I've been thumbing through YouTube's collection of fat women videos. Just for the Hell of it. I cannot believe the amount of people who say such things as "fat people are disgusting" and "fat people smell like shit", and my all-time favorite one of all: "Fat people have no feelings because they aren't real people." HAHAHA!!! I didn't ever know there were people who are that stupid!! Oh yeah I think that one is a toss-up with another personal favorite: "I'm fat, but I'm a guy so who cares!" As if it's any different if a man is fat as opposed to a woman being fat!! Depending on how you look at it, fat men are every bit as disgusting as fat women.
Now, I admit this one video I saw of a woman who is super fat, and she has a talent she just had to put on YouTube. She claps without using her hands. Instead she opens and closes her knees and they make that clapping sound. She should NOT have put that video up!! But this is YouTube, and you're going to come across all kinds!! People on that thread were saying how disgusting that was, and calling this woman all kinds of names. I admit she shouldn't have posted that video, but these people acted like this woman committed the crime of the century. I'm like Geez!!! Lighten up!! People think that just because a person is fat that they should go crawl in some hole so no one else has to look at them. Hello!! I'm not on this planet to impress anyone!! I live for myself!! If you don't like how I look or don't like me because I'm fat, that's your problem!! I'm happy with who I am.
I told everyone on this thread about my daily walks, and I told them I may be a fat person, but at least I am a healthy fat person. One person came in and said "LMAO a 'healthy fat person' is an oxymoron. That's like saying unicorns and lepricauns exist." While I admit that being fat normally does not equal being healthy, I'm not like "normal" people. Never have been, never will be. In fact, in my recent trip to the doctor's, he was absolutely amazed at how healthy I was. I was taking antibiotics for a recent, very minor infection I had, and he said "35 years old and the only medical problem you have is this minor infection?" But hey! My cholestorol is fine, my blood pressure is fine and heart rate is superb!!! So yeah, at my size and my age, that's not bad at all!! I don't ever eat McDonald's, I have BK maybe once every 6-12 months, I drink more water than anything else. Yes, I do splurge once in a while at BK, but I NEVER order full meals!! No fries, if I do get a drink it's usually a small one. Then I wash it all out when I get home with 2 heaping (32-ounce) glasses of PURE water. And yet, I still managed to lose 35 pounds!!!! I go on 3-mile walks daily, and I just do it for the fun of it! I walk to the beach when I can. I could go every day if I want to, but sometimes I don't feel like dealing with the sand.
Anyway, I said to this smart-ass "I guess you're the kind of person that believes lepricauns and unicorns exist because these are the words of a healthy fat person!" I'm sure he's going to retort. Ya know, I cannot blame him. Society has people like him trained that fat people are lazy, disgusting low-lifes that eat themselves to this state and they deserve to be poked at and teased. But not everyone is fat because they are lazy or eat a lot. I'm as active and mobile as any thin person you could ever meet, the only reason I am fat is because of that surgery I had, and a hormonal imbalance. But I don't let that define who I am. It happened, that's the end of it. It's my cross to bear, let me deal with it. I don't let it stop me or cripple me in any way. I don't go to anyone begging for acceptance or sympathy. I'd rather people like me for who I am rather than what I could give them or for some other type of physical trait. That's not to say though that I wouldn't give my friends the World if I can. :) I'm very well-known for being a giving person. I'm not exactly what someone would call a "fat-ass low-life". But if that's all this person sees when he meets a fat person, not much I can do to change his mind. Just educate people like that and hope someday they get the message. If not from me, perhaps they'll learn from someone else that we're just average people, who just happen to have more pounds on us. But we can be just as good, or as bad, as anyone else.
I always try to be good. I can be brutally honest, but that doesn't make me bad or uncaring. In fact, most of the time I am brutally honest is because I care. I sometimes think I care about others more than I should. If I like someone, I tend to put their worries and desires before my own. I know I shouldn't but I do! It's just my nature. I know it sounds weird!!
Well, yesterday I found a Home Depot in Aberdeen, I had no idea whatsoever they had one there!!! That is exciting to me! It means I can begin this project and I won't have to go all the way to Olympia just to find a damn Home Depot!!! I went there and looked around and priced some items I'm going to need to begin this project. I've made up my mind, I'm going to build my own bird and reptile enclosures! I am so excited about this project!!!! I've got my own plans made up and everything. I'm hoping that with all this planning I've been doing, that these enclosures turn out nicely. I even got to play with some of their power tools! I'm not really used to handling power tools, but I have a knack for picking up on things very quickly and after a while, I even found it to be quite fun! There was even an automatic hammer!! It hammers nails in automatically! I've GOT to get me one of those!!! I'm always smashing my fingers with the hammer. I never hurt myself, but still!!! It's a big annoyance!!! Anyway, I can predict, at the least this will be FUN!!! At best, I'll have some highly-attractive acrylic enclosures for my birds, snakes and lizards. The plans I have will even make them better than those made by Cages By Design! hehehe! I'm going to choose acrylic sides as opposed to glass or mesh. I will have little windows above for screens to allow fresh air into the cage. But acrylic holds warm air in better than glass does. And thus the birds and other animals won't be as exposed to drafts as they would with all-mesh sides. And out here, it gets VERY drafty!! I would never be able to own birds if not for these kinds of cages. I don't use our heater very often. But I LOVE birds and I want them again. I'm going to raise ornamental, exotic finches and softbills and day geckos. Not in the same cages though!! I'll have a separate enclosure for the geckos, and a separate enclosure for the birds. Birds will have plenty of room for flight, geckos don't need a lot of room, but their cages will be taller since they are arboreal lizards. Each will have a place to plug in a heater and a full-spectrum lighting system. Yep, it's going to be fun!! I can hardly wait to get started.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Surgery SUCKS!!!!
I hate it, but I wanted it so I got it. But knowing that doesn't make me feel any better. I'm in bed and I cannot get out and it is driving me CRAZY!!! I mean, even crazier than I already was! LOL! But Anna has been a big help to me. I couldn't have made it this far without her. She's studying to be a nurse, she's going to make a good one let me tell you all!! She just needs to get used to the sight of bodily juices that I cannot talk about on here. LOL! Not that I have much anymore. In fact, I feel so drained, I don't think I have anymore left!! But I'm so sick of staying in bed! I hate it! I like to move around. But these pain killers I've been put on get me so drowsy, I feel like if I take a few steps, I'll just drop dead right in the middle of the room. By drop dead, I mean drop dead to sleep. LOL! It takes every bit of energy I've got left just to get myself up to use the restroom.
I'm bored out of my mind! There's only so much I can do in this book I'm working on. Thank GOD it's not a book I have to draw the pictures in. But nevertheless, it's still tough work! Getting the info I want to include and then putting it all down to where it makes some sense! That's a lot! But it's something to keep my mind going in between naps, and there's a LOT of naps!!!! I cannot wait to get off these pills! I'm actually trying to make them go faster if I can, but I cannot take them any sooner than 4 hours apart. So I've taken to taking them at night as well. hehe! Even as I am writing this, I'm still having trouble keeping my eyes open. My ma is afraid I'm going to become addicted to these pills, but no. No worries there, I don't allow myself to fall victim to drug addictions. The only thing in the World I'm addicted to is looking at Tim Farriss, and I don't care if I'm addicted to that! LOL! At least if I get overdosed on Timmy, it won't kill me.
Speaking of rock stars, the doctor who did my surgery looked just like Kurt Cobain!! Same hair, same eyes, even the shape of his nose was the same! But I know it wasn't him! Couldn't have been!! LOL! He looked like he was in his 20s. But as long as he knew what he was doing, I didn't care about his age! And like I said about Anna, she's going to make a fine nurse someday! I cannot wait to see how she does when she graduates from MSU!! She's a very caring person. I promised her I would reward her generously when I'm fully recovered. I am so glad I had the surgery now, as opposed to later, I want to be all better by Thanksgiving. At least enough to move around effectively and make my part of the Thanksgiving dinner. I made a deal with my ma, if she took care of the turkey and gravy, I would do the rest. I want to do it the old fashioned way, everything home made. Nothing store bought. That's why I want to at least be back on my feet again by then. That's going to require hours of standing on my feet!!
Well, the one thing I dreaded about this surgery was the ride home. In the last 2 surgeries I've had in my lifetime, I always got sick and puked afterwords! LOL! This time I didn't!! But yesterday I did have hiccups that would not go away!! Still got some today, but not as bad as yesterday's!!!
I'm bored out of my mind! There's only so much I can do in this book I'm working on. Thank GOD it's not a book I have to draw the pictures in. But nevertheless, it's still tough work! Getting the info I want to include and then putting it all down to where it makes some sense! That's a lot! But it's something to keep my mind going in between naps, and there's a LOT of naps!!!! I cannot wait to get off these pills! I'm actually trying to make them go faster if I can, but I cannot take them any sooner than 4 hours apart. So I've taken to taking them at night as well. hehe! Even as I am writing this, I'm still having trouble keeping my eyes open. My ma is afraid I'm going to become addicted to these pills, but no. No worries there, I don't allow myself to fall victim to drug addictions. The only thing in the World I'm addicted to is looking at Tim Farriss, and I don't care if I'm addicted to that! LOL! At least if I get overdosed on Timmy, it won't kill me.
Speaking of rock stars, the doctor who did my surgery looked just like Kurt Cobain!! Same hair, same eyes, even the shape of his nose was the same! But I know it wasn't him! Couldn't have been!! LOL! He looked like he was in his 20s. But as long as he knew what he was doing, I didn't care about his age! And like I said about Anna, she's going to make a fine nurse someday! I cannot wait to see how she does when she graduates from MSU!! She's a very caring person. I promised her I would reward her generously when I'm fully recovered. I am so glad I had the surgery now, as opposed to later, I want to be all better by Thanksgiving. At least enough to move around effectively and make my part of the Thanksgiving dinner. I made a deal with my ma, if she took care of the turkey and gravy, I would do the rest. I want to do it the old fashioned way, everything home made. Nothing store bought. That's why I want to at least be back on my feet again by then. That's going to require hours of standing on my feet!!
Well, the one thing I dreaded about this surgery was the ride home. In the last 2 surgeries I've had in my lifetime, I always got sick and puked afterwords! LOL! This time I didn't!! But yesterday I did have hiccups that would not go away!! Still got some today, but not as bad as yesterday's!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
AGH!! One thing that I have noticed in my writing my book now, my writing is too simplistic!! I hear that a lot from everyone! Kenny said it to me, so has a lot of other wise-guys, right down to Devil Doll in the INXS forum!! And you know who I blame for my having become such a simplistic writer? That darned old AcmePet forum that used to exist!! It's all their faults!! Not the forum it's self, but a lot of the people who used to get on it. Up until I used to get in there, my writings were very elaborate and even at times, complex. Maybe too complex for the simpletons that used to get on the AcmePet forums!! Well! That's show breeders for you! And yes, many of them were show breeders, or were the types of people who believed you should not breed dogs unless you've already shown them to their championships. While I cannot say I disagree whole-heartedly with that, anyone who is so strict in their beliefs of that IMO is nothing but narrow-minded! And those people were like that. But I think the lack of interest in using big words and phrases in forums and stuff was totally brainwashed out of me due to the people on that site. I bring this on now because I am working on my book of mammals of the world, and I noticed my writing is indeed too simplistic, compared to the books and scientific writings that I have been using as my sources of information!! Watch for this book BTW, coming to UMG Productions! I've got my supervisor's OK on this one. It may hit the site either next year or the year after. I may have to hire an editor because I don't want this book to look like it's been written by a 12-year old!!
Well, AcmePet was the first, and thus far the ONLY, forum to complain about my using such big words. It was through there that I discovered people actually HATE it when you use big words! I remember a lot of people on there, many of them accomplished show breeders, a lot of the words I used seemed to go WAY over their heads!!! Finally, there was this one woman who wasn't a show breeder or any kind of breeder, but she had the mind of one, she called herself PatB, she owned a papillon. She was a nice person for the most part, but one time the forum was having a discussion, I don't remember now what it was about, but I do remember that I wrote what almost seemed like an essay, and it was very complex, with a lot of use of college-level words, which is how I always used to write back then. Anyway, PatB read my message and she was like "what did you say?" I responded "You didn't understand that??" So I had to simplify it for her. A woman in her 50s and I had to simplify what I wrote for her. I was nice about it, but I was almost embarrassed for her! But she responded as a lot of people over the months I spent on there responded to a lot of my posts. She said "Next time you want to join a discussion, keep your responses simple like that. Please leave out the big words." So I said "Screw that then! I will leave out the big words if it annoys these people so much!" But I used to get that all the time! People would always say "Let me get out my dictionary so I can understand your post" or "Smaller words please Bambi!" (Bambi, BTW, was my nickname on that forum), and other comments like those. I remember Sharon, the woman who started the battle with me on the chihuahua forum, said that I used too many big words, like I was a young person trying to sound older. When that was not the case at all. I was used to using big words. I'm a writer, I could not help using big words. But since my time in the AcmePet forums, I've been brainwashed out of using any big words. So now, instead of hearing people bitch about me using too many big words in my sentences, I hear people bitch about my sentences being too simplistic! UGH!!! This is why I just stopped listening to critics. You can never satisfy them. Well, show breeders are always going to bitch about something!!! They aren't happy if they aren't complaining or griping! But I would have at least expected a little bit better attitude from pet owning (non-breeding or showing) people!!
Sometimes, I've got to confess, I feel a bit bad talking about show breeders this way. Because I actually have met some I liked a lot. I don't like clumping them into the same category of other show breeders I've met who's attitudes have been unsavory, at best. So to say something positive for a change about show breeders, I will list the show breeders I've met, either online or in real life, that I do like. Keep in mind, this is not a very long list at all! And I am going to name names that I know them by!
I remember on the AcmePet site, there was one woman named SandyB, who bred and showed miniature schnauzers. I remember I HATED her when I first met her because she started attacking me and my dogs. But after I got to know her, and knew how she truly felt about dogs and breeding, and learning that she was just telling it like it was, I actually got to like her a lot!
On the Pluba forums, there was Tanya who breeds and shows chihuahuas. I still like her a lot. But like SandyB, I didn't when I first met her. But she tells it like it is under no uncertain terms, and I like that. Though sometimes she falters a bit. She said Odessa wasn't a very good specimen of a chihuahua, and I asked her what made her say that and she never answered. I didn't mind her honesty, but I wish she'd have told me the truth about why she didn't see Odessa as a good specimen.
Also on the Pluba forum, there is Kandee, who I also like. I remember I didn't like her (again) when I first met her. I know!! I need to stop judging people before I get to know them!!! I'm training myself to do that now. But after I got to know her, I discovered she's really one of the sweetest show breeders I've ever met! Online or off.
Also on the Pluba forum was Horneybull. She was one of the few show breeders I always liked. She's always been really nice, and she's so well educated. She's always had something educational to say as well. I always found her posts to be very precise and informative.
Also on the Pluba forum was DJsDoxies. Now, I honestly don't know if we're still online friends or not, I haven't seen her in a long time, and I get a deep, dark feeling she wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore because of how I feel about show breeders. But until I absolutely, without question learn different, I still like her a lot, she's always been a very sweet person to me.
Another from the Pluba forum I really like is Tailwagging. I actually spoke to her on the phone, and she is just as nice over the phone as I've always known her to be on the forum. She breeds and shows chihuahuas and she has some lovely specimens! She's not only sweet, she's honest too, as the day is long!
Another from the Pluba forum I really liked was Carla. I haven't seen her in a long time though. She reminds me so much of SandyB from AcmePet! She tells it like it is when it comes to breeding dogs, and doesn't sugar-coat anything either! I like that quality in a breeder.
The show breeders I've actually met in person and really like are:
Helene, she breeds and shows chihuahuas too, her kennel name is Kandiland, and she has some lovely specimens. Though I am still disappointed in this one female she got from John C. Since he is her friend, I would have expected him to give her a better specimen, but that's him! And he is none of my concern, since he is NOT on my list of show breeders I like!! I'd NEVER like him! But anyway, I like Helene, because she is definitely one of the sweetest show breeders I've met personally. She lives here in this state. She was the one who wound up in the hospital here a while back. The only reason I didn't say anything to her was because I didn't want my address or phone # to get to another show breeder that I don't trust around the corner at all! (Sorry this entry got soured by the memories of a breeder I would never want anything to do with.)
Marie, of Stormin' Chihuahuas. In all honesty, I really shouldn't like her because I found out she is one of those kinds of people who will stop liking someone if everyone else around her doesn't like that someone. But when I met her, she was really nice. She even tried to help me get back in the ball with breeding after Groucho died. She tried, but I just couldn't bite I guess. Now, I know she doesn't like me anymore, but I still have good memories of her so I have really no hard feelings about her.
Marjorie of Amulet Chihuahuas. She was the one who sold me Groucho. I really like her. She was always so nice and very helpful. And regardless of what you might hear from some other breeders who show, YES, Margie DOES show her dogs!! She works with several different breeds, but she shows each and every breed she works with, and does exceptionally well!! She finished Groucho's sister in only 4 weeks! I call that GOOD!!!
Millie of Will O' Wisp Chihuahuas, even though she is not breeding or showing anymore, she was a very nice woman. She sold Anna Odessa and Anna loves her a lot!! We were so sorry to hear of the unfortunate events that has stopped her from breeding and showing.
Jackie of Burgundy Chihuahuas. I don't remember if that's her name, but she's deceased now. She died shortly after Groucho did, and it's terrible because I was going to get a pup from her one time. I always admired her dogs, she had some of the best in this whole state!! Plus, she was a very nice woman, and sometimes, showed us how to prep Odessa for showing. I actually cried, I felt the dog show world suffered an irreplaceable loss with her death. :(
Well, Pitter, from the Pluba forum, at least deserves an honorable mention here. She is one of the nicer breeders I've met. I'm not sure if she shows or not. Though we locked horns when we first met. I learned to like her once I learned to forgive her. And she was nice to say something about Groucho after I lost her.
Then there's RatLady. I like her too! I don't know if she's started showing yet though. People on Pluba try to push her into showing, I personally don't care if she does or not. I used to not like RatLady, sometimes she gets irrational like I used to. But I found out she and I are so much alike in a lot of ways. We both have our own minds, and the snobby show breeders always see us both as being "crazy" because of it. One would think we were related, we're so much alike. That was when I stopped disliking her and started learning to like her a lot again. The only thing that makes me uneasy about RatLady is how she totally rejects and laughs off the advice she gets from the other knowledgeable show breeders like Tanya. But she's not as bad as some others I've known. Believe me!! Among those that are MUCH worse than RatLady was Sara W. Known on the Pluba forums as Mcgillicutty.
Then there is also Hu-Dare on the Pluba forum. I don't know why I like her, but I do. In all realism, I probably shouldn't. She's never been very friendly to me, but I like how she is so upfront and honest! She doesn't go and talk BS about people in PMs that I know of, and she's honest without sounding like a bully, and I like that kind of person.
And of course, Tom, I know he used to have a kennel he called TLC and then TomCan's Chihuahuas. I like him too. Always did. Even though we have had some snaps at each other before, I still like him. I don't know if he is still breeding, I know he was trying to start showing, but I don't know if he has yet. The only thing about him I think could use some improvements is how irrational he gets about merle chihuahuas. He doesn't like them, OK. But don't let that dislike run your life and your mind.
Well that's all the show breeders I like. My thoughts may be outdated, but until I learn completely different from these people, this is who all I like in the show breeding game. I told you the list isn't that long! But this time instead of elaborating on about the show breeders I don't like, I thought I would list the nicer ones I've met.
Well, AcmePet was the first, and thus far the ONLY, forum to complain about my using such big words. It was through there that I discovered people actually HATE it when you use big words! I remember a lot of people on there, many of them accomplished show breeders, a lot of the words I used seemed to go WAY over their heads!!! Finally, there was this one woman who wasn't a show breeder or any kind of breeder, but she had the mind of one, she called herself PatB, she owned a papillon. She was a nice person for the most part, but one time the forum was having a discussion, I don't remember now what it was about, but I do remember that I wrote what almost seemed like an essay, and it was very complex, with a lot of use of college-level words, which is how I always used to write back then. Anyway, PatB read my message and she was like "what did you say?" I responded "You didn't understand that??" So I had to simplify it for her. A woman in her 50s and I had to simplify what I wrote for her. I was nice about it, but I was almost embarrassed for her! But she responded as a lot of people over the months I spent on there responded to a lot of my posts. She said "Next time you want to join a discussion, keep your responses simple like that. Please leave out the big words." So I said "Screw that then! I will leave out the big words if it annoys these people so much!" But I used to get that all the time! People would always say "Let me get out my dictionary so I can understand your post" or "Smaller words please Bambi!" (Bambi, BTW, was my nickname on that forum), and other comments like those. I remember Sharon, the woman who started the battle with me on the chihuahua forum, said that I used too many big words, like I was a young person trying to sound older. When that was not the case at all. I was used to using big words. I'm a writer, I could not help using big words. But since my time in the AcmePet forums, I've been brainwashed out of using any big words. So now, instead of hearing people bitch about me using too many big words in my sentences, I hear people bitch about my sentences being too simplistic! UGH!!! This is why I just stopped listening to critics. You can never satisfy them. Well, show breeders are always going to bitch about something!!! They aren't happy if they aren't complaining or griping! But I would have at least expected a little bit better attitude from pet owning (non-breeding or showing) people!!
Sometimes, I've got to confess, I feel a bit bad talking about show breeders this way. Because I actually have met some I liked a lot. I don't like clumping them into the same category of other show breeders I've met who's attitudes have been unsavory, at best. So to say something positive for a change about show breeders, I will list the show breeders I've met, either online or in real life, that I do like. Keep in mind, this is not a very long list at all! And I am going to name names that I know them by!
I remember on the AcmePet site, there was one woman named SandyB, who bred and showed miniature schnauzers. I remember I HATED her when I first met her because she started attacking me and my dogs. But after I got to know her, and knew how she truly felt about dogs and breeding, and learning that she was just telling it like it was, I actually got to like her a lot!
On the Pluba forums, there was Tanya who breeds and shows chihuahuas. I still like her a lot. But like SandyB, I didn't when I first met her. But she tells it like it is under no uncertain terms, and I like that. Though sometimes she falters a bit. She said Odessa wasn't a very good specimen of a chihuahua, and I asked her what made her say that and she never answered. I didn't mind her honesty, but I wish she'd have told me the truth about why she didn't see Odessa as a good specimen.
Also on the Pluba forum, there is Kandee, who I also like. I remember I didn't like her (again) when I first met her. I know!! I need to stop judging people before I get to know them!!! I'm training myself to do that now. But after I got to know her, I discovered she's really one of the sweetest show breeders I've ever met! Online or off.
Also on the Pluba forum was Horneybull. She was one of the few show breeders I always liked. She's always been really nice, and she's so well educated. She's always had something educational to say as well. I always found her posts to be very precise and informative.
Also on the Pluba forum was DJsDoxies. Now, I honestly don't know if we're still online friends or not, I haven't seen her in a long time, and I get a deep, dark feeling she wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore because of how I feel about show breeders. But until I absolutely, without question learn different, I still like her a lot, she's always been a very sweet person to me.
Another from the Pluba forum I really like is Tailwagging. I actually spoke to her on the phone, and she is just as nice over the phone as I've always known her to be on the forum. She breeds and shows chihuahuas and she has some lovely specimens! She's not only sweet, she's honest too, as the day is long!
Another from the Pluba forum I really liked was Carla. I haven't seen her in a long time though. She reminds me so much of SandyB from AcmePet! She tells it like it is when it comes to breeding dogs, and doesn't sugar-coat anything either! I like that quality in a breeder.
The show breeders I've actually met in person and really like are:
Helene, she breeds and shows chihuahuas too, her kennel name is Kandiland, and she has some lovely specimens. Though I am still disappointed in this one female she got from John C. Since he is her friend, I would have expected him to give her a better specimen, but that's him! And he is none of my concern, since he is NOT on my list of show breeders I like!! I'd NEVER like him! But anyway, I like Helene, because she is definitely one of the sweetest show breeders I've met personally. She lives here in this state. She was the one who wound up in the hospital here a while back. The only reason I didn't say anything to her was because I didn't want my address or phone # to get to another show breeder that I don't trust around the corner at all! (Sorry this entry got soured by the memories of a breeder I would never want anything to do with.)
Marie, of Stormin' Chihuahuas. In all honesty, I really shouldn't like her because I found out she is one of those kinds of people who will stop liking someone if everyone else around her doesn't like that someone. But when I met her, she was really nice. She even tried to help me get back in the ball with breeding after Groucho died. She tried, but I just couldn't bite I guess. Now, I know she doesn't like me anymore, but I still have good memories of her so I have really no hard feelings about her.
Marjorie of Amulet Chihuahuas. She was the one who sold me Groucho. I really like her. She was always so nice and very helpful. And regardless of what you might hear from some other breeders who show, YES, Margie DOES show her dogs!! She works with several different breeds, but she shows each and every breed she works with, and does exceptionally well!! She finished Groucho's sister in only 4 weeks! I call that GOOD!!!
Millie of Will O' Wisp Chihuahuas, even though she is not breeding or showing anymore, she was a very nice woman. She sold Anna Odessa and Anna loves her a lot!! We were so sorry to hear of the unfortunate events that has stopped her from breeding and showing.
Jackie of Burgundy Chihuahuas. I don't remember if that's her name, but she's deceased now. She died shortly after Groucho did, and it's terrible because I was going to get a pup from her one time. I always admired her dogs, she had some of the best in this whole state!! Plus, she was a very nice woman, and sometimes, showed us how to prep Odessa for showing. I actually cried, I felt the dog show world suffered an irreplaceable loss with her death. :(
Well, Pitter, from the Pluba forum, at least deserves an honorable mention here. She is one of the nicer breeders I've met. I'm not sure if she shows or not. Though we locked horns when we first met. I learned to like her once I learned to forgive her. And she was nice to say something about Groucho after I lost her.
Then there's RatLady. I like her too! I don't know if she's started showing yet though. People on Pluba try to push her into showing, I personally don't care if she does or not. I used to not like RatLady, sometimes she gets irrational like I used to. But I found out she and I are so much alike in a lot of ways. We both have our own minds, and the snobby show breeders always see us both as being "crazy" because of it. One would think we were related, we're so much alike. That was when I stopped disliking her and started learning to like her a lot again. The only thing that makes me uneasy about RatLady is how she totally rejects and laughs off the advice she gets from the other knowledgeable show breeders like Tanya. But she's not as bad as some others I've known. Believe me!! Among those that are MUCH worse than RatLady was Sara W. Known on the Pluba forums as Mcgillicutty.
Then there is also Hu-Dare on the Pluba forum. I don't know why I like her, but I do. In all realism, I probably shouldn't. She's never been very friendly to me, but I like how she is so upfront and honest! She doesn't go and talk BS about people in PMs that I know of, and she's honest without sounding like a bully, and I like that kind of person.
And of course, Tom, I know he used to have a kennel he called TLC and then TomCan's Chihuahuas. I like him too. Always did. Even though we have had some snaps at each other before, I still like him. I don't know if he is still breeding, I know he was trying to start showing, but I don't know if he has yet. The only thing about him I think could use some improvements is how irrational he gets about merle chihuahuas. He doesn't like them, OK. But don't let that dislike run your life and your mind.
Well that's all the show breeders I like. My thoughts may be outdated, but until I learn completely different from these people, this is who all I like in the show breeding game. I told you the list isn't that long! But this time instead of elaborating on about the show breeders I don't like, I thought I would list the nicer ones I've met.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I'm Through!!
I'm so through responding to all the dumbasses on YouTube! Though I will continue to go there and do my research, I'm not going to be responding to anymore people I know to be dumbasses! Like the other day, I got a message in my inbox from a guy who calls himself "juggernaut", I didn't even open it. The idiot has been trying to convince me for weeks of something I know is not true!! To be honest, I think he's actually booobooo2010! No doubt in another alter-ego! Either that or he knows booobooo2010 and he's rushing to his aid. But it won't work with me! I think it's kinda funny actually because one time booobooo2010 asked me in a hostile manner if I was insane. He said "Are you fucking insane dumbass!!" I should have answered, "You bet I am, Shitface!!!" But since booobooo2010 is using 2 different names on YouTube to make his point, looks like he is even more insane than me!! At least I come by it honestly, and I only have one account on YouTube! I don't use pseudonyms to make my point and I don't need anyone else's help. I can very well stand on my own 2 feet! But you know how these cowards like booobooo2010 are!!
I dunno! There's a lot of things in this life I know I should do but I don't! I don't call anyone names, even when they do it to me. But I do have a breaking point, like everyone else. Though I'm trying to learn to give myself a wider berth as that goes, if I am pushed to that point, I cannot help but snap. So, that is why I've stopped answering people I know to be dumbasses. And in some cases I don't even look at their messages. It won't happen anymore! I won't even go to those threads at all anymore, no matter what. I've just simply had it with the rude dip-shits on YouTube!! Like I said in an earlier post, I don't know why I've bothered with some of them in the first place! Most of them are too stupid to live!!
I think Matt on Operation Repo last night, put it beautifully. That's how cowards are, they typically get mouthy when they have friends, or any people, backing them up (or in the case of the internet, when they can create more than one username). Not that I mind my friends if they want to back me up, as long as they don't do it too much!!! But I don't need them! I don't rely on them because I really don't mind if I stand alone. I've done it before, remember PETA-Sucks? LOL! I stood on my own there, everyone else was for Mr. Cutthroat. I didn't mind it though. I just knew that group wasn't for me when I found out the majority of the people on there were racists! The kind of people I hate the most! It was so good last night to see 2 new episodes of Operation Repo! And I am so glad that Luis is back in the game. I hope he cools down and doesn't get to that level of irrationality again!
Well, today I have surgery, so I'm probably going to be down for a while. I don't know when I'll be back. I don't really want to discuss all the details here, and I hope Anna doesn't go blabbing it to everyone on Facebook again like she always does!! I mean really! Some things should stay behind closed doors!! If I wanted to really discuss these things, I would tell them myself!! But Anna needs to learn the difference between what can be stated publicly, and what should stay anonymous! Either that, or I delete her from my Facebook friends!!! I will if she ever does that again! She's done it twice already!!!
I dunno! There's a lot of things in this life I know I should do but I don't! I don't call anyone names, even when they do it to me. But I do have a breaking point, like everyone else. Though I'm trying to learn to give myself a wider berth as that goes, if I am pushed to that point, I cannot help but snap. So, that is why I've stopped answering people I know to be dumbasses. And in some cases I don't even look at their messages. It won't happen anymore! I won't even go to those threads at all anymore, no matter what. I've just simply had it with the rude dip-shits on YouTube!! Like I said in an earlier post, I don't know why I've bothered with some of them in the first place! Most of them are too stupid to live!!
I think Matt on Operation Repo last night, put it beautifully. That's how cowards are, they typically get mouthy when they have friends, or any people, backing them up (or in the case of the internet, when they can create more than one username). Not that I mind my friends if they want to back me up, as long as they don't do it too much!!! But I don't need them! I don't rely on them because I really don't mind if I stand alone. I've done it before, remember PETA-Sucks? LOL! I stood on my own there, everyone else was for Mr. Cutthroat. I didn't mind it though. I just knew that group wasn't for me when I found out the majority of the people on there were racists! The kind of people I hate the most! It was so good last night to see 2 new episodes of Operation Repo! And I am so glad that Luis is back in the game. I hope he cools down and doesn't get to that level of irrationality again!
Well, today I have surgery, so I'm probably going to be down for a while. I don't know when I'll be back. I don't really want to discuss all the details here, and I hope Anna doesn't go blabbing it to everyone on Facebook again like she always does!! I mean really! Some things should stay behind closed doors!! If I wanted to really discuss these things, I would tell them myself!! But Anna needs to learn the difference between what can be stated publicly, and what should stay anonymous! Either that, or I delete her from my Facebook friends!!! I will if she ever does that again! She's done it twice already!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Weight Loss
One thing I found out yesterday when I went to the doctor's office was that I am losing weight! I'm not even trying to! But I've lost 30 pounds so far! I think it's cool!! If I can keep going I will. I had been noticing my belly is getting flatter, it doesn't bulge out the way it used to. I used to think it was just gravity finally taking over and my belly was just sagging! But no. I lost 30 pounds! That's pretty cool!
I know that it is too much to hope for that I go back to being the hot little mama I used to be. LOL! But at least I can get myself down to a more desirable weight again. A net loss of 30 pounds is not bad at all! It's a damn good start!
I know that it is too much to hope for that I go back to being the hot little mama I used to be. LOL! But at least I can get myself down to a more desirable weight again. A net loss of 30 pounds is not bad at all! It's a damn good start!
Why Bother??
Well, today was a long and busy day for me! Thank GOD I didn't have to do any of the driving!! And I get home and go to sleep after this long day out, and I wake up, turn on my computer and check my e-mails. After that I usually thumb through various websites and I head back to YouTube. For the past week, there's been this guy who calls himself chivasusachris1 and he wants to compare a chihuahua to a labrador! Not only are chihuahuas better looking than labs, they're smarter too!! At least mine are! I need to get a video of Vegas getting his doll and his rope on command and then actually putting them away when he's finished. I don't even have to give him any hand signals! I just tell him and he understands.
I am NOT a labrador fan! Not even slightly. I cannot stand ANY gun dogs! Except American cocker spaniels. The rest of them, they could all be bred out of existance and I wouldn't give a shit! I hate labradors! Labradors, golden retrievers, irish setters, pointers, I don't like any of them! This guy on YouTube thinks he can change my mind by showing me his ass-sniffing labrador doing tricks, like opening and closing a trash can lid. Big deal! He says his dog does a lot more than that. Well, I admit, it would be very tricky for Vegas, who only stands about 1 foot tall on his hind legs, to open and close a trash can lid, but Vegas has his own line of tricks. And they are tricks suitable for small dogs.
So now this guy says "tell me how many times has your dog been on tv?" Oh ho! As if that is supposed to impress me!! Dare I tell him about the request I got from Disney Studios to star my baby in Beverly Hills Chihuahuas? The only reason I said no was because I did not agree with the kind of chihuahua they wanted to use. It was a cream-colored Taco Bell lookalike. I never even saw the movie when it was in the theaters. Well, I didn't tell this guy anything about that, except that Vegas was requested for a major motion picture! But there is no way to prove it on YouTube! I'm not gonna show some dumbass who I don't know the e-mails, when he has no business looking at my e-mails anyways!! E-mails is one thing I will NOT cross-post! Not without express permission from the person who sent it. I do have some morals!!
Well, no doubt I will be inundated with comments from this asshole about how his ugly-fuck of a labrador is better than my baby!! Ya know, I don't know why I even bother with responding to these dip-shits in the first place!! I should just redirect him to this blog!! At least here I can write as much as I want and there is no limit! And I even allow people to respond anonymously if they want. I think you can tell today I am not in the best of moods!! Well, my response on here is a lot more hot-headed than it was on YouTube! But I'm just so tired of people being so hostile to one another on YouTube! Small wonder why now everyone is calling it "RudeTube"!! LOL! I've had run-ins with people who hate non-whites now, and people who hate Americans on the whole. I can say now I have seen it all!! But I keep going back to YouTube because it is one of the best ways I've found to learn about different herps and birds and seeing other peoples' set-ups and thinking, "THAT'S what I want!!!" It's exciting!! But really! Why do people feel the need to be so rude on YouTube!? I mean, I hate show breeders! But I'm not going to be rude to every one of them I meet, because actually I have met a very few who were genuinely nice!! I prefer to meet everyone as an individual, and judge each one based on the quality of that individual's character. Not based on the actions of all the bad ones I've met, even though there's been so many. But show breeders I would just greet with the utmost caution!! And NEVER, for one second, think of them as friends!! Unless they have proven they can be worthy of being called a "friend".
On the funny side, there's this video of a frog eating a bird. Someone calling himself RSixBoy made this comment:
so relieved theres no faggot "animal activists" bitching about how the person recording this video should have saved the fucking bird.
I responded to him in this manner:
No one should argue with nature. If you don't like how nature works, leave the planet! Because it's always going to happen.
Well, today I noticed someone who calls himself theTeabag responded to my comment. Looks like finally one of those "faggots" that RSixBoy was talking about finally decided to show up, after a long time of none coming to this thread. This was what theTeabag said in response to my post:
Yes but cameraman is a human, not animal. I'd expect a human to save You from a bearattack in the forest rather than say "No one should argue with nature" :)
Besides, You're 35. In natural conditions, which I guess is the pleistocene epoch, people don't live that long. You should have no teeth and prepare yourself to die soon.
My only response (without getting personal) was this:
Where have you been? You're late!
LOL!! I was actually wondering how long it would take for some tree-hugger to chime into this thread. This one must be slow! Either that, or this is one of my old nemesis who has come back to haunt me again. hehehe!
I am NOT a labrador fan! Not even slightly. I cannot stand ANY gun dogs! Except American cocker spaniels. The rest of them, they could all be bred out of existance and I wouldn't give a shit! I hate labradors! Labradors, golden retrievers, irish setters, pointers, I don't like any of them! This guy on YouTube thinks he can change my mind by showing me his ass-sniffing labrador doing tricks, like opening and closing a trash can lid. Big deal! He says his dog does a lot more than that. Well, I admit, it would be very tricky for Vegas, who only stands about 1 foot tall on his hind legs, to open and close a trash can lid, but Vegas has his own line of tricks. And they are tricks suitable for small dogs.
So now this guy says "tell me how many times has your dog been on tv?" Oh ho! As if that is supposed to impress me!! Dare I tell him about the request I got from Disney Studios to star my baby in Beverly Hills Chihuahuas? The only reason I said no was because I did not agree with the kind of chihuahua they wanted to use. It was a cream-colored Taco Bell lookalike. I never even saw the movie when it was in the theaters. Well, I didn't tell this guy anything about that, except that Vegas was requested for a major motion picture! But there is no way to prove it on YouTube! I'm not gonna show some dumbass who I don't know the e-mails, when he has no business looking at my e-mails anyways!! E-mails is one thing I will NOT cross-post! Not without express permission from the person who sent it. I do have some morals!!
Well, no doubt I will be inundated with comments from this asshole about how his ugly-fuck of a labrador is better than my baby!! Ya know, I don't know why I even bother with responding to these dip-shits in the first place!! I should just redirect him to this blog!! At least here I can write as much as I want and there is no limit! And I even allow people to respond anonymously if they want. I think you can tell today I am not in the best of moods!! Well, my response on here is a lot more hot-headed than it was on YouTube! But I'm just so tired of people being so hostile to one another on YouTube! Small wonder why now everyone is calling it "RudeTube"!! LOL! I've had run-ins with people who hate non-whites now, and people who hate Americans on the whole. I can say now I have seen it all!! But I keep going back to YouTube because it is one of the best ways I've found to learn about different herps and birds and seeing other peoples' set-ups and thinking, "THAT'S what I want!!!" It's exciting!! But really! Why do people feel the need to be so rude on YouTube!? I mean, I hate show breeders! But I'm not going to be rude to every one of them I meet, because actually I have met a very few who were genuinely nice!! I prefer to meet everyone as an individual, and judge each one based on the quality of that individual's character. Not based on the actions of all the bad ones I've met, even though there's been so many. But show breeders I would just greet with the utmost caution!! And NEVER, for one second, think of them as friends!! Unless they have proven they can be worthy of being called a "friend".
On the funny side, there's this video of a frog eating a bird. Someone calling himself RSixBoy made this comment:
so relieved theres no faggot "animal activists" bitching about how the person recording this video should have saved the fucking bird.
I responded to him in this manner:
No one should argue with nature. If you don't like how nature works, leave the planet! Because it's always going to happen.
Well, today I noticed someone who calls himself theTeabag responded to my comment. Looks like finally one of those "faggots" that RSixBoy was talking about finally decided to show up, after a long time of none coming to this thread. This was what theTeabag said in response to my post:
Yes but cameraman is a human, not animal. I'd expect a human to save You from a bearattack in the forest rather than say "No one should argue with nature" :)
Besides, You're 35. In natural conditions, which I guess is the pleistocene epoch, people don't live that long. You should have no teeth and prepare yourself to die soon.
My only response (without getting personal) was this:
Where have you been? You're late!
LOL!! I was actually wondering how long it would take for some tree-hugger to chime into this thread. This one must be slow! Either that, or this is one of my old nemesis who has come back to haunt me again. hehehe!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Not a Vegan
I just got a new subscriber on YouTube. I'm not one of those that urges people to subscribe or comment. They can if they want to, but I don't want to push anyone. But this one is a vegan. It took me a while to figure out how to tell this person that I am not a vegan in a nice way. I mean, I'm happy they subscribed, but they should know not to expect me to believe in their ways. So I just wrote on this person's channel, "thank you for subscribing. But you should know, I am NOT a vegan. Sorry." I even told them there is no way to talk me into becoming vegan either. Believe me, I've heard every argument vegans can throw at me! All I think about is what nearly happened to my grandma for eating nothing but veggies all her life. It nearly killed her! And she had to take shots for the rest of her life.
I just wanted this person to understand that. Besides, I've seen what a lack of meat does to a person's brain (case in point: Yankovic1234) and I don't want that happening to me! But there is NO way of talking me into becoming vegetarian. I wouldn't even do it if the firmest vegan-guerilla were to put a gun to my head and tell me I'd better go vegan or else... It just won't happen! I've heard all their arguments before, I've seen all their videos, I've been called every name in the book, NONE of it has any affect on me. I love meat too much. And I don't want to wind up like grandma did, or like yankovic1234 is. Besides, I figured if it's good enough for meat-eating animals, it's good enough for me! So there is NO swaying me from that.
My ma made a beautiful pork roast this past weekend and invited Anna and I up for dinner, and it was GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! I loved it! I could NEVER go without that!
I just wanted this person to understand that. Besides, I've seen what a lack of meat does to a person's brain (case in point: Yankovic1234) and I don't want that happening to me! But there is NO way of talking me into becoming vegetarian. I wouldn't even do it if the firmest vegan-guerilla were to put a gun to my head and tell me I'd better go vegan or else... It just won't happen! I've heard all their arguments before, I've seen all their videos, I've been called every name in the book, NONE of it has any affect on me. I love meat too much. And I don't want to wind up like grandma did, or like yankovic1234 is. Besides, I figured if it's good enough for meat-eating animals, it's good enough for me! So there is NO swaying me from that.
My ma made a beautiful pork roast this past weekend and invited Anna and I up for dinner, and it was GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! I loved it! I could NEVER go without that!
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Good Sport
Well, after I cooled off about Kenny being disrespectful to my face about my favorite band, it didn't take long---as long as I remembered everyone has a right to their own opinion. Anyway, the posts really started getting crazy! LOL! I mean that in a humorous way. Eventually they began to turn sexual. This was the post that started all the sexual-talk:
Good try babe...
No one has called me "babe" online in quite a few years! It doesn't bother me though. I know it bothers some people. But I'm a very flexible person. This was my response to that post:
Ummm, "babe"? LOL!!! I thought only my boyfriend was supposed to call me that! hehehe!
Well, Kenny still wanted to convince me that I'm into beastiality, and said this about my latest boyfriend:
I thought your boyfriend said things like 'baa' or 'moo'.
But fuck an animal that can say BABE!
Now you've gotta post that on Youtube!
Actually, my boy is something of an animal, but only in the bedroom!! LOL! Outside, he's just an average man, dark hair, dark eyes, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds, 40 years old, Native-American (Quinault) descent. We're not even really going steady yet! We just met about 6 months ago. I didn't want to tell Kenny that though. That's info that should stay behind closed doors. I don't even talk about my escapades here! Well anyway, this was how I responded to him, without giving him any info:
Nope, never had a boyfriend who said "baa" or "moo". Sorry to disappoint you.
Well, this was Kenny's response, still going on about beastiality:
Im not dissapointed - animal cruelty is not something I relish.
So tell me what animal sounds does your 'boyfriend' make?
Well, actually he has made that sound before, only once. hehehe! But it was in one of our playful romps, and in fun. hehehe! But if I had told Kenny that, he would have used it as ammo to strengthen his beliefs about me. Like I said before, the less he knows, the better! This is what I said instead:
No animals sounds dude. Again, sorry to disappoint you. He's just an average man.
Back in the thread somewhere, Kenny said I was weird, and I told him I love being weird! It's what makes me who I am. As I've said often before, I don't like being like other people. Well, remembering that, Kenny said this:
Very average to be with you Id say...
To which my response was this:
He likes me for who I am. He told me every day with me is an adventure.
I admit I don't get to spend much time with him, but the time I do spend with him, we both cherish. But now it really gets crazy. LOL! But I admit from this point on, I began to really have fun with Kenny! Truly! It started with this post from Kenny:
"He told me every day with me is an adventure. "
Well I can imagine - the bloke deserves a medal, or even a heartbeat.
Tell me how long does it take to inflate 'him'?
I decided to twist the words a bit. I know what he really meant, BTW, but at this point since we were comparing lifestyles, I might as well really cut loose and have fun! This was my response:
"inflate him"? You mean "get him aroused" I assume. LOL! Really, that's none of your business!!! :P
Yep, I meant what it sounds like. I made Kenny believe "inflating" was meaning my boyfriend getting an erection! Back to this other post from before when he said I was weird. I had told him about Walker's Mammals of the World, which is my Bible. He says it's a coffee table book, with glossy pictures. He said his young nephew probably has a copy of it. I'm not sure how "young" his nephew is, but the books were created by Johns-Hopkins University. Unless his nephew is 20-years or older, he must be a bright kid!! Well, anyway, this is what he said:
I doubt you know anything much at all, but keep trying to impress - maybe your boyfriend might read this later and then you can both settle down to a little light animal erotica before he deflates to much further...
And this was my response:
"deflates"? LOL! I swear, I never heard the term put that way before!! LOL! But everyone has their own words for describing "it".
Again, I know what he meant. But if he was going to continue to go down this path, I figured I might as well have some fun. Well, at this point, I think he was getting tired of the sexual talk. This was his almost-closing argument:
Yech! - Spare me the details please.
Be careful with him though babe - latex tears easily.
And Im kind of bored with you now. It was fun at the start but lately I just feel like we've grown apart .
Time to move on...
Have a good life and good luck graduating from middle skool.
In this paragraph, I was referring to the "latex":
Oh there's no danger in his using condoms. Though I've never had one tear on me before. LOL!
A little too much info I think, but it was funny to end with. I continue on with this next paragraph:
"but lately I just feel like we've grown apart ."
Now that we're discussing a subject you're unfamiliar with. You should try getting a girlfriend and getting laid. It might make a better man out of you! LOL!
Well, this last statement of Kenny's told me a lot!!
Timmy Im gay actually and I get laid lots, not that it is either relevant or any of your business.
Like I said it was fun to begin with but youre just getting repetitive and silly.
Now the truth comes out! I know why he hates America so much! We were the last ones to accept gay rights. Some Americans still don't! I've accepted it, but to me, it's just a little bit unusual to see 2 men holding hands and kissing each other. But I stay out of their business. I always say if a person enjoys something, let them do it themselves. I have gay friends, and they are very nice people! But a lot of gays I noticed have the attitude that now that they have all the rights they want, they're going to become arrogant!! Well, this was my closing argument to Kenny:
Aw, no fun getting laid by same-sex partners. But you're right, that's none of my business! To each their own! I'm as straight as they come myself. Can't see myself doing anything else.
Shoot! I thought it was just getting good! You trying to arouse me. But you have a nice life too! I hope you make it out of kindergarten soon!
In my first and last sentences, I was just tugging his chain again! But this story has a surprise, and somewhat twisted, ending. I actually got a PM from Kenny, and he thanked me for being such a good sport through all of this. I've never been thanked before for being nice!! It was a surprise!! And it felt good! But he is NOT an INXS fan! I told him I'm sorry he feels that way about INXS because it was them that got me interested in Australia in the first place. He said it was their "I'm a rock star" egos that disturbed him. Well, like I said, to each their own. Personally, I don't think it's any different than Muhammed Ali saying constantly, "I'm the greatest! I cannot be beat!" And he was champion because he believed that. The power of the mind is phenominal!! And actually, INXS are not that bad! I've seen people who are rock stars with bigger egos and it's a lot less attractive! Look at John Mayer, or whatever his name is!! When I met INXS, at least they were [for the most part] nice. You could tell they really love their fans. John Mayer has a big ego, so I heard from those who've actually met him. He loves himself more than he loves his fans. But it's INXS's conscious relationship with their fans that keeps me being an INXS fan. That and Tim Farriss.
Good try babe...
No one has called me "babe" online in quite a few years! It doesn't bother me though. I know it bothers some people. But I'm a very flexible person. This was my response to that post:
Ummm, "babe"? LOL!!! I thought only my boyfriend was supposed to call me that! hehehe!
Well, Kenny still wanted to convince me that I'm into beastiality, and said this about my latest boyfriend:
I thought your boyfriend said things like 'baa' or 'moo'.
But fuck an animal that can say BABE!
Now you've gotta post that on Youtube!
Actually, my boy is something of an animal, but only in the bedroom!! LOL! Outside, he's just an average man, dark hair, dark eyes, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds, 40 years old, Native-American (Quinault) descent. We're not even really going steady yet! We just met about 6 months ago. I didn't want to tell Kenny that though. That's info that should stay behind closed doors. I don't even talk about my escapades here! Well anyway, this was how I responded to him, without giving him any info:
Nope, never had a boyfriend who said "baa" or "moo". Sorry to disappoint you.
Well, this was Kenny's response, still going on about beastiality:
Im not dissapointed - animal cruelty is not something I relish.
So tell me what animal sounds does your 'boyfriend' make?
Well, actually he has made that sound before, only once. hehehe! But it was in one of our playful romps, and in fun. hehehe! But if I had told Kenny that, he would have used it as ammo to strengthen his beliefs about me. Like I said before, the less he knows, the better! This is what I said instead:
No animals sounds dude. Again, sorry to disappoint you. He's just an average man.
Back in the thread somewhere, Kenny said I was weird, and I told him I love being weird! It's what makes me who I am. As I've said often before, I don't like being like other people. Well, remembering that, Kenny said this:
Very average to be with you Id say...
To which my response was this:
He likes me for who I am. He told me every day with me is an adventure.
I admit I don't get to spend much time with him, but the time I do spend with him, we both cherish. But now it really gets crazy. LOL! But I admit from this point on, I began to really have fun with Kenny! Truly! It started with this post from Kenny:
"He told me every day with me is an adventure. "
Well I can imagine - the bloke deserves a medal, or even a heartbeat.
Tell me how long does it take to inflate 'him'?
I decided to twist the words a bit. I know what he really meant, BTW, but at this point since we were comparing lifestyles, I might as well really cut loose and have fun! This was my response:
"inflate him"? You mean "get him aroused" I assume. LOL! Really, that's none of your business!!! :P
Yep, I meant what it sounds like. I made Kenny believe "inflating" was meaning my boyfriend getting an erection! Back to this other post from before when he said I was weird. I had told him about Walker's Mammals of the World, which is my Bible. He says it's a coffee table book, with glossy pictures. He said his young nephew probably has a copy of it. I'm not sure how "young" his nephew is, but the books were created by Johns-Hopkins University. Unless his nephew is 20-years or older, he must be a bright kid!! Well, anyway, this is what he said:
I doubt you know anything much at all, but keep trying to impress - maybe your boyfriend might read this later and then you can both settle down to a little light animal erotica before he deflates to much further...
And this was my response:
"deflates"? LOL! I swear, I never heard the term put that way before!! LOL! But everyone has their own words for describing "it".
Again, I know what he meant. But if he was going to continue to go down this path, I figured I might as well have some fun. Well, at this point, I think he was getting tired of the sexual talk. This was his almost-closing argument:
Yech! - Spare me the details please.
Be careful with him though babe - latex tears easily.
And Im kind of bored with you now. It was fun at the start but lately I just feel like we've grown apart .
Time to move on...
Have a good life and good luck graduating from middle skool.
In this paragraph, I was referring to the "latex":
Oh there's no danger in his using condoms. Though I've never had one tear on me before. LOL!
A little too much info I think, but it was funny to end with. I continue on with this next paragraph:
"but lately I just feel like we've grown apart ."
Now that we're discussing a subject you're unfamiliar with. You should try getting a girlfriend and getting laid. It might make a better man out of you! LOL!
Well, this last statement of Kenny's told me a lot!!
Timmy Im gay actually and I get laid lots, not that it is either relevant or any of your business.
Like I said it was fun to begin with but youre just getting repetitive and silly.
Now the truth comes out! I know why he hates America so much! We were the last ones to accept gay rights. Some Americans still don't! I've accepted it, but to me, it's just a little bit unusual to see 2 men holding hands and kissing each other. But I stay out of their business. I always say if a person enjoys something, let them do it themselves. I have gay friends, and they are very nice people! But a lot of gays I noticed have the attitude that now that they have all the rights they want, they're going to become arrogant!! Well, this was my closing argument to Kenny:
Aw, no fun getting laid by same-sex partners. But you're right, that's none of my business! To each their own! I'm as straight as they come myself. Can't see myself doing anything else.
Shoot! I thought it was just getting good! You trying to arouse me. But you have a nice life too! I hope you make it out of kindergarten soon!
In my first and last sentences, I was just tugging his chain again! But this story has a surprise, and somewhat twisted, ending. I actually got a PM from Kenny, and he thanked me for being such a good sport through all of this. I've never been thanked before for being nice!! It was a surprise!! And it felt good! But he is NOT an INXS fan! I told him I'm sorry he feels that way about INXS because it was them that got me interested in Australia in the first place. He said it was their "I'm a rock star" egos that disturbed him. Well, like I said, to each their own. Personally, I don't think it's any different than Muhammed Ali saying constantly, "I'm the greatest! I cannot be beat!" And he was champion because he believed that. The power of the mind is phenominal!! And actually, INXS are not that bad! I've seen people who are rock stars with bigger egos and it's a lot less attractive! Look at John Mayer, or whatever his name is!! When I met INXS, at least they were [for the most part] nice. You could tell they really love their fans. John Mayer has a big ego, so I heard from those who've actually met him. He loves himself more than he loves his fans. But it's INXS's conscious relationship with their fans that keeps me being an INXS fan. That and Tim Farriss.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Now, I Am Pissed!!!!
Kenny's back. So far, he hasn't managed to piss me off, but now he has!! He's crossed the line!! I don't mind him calling me stupid, or accusing me of beastiality, or talking about my stories. But when he starts insulting INXS, he's crossed the line! Especially since INXS comes from his own country!! This is what he said:
"And I love INXS!!! Always did, always will."
Well they were a bunch of narcissistic wankers as well?
Didnt the lead singer wank himself to death???
Says so much about you...
I don't care what he thinks it says about me, but calling the men of INXS "narcissistic wankers" pissed me off!! I had to respond to that one!! Though I tried keeping my cool. It's not easy when I just want to reach through the screen and choke him! If he doesn't like INXS, that's his business! But talking about them in such a disrespectful manner, when they are natives of his country, it makes me so MAD!!! This was what I said to him:
"Well they were a bunch of narcissistic wankers as well?
Didnt the lead singer wank himself to death???"
Hey man, those "narcissistic wankers" are from your own country! Show some respect!!
INXS has accomplished more than this "wanker" will ever accomplish!! They are the pride of Australia and known for setting the standards for other Australian musicians! And they've even gone beyond that. But all this chap sees is just a band whose first lead singer "wanked" himself to death.
"And I love INXS!!! Always did, always will."
Well they were a bunch of narcissistic wankers as well?
Didnt the lead singer wank himself to death???
Says so much about you...
I don't care what he thinks it says about me, but calling the men of INXS "narcissistic wankers" pissed me off!! I had to respond to that one!! Though I tried keeping my cool. It's not easy when I just want to reach through the screen and choke him! If he doesn't like INXS, that's his business! But talking about them in such a disrespectful manner, when they are natives of his country, it makes me so MAD!!! This was what I said to him:
"Well they were a bunch of narcissistic wankers as well?
Didnt the lead singer wank himself to death???"
Hey man, those "narcissistic wankers" are from your own country! Show some respect!!
INXS has accomplished more than this "wanker" will ever accomplish!! They are the pride of Australia and known for setting the standards for other Australian musicians! And they've even gone beyond that. But all this chap sees is just a band whose first lead singer "wanked" himself to death.
Grasping For Straws
I noticed Kenny hasn't been around for a couple of days. I figured he wanted to give up the ship and move on. But no, he was studying those last 2 days. That way, he can look smarter on this forum than he really is. Well, I got a message he was responding to me again on that same thread. Last Friday, I noticed he got into it with 2 other people and I wanted to let them know what kind of a person Kenny really is. So, I wrote this:
Kenny is stupid!! LOL! He just doesn't know it, which is kinda sad. But he's funny. Then again, ignorance is always funny! Anyway, want proof he's stupid? Besides seeing his posts, I told everyone he talks out his ass, and it went WAY over his head!! LOLOL!!! I say Kenny needs to heed his own advice! Don't call others stupid if he is stupid himself! Rather contradictory of dear Kenny, don't ya think? LOL!! :P
Well, 2 days later, I notice these posts after discovering he'd responded to me again:
No I dont think its contradictory at all.
If you were referring to methane coming from my anus well mate the major component of flatus (fart gas for a dumbshit like you) contains 90% hydrogen with only trace amounts of methane. Unless you are a ruminant which Im not - possibly you are since you are so full of bullshit...
How am I expected to make sense of what you write when its not even accurate or logical?
What's this? So now he's acting like the grammar-expert? It was he who didn't care about his own grammar when he first started this battle. But heck! At least now he's showing just a little bit more smarts. Just a little bit! LOL! Well, he added this to his original post:
Honestly kid it was sort of fun to begin with but now you are just going beyond silly.
And please stop with this puerile LOL :P stuff.
It might seem cute to you but anyone with an IQ over 60 finds it childish.
Stupid stupid boy...
Well, whereas up to this point, I had been playing with him, since he decided he wanted to get serious now, I decided to accommodate along with him. So this was how I responded:
"And please stop with this puerile LOL :P stuff."
Since you started this whole confrontation, you'd better be prepared to sit it out mate!! I'm ready to quit whenever you are. But if you want to keep pushing, I can go as far as you want me to and beyond!!
Well, his response was this:
Kid some of us have a life.
You should try it...
To which I responded in this way:
I know most of us have lives, but you sure aren't one of them!! :P
I think he's trying to make me feel like I started the fight. But it's not working. The posts speak for themselves.
Well, YouTube was acting up this morning. I think it was due to the maintenance the site was going through. For some reason, my initial response to him today got repeated. So, this is what he said:
Hey Timmy why are you repeating yourself?
Nobody was listening the first time.
Hey when you finish high school (if you can) try doing a degree in physiology, then you wont get confused about methane in human farts.
And if you call typing smilies as a 'language skill' then I fear that you juts wont graduate from highschool at all.
At least you will have youtube to make yourself feel bigger...
I have a feeling, looking through all of his posts, that he's the one still in high school. I honestly think he's still a teenager, even though his profile says he's 37. Could be a lie, but he doesn't act like a lot of 37-year olds I know of. He's sure not smart enough. Well, I decided to let him know about my lack of control over how many times my first post posted. I didn't have to I know it!! That first sentence really was not worth responding to.
I don't know why that was posted twice. But I deleted one of them.
BTW, I graduated from high school LONG before you did! Probably before you were even born!
It's true! I probably was getting my diploma handed to me while he was still shitting his diapers and sucking his mama's breasts. As for his last statement, about YouTube making me feel bigger, well, he obviously thinks I habitually go around and act like an internet warrior. But the truth is, I don't. So, I didn't direct this at Kenny himself, but anyone who comes in and thinks Kenny has the slightest idea of what he's talking about:
And just FTR, I don't start fights on YouTube. Kenny got his knickers in a wad because I could identify this was not an American eagle, and those were not mountain goats, and he couldn't. Thus he started this battle. But I always treat everyone with respect. I can come off sweet, and I can come off sour, I can go either way, it depends on how I'm approached. ;)
No need really to be jealous because I know animals. Just continue reading. You'll learn.
Well, just now I noticed that Kenny responded to this with probably the most ignorant come-back I've ever seen. Now, he's turning to accusing me of beastiality. LOL!!! I mean really! I love animals, but not THAT much!!! LOL! I believe this is just Kenny's typical attempt to grasp at straws. But yes, some of my stories do involve animal-erotica. Animal-erotica is actually more popular than you think. I believe it started with the old Archie and Mehitabel broadway plays of the 1950s, and still goes on today. My animal-erotica stories involve Martin and Genny, who are in love with each other. But both are animals. None of them are people. Beastiality is not even implied in my stories because I personally find it disgusting for a person to make love to an animal! For Kenny to even think that is disgusting!!! But it's his views, not mine! Anyway, this is what he said:
"I know animals"
I bet thats the truth!
Well anyone who boasts about writing 'animal erotica' on their Youtube channel page should be listened too when it comes to identifying dead goats.
Honestly mate the fact that you articulate like a teenager yet you are a middle aged man is fucked enough, but when you trawl Youtube trying to find animal snuff erotica to get off on is beyond sick.
It was fun sparring with you at first kid but now your plain creepy...
I see not only is he not familiar with the concept of animal-erotica, and ignorantly accusing me of beastiality, but he also still believes I'm a man. Apparently he hasn't grasped the simple fact that my name ends in "Gal", and it could mean I'm a woman. I'm thinking "What in the heck is wrong with this character?" He's obviously deluded!! But oh well!! I say Google animal-erotica. There's actually hundreds of artists who practice that. But anyway, this was my response to him. I thought he might as well know the truth:
You totally misunderstood my profile. That's not what animal-erotica means. My stories are about animals loving each other. Not people loving on animals! Get your facts straight.
BTW, I'm not a man. If you had read my screen name carefully, you'd notice that it ends in "Gal". Timmy is the man I adore. Hense my screen name.
Yes I know animals. I've been studying them since 1986, when I was in middle school!
I also added:
But then again, I believe this is another simple grasp for straws. You've been doing that a lot I notice.
So apparently he's read one of my stories. Most likely a sample story. I bypassed a lot of pages and left some phrases out in the samples. They were merely meant to capture peoples' attentions, not meant to copy the full versions of the stories. But hey! I really do appreciate his opinion. I cannot discuss it here because Trisha, my supervisor, would not let me. I'd be fired for sure!
NEWS FLASH! I think Kenny's been deleted!! I tried to respond to him and I couldn't!! Either that, or he banned me from responding to him.
Kenny is stupid!! LOL! He just doesn't know it, which is kinda sad. But he's funny. Then again, ignorance is always funny! Anyway, want proof he's stupid? Besides seeing his posts, I told everyone he talks out his ass, and it went WAY over his head!! LOLOL!!! I say Kenny needs to heed his own advice! Don't call others stupid if he is stupid himself! Rather contradictory of dear Kenny, don't ya think? LOL!! :P
Well, 2 days later, I notice these posts after discovering he'd responded to me again:
No I dont think its contradictory at all.
If you were referring to methane coming from my anus well mate the major component of flatus (fart gas for a dumbshit like you) contains 90% hydrogen with only trace amounts of methane. Unless you are a ruminant which Im not - possibly you are since you are so full of bullshit...
How am I expected to make sense of what you write when its not even accurate or logical?
What's this? So now he's acting like the grammar-expert? It was he who didn't care about his own grammar when he first started this battle. But heck! At least now he's showing just a little bit more smarts. Just a little bit! LOL! Well, he added this to his original post:
Honestly kid it was sort of fun to begin with but now you are just going beyond silly.
And please stop with this puerile LOL :P stuff.
It might seem cute to you but anyone with an IQ over 60 finds it childish.
Stupid stupid boy...
Well, whereas up to this point, I had been playing with him, since he decided he wanted to get serious now, I decided to accommodate along with him. So this was how I responded:
"And please stop with this puerile LOL :P stuff."
Since you started this whole confrontation, you'd better be prepared to sit it out mate!! I'm ready to quit whenever you are. But if you want to keep pushing, I can go as far as you want me to and beyond!!
Well, his response was this:
Kid some of us have a life.
You should try it...
To which I responded in this way:
I know most of us have lives, but you sure aren't one of them!! :P
I think he's trying to make me feel like I started the fight. But it's not working. The posts speak for themselves.
Well, YouTube was acting up this morning. I think it was due to the maintenance the site was going through. For some reason, my initial response to him today got repeated. So, this is what he said:
Hey Timmy why are you repeating yourself?
Nobody was listening the first time.
Hey when you finish high school (if you can) try doing a degree in physiology, then you wont get confused about methane in human farts.
And if you call typing smilies as a 'language skill' then I fear that you juts wont graduate from highschool at all.
At least you will have youtube to make yourself feel bigger...
I have a feeling, looking through all of his posts, that he's the one still in high school. I honestly think he's still a teenager, even though his profile says he's 37. Could be a lie, but he doesn't act like a lot of 37-year olds I know of. He's sure not smart enough. Well, I decided to let him know about my lack of control over how many times my first post posted. I didn't have to I know it!! That first sentence really was not worth responding to.
I don't know why that was posted twice. But I deleted one of them.
BTW, I graduated from high school LONG before you did! Probably before you were even born!
It's true! I probably was getting my diploma handed to me while he was still shitting his diapers and sucking his mama's breasts. As for his last statement, about YouTube making me feel bigger, well, he obviously thinks I habitually go around and act like an internet warrior. But the truth is, I don't. So, I didn't direct this at Kenny himself, but anyone who comes in and thinks Kenny has the slightest idea of what he's talking about:
And just FTR, I don't start fights on YouTube. Kenny got his knickers in a wad because I could identify this was not an American eagle, and those were not mountain goats, and he couldn't. Thus he started this battle. But I always treat everyone with respect. I can come off sweet, and I can come off sour, I can go either way, it depends on how I'm approached. ;)
No need really to be jealous because I know animals. Just continue reading. You'll learn.
Well, just now I noticed that Kenny responded to this with probably the most ignorant come-back I've ever seen. Now, he's turning to accusing me of beastiality. LOL!!! I mean really! I love animals, but not THAT much!!! LOL! I believe this is just Kenny's typical attempt to grasp at straws. But yes, some of my stories do involve animal-erotica. Animal-erotica is actually more popular than you think. I believe it started with the old Archie and Mehitabel broadway plays of the 1950s, and still goes on today. My animal-erotica stories involve Martin and Genny, who are in love with each other. But both are animals. None of them are people. Beastiality is not even implied in my stories because I personally find it disgusting for a person to make love to an animal! For Kenny to even think that is disgusting!!! But it's his views, not mine! Anyway, this is what he said:
"I know animals"
I bet thats the truth!
Well anyone who boasts about writing 'animal erotica' on their Youtube channel page should be listened too when it comes to identifying dead goats.
Honestly mate the fact that you articulate like a teenager yet you are a middle aged man is fucked enough, but when you trawl Youtube trying to find animal snuff erotica to get off on is beyond sick.
It was fun sparring with you at first kid but now your plain creepy...
I see not only is he not familiar with the concept of animal-erotica, and ignorantly accusing me of beastiality, but he also still believes I'm a man. Apparently he hasn't grasped the simple fact that my name ends in "Gal", and it could mean I'm a woman. I'm thinking "What in the heck is wrong with this character?" He's obviously deluded!! But oh well!! I say Google animal-erotica. There's actually hundreds of artists who practice that. But anyway, this was my response to him. I thought he might as well know the truth:
You totally misunderstood my profile. That's not what animal-erotica means. My stories are about animals loving each other. Not people loving on animals! Get your facts straight.
BTW, I'm not a man. If you had read my screen name carefully, you'd notice that it ends in "Gal". Timmy is the man I adore. Hense my screen name.
Yes I know animals. I've been studying them since 1986, when I was in middle school!
I also added:
But then again, I believe this is another simple grasp for straws. You've been doing that a lot I notice.
So apparently he's read one of my stories. Most likely a sample story. I bypassed a lot of pages and left some phrases out in the samples. They were merely meant to capture peoples' attentions, not meant to copy the full versions of the stories. But hey! I really do appreciate his opinion. I cannot discuss it here because Trisha, my supervisor, would not let me. I'd be fired for sure!
NEWS FLASH! I think Kenny's been deleted!! I tried to respond to him and I couldn't!! Either that, or he banned me from responding to him.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
This is the final fear we will be discussing on here. This is quite a common fear, this is the fear of Halloween, it's self. We all know what this fear stems from, Halloween is a holiday that celebrates ghosts, goblins, monsters, witches, pumpkins, and the like thereof. These things are naturally elaborated on this day to terrify people. Children dress up in costumes and go trick or treating. In the old days, people dressed up in costumes to fend off evil spirits.
The beginning of Halloween was in Old Ireland, and started as a holiday celebrating the passing-over from summer to fall. This was a day known as Samhain, and it was celebrated between October 31 and November 1. The reason we celebrate the day with scary things, in the early days, it was believed on this day, the barrier between our world and the world of the afterlife became thinner, and people celebrated the lives of their ancestors and loved ones that had passed on, and warded off evil spirits. So they often built bonfires to cleanse themselves with. They walked through these bonfires and even slaughtered and sacrificed animals to them. Unfortunately, these ancient beliefs are what set the stage for modern phobias of this holiday. The people suffering from this ailment will not go out on this day, and want nothing to do with any of it's paraphernalia.
Many people in some way suffer from this phobia, and there are ways of overcoming the fear and anxiety. Though I am not here to advertise anything that will help. Any expert will tell you, the main way to get over your fears is to face them head-on. I am no expert though. But if you have a phobia about Halloween, then it is suggested you swallow your fear and get outside today and go for a walk.
Hope you all enjoyed our week of looking at different phobias. My apologies for the "Kenny-clutter", it was his fault!!! You want to blame someone, blame him! LOL!
The beginning of Halloween was in Old Ireland, and started as a holiday celebrating the passing-over from summer to fall. This was a day known as Samhain, and it was celebrated between October 31 and November 1. The reason we celebrate the day with scary things, in the early days, it was believed on this day, the barrier between our world and the world of the afterlife became thinner, and people celebrated the lives of their ancestors and loved ones that had passed on, and warded off evil spirits. So they often built bonfires to cleanse themselves with. They walked through these bonfires and even slaughtered and sacrificed animals to them. Unfortunately, these ancient beliefs are what set the stage for modern phobias of this holiday. The people suffering from this ailment will not go out on this day, and want nothing to do with any of it's paraphernalia.
Many people in some way suffer from this phobia, and there are ways of overcoming the fear and anxiety. Though I am not here to advertise anything that will help. Any expert will tell you, the main way to get over your fears is to face them head-on. I am no expert though. But if you have a phobia about Halloween, then it is suggested you swallow your fear and get outside today and go for a walk.
Hope you all enjoyed our week of looking at different phobias. My apologies for the "Kenny-clutter", it was his fault!!! You want to blame someone, blame him! LOL!
Friday, October 30, 2009
This is an unusual fear, this is the fear of clocks. This is probably one of the rarest phobias there is. I have no idea what triggers this phobia myself, though I know most phobias are caused by traumatic childhood experiences. But what is the basis for an irrational fear of clocks? In my research, I came across a blog of someone who has a friend with this condition. He said that it is a reminder that people are not immortal. Like the majority of fears, the basis for this one is death or suffering.
People do have a paranoia of being late for something, or waking up at a specific time, but paranoia is not the same as a phobia. Paranoia is just an annoyance. People who have chronomentrophobia have a fear of seeing a clock, or experiencing time, or thinking about time. Some people fear a specific time of day, like there is a lot of fear of midnight among chronomentrophobes.
I personally am very fascinated by clocks. When I see a clock, I tend to just stand and look in fascination. Some can be beautiful, mesmerizing and alluring. What home would be complete without a decorative clock? I have several in my home and I love them! If for nothing else, the fascination that they bring me.
People do have a paranoia of being late for something, or waking up at a specific time, but paranoia is not the same as a phobia. Paranoia is just an annoyance. People who have chronomentrophobia have a fear of seeing a clock, or experiencing time, or thinking about time. Some people fear a specific time of day, like there is a lot of fear of midnight among chronomentrophobes.
I personally am very fascinated by clocks. When I see a clock, I tend to just stand and look in fascination. Some can be beautiful, mesmerizing and alluring. What home would be complete without a decorative clock? I have several in my home and I love them! If for nothing else, the fascination that they bring me.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Spkenn36, The Sequel
Well, he's back! I knew he would be!! LOL! But I'm having loads of fun!! Oh not only is he back, but he's getting desperate! I'm serious! You always can tell when a person is getting desperate when they resort to childish-style name-calling! Well, this evening Kenny reached that point. I actually figured sooner or later he'd retort with a fat-joke. The only thing is, I never expected it to be this soon! LOL!! I actually thought he was smarter than that! Guess I was wrong. Every once in a while I am proven wrong about someone. I kinda knew when I said to him "I forgive you" that it was going to drive him CRA-ZY!!!
Well, when last we left off, I had complemented Kenny on his self-portrait, this self-portrait: (_*_) So this was his response to my post to him:
Good one Timbo! You have really entertained me with your stupidity and arrogance. But hey being a typical American we cant expect anything less from a dumbass yank!
Shame the eagle wasnt in the US...would be great to see a big mofo eagle drag a couple of stupid americans of the cliff. Hang on though...they are all too fat to drag of the edge!
(_*_) to you kid!
LOL! I see he's rewarding me with another one of his self-portraits! LOL! Dare I tell him that the "Timbo" in my name actually refers to Tim Farriss of INXS, which just happens to be a band from his own country?? Nah!! Maybe not! Let him figure it out for himself since he obviously thinks he is smarter than me! LOL!! Notice the level of name-calling he's using, not just at me, but at all Americans. But I kept my cool today!! Like I said earlier, I am in MUCH better spirits today than I was yesterday. I'm keeping up with forgiving him. This was my post in response to his:
I forgive you :) GOD loves you and so do I.
I hate preaching the sermon to anyone! But this dude obviously needs to feel someone out there loves him. But another poster, who called himself Krazimuffin got offended by Kenny. Not that I blame him. But he called Kenny another brainless sheep that jumped on the Anti-American bandwagon. This was my response to krazimuffin, and it's a classic:
Well heck! At least he entertained me for a few days. ;) But later on the atmosphere will suffer from the amount of methane Kenny spewed with each word. But eh! It's his business which end of his body he talks out of. hehehe!
I may be a "stupid, arrogant, dumbass yank", but even the most critical comedian has to agree that was a classic statement! Sorry for tooting my own horn so loud. I fully expect Kenny will be back! And I know what he's going to say. I can practically see the name-calling from him getting much more intense after this. But I promise to keep my cool and keep forgiving him. This is actually very good practice for me now. I needed to work on forgiving those who offend me. And nothing offends me more than racists like Kenny!!! That is, if you can call his kind of hatred being "racist"? Maybe it's called "Continental Supremacy"? Or maybe he's just a male-chauvinist pig who likes to pick fights with women!! Some men feel the need to do that because it makes them feel more 'manly'. I don't know about Kenny though. I'll just sit back and wait to see what he will do next. But no matter what, I'll keep on forgiving him. I'll keep you all posted. Watch how it drives him nuts! hehehe!
**************************EDIT TO ADD*******************************************
Oh GOD!! Is Kenny ever DUMB!!! And he calls all Americans dumb!! LOL! I insulted him and he didn't even get it!! Remember when I said "later on the atmosphere will suffer from the amount of methane Kenny spewed with each word"? Basically, I was telling krazimuffin that Kenny just talks out his ass. This was his response to me just now:
Its carbon dioxide that people exhale actually...but being a dumbass american its easy to get basic consepts confused.
I forgive you Timmy...not sure that god does though...
Dont stop now kid, Im enjoying responding to your stupidity!
Notice the first sentence! My remark went WAY over his head and he didn't even see it!!! LOL!! He's an embarrassment to all Australians, and I know Australians can be very smart!! But not Kenny! This was my response to him:
I forgive you dude. :) Though I didn't exactly figure you were exhaling from the end you're thinking of. hehehe!
I'll keep you posted of more.
Well, when last we left off, I had complemented Kenny on his self-portrait, this self-portrait: (_*_) So this was his response to my post to him:
Good one Timbo! You have really entertained me with your stupidity and arrogance. But hey being a typical American we cant expect anything less from a dumbass yank!
Shame the eagle wasnt in the US...would be great to see a big mofo eagle drag a couple of stupid americans of the cliff. Hang on though...they are all too fat to drag of the edge!
(_*_) to you kid!
LOL! I see he's rewarding me with another one of his self-portraits! LOL! Dare I tell him that the "Timbo" in my name actually refers to Tim Farriss of INXS, which just happens to be a band from his own country?? Nah!! Maybe not! Let him figure it out for himself since he obviously thinks he is smarter than me! LOL!! Notice the level of name-calling he's using, not just at me, but at all Americans. But I kept my cool today!! Like I said earlier, I am in MUCH better spirits today than I was yesterday. I'm keeping up with forgiving him. This was my post in response to his:
I forgive you :) GOD loves you and so do I.
I hate preaching the sermon to anyone! But this dude obviously needs to feel someone out there loves him. But another poster, who called himself Krazimuffin got offended by Kenny. Not that I blame him. But he called Kenny another brainless sheep that jumped on the Anti-American bandwagon. This was my response to krazimuffin, and it's a classic:
Well heck! At least he entertained me for a few days. ;) But later on the atmosphere will suffer from the amount of methane Kenny spewed with each word. But eh! It's his business which end of his body he talks out of. hehehe!
I may be a "stupid, arrogant, dumbass yank", but even the most critical comedian has to agree that was a classic statement! Sorry for tooting my own horn so loud. I fully expect Kenny will be back! And I know what he's going to say. I can practically see the name-calling from him getting much more intense after this. But I promise to keep my cool and keep forgiving him. This is actually very good practice for me now. I needed to work on forgiving those who offend me. And nothing offends me more than racists like Kenny!!! That is, if you can call his kind of hatred being "racist"? Maybe it's called "Continental Supremacy"? Or maybe he's just a male-chauvinist pig who likes to pick fights with women!! Some men feel the need to do that because it makes them feel more 'manly'. I don't know about Kenny though. I'll just sit back and wait to see what he will do next. But no matter what, I'll keep on forgiving him. I'll keep you all posted. Watch how it drives him nuts! hehehe!
**************************EDIT TO ADD*******************************************
Oh GOD!! Is Kenny ever DUMB!!! And he calls all Americans dumb!! LOL! I insulted him and he didn't even get it!! Remember when I said "later on the atmosphere will suffer from the amount of methane Kenny spewed with each word"? Basically, I was telling krazimuffin that Kenny just talks out his ass. This was his response to me just now:
Its carbon dioxide that people exhale actually...but being a dumbass american its easy to get basic consepts confused.
I forgive you Timmy...not sure that god does though...
Dont stop now kid, Im enjoying responding to your stupidity!
Notice the first sentence! My remark went WAY over his head and he didn't even see it!!! LOL!! He's an embarrassment to all Australians, and I know Australians can be very smart!! But not Kenny! This was my response to him:
I forgive you dude. :) Though I didn't exactly figure you were exhaling from the end you're thinking of. hehehe!
I'll keep you posted of more.
"Looser" Americans
Did you know Americans are "loosers"? LOL! They are according to a guy from Australia on YouTube who calls himself spkenn36 (I call him "Kenny"). Well, he's not the first Australian person I've ever seen to hate all Americans. Seems a lot of them do. Thank GOD not the ones I call friends. But then again, I don't make friends with ignorant people. What got this one all hot and bothered is on a video, the person who uploaded the video called a European golden eagle an "American eagle", and called chamois, which is a European goat-like antelope, a "mountain goat". So, strictly as a favor to the uploader of this video, and those watching it who might be misled, I corrected him. Spkenn36, BTW, was NOT the uploader of this video. But he decided he was going to chime in anyway with a full-frontal attack on all Americans. I guess he was embarrassed, and maybe a little bit jealous, because I know more about animals than he does. I don't really know, but judge for yourself. This was his initial comment to me:
Yep typical Americans attempting to appropriate something to try to prove how superior they are...
American fools...we all you are loosers...
Usually, I don't even bother with people who can barely write, but I wanted to know exactly what he meant. LOL! Of course I was just pulling his chain! This was my response to him:
"we all you are loosers... "
What?? LOL! I can't understand you dude.
Of course most American folks don't like it if you attack Americans. Someone came in and cleared my head about what Kenn was trying to say:
Yep typical douchebag attempting to be a douchebag to try to prove how big of a douchebag he is.
By the way, don't call someone a loser if A) You can't spell the word loser and B) YOU FUCKING LEAVE OUT A WORD IN YOUR DAMN SENTENCE
So now what Kenn was trying to say to me became more clear. LOL! Well, this was Kenn's response to this heroic poster:
By the way A) dont call someone a douchebag if you are one yourself and B) expect perfect grammar on youtube...
His blind attacks had begun to get on my nerves. Usually, this is good practice for me. I need it. But in my defense, it's been a long week! And I was tired yesterday, exactly the kind of thing I need to work on. This is why I haven't been on any forums yet, even though I *think* I am ready, I still need some work. This was my comment to him when I read his last post:
Goodness, you're a jerk! And a lot of other things I won't say at this time. Thank GOD not all Australians are like you. :P
Besides being a jerk, I can see he is ignorant, shallow and petty. But I don't think it's all his fault. A lot of people have been misled about Americans, so I play along because personally, I'm not out to change anyone's opinions about anything. If he hates Americans, then he hates Americans. Why is his own business, not mine. And it's not my problem. Well anyway, this was his response to me:
Goodness what a naive stupid american.
Unfortunately all Americans are like you.
Well, you all know how I am! LOL! I took his own words and threw them back in his face, minus the attacks on Australians themselves:
Goodness what a naive, stupid man. I would take to saying "Australian", but seeing I have Australian friends, I wouldn't insult them by stooping to your level. :P
Believe me, Kenn is NOT going to sway my attitude toward my Aussie friends!! Don't worry about that! I was brought up better than that. Besides I love all my friends. I got to know them and they got to know me, and they all like me for who I am. Anyway, at this point I figured him out, and I started to calculate his next move. Sure enough, this morning I found out I was right!
How gracious of you...mind if I stoop to your level though?
LOL! He thinks he's "stooping" to my level, probably one of his own ego-boosters because he's still got it stuck in his craw that I know more about animals than he does. But notice the portrait he did of himself in that paragraph: (_*_), I think it's a rather good likeness of him! LOL!! But seriously, he's NOT that bad!!! He's just ignorant. If he were bad, I'd think I could sense it. For the most part, I find him funny. But then ignorance is always funny.
Anyway, this was my response to him this morning, complementing him on his self-portrait:
Nice image you made of yourself there Kenny. :P
But hey, seriously! I forgive you.
Well, to clarify, I told that forum when I told Kenny that was a good portrait of himself, I meant this one (_*_) hehehehe!!
Well, I know he'll be back, because he feels he has something to prove. I'll keep you all posted about what happens next. But rest assured, I'm having fun! Personally though, I think Kenny should heed his own advice: Don't call someone a loser if he's a loser himself. He's making that increasingly obvious! Yesterday was the day after a very tough day for me, but today I'm in much better spirits. I promise to all my supporters I will keep my cool.
Yep typical Americans attempting to appropriate something to try to prove how superior they are...
American fools...we all you are loosers...
Usually, I don't even bother with people who can barely write, but I wanted to know exactly what he meant. LOL! Of course I was just pulling his chain! This was my response to him:
"we all you are loosers... "
What?? LOL! I can't understand you dude.
Of course most American folks don't like it if you attack Americans. Someone came in and cleared my head about what Kenn was trying to say:
Yep typical douchebag attempting to be a douchebag to try to prove how big of a douchebag he is.
By the way, don't call someone a loser if A) You can't spell the word loser and B) YOU FUCKING LEAVE OUT A WORD IN YOUR DAMN SENTENCE
So now what Kenn was trying to say to me became more clear. LOL! Well, this was Kenn's response to this heroic poster:
By the way A) dont call someone a douchebag if you are one yourself and B) expect perfect grammar on youtube...
His blind attacks had begun to get on my nerves. Usually, this is good practice for me. I need it. But in my defense, it's been a long week! And I was tired yesterday, exactly the kind of thing I need to work on. This is why I haven't been on any forums yet, even though I *think* I am ready, I still need some work. This was my comment to him when I read his last post:
Goodness, you're a jerk! And a lot of other things I won't say at this time. Thank GOD not all Australians are like you. :P
Besides being a jerk, I can see he is ignorant, shallow and petty. But I don't think it's all his fault. A lot of people have been misled about Americans, so I play along because personally, I'm not out to change anyone's opinions about anything. If he hates Americans, then he hates Americans. Why is his own business, not mine. And it's not my problem. Well anyway, this was his response to me:
Goodness what a naive stupid american.
Unfortunately all Americans are like you.
Well, you all know how I am! LOL! I took his own words and threw them back in his face, minus the attacks on Australians themselves:
Goodness what a naive, stupid man. I would take to saying "Australian", but seeing I have Australian friends, I wouldn't insult them by stooping to your level. :P
Believe me, Kenn is NOT going to sway my attitude toward my Aussie friends!! Don't worry about that! I was brought up better than that. Besides I love all my friends. I got to know them and they got to know me, and they all like me for who I am. Anyway, at this point I figured him out, and I started to calculate his next move. Sure enough, this morning I found out I was right!
How gracious of you...mind if I stoop to your level though?
LOL! He thinks he's "stooping" to my level, probably one of his own ego-boosters because he's still got it stuck in his craw that I know more about animals than he does. But notice the portrait he did of himself in that paragraph: (_*_), I think it's a rather good likeness of him! LOL!! But seriously, he's NOT that bad!!! He's just ignorant. If he were bad, I'd think I could sense it. For the most part, I find him funny. But then ignorance is always funny.
Anyway, this was my response to him this morning, complementing him on his self-portrait:
Nice image you made of yourself there Kenny. :P
But hey, seriously! I forgive you.
Well, to clarify, I told that forum when I told Kenny that was a good portrait of himself, I meant this one (_*_) hehehehe!!
Well, I know he'll be back, because he feels he has something to prove. I'll keep you all posted about what happens next. But rest assured, I'm having fun! Personally though, I think Kenny should heed his own advice: Don't call someone a loser if he's a loser himself. He's making that increasingly obvious! Yesterday was the day after a very tough day for me, but today I'm in much better spirits. I promise to all my supporters I will keep my cool.
This is one of the few true fears I have. Gephyrophobia is the fear of crossing bridges. It actually stems from a fear of heights. I HATE crossing bridges!!! I thank GOD that to this day I've never had to live where I had to cross a big bridge. When we lived in Lakewood, the only time I had to cross a big bridge, like the Narrows Bridge, was on the occasional trip into Gig Harbor. I had a friend that lived there, and to go there, even occasionally, was Hell on my blood pressure! We have a series of smaller bridges that goes from here to Aberdeen, and even those I get scared on. But it's only temporary because they aren't that long. Hardly long enough for the fear to set in. And I cannot see the ground (or water) we're going over. But so far, the worst trips I make now is into Astoria. I like the town, but to go over that bridge is really terrifying to me!! That bridge is HUGE!!! And you can definitely see the water below it, and that scares the willies out of me!! I thank GOD I don't live in New York!
When I go over bridges, I get uncontrollable tremors up my spine, I feel nauseous, I start hyper-ventilating, and I tend to want to hang on to the side of the car. Sometimes I want to jump out, but I don't want to fall in the water. LOL! This is not a common phobia, I am only one of a handful of people who actually suffer from this ailment. For me, to walk over a bridge is not as bad as driving over a bridge. Walking allows me more control over my movements. Driving, I have no idea what the car might do!! I wish there was a way around bridges, but for me to go into Aberdeen, there is no detour. But some people will go miles around just to avoid going over bridges. Unfortunately for me, the only way to get into Aberdeen is to go over this one bridge, with the only alternative route being a one-way road heading back to Ocean Shores. I'd be going around in circles and never get anywhere except home. LOL! So I haven't got much of a choice. But if I could take a ferry to Aberdeen, that would be a nice substitute for me!
For some gephyrophobics, images like these tallest bridges, can be very terrifying!
Hangzhou Bay bridge in China. Too long for me!!
Millau Viaduct, the tallest bridge in France. At 1115 feet high.
Here's another view of this bridge.
Forget me going over this monster!!!
Siduhe Grand Bridge in China, currently still under construction, but fated to be the World's tallest bridge.
McDonald's Bridge in Oklahoma. At least here I can eat, if I'm not too busy being nauseous.
When I go over bridges, I get uncontrollable tremors up my spine, I feel nauseous, I start hyper-ventilating, and I tend to want to hang on to the side of the car. Sometimes I want to jump out, but I don't want to fall in the water. LOL! This is not a common phobia, I am only one of a handful of people who actually suffer from this ailment. For me, to walk over a bridge is not as bad as driving over a bridge. Walking allows me more control over my movements. Driving, I have no idea what the car might do!! I wish there was a way around bridges, but for me to go into Aberdeen, there is no detour. But some people will go miles around just to avoid going over bridges. Unfortunately for me, the only way to get into Aberdeen is to go over this one bridge, with the only alternative route being a one-way road heading back to Ocean Shores. I'd be going around in circles and never get anywhere except home. LOL! So I haven't got much of a choice. But if I could take a ferry to Aberdeen, that would be a nice substitute for me!
For some gephyrophobics, images like these tallest bridges, can be very terrifying!
Hangzhou Bay bridge in China. Too long for me!!
Millau Viaduct, the tallest bridge in France. At 1115 feet high.
Here's another view of this bridge.
Forget me going over this monster!!!
Siduhe Grand Bridge in China, currently still under construction, but fated to be the World's tallest bridge.
McDonald's Bridge in Oklahoma. At least here I can eat, if I'm not too busy being nauseous.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This is a phobia that used to be more common than it is now. This is the fear of cats. People of the ancient cultures used to fear cats because they were seen as creatures of demonic forces. Cats have always been associated with bad luck, nightmares and hanging around shady people, including witches. Black cats especially have taken a lot of the slack from people with these beliefs. People often have fears of nocturnal creatures, and cats are very silent as they creep around the house. Black cats also almost always have yellow eyes that seem to see right through your soul. These could be contributing factors to people who have this phobia.
This phobia actually has several names and spellings. Another is "Galeophobia". But the word "Galeo" actually means "weasel", not "cat". People suffering from Ailurophobia may feel anxiety either by seeing, or physically contacting the cat, or seeing someone else being injured by a cat. Like in all phobias, a person may experience hyperventilating, sweating, and physical shaking. Though today, more people seem to be afraid of dogs than they are of cats. In general, cats are gentle animals that would rather run from a person than stand and fight. If you suffer from Ailurophobia, you are not alone though. In my research, I've found several World-renouned people have suffered from this ailment as well. Napoleon Bonaparte was believed to be one of them. So was Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and LaToya Jackson. Personally, I don't care for cats, but I have no fear of them. I've met some very nice cats.
Some cats are actually quite equal to dogs in temperament. My favorite breed is the Siamese. As you can see, they are beautiful cats. Unfortunately you have to get them from the right person. Though that's not to say the "classic" siamese is not a good animal.
This is the modern, show-style Siamese.
This is the old-fashioned type, known as "applehead" Siamese.
This phobia actually has several names and spellings. Another is "Galeophobia". But the word "Galeo" actually means "weasel", not "cat". People suffering from Ailurophobia may feel anxiety either by seeing, or physically contacting the cat, or seeing someone else being injured by a cat. Like in all phobias, a person may experience hyperventilating, sweating, and physical shaking. Though today, more people seem to be afraid of dogs than they are of cats. In general, cats are gentle animals that would rather run from a person than stand and fight. If you suffer from Ailurophobia, you are not alone though. In my research, I've found several World-renouned people have suffered from this ailment as well. Napoleon Bonaparte was believed to be one of them. So was Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and LaToya Jackson. Personally, I don't care for cats, but I have no fear of them. I've met some very nice cats.
Some cats are actually quite equal to dogs in temperament. My favorite breed is the Siamese. As you can see, they are beautiful cats. Unfortunately you have to get them from the right person. Though that's not to say the "classic" siamese is not a good animal.
This is the modern, show-style Siamese.
This is the old-fashioned type, known as "applehead" Siamese.
You Aren't Going to Believe This!
I think I saw GERUSA on television on Monday!! The description fit perfectly. He was a New York bartender, big guy, blond hair, blue eyes, hated all non-whites, bad attitude, and he's more likely than anyone else to get sued. It was on a show titled "All Worked Up", it's a new show on TruTV. And this guy who works serving court summons to people getting sued, served this blond man court papers. Immediately, the blond man attacks the server. If that really was GERUSA, I'm not surprised!! And I don't envy him! LOL!! I'm still laughing about that one! I think it was just part of his ego booster to tell me I would envy him. And I do not believe he's a language teacher of any kind. His grammar and spelling was too bad for that. If he really is a language teacher, then that's a shame! Then all Italians, French and Spanish kids are going to go and tell their parents that all Americans are as dumb as GERUSA!!!! Not good!! People in those foreign countries already believe Americans are stupid! GERUSA would be just one way of proving they are right! :(
I will hand GERUSA one thing though! When it comes to trying to bring someone down, he tries very hard! Harder than a lot of people I know of. But unfortunately for him, someone like me, his tearing downs would never work on. Gotta admire his persistence though. But in my eyes, all his words were a desperate grasp at straws. LOL! Notice how he kept trying to convince me I was stupid, trash, a slut, a nobody. LOL! I almost felt sorry reading his attempts, he tries too hard, but gets nowhere with me. hehehe!
Well, I still gleem from ear to ear about how I kept my cool during that ruckus with GERUSA. Believe me, it was no fluke that I started a debate with the kind of person I hate the most: racists! I figured if I could keep my cool with him, then I can keep my cool with anyone!! It all went as planned! Believe me when I say that I knew exactly how he was going to react to each and every post I made. I've been through all of it before. Seems everywhere I go, I stir up shit because I'm not afraid to express my views. Even if the other person is not going to like what I have to say! LOL! So when I got into that argument with GERUSA, I carefully mapped out my responses, and calculated what his responses would be, and I was generally right! GERUSA is no different than anyone else I've been in confrontations with on the internet!! When I'm in a spat with someone, I choose my words carefully. Then I think about "how is this person going to respond to this?" In my experiences on the internet, I've noticed that if you show someone kindness that you are arguing with, they will get meaner and nastier. Remember the spat I had on the PETA Sucks forum with Mr. Cutthroat? I learned a lot about peoples' responses on the internet from that. When I said to the forum that I could have wished the deer he hit with his car had killed him, but I was actually glad it didn't. I knew right there what Mr. Cutthroat's reaction to that was going to be. And I was right!! He said "I wouldn't give a shit if you had wished the deer killed me and my whole family because you are a worthless piece of shit!" Yes, I actually knew that was going to be his reaction! I know his type! I probably knew that was what he was going to say before he even knew! LOL!
I typically get the "you don't know me" speech, or "you don't know shit about me" speech. But I always find it funny, the people who say that are always the most predictable ones! LOL! I always know what their next move is going to be. I just don't say anything because I don't want the other person's reaction to be hampered by what I believe they're going to do. I like to get their most honest reactions. It's fun when I am proven right. The only one who can genuinely say to someone "you don't know me" on the internet, is me! I'm too complex of a person. Whatever you think someone's reaction to something will be, I always do the opposite. That's just because that is who I am. I don't like being like other people. Though I have taken more to blocking people on YouTube, rather than get into another argument with them. I had to block someone the other night, who kept accusing me of being biased about the meat industry. Just because some years ago, I worked on a beef farm (for a very short while) and I know what I saw. And I took the side of the beef farmer. But she was twisted!! She kept saying "let's kill all people because their suffering is only temporary!" She was too crazy for me!
Anyway, I was proud of how I kept my cool with GERUSA. Very proud. I managed to keep my cool with the kind of person I hate most; racists. Second only to snobby show breeders on my shit list! But people like GERUSA hate other races and that is something that no one has control over. A person cannot help it if they are Mexican, Puerto Rican, white, mixed, black or American Indian! But a show breeder doesn't have to be snobby! They can be nice, and yes, I've seen a few nice ones in my day. I only wish there were many more of the nice ones.
Ya know, I remember on the Pluba forum, there was a show breeder named Carla. I kinda wonder what happened to her. I kinda liked her. LOL!! Sort of ironic. Everyone else thought she was nasty, and I've been saying how much I hate snobby show breeders. But I don't think Carla was snobby at all. I've met show breeders who were snobby, and gave their opinions and don't even say why they give their opinions! Not even when asked. Or they simply give opinions based on facts that don't matter anymore. Or they do anything to embarrass someone. Carla just told it like it is! And I like that! And when she wanted to trash someone, she did it to their faces. She didn't go into PMs and trash that person, not giving the other person a chance to respond. And that's another thing I hate about show breeders, but I liked about Carla. I wish I'd had half her gut and grit when I was trying to educate people. But I was always afraid of hurting them. It wasn't until afterwords that I realized I should have been honest from the get-go!
I will hand GERUSA one thing though! When it comes to trying to bring someone down, he tries very hard! Harder than a lot of people I know of. But unfortunately for him, someone like me, his tearing downs would never work on. Gotta admire his persistence though. But in my eyes, all his words were a desperate grasp at straws. LOL! Notice how he kept trying to convince me I was stupid, trash, a slut, a nobody. LOL! I almost felt sorry reading his attempts, he tries too hard, but gets nowhere with me. hehehe!
Well, I still gleem from ear to ear about how I kept my cool during that ruckus with GERUSA. Believe me, it was no fluke that I started a debate with the kind of person I hate the most: racists! I figured if I could keep my cool with him, then I can keep my cool with anyone!! It all went as planned! Believe me when I say that I knew exactly how he was going to react to each and every post I made. I've been through all of it before. Seems everywhere I go, I stir up shit because I'm not afraid to express my views. Even if the other person is not going to like what I have to say! LOL! So when I got into that argument with GERUSA, I carefully mapped out my responses, and calculated what his responses would be, and I was generally right! GERUSA is no different than anyone else I've been in confrontations with on the internet!! When I'm in a spat with someone, I choose my words carefully. Then I think about "how is this person going to respond to this?" In my experiences on the internet, I've noticed that if you show someone kindness that you are arguing with, they will get meaner and nastier. Remember the spat I had on the PETA Sucks forum with Mr. Cutthroat? I learned a lot about peoples' responses on the internet from that. When I said to the forum that I could have wished the deer he hit with his car had killed him, but I was actually glad it didn't. I knew right there what Mr. Cutthroat's reaction to that was going to be. And I was right!! He said "I wouldn't give a shit if you had wished the deer killed me and my whole family because you are a worthless piece of shit!" Yes, I actually knew that was going to be his reaction! I know his type! I probably knew that was what he was going to say before he even knew! LOL!
I typically get the "you don't know me" speech, or "you don't know shit about me" speech. But I always find it funny, the people who say that are always the most predictable ones! LOL! I always know what their next move is going to be. I just don't say anything because I don't want the other person's reaction to be hampered by what I believe they're going to do. I like to get their most honest reactions. It's fun when I am proven right. The only one who can genuinely say to someone "you don't know me" on the internet, is me! I'm too complex of a person. Whatever you think someone's reaction to something will be, I always do the opposite. That's just because that is who I am. I don't like being like other people. Though I have taken more to blocking people on YouTube, rather than get into another argument with them. I had to block someone the other night, who kept accusing me of being biased about the meat industry. Just because some years ago, I worked on a beef farm (for a very short while) and I know what I saw. And I took the side of the beef farmer. But she was twisted!! She kept saying "let's kill all people because their suffering is only temporary!" She was too crazy for me!
Anyway, I was proud of how I kept my cool with GERUSA. Very proud. I managed to keep my cool with the kind of person I hate most; racists. Second only to snobby show breeders on my shit list! But people like GERUSA hate other races and that is something that no one has control over. A person cannot help it if they are Mexican, Puerto Rican, white, mixed, black or American Indian! But a show breeder doesn't have to be snobby! They can be nice, and yes, I've seen a few nice ones in my day. I only wish there were many more of the nice ones.
Ya know, I remember on the Pluba forum, there was a show breeder named Carla. I kinda wonder what happened to her. I kinda liked her. LOL!! Sort of ironic. Everyone else thought she was nasty, and I've been saying how much I hate snobby show breeders. But I don't think Carla was snobby at all. I've met show breeders who were snobby, and gave their opinions and don't even say why they give their opinions! Not even when asked. Or they simply give opinions based on facts that don't matter anymore. Or they do anything to embarrass someone. Carla just told it like it is! And I like that! And when she wanted to trash someone, she did it to their faces. She didn't go into PMs and trash that person, not giving the other person a chance to respond. And that's another thing I hate about show breeders, but I liked about Carla. I wish I'd had half her gut and grit when I was trying to educate people. But I was always afraid of hurting them. It wasn't until afterwords that I realized I should have been honest from the get-go!
About as many people suffer from this phobia as suffer from the last one we discussed. This is the fear of mice. My ma has this fear really bad. I'm quite the opposite. Small, furry mammals don't scare me. As long as they have no more than 4 legs, I don't see the scary in them. But that's just ME. There are a lot of people that are afraid of mice. There is good reason for this. We are brought up from a really young age to believe that mice are carriers of diseases. And this has been scientifically proven to be true. Deer mice in the southwest have been known to transmit hantavirus, which is an often fatal disease that attacks the respiratory system. All mice carry tapeworm and salmonella. Mice also transmit such diseases as Leptospirosis, a disease that causes your kidneys to fail. Mice also carry the bacteria that causes Staph infection. If you come into contact with their droppings, you can get E. coli, Salmonella and even Giardia, which are serious diseases of the digestive system. So there is good reason to be afraid of mice. For a complete list of diseases transmitted directly from mice, check out the CDC's website here.
When my ma sees a mouse, she tends to run, scream, and even wants to stomp on it, but she doesn't want to get close to it. I usually have to try and catch it for her. But those little guys are FAST!! For her, it's the mere sight of a mouse that scares her. Some are terrified by the mouse's fast movements as they scamper about across the room. Some are just disturbed by the sight of a little furry animal with a long, naked tail. This is one of the most common phobias, not only in humans, but in other animals as well. Did you know it's actually true that elephants are afraid of mice? In my research on this subject, I read it is true. I always thought it was a myth! There is a reference to this subject in Naturalis Historia, book VIII by Pliny the Elder. The book was translated in 1601 by Philemon Holland, and it said that elephants cannot abide rats or mice. What triggers this is elephants have a natural fear of nearby noises that they cannot make out. Mice are too small and fast for an elephant to notice right away, and often they hear the mice before seeing them, and that is what scares them.
Before humans invaded the land, mice lived in meadows and woods, and fed on grasses and seeds, causing the natural changes in the types of grasses that grew in an area. This is good for herbivores, big and small, and also helped in spreading different species of grass. So mice had a very important role in the ecosystem. But humans moved into meadows and chopped down trees and persecuted rats and mice. It wasn't until humans had to live with rats and mice (that adapted well to man's environment) that he finally discovered these animals spread nasty diseases. In the 1300s, two-thirds of the population of Europe succumbed to the plague epidemic. Before then, rats and mice were worshipped. It was actually cats that were destroyed because they were seen as omens of evil.
In all honesty, if one can get past the fear they feel for mice, you can see what beautiful and truly graceful animals they are! I don't mean the fat, lazy labratory mice that do nothing but eat and dump. House mice, the ancestor of the white labratory mice, are actually very sleek, and streamlined. You might actually compare them to a sportscar by design. If wild house mice can be compared to a sportscar, the labratory mice are the 1970s Dodge stationwagons. By comparison, they are slow and bulky and not really made to last. There are even mice that don't look like mice! And there are some totally awesome species of Murids (rats and mice). Some of the ones I find most fascinating are:
Australian Water Rat.
Egyptian Spiny Mouse. I used to raise these, and I did the impossible with them, I managed to tame them like puppy dogs!
Madagascar Giant Jumping Rat.
Zebra Mouse. I also used to raise these, and I think they are the most attractive and graceful of all mice.
Panay Cloud Rat. A rat that to me doesn't even look like a rat. It may be the long, fluffy, squirrel-like tail that confuses me. :P
When my ma sees a mouse, she tends to run, scream, and even wants to stomp on it, but she doesn't want to get close to it. I usually have to try and catch it for her. But those little guys are FAST!! For her, it's the mere sight of a mouse that scares her. Some are terrified by the mouse's fast movements as they scamper about across the room. Some are just disturbed by the sight of a little furry animal with a long, naked tail. This is one of the most common phobias, not only in humans, but in other animals as well. Did you know it's actually true that elephants are afraid of mice? In my research on this subject, I read it is true. I always thought it was a myth! There is a reference to this subject in Naturalis Historia, book VIII by Pliny the Elder. The book was translated in 1601 by Philemon Holland, and it said that elephants cannot abide rats or mice. What triggers this is elephants have a natural fear of nearby noises that they cannot make out. Mice are too small and fast for an elephant to notice right away, and often they hear the mice before seeing them, and that is what scares them.
Before humans invaded the land, mice lived in meadows and woods, and fed on grasses and seeds, causing the natural changes in the types of grasses that grew in an area. This is good for herbivores, big and small, and also helped in spreading different species of grass. So mice had a very important role in the ecosystem. But humans moved into meadows and chopped down trees and persecuted rats and mice. It wasn't until humans had to live with rats and mice (that adapted well to man's environment) that he finally discovered these animals spread nasty diseases. In the 1300s, two-thirds of the population of Europe succumbed to the plague epidemic. Before then, rats and mice were worshipped. It was actually cats that were destroyed because they were seen as omens of evil.
In all honesty, if one can get past the fear they feel for mice, you can see what beautiful and truly graceful animals they are! I don't mean the fat, lazy labratory mice that do nothing but eat and dump. House mice, the ancestor of the white labratory mice, are actually very sleek, and streamlined. You might actually compare them to a sportscar by design. If wild house mice can be compared to a sportscar, the labratory mice are the 1970s Dodge stationwagons. By comparison, they are slow and bulky and not really made to last. There are even mice that don't look like mice! And there are some totally awesome species of Murids (rats and mice). Some of the ones I find most fascinating are:
Australian Water Rat.
Egyptian Spiny Mouse. I used to raise these, and I did the impossible with them, I managed to tame them like puppy dogs!
Madagascar Giant Jumping Rat.
Zebra Mouse. I also used to raise these, and I think they are the most attractive and graceful of all mice.
Panay Cloud Rat. A rat that to me doesn't even look like a rat. It may be the long, fluffy, squirrel-like tail that confuses me. :P
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
This is a very common fear, and I admit, I used to have it myself. This is the fear of snakes. You very often hear of people who say they hate snakes or are afraid of them. I personally think it's a shame because the non-venomous species are a LOT of FUN!!!!! But I admit I used to be afraid of snakes myself. I've always been an animal lover! But my first encounter with a snake was terrifying. I was 5 years old at the time and me and my sis and a friend of her's were playing in the backyard together. All of a sudden, this little green grass snake races across our yard. All I saw was how fast it was moving and it scared the petunias out of me! I started screaming and crying. My pa came out and caught the snake and put it in an old coffee tin and put it in his tool shed. A few days later, I actually got curious about it, and I went out to his shed, found the coffee tin I saw him put the snake in, and looked to see if it was still in there. It wasn't. I think he took the snake and dumped it out in the woods. To this day I have no idea what my reaction would have been like if the snake had still been in that coffee tin and it crawled out at me when I opened it! But for some reason, I was ready to see that snake face-to-face. I think it was more the sudden movement in the grass, and the fact I couldn't see the snake very well at first that scared me more than the actual animal.
The fear of snakes is totally inborn. It has been suggested that it goes all the way back to our early primate ancestors. Lemurs and monkeys have always been preyed upon by snakes, and snakes have been chowing down on primates much longer than any of their other predators. Many kinds of primates even have a specific alarm call exclusive to spotting snakes. Today, monkeys and lemurs still fall prey to snakes, and even captive-bred specimens react in a violent way to the sight of even a small snake. I was searching around for some info on this, and I came across an article that said that it was our early ancestor's fear of snakes that made us what we are today. We are more intelligent than other animals our size, and we have very good eyesight, better than those of other mammals. This is an adaptation primates developed early on to be able to detect venomous snakes and stay away from them. Today however, snakes are among the most misunderstood animals of them all. Though it is true that there are some snakes that have a poisonous bite, and many people do die of snakebite each year, not all snakes are venomous. And any snake is beneficial in that they eat destructive rodents.
In religion, snakes are totally maligned. You'd be hard pressed to find a christian person who loves snakes, except me. And even the person who wrote this article I read refers to all snake lovers as "freaks", except her daughter, who owns a corn snake. Well, by now you know how I am, I proudly admit I am something of a "freak", and I love being different! As a child, I became more afraid of dogs than I was of snakes. But the fear of snakes is a part of our nature, and you will notice many people still hold those primordial fears of snakes.
Well, I actually learned to love snakes when I got older and understood them better. I used to go out and catch garter snakes in this grassland near our house. That was my fun as an 8-year old child, lifting rocks and logs and looking to see if there was a snake underneath. I always got excited when I did see one. I've even had snakes as pets in the past. They are the most docile and gentle of pets. Though they can feel even the slightest bit of fear in a person, and sometimes will attack because of that. Though some snake species are rather flighty even in captivity, there are many very sweet, and gentle species that make wonderful pets. And of course there is another thing. Snakes, whether you like them or not, are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Snakes are like Nature's canvas to display her remarkable talent in painting. And the World is her gallery. Snakes have unbelievable patterns on their bodies that make them so unique among animals. Some of my most favorites are:
Green Tree Python.
Malaysian Blue Coral Snake (though these are venomous).
San Francisco Garter Snake.
Rainbow Boa.
Coral Snake (These guys are venomous too).
Honduran Milksnake.
The fear of snakes is totally inborn. It has been suggested that it goes all the way back to our early primate ancestors. Lemurs and monkeys have always been preyed upon by snakes, and snakes have been chowing down on primates much longer than any of their other predators. Many kinds of primates even have a specific alarm call exclusive to spotting snakes. Today, monkeys and lemurs still fall prey to snakes, and even captive-bred specimens react in a violent way to the sight of even a small snake. I was searching around for some info on this, and I came across an article that said that it was our early ancestor's fear of snakes that made us what we are today. We are more intelligent than other animals our size, and we have very good eyesight, better than those of other mammals. This is an adaptation primates developed early on to be able to detect venomous snakes and stay away from them. Today however, snakes are among the most misunderstood animals of them all. Though it is true that there are some snakes that have a poisonous bite, and many people do die of snakebite each year, not all snakes are venomous. And any snake is beneficial in that they eat destructive rodents.
In religion, snakes are totally maligned. You'd be hard pressed to find a christian person who loves snakes, except me. And even the person who wrote this article I read refers to all snake lovers as "freaks", except her daughter, who owns a corn snake. Well, by now you know how I am, I proudly admit I am something of a "freak", and I love being different! As a child, I became more afraid of dogs than I was of snakes. But the fear of snakes is a part of our nature, and you will notice many people still hold those primordial fears of snakes.
Well, I actually learned to love snakes when I got older and understood them better. I used to go out and catch garter snakes in this grassland near our house. That was my fun as an 8-year old child, lifting rocks and logs and looking to see if there was a snake underneath. I always got excited when I did see one. I've even had snakes as pets in the past. They are the most docile and gentle of pets. Though they can feel even the slightest bit of fear in a person, and sometimes will attack because of that. Though some snake species are rather flighty even in captivity, there are many very sweet, and gentle species that make wonderful pets. And of course there is another thing. Snakes, whether you like them or not, are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Snakes are like Nature's canvas to display her remarkable talent in painting. And the World is her gallery. Snakes have unbelievable patterns on their bodies that make them so unique among animals. Some of my most favorites are:
Green Tree Python.
Malaysian Blue Coral Snake (though these are venomous).
San Francisco Garter Snake.
Rainbow Boa.
Coral Snake (These guys are venomous too).
Honduran Milksnake.
Monday, October 26, 2009
This is a fear that mostly attacks children, it is the fear of clowns. Most of it's victims are children, but there are some adults and teenagers that have this fear as well. The fear mostly stems from the fact that clowns are "hidden" behind their face paint. I was never afraid of clowns, I'm just a tad uncomfortable around them. Just seems a bit awkward to me to talk to someone I cannot relate to, and I cannot relate to clowns. I don't know why. Seeings I've made a clown of myself several times! But people who suffer from Coulrophobia, are irrationally afraid of clowns because they cannot see their facial features under the paint. Most clowns though are quite nice, and they enjoy making people laugh. That's their job.
Then there is also the image of the "evil clown". Take the Joker on Batman, for example. He's made up to look like a clown, though without the big red nose and oversized shoes. He's enough though to terrify anyone, even those not afraid of clowns! He shoots people in the movies and then laughs about it. But that's who his character is. But for some reason, we all love him. The Joker is always what keeps Batman fans returning to the theaters everytime he appears in a movie with Batman. Perhaps we all love the Joker for the same reason most other people love large carnivorous animals. Because he scares and fascinates us.
Stephen King also apparently contributed to the rise in Coulrophobia among children. In 1990, his novel titled "It", was made into a movie, and it was a movie about a demonic clown that murdered children. And this movie was just one of several similar movies depicting clowns as evil beings. Small wonder today's kids are more afraid of clowns than they used to be. Though today's kids don't seem to be afraid of anything else. Perhaps if clowns were once again portrayed in the old fashioned, innocent manner they always were, there would be less reason for children to fear them. I'll tell you though I am much more afraid of anime-style drawings than I am of clowns!!
What people go through that suffer from Coulrophobia is very well defined in this short film of a grown woman, who has a family of her own, and cannot take her kids to the circus because of her own fear of clowns.
Here's some images of innocent clowns so not to pose a threat to those suffering from this problem.
A clown with all the coloring removed.
A popular icon from my childhood!
A false percula clown fish.
OK, not really an "innocent" clown, but a familiar one nonetheless.
Then there is also the image of the "evil clown". Take the Joker on Batman, for example. He's made up to look like a clown, though without the big red nose and oversized shoes. He's enough though to terrify anyone, even those not afraid of clowns! He shoots people in the movies and then laughs about it. But that's who his character is. But for some reason, we all love him. The Joker is always what keeps Batman fans returning to the theaters everytime he appears in a movie with Batman. Perhaps we all love the Joker for the same reason most other people love large carnivorous animals. Because he scares and fascinates us.
Stephen King also apparently contributed to the rise in Coulrophobia among children. In 1990, his novel titled "It", was made into a movie, and it was a movie about a demonic clown that murdered children. And this movie was just one of several similar movies depicting clowns as evil beings. Small wonder today's kids are more afraid of clowns than they used to be. Though today's kids don't seem to be afraid of anything else. Perhaps if clowns were once again portrayed in the old fashioned, innocent manner they always were, there would be less reason for children to fear them. I'll tell you though I am much more afraid of anime-style drawings than I am of clowns!!
What people go through that suffer from Coulrophobia is very well defined in this short film of a grown woman, who has a family of her own, and cannot take her kids to the circus because of her own fear of clowns.
Here's some images of innocent clowns so not to pose a threat to those suffering from this problem.
A clown with all the coloring removed.
A popular icon from my childhood!
A false percula clown fish.
OK, not really an "innocent" clown, but a familiar one nonetheless.
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