. I had to ask her:
"You think ACA is reputable? More so than AKC? Where is ACA's shows? How many people who show dogs use ACA?"
If I were to look at an ACA registered puppy, I would have to question their background, simply because ACA registers any dog, pure or mixed, with no proof of that dog's lineage. I don't trust any breeders who use ACA as their primary registry. Nor APRI, nor Continental KC. I've seen dogs from an APRI show, and they were laughable! They were ungroomed, filthy-looking, disgusting representatives of their breed. In short, they were a joke! The difference between an APRI show and an AKC show is like the difference between going to an opera or going to a rock concert. At an AKC show, the dogs are well-groomed and presentable, while the dogs at the APRI show, well, it's more like a beer-and-pretzel, t-shirt and jeans type affair. Her response to me was:
"Yes, I do think ACA is reputable. I don't know where ACA's show are. I'm not about showing dogs, I'm about breeding them and registering them, and ACA is a reputable registry. I breed and sell dogs. I make a profit. from these dogs just as thousands and thousands of other dog breeders do, just as your show ring dog breeders do. Don't tell me show dog breeders don't charge high sky prices for their dogs either. Breeding rights, fees...a poodle would cost at least 5,000.00. ???"
She doesn't want to show? Fine! But at least go with good-quality parents so the pups look like they are supposed to! Like I said before, I saw her chihuahuas, and they looked crappy! My response to her was:
"When you pay for a show dog, you are basically paying for years of generation research, accurate and up-to-date health testing, careful breeding. Show breeders do not just breed to whatever they think looks cute. Their goal is to improve the breed, physically and genetically. I'm not trying to sound snobby, but that's the way the game goes. Sure they charge high prices for their pups, but you can be sure you are getting a good quality, sound puppy from them because they will provide proof."
As of yet, she hasn't responded. Personally, I have never made anything in breeding. My dogs were never bred that much. I broke even and that was it. If you ask me there is one thing AKC should do and that is encourage reputable breeders to share their knowledge. Do you know how hard it really is to get a good mentor?! That was where I got stuck. So I had to kindof teach myself. I know the CFA (cat registry) has a directory where you can find a good mentor. I don't see why AKC doesn't do the same. It would cut down on a lot of unethical breeders!
"I've never seen a maltipoo, or a morkie in a shelter and I don't think you have either."
She doesn't know what I've seen and what I haven't. I see ads for people giving away these mutts every day. They may or may not end up in shelters, but they do end up going to more than their original home. In fact, just the other day, I saw someone offer a yorkie/dachshund cross on Craigslist. And frankly, I bet this breeder does not even screen potential new homes carefully. Another excuse she's used, when talking about AKC vs. ACA:
"As far as ACK, this org. allows both inbreeding and line breeding. Now isn't that promoting backyard breeding, or puppy milling?"
Some very good breeders do line-breed, or inbreed. That's how to get dogs to breed true to type. with few, or no, throwbacks. That's why so many designer mongrels look different from one another and have totally different temperaments from each other. I don't recommend line breeding or inbreeding unless you really know what you are doing. That is, you have studied the lines in your dogs carefully. It can be done, and has been done with some success. But this person seems to have no idea of what makes a registry reputable. She thinks linebreeding or inbreeding makes a breeder a puppymill or backyard breeder. She couldn't be more wrong. Next, when I asked her if she does any genetic tests on her dogs, her response was:
"I don't purchase adult dogs to breed so I don't have to run any genetic tests on them. I only keep pups from my own stock to breed in the future. You talk as if you have the experience and you have very little if no experience with breeding dogs. You've read too many show ring books, or talked to too many show ring people to the point where some of the snob is rubbing off on you. All dog breeders, if they've been breeding dogs long enough will have experience with genetic defects."
I don't think this person is a vet or a canine geneticist, so I doubt she knows whether or not her dogs have any health problems. Right away in the first sentence, that's the same as saying "No, I am not a responsible breeder." Actually, I was not trying to be snobby. I'm actually the nicest person she's ever going to meet that will tell her all this stuff in no uncertain terms. Were she to go into some place like the Pluba forums, or the Craigslist pet forums, she would be bulldozed down, called a troll, called every name in the book, yelled at from all angles, and believe me, none of them would be as nice to her. But frankly, this whole paragraph looks like one of the biggest excuses puppymillers use. My response to her was:
"Yes you do have to run genetic tests on your dogs. Whether you buy them as puppies or not. Otherwise you are not a responsible breeder. You can say you are experienced and responsible until the second coming of Christ, it doesn't make it so. I did talk to show breeders when I used to breed, and I learned the right way to do things, and most, if not all of, my pups went to new homes with no problems because I studied the parents, grandparents and all my dogs' relations."
Well, in another scenario, I discussed show breeders spending years researching their breed and producing parents' pedigrees. This is how they gain experience. Well, her response was:
"You hit the nail right on the head. They know their business because they've been doing it for so long. The key words are DOING IF FOR SO LONG. You've done a lot of research I guess, but research isn't experience. Anyone can breed dogs, but not everyone is good at it. I know my business because I've been doing it for so long."
But there is much more to it than that. Remember I said earlier that I saw some of her chihuahuas in one of her videos? Remember I said they didn't look like they should? Well, this was my response to her. I admit it may sound a bit harsh, but it was the best way I could describe what she is doing.
"If you've been doing it so well for so long, howcome your chihuahuas look like crap? You should try going to shows and seeing how a real chihuahua should look and breed for that, instead of giving in to this puppymill-refugee TV-commercial hype. I did. My Vegas, I was told, was good enough to be shown. The only reason he wasn't shown and finished is because I decided to get out of showing and breeding, due to personal reasons."
So far, she hasn't responded to that. I don't think she will really. I believe I may have seen the last of her. Well, she called mixed breed breeders "ethical", and saying that "If there's genetic problems in the dog's line no matter if it's purebred or hybrid it has a chance of receiving the defective gene. English bulldogs are a genetic train wreck." My response to that was:
"Well, the job of the ethical breeder is to breed AWAY from those genetic defects, and produce puppies that are as healthfully sound as possible. Why breed mixed breeds? And then charge astronomical prices for them, and mislead the public into thinking that they are "more healthy" than the well-bred purebreeds? Or that they shed less? Most mongrel breeders do that, when the truth is, you really have no idea if those pups shed, unless you bred 2 different breeds that don't shed. Then, what's the point? Why would I pay $1000 for a mixed maltese and poodle, when I could adopt one at a shelter for no more than $200. Or get a PURE maltese, or poodle, for $1000 from a good breeder, who knows all about the puppy's background?"
Well, her response to me was:
"Why buy a maltese if you you want a maltipoo. Why get a yorkie if you want a morkie? Why pay 5,000.00 for a couch when you can get one for 500.00? Why pay 200,000 for a car when you can buy one for 13,000? People want what they want. If it's a hybrid they want then they'll pay what they want to get it. I breed for temperament, pet quality, not for show. And hell yes, I make a profit!!!! I know the background of my dogs. All of my purebred dogs have pedigrees. All of my hybrids are from breeding two registered purebreds together. I know all of my mutt's background."
Sadly, there is one passage in her paragraph that is wholly correct. If a person really wants something, they will stop at nothing to get it. I always tell that to reputable breeders that say "never buy from a puppymill, backyard breeder or pet shop" and then turn around and say "I would never sell a puppy to you!" That just does not make any sense to me. It's kinda hypocritical if you ask me. How are responsible breeders going to keep buyers from going to less than ethical sources to purchase a pet, if they're going to refuse to sell to them? That's another thing I don't like about show breeders! Well, my response to her was:
"Have you met all the dogs in all your dogs' backgrounds as far back as the past 3 generations? That would be pretty difficult to do if you had more than 4 or 5 breeding pairs, but surely not impossible. Do you have all their OFA and CERF test results? That's the only real way to tell if your dog is healthy, and has no genetic defects it can pass down to the puppies. Just looking at them tells you nothing really."
So far, she has declined to respond. I got the test results for Groucho's parents, somewhere in my sis's trunk! LOL! Groucho and Odessa have some of the same lines. Well, she said ACA will register hybrids, so apparently she uses ACA. I had to ask her:
"You think ACA is reputable? More so than AKC? Where is ACA's shows? How many people who show dogs use ACA?"
If I were to look at an ACA registered puppy, I would have to question their background, simply because ACA registers any dog, pure or mixed, with no proof of that dog's lineage. I don't trust any breeders who use ACA as their primary registry. Nor APRI, nor Continental KC. I've seen dogs from an APRI show, and they were laughable! They were ungroomed, filthy-looking, disgusting representatives of their breed. In short, they were a joke! The difference between an APRI show and an AKC show is like the difference between going to an opera or going to a rock concert. At an AKC show, the dogs are well-groomed and presentable, while the dogs at the APRI show, well, it's more like a beer-and-pretzel, t-shirt and jeans type affair. Her response to me was:
"Yes, I do think ACA is reputable. I don't know where ACA's show are. I'm not about showing dogs, I'm about breeding them and registering them, and ACA is a reputable registry. I breed and sell dogs. I make a profit. from these dogs just as thousands and thousands of other dog breeders do, just as your show ring dog breeders do. Don't tell me show dog breeders don't charge high sky prices for their dogs either. Breeding rights, fees...a poodle would cost at least 5,000.00. ???"
She doesn't want to show? Fine! But at least go with good-quality parents so the pups look like they are supposed to! Like I said before, I saw her chihuahuas, and they looked crappy! My response to her was:
"When you pay for a show dog, you are basically paying for years of generation research, accurate and up-to-date health testing, careful breeding. Show breeders do not just breed to whatever they think looks cute. Their goal is to improve the breed, physically and genetically. I'm not trying to sound snobby, but that's the way the game goes. Sure they charge high prices for their pups, but you can be sure you are getting a good quality, sound puppy from them because they will provide proof."
As of yet, she hasn't responded. Personally, I have never made anything in breeding. My dogs were never bred that much. I broke even and that was it. If you ask me there is one thing AKC should do and that is encourage reputable breeders to share their knowledge. Do you know how hard it really is to get a good mentor?! That was where I got stuck. So I had to kindof teach myself. I know the CFA (cat registry) has a directory where you can find a good mentor. I don't see why AKC doesn't do the same. It would cut down on a lot of unethical breeders!
I Never Thought I'd Be Having This Conversation Again
LOL! I never thought I would have to take the sides of show breeders again! I don't breed anymore, but I do understand what makes a breeder a good breeder. Well, this mongrel breeder got a little bit pissy because I said in one of my videos that mutts should never be purposefully bred. I still stand by that. I see no reason any mongrels should be bred. That's because there is none. Well, this person said she is a USDA licenced breeder, which I don't think really means anything. Except maybe in cattle breeding, or pig breeding. Animals that are regularly bred for slaughter, of which dogs are not in this country. I still say anyone who would pay anywhere over $200 for any mixed breed dog or cat is being duped, and I can only hope this person is telling her customers so. If not, she's not responsible. $200 is a fair enough price for a mixed breed dog, to ensure that dog has a good home. $300 would really be stretching it for a mixed breed. I would not even recommend paying that much, no matter what the breeder is licensed with, for a mongrel dog. Just not worth it. I can still remember a time when mixed breeds were free. Though you really cannot do that these days because so many people will take those free pups and sell them for medical research.
Well, this person asked me if I am USDA licensed and I said no, I never was. I've only ever seen puppymillers use USDA licenses. So that's not for me. I didn't even breed enough to get an AKC license. I only had 2 breeding females, and 1 breeding male. But I went to dog shows quite frequently, although Rio Bellon would probably tell you different. The thing is, most of the shows that I went to, I never saw her there. In fact, I think she only attended the specialty shows. But she also makes up a lot of bullshit too. I can promise you, she's a liar. She sure as Hell is one if she's said I never attended any dog shows! I can put my finger on about half a dozen dog shows that I went to that Rio Bellon was not at! And yes, they were AKC shows. I never attended Continental KC or APRI shows. A lot of things Rio Bellon said was nothing but a bunch of bullshit, and the sad thing is, most other show breeders will believe her. That's why I don't like show breeders. But on the other hand, they do know their dogs, so I always listened to them when they spoke. Puppymillers, or USDA breeders, don't listen to any good advice from experienced and responsible breeders. They just breed what ever they think looks cute in their eyes.
I saw this woman's chihuahuas in one of her videos, and they were ugly! They looked more like chi-dachshund mixes, and probably were! But she has them labeled "Chihs". If I saw an ad in the newspaper, by her, and took time off from my day to go look at her chihuahuas, I would have been angry when I got to her place and saw those puppies! As chihuahuas go, they were homely! Kinda like this one time I answered an ad back in Lakewood for chihuahuas. I made an appointment, the breeder told me I could come at 11:00 that morning. I had to work that night, but I wanted to go and see these pups, so I took that time off from my sleep to go see them, thinking I would see some adorable chihuahua puppies and possibly bring one home to love. I arrived at 11:00 exactly, and knocked on the door. Well, she made me wait outside for about 10 or 15 minutes, I almost turned around and went home! When she finally did open the door, the first thing I noticed was the house was a mess! I saw a cocker spaniel in the house that followed us into a back room, and in there I saw what I first thought were basset hound pups. They had huge ears that flopped over, short, stubby legs, long, pointed noses, wrinkles on their faces, and droopy mouths! They looked just like basset hounds. I said to the woman "Cute basset puppies!" She told me "Those are the chihuahuas." I looked again, flabbergasted! I said "Oh my GOD! Those are chihuahuas??!!" I was upset!! She showed me the parents and they were both Taco Bell dog lookalikes. I thought maybe she had taken one of her crappy chihuahuas and crossed them with that cocker spaniel I saw when I walked in! I was so upset and disappointed! It would have been worth it if they were decent-looking chihuahuas, but they were not. I told her "I'm not interested!" and I walked out. I was more angry because I had just wasted that half hour out of my day! When I went to work, I was tired.
As basset hounds, they would have been adorable! But as chihuahuas, they were ugly! I don't like the Taco Bell dog lookalikes. I can't see what others see in a dog like that! If all chihuahuas looked like the Taco Bell dog, I would never have any interest in that breed. Thankfully there are good-looking chihuahuas, but the unfortunate thing is you have to deal with show breeder bullshit just to get one! I'd rather do without and go with another breed. One that I wouldn't be so picky about. Like those mini aussies. LOL! Yes, I admit I am picky! That breeder was charging $600 for those basset-like chihuahua puppies. That's a rip-off! I wouldn't have given her $100 for one of those pups! If I'm going to pay good money for a puppy, I'd rather it looked like the breed it's supposed to look like. And I'm not a big fan of mongrels. My ma liked mongrels so that's usually all we had when I was growing up, and they always had a bad attitude! I was lucky when we got Andy, and the breeder just gave him to us. He was a pure papillon, and those were the days before the breed ever became very popular. But she could not register them because she didn't know who the father was, and she just wanted to see those pups go to good homes. Same with Sir Knight, a skye terrier. Ma got him from a friend, who bred those dogs. I still remember the night ma brought Sir Knight home. She and a close family friend both got puppies that night. Ma got the pure skye terrier, while the friend got the skye/poodle cross. I felt sorry for the friend! LOL! I always used to kid this friend because my dog was a pure and her's wasn't. LOL! It was all in good fun.
Other than those two cases, most of the time all we ever got were mixed breeds, and I hated their behavior. Ma always said mixed breeds have better temperaments than pure breeds. But she was wrong! Of all the dogs we had, I only noticed bad temperaments in 2 of them, one was a collie/st. bernard cross and the other was a german shepherd cross. Ma's little mutt, a schnauzer/poodle cross, was good natured though. But he was one in a million as temperament goes. He still barked a lot like a schnauzer, and was a butt-sniffer like a poodle. But that is why I am against mixed breed breedings. Those breeders tell you what they want you to hear, make the mutt sound all flowery and rosy, that they are more perfect than even well-bred purebreed dogs. And that simply is not so. USDA licensing means nothing as dog breeding goes. When you encounter someone like this breeder, I might suggest you ask her what she knows about her dogs' backgrounds? What kind of health-testing has she done on her dogs, and what is she doing to prevent those problems in her puppies? She's already admitted in one of the comments she made, that her dogs have liver-shunt. That's not something that should be bred. It can be a potential killer. I know of one pup that died from it, and it was a chihuahua. Not one of mine, but it belonged to someone I did get a dog from a long time ago. Those were the days when I didn't know what I was doing. She had a lot of chihuahuas, some looked pretty good, some bad. She was mostly breeding for color.
Well, one thing about my experiences, I learned from my mistakes. When Groucho died, I lost all interest in breeding. I thought at first it may have been a phase, and when a friend offered me some of her breeding dogs I almost accepted. But I am glad I didn't. Breeding just isn't for me. So now, I am just a proud owner. Vegas is my crowning glory, a great way to end my short breeding career. He's one of the best-looking chihuahuas I ever bred. I couldn't live with breeding anymore. I was scared every night that I would wake up the next morning and some of the puppies would be dead. It was Hell! I think it takes a certain kind of person to face that possibility every day, and I just wasn't that person. I am glad that Vegas made it, with no problems, and he looks great!! No Taco Bell lookalikes here!
Well, this person asked me if I am USDA licensed and I said no, I never was. I've only ever seen puppymillers use USDA licenses. So that's not for me. I didn't even breed enough to get an AKC license. I only had 2 breeding females, and 1 breeding male. But I went to dog shows quite frequently, although Rio Bellon would probably tell you different. The thing is, most of the shows that I went to, I never saw her there. In fact, I think she only attended the specialty shows. But she also makes up a lot of bullshit too. I can promise you, she's a liar. She sure as Hell is one if she's said I never attended any dog shows! I can put my finger on about half a dozen dog shows that I went to that Rio Bellon was not at! And yes, they were AKC shows. I never attended Continental KC or APRI shows. A lot of things Rio Bellon said was nothing but a bunch of bullshit, and the sad thing is, most other show breeders will believe her. That's why I don't like show breeders. But on the other hand, they do know their dogs, so I always listened to them when they spoke. Puppymillers, or USDA breeders, don't listen to any good advice from experienced and responsible breeders. They just breed what ever they think looks cute in their eyes.
I saw this woman's chihuahuas in one of her videos, and they were ugly! They looked more like chi-dachshund mixes, and probably were! But she has them labeled "Chihs". If I saw an ad in the newspaper, by her, and took time off from my day to go look at her chihuahuas, I would have been angry when I got to her place and saw those puppies! As chihuahuas go, they were homely! Kinda like this one time I answered an ad back in Lakewood for chihuahuas. I made an appointment, the breeder told me I could come at 11:00 that morning. I had to work that night, but I wanted to go and see these pups, so I took that time off from my sleep to go see them, thinking I would see some adorable chihuahua puppies and possibly bring one home to love. I arrived at 11:00 exactly, and knocked on the door. Well, she made me wait outside for about 10 or 15 minutes, I almost turned around and went home! When she finally did open the door, the first thing I noticed was the house was a mess! I saw a cocker spaniel in the house that followed us into a back room, and in there I saw what I first thought were basset hound pups. They had huge ears that flopped over, short, stubby legs, long, pointed noses, wrinkles on their faces, and droopy mouths! They looked just like basset hounds. I said to the woman "Cute basset puppies!" She told me "Those are the chihuahuas." I looked again, flabbergasted! I said "Oh my GOD! Those are chihuahuas??!!" I was upset!! She showed me the parents and they were both Taco Bell dog lookalikes. I thought maybe she had taken one of her crappy chihuahuas and crossed them with that cocker spaniel I saw when I walked in! I was so upset and disappointed! It would have been worth it if they were decent-looking chihuahuas, but they were not. I told her "I'm not interested!" and I walked out. I was more angry because I had just wasted that half hour out of my day! When I went to work, I was tired.
As basset hounds, they would have been adorable! But as chihuahuas, they were ugly! I don't like the Taco Bell dog lookalikes. I can't see what others see in a dog like that! If all chihuahuas looked like the Taco Bell dog, I would never have any interest in that breed. Thankfully there are good-looking chihuahuas, but the unfortunate thing is you have to deal with show breeder bullshit just to get one! I'd rather do without and go with another breed. One that I wouldn't be so picky about. Like those mini aussies. LOL! Yes, I admit I am picky! That breeder was charging $600 for those basset-like chihuahua puppies. That's a rip-off! I wouldn't have given her $100 for one of those pups! If I'm going to pay good money for a puppy, I'd rather it looked like the breed it's supposed to look like. And I'm not a big fan of mongrels. My ma liked mongrels so that's usually all we had when I was growing up, and they always had a bad attitude! I was lucky when we got Andy, and the breeder just gave him to us. He was a pure papillon, and those were the days before the breed ever became very popular. But she could not register them because she didn't know who the father was, and she just wanted to see those pups go to good homes. Same with Sir Knight, a skye terrier. Ma got him from a friend, who bred those dogs. I still remember the night ma brought Sir Knight home. She and a close family friend both got puppies that night. Ma got the pure skye terrier, while the friend got the skye/poodle cross. I felt sorry for the friend! LOL! I always used to kid this friend because my dog was a pure and her's wasn't. LOL! It was all in good fun.
Other than those two cases, most of the time all we ever got were mixed breeds, and I hated their behavior. Ma always said mixed breeds have better temperaments than pure breeds. But she was wrong! Of all the dogs we had, I only noticed bad temperaments in 2 of them, one was a collie/st. bernard cross and the other was a german shepherd cross. Ma's little mutt, a schnauzer/poodle cross, was good natured though. But he was one in a million as temperament goes. He still barked a lot like a schnauzer, and was a butt-sniffer like a poodle. But that is why I am against mixed breed breedings. Those breeders tell you what they want you to hear, make the mutt sound all flowery and rosy, that they are more perfect than even well-bred purebreed dogs. And that simply is not so. USDA licensing means nothing as dog breeding goes. When you encounter someone like this breeder, I might suggest you ask her what she knows about her dogs' backgrounds? What kind of health-testing has she done on her dogs, and what is she doing to prevent those problems in her puppies? She's already admitted in one of the comments she made, that her dogs have liver-shunt. That's not something that should be bred. It can be a potential killer. I know of one pup that died from it, and it was a chihuahua. Not one of mine, but it belonged to someone I did get a dog from a long time ago. Those were the days when I didn't know what I was doing. She had a lot of chihuahuas, some looked pretty good, some bad. She was mostly breeding for color.
Well, one thing about my experiences, I learned from my mistakes. When Groucho died, I lost all interest in breeding. I thought at first it may have been a phase, and when a friend offered me some of her breeding dogs I almost accepted. But I am glad I didn't. Breeding just isn't for me. So now, I am just a proud owner. Vegas is my crowning glory, a great way to end my short breeding career. He's one of the best-looking chihuahuas I ever bred. I couldn't live with breeding anymore. I was scared every night that I would wake up the next morning and some of the puppies would be dead. It was Hell! I think it takes a certain kind of person to face that possibility every day, and I just wasn't that person. I am glad that Vegas made it, with no problems, and he looks great!! No Taco Bell lookalikes here!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Do Gays Really Doom Nations?
According to the Westboro Baptist Church they do. I've been looking at some of the disasters of the past dozen years that they make fun of, and they say all this is happening because gay people (they call them "fags") are allowed to get married now. For example, the 9/11 disasters in NYC and Washington DC. I've been studying these disasters because I am really interested in knowing this. Actually, it all started out as a part of my project to do a documentary about these people. Take for example, the tsunami in 2004, Asia and Indonesia. The WBC argues that there was a high number of Swedish visitors that were killed in that tsunami. And the reason? Because Sweden accepts gay marriage. They were the first European country to accept gay marriage. While it is true that Sweden was one of the first to accept gay marriages, it wasn't actually legalized until 2009, almost 5 years after the Asian tsunami. And the other odd thing I've found, there were almost as many Germans killed in that tsunami, and guess what? Same-sex marriage is NOT legal in Germany yet. And if all this is true anyway, why did the tsunami hit in Asia and Indonesia? Why didn't it hit Sweden or Norway? Germany is not anywhere near an ocean, so a tsunami would be nearly impossible there. But if Sweden is accepting of gay marriage, and that disaster happened because of same-sex marriage, why wasn't Sweden hit where it could have eliminated more of this accepting race? Answer me that, Westboro!
And let's look at 9/11, again, they say the same shit, that it all happened because Americans are accepting gay marriage. DUH! Gay marriage was not even discussed in New York until 2006, 5 years after the 9/11 disaster in NYC. And it was not legalized there until 2009--8 years later. So how is it that gay marriage had anything to do with 9/11???? Westboro just does not like gay people, and so they have to, like every child that hates something, blame what they don't like for all the problems in the world today. It'd be kinda like me saying that the Space shuttle crashed because the crew was a bunch of panther-lovers. Or that maybe the tsunami happened because Sumatra is a nation of tiger-worshipping yuppies. See how silly all that sounds? Same thing with the WBC, they hate gays as much as I hate tigers, and so they blame gay people for all the casualties happening now in this world. The only difference is I don't blame panthers for all the misery in the world today. I think panther-fanatics should get a life, but I don't think that they are the cause of all the devastation happening in the world. That's just childish and silly!
Another thought on this subject, gays are NOT universally accepted in the USA, like the Westboro Baptist Church thinks they are. Gay people are still persecuted and scorned. I don't approve of that any more than I approve of anyone scorning anyone that chooses to live their lives their own way. But the sad fact is they are not widely accepted. And people who were openly gay have not been allowed to serve in the military until quite recently. The WBC thinks that our servicemen fight for nothing but gay rights. Well, how can that be so if gays were never allowed to serve in the military before?? If we have done nothing in this country for the past 200 years but fight for gay rights, why haven't gay people been allowed to serve in the military until 2011?? And why aren't gay people prevailingly accepted in today's world yet? That just sounds really stupid to me!
So looking at this whole thing from a rational perspective, I don't think gay people are the cause of anything, neither is the acceptance of gay marriage. The world is working the way it always has. The Westboro Baptist Church reminds me so much of the delusional mods forum. They read too much into everything, and twist those meanings around to mean what they want to interpret it to mean. They are trying to turn the world against gays. But the way they deliver their message, only makes the world want to fight harder for gay rights. I have gay friends, and I stand by them. Now, there are some gays, like spkenn36, that I think should be shot dead, because they give the entire gay community a bad name. But my gay friends are very decent human beings that I feel should be allowed to live their lives the way they want to without interference from dumbasses like those in the Westboro Baptist Church. Like I said before, someone else's life is none of their business! That is between that person and their savior, whomever it may be.
And let's look at 9/11, again, they say the same shit, that it all happened because Americans are accepting gay marriage. DUH! Gay marriage was not even discussed in New York until 2006, 5 years after the 9/11 disaster in NYC. And it was not legalized there until 2009--8 years later. So how is it that gay marriage had anything to do with 9/11???? Westboro just does not like gay people, and so they have to, like every child that hates something, blame what they don't like for all the problems in the world today. It'd be kinda like me saying that the Space shuttle crashed because the crew was a bunch of panther-lovers. Or that maybe the tsunami happened because Sumatra is a nation of tiger-worshipping yuppies. See how silly all that sounds? Same thing with the WBC, they hate gays as much as I hate tigers, and so they blame gay people for all the casualties happening now in this world. The only difference is I don't blame panthers for all the misery in the world today. I think panther-fanatics should get a life, but I don't think that they are the cause of all the devastation happening in the world. That's just childish and silly!
Another thought on this subject, gays are NOT universally accepted in the USA, like the Westboro Baptist Church thinks they are. Gay people are still persecuted and scorned. I don't approve of that any more than I approve of anyone scorning anyone that chooses to live their lives their own way. But the sad fact is they are not widely accepted. And people who were openly gay have not been allowed to serve in the military until quite recently. The WBC thinks that our servicemen fight for nothing but gay rights. Well, how can that be so if gays were never allowed to serve in the military before?? If we have done nothing in this country for the past 200 years but fight for gay rights, why haven't gay people been allowed to serve in the military until 2011?? And why aren't gay people prevailingly accepted in today's world yet? That just sounds really stupid to me!
So looking at this whole thing from a rational perspective, I don't think gay people are the cause of anything, neither is the acceptance of gay marriage. The world is working the way it always has. The Westboro Baptist Church reminds me so much of the delusional mods forum. They read too much into everything, and twist those meanings around to mean what they want to interpret it to mean. They are trying to turn the world against gays. But the way they deliver their message, only makes the world want to fight harder for gay rights. I have gay friends, and I stand by them. Now, there are some gays, like spkenn36, that I think should be shot dead, because they give the entire gay community a bad name. But my gay friends are very decent human beings that I feel should be allowed to live their lives the way they want to without interference from dumbasses like those in the Westboro Baptist Church. Like I said before, someone else's life is none of their business! That is between that person and their savior, whomever it may be.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
More Villa Drama
Well, I think I am over the initial shock of losing my friend this weekend. I was so upset over that. But there is some amount of comfort in knowing she died doing what she loved. But it must have been scary for at least a minute. Karen told me here that drowning is actually a more peaceful way to go. But it still must have been scary. I honestly think Bree came down and let me know she is doing fine up there with GOD. Because the day after, not only did I have a much better day, but so did a mutual friend of mine on Facebook. I knew it had to be a message from Bree! We were both friends with her, and she was talking about how good she was feeling that day, but that it was bittersweet because she could not tell Bree. I think she knows! It has to be a message from her. She's letting both of us know she is OK. My day was better that day too. Apparently this problem with odesk was solved, and I got a brand new water cooler! I am renting it now, but I do have the option to purchase later. And I think I will.
Well, a couple days ago, I got a message from Deb saying that my dogs were barking, and that I am now in violation of the pet code in this building. Me, Anna and Karen all thought originally that it was Kim trying to cause drama. I told Deb to watch out because Kim is probably out to get me. But Deb assured me it wasn't Kim who complained. It was Lois and Jim. I cannot always keep my dogs from barking! When they hear someone near the door, they bark! Simple as that! I cannot stop them right away. I cannot always hear when someone is at the door, which is why I got these dogs in the first place. It's their job to bark when someone is at the door. I count on that. But Lois and Jim complained because they said their barking was out of control, and I was here at the time because they heard me shout "Be quiet!" Usually when I say that, they shut right up. Another thing that they complained about, that Vegas and Minnie also walk freely without a leash. But usually they stay beside me. They don't need leashes. And really, I see Ziggy (Deb's dog) running around with a leash attached to his collar, but no one is holding the leash. And he gets away from Deb far more than my dogs get away from me. Just saying. I've nothing at all against Deb, I'm just stating a fact. I remember one time, right after Deb moved here, Ziggy ran off, his leash was on, but no one was holding it. I remember Deb jumping into her truck, speeding off to go find Ziggy. My dogs have never done that. They go where I go. Vegas sometimes charges at people, but he comes right back when I call him. Usually I call him before he gets too close to the person he's charging.
Someone here is targeting me. I can tell. Either that, or someone just has nothing better to do (like my neighbor lady) so she finds pleasure in bitching about every little thing I do. I don't even like my neighbor lady, and I do everything I can to try and make her happy. I don't even watch TV after 10:30 PM anymore. She used to bitch about that. I try not to cook after 10:30 because she always complains that I slam the cupboard doors. It took me a while to figure out what she's talking about. Because I have one cupboard that does not even close all the way. I can't slam it! It's the one on her side of the apartment too. I believe what she hears is when I am cooking, I tend to tap my spoon on the rim of the pot I am using. It can be very loud, and I figured that is what she's hearing. But she still bitches about it anyway. I thought she took to ignoring me! If she tunes me out like she says she does in the dog park, she should not be bitching about every little thing I am doing. I rarely bitch about anyone here. My grievances are all legitimate. Mostly it's because people are abusing someone else, or like the one time I turned Sharon in for leaving her dog's shit bags pinned to the side of the garage! No one wants to see that! But my neighbor lady seems to just not be happy unless she is bitching about something. Little things too. You can't make any loud noises in this place after 10:30 PM and that is when I stop most of my noisy activities. So I am within my rights. I just hate this place! I knew I was not going to do well living in an apartment complex!! You cannot even fart in your own apartment without everyone around you hearing it. Like I said before, I wish I did live in a trailer! It'd be a lot more private than this! I don't care if people would call me "trailer trash", try living in a place like this for a few months if you like your privacy and see if that trailer doesn't look better afterwords!
Kim tried to report something to Deb, and before she could even get started, Deb told Kim "If it's about the drama going on around here I don't want to hear it!" Yvette was with Kim, and she said "Then I guess telling you is not a good idea." Deb said "Then I guess you're right!" LOL! Apparently Yvette is Kim's "bodyguard". I like Yvette, but she cannot stop me from feeling the way I do about Kim! This is all Kim's own fault! And she's lucky that all I did was call her a liar. I wanted to do so much more!! I wanted to bash her a good one right in her ugly fucking face!! I don't know if Kim was going to invent something that she wanted to say I did, or if she wanted to cause more drama with someone else because I pretty much don't see her nowadays. If I ever do, I'd probably mostly ignore her. Might say hi to Emma though.
Well, last night coming out of the dog park, I heard what sounded to me like a rattlesnake! It sounded like it was right over on the other side of the garage. I know rattlesnakes live around here, I'm not so sure they'd come into the city limits. They do in Logon, according to Karen. It sounded to me like a youngster. Well, Jim, our maintenance guy, doesn't believe what I heard was a rattlesnake. He believes it's too high up for them to live up here. But I looked up rattlesnakes in Montana, and they are found here in Bozeman. We have prairie rattlesnakes here. I don't think the fact that we are high up makes much difference. I used to see rattlers in eastern Washington, and there were mountains there. I've heard of people in LA getting bitten by rattlesnakes, and that's a hugely populated city. Much more so than Bozeman. We have the mountains behind us that are mostly remote areas, and there is a huge field that is empty on both sides of us. Both are great conditions for rattlesnakes. And it's been hot here for the past week. I told Anna to be very careful and not go into the grass! The last thing we need is a snakebite casualty here! I've had a rough enough week, although most of it has improved. I don't want to have to face a rattlesnake fatality. Next to losing a friend, that would be the worst thing that could happen to me. I would have gone into the grass to see if what I heard was a rattlesnake, but I didn't because I only had my sandals on.
Well, a couple days ago, I got a message from Deb saying that my dogs were barking, and that I am now in violation of the pet code in this building. Me, Anna and Karen all thought originally that it was Kim trying to cause drama. I told Deb to watch out because Kim is probably out to get me. But Deb assured me it wasn't Kim who complained. It was Lois and Jim. I cannot always keep my dogs from barking! When they hear someone near the door, they bark! Simple as that! I cannot stop them right away. I cannot always hear when someone is at the door, which is why I got these dogs in the first place. It's their job to bark when someone is at the door. I count on that. But Lois and Jim complained because they said their barking was out of control, and I was here at the time because they heard me shout "Be quiet!" Usually when I say that, they shut right up. Another thing that they complained about, that Vegas and Minnie also walk freely without a leash. But usually they stay beside me. They don't need leashes. And really, I see Ziggy (Deb's dog) running around with a leash attached to his collar, but no one is holding the leash. And he gets away from Deb far more than my dogs get away from me. Just saying. I've nothing at all against Deb, I'm just stating a fact. I remember one time, right after Deb moved here, Ziggy ran off, his leash was on, but no one was holding it. I remember Deb jumping into her truck, speeding off to go find Ziggy. My dogs have never done that. They go where I go. Vegas sometimes charges at people, but he comes right back when I call him. Usually I call him before he gets too close to the person he's charging.
Someone here is targeting me. I can tell. Either that, or someone just has nothing better to do (like my neighbor lady) so she finds pleasure in bitching about every little thing I do. I don't even like my neighbor lady, and I do everything I can to try and make her happy. I don't even watch TV after 10:30 PM anymore. She used to bitch about that. I try not to cook after 10:30 because she always complains that I slam the cupboard doors. It took me a while to figure out what she's talking about. Because I have one cupboard that does not even close all the way. I can't slam it! It's the one on her side of the apartment too. I believe what she hears is when I am cooking, I tend to tap my spoon on the rim of the pot I am using. It can be very loud, and I figured that is what she's hearing. But she still bitches about it anyway. I thought she took to ignoring me! If she tunes me out like she says she does in the dog park, she should not be bitching about every little thing I am doing. I rarely bitch about anyone here. My grievances are all legitimate. Mostly it's because people are abusing someone else, or like the one time I turned Sharon in for leaving her dog's shit bags pinned to the side of the garage! No one wants to see that! But my neighbor lady seems to just not be happy unless she is bitching about something. Little things too. You can't make any loud noises in this place after 10:30 PM and that is when I stop most of my noisy activities. So I am within my rights. I just hate this place! I knew I was not going to do well living in an apartment complex!! You cannot even fart in your own apartment without everyone around you hearing it. Like I said before, I wish I did live in a trailer! It'd be a lot more private than this! I don't care if people would call me "trailer trash", try living in a place like this for a few months if you like your privacy and see if that trailer doesn't look better afterwords!
Kim tried to report something to Deb, and before she could even get started, Deb told Kim "If it's about the drama going on around here I don't want to hear it!" Yvette was with Kim, and she said "Then I guess telling you is not a good idea." Deb said "Then I guess you're right!" LOL! Apparently Yvette is Kim's "bodyguard". I like Yvette, but she cannot stop me from feeling the way I do about Kim! This is all Kim's own fault! And she's lucky that all I did was call her a liar. I wanted to do so much more!! I wanted to bash her a good one right in her ugly fucking face!! I don't know if Kim was going to invent something that she wanted to say I did, or if she wanted to cause more drama with someone else because I pretty much don't see her nowadays. If I ever do, I'd probably mostly ignore her. Might say hi to Emma though.
Well, last night coming out of the dog park, I heard what sounded to me like a rattlesnake! It sounded like it was right over on the other side of the garage. I know rattlesnakes live around here, I'm not so sure they'd come into the city limits. They do in Logon, according to Karen. It sounded to me like a youngster. Well, Jim, our maintenance guy, doesn't believe what I heard was a rattlesnake. He believes it's too high up for them to live up here. But I looked up rattlesnakes in Montana, and they are found here in Bozeman. We have prairie rattlesnakes here. I don't think the fact that we are high up makes much difference. I used to see rattlers in eastern Washington, and there were mountains there. I've heard of people in LA getting bitten by rattlesnakes, and that's a hugely populated city. Much more so than Bozeman. We have the mountains behind us that are mostly remote areas, and there is a huge field that is empty on both sides of us. Both are great conditions for rattlesnakes. And it's been hot here for the past week. I told Anna to be very careful and not go into the grass! The last thing we need is a snakebite casualty here! I've had a rough enough week, although most of it has improved. I don't want to have to face a rattlesnake fatality. Next to losing a friend, that would be the worst thing that could happen to me. I would have gone into the grass to see if what I heard was a rattlesnake, but I didn't because I only had my sandals on.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Legend of the Skye
Ever hear of a breed called a skye terrier? Their heritage has actually been one of the most heart-wrenching stories I've heard yet in updating this dog book of mine. I'm working on an updated version. It'll probably not be released for quite a while. I still have a lot of work left on it. I even changed the title name. It used to be called "Eight Steps to Caring For A Dog". Now I call it plainly "UMG's Encyclopedia of the World of Dogs". I thought that was a much better title, because I've added another "step". LOL! Actually chapter. I'm still considering putting a chapter about breeding in there. But I don't know. I really don't want it to be that kind of book. I do mention breeding and how to find the right breeder in the chapter about getting a dog. But I don't go into depth in it. It's basically just a paragraph or two about breeding.
Anyway, the skye terrier. It's said to be the most loyal of the terriers. I used to have a skye terrier. His name was Sir Knight, and we had him when I was 7 years old. We didn't keep him long, unfortunately. He was still a baby when my ma gave him to a friend of the family. But I did see him when he was all grown. He had those characteristic hairy ears with the hair on the tips that drooped down, and he had the arch of fur over his eyes that is also characteristic of the breed. Ma never knew what breed he was, I didn't either when I was 7 years old. All I knew then was that he was a dog. And I remembered what he looked like when he got older. Aside from Sir Knight, the only other time I ever saw a skye terrier was when I was 10 years old and we lived in a small community. There was this elderly, very anti-social couple that had 2 dogs, one was a samoyed and the other was a skye terrier. They might have once been show breeders, they sure had the attitude! And it seemed they hated kids. The few times I ever saw those people, they always looked disgusted. I never knew that look until I began going to dog shows. Then it seemed that look was on every person's face that went into the show ring, or who had dogs entered.
I remember I asked to see that dog, because I just could not get a good look at it from their back yard. But I saw enough to know it looked just like a skye terrier. I was very polite when I asked. Believe me I was. But that woman, I never knew her name, said "Absolutely not. She's a watchdog." I know! I was something of a nosy child, but I just wanted to see the dog. Most people I met back then were always happy to socialize their dogs with us. But these people I think were reclusives. Even their next door neighbors knew nothing about them. I do remember one time seeing some younger people going to visit them, and I was shocked! Could that have been their children?? I would have been extremely surprised if those people had children, they seemed so hateful and anti-social! Well, fortunately they didn't live there for long. I think they wound up in a nursing home.
Anyway, I think it was in the 1880s, a skye terrier named Bobby stayed by his deceased owner's side for 10 years. He was kept alive by the people in his town. The dog basically just layed by the grave and refused to budge. That was one loyal dog! With a record like that, I am surprised that skye terriers are not more popular! They do however have a high prey drive. I remember back in 2000, I saw an ad from someone who wanted to give away his skye terrier. I actually called in about that ad and found out why they wanted to get rid of it. The guy said because the dog killed their cat. I was like "ohhhhhh!" So I didn't want the dog then. I had a chihuahua, and I was kindof afraid it would kill my dog the same way it did that guy's cat! But it would have been cool having a dog as rare as a skye terrier. Sir Knight wound up dying in 1985, just before these friends moved off to Wisconsin. They replaced him with a cat.
You know I've seen that happen a lot. People get dogs, they love them, and enjoy them. Then when the dog dies, they don't get another dog. They get a cat instead. Cats are not good substitutes for dogs. I've even had friends that were so saddened by the loss of their dogs that they didn't even want to see anymore dogs. So they got cats instead. I guess the death of a cat is not as sad as the death of a dog.
Well, I have to go and create more videos today to put up on YouTube. :) Someone told me to stop showing my ugly face and saying shit on youtube, so I said to that individual (not a person) that I will now go and make 2 videos to put up on YT. You know I never do what the trolls ask me to. LOL! This dumbass thinks I'm going to give it some airtime, but I am not. Going to avoid mentioning it at all costs! LOL! Just put up some videos. Maybe talk a little more on this subject of dogs. I did tell it that it's just angry and bitter because a fat, ugly bitch is smarter than he is! LOL! I'm surprised I haven't heard from it in a while. I think it's either hobofart, one of his associates, or spkenn36.
Anyway, the skye terrier. It's said to be the most loyal of the terriers. I used to have a skye terrier. His name was Sir Knight, and we had him when I was 7 years old. We didn't keep him long, unfortunately. He was still a baby when my ma gave him to a friend of the family. But I did see him when he was all grown. He had those characteristic hairy ears with the hair on the tips that drooped down, and he had the arch of fur over his eyes that is also characteristic of the breed. Ma never knew what breed he was, I didn't either when I was 7 years old. All I knew then was that he was a dog. And I remembered what he looked like when he got older. Aside from Sir Knight, the only other time I ever saw a skye terrier was when I was 10 years old and we lived in a small community. There was this elderly, very anti-social couple that had 2 dogs, one was a samoyed and the other was a skye terrier. They might have once been show breeders, they sure had the attitude! And it seemed they hated kids. The few times I ever saw those people, they always looked disgusted. I never knew that look until I began going to dog shows. Then it seemed that look was on every person's face that went into the show ring, or who had dogs entered.
I remember I asked to see that dog, because I just could not get a good look at it from their back yard. But I saw enough to know it looked just like a skye terrier. I was very polite when I asked. Believe me I was. But that woman, I never knew her name, said "Absolutely not. She's a watchdog." I know! I was something of a nosy child, but I just wanted to see the dog. Most people I met back then were always happy to socialize their dogs with us. But these people I think were reclusives. Even their next door neighbors knew nothing about them. I do remember one time seeing some younger people going to visit them, and I was shocked! Could that have been their children?? I would have been extremely surprised if those people had children, they seemed so hateful and anti-social! Well, fortunately they didn't live there for long. I think they wound up in a nursing home.
Anyway, I think it was in the 1880s, a skye terrier named Bobby stayed by his deceased owner's side for 10 years. He was kept alive by the people in his town. The dog basically just layed by the grave and refused to budge. That was one loyal dog! With a record like that, I am surprised that skye terriers are not more popular! They do however have a high prey drive. I remember back in 2000, I saw an ad from someone who wanted to give away his skye terrier. I actually called in about that ad and found out why they wanted to get rid of it. The guy said because the dog killed their cat. I was like "ohhhhhh!" So I didn't want the dog then. I had a chihuahua, and I was kindof afraid it would kill my dog the same way it did that guy's cat! But it would have been cool having a dog as rare as a skye terrier. Sir Knight wound up dying in 1985, just before these friends moved off to Wisconsin. They replaced him with a cat.
You know I've seen that happen a lot. People get dogs, they love them, and enjoy them. Then when the dog dies, they don't get another dog. They get a cat instead. Cats are not good substitutes for dogs. I've even had friends that were so saddened by the loss of their dogs that they didn't even want to see anymore dogs. So they got cats instead. I guess the death of a cat is not as sad as the death of a dog.
Well, I have to go and create more videos today to put up on YouTube. :) Someone told me to stop showing my ugly face and saying shit on youtube, so I said to that individual (not a person) that I will now go and make 2 videos to put up on YT. You know I never do what the trolls ask me to. LOL! This dumbass thinks I'm going to give it some airtime, but I am not. Going to avoid mentioning it at all costs! LOL! Just put up some videos. Maybe talk a little more on this subject of dogs. I did tell it that it's just angry and bitter because a fat, ugly bitch is smarter than he is! LOL! I'm surprised I haven't heard from it in a while. I think it's either hobofart, one of his associates, or spkenn36.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sad Night Tonight
Well, actually yesterday was just not one of my better days. I was so tired. Then I found out odesk suspended my account. Just when I was supposed to pay my web developer for his work! I wish I could just can odesk and pay this guy person-to-person! I was so angry. Then they tell me that the money I sent them (almost $200) did not go through! I am so mad I am pissing blood now!!! That's an expression BTW! Then last night I found out that the water cooler Karen gave me was leaking. I just hope it did not leak enough to seep into Lois' apartment below me. She'll hand me my ass in a can if it does! And now tonight I just found out that one of my best Facebook friends has passed away. Her name was Brenda, but we all called her Bree. Yesterday was not a day for Timmyfan! Hopefully things will get better tomorrow. But I sure am going to miss Bree. I was so heartbroken to find out she died. Apparently she went on a rafting trip with her husband and there was an accident, the raft capsized and swept her and her husband away. He made it out, but she got pulled under water and trapped under a tree where she drowned. She was found some hours later.
Well, two things about this are comforting. One is that she was a believer in GOD, and I know she is up there in Heaven with him now, enjoying a place I can only dream of. Also, that she died doing something she loved. She always told me she loved camping and other outdoor activities, so I know she was having fun yesterday, going rafting with her significant other. The sad part about this is she was a wonderful person. I introduced her to another one of my friends, who was ill then, and she and Bree used to text each other every week. They would say prayers and stuff together, and Bree would always ask her how she's doing. Bree was a very kind person, sweet and loving. I will also miss her daily messages, prayers, pictures, and little clips talking about hope and GOD's love. I'm going to miss that. Where the Westboro Baptist Church almost made me lose faith in GOD, Bree would always give scriptures that would restore that faith. She was the first friend I made from Montana, we were friends even before I moved here. In the last conversation we had together, she asked me how I was liking Montana. I didn't want to say anything bad to hurt her feelings, but I had to tell her the truth, I wanted to go back to the coast!
You know what's kinda strange about all this? I think I predicted this accident in a dream I had no longer than a week ago. Only in my dream, it was 2 young children that drowned in a boating accident. And all I could hear in that dream was one of the kids crying and screaming. This whole thing just upsets me. I kinda wonder if Kim put a curse on me. Or if this is just one of those unlucky streaks that just happens. I didn't even do anything to Kim. She did it all herself. She shat on me and my sis behind our backs, and was dishonest about it to our faces. All this should be happening to her, not me. Well, she will get her's soon enough. Even if she did put a curse on me, curses always come back to haunt the person who placed them, and can hit them 3 times worse. I've got the good LORD on my side in this. That's all I really need.
Well, two things about this are comforting. One is that she was a believer in GOD, and I know she is up there in Heaven with him now, enjoying a place I can only dream of. Also, that she died doing something she loved. She always told me she loved camping and other outdoor activities, so I know she was having fun yesterday, going rafting with her significant other. The sad part about this is she was a wonderful person. I introduced her to another one of my friends, who was ill then, and she and Bree used to text each other every week. They would say prayers and stuff together, and Bree would always ask her how she's doing. Bree was a very kind person, sweet and loving. I will also miss her daily messages, prayers, pictures, and little clips talking about hope and GOD's love. I'm going to miss that. Where the Westboro Baptist Church almost made me lose faith in GOD, Bree would always give scriptures that would restore that faith. She was the first friend I made from Montana, we were friends even before I moved here. In the last conversation we had together, she asked me how I was liking Montana. I didn't want to say anything bad to hurt her feelings, but I had to tell her the truth, I wanted to go back to the coast!
You know what's kinda strange about all this? I think I predicted this accident in a dream I had no longer than a week ago. Only in my dream, it was 2 young children that drowned in a boating accident. And all I could hear in that dream was one of the kids crying and screaming. This whole thing just upsets me. I kinda wonder if Kim put a curse on me. Or if this is just one of those unlucky streaks that just happens. I didn't even do anything to Kim. She did it all herself. She shat on me and my sis behind our backs, and was dishonest about it to our faces. All this should be happening to her, not me. Well, she will get her's soon enough. Even if she did put a curse on me, curses always come back to haunt the person who placed them, and can hit them 3 times worse. I've got the good LORD on my side in this. That's all I really need.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Timmyfan vs. Atheists
Today my sis and I went on a trip to Billings and it was FUN!!! But before we went, I checked my e-mails and messages and stuff like I always do. One of the places I look is on YouTube for new comments, in case any have to be approved on my videos. Well, someone responded to a comment I made on a video I saw last night by TheAmazingAtheist about praying and obeying. Well, I gave my opinion. This was what I wrote:
Prayer always worked for me. HE may not always answer the way I want HIM to, but HE does always answer. I always believe everything happens for a reason.
Well, it's true. Prayer does always work for me. I may not always get the answer I would prefer, but I always get the answer. No where in my comment does it reveal what I pray about, because that always varies. And even if I don't get the answer I want, I still believe there is a reason for everything that happens. For example, right now I would LOVE to be in a permanent home on the ocean, and I've prayed to GOD daily to send me back there, but HE hasn't yet. I do not argue with GOD, I truly believe there is a good reason I am still here, as far from any ocean as any person can get and still be on Earth. I figure when GOD wants me back at the ocean, HE will supply a way for me to get back there. It's not up to me, nor my sis, nor anyone else. It's all in GOD's hands.
Well, this morning I woke up and saw someone, most likely an atheist, had responded to my comment. He calls himself Opticillusions97. This was his response to me:
You just contradicted yourself. If everything happens for a reason, why pray for GOD WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING AND CONTROLS EVERYTHING TO CHANGE IT?????
Actually, his comment made me laugh. Personally, I see no contradiction anywhere in my comment. I don't understand where he sees it. But then again, he's not the first atheist I've known to put words in my mouth. Atheists believe ALL christians are out to change their views of GOD, or A god. I wasn't trying to convert anyone. I was just saying that prayer always works for me, and it does. Good or bad, it always works for me. I have seen christians push their beliefs on others, but I am not among those kinds of christians. Never have been. I know in the mind of most christians, it says in the Bible that we are supposed to go around and spread HIS word, but not me. My philosophy is "Every person for themselves". I don't feel it's my business if someone does not believe in GOD, or if they are going to go to Hell. Like I said, that is between that person and their savior, whomever it may be.
Well, I have NEVER tried to push my beliefs on atheists, but they sure have tried to push their beliefs on me! As demonstrated here by xXTrueSShotX:
No, you are just a delusional close minded fuck without realization that your "prayers" were answered due to scientific explanations. Oh, so if I went, kidnapped a pregnant woman, ripped out her 7 month old baby, and skull fucked it, made a video put it all over the internet. It happened for a reason right.. God had his plan for that pregnant woman and her baby.. mmm mm yes.
If I knew the answer to that, I'd be GOD. And I am not. But yes, as sad as it is, even bad things happen for some reason. The problem with people like xXTrueSShotX is that they want definitive answers right away when something happens. He does not know that everything has a grand design. The story of Terrecita Bozza comes to mind! Ever see the movie "Voices From the Grave"? Of course fake names were used for the movie, but it's about a woman who was killed by a co-worker. The true story is featured on The Best of Unsolved Mysteries, you might want to check it out. Kindof interesting that xXTrueSShotX used such a violent example. Could this be indication that he has secret dreams and desires of doing this very thing? LOL!
Well, I thought xXTrueSShotX's comment was so doltish, I didn't feel it was worthy of any response. But I should add him to my collection of boneheads in my Dim-Wit Hall of Fame. So when I lost those beads last weekend, that has a scientific explanation? When my sis's surgery was cancelled, that had a scientific explanation? Geez! I didn't know that! Maybe my microscope is broken or something! LOL! Anyway, my response to Opticillusions97 was:
Who said that I pray to change anything?
I'll tell you who said it, No one! It sure wasn't me. I pray mostly for strength to accept, or for answers. If I were dying of cancer, I would not pray to change that. I would pray to have the strength to accept the fact that I am dying of cancer. If GOD wanted to change that, and keep me going, that's in HIS hands. Not mine. I swear, I think atheists read too much into things when it comes to other people who believe in GOD. I comment on an atheist's video, they think I am trying to convert them. Face it, people are just DUMB!!!
Well, in spite of all that BS, I had fun in Billings!! We went to a place called The Cracker Barrel and had dinner. It's a combination country-style restaurant and gift shop. I found some earrings I liked and got those. I also got a nautical-scened candle holder, and some magic-motion cards that shows horses running and fish swimming. I haven't seen nautical themed anything since we moved here!! I just had to have this candle-holder! Anna was going to get Odessa clipped there, but they needed to know when Odessa's rabies shot expires, and she did not have the paperwork, so we had to abandon that idea. Now, I could have sworn we went there about a month or two ago, and there was both a Petco AND a Petsmart! We found the Petsmart, but could not find the Petco. Anna said I probably saw that in Idaho Falls. But I swear it was much later than that that I saw it!! Oh well.
Well, one pet store we went to there, this woman had a lovely mini aussie, it was a red merle. I pretended like I was going to run off with it. LOL! I don't think she took it that way though. She kinda tensed up and remained tense the whole time we were there. I was just playing! I didn't want her dog! I couldn't take it even if I wanted it and it was up for adoption. This apartment has a 2-pet limit and I already hit that limit. But she was tense the whole time we were there. I guess she couldn't take a joke. LOL! Well anyway, while we were there, I found some African scooter tetras, they called them hummingbird tetras. They are not much to look at, they really look like run-of-the-mill algae eaters. But they do not have sucker mouths, and they have shorter faces. They're awful cute and fun to watch! I almost ordered them when ThatFishPlace had them available. But by the time I was ready to order them, they were out of stock, and they have not been back in stock since. But I managed to find some today! That's way cool!! There were 3 of them left and I got all 3
Oh and in other news in this Soap Opera building. Kim is thinking she is going to need to hire a body guard! LOL! When Karen told me that, I laughed hard! I'm surprised Kim has not gone to file a restraining order against me. LOL! She brought this whole thing upon herself! She was the one who started on me and my sis, if anyone should get a body guard, it's us! LOL! But I don't need one. Kim is a spoiled brat. She was raised in a wealthy family. I told Anna last night, "you know how these rich little mama's girls are, you've seen Little House on the Prairie!" Rich kids always seem to have some kind of undeserved sense of entitlement. In Kim's case, it's carried on to adulthood. She's not the only one though. Seems ALL kids who grew up in a wealthy family are that way, a lot of them even as adults. But all this proves that Kim is indeed feeling guilt. She just doesn't want to face it. But she is going to keep feeling it until she admits what she did. It won't get better. It's only going to get worse. It did with me. Of course in my case, my offense was toward GOD, not a person. Well, some people were offended! But their feelings were really trivial, since I was asked for my opinion and I gave it honestly. Anna asked Kim for her opinion about us, but she was dishonest. She not only offended GOD, she offended me and my sis when she lied to us.
Bodyguard indeed!! LOL! That bodyguard, when he/she hears Kim's story, and compares it to Karen's, that person will probably say to Kim "Sorry, you are on your own!" Probably will agree that Kim brought on all this misery herself. Karen said Kim has always been like this, with quite a few people.
Prayer always worked for me. HE may not always answer the way I want HIM to, but HE does always answer. I always believe everything happens for a reason.
Well, it's true. Prayer does always work for me. I may not always get the answer I would prefer, but I always get the answer. No where in my comment does it reveal what I pray about, because that always varies. And even if I don't get the answer I want, I still believe there is a reason for everything that happens. For example, right now I would LOVE to be in a permanent home on the ocean, and I've prayed to GOD daily to send me back there, but HE hasn't yet. I do not argue with GOD, I truly believe there is a good reason I am still here, as far from any ocean as any person can get and still be on Earth. I figure when GOD wants me back at the ocean, HE will supply a way for me to get back there. It's not up to me, nor my sis, nor anyone else. It's all in GOD's hands.
Well, this morning I woke up and saw someone, most likely an atheist, had responded to my comment. He calls himself Opticillusions97. This was his response to me:
You just contradicted yourself. If everything happens for a reason, why pray for GOD WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING AND CONTROLS EVERYTHING TO CHANGE IT?????
Actually, his comment made me laugh. Personally, I see no contradiction anywhere in my comment. I don't understand where he sees it. But then again, he's not the first atheist I've known to put words in my mouth. Atheists believe ALL christians are out to change their views of GOD, or A god. I wasn't trying to convert anyone. I was just saying that prayer always works for me, and it does. Good or bad, it always works for me. I have seen christians push their beliefs on others, but I am not among those kinds of christians. Never have been. I know in the mind of most christians, it says in the Bible that we are supposed to go around and spread HIS word, but not me. My philosophy is "Every person for themselves". I don't feel it's my business if someone does not believe in GOD, or if they are going to go to Hell. Like I said, that is between that person and their savior, whomever it may be.
Well, I have NEVER tried to push my beliefs on atheists, but they sure have tried to push their beliefs on me! As demonstrated here by xXTrueSShotX:
No, you are just a delusional close minded fuck without realization that your "prayers" were answered due to scientific explanations. Oh, so if I went, kidnapped a pregnant woman, ripped out her 7 month old baby, and skull fucked it, made a video put it all over the internet. It happened for a reason right.. God had his plan for that pregnant woman and her baby.. mmm mm yes.
If I knew the answer to that, I'd be GOD. And I am not. But yes, as sad as it is, even bad things happen for some reason. The problem with people like xXTrueSShotX is that they want definitive answers right away when something happens. He does not know that everything has a grand design. The story of Terrecita Bozza comes to mind! Ever see the movie "Voices From the Grave"? Of course fake names were used for the movie, but it's about a woman who was killed by a co-worker. The true story is featured on The Best of Unsolved Mysteries, you might want to check it out. Kindof interesting that xXTrueSShotX used such a violent example. Could this be indication that he has secret dreams and desires of doing this very thing? LOL!
Well, I thought xXTrueSShotX's comment was so doltish, I didn't feel it was worthy of any response. But I should add him to my collection of boneheads in my Dim-Wit Hall of Fame. So when I lost those beads last weekend, that has a scientific explanation? When my sis's surgery was cancelled, that had a scientific explanation? Geez! I didn't know that! Maybe my microscope is broken or something! LOL! Anyway, my response to Opticillusions97 was:
Who said that I pray to change anything?
I'll tell you who said it, No one! It sure wasn't me. I pray mostly for strength to accept, or for answers. If I were dying of cancer, I would not pray to change that. I would pray to have the strength to accept the fact that I am dying of cancer. If GOD wanted to change that, and keep me going, that's in HIS hands. Not mine. I swear, I think atheists read too much into things when it comes to other people who believe in GOD. I comment on an atheist's video, they think I am trying to convert them. Face it, people are just DUMB!!!
Well, in spite of all that BS, I had fun in Billings!! We went to a place called The Cracker Barrel and had dinner. It's a combination country-style restaurant and gift shop. I found some earrings I liked and got those. I also got a nautical-scened candle holder, and some magic-motion cards that shows horses running and fish swimming. I haven't seen nautical themed anything since we moved here!! I just had to have this candle-holder! Anna was going to get Odessa clipped there, but they needed to know when Odessa's rabies shot expires, and she did not have the paperwork, so we had to abandon that idea. Now, I could have sworn we went there about a month or two ago, and there was both a Petco AND a Petsmart! We found the Petsmart, but could not find the Petco. Anna said I probably saw that in Idaho Falls. But I swear it was much later than that that I saw it!! Oh well.
Well, one pet store we went to there, this woman had a lovely mini aussie, it was a red merle. I pretended like I was going to run off with it. LOL! I don't think she took it that way though. She kinda tensed up and remained tense the whole time we were there. I was just playing! I didn't want her dog! I couldn't take it even if I wanted it and it was up for adoption. This apartment has a 2-pet limit and I already hit that limit. But she was tense the whole time we were there. I guess she couldn't take a joke. LOL! Well anyway, while we were there, I found some African scooter tetras, they called them hummingbird tetras. They are not much to look at, they really look like run-of-the-mill algae eaters. But they do not have sucker mouths, and they have shorter faces. They're awful cute and fun to watch! I almost ordered them when ThatFishPlace had them available. But by the time I was ready to order them, they were out of stock, and they have not been back in stock since. But I managed to find some today! That's way cool!! There were 3 of them left and I got all 3
Oh and in other news in this Soap Opera building. Kim is thinking she is going to need to hire a body guard! LOL! When Karen told me that, I laughed hard! I'm surprised Kim has not gone to file a restraining order against me. LOL! She brought this whole thing upon herself! She was the one who started on me and my sis, if anyone should get a body guard, it's us! LOL! But I don't need one. Kim is a spoiled brat. She was raised in a wealthy family. I told Anna last night, "you know how these rich little mama's girls are, you've seen Little House on the Prairie!" Rich kids always seem to have some kind of undeserved sense of entitlement. In Kim's case, it's carried on to adulthood. She's not the only one though. Seems ALL kids who grew up in a wealthy family are that way, a lot of them even as adults. But all this proves that Kim is indeed feeling guilt. She just doesn't want to face it. But she is going to keep feeling it until she admits what she did. It won't get better. It's only going to get worse. It did with me. Of course in my case, my offense was toward GOD, not a person. Well, some people were offended! But their feelings were really trivial, since I was asked for my opinion and I gave it honestly. Anna asked Kim for her opinion about us, but she was dishonest. She not only offended GOD, she offended me and my sis when she lied to us.
Bodyguard indeed!! LOL! That bodyguard, when he/she hears Kim's story, and compares it to Karen's, that person will probably say to Kim "Sorry, you are on your own!" Probably will agree that Kim brought on all this misery herself. Karen said Kim has always been like this, with quite a few people.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Chat With Anna
Last night at the dog park, Anna and I were talking about how the day has been too long! A long and sad day. Anna was so down, she almost seemed to be in tears. And she was ready to kill Andy for converting Kim into this evil whore that she is now. But you know what? This morning I told Karen what Anna told me last night, and Karen said that in all trueness, Kim is just being Kim. So apparently this is who she's always been. Well, Karen also told me that Kim put on her status "My best friend just died today". LOL! She means Karen! Deb saw that on Kim's status and told Karen she should get her a sympathy card to give to Kim. I said "Yes, and you should sign it with 'I'm so sorry to hear your best friend "died" because you are such an asshole'!" Kim needs to be taught a lesson! She has to learn she cannot get away with treating people like dirt that has done her no wrong. Karen said Kim does this kind of shit because she wants more and more people on her side. She wants to feel important. Well, Kim lost me being on her side completely. Karen said that when she first moved here, she was warned about Kim being a back-stabber. I was never warned. Otherwise, this would have been no surprise to me. But Kim used to say all kinds of shit about Karen too, and Kim's former best friend, named Becky, would tell Karen about it. Karen decided to just let it go. I said to her that if it was just me she was picking on, I could have just let it go too. But Kim also attacked my sis, and my sis was clearly disturbed by it. So I cannot just let it go.
Apparently Kim was at the dog park early this morning with Yvette. Yvette also has some kind of problem with Karen. Well, she wanted to take Karen, Kim and Marie on a trip to West Yellowstone. But Yvette told Karen she would not be able to bring her dogs. She didn't want Karen's dogs in the car apparently. So Karen told Kim that she's just not going on the trip, said she's not going to tell Yvette that she's not going, she said she's just not going to go. Well, then Kim marches her fat can up to Yvette's apartment and tells Yvette that Karen said she's not going because she can't bring her dogs. So now Yvette is not speaking to Karen. Karen specifically told Kim she wasn't going to tell Yvette, and Kim turns around and betrays her too. I told Karen that the 3 of us, with our dogs, should go on a trip to West Yellowstone. We'll show them! Personally, I think that's a silly fight! First of all, I think Karen should have told Yvette the truth to begin with. I know I would have. There's nothing wrong with refusing to go because you can't bring your dogs! I've done that many times. Second of all, I think Yvette should have been more understanding. If she really cared about Karen, she would have been like "OK, I'm sorry to hear that. You're going to miss a nice trip." But I think Yvette is a silly louse for getting angry at Karen just because she doesn't want to go on the trip now! Dumbest reason I ever heard for holding such a grudge against someone else! Especially since Yvette just sprung it up at the last minute that she didn't want Karen to bring her dogs!
Some of the people in this building can be so silly sometimes! Karen is a great friend, I mean, she used to slam us behind our backs, but at least she admitted it to me, and apologized. I know I have trouble making friends, I don't deny that at all! The few friends I do have are very well-seasoned, and have known me in my ups and downs, and did not care. But neither me nor my sis saw this coming between us and Kim. I always thought we got along great! But Kim does this to everyone. Not just us. If she's going to do it though, she should be able to admit she did it. She's done it to me, Karen, and even used to do it to Becky. Becky is dead now though. But she was the woman who gave Emma to Kim. Kim basically "inherited" Emma after Becky died. Kim would say shit about Becky behind her back, and Karen would tell her and Becky would get so pissed off at Kim they would not speak to each other for months! Well, I intend to carry this on for more than just months. I can carry a grudge forever if I wanted to! There is no redemption, Kim crossed the line when she dissed my sister!!
Well, now that I've heard Kim told every one of her friends on Facebook that Karen died yesterday, I know what a fucking liar she truly is. Karen is still alive, well and kicking! LOL! Kim wishes she were dead though. And she's going to wish the same thing on me too. I'll almost bet that she deleted the post I made on her timeline, telling her and all her friends that she is a liar and a wussy, and that they should know that she is probably saying a bunch of bullshit about them behind their backs too. No doubt! Because apparently Kim does it to everyone. Not just a few select people.
Apparently Kim was at the dog park early this morning with Yvette. Yvette also has some kind of problem with Karen. Well, she wanted to take Karen, Kim and Marie on a trip to West Yellowstone. But Yvette told Karen she would not be able to bring her dogs. She didn't want Karen's dogs in the car apparently. So Karen told Kim that she's just not going on the trip, said she's not going to tell Yvette that she's not going, she said she's just not going to go. Well, then Kim marches her fat can up to Yvette's apartment and tells Yvette that Karen said she's not going because she can't bring her dogs. So now Yvette is not speaking to Karen. Karen specifically told Kim she wasn't going to tell Yvette, and Kim turns around and betrays her too. I told Karen that the 3 of us, with our dogs, should go on a trip to West Yellowstone. We'll show them! Personally, I think that's a silly fight! First of all, I think Karen should have told Yvette the truth to begin with. I know I would have. There's nothing wrong with refusing to go because you can't bring your dogs! I've done that many times. Second of all, I think Yvette should have been more understanding. If she really cared about Karen, she would have been like "OK, I'm sorry to hear that. You're going to miss a nice trip." But I think Yvette is a silly louse for getting angry at Karen just because she doesn't want to go on the trip now! Dumbest reason I ever heard for holding such a grudge against someone else! Especially since Yvette just sprung it up at the last minute that she didn't want Karen to bring her dogs!
Some of the people in this building can be so silly sometimes! Karen is a great friend, I mean, she used to slam us behind our backs, but at least she admitted it to me, and apologized. I know I have trouble making friends, I don't deny that at all! The few friends I do have are very well-seasoned, and have known me in my ups and downs, and did not care. But neither me nor my sis saw this coming between us and Kim. I always thought we got along great! But Kim does this to everyone. Not just us. If she's going to do it though, she should be able to admit she did it. She's done it to me, Karen, and even used to do it to Becky. Becky is dead now though. But she was the woman who gave Emma to Kim. Kim basically "inherited" Emma after Becky died. Kim would say shit about Becky behind her back, and Karen would tell her and Becky would get so pissed off at Kim they would not speak to each other for months! Well, I intend to carry this on for more than just months. I can carry a grudge forever if I wanted to! There is no redemption, Kim crossed the line when she dissed my sister!!
Well, now that I've heard Kim told every one of her friends on Facebook that Karen died yesterday, I know what a fucking liar she truly is. Karen is still alive, well and kicking! LOL! Kim wishes she were dead though. And she's going to wish the same thing on me too. I'll almost bet that she deleted the post I made on her timeline, telling her and all her friends that she is a liar and a wussy, and that they should know that she is probably saying a bunch of bullshit about them behind their backs too. No doubt! Because apparently Kim does it to everyone. Not just a few select people.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Spoiled Brat
The drama continues. My respect for Karen has boosted 10-fold since she came over here and admitted to me herself that she used to call me and my sister cows when we were not around, and she apologized. If Kim would have just done the same instead of trying to pin it on someone else, I would have much more respect for her than I do now. But as it is, she just looks like a wussy. Now, I cannot say that I have never done the same myself, I used to look for a scapegoat whenever I was caught saying something I should not have. But that was a LONG time ago. The last time I ever did it was in the days of the AcmePet forums. And I said a prayer to GOD, asking HIM to forgive me. And I haven't done it since. I stopped. Now, it's like, why bother? I did it, I should be able to admit I did it. It's not always easy when you like someone, and you don't want to hurt them. But that's what a mature person would do. I might have said I was sorry to the people of the AcmePet forum, but I felt because I was asked for my opinion, and I gave it honestly, that I didn't do anything wrong. My offense was towards GOD. No one else! And GOD is one person I do not want to offend! I felt that GOD forgave me too, and that made me feel 100% better.
Kim could definitely use some lessons in this. Perhaps she needs to be struck hard enough to have to think about what she did. Well, when she stormed out of the dog park this morning, and she got back in this building, Deb said that Kim was crying and boo-hooing hysterically. Deb said that Kim did not even stop to give Emma a doggy treat. I said Good!! She got what she deserved! She shat on me and my sis, and she lied about it! A double offense! Kim is lucky that is all she got from me too! It was a lot for me to just sit there and listen to her lie like she did! I can handle a lot of things, but someone dissing my family is one thing I don't tolerate! Lying is the second thing that offends me the most. Especially from someone I trusted. I felt like just tackling Kim to the ground!! I'm glad I made her start crying! Hopefully it will make her think twice before ever doing something like that again.
Well, now that she's lied to me about this, the chances of reconciliation with her is absolutely zero! Not gonna happen! Once you diss my family, and especially if you lie about it, you're dead as far as I'm concerned! No, I'm not going to kill Kim! LOL! But in my mind, she might as well be dead! Her name is mud as far as I'm concerned. No one disses my family and expects to be forgiven without repentence! If I wrong somebody, I admit it, and I usually apologize. Like when I put that nasty note on Roger's door. Once I found out he didn't shit on my sister, like I thought he did, I went right to him and apologized. He said he forgives me, but I can still tell there is a grudge there. He never speaks to me anymore. But you know what? I'm not even mad at him for not liking me, because I fully expected him to hate me after I told him I made that note I put on his door. But my apology to him was indeed sincere. I cannot get him to believe that though. He still carries a grudge. But at least I had enough love and respect for Roger to tell him the truth, admit I was wrong, and apologize to him. But Kim obviously hated me and my sis. And she led us on for a year now. That makes me angry!! I'm glad she feels bad and is crying now. She got her ass handed to her and she is hating herself for it. See, I don't care if Andy hates us, because I hate him too, but I don't lead him on and pretend that I like him for anything. I was sorry when Angus died, and I told Andy so. But it was Angus I liked, not Andy! I still like Emma too. I never hold it against the dog because the owner is an asshole.
Well, if we only have one friend left in this building, that's fine. My grandma always said that if a person makes just one good friend in their lives, they're doing fine. As long as I remember that, I'll always be happy with what I have. I'll never be able to look at Kim the same way ever again. So the possibility of forgiveness is, well, just not going to happen! If Kim wants to act like Andy, she can go hang with him. I don't want her near me, my sis, or my dogs ever again! I knew we had made her sweat this morning, and if it made her cry, that's good! She deserves to stew for a while! Now she will feel exactly how me and my sister felt knowing that she betrayed us! I hate to think this is going to ruin my chances of trusting anyone again. Only time will tell.
Kim could definitely use some lessons in this. Perhaps she needs to be struck hard enough to have to think about what she did. Well, when she stormed out of the dog park this morning, and she got back in this building, Deb said that Kim was crying and boo-hooing hysterically. Deb said that Kim did not even stop to give Emma a doggy treat. I said Good!! She got what she deserved! She shat on me and my sis, and she lied about it! A double offense! Kim is lucky that is all she got from me too! It was a lot for me to just sit there and listen to her lie like she did! I can handle a lot of things, but someone dissing my family is one thing I don't tolerate! Lying is the second thing that offends me the most. Especially from someone I trusted. I felt like just tackling Kim to the ground!! I'm glad I made her start crying! Hopefully it will make her think twice before ever doing something like that again.
Well, now that she's lied to me about this, the chances of reconciliation with her is absolutely zero! Not gonna happen! Once you diss my family, and especially if you lie about it, you're dead as far as I'm concerned! No, I'm not going to kill Kim! LOL! But in my mind, she might as well be dead! Her name is mud as far as I'm concerned. No one disses my family and expects to be forgiven without repentence! If I wrong somebody, I admit it, and I usually apologize. Like when I put that nasty note on Roger's door. Once I found out he didn't shit on my sister, like I thought he did, I went right to him and apologized. He said he forgives me, but I can still tell there is a grudge there. He never speaks to me anymore. But you know what? I'm not even mad at him for not liking me, because I fully expected him to hate me after I told him I made that note I put on his door. But my apology to him was indeed sincere. I cannot get him to believe that though. He still carries a grudge. But at least I had enough love and respect for Roger to tell him the truth, admit I was wrong, and apologize to him. But Kim obviously hated me and my sis. And she led us on for a year now. That makes me angry!! I'm glad she feels bad and is crying now. She got her ass handed to her and she is hating herself for it. See, I don't care if Andy hates us, because I hate him too, but I don't lead him on and pretend that I like him for anything. I was sorry when Angus died, and I told Andy so. But it was Angus I liked, not Andy! I still like Emma too. I never hold it against the dog because the owner is an asshole.
Well, if we only have one friend left in this building, that's fine. My grandma always said that if a person makes just one good friend in their lives, they're doing fine. As long as I remember that, I'll always be happy with what I have. I'll never be able to look at Kim the same way ever again. So the possibility of forgiveness is, well, just not going to happen! If Kim wants to act like Andy, she can go hang with him. I don't want her near me, my sis, or my dogs ever again! I knew we had made her sweat this morning, and if it made her cry, that's good! She deserves to stew for a while! Now she will feel exactly how me and my sister felt knowing that she betrayed us! I hate to think this is going to ruin my chances of trusting anyone again. Only time will tell.
Continuation From Yesterday
Well, I think it's safe to reveal the truth on here since now Karen and Kim are not speaking to each other. I went to the dog park early this morning, I wanted to catch Karen before Kim came in so I could tell her what I did yesterday. I did not reveal any names to anyone but I put on my Facebook page that someone here (I didn't mention in this building) has been talking about me and my sis behind our backs. The culprit is a person named Kim Hedges. Karen told me yesterday that Kim sees us coming into the dog park and she always grumbles "Oh here come the cows". She says that about me and my sis. Well, Karen told Lois everything, and filed a report against Kim. I didn't want to say much to Kim because I did not want her to attack Karen or figure it out that Karen said anything to us. Kim will groan about me and Anna coming to the park, and then she'll turn around once we're in there and say happily "Hi! How are you?!" I always liked Kim, I thought we didn't have any issues. But Karen told me it's not just me and my sis, Kim is trying to be like Andy DiSanti. I don't like the Kim trying to be someone she's not! I like the old Kim. But apparently Kim likes this new jackass Kim better.
Well, my sis and I confronted Kim today, she asked Kim if she really liked us and we asked her to be perfectly honest. Kim said yes she does. I told Kim that I sensed a little hesitation in her voice. And yes, she did hesitate. Kim got all defensive right off the bat. She yelled at me in a manner that I never heard her yell before, she said "I saw what you wrote on your Facebook page, and it's NOT ME!!!" I turned to Anna and I said "she's a liar!" Well, Kim said "There's lots of people here saying stuff." I asked her if she has any names of those people, and she tensed up and said "no!" I said "So you are not going to reveal those names?" She again tensed up and said "No!" I began to sing "Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!" Well, Kim hung around for a while longer, but for the most part, she just sat in the seat with a disgruntled look on her face. Just the fact that she tensed up and got so defensive and angry gave the fact away that yes, she was saying that shit about me and my sis! Anna and I just had to find out if she meant it to be hurtful, or if it's just like the kidding that always goes on between buddies. But I think she did mean it to be hurtful. Otherwise she would not have got so angry or denied it. If it was just a buddy-type jab, she would have said "I'm sorry but I was just funnin'." Or "I didn't mean any harm by it." Mind you, I never mentioned Karen's name or that she said anything at all. I promised Karen I wouldn't. But Karen is now sure Kim is going to say shit about her too.
I think we really made Kim sweat! LOL! I really hated to be so nasty to her, as we've been friends for a year now. But I do not like this "new Kim", her trying to act like someone she's not. But Andy at least has an excuse. He's bipolar. Kim isn't. She's just being an asshole because she thinks it's funny and she thinks it makes her look cool. But it doesn't. It just makes her look like a total-ass jerk. Me, Anna and Karen were talking about what makes someone do shit like that, and I said out loud, looking straight at Kim "Some people just don't have minds of their own to form their own opinion. So they have to be robots and copy what someone else is doing." I think Kim knew I was talking about her. I just smiled, because I knew she was sitting there, sweating. Kim hung around for quite a while, but she was more quiet than I had ever seen her be! LOL! After her dog was done, Kim picked up the dog's mess and just stormed out of the dog park with her dog. She didn't say goodbye, she didn't say "I'm leaving" nor nothing, she just stormed out. Well, as much as a person can storm out in a wheelchair. I was quite surprised she hung around as long as she did! I fully expected her to leave MUCH sooner! LOL! As she was leaving, Karen said to her "The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Kim never answered.
Kim should know better by now not to fuck with me, my friends and my family. She's seen me in action many times before. My sis does not need this kind of stress in her life, she has enough shit to worry about with school coming up and everything. And school is going to be HARD!! She's doing university level schooling now. It's very stressful. So the last thing she needs is some shithead adding to that. Well, we are not the only ones Kim has shit-talked behind our backs. She did it to someone she considered a great friend, the woman she got Emma (the dog) from. That woman is now deceased, but Kim would say shit about her when she wasn't around and that woman would catch wind of it each time, and she would not talk to Kim for months! Kim is really an evil person. And I thought all this time that she was OK. BOY! Was I ever wrong!! Kim would never admit that she said this shit, and forget about ever getting an apology. But I want her to at least think about what she did and said, and I want her to sweat it out! Perhaps next time she will think twice before she messes with me and my sis again! She should know that I don't take no shit from no one! Not even people I considered friends. I told Karen that if this is the kind of person Kim is, then I don't want to be her friend. If there is one thing I hate, it's a coward! But Kim will get what she deserves soon enough. I kinda wonder though, does she do shit like this because of her stroke, or is this who she's always been?
Well, Karen came over and told me that a long time ago, she used to think of me and my sis as cows too. But she stopped thinking that way after she got to know us. She prayed about it even, she felt bad about that. I didn't even have to think about it, I just told her that I forgive her. The fact that she actually confessed to me, in person, that she thought that way at first and now feels bad about having said that tells me a lot. So I told her that I forgive her. I hope she doesn't feel bad about it anymore. Actually I don't mind being called a cow. Cows are adorable, big, and they're useful. But I still think Kim is an ugly cockroach, which is ugly, they're pests and they're useless! What gets me angry is the fact that Kim says it behind our backs, and then acts all sweet and friendly to our faces, and now she denies that she ever says it! That makes me mad! I'd rather if she was going to call me a cow that she would say it to my face! Not behind my back. I don't want her as a friend! I don't need friends like her! A person can lose weight if they want to, and be gorgeous! But you cannot fix ugly or stupid, of which Kim is really both! I never mentioned how ugly she is because it never mattered to me. When I like someone, I look at the inside, not the outside. But when someone is ugly on the inside, I have no choice but to look at the outside. Well, they'll be making snowcones in Hell before I accept Kim as a friend again. I said to Karen that I hoped Kim would delete me from her friends on Facebook, because if she doesn't, I will! So when I got back, I noticed Kim had not deleted me. So, I deleted her. But before I did, I wanted to leave her and what few friends she has on Facebook, with a little message. I told her that I think she's a liar and a wussy, and that all her friends on there should know how she is probably talking shit about them behind their backs! Not only did I drop her on Facebook, I also blocked her butt!
Kim really has no room to talk, she has a great big, fat ass herself. But I would not insult cows by saying she's one of them. I don't care about cockroaches, so I don't care if I call her that. LOL!
Well, my sis and I confronted Kim today, she asked Kim if she really liked us and we asked her to be perfectly honest. Kim said yes she does. I told Kim that I sensed a little hesitation in her voice. And yes, she did hesitate. Kim got all defensive right off the bat. She yelled at me in a manner that I never heard her yell before, she said "I saw what you wrote on your Facebook page, and it's NOT ME!!!" I turned to Anna and I said "she's a liar!" Well, Kim said "There's lots of people here saying stuff." I asked her if she has any names of those people, and she tensed up and said "no!" I said "So you are not going to reveal those names?" She again tensed up and said "No!" I began to sing "Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!" Well, Kim hung around for a while longer, but for the most part, she just sat in the seat with a disgruntled look on her face. Just the fact that she tensed up and got so defensive and angry gave the fact away that yes, she was saying that shit about me and my sis! Anna and I just had to find out if she meant it to be hurtful, or if it's just like the kidding that always goes on between buddies. But I think she did mean it to be hurtful. Otherwise she would not have got so angry or denied it. If it was just a buddy-type jab, she would have said "I'm sorry but I was just funnin'." Or "I didn't mean any harm by it." Mind you, I never mentioned Karen's name or that she said anything at all. I promised Karen I wouldn't. But Karen is now sure Kim is going to say shit about her too.
I think we really made Kim sweat! LOL! I really hated to be so nasty to her, as we've been friends for a year now. But I do not like this "new Kim", her trying to act like someone she's not. But Andy at least has an excuse. He's bipolar. Kim isn't. She's just being an asshole because she thinks it's funny and she thinks it makes her look cool. But it doesn't. It just makes her look like a total-ass jerk. Me, Anna and Karen were talking about what makes someone do shit like that, and I said out loud, looking straight at Kim "Some people just don't have minds of their own to form their own opinion. So they have to be robots and copy what someone else is doing." I think Kim knew I was talking about her. I just smiled, because I knew she was sitting there, sweating. Kim hung around for quite a while, but she was more quiet than I had ever seen her be! LOL! After her dog was done, Kim picked up the dog's mess and just stormed out of the dog park with her dog. She didn't say goodbye, she didn't say "I'm leaving" nor nothing, she just stormed out. Well, as much as a person can storm out in a wheelchair. I was quite surprised she hung around as long as she did! I fully expected her to leave MUCH sooner! LOL! As she was leaving, Karen said to her "The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Kim never answered.
Kim should know better by now not to fuck with me, my friends and my family. She's seen me in action many times before. My sis does not need this kind of stress in her life, she has enough shit to worry about with school coming up and everything. And school is going to be HARD!! She's doing university level schooling now. It's very stressful. So the last thing she needs is some shithead adding to that. Well, we are not the only ones Kim has shit-talked behind our backs. She did it to someone she considered a great friend, the woman she got Emma (the dog) from. That woman is now deceased, but Kim would say shit about her when she wasn't around and that woman would catch wind of it each time, and she would not talk to Kim for months! Kim is really an evil person. And I thought all this time that she was OK. BOY! Was I ever wrong!! Kim would never admit that she said this shit, and forget about ever getting an apology. But I want her to at least think about what she did and said, and I want her to sweat it out! Perhaps next time she will think twice before she messes with me and my sis again! She should know that I don't take no shit from no one! Not even people I considered friends. I told Karen that if this is the kind of person Kim is, then I don't want to be her friend. If there is one thing I hate, it's a coward! But Kim will get what she deserves soon enough. I kinda wonder though, does she do shit like this because of her stroke, or is this who she's always been?
Well, Karen came over and told me that a long time ago, she used to think of me and my sis as cows too. But she stopped thinking that way after she got to know us. She prayed about it even, she felt bad about that. I didn't even have to think about it, I just told her that I forgive her. The fact that she actually confessed to me, in person, that she thought that way at first and now feels bad about having said that tells me a lot. So I told her that I forgive her. I hope she doesn't feel bad about it anymore. Actually I don't mind being called a cow. Cows are adorable, big, and they're useful. But I still think Kim is an ugly cockroach, which is ugly, they're pests and they're useless! What gets me angry is the fact that Kim says it behind our backs, and then acts all sweet and friendly to our faces, and now she denies that she ever says it! That makes me mad! I'd rather if she was going to call me a cow that she would say it to my face! Not behind my back. I don't want her as a friend! I don't need friends like her! A person can lose weight if they want to, and be gorgeous! But you cannot fix ugly or stupid, of which Kim is really both! I never mentioned how ugly she is because it never mattered to me. When I like someone, I look at the inside, not the outside. But when someone is ugly on the inside, I have no choice but to look at the outside. Well, they'll be making snowcones in Hell before I accept Kim as a friend again. I said to Karen that I hoped Kim would delete me from her friends on Facebook, because if she doesn't, I will! So when I got back, I noticed Kim had not deleted me. So, I deleted her. But before I did, I wanted to leave her and what few friends she has on Facebook, with a little message. I told her that I think she's a liar and a wussy, and that all her friends on there should know how she is probably talking shit about them behind their backs! Not only did I drop her on Facebook, I also blocked her butt!
Kim really has no room to talk, she has a great big, fat ass herself. But I would not insult cows by saying she's one of them. I don't care about cockroaches, so I don't care if I call her that. LOL!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Back-Stabbing Bee-otch
I am so pissed off. There is someone in this building who I always considered a friend and always liked and was always very nice to. However today, I heard from an anonymous source that this so-called "friend" has been slamming me and my sister behind our backs every day. Usually I am a great judge of character, and this woman was always so nice, sweet and quiet. But this source told me what she has been saying about us behind our backs. Now, I don't mind being called names. I just wish the person who did it would just say it to our faces. I said to myself that I just may never speak to this "friend" again! My sis did not exactly appreciate being called names by someone we always considered a friend. The quickest way for anyone to get on my bad side is to shit on someone I care about, and I care about my sister deeply! I would not ever have moved here if I didn't. But the fact that this person just slammed on us behind our backs, never mentioned anything to our faces, and is proud of the shit she's doing, just adds to my earliest suspicions that Montanans are douchebags. Well, except Karen. I moved here with an open mind, hoping to make friends with the people. And I've always been polite. Or I always try to be. We all have our bad days afterall. But time and time again, the native Montanans have just proven that the majority of them are just as bad, if not worse than, most of the immigrants.
Ya know, now I think I understand why neither of my dogs will go near her. It started off with Minnie, but she just would not go near her because of Brandi. But now Vegas has stopped going to her too. And if I have my say, she will never lay a hand on my dogs again! I gave that woman my trust and friendship, and she just takes it and stomps on it. And if she wants to make fun of someone, I might suggest she look at herself in the mirror. Because she's no ravishing beauty herself! It always is so amusing when someone who is uglier than I am calls me and my sis names! There, I said it! Yes, she's ugly! I just never told her that because until now it didn't matter to me. But she looks like a red-haired old harpy. It takes a long time for me to learn to trust someone, and I gave this woman my trust. Takes a long time to build it up, but once someone does to me and my family what this woman did, it takes almost no time to lose my trust. Once it's gone, I may never trust that person again. Trust is something I do not just give away.
And I found out that I am not the only person she has betrayed! She betrayed Karen several times too. So that's it! I am never speaking to her again as of this moment. She can go eat shit and die for all I care now. Heck, if I see her in the dog park again, she'll be lucky if I don't punch her in the face! And she is no longer my friend! I'd rather talk to Sharon now than to this woman. But Sharon and Karen do not get along. I kinda wish they did. Then I can meet up with the two of them in the park instead of this woman. Sharon has been nicer lately. Me and Anna were with her in the dog park one day and we talked for hours about her family going deep-sea fishing. That's something me and my sis have always wanted to try! Sharon said that she would teach us how to fish, and I thought "Cool!" Karen said not to believe her because a promise means nothing to her. I said I know it. But still it was just fun to think about.
Ya know, now I think I understand why neither of my dogs will go near her. It started off with Minnie, but she just would not go near her because of Brandi. But now Vegas has stopped going to her too. And if I have my say, she will never lay a hand on my dogs again! I gave that woman my trust and friendship, and she just takes it and stomps on it. And if she wants to make fun of someone, I might suggest she look at herself in the mirror. Because she's no ravishing beauty herself! It always is so amusing when someone who is uglier than I am calls me and my sis names! There, I said it! Yes, she's ugly! I just never told her that because until now it didn't matter to me. But she looks like a red-haired old harpy. It takes a long time for me to learn to trust someone, and I gave this woman my trust. Takes a long time to build it up, but once someone does to me and my family what this woman did, it takes almost no time to lose my trust. Once it's gone, I may never trust that person again. Trust is something I do not just give away.
And I found out that I am not the only person she has betrayed! She betrayed Karen several times too. So that's it! I am never speaking to her again as of this moment. She can go eat shit and die for all I care now. Heck, if I see her in the dog park again, she'll be lucky if I don't punch her in the face! And she is no longer my friend! I'd rather talk to Sharon now than to this woman. But Sharon and Karen do not get along. I kinda wish they did. Then I can meet up with the two of them in the park instead of this woman. Sharon has been nicer lately. Me and Anna were with her in the dog park one day and we talked for hours about her family going deep-sea fishing. That's something me and my sis have always wanted to try! Sharon said that she would teach us how to fish, and I thought "Cool!" Karen said not to believe her because a promise means nothing to her. I said I know it. But still it was just fun to think about.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Happy Birthday Booby
Today my Booby is 6 years old. LOL! I call him my Booby, or teeny little booby-guy. Actually he has more nicknames than anyone I know. I still remember the day he was born, he was such a little doll! So cute, tender and sweet! They're always cutest when they are really tiny and don't have their eyes open yet. Vegas came at a time when I really needed something to cuddle. My Groucho had just died and I was missing her terribly bad. I was so used to Groucho sleeping under my arms at night that when I did not have her anymore, I could not sleep. I spent several sleepless, melancholy nights hoping and praying that Odessa, who was expecting at that time, would have a nice baby for me to cuddle with. When Vegas arrived, it was just as exciting as getting any new puppy. I remember how long it took me to come up with a good name for him. His first name was Buddy, and my sis had picked it out. I knew that was not the name I wanted to give him permanently though. I love and dwell on creativity, so I wanted a less common, more creative name for him. It took a couple of days, but I finally decided to call him Vegas, after the 2005 INXS song, Pretty Vegas. In fact, his full registered name is TG's Li'l Pretty Vegas. TG's was my kennel name back then, and his lines are in the "Li'l" lines of Will-O'Wisp. So I decided those would be his prefixes.
Vegas became the last puppy to be produced by our kennel, and I must say even I am impressed with him! He would have made a good show dog. But after Groucho died, my interest in breeding began to wane. Groucho too was pregnant when she died, and according to the vet, she had 4 babies inside her. I was counting so heavily on those being future breeders (as well as Vegas) that I felt when she and those babies were gone, it was an enormous set-back for the future of our kennel. If Vegas had turned out to be a female, I might have thought differently. I could have just hired stud service for her and built up from there. But Vegas turned out to be a boy, so I felt it was the end of our kennel for sure. For a short time, I thought about getting his championship and just hiring him out for stud service because his lines were so good, I didn't want to just throw them away. Then possibly I could have traded those services for future female offspring of his, but that would be like too much inbreeding, and I didn't want that. Not in my kennel! I don't mind line-breeding, but no inbreeding!
Other circumstances also made me want to quit. For one thing, finding out what douchebags most show breeders are. Also, around the time Vegas was 6 months old, my supervisor was talking about getting our stories online, so I had to do the illustrations and scanning for those, and I just simply did not have time anymore to go to every dog show that came close to my area every weekend. Thus I just didn't have time to train Vegas to become a show dog. Nor the desire. I still love my booby, part of that love is my just keeping him here with me, and not sending him off to shows. He has more fun at home anyways. He has his toys that he loves playing with, he has his treats occasionally, he has his family--me and Minnie, he has his friends in the dog park that he likes chasing, he's just much happier here than he would be going across country being shown. So when Vegas was about a year old, I got him neutered.
Vegas became the last puppy to be produced by our kennel, and I must say even I am impressed with him! He would have made a good show dog. But after Groucho died, my interest in breeding began to wane. Groucho too was pregnant when she died, and according to the vet, she had 4 babies inside her. I was counting so heavily on those being future breeders (as well as Vegas) that I felt when she and those babies were gone, it was an enormous set-back for the future of our kennel. If Vegas had turned out to be a female, I might have thought differently. I could have just hired stud service for her and built up from there. But Vegas turned out to be a boy, so I felt it was the end of our kennel for sure. For a short time, I thought about getting his championship and just hiring him out for stud service because his lines were so good, I didn't want to just throw them away. Then possibly I could have traded those services for future female offspring of his, but that would be like too much inbreeding, and I didn't want that. Not in my kennel! I don't mind line-breeding, but no inbreeding!
Other circumstances also made me want to quit. For one thing, finding out what douchebags most show breeders are. Also, around the time Vegas was 6 months old, my supervisor was talking about getting our stories online, so I had to do the illustrations and scanning for those, and I just simply did not have time anymore to go to every dog show that came close to my area every weekend. Thus I just didn't have time to train Vegas to become a show dog. Nor the desire. I still love my booby, part of that love is my just keeping him here with me, and not sending him off to shows. He has more fun at home anyways. He has his toys that he loves playing with, he has his treats occasionally, he has his family--me and Minnie, he has his friends in the dog park that he likes chasing, he's just much happier here than he would be going across country being shown. So when Vegas was about a year old, I got him neutered.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Stray Dogs In Russia
For the past couple of days, I've been in a back-and-forth conversation with some of the viewers of this one video showing a group of stray, semi-wild dogs attacking and killing a cat. It's an interesting video, the video poster said that these groups of stray dogs are a real big problem in Russia. It all started in the 1990s, when former dog breeders released their leftover stock into the wild and just let them roam free. Since then the groups of dogs have killed many smaller pets, including smaller dogs, fowl, deer, fox, rodents and other wildlife. But when they kill a cat, they don't eat it. Well, I am not surprised! I can imagine a cat would be nothing but fat and grease! Not too appetizing as a burger! LOL! But in all seriousness, he says these packs of wild dogs have also attacked children and adults the same way they attack this cat in the film. Check it out! I must warn you, it's very graphic!
I'm not surprised at the number of people on this video who said "Why didn't you save this cat??" I said "No one in their right mind is going to confront an aggressive pack of semi-wild dogs just to save a dumb cat!!" I know I wouldn't! It's not worth it. If it's just a cat, I would just be sitting inside my home thanking GOD that cat isn't me. Now, if I saw these dogs attack a child, you can bet I'd be out there with a shot gun in a flash and I'd kill those dogs for sure! But a cat?? Nah! I would not risk it just for a cat that is probably nothing more than a stray anyway. A pet would be different. I wouldn't mind saving someone's pet. But stray cats are nothing but trouble. They kill small animals and birds, and carry diseases.
On the other hand, you have to almost feel sorry for the cat. There is a very good chance the cat in this film is a stray, but it's still kinda sad to watch. My first reaction when I finished watching this film was "aww, poor kitty." Believe it or not! But then that is also always my reaction when I see bigger animals ripping up smaller animals. Like the other day when I saw a documentary on NatGeo about crocodiles, and they ripped up a whole herd of thompson's gazelles. These were HUGE crocs too! The gazelles would not stand a chance against them. I've been watching nature shows for most of my life, scenes like this usually do not bother me. But the video poster said that these dogs did not even eat the cat they killed. They just killed it and used it as a chew toy.
So stray dogs are a real big problem in some areas. They aren't here in the US anymore because we have proper shelters to take these dogs to if the owners do not want them anymore. But in places like Russia, and many other Asian and European countries, they've become a real problem. This is one reason I hate irresponsible people! But then again, if the country does not have shelters to take unwanted pets to, what else is a pet owner supposed to do when they decide they don't want their pet anymore, or they cannot have them anymore?
One of the people I got into it with was a young girl who calls herself toolcat. Now, if I had known in the beginning that she was only 12, I never would have got into it with her. But her profile said something to the effect of she was 47. I thought she was just a dumb 47 year old!!! But she's not, she's actually quite a smart 12 year old. I began to suspect she was not as old as her profile said she was when she was taking everything I said too literally. Kinda like Rose on the Golden Girls. Well, I don't like battling with 12 year olds. I think it gives them a sense of bad values, and the last thing this world needs is more kids with bad ideas about respect. I usually only attack 12 year olds that come to one of my videos, or my channel, and start their shit with me. Never on someone else's video if I can help it. So I backed off, slowly but surely.
I'm not surprised at the number of people on this video who said "Why didn't you save this cat??" I said "No one in their right mind is going to confront an aggressive pack of semi-wild dogs just to save a dumb cat!!" I know I wouldn't! It's not worth it. If it's just a cat, I would just be sitting inside my home thanking GOD that cat isn't me. Now, if I saw these dogs attack a child, you can bet I'd be out there with a shot gun in a flash and I'd kill those dogs for sure! But a cat?? Nah! I would not risk it just for a cat that is probably nothing more than a stray anyway. A pet would be different. I wouldn't mind saving someone's pet. But stray cats are nothing but trouble. They kill small animals and birds, and carry diseases.
On the other hand, you have to almost feel sorry for the cat. There is a very good chance the cat in this film is a stray, but it's still kinda sad to watch. My first reaction when I finished watching this film was "aww, poor kitty." Believe it or not! But then that is also always my reaction when I see bigger animals ripping up smaller animals. Like the other day when I saw a documentary on NatGeo about crocodiles, and they ripped up a whole herd of thompson's gazelles. These were HUGE crocs too! The gazelles would not stand a chance against them. I've been watching nature shows for most of my life, scenes like this usually do not bother me. But the video poster said that these dogs did not even eat the cat they killed. They just killed it and used it as a chew toy.
So stray dogs are a real big problem in some areas. They aren't here in the US anymore because we have proper shelters to take these dogs to if the owners do not want them anymore. But in places like Russia, and many other Asian and European countries, they've become a real problem. This is one reason I hate irresponsible people! But then again, if the country does not have shelters to take unwanted pets to, what else is a pet owner supposed to do when they decide they don't want their pet anymore, or they cannot have them anymore?
One of the people I got into it with was a young girl who calls herself toolcat. Now, if I had known in the beginning that she was only 12, I never would have got into it with her. But her profile said something to the effect of she was 47. I thought she was just a dumb 47 year old!!! But she's not, she's actually quite a smart 12 year old. I began to suspect she was not as old as her profile said she was when she was taking everything I said too literally. Kinda like Rose on the Golden Girls. Well, I don't like battling with 12 year olds. I think it gives them a sense of bad values, and the last thing this world needs is more kids with bad ideas about respect. I usually only attack 12 year olds that come to one of my videos, or my channel, and start their shit with me. Never on someone else's video if I can help it. So I backed off, slowly but surely.
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Hello and welcome! That's the name of this new blog. Well, that's the name of this temporary blog. My last blog,, was ...
No, I haven't "switched over"! That will never happen. I'll always be a dog lover. But there is a Facebook page devoted to...
A while ago, I wrote a post about the stupidest reasons people think cats are better than dogs. Well, let's face it, anyone who thinks c...
Official "Felon"
Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...